Sol Sector:
In the wake of the 101st Expiditionary Fleet's assault on Reflex Point and the breakneck rebuilding push in the years following, the landed colony ships have become the hub metropolises for Earth's peoples. The construction of New Monument City’s civic and military centers is complete and now houses the Leonard Administration’s offices and personnel. Across the globe other centers of power in Oslo, Mexico City, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg, and New Brasilia administer to their regions, reporting to the ASC General Staff. The ASC, in order to, better protect the populace have adopted a Humanity and Earth First policy. Non humans are no longer considered citizens, merely residents, and their rights under the law are limited.
- The Armies of the Southern Cross:
Having survived the Invid Invasion by going underground, the ASC had been able to husband much of their post invasion strength, as well as build up a solid network of contacts and outposts. This network served as the backbone for the ASC's resurgence onto the global state. Now, with Supreme Commander Eli Leonard as the political and military head of the UEDF the ASC has begun a mass rearming. With ships of the line streaming out of the Mars and Jupiter shipyards, and volunteer and conscript soldier alike being trained in droves, the ASC has all but acquired total dominance over the majority of the planet and solar system. Following a hardline doctrine of Earth and Humanity First, the ASC forges forward in their task of ensuring that alien invaders will never again be able to bring harm to their home world.
The UEEF has two major planet side bases of power; Tokyo, Japan, and Alice Springs, Australia. The UEEF on Earth is caught in a peculiar bind. Now that Earth has been liberated, the need for the UEEF has been greatly diminished. In a way, the UEEF has succeeded TO well. Already, many line units have seen their affiliation transfer from the UEEF banner to that of the newly constituted UEDF. In orbit, where the UEEF where they had a clearly defined job, UEEF ships are being released to fight the Haydonites in the Fantoma Sector. General Reinhardt, who at first had fought tooth and nail to have any tonnage released to assist in Fantoma Operations is now, as ships pour off the ASC assembly line, seeing all but a token UEEF presence transferred out system. General Reinhardt should be happy, but, cannot shake the old saying of "Be careful what you wish for…". This due to disturbing reports of anti-alien sentiment running amok dirt-side. The UEEF is also suffering a personnel crisis as a humans recruited from within the system are mustering out and transferring planet-side. To compound this, non-humans from the surface are fleeing into orbit in droves and while seeking a place in the UEEF reduces the overall manpower issue in terms of number, in terms of training, the transformation from rustic to professional soldier is resource and time consuming.
Singular city states and smaller autonomous regions have risen and fallen over the last decade, first under the Invid Occupation. While some communities banded to gather for mutual protection from the Invid, others grew by openly supporting the Invid in return for protection or leniency. Still others retreated underground just to survive. Now that the overall security of the planet has been established, first under the UEEF aegis, and now under the umbrella of the ASC, the city states that survived the occupation turned on one another as anti Invid factions, bolstered by initial UEEF support leading up to the Battle of Reflex Point,used the arms and material given to them against sympathizers while others made land grabs while they could, all while small scale conflicts between neighboring states break the overall calm.
Not all the Invid followed the Regess’ siren call. Some, a small fraction, stayed behind, these groups usually fall under one of two classifications. The first being those consumed with bitter rage and hatred for all species non-Invid. These factions operate much like the more aggressive human Baronies, some harass their neighbors, and others are satisfied with holding onto what they have, with an iron fist. The second type of faction are those enamored with Earth and it’s culture, these are primarily newly evolved Stage 5 Invid, and seek to find their place in the only home they have known. These Invid while naïve, are not stupid, and while they may give the humans the benefit of the doubt, they well understand that to the average human they are still the enemy, a defeated enemy yes, but an enemy regardless. So, they strive to maintain a low profile and blend in. Some individuals are more vocal about reconciliation, namely Lancer and Sera, who preach understanding, citing the Zentraedi Precedent. Only time will tell if these words will fall on open minds, or deaf ears.
The fleet yards of Mars are working overtime to rebuild and retool after the battle for Reflex Point and the Haydonite Betrayal. In terms of allegiance, Mars Base belongs to the UEDF as its foremost in-system colony; something the UEDF wants to maintain. For the last 20 years their entire focus of production and society has been to reclaim Earth, and as such, are dedicated to its protection. However, due to the close work with the UEEF over those same 20 years a sizable part of the Martian populace empathizes with the UEEF and their outward focus, seeing it a somewhat romanticized light.
The Jovian system is the largest and furthest concentration of UEDF power in the Sol System. (Various outposts dot Neptune, Uranus and beyond, but none of these facilities maintain any permanent staff over 200). Jupiter Base serves as the final stop off before leaving the system as a whole as well as the first likely point of entry. Thus the base is structured like an overly large spaceport and border crossing facility. The base also administers the vital Helium 3 mining facilities that orbit the massive gas giant, and the expansive refinery stations that process the valuable commodity. Other military sub facilities fall under Jupiter Base’s umbrella. Various listening posts, space docks and even a Flight Test Facility all make up the JBC: Jupiter Base Complex.
Of all the outposts, Neptune Base is the largest, housing upwards of 4,000 personnel. Neptune Base is also home to an R&D facility, originally constructed in 2013. The base operated up until 2022, when the lions share of it's staff was transferred to the passing SDF-3 on it's way to the Fantoma system. (A seemingly final slap in the face of the ASC by the UEEF.) All but decommissioned, the facility sat unmanned until 2032 when advance units of the UEEF revived it as jump off point for ships returning to bolster Jupiter, Mars, and finally the Moon. By 2034 the JBC had superseded Neptune Base as the 'Entry Point' into the Sol System and the facility was reverted to it's original function as an In-System R&D facility.
The UEDF does not maintain any settlements this far out save for one. Near Pluto orbits Macross Island. This landmark is an orbiting graveyard and memorial akin to Arlington, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and sites from the Vietnam Memorial to the beaches of Normandy all combined. This facility is sacred to humanity and it's caretaker staff diligently and reverently tend the graves of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of humanity. Due to the sensitive nature of this facility an entire Carrier Group is tasked with its protection, on snap fold alert, waiting on call, in Neptune orbit.
- Overall State of Affairs: Sol Sector:
Low intensity internecine fighting continues on Earth between various factions; Invid, Human, Zentraedi, UEEF, UEDF, ASC, and everything in between. The UEDF maintains that they are the major power, but those in the know recognize the ASC as the entrenched and established power bloc. Never-the-less, reconstruction continues. Sporadic Haydonite incursions occur from time to time, but UEEF and UEDF intelligence believes them to only be probing sorties, and harassment raids. So far the UEEF Fleet in system has been able to either destroy, or run off the (known) Haydonite presence. The GMP and UEEF Intelligence are working together to locate and root out any possible Haydonite infiltrators and outposts before any foothold, however slight, can be made. This is one of the few instances where the GMP and UEEF cooperate in any meaningful fashion.
UEG Colonies
- Origin: Megaroad 01
- Ethnic Majority: Japanese, Anglo, Zentraedi
- Economy: Agricultural / Industrial / Commercial
- Wealth: Average
- Population: 14,535,800
- Law Level: Lawful
- Government: Militocracy
- Popularity: Popular
- Stability: Stable
- The Aquilae Colony is located in the Beta Aquilae system some 44.7 lightyears from Earth. The system is a Binary Star system with the primary a G8IV Class Yellow Sub-giant. There are ten planetary bodies within the system, most of which are gas giants, which allow for the colonies robust Helium 3 industry. As the first Megaroad Colony launched, the colony boasts the largest population of all Earth colonies and is the best established in terms of infrastructure.
Image Copyright Dylan Cole 2007
- As a militocracy the colony system is lead by a Governor General who is appointed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A civilian advisory council assists in the day to day operations of the colony. The system is as one would suspect highly militarized, but the lions share of facilities are located off world or in orbit with three bases located on Aquilae 7. Smaller bases exist on Aquilae 8 and 10.
- Society is similar to what one would have found on the SDF-1; open, hardworking, and free, with a mix of the rugged individualism one normally see's among colonial citizens. Their military run government has thus far done right by it's people and they are content and hold their leaders in high esteem.
- A lush world Aquilae 9 also houses a large agricultural industry which provide foodstuffs in abundance. The planet also is unique in that it experiences axial and magnetic field irregularities. As such all civilian craft unfamiliar with the system must take on a 'Harbor Pilot' and even those ships who's masters are familiar with the irregularities will be escorted in by pilot craft along a route that avoids populated areas. Because of these irregularities, only the most important of cargo is allowed to land in this manner even with a 'Harbor Pilot'. For all other cargo, a massive series of space stations take on and warehouse cargo from out system and then transfer them to local carriers who are more intimately familiar with the systems vagaries.
- The Aquilae Colony does maintain a pair of satellite colony facilities in nearby systems. The primary one being in 31 Aquilae some 6 lightyears away (49 lightyears away from Earth). 31 Aquilae or more colloquially called Maverick Main is a very metal rich system and plays host to over a dozen mining operations. The Main is protected and patrolled by the AFF. The secondary system is Omicron Aquilae otherwise known as the Lighthouse due to the helium pulsations of it's primary star. A modest military facility resides here and is the final destination for all newly aspiring AFF ship captains, as the voyage to the star is part of their final Astro-Navigation course.
- Being the first of the colony fleets launched her armed forces are made up largely of the older VF-1 and VF-4 aircraft. Although some of the VA/F-6 airframes reside within her MToE they are of the older C and F models which are closer in appearance to the original VF-X-6 Genia prototype. Due to the large and well equipped naval escort the colony fleet set sail with, as well as the fact that no local extra solar threats exist beyond the occasional rogue Zentraedi flotilla, the ADF (Aquilae Defense Forces) are well equipped and well trained. The ADF maintains a trio of well appointed shipyards within the system and their ship designers have already added four new ship classes into their fast growing fleet.
Aquilae Defense Forces
Patterned very closely after the original RDF, the ADF acts as a blanket organization that administers the two fighting arms and myriad support arms of the systems protectors. The two combat arms are the Fleet or AFF (Aquilaen Fleet Forces) which as the name suggests is in charge of the systems mobile units as well as the Colonies ability to project force; while the second combat arm, the Army or AAF (Aquilaen Armed Forces) is charged with the protection of all planet based facilities within the Colonies sphere of influence. The AAF are also the troops that would take and hold a planetary ground based target, however, while the AAF does train for such mission, they have not been called upon to conduct one since the colony's founding.
One the operational side, the core of the AFF consists of the Megaroad Class ship SDCV-1 Eagle. (Named after Apollo 11’s Lunar Module as well as the colony fleets intended destination. Aquilae.) This ship, while still fully functional, rests on the surface within an artificial lake and serves as a military base and training center.
Her largest escorts now serve as flagships for the AFF 1st Fleet and AFF 2nd Fleet respectively. Both craft are a pair of refurbished Nupetiet-Vergnitzs modified to house ‘micronian’ sized occupants. Also part of the colony fleets Zentraedi built escorts are a pair of Quiltra-Queleual Landing Ships, fourteen Thurvel-Salan Battleships, a quartet of Quiltra-Quelamitz Gunboats and ten Tou Redir Frigates. Supplementing this formidable array upon initial launch were forty Oberth Class Cruisers, ten ARMD Class Carriers, and twenty Yari Class Destroyers.
A pair of smaller fleets conduct picket and patrol duties. 3rd Fleet performs inter and intra-system patrol while the 4th Fleet pickets the system frontiers. Both 3rd and 4th Fleets serve as training grounds for midshipman and other ratings. With the outbreak of the 4th Robotech War, and the need to assist the UEEF repel the Haydonites from the Fantoma Sector, a new fleet has been created to cover foreign deployments. As such the 5th Fleet’s strength and shipping is variable as ships and small unit commands are rotated in and out as the situation dictates. Currently the 5th Fleet consists of fifty vessels serving among the UEEF, primarily in Karberra space.
- 1st Fleet
- SD-02: AFS Colossus (Flagship) Admiral Bradley Hakayama
- BB-10: AFS Kearsarge
- BB-11: AFS Australia
- BB-12: AFS Barnette
- BB-13: AFS Endurance
- DG-101: AFS Phalanx
- DG-102: AFS Gustav
- FG-201: AFS Shiloh
- FG-202: AFS Fort Wilderness
- FG-203: AFS Suisun Bay
- FG-204: AFS Bull Run
- CR-401 – 410:
- CVE-301 – 302:
- DD-501 – 505:
- 2nd Fleet
- SD-03: AFS Titan (Flagship) Vice Admiral Jill Hanton
- BB-14: AFS Shinjuku
- BB-15: AFS Delaware
- BB-16: AFS Bellicose
- BB-17: AFS Corsica
- DG-103: AFS Maxim
- DG-104: AFS Dora
- FG-205: AFS Easting
- FG-206: AFS Khe Sanh
- FG-207: AFS Sera
- FG-208: AFS Atria Island
- CR-411 – 420:
- CVE-303 – 304:
- DD-506 – 510:
The 1st and the 2nd Fleets rotate in and out of orbit over Aquilae ever six months. While ‘on patrol’ each fleet runs a random circuit between all major system holdings as well as those in nearby systems. Whichever fleet is stationed in orbit takes on the designation of Home Fleet and every six month, when the patrolling fleet returns, both engage in planetary attack and planetary defense exercises that last two weeks. These exercises are followed by Fleet Week as the returning fleet dispatches their Fleet Efficiency award winners to the surface to host the populace as part of the ADF’s public outreach.
ADF Major Commands
- AFC (Aquilae Fleet Command)
- ATC (Aquilae Training Command)
- AFA (Aquilae Fleet Academy)
- AFMMA (Aquilae Fleet Merchant Marine Academy)
- AAA (3A or Eagles Nest, or simply, the Nest) (Aquilae Aerospace Academy)
- AMA (Aquilae Military Academy)
- ALC (Aquilae Logistic Command)
- AMC (Aquilae Military Command)
- APC (Aquilae Personnel Command)
Aquilae Governmental Branches
- ACA (Aquilae Civil Administration) (Legislative)
- AGS (Aquilae General Staff) (Executive)
- JAG (Judge Advocate General) (Judicial)
- Origin: Megaroad 02
- Ethnic Majority: Indian (Hindu) / South African / Anglo
- Economy: Information / Industrial
- Wealth: Wealthy
- Population: 10,450,000
- Law Level: Overbearing
- Government: Theocracy
- Popularity: Fanatical
- Stability: Unrest
- Haven, to some yes, to others, no. Haven is a split world, split between those that support the majority Kalanite Revisionism, and those who don’t. Colonized under the same egalitarianism that all embarked UEG colony fleets espoused, the colonists of the 2nd Megaroad Fleet soon came upon hard times some years after planet fall. A series of tectonic events all but devastated the colony’s infrastructure and it was an ambitious missionary by the name of Kalan Phillips that was able to arrest the social despondency that followed. His leadership and affinity surprised even him and his popularity grew to cult-like status, so much so that the colonial leadership, paralyzed after the natural disaster, was never again able to regain their position of command.
- Haven supports three major cities, Kalan-upon-Maresk, Eastwick, and Sojatshire. Kalan-upon-Maresk and Eastwick, while modern in all respects maintain a neo-Tudor style of architecture. Sojatshire, on the other hand is a mish mash of run of the mill modernism and resurgent ancient Punjabi architecture.
- One overlarge military facility shares space with the planets spaceport and houses the world’s defense forces. Due to the early launch date of the Megaroad 2 fleet (2016) the majority of the mecha are of the older style RDF type and a friendly yet competitive rivalry exists between the Destroid and Veritech pilots.
- Sojetshire houses the majority of the industrial base of the world. This is both a blessing and a curse. While it ensures a level of autonomy and importance, the city is a grimy and dirty place, and the overwhelming presence of the 5th Templar Constabulary with their distinct dark green Tomahawk and Spartan Destroids maintain an imperious and watchful eye over the populace.
- High Commissioner Phillips’ theocratic rule over Haven mimics the colonial occupation of India during the early 1900’s in many ways, but, Kalan Phillips is no fool, while brutal and smitten with his own hype, he is meticulous and an excellent planner and adheres to the UEG charter just enough to avoid possible sanction and intervention. The fact that Haven produces high quality parts for mecha and spacecraft ensures that most of his regimes questionable behavior remains ignored. Rumor has it that a new style of Destroid, tentatively called the Paladin is being constructed, based on the vaunted Tomahawk, this new mecha is being touted as a amalgam of the T-Hawk and Defender all rolled into one 'Neat and Tidy' package.
- Origin: Megaroad 04
- Ethnic Majority: Chinese / Mongolian / Zentraedi
- Economy: Agricultural / Information
- Wealth: Average / Stable
- Population: 11,250,000
- Law Level: Overbearing
- Government: Republic
- Popularity: Unpopular
- Stability: Solid
- Edea is a relatively small colony, colonized in 2023 by the 4th Megaroad Fleet to leave Earth. As a farming colony the planet is well fed, but the lion’s share of the food produced had been funneled to Earth prior to the Masters invasion. With the arrival of the Invid the supply transports were instead sent to Tirol to supply the UEEF. Now, with the UEG back on Earth once more, the shipments have been ordered there. Outside of the numerous and expansive farms, the colony maintains a relay station for the UEG’s CCN (Colonial Communications Network).
Image Copyright Bungie
- The colony sports three major population centers (Baruun-Urt, Anshan, and Worroh Station) and a small outpost on the largest of the planets five moons. A large but austere monastery lies within the planets largest mountain range, the Laoshan Mountains. Two military facilities as well as a token orbital defense network protect the world.
- As a side note, the planets five moons are considered lucky by the ethnic Chinese inhabitants of Edea, and have been named after the Five Great Mountains; Tài Shān 泰山, Huà Shān 華山, Nan Heng Shān 衡山, Bei Heng Shān 恆山, and Song Shān 嵩山.
- The government is not exactly the most popular among the locals; however, no one can deny that they don’t keep things safe. The Police are fair, but quick to act, and when they do, it’s with decisive action. Due to the large percentage of Chinese and Zentraedi inhabitants, military service is lauded and considered an honorable and worthy profession, and those within the armed services see faster upward social mobility then their agrarian counterparts, this fact also explains some of the bitterness towards the colony leadership.
- Origin: Ishida Clan
- Ethnic Majority: Japanese.
- Economy: Agricultural / Commercial / Banking
- Wealth: Considerable
- Population: 315,000 est.
- Law Level: Lawful
- Government: Monarchy (Shogunate)
- Popularity: Popular
- Stability: Solid
The Ōkami Shogunate is located and the midway point between the Sol and Fantoma sector along the zero-zero course between the two. The system primary, Amaterasu, is a K1IV Class Orange Main Sequence star orbited by eight planets and two asteroid belts. Ōkami is a lush verdant blue green sphere with a vibrant and diverse biosphere. She is orbited by two small terrestrial moons and the derelict hulk's of two abandoned Robotech Masters mothership's (one found in situ, the other brought into orbit at a later date by Ōkami salvage crews. More on this below).
The colony has three primary focuses for its development. First and foremost is self sufficiency. Using a combination of cutting edge technology and age old traditionalism a neo-pastoralist agricultural scheme has been put into place to see to the needs of the settlement as well as produce enough for growth, and eventually it is hoped, export. This scheme also strives to work with nature, in keeping with the settlements shamanistic Shinto beliefs. Thus far this scheme has worked and worked well, the traditionalist citizens produce more then enough to support their settlements on the world and still have enough surplus to tithe to the Shogun. (Some of this is in turn redistributed back to the settlements that aren't doing as well as the others. While the rest is used to support the Shogunate as a whole.) This scheme follows along with traditionalist sensibilities and also gives the traditionalists an important role in the colonies development. For the lions share of food production, modern hydroponics facilities both on the surface and in orbit provide the bulk of Okami's foodstuffs.
The second and third legs of the stool focus on economics and resources. In terms of resources, rather than mining operation on the surface, the derelict Masters motherships are stripped for raw materials as well as anything useful left behind when they were abandoned. This dovetail’s into the economic focus as, Ōkami, being at the middling point between two sectors, is a natural logistics and banking terminus. To achieve this the Ishida Clan’s Red Seal Trading Company, and Ōkami Trust and Holdings generate a healthy and steady income.
Installations of Note:
Neuparszietsch 07, originally known as Qlispitsz (Utmost Accuracy), was the derelict Masters mothership already located in system at the time of colonization, a short time later Neuparszietsch 12, known as Buoquolin (Efficiency) an other derelict, was folded in by salvage crews and the area they occupy in orbit has been dubbed Yomi, after the ancient land of the dead of Shinto mythology. The salvage operations here are three fold. Secure resources for Ōkami Defense and Red Seal ships, removed and refurbish the massive hyperspace sensors as part of the Kagami Program, and remove and restore to functionality the massive on board factories. Thus far only the third phase has been completed with the factories now dispersed and churning out goods.
Named after the ancient Sacred Mirror of Amaterasu the program calls for the removal, refurbishment and operation of the hyperspace sensors from ‘Yomi’. The large horn like structures on all Masters motherships housed hyperspace sensors designed to detect and track fold jumps with a detection range of around 2 kiloparsecs (6,524ly). With Ōkami's position between the Sol and Fantoma sector, as well as the intent for the system to become a trade hub, the hyperspace sensors ability to detect Space Fold’s will be instrumental for system security and logistical traffic control. Once operational the facility will be known as the Kagami Array A companion to the Kagami Array will be Interdiction Field Generators designed to create Fold Faults with the ability to yank ships out of fold space. The Faults would be localized, on the order of a few light seconds in radius, and as such would have to be mounted to drones and deployed into the path of incoming ships like a ship-borne Counter Missile system writ large.
Locations of Note:
The Quiet Island, Ishida Suki’s private retreat. Located in the northern Haritaikai (Crystal Ocean) the island is 54 square kilometers in size with a small lake and waterfall. Facilities include Azuchini Palace, guest and staff housing, a marina and VTOL pad, horse stables, open air and indoor Onsen, dojo, and Shinto temple. A smattering of smaller Shinto shrines dot the island in places determined to house Kami. The island is at a high enough latitude to allow for snowfall.
This is the Capital City of Ōkami, located 15 miles inland from Seigyoko Bay. Nestled next to an inland lake which connects to Seigyoko Bay via the Unagi-gawa River, it is here that Ishida Castle rests, upon a hillock overlooking the lakefront. A series of institutions are planned for the future; these include the Hachiman Naval Academy, Ōkami Library, Hyobu Hakubutsukan (Military Museum), Budokan, and the Omikami Shrine.
First Landing, this location has been set aside as a monument to the first human’s to set foot on Ōkami. Nearby is the Tatsukaigan (Dragon Coast) which has also been set aside as a preserve with a portion to be used as a resort.
System Planets:
- 1: Asteroid belt
- 2: Hinotama: Terrestrial: Average: Average Gravity: Scalding: Weird Rotation, Rings, Craters: Normal Atmosphere: Badlands: Thin Biosphere (Ruins, 9 building complex)
- 3: Aiteko: Terrestrial: Small: Low Gravity: Temperate: Strange Orbit, Normal Atmosphere: Moist: Sparse Biosphere
- 4: Ōkami: Large: Average Gravity: Temperate: Moons (2),: Normal Atmosphere: Balanced: (Hunting)
- 5: Yukimari: Terrestrial: Average: Low Gravity: Cool: Normal Atmosphere: Balanced: Thin Biosphere (Mining)
- 6: Chinkitai: Gas Giant: Small: Punishing Gravity: Strange Orbit,
- 7: Keiken’in: Gas Giant: Average: Punishing Gravity: Moons (19):
- 8: Asteroid Belt
- 9: Waruitei: Asteroid: Enormous: High Gravity: Freezing: Weird Rotation: Tainted Atmosphere.
- 10: Chiisai-yarasu: Asteroid: Tiny: Miniscule Gravity: Cool: No Atmosphere.
Ōkami Shogunal Navy (OSN)
- Fleet Mandate:
- 1: The defense and security of the Okami Shogunate, its worlds, its peoples, and its holdings.
- 2: The protection and security of the Okami Shogunate's commerce and her merchant marine.
(More Pending)
Fantoma Sector
The constellation Crux (Latin for Cross), when viewed from Earth is made up a 5 major stars, Alpha Crucis (Acrux), Beta Crucis (Mimosa), Gamma Crucis (Gacrux), Epsilon Crucis, and Delta Crucis. Since the constellation is most easily seen from Earths southern hemisphere, the constellation is more commonly called the Southern Cross.
Within this constellation are other Deep Sky Objects such the Coalsack Nebula and Open Cluster NGC 4755, or Kappa Crucis; better known as the 'Jewel Box'. Not all elements of the Crux constellation rest at the same distance from Earth, Acrux , the closest, is but 64.22 Ly away. Delta Crucis is 360 Ly away, give or take. However, it is Kappa Crucis, the Jewel Box, wherein the Fantoma Sector rests.
Discovered by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1751, this Open Cluster is located 6,440 to 6,900 Ly from Earth and contains around 100 stars. (As a historical side note, at around the same time de Lacaille was discovering what is today known as the Fantoma Sector, the Robotech Empire had long since discovered Protoculture, defoliated Optera, perfected their cloning techniques, created the Zentraedi, and were already two centuries into a civil war with the Ci'Va (Disciples of Zor)).
The 'Jewel Box' as seen by the Hubble Telescope
Work In Progress (Fantoma Sector Map)
Fantoma Sector Map
Tirol is a held world by the Haydonites. The fight was long, bloody and brutal, with no quarter asked or given. Yet, the UEEF was not able to hold the world. The UEEF however was able to hold the line long enough for the majority of the civilian populace to be spirited away on what ever craft could carry them. Currently, what is known, is that the Haydonites occupy the world. But, despite their retreat, the UEEF left behind, or were forced to leave behind, forces to harass the Haydonite Occupation Forces. The units are spearheaded by the 15th ATAC under the command of Brigadier General Dana Sterling, her promotion to that rank one of the last official duties of the UEEF Civilian leadership before their evacuation. She, and her second, Colonel Angelo Dante, are tasked with paving the way for the UEEF's return. The 15th however walk the razors edge. Knowing of the failed, yet desired Haydonite plans for Earth, the 15th must not convince the Haydonites that it would be more expedient to obliterate the planet in an NS Strike. Based on the last reliable intelligence reports from the 15th, the Haydonites have blockaded the world and their occupation forces have secured the major population centers. There has been some reported activity upon the moons of Tirol, but the UEEF teams there have gone cold, their fate unknown.
Homeworld to the Karberran Hegemony and industrial powerhouse to the Sentinel Coalition, Karberra is a world besieged by the Haydonites. Unlike Tirol, Karberra had a potent orbital defense network to protect the valuable orbital refinery and shipyard facilities against future Invid attack. Despite near catastrophic losses and system failures due to Haydonite sabotage during the early days of the 4th Robotech War the Karberrans, alongside the UEEF forces stationed on the planet and in orbit rallied and a perimeter was secured. While many facilities were damaged, the majority of the shipbuilding infrastructure survived and with the Trinity Docks arrival after it's fold-in from Tirol, construction of defense craft and installations has proceeded unabated despite repeated Haydonite raids. As such, Karberra is the most heavily garrisoned and defended planet in the Sentinel Coalition. This Fortress World serves as the Headquarters of the UEEF as well as the Sentinel's Coalition forces.
Due to the Karberren's ursine nature, the majority of their cities and other dwellings are built into the worlds many mountain ranges, and have been able to weather the frequent Haydonite bombing sorties with relative ease. This, combined with the often severe and frequent blizzards curtails any concerted low level effort on the part of would be attackers; a lesson the Invid learned at no small cost, but were able to overcome with their all to familiar swarm tactics, a tactic the Haydonite, luckily, cannot, or are unwilling to, replicate. However, the Karberran Lowlands, situated around the equator enjoy a far milder climate and Haydonite landing parties have seen greater success in their efforts within this region. The UEEF has most of their forces stationed in the Lowlands due to the terrain being more forgiving to the less robust human's that comprise the bulk of her forces and clashes between Haydonite incursions are often swiftly and brutally rebuffed.
Five colonies comprise the other key Karberran holdings, being the largest and most entrenched, these worlds were able to survive the "Invid Holocaust" intact enough to warrant dedicated reconstruction after Karberra had been retaken. All five of these worlds are likewise under the Haydonite gun to some degree, and currently, outside of the slowly increasing supply runs to bolster their defenders, any concerted effort to secure, or retake these worlds will have to come after the Karberra System has been cleared of the enemy.
Karberra was one of the last worlds taken by the Invid host as it was not only a stronghold, but one of the worlds closer to the core of the Robotech Masters Empire. This of course only served to delay the inevitable. The fighting for Karberra was brutal, and extended, lasting two bloody years that saw millions of dead on both sides.
No Flowers of Life grow on Karberra (the climate is far to frigid) and the Karberrens did not make use of Protoculture. (A falling out with the Tirolian Intersteller Republic precipitated a trade embargo and the Karberrans turned back to the use of their Sekitan Ore, a fuel that the lucrative Monopole rights brokered with the Tirolians, had replaced, much to the benefit of Karberra's ecology.) However, after the Karberran test firing of the first Reflex Cannon, the newly renamed Robotech Empire unleashed their new Zentraedi Armies and in a relatively bloodless assault, subdued the world.
It was this Imperial Possession that the Invid attacked on their long march towards Tirol. After the bloody subjugation the Invid occupied the world and forced the sturdy and powerful Karberrans into slave labor. In order to quell any organized dissent the young of the world were effectively taken hostage in order to ensure Karberren obedience.
Once the UEEF arrived and committed their forces towards Karberra's liberation and secured the Concentration camps the Karberrans as one rose up and visited back upon the Invid their brutality a hundred fold; some records tell of Invid pilots being pried out of their mecha with mining tools to be then torn apart by the claws of their one time slaves. Such was the Karbarren vengeance that among the Regents Invid, the word Ka'bren is synonymous with 'demon'.
Eastern Expanse:
The eastern expanses are a region of space, aptly, to the east of the Cadastre Pretoria. During the days of the Old Republic this region served as the middling frontier and buffer zone between the Karberran Hegemony and the now extinct Volox Sysla. Considered unincorporated space, as opposed to the Principalities nearer the capital of Tirol, the area was extensively colonized during the old Mercantile Republic era.
While not nearly as prosperous, or populous, as the Principalities to the west, the Expanse was still home to incredibly successful colonies. These colonies flourished over the centuries of the Republics golden age. These colonies distance from the capitol allowed them a certain level of independence. This became a troubling issue as entire star systems made their own minds up regards Imperial Policy, and there were times where the opinions of the colony did not exactly fall in lock step with Tirol. Thus it was during the Great Schism that planets within the Eastern Expanses took sides. Initially this was not a burden as sanctions, and proximity to the most contentious fighting taking place parsecs away, maintained control and normalcy, but with time the extended conflict between Imperial Loyalists and the Disciples of Zor saw this area host to terrible warfare and destruction; once thriving colonies were wiped from existence, while others died a slow death as trade route disruption isolated them. Fewer still survived the Invid onslaught.
With the arrival of the UEEF and the defeat of the Invid, the surviving colonies felt the pressure and real fear of total annihilation lift after centuries of warfare. For the two decades that followed, colonies rebuilt, while other were reestablished as settlements built near the ruins of previous metropolises. Piracy was always a real concern and with the return of colonies so to, did the darker elements; although the newly arrived UEEF did a decent job of keeping them in check. With the eruption of the 4th Robotech War the situation in the Eastern Expanses turned tenuous once again as both UEEF and Haydonite forces sought outposts and fleet anchorages to support their war machines.
Many fledgling colonies were obliterated in the Haydonite crusade against Protoculture while others were used to bolster Haydonite slave labor. By and large the UEEF avoided establishing bases on colony worlds, and with so many planets devoid of settlement, this did not unduly impact their war effort. With the end of the 4th Robotech War reconstruction began anew on a local level as the newly formed Sentinels Confederation focused their resources on Tirol and the larger Cadastre and Sentinel worlds. This allowed other factions to gain preeminence as once defunct major Houses of the old Masters Empire either reclaimed ancestral territory or claimed new territory to begin anew.
More to Come!
Human Population
Based on best estimates, the Human Diaspora of 2044 consists of a paltry 750 million individuals. (Including Earth, the Sol System and her colonies). Even with the cloning programs instituted after the 2012 Rain of Fire the human race has not had the interbellum years necessary to significantly increase their population. Even with their Zentraedi and Tirolian allies, the estimated UEG / UEEF population tops out at around 1.2 billion. (Roughly equal to the world population circa 1800).
This fact of life has prompted a shift in culture. Abortion is outlawed, since the species needs every available member. An unwanted child can be handed over to the state and is then raised, given training and employed by the state until their 32nd birthday. (This number is not arbitrary, High School for the UEG / UEEF ends at age 16, the remaining 16 years is considered restitution for 'services rendered' associated with raising the child.) The crèche born are primarily employed in support and administration positions but many volunteer for military duty. Women are not compelled, but are encouraged, to bear two or so children to help the population along. The mother may opt to raise the child with her family or may turn the child over at birth to the crèche.
The Praxians are one of the other races that have begun to engage in breeding programs, and the sight of Praxian Breeders intermingling with Human, Zentraedi and Tirolians, has become more frequent. These women are as well trained in the combat arts as their sisters except, their mission is to bring back new gene stock to increase the genetic diversity among their people. Since the method in which this gene stock is acquired is generally pleasant, most within the UEEF welcome their presence.
The Tirolian’s having vast experience with cloning have returned to the old ways and their cloning programs exceed the UEG / UEEF’s in terms of technology and experience. This along with the relatively new concept of natural childbirth puts the Tiresians well onto the path to rebuild their own eviscerated population.
While these new cultural mores, as well as the general lack of other forms of entertainment in deep space, promote intercourse, sex crimes are dealt with very harshly, and since the UEG / UEEF is already engaged in social engineering to rebuild the population, deviant actors such as rapists are generally put to death rather than to waste the resources needed to incarcerate them, the general consensus being, with the population so low, the less bad apples the better. Only recently have a few pilot programs pursuing reprogramming and other forms of ‘rehabilitation’ been implemented, most of which employ a derivative of reverse engineered neuro-sensor technology once used by the Robotech Masters.
Bounty Land Warrants
Bounty-Land Warrants for Military Service, Act of 2013. Addendum to the Gloval-Moran Reconstruction and Colonization Act of 2015.
Warrants for service were issued under the acts of July 9, 2013, March 3, 2015, and subsequent acts of April 15, 2022 and December 19, 2044.
The 2015 (and subsequent) act(s) give free land in the public domain to officers and soldiers who serve their full enlistment, or, if they were killed in the line of duty, to their representatives or heirs. The resolution provides that an E-1 to E-9 be entitled to 640 acres of bounty land, an O-1 ensign to 775 acres, an O-2 lieutenant to 975 acres, an O-3 captain to 1,075 acres, an O-4 major to 1,175 acres, an O-5 lieutenant colonel to 1,275 acres, an O-6 colonel to 1,375 acres, an O-7 brigadier general to 1,500 acres, and an O-8 major general to 2,000 acres if the registered land resides upon Earth.
If the land registered resides upon a world other then Earth then the amount of free land conferred will be, to an E-1 to E-9, 64,000 acres, an O-1 ensign to 256,000 acres, an O-2 lieutenant to 1,024,000 acres, an O-3 captain to 2,304,000 acres, an O-4 major to 4,096,000 acres, an O-5 lieutenant colonel to 6,400,000 acres, an O-6 colonel to 9,216,000 acres, an O-7 brigadier general to 14,400,000 acres, and an O-8 major general to 25,600,000 acres.
- This land will revert to the issuing entity if said land has not had built upon it a homestead and has not in addition, been improved within two years of issuance.
- This land is available to UEEF Personnel who enlist or reenlist within 6 months of the most recent Land Act issuance. (Most recent issuance is December 19th 2044. Deadline to participate in the Bounty Land Act of 2044 is July 19th 2045.)
- Prior enlistees that wish to participate in the Bounty Land Act of 2044 may do so however participation requires the applicants enlistment to reset. (example, if a Marine enlisted in 2040 on a 4 year enlistment, participation in the Land Act program would renew his enlistment until 2048.)
- This land will be issued upon completion of a full tour of duty, or may be issued early to those enlisting for extended periods, (8 to 12 year enlistments).
- This land will be forfeit if enlistment is cut short due to UCMJ action resulting in a dishonorable discharge.
Currency of the Fantoma Sector
Robotech Masters Mercantile Republic
Currency for the Masters Mercantile Empire was and still is based on a 'Gold Standard' that is to say, the coinage has intrinsic value. It is worth a certain amount because the materiel used in it's minting is worth a certain amount. There are many other currencies, but the Mercantile Republic currency has been in use for eons and is, despite the fall of the Masters Empire, stable, trusted, and widespread. It should be noted that the denominations are not divisible by three as this form of currency predates the 'Significance of Three'. It's is one, if not the only institutionalized departures form the 'Significance of Three' to survive antiquity.
Name |
Metal |
Value |
Aureus |
Gold |
500 ₢ |
Quinarius Aureus |
Gold |
100 ₢ |
Denari |
Silver |
50 ₢ |
Quinarius Denarius |
Silver |
10 ₢ |
Sestertius |
Silvered Bronze |
5 ₢ |
Dupondius |
Silvered Bronze |
2 ₢ |
Assis |
Bronze |
1 ₢ |
Semis |
Bronze |
.5 ₢ |
Quadrans |
Bronze |
.25 ₢ |
Marine Commanded Warships
Ship command has been the purview of the Navy / Fleet since time immemorial. However, in the space age and its unique tactical environment, the ability and facility for Marines to command warships is possible.
In previous eras the Marines maintained their own armored forces and aviation elements, operating from warships, but never operating the warships themselves. The next logical step would be to put a Marine officer, specially trained, in command of a ship that Marines operate from or would be supported by.
Marine Commanded Warship's would be utilized in a more focused manner then their Fleet sisters. These primary functions would be; Amphibious Support (in this context, Amphibious means space to surface operations), Boarding Actions (against both space stations and spacecraft), and contributing to the self sufficiency of a MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) within a larger Fleet formation. Other duties such as Piracy Interdiction as well as participation in Fleet actions as part of the Line could be undertaken by Marine warship if needed.
Marine Warships would be limited in size to Destroyer (DD), Frigate (FG) and Corvette (K) sized hulls. The need for larger proprietary vessels would simply not be necessary, or desired, with the single exception of the Landing Ship Heavy (LSH). Since the Marines would be relegated by and large to ‘Tin Can’s’ or smaller vessels, Fleet purists were more willing to accept the proposed changes to their hereditary fief; although a healthy rivalry will no doubt exist between Fleet and Marine ship masters.
- Designations for such warships would carry the Marine qualifier.
- Destroyer-Marine (DD/M)
- Frigate-Marine (FG/M)
- Corvette-Marine (K/M)
- Landing Ship Heavy-Marine (LSH/M)
The smaller sized ship hulls (including the LSH/M by design) are normally those that can be handled and expected to operate within an atmosphere. While larger ships can indeed enter and exit a gravity-well, they are limited to take off and landing with little to no maneuver ability. The lighter vessels of the Destroyer, Frigate, and Corvette class would be able to maneuver in a far more agile manner. This ability to operate comfortably within a gravity-well in direct support of Marine ground forces would be of immeasurable value, this force multiplier would be further enhanced by having a ship master that understands the idiosyncrasies and requirements unique to Marines.
Design doctrine for Marine Warship would favor heavier armor and shielding, stronger engines, a lower missile payload and a preference for shorter range weaponry designed for ground support and boarding ‘knife fights’ rather than traditional ship to ship combat at standoff ranges. Hanger space for drop ships and ground support mecha would also be included with the requirement being the ability to offload the entire GCE (Ground Combat Element) carried in one trip. This can be any combination of drop pods, hanger space, or drop bay’s which take advantage of a ships ability to soft land and debark it’s troops in a RO-RO (Roll On-Roll Off) capacity much like the old UEDF Beachmaster SLV’s
Training doctrine for perspective commanders would keep the same ship handling and management curricula that the Fleet courses contain, and, for ease of logistics, Marine Command Candidates would attend Fleet courses for all overlapping disciplines. Marine specific courses (which could be attend by Fleet personnel if they so desired) would cover advanced tactics on Boarding Operations and Amphibious Attack, as well as advanced ship handling within atmosphere, gravity wells and in tight terrain (terrestrial as well as close proximity to other ships / orbital’s).
New ASC Equipment
MiM-39 Nalat
Built to replace (surviving) stocks of F-110 Falcon II's and F/A-109 Sylphid Fighters and supplement existing stocks of SV-52's the Nalat (Demon) is a rugged all weather interceptor designed for optimal maneuverability inside an atmosphere. (This aircraft cannot be used in space. However with it's high service ceiling it is capable of launching ASAT (Anti-Satellite) and ACAP (Anti-Capital Ship) missiles into orbit.) Utilizing the best features found in older non variable craft the Nalat has STOL and rough field capabilities. Moreover, it is incredibly easy to maintain, produce and does not rely on Protoculture to power.
Image Copyright Tom Clancy's End War
- Class: All Weather Non-Variable Multi-Role Fighter
- Crew: One (A and C variants) or Two (B, T, and H variants)
- MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 300
- Wings (2): 185
- Engines (2): 150
- Tail (2): 125
- Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 100
- Speed: Up to Mach 4.3 (3,290 mph)
- Length: 52 ft
- Wingspan: 40 ft
- Combat Radius: 1,050 miles
- Ferry Radius: 3,500 miles with external tanks.
Weapon Systems:
- GSh-30-5A2 (30mm) Cannon:
- Range: 6,000ft
- Damage: 3D8x10 for a 60 round burst
- Payload: 2400 rounds (40 bursts)
- Underwing Hardpoints: (6)
- Payload: Up to 3000 pounds of Air to Air or Air to Ground ordinance each.
- Underbelly Hardpoints: (2)
- Payload: Up to 3,500 pounds of fuel or ordinance each (ASAT or ACAP missiles are carried underbelly only. Up to 4 may be carried)
- Wingtip Rails: (2)
- Payload: A single Medium range Air to Air missile each.
- Regardless of what each hard-point is capable of carrying by itself, the aircraft can only handle 20,000 pounds in total spread between them.
AH-77 Achilles
The Achilles is an amalgam of the old AH-68 Comanchero, Mil-28 Havoc and the Denel AH-2 Rooivalk. This flying tank has been designed for patrol and assault duties within an atmosphere and work very well with the few VHF-10 Ajax squadrons still used by the ASC. Heavily armed and armored the airframe can take considerable punishment and the pilot and gunner sit in a gunner-forward configuration within an armored 'bathtub'. With the Invid Regess fled, full scale production of this attack chopper has been sped up in anticipation to prolonged conflicts with Invid holdouts, and their human sympathizers. Abandoning the transformation mechanisms found on the Ajax the Achilles is able to carry a incredible payload into battle and it's loiter time is considerable, more so if a slimmed down more focused payload is carried. The Achilles is also rather fast for a helicopter so armored, and while unable to match a Invid Scout for raw speed, it is more the capable of outperforming Invid Shock-Troopers in the air, as well as holding their own against a Royal Command Battloid at the lower altitudes. However the Achilles' lack of protoculture engines and it's long hitting range mitigates it's speed deficiency. Of course the Achilles does have it's 'heel', in that, like all UEEF / ASC mecha, once it's long range fire power is expended, it can be easily drowned under by the Invid's preferred swarm attacks.
Image Copyright Exizt (
- Class: All Weather Non-Variable Multi-Role Fighter
- Crew: One (A and C variants) or Two (B, T, and H variants)
- MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 450
- Rotors (6): 75
- Rotor Mast: 95
- Engines (2): 225
- Tail: 125
- Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 175
- Speed: 310 mph
- Length: 51 ft
- Rotor Diameter: 51 ft
- Combat Radius: 550 miles
- Ferry Radius: 1,800 miles with external tanks.
Weapon Systems:
- M-250 (30mm) Chaingun:
- Range: 9,000ft
- Damage: 3D6x10 for a 40 round burst
- Payload: 2200 rounds (30mm HEDP) (55 bursts)
- Underwing Hardpoints: (8)
- Payload: 10 Short Range Missiles (5 per HP), 32 Mini Missiles (18 per HP), 1 External Tank (1 per HP), and 48 unguided rockets (24 per HP). Or any combination of the above.
- Note: The Unguided rockets have a maximum effective range of 5 miles but can hit out to 6.5 miles at a -4 to strike.
SV-52 Gamal
Image Copyright Shoji Kawamori/Studio Nue
- Class: All-Weather, Variable Aerospace Multirole Fighter.
- Crew: One or Two
MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 480
- Wings (2): 250
- Arms: 175
- Legs: 300
- Head: 150
- Canards (2): 75
- Tail (2): 90
- Gun Pod: 150
- Speed: Up to Mach 5.62 at 45,000ft
- Length (Fighter Mode): 75.2 ft
- Height (Battloid Mode): 71 ft
Weapon Systems:
- GSh-231 12.7mm Mini-gun: (2)
- Range: 5,500ft
- Damage: 2D4x10+5 per 10 round burst (4D4x10+10 if fire-linked)
- Payload: 200 rounds (20 Bursts)
- Note: May be used all modes. (Fixed forward in Fighter and GERWALK mode, hip mounted in Battloid mode.)
- GSh-371 (GU-11 Variant) Gunpod:
- Range: 5,000ft (GU-11, or GSh-371)
- Damage: 4D6+2x10 (GU-11, or GSh-371) per ten round burst.
- Payload: 250 (GU-11) or 120 (GSh-371)
- Underwing Hardpoints: (6)
- Range: As per carried ordinance
- Damage: As per carried ordinance
Used by:
- ASC Tactical Airforce
- 234th Air Combat Wing
- 7th Air Combat Wing
- 105th Squadron "Scorpions"
- ASC Tactical Armored Space Corps
- 317th Aerospace Attack Wing
- 601st Guard Regiment