Marine Corps Medal of Honor
The Medal of Honor is awarded by the Prime Minister, in the name of the UEG, to a person who, while a member of the UEF, distinguishes himself or herself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in action against an enemy of the UEF; while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force; or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the UEF is not a belligerent party. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades and must have involved risk of life. Incontestable proof of the performance of the service will be exacted and each recommendation for the award of this decoration will be considered on the standard of extraordinary merit.
Note: The Ribbon for this award must be worn in Class A or Dress uniform and the recipient must be saluted first, even by those of superior rank.
Game Terms: A character receiving this may find it a blessing as well as a curse. Over 60% of the Medals of Honor are bestowed posthumously, or with the recipient wounded grievously. Perks include increased base pay, special ID cards, and automatic acceptance of qualified children of the recipient into the UEF Military Academy. The character may also be expected to speak at events, attend official functions, sell war bonds, and other moral boosting activities.
UEG Cross
The UEG Cross may be awarded to any person who, while serving with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguishes himself in action by extraordinary heroism not justifying an award of the Medal of Honor. The action must take place under one of three circumstances: while engaged in action against an enemy of the UEF; while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force; or, while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict in which the UEF is not a belligerent party. To earn a UEG Cross the act to be commended must be performed in the presence of great danger or at great personal risk and must be performed in such a manner as to render the individual highly conspicuous among others of equal grade, rate, experience, or position of responsibility. An accumulation of minor acts of heroism does not justify an award of the UEG Cross.
UEG Distinguished Service Medal
The UEG Distinguished Service Medal is awarded for exceptionally distinguished performance of duty contributing to national security or defense at the highest levels while assigned to a joint activity. The UDSM may also be awarded to other senior officers whose direct and individual contributions to national security or defense are recognized as being so exceptional in scope and value as to be equivalent to contributions normally associated with positions encompassing broader responsibilities.
UEF Titanium Medal of Valor
The UEF Titanium Medal of Valor is awarded to service members who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguish themselves by exceptionally meritorious service to the Government in a duty of great responsibility.
Silver Star
The Silver Star is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with the UEF, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the UEF while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force, or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the UEF is not a belligerent party. The required gallantry, while of a lesser degree than that required for award of the UEG Cross, must nevertheless have been performed with marked distinction.
UEG Superior Service Medal
The UEG Defense Superior Service Medal shall be awarded only to members of the Armed Forces of the UEG who, after February 6, 2009, rendered superior meritorious service in a position of significant responsibility.
Distinguished Flying Cross
The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the UEF, distinguishes himself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. The extraordinary achievement must have resulted in an accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding as to clearly set the individual apart from his comrades or from other persons in similar circumstances. Awards will be made only to recognize single acts of heroism or extraordinary achievement and will not be made in recognition of sustained operational activities against an armed enemy.
UEF Service Medal
The UEF Service Medal is presented to members of the UEF Armed Forces who distinguished themselves by outstanding non-combat meritorious achievement or service to the UEF, this award also may be bestowed for non-combat meritorious achievement in a designated combat theatre.
Bronze Star
The Bronze Star Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with the military of the UEG after January 2009, distinguished himself or herself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service, not involving participation in aerial flight, while engaged in an action against an enemy of the UEG; while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force; or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the UEG is not a belligerent party.
- Awards may be made for acts of heroism, performed under circumstances described above, which are of lesser degree than required for the award of the Silver Star.
- Awards may be made to recognize single acts of merit or meritorious service. The required achievement or service while of lesser degree than that required for the award of the Legion of Merit must nevertheless have been meritorious and accomplished with distinction.
Purple Heart
The Purple Heart is awarded in the name of the Prime Minister of the UEG to any member of an Armed Force who, while serving with the UEF, has been wounded or killed, or who has died or may hereafter die after being wounded;
- In any action against an enemy of the UEG;
- In any action with an opposing armed force of a foreign country in which the Armed Forces of the UEG are or have been engaged;
- While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the UEG is not a belligerent party;
- As a result of an act of any such enemy of opposing armed forces;
- As the result of an act of any hostile force;
- While held as a prisoner of war or while being taken captive.
- A wound for which the award is made must have required treatment by a medical officer.
UEG Meritorious Service Medal
The UEG Meritorious Service Medal is awarded to those members of the UEF who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service or achievement while assigned to a joint activity. The UMSM is usually awarded to those serving in leadership positions and performing exceptionally outstanding work.
Aerospace Medal
The Aerospace Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with the UEF, shall have distinguished himself by meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. Awards may be made to recognize single acts of merit or heroism or for meritorious service. Award of the Aerospace Medal is primarily intended to recognize those personnel who are on current crew member or non-crew member flying status which requires them to participate in aerial flight on a regular and frequent basis in the performance of their primary duties. These individuals must make a discernible contribution to the operational land combat mission or to the mission of the aircraft in flight. Involvement in such activities, normally at the brigade/group level and below, serves only to establish eligibility for award of the Air Medal; the degree of heroism, meritorious achievement or exemplary service determines who should receive the award.
Joint Service Commendation Medal
The JSCM shall be awarded only to members of the Armed Forces of the UEG who, after January 1, 2009, distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement or service.
Fleet & Marine Corps Commendation Medal
The Fleet & Marine Corps Commendation Medal is awarded for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service. It is also awarded for valorous actions in direct contact with an enemy force, but of a lesser degree than required for the award of the Bronze Star.
Joint Service Achievement Medal
The JSAM shall be awarded only to members of the Armed Forces of the UEG below the grade of O-6 who, after January 1, 2009, distinguished themselves by outstanding performance of duty and meritorious achievement.
UEF Achievement Medal
The UEF Achievement Medal is awarded as a means to recognize the contributions of junior officers and enlisted personnel who were not eligible to receive the higher Fleet & Marine Corps Commendation Medal or the UEG Meritorious Service Medal.
Combat Action Ribbon
The Combat Action Ribbon is a personal decoration awarded to members of the Navy, Marine Corps, in the grade of captain (or colonel in the Marine Corps) and below who have actively participated in ground or surface combat. The principal criterion is that the recipient must have participated in a bona fide ground or surface combat firefight or in an action during which he was under enemy fire and his performance while under fire was satisfactory.
UEG Unit Citation
The UEG Unit Citation is awarded in the name of the Prime Minister to units of the Armed Forces of the UEF and co belligerent nations for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy. The unit must have accomplished its mission under such extremely difficult and hazardous conditions to set it apart from and above other units participating in the same campaign. The degree of heroism required is the same as that which would be required for award of a UEG Cross to an individual.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
The Joint Meritorious Unit Award is awarded to Joint Activities of the Armed Forces of the UEF which have subsequent to January 23, 2010 distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious achievement or service in pursuit of joint military missions of great significance.
UEF ‘E’ Ribbon
The UEF "E" Ribbon denotes permanent duty on ships or in squadrons that won the battle efficiency competition after July 1, 2015.
Prisoner of War Medal
The Prisoner of War Medal is issued only to those UEF military personnel who were taken prisoner and held captive after 5 January 2009;
- While engaged in an action against an enemy of the UEG;
- While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force; or
- While serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing force in which the UEG is not a belligerent party.
UEFMC Good Conduct Medal
The UEFMC Good Conduct Medal is awarded to any enlisted member of the UEFMC who completes three consecutive years of "honorable and faithful service". Such service implies that a standard enlistment was completed without any non-judicial punishments, disciplinary infractions, or court martial offenses.
Note: Marines often refer to the award as “The Good Cookie.”
UEF Expedition Medal
The UEF Expeditionary Medal is awarded to personnel who have engaged in a landing on foreign or hostile territory, and have participated in combat operations against an opposing force.
Humanitarian Service Medal
The Humanitarian Service Medal is awarded to members of the UEF who distinguish themselves by meritorious direct participation in any significant military act or operation of a humanitarian nature approved by the UEG.
Marine Corps Drill Instructor Ribbon
The Marine Corps Drill Instructor Ribbon recognizes those enlisted and former enlisted members of the United Earth Marine Corps who have successfully trained and qualified as Marine Corps Drill Instructors. Furthermore, the duties of the Marine's billet must be executed satisfactorily for three years before the award is authorized.
Marine Security Guard Ribbon
The Marine Corps Security Guard Ribbon is awarded to service members that held the Marine Corps military occupational specialty (MOS) 8156 Marine Corps Security Guard and must have served twenty-four months of service at an UEG Embassy or Consulate. The award is only awarded to Marine Security Guards for their service at UEG Embassies or Consulates in a foreign country.
Sentinel Council Unit Citation
The Sentinel Council Unit Citation was awarded to certain units of the Armed Forces of the UEG in recognition of participation in the war against the Invid in or around the Fantoma system during the periods 7 July 2024 and a closing date to be determined.
UEF Marksmanship Medal
The UEF Marksmanship Medal is a decoration of the UEF and is the highest award one may receive for weapons qualification. A superior score, qualifying for the UEF Marksmanship Medal, is typically 285 points out of a 300 point scale. Those qualifying as an expert marksman are presented the UEF Marksmanship Medal which is awarded as two separate decorations for both rifle or pistol qualifications. Those having qualified on both pistol and rifle may receive both medals for simultaneous wear. This award is available only the members of the UEF Fleet. There is no UEMC Version as ALL marines are expected to be able to 'Shoot Expert' at a bear minimum.
Game Terms: Requires WP Rifle and WP Energy Rifle, or WP Handgun and WP Energy Pistol
UEF Marksmanship Ribbon
The UEF Marksmanship Ribbon is an award of the UEF, which is issued to Fleet service members who pass a weapons qualification course and achieve an above average score.
Game Terms:Requires WP Rifle or WP Energy Rifle for Rifle Marksman or WP Handgun or WP Energy Pistol for Pistol Marksman
Medals in Purple are Legacy Awards not generally available to player characters.
Kites, Arrowhead, and the ‘V’ Valor Device
- A bronze Kite is affixed to each subsequent receipt of an award. A silver Kite denotes the 5th receipt of the award.
- A bronze Arrowhead encased within a Hexagon (Symbolizing the cargo bunker of a Horizon) denotes an action where the recipient was involved in an amphibious assault, orbital drop, parachute drop or glider assault.
- Arrowheads are a one-time decoration only, a service member may not receive multiple Arrowhead devices upon the same decoration.
- The Valor device denotes those individuals who were awarded a decoration in recognition of valorous act performed during direct combat with an enemy force. It may also denote an accomplishment of a heroic nature in direct support of operations against an enemy force. Generally, the Valor device is for specific heroic acts during or supporting direct combat with the enemy. The award must also be personally recommended by a superior and is not an automatic decoration or upgrade.
- An example of medals which are authorized the Valor device are the Bronze Star, Commendation Medals, the Aerospace Medal, Achievement Medals, and certain unit awards. Awards which are bestowed for valor, such as the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, UEG Cross, and Silver Star are never awarded with the Valor device since valor is indicated by the award itself.
- The Valor device is awarded as a single, one-time decoration only. A service member may not receive several Valor devices upon the same decoration.
Campaign Ribbons:
- Campaign Ribbons for future operations/actions are generally created prior to a campaign, however in some instances such ribbons are created after the fact if it has been shown that an action not previously planned was significant enough to warrant such an award; past examples include the Saturn Rings Campaign Award, the Mars Base Sera Campaign Award and more recently, the Space Station Liberty Campaign Award.
Haydon War Campaign Medal
Awarded to UEEF / Tirolian / Allied Forces who participated in combat action against Haydonite Forces for any period between August 1st, 2044 and December 31st, 2048
Haydon IV Occupation Medal
Awarded to UEEF / Tirolian / Allied Forces who have performed at least thirty consecutive days of military duty within a designated geographical area of military occupation.
Optera Service Medal
The Optera Service Medal was awarded to Navy, Marine Corps personnel who served ashore on Optera or who were attached to any of the vessels that operated in support of the operations on or over Optera between July 7, 2034, and September 7, 2039.
Earth Defense Medal
The Earth Defense Medal was awarded to personnel for active duty service from 8 September 2009 to 7 December 2014 for a period of twelve months or longer.
Earth Liberation Campaign Medal
Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the UEF who served in support of either the 10th, 21st, or 101st Liberation Fleets in one or more of the following areas between 2 August 2038 and 31 August 2044:
- Attached to or regularly serving for one or more days with an organization participating in ground/shore (military) operations;
- Attached to or regularly serving for one or more days aboard a naval vessel directly supporting military operations;
- Actually participating as a crew member in one or more aerial flights directly supporting military operations in the areas designated above.
Reflex Point Campaign Medal
Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the UEF who served in support of either the 10th, 21st, or 101st Liberation Fleets who participated in the Assault on Reflex Point or who were stationed at Point K or in Earth Orbit in support of the Assault on Reflex Point.
Tirol Defense Medal
Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the UEF / Sentinals who served upon Tirol or who were attached to any of the vessels that operated in support of the operations on or over Tirol between August 1, 2044, and a closing date to be determined.
Karbarra Defense Medal
Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the UEF / Sentinals who served upon Karbarra or who were attached to any of the vessels that operated in support of the operations on or over Karberra between August 1, 2044, and a closing date to be determined.
Tirol Liberation Campaign Medal
Awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the UEF who served in support of the Pioneer Liberation Fleets in one or more of the following areas between 2 August 2024 and 31 August 2038:
- attached to or regularly serving for one or more days with an organization participating in ground/shore (military) operations;
- attached to or regularly serving for one or more days aboard a naval vessel directly supporting military operations;
- actually participating as a crew member in one or more aerial flights directly supporting military operations in the areas designated above.
UEG Defense Service Medal
The UEG Defense Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service for any period between January 2009 and a closing date to be determined.
This is awarded to any member of the UEF upon completion of Basic Training.
Kalypsos Nebula Campaign Ribbon
Awarded to UEEF / Tirolian / Allied Sentinel forces who participated in combat action in support of the Phoenix Battle Group within the Kalypsos Nebula for any period between October 9th, 2044 and November 30th, 2044
UEF Deployment Ribbon
The UEF Deployment Ribbon is granted to any member of the UEF assigned to a UEF Afloat Command and who perform ninety or more consecutive days of a spaceward deployment within a one year period.
This is awarded for time served regardless of activity.
UEF Out Sector Service Ribbon
The UEF Out Sector Service Ribbon is a service award of the UEF which recognizes those service members who have performed military tours of duty outside the borders of the UEG.
Other Marine Awards:
The Leftwich Trophy
- Also known as the Leftwich Award, it is a trophy given for outstanding leadership and is an award presented annually in memory of Lieutenant Colonel William Groom Leftwich, U.S. Marine Corps, who was killed in action in the Republic of Vietnam in November 1970.
- Eligible nominees are Marine Captains in the Ground Combat Arms serving on active duty as a company or battery commander with the ground forces of the Fleet Marine Force at the time of nomination. Posthumous awards can be made of this award providing nomination complies with all the criteria for receiving the award.
Service Stripe
- A service stripe, commonly called a hash mark, is a decoration of the UEF military which is presented to enlisted members to denote length of service. The UEF awards a stripe for four years of duty regardless of conduct.
Automatically awarded after time of service is completed.
UEFMC Martial Arts Program
- Black belt 1st degree is the highest belt color and requires 62.5 hours of supervised training. It signifies knowledge of the advanced fundamentals of the different disciplines. A 1st degree black belt may teach fundamentals from tan to brown belt, and a MAI may award the appropriate belt. In addition, they can also be a MAIT (Martial arts Instructor Trainer) which authorizes them to teach tan through black belt 1st degree and award the appropriate belt. * Prerequisites include recommendation of reporting senior, rank of Sergeant or above, and appropriate level of PME completed (Such as Sergeant's Course.)
- There are an additional 5 degrees of black belt, with several of the same common prerequisites, including recommendation of reporting senior, appropriate level of PME completed, must be a current MAIT. Black belt 2nd degree to 6th degree signify that the holder is an authority in the Marine Corps Martial arts Program. In addition to the above prerequisite, each belt also has its own rank requirements.
Black belt 2nd degree requires the rank of Sgt or above.
Black belt 3rd degree requires the rank of SSgt or above.
Black belt 4th degree requires the rank of GySgt for enlisted and Major or higher for officers.
Black belt 5th degree requires the rank of MSgt/1stSgt for enlisted and Major or higher for officers.
Black belt 6th degree requires the rank of MGySgt/SgtMaj for enlisted and LtCol or higher for officers.