Chat/Action Interrupts
We use a number of interrupt codes during other players actions to show we need to state something, example:
[ ! ] - Your character wishes to say something or attempt to take an immediate action. Please wait until the GM calls on you, this interrupt is first come first serve.
[ ? ] - You have an OOC question for the GM or another player. Please wait until the GM calls on you, this interrupt is first come first serve.
[ A ] - You wish to make an "Aid Another" check. Please wait until the GM calls on you, this interrupt is first come first serve, only 2 Allies may help another character make an Aid Another check.
[ AFK ] - Signifies you are completely away from your computer.
[ BRB ] - Signifies you are at your computer but unable to respond.
[ Back ] - Signifies you are back from AFK or BRB.
[ Pass ] - Means to skip your current or next future turn. You may also put a number beside it to indicate you plan to Pass for the next several future turns (up to 3 only please!). If you choose to Pass, its assumed your character automatically goes along with whatever general action the party takes (Such as walking to town)
Holding Actions
A Character may choose to intentionally lower his winning initiative to "Hold his action" for that turn, to 1 point lower then his opponent. In the following turn he will receive a +1 to his Initiative score on top of his normal roll and bonuses, and may use any left over Attack/Actions not used in the previous round. You may only use these extra actions if you WIN Initiative in the immediate following round, and may not hold your action in the round proceeding the round you held your action in last.
On Marcus's turn he Wins Initiative but decides to declare that he is going to "Hold His Action" this turn - automatically losing his initiative. An Invid Enforcer attacks him 3 times, of which he parries once and dodges twice, leaving him 2 of his 5 actions unused. The following turn he rolls and ties the Enforcer, but gets a +1 bonus to his score, giving him an Initiative win, and receives 7 actions total this turn (5 normal + 2 held = 7). He uses 4 of his 7 actions to kill his enemy, 2 to dodge counter attacks, and 1 to change his speed. Next round he is engaged by an Invid Shock trooper and once again wins initiative, opting to hold his action again. He uses 4 of his 5 actions to dodge attacks, and saves the last giving him potentially 6 actions if he wins the initiative next round. He rolls and scores low, losing to the Shock trooper even with his bonus, and so has only his 5 actions for this melee.
Adjustment: Missiles
Missiles are laid out for basics in all of the Palladium manuals, but I feel they need some expansion on. Primarily are the seeker heads on missiles. The A-Typical missile uses a Radar Seeking warhead unless otherwise stated below:
EF/DF/ASC: Missiles typically use Radar seeking for all their missile types.
Zentraedi/Meltrandi: Typically use Radar guided missiles for their SRM's and MRM's. LRM's are typically Image Guided
Masters: When they do use missiles (A rarity) they typically use Image Guided
Invid: Protoculture Guided
-Typed of Warheads Seeker Bonuses
Unguided (Mini-Missiles) - HtH Bonus to strike
Radar Guided / Heat-Seeking - +2 to Strike
Image Recognition (IR) - +3 to Strike
Protoculture Guided - +2 to strike + Invid Protoculture Sensor Bonus (If applicable)
A.I. Guided "Smart" - +5 to strike / +3 to dodge 2 melee attacks per turn
Remote Guided - Use half of pilots strike and dodge bonus, half of pilots attacks a turn
Radiation Guided - +3 to Strike, +6 to strike if fired while in pursuit of target or target has sustained reactor damage.
High Maneuverability – Adds +2 to Strike / +2 to dodge and 1 additional melee attack to the bonuses granted by any Warhead Seeker.
-Dodging Volley's of 4 or more
A Character can dodge 1 additional missile in volley's of 4 or more based on their level, starting from level 3. At level 3 a character may attempt to dodge a volley of 4, after that every 2 levels the character may dodge 1 additional missile.
-Missile Notes
Plasma Missiles: Do half their original damage in the following turn against the target(s) they struck. As Plasma "sticks" to its target, its damage would be almost corrosive in nature as it burns.
Napalm Missiles: 90% chance to ignite flammable materials. Napalm will burn for 2d6 rounds against flammable materials, 1d6 rounds against non-flammable.
"Multi"-Warhead Missiles: The main missile body does not eject additional missiles, but MIRV style warheads which can propel themselves an additional 90 feet to their target, have an MDC of 10 each, and receive an additional +2 to strike against large targets, +1 to strike against mecha sized and smaller. The first attack/action of the missile is to see if it reaches its target, the second to see if the warheads hit as programmed.
"Reflex"-Warheads: Denote Nuclear missiles (See Palladium rules for radiation effects)
Cluster-Bombs/Warheads: Work like Multi-warheads, except where noted. Typically 2d6 Bomblits hit, each doing 3d6 damage on average to each section of the vehicle/mecha. If the unit they attack is larger then the cluster bombs blast radius, then only apply damage to the immediate surrounding sections (if a very large target, then simply multiply the damage against 1 section such as the main body by the number of bomblits that hit)
Gravity-Bombs: This has been a constant question for a lot of people, and Palladium does have rules for it. Typically Bombs come in Small, Medium, and Large versions of normal missile types, and pilots are -4 to strike stationary targets, -6 to strike moving targets, and -10 to strike small moving targets (such as a cyclone), blast radius are doubled though. Precision versions of bombs do exist and are +2 to strike large/stationary targets, and +1 to strike large moving targets. Small targets such as mecha and cyclones are a straight die role.
HEAP Missiles: Are Armor Piercing missiles, so do x3 times the amount of damage on a critical hit.
House Rule: Tactics and Theatre Warfare Skills
Based on the quality of the roll while in the field, an appropriately equipped commander may also be able to discern what enemy objectives and what counter methods might be used to blunt those, granting combat bonuses. A good example would be to say that a commander who uses their Tactics skill in a small engagement to keep his units coordinated and informed via his radio, would reduce series stress combat penalties from -40% to -30% based on the success of their own Military Tactics roll.
House Rule: Aid Another
Any Ally may attempt to aid another fellow ally during an action. Each player who attempts to aid another in a skill check grants them a +5% on that skills check for that turn only. You must have the same skill, or a relevant skill (Such as Bio-Maintenance to help a Robot Engineer) in order to aid them. Some characters may attempt to "Spot" for another character during combat. To do so they must have the relevant related MECT/W.P.'s - and grant a +1 to Strike for 1 attack using that relevant weapon, a L.o.S. to the same target, and use up 1 melee action on their turn. You may only use an action to spot for another on your turn, and against no more then 1 target.
On Marcus's turn he uses 4 of his 5 actions attacking his enemy, and uses his 5th action to Aid Carrie in her next attack round by "Spotting" for her Ion Cannon against the enemy who's engaged with him. On Carries turn she fires her Ion Cannon at the same target 3 times. Her first attack at that target is granted a +1.
House Rule: Speed:
To make life simple there are 4 Speeds. To figure your mecha's relative speed during either of the 4 modes, take your mecha's top speed and divide it by 3. Changing speed uses 1 action per speed level changed from your current (Going from Stationary to Full speed would take 3 actions - this represents the time lag it takes for engines to change power)
-Stationary/Hover: Mecha is motionless; +1 to Strike
-Cruising Speed: Mecha is moving its average speed; No Bonus
-Flank Speed: Mecha is Moving at a high rate of speed; +1 to dodge, -1 to Strike
-Full Speed: Mecha is moving at an incredible rate of speed; +2 to dodge, -2 to strike
House Rule: Missile Volley “Cluster” Attacks
During a characters turn to attack, they may choose to line up a number of targets before firing multiple volleys of missiles. They may lock up to 4 targets per attack/action used before firing their missiles. The character then selects how many missiles to fire and rolls 1 strike roll for every 4 targets (Using their missiles standard bonuses) – if the strike roll fails to hit (IE the target rolls a higher Dodge or the player rolls a 4) the then the missile lock fails and the missiles are wasted – otherwise: the missiles will then be divided evenly per target (The character may spend an action to make a Weapon Systems or Computer Use check per volley to override and choose how many missiles will target each of the various 4 units per cluster volley). If more then 4 missiles target a unit, then the normal 4 missile volley rules still applies. However, the defenders against such a massive amount of missiles receive a +1 to strike bonus when attempting to shoot down missiles from such an attack, and a +1 to dodge (If applicable). The Attacking unit also receives a -2 to Dodge/Roll with Punch for their remainder of their turn to account for the staggering effect launching so many missiles has. Launching this many missiles still counts as only 1 action/attack per Cluster Volley regardless of situation. The character may lock up 2 clusters maximum at level 1, and gains the ability to lock up 1 additional cluster at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19.
Example: A 3rd Level EF Veritech Pilot can only launch 2 Missile Volley Cluster attacks (Designating up to 8 targets at the cost of 2 actions). He rolls to strike – and 1 hits, 1 misses their respected designated targets. He has fired 12 missiles in the first volley and 8 missiles in the second. The first 12 missiles all hit their targets and inflict their damage; the remaining 8 missiles are wasted without obvious effect.
- When smart missiles are used, and they fail to hit, they may use their remaining actions to reacquire the target they where launched against. They receive only half their
bonus to strike however for their first attempt (To account for the sudden confusion at being blind fired), and their full bonus if they have any additional actions there after.
- Missiles that initially miss have a chance to boomerang back to hit their intended target.
- Short Range Missiles have one attack.
- Medium Range Missiles have two attacks.
- Long Range Missiles have three attacks.
The attacks are the number of chances a missile may attempt to connect with its target. This is a measure of the fuel capacity of the missile itself. However certain restrictions apply.
- Available attacks are subtracted based on the initial range of the target was when the missile was fired. (Medium and Long range missiles only)
- -1 Attack if fired at half maximum range.
- -2 Attack if fired at maximum range (usually BVR in regards Long range missiles.)
If the missile was fired at point blank or short range the full range of attacks apply.
- Missiles have their own inherent guidance.
- Short Range missiles have an inherent +8
- Medium Range Missiles have an inherent +6
- Long Range Missiles have an inherent + 4
Dodges are handled normally. The Pilot may employ Chaff/Flare within their dodge attempts. (I do not consider the deployment of chaff/flare to take an attack, the button to trigger it is on the HOTAS and all pilots know where the ‘oh shit’ button is.
Each decoy will allow the PC to dodge one additional missile above the max number they can dodge as well as add +2 to the dodge roll. Unless stated otherwise a mecha/craft has 40 Decoy Loads.
*Missiles with a blast radius multiply the radius of effect by the number of missiles in the volley. Example – Short Range (Light) High explosive missiles have a blast 10 foot blast radius. If 6 missiles of the same type hit a target in volley, the blast radius is multiplied by 6, making it 60 feet from the point of impact. This also applies to missiles with “Effect” damage such as Plasma or Radioactivity (Especially from Nuclear weapons).
House Rule: Superior Equipment and Modifications
Some Equipment may have been custom built or refined by highly skilled technicians (or players) above its average operating standards. Likewise equipment may be fine tuned for just the preferences of a specific user. In either case the rules are similar:
- A superior made item grants either a +10% or +2 Bonus to a relevant skill rolls or checks it can be used for (Example: A Superior made electric guitar gives a +10% bonus to a roll to someone with the Play Musical Instrument skill when they make a check for using it, when it is in their possession).
- A Custom made item grants a +5% or +1 bonus to ONLY the user it was customized for. Anyone else attempting to use this item is actually at a -5% bonus for lacking familiarity in its modifications. (Example: CVR-3(F) Armor customized for Suki would grant her a 5%/+1 bonus to wherever its applicable, but not to Renna, if she tried to use it.)
- Super and Custom items can be combined, but their bonus never exceeds +15% or +2.
- Items with multiple options may have upgrades or modifications to all of them, but if multiple items grant bonuses to same skills, then only 1 item bonus may be used at any time from that unit. Their bonuses do not stack unless special action is taken to do so. If that is the case, then stacking bonuses may be taken to a total limit (Amongst all benefiting items) of 30% or +3. (Example A superior targeting computer +2, a modified HUD +1, A superior EP-13 +2 will still only grant a +3 modification bonus maximum). These bonuses are considered separate from any other inherent bonuses (Such as a weapon that already grants a +2 to strike with it). You MUST may it clear how item bonuses chain from system to system.
- Repair and modification times for such equipment triple, as does its cost to repair. Items damaged from a critical hit result (Due to loss of over 75% of a mecha’s MDC for example) are considered permanently destroyed, and must be rebuilt from scratch. A Failure of 3 times to design or install an item means the item is botched, and you must start over again from scratch. Recycling/Salvage rolls may be made to recoup up to 50% of the materials used in the previous failed attempt for reuse in a new attempt. Jury-Rig rolls may be made to tinker a botched item into working, but are at a -30% penalty, and the item is considered “unreliable”, receiving only half its bonuses.
Adjustment Rule: Alpha LWS-12 Nose Lasers
- New Damage: 4d4 for a single blast, 4d8x2 when fired as a twin pair. The Alpha may also make a strafing attack at Medium to Large or immobile ground targets or large targets (Like cruisers) for 6d4+10 damage at a -2 to strike penalty.
Adjustment Rule: Alpha EU-13 80mm Pulse Beam Rifle
- New Damage: Will also include a “full round” attack doing 2d4x10 Damage, is a 10 round burst, and counts as 2 Melee attack/actions when used.
House Rule: Action (Or Hook) Points
All characters start with 1 Action point per level, and may be awarded more later for extraordinary or exemplary actions (Good example would be someone single handedly taking down a Tou Redier Scout ship by themselves, or perhaps performing a concert in the middle of battle with such skill and precision that it actual turns the tide of battle in your favor.) Action points may be spent in a number of ways
- To give you a +10 to Initiative
- To give you a +10 to Strike/Dodge/Parry/Roll with Impact
- To allow you to dodge a missile volley of 4 or more without need for a roll
- To give you 3 additional melee attacks in a round
- To give you an automatic 1% success roll on a skill performed
- To give you an automatic save or Perception check
- To give you 1 automatic dodge for the next 3 turns
Change 1: Rule:
- Transforming your Mecha does NOT cost an attack.
- Reasoning: We've seen the shows, and, outside of the slow-mo 'beauty shot', Robotech mecha transforms as fast as one can snap their fingers. I feel that this change will add to the cinematic 'feel' of the game as well as ease your job as a player and mine as a GM in keeping track of this aspect. Just make SURE you tell me what mode you are in okay.
Change 2: Rule:
- Alpha's HAVE an Auto Dodge in fighter mode! (So do Invid: Scouts, Fighter Scouts, RCB's and Overlords)
- Reasoning: If a 30 year old Mecha (By 2044 standards) such as the VF-1 has an AD, then the Alpha does as well. I still love you Mr. Marker!
- HOWEVER! Alpha/Beta's that are connected LOSE their Auto Dodge. (Beta's only have an AD if un-docked, and in Fighter mode.)
Change 3: Aesthetic:
- No 3rd Lieutenants!
- Reasoning: I fully accept, and respect, the concept of alternate rank structures, especially in light of the total global meltdown the UEG rose from, but no, you're an Ensign.
Change 4: Aesthetic:
- The MBR-12 Mk.II Condor TRANSFORMS.
- Reasoning: Sorry Tommy, love ya, but no, gonna go with the OSM on this one.
Change 5: Aesthetic:
- If a Zentraedi can Micronize themselves, then so to can a human be Macronized.
- Reasoning: Personal preference, that and it's never been addressed/canonized, what have you. Going to go with DYRL on this, plus, Max is pimp in a Queadluun-Rau!
Change 6: Rule:
- The damage of an Ikazuchi deck gun is: 1D6x100 for a Single Blast, 2D6x100 for a Double Blast, and 3D6x100 for a Triple Blast.
- Reasoning: NO way in HELL is a Garfish turret going to do more then that on an Ikazuchi. I'm figuring that was a typo on Palladium's end, no big, overcome and adapt.
Change 7: Rule:
- Speaking of Garfish, lets up their Main Body MDC (Forward, Mid , and Aft) to 9000 MDC each.
- Reasoning: 900 is way way WAY to low! It might be higher, but 9000 feels reasonable.
Change 8: Rule:
- Attackers win ties, as opposed to the Palladium staple of defenders winning ties.
- Reasoning: I like the 'aggressive' tone this change sets. Plus, no one likes to miss just because you tied, the enemy included.
Change 9: Aesthetic:
- The H-260 cannot be attached to the Silverback. Instead a 'super-sized' version of the H-260 is carried by that mecha. Same goes for the HRG-140 and GR-97. (Stats for the Silverback attachments will be uploaded later.)
- Reasoning: All you need to do is look at the pictures and see the scale. Interchangeable weapons from Silverback to Cyclone looks good on paper, but then again, so does communism.
Change 10: Rule:
- Since this isn't the show, and we don't need to make it easy on animators, its being made official. Cyclones do NOT lose their cargo boxes when switching to battloid, they're beneath/above the main thruster.
- Reasoning: It's just idiotic for all the stores to drop off the bike every time it morphs. It'd leave your ass freezing in the wind in 5 minutes.
Change 11: Aesthetic:
- The CVR-3 is able to mount all the ASC backpacks found in the "Masters Saga: Sourcebook."
- The CBR-5 is able to mount the: Standard Assault Pack, Hard-Sided Rucksack, Tactical Flight Pack, Tactical Jump Pack, and Emergency Survival pack
- Reasoning: Likely built at the same time the CVR-3 was on the drawing board and in order to garner utility, adapters were added to allow both sets of armor to make use of the packs.
Change 12: Rule:
- Dodge is handled the same way as attack. 1-2 is an auto-failure regardless of bonus. Also: Natural 1 on dodge combined with natural 20 on attack is x4 damage.
- Reasoning: Because everyone dodges the wrong way once in a while. No one is perfect.
Change 13: Humor:
- On a Seduction skill roll, provided the base skill is high enough, a roll of both a 1% OR a 69% constitute a critical success.
- Reasoning: Giggity!
Change 14: Skills:
- NEW Skills: Lore: Haydonite 15% (Base Skill), Theater Warfare: Asymmetrical Warfare 35% (Base Skill), Fleet Tactics 25% (Base Skill).
- Reasoning: Some skills such as Theater Warfare have a their subsets, Surface, Aerospace, to mention a few. However I felt some subsets were missing. As for the Lore skill, as more is learned about the Haydonites, the more the skill becomes relevant. Fleet Tactics is the space based analog of Naval Tactics.
Change 15: Rule:
- Weapon Damage Adjustment:
- Alpha EU-13 80mm:
- 4d8 MD per single shot; 4d8x5 per 5 round short burst; 4d8x10 per 10 round medium burst; 4d8x20 per 20 round long burst.
- Alpha EU-15 Destabilizer:
- 5d6 MD per single shot; 5d6x5 per 5 round short burst; 5d6x10 per 10 round medium burst; 5d6x20 per 20 round long burst.
- H-260 Valiant: 2D6 per Single Shot, 6D6 per 3 round burst. (MDC)
- M-30: 2D6 per Single Shot, 8D6 per 4 round burst. (SDC)
- M-55: 4D4 per Single Shot, 8D6 per 3 round burst. (MDC)
- H-90 Gallant: (Rifle) 2D6 per Single Shot, 1D4x10+20 per 5 round burst. (MDC)
- EP-37: 4D4 per Single Shot, 2D4x10 per 5 round burst. (MDC)
- EP-40: 6D6 per Single Shot (MDC)
- FAL-2: 3D6 per Single Shot, 9D6 per 3 round burst. (MDC)
- HRG-70:
- 1d6+1 MD per single shot; 1d6+1x10 per 10 round short burst, 1d6+1x20 per 20 round medium burst; 1d6+1x40 per 40 round long burst.
- AAC-11:
- 1d6+2 MD per single shot; 1d6+2x10 per 10 round short burst, 1d6+2x20 per 20 round medium burst; 1d6+2x40 per 40 round long burst.
- Wraith Cannon: 4D4 per shot, 2D4x10 per 5 round burst (4D4x10 if fire linked) (Vehicle Mounted MDC)
- TPBGp-Mk.I (Drum Pod): 2D6 per shot, 1D6x10 per 5 round burst. (Unchanged)
- Tr-PBGp-Mk.II (Disc Pod): 3D6 per shot, 2D4x10+10 per 5 round burst. (MDC)
- Tr-PIC: 2D8 per Single Shot, 1D6x10+5 per four round burst. (MDC)
- Mk.25: 4D6 per single shot, 2D6x10+20 per 6 round burst. (24 foot radius) (MDC)
- If a weapon has NOT been listed, that weapons damage has not been changed and will remain as is.
Change 16: Rule
- The Morale Check: Based off of your M.E. Stat (and using the Save vs. Insanity values) the Moral Check is rolled on a 20 sided dice like all saving throws. Base target to beat is 12.
- Modifiers to Morale.
- In Body Armor: ASC or CVR-3: +2
- In a Cyclone: +3
- Assisting a Teammate: +2
- Assisting a Loved One: +5
- Desperate Situation: +2
- Outside of armor and enemy is using SDC weaponry: -0
- Outside of armor and enemy is using MDC weaponry: -6
- Wounded: -2 per 25% of SDC taken. (Cumulative, so if you are down to Hit Point you have a -8)
- Wounded: -1 per 10% of HP taken.
- Previous Moral Check passed: +1
- Previous Moral Check Failed: -1
- Inspired by Leader: +2 to +4
- Demoralized by Leader: -1 to -3
- Failing a Morale Check:
- If you fail within 5 points of your target you may act normally so long as that action does not expose you to danger.
- If you fail by 10 points you are beset by fear, hunkering down trying not to get shot. -10% to Skills, -1 to strike, +1 to dodge.
- If you fail by 15 points you are looking for, and will take, the nearest exit. -20% to Skills, -2 to strike, +2 to dodge.
- If you fail by 20 points you are a quivering mess. Yes, I’m looking at you Opum.
Change 17: Official Palladium Errata
- Combat flying is a skill that fighter pilots get in their M.O.S. and it is, in essence, Combat Driving in space with lasers. It reduces or eliminates the penalties for stunts and risky maneuvers while flying like Combat Driving does for driving. I'm going to post somewhere some errata saying that it should be added to the Alpha Pilot M.O.S. since I dropped the ball and didn't even think about it for Shadow Chronicles. ~ Gideon
Change 18: Reverse Initiative
The battle raged, incoming fire pranged off the fallen carcass of a Silverback that Komillia was using for cover, a pair of Haydonite Reavers had her pinned. Jaron was inbound as fast as his Alpha would carry him, Komillia’s call for help received only seconds ago. Hurtling down a man made canyon of metal and glass he saw the wrecked Silverback and Komillia behind it. Further on, he saw the Haydonite foe. His eyes widened in horror as one of them raised a large weapon looking much like a LAW and aimed at the Silverback. There was no way it would survive that hit. Gritting his teeth he slammed the mecha into guardian mode and barreled down the street at top speed. The Haydonite readied the weapon, aimed, and fired! Jaron knew what he needed to do, switching to Battloid mode he vaulted the Silverback and body blocked the incoming missile.
- Sounds neat? But with the Palladium system feats like this are nigh impossible to account for if you follow the nuts and bolts of the melee / round system. With the Initiative system the way it is, the higher you roll the earlier you go, but, that forces you to act, and once your action has been taken you must wait until the next round to act. But what happens if something happens after you’ve taken your action? You are powerless to affect it until next round.
- Reverse Initiative:
- The same rules apply, with one major difference, the higher you roll, to further back you can hold your attack. For example:
- Suki: 19
- Jaron: 22
- Haydonite: 17
- Hayonite: 21
- Under the old system Jaron would go first. Let us suppose that the flow of action was like this. Jaron fires at a Haydonite, the Haydonite dodges, the second Haydonite fires at Suki; Suki dodges and returns fire missing, the final Haydonite fires at Suki and hits. Jaron cannot do much about it if he wanted to.
- With Reverse Initiative the lower numbers are forced to go first. The higher number are able to either hold their attacks until their ‘turn’ comes up, or are able the interrupt the lower roll. (The Interrupt may be called at anytime by typing “Interrupt” into chat.) This allows the higher initiative players the freedom to either Attack first, or, if they so choose; wait, see what’s going on, and then act accordingly.
- Using the above example, The Haydonite with a 17 would be forced to fire first, he chooses Suki, Suki fails her dodge. Jaron can choose to Interrupt and attempt to block, parry, or dodge for her. Jaron chooses to dodge for her by tackling her out of the way of the incoming blast. He succeeds, and uses his action that round. The second Haydonite decides the wait and see what happens. Suki has to act now, or lose her attack. She fires at the Haydonite that shot at her. The waiting Haydonite decides to Interrupt her attack by trying to shoot her gun out of her hand. He fires and succeeds. Suki’s attack is interrupted and her shot misses.
- The higher your Initiative roll the more leeway you have in combat in terms of actions taken. You can act immediately, taking the lead, hold your attack until you see an opening you wish to exploit or act last, after you have seen everyone’s move and act accordingly with no fear of counter attack until next round.
Change 19: Pakour Skill
- +12% to Climb/Rappel
- 50% +5% per level - Sense of Balance (Use this or Gymnastics / Acrobatics skill, whichever is higher.)
- 50% +5% per level - Back flip and somersault (Use this or Gymnastics / Acrobatics skill, whichever is higher.)
- +4 to roll with punch, fall or impact
- +1 to PS
- +1 to PE
- +2D4 to Spd
- +2D6 to SDC
- +4 feet to leaping distances
- +2 Perception
Change 20: Perception
- A +1 to Perception will be allowed at Levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 15
- Note: Perception is a tricky thing. You may roll a 20, and the GM will give you all the information he can, and then some, but it is up to the PLAYER to act on it. If the GM has done his due diligence and provided for the Perception roll in terms of information presented, and then, the player acts on it wrongly, by either ignoring or misinterpreting aspects of that information, then that's the way the cookie crumbles. An aced Perception roll is NOT a get out of jail free card, it just means you noticed things. You might hear the ticking clock, but if you don't put two and two together, it'll blow up in your face just the same.
This introduces a list of skills from that are considered to be Static Skills, that is, skills that do not have a percentile associated with them. This concept is already used by Palladium Books for weapon proficiencies, the Sniper skill, the Hunting skill, and the majority of the Physical skills. This simply expands the list of these skills to include such mundane skills as Computer Operation and Radio: Basic etc.
However here is the twist. Skills that fall under the Static umbrella fall under three categories.
- Static:
- As above, no roll needed.
- Conditional:
- Skill is static unless the character is under pressure to perform the skill rapidly.
- Example: Character with Math: Advanced is required to solve a complex equation in their head, or within a small time frame, or under fire.
- Opposed:
- Skill is static unless someone wishes to oppose it.
- Example: Two characters are having a cook off for bragging rights; better roll wins.
Skill List
- Communications:
- Radio: Basic
- Laser
- Optic Systems
- Sign Language (Includes Military)
- T.V. / Video (Opposed)
- Writing (Opposed)
- Domestic Skills:
- Bonsai (Opposed)
- Cook (Opposed)
- Floral Arrangement (Opposed)
- Gardening (Conditional)
- Go (Opposed)
- Play Musical Instrument (Opposed)
- Poetry /Haiku (Opposed)
- Sew
- Military Skills:
- Military Etiquette (Opposed)
- Military Fortification (Conditional)
- Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Warfare (Conditional)
- Parachuting (Conditional)
- Recognize Weapon Quality
- Pilot Related Skills:
- Read Sensory Equipment
- Weapon Systems
- Space Survival (Conditional)
- Science Skills:
- Anthropology (Conditional)
- Archaeology (Conditional)
- Artificial Intelligence (Conditional)
- Astrophysics (Conditional)
- Astronomy & Navigation (Conditional)
- Biology (Conditional)
- Botany (Conditional)
- Chemical (Conditional)
- Chemical: Analytical (Conditional)
- Marine Biology (Conditional)
- Math: Basic (Conditional)
- Math: Advanced (Conditional)
- Technical Skills:
- Advanced Fishing
- Art (Opposed)
- Calligraphy (Opposed)
- Computer Operation
- Computer Programming (Opposed)
- Gemology (Conditional)
- History (Conditional)
- Language (Conditional)
- Law (Opposed)
- Literacy (Conditional)
- Mythology (Conditional)
- Photography (Opposed)
- Research (Opposed)
- Sculpting & Whittling (Opposed)
Ranged Combat Rules:
This is a limited reprinting of the Supplemental Combat Rules found in Rifter #11 and authored by Matthew Olfson.
These rules are intended to be used with side arms, that is to say, weapon used by a character outside of his Mecha, and at the most within his/her Cyclone. Mecha will follow along with these rules sans the Burst Multipliers which will be a static x5 / x10 / x20 owing to the advanced stabilization and targeting computers standard within most, if not all, mecha. (HOWEVER, if a mecha is significantly damaged, and their targeting systems go out, then this systems Burst Multipliers will SUPERSEDE those listed within the Mecha's statistical writeup.
This is a FREE skill, one that any character has based upon their Hand to Hand form. A player may select a Ranged Combat set that is below their current HtH set, but not one that his higher. (For all intents and purposes Martial Arts and Assassin are at the same level, but are of diametrically opposed philosophies.)
- Ranged Combat: Rogue = Hand to Hand: Basic
- Ranged Combat: Infantry = Hand to Hand: Expert
- Ranged Combat: Special Forces = Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (to include specialty Martial arts from other books)
- Ranged Combat: Sniper = Hand to Hand: Assassin: (characters with the Sniper skill as part of their INITIAL skill draw may select this INSTEAD of the Ranged Combat associated with their Hand to Hand set.
- Note: Those with Hand to Hand Commando may select either Spec Ops, or Assassin.
- Coldcock: Otherwise know by 'Pistolwhip' or 'Buttstroke'. A blunt attack using your weapon. 1d8 damage (+ PS bonus); at level 12 becomes an auto knockout for 1d6 melees on a roll of a crit.
- Double Tap: Sniper Ability: Allows a character to get of 2 rapid shots at the same target within the space of 1 melee action.
- Character must be within 10 feet with pistols, or 30 feet with rifles. (Ranges increase by 5ft per level)
- Both shots rolled separately with half their bonuses. Can not be fired wild.
- Firing at a target close to the initial target is possible, but with a -6 to hit and second target must be within 10 feet of the initial target.
- Head Shot: Sniper Ability: Allows the targeting of a small target to be hit with a normal non-called shot strike with all bonuses.
- Requires one full melee action of steady aim. (Two attacks, one to aim, one to fire).
- Imposed Dodge Penalty: This penalty does NOT apply to the shooter, but rather to the target.
- Leading: This is the act of adjusting your fire to place your round where a moving target WILL be.
- These bonuses offset the -3 to hit moving targets and -6 to hit moving targets traveling faster the 40mph.
- If the offset exceeds the negative, the difference is not applied to the strike.
- Pinning Fire: Character saturates an are with fire. Any one not under cover is automatically hit (dodges are still possible).
- The number of targets hit cannot exceed the number or rounds in the burst.
- Pinning Fire can be maintained.
- Damage: As per 1 round. Railguns and high cyclic weapons inflict 1 rounds x2. x3 if pinning a confined area.
- Short Burst: 2 meters
- Medium Burst: 3 meters
- Long Burst: 7 meters
- Cannot be used with Rapid Reload, but may be used with Speed Load.
- Rapid Reload: Allows the character to reload and fire in the same melee action.
- However, the attack counts as a wild fire.
- Snap Shot: This allows the character to pop out from behind cover, fire, and retreat back under cover in one melee action.
- Strike is made using half the normal bonuses.
- Speed Load: Improved Rapid Reload.
- Strike is made using half the normal bonuses rather then as a wild attack.
- Walking Aim: Allows character to fire on the move. (1/4 speed) With no penalties to strike.
Ranged Combat: Rogue:
- Level 1: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x3 Medium; x4 Long)
- Level 2: N/A
- Level 3: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 4: +1 to Hit
- Level 5: Coldcock
- Level 6: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x4 Medium; x6 Long)
- Level 7: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 8: +1 to Hit
- Level 9: Rapid Reload
- Level 10: Burst Multiplier: (x3 Short; x5 Medium; x8 Long)
- Level 11: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 12: +1 to Hit
- Level 13: Leading (+2 to Hit moving target); Automatic Crit on surprise attack.
- Level 14: Burst Multiplier: (x4 Short; x7 Medium; x12 Long)
- Level 15: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
Ranged Combat: Infantry
- Level 1: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x3 Medium; x4 Long)
- Level 2: Coldcock
- Level 3: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 4: +1 to Hit
- Level 5: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x4 Medium; x6 Long); Rapid Reload
- Level 6: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Critical hit on natural 18+
- Level 7: +1 to Hit; Snap Shot
- Level 8: Leading: +3
- Level 9: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Burst Multiplier: (x3 Short; x5 Medium; x8 Long)
- Level 10: +1 to Hit; Speed Load
- Level 11: "Aimed" Short Burst
- Level 12: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Critical hit on natural 17+
- Level 13: +1 to Hit; Automatic Crit on surprise attack.
- Level 14: Roll of 10 of better to make called shot; Burst Multiplier: (x4 Short; x7 Medium; x12 Long)
- Level 15: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Double Critical on Natural 20 (x4 damage)
Ranged Combat: Special Forces
- Level 1: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x3 Medium; x4 Long); Coldcock
- Level 2: +2 Initiative
- Level 3: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 4: +1 to Hit; Rapid Reload
- Level 5: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x4 Medium; x6 Long); Walking Aim
- Level 6: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Critical hit on natural 18+
- Level 7: +2 to Hit; Snap Shot
- Level 8: +2 Initiative; Leading: +4
- Level 9: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Burst Multiplier: (x3 Short; x5 Medium; x8 Long)
- Level 10: +2 to Hit; Automatic Crit on surprise attack.
- Level 11: "Aimed" Short Burst; Pinning Fire
- Level 12: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Critical hit on natural 17+
- Level 13: +2 to Hit; Roll of 10 of better to make called shot.
- Level 14: +2 Initiative; Burst Multiplier: (x4 Short; x7 Medium; x12 Long)
- Level 15: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Double Critical on Natural 20 (x4 damage)
Ranged Combat: Sniper
- Level 1: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x3 Medium; x4 Long)
- Level 2: Coldcock; Leading +1
- Level 3: +2 on Aimed Shots; Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 4: +1 to Hit; Double Tap
- Level 5: Burst Multiplier: (x2 Short; x4 Medium; x6 Long); Critical Hit on 19+
- Level 6: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Roll of 10 of better to make called shot.
- Level 7: +1 to Hit; +1 to Hit on Aimed Shot
- Level 8: Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2; Leading: +2
- Level 9: Burst Multiplier: (x3 Short; x5 Medium; x8 Long); Rapid Reload
- Level 10: +1 to Hit; Automatic Crit on surprise attack.
- Level 11: "Aimed" Short Burst; Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 12: Double Critical on Natural 20 (x4 damage); Leading +2; Roll of 8 of better to make called shot.
- Level 13: +1 to Hit; Imposed Dodge Penalty: -2
- Level 14: +1 to Hit; Burst Multiplier: (x4 Short; x7 Medium; x12 Long)
- Level 15: +2 to Hit on Aimed Shot