- UEEF Ships / Hayes Class
- UEEF Ships / Trebuchet Class
- Karberran Ships
- Praxian Ships
- Sentinel Ships
- Civilian / Colonial Ships
- Old Masters Empire Ships
Hayes Class Destroyer
The Hayes Class destroyer was an interim design that was designed to replace the Garfish as a fast attack vessel. However the Garfish's utility as a pocket carrier kept that design from being decommissioned. The Hayes Class DD is a fine ship, and is generally recognized as the precursor to the more capable Shimikaze Class Battlecruisers. While earlier models had a integral fold drive, those being built after the Haydonite attack on Space Station Liberty will have to do without. As the US Navy did in WWII, the UEEF must do now, namely, 'build as many ships as fast as possible as cheap as possible.' This is not to say the Hayes Class is flawed or substandard, far from it, it is just that expensive features such as Fold Drives and certain amenities for the crew have been omitted in order to ease and speed production. Like the 'Tin Can's' of the Pacific, the Hayes Class is spartan, and built to do one thing well, to fight.
- Model Type: Hayes Class Fast Attack Destroyer
- Class: SDD Super Dimensional Destroyer
- Ships Complement: 45
- Mecha Pilots: 12
- MDC By Location
- Forward Hull Section: 14,500
- Aft Hull Section: 15,500
- Launch Bay: 900
- Heavy Particle Beam Turret: 1000
- Particle Beam Turrets (2): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (20): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (3): 700 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (6): 350 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 3000 each
- Atmosphere: 400mph
- Space: .25 Light Speed
- Maximum Range: Limited by ships stores, usually 3 to 5 months.
- Fold Drive: 10 lyph (60 Parsec range before Fold Drive needs to cool off.)
- Length: 675 ft
- Beam: 190 ft
- Height: 120 ft
- Weight: 64,000 tons
Mecha Compliment
- 6 Legios Alpha/Beta Fighters
- 2 Spider Bug
- 2 Rabbit Shuttles
Weapon Systems:
- HPC-440 Siege Cannon
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 2D4x100 per Barrel. 4D4x100 for two barrels and 6D4x100 for all three.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HPC-240 Double Barreled Cannons (2)
- Range: 62,137 Miles
- Damage: 1D4x100 per Barrel, 2D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HM-6 Heavy Missile Launchers (6)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 6 at a time
- Payload: 6 plus 36 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (20)
- Range: 310 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Trebuchet Class Dreadnought
The Trebuchet is a dedicated space artillery platform. Much like an A-10 Warthog, the Trebuchet is built around a massive gun, in this case, one of the Anti-Ship Super Particle Cannons used aboard the Nepetiet-Vergnitzs Flagships. Due to the slow turning speed of this ship, eight Rail cannons such as the ones mounted on the old SDF-1 have been added to dissuade any would be aggressor from attacking the ships flanks. The Rail Cannons also use projectile weaponry so that more of the ships energy can be directed to the massive spinal mounted cannon and the Pin Point Barrier system. The ship also carries a healthy amount of mecha, most of which is used for self defense, with never more then 1/3 the total fighter compliment detached for other fleet duties. The Trebuchet is designed to engage the enemy at standoff range and batter their advance. Standard operating procedure is to keep the Trebuchet at least 30,000 miles away from any enemy capital ships. This is sometimes hard to achieve, hence the large CAP and numerous point defense arrays. This class of ship is also never deployed alone, and always has a minimum of 6 other craft dedicated to it's defense.
Jokingly referred to as a Poor-Man's SDF these ships use 'off the shelf parts' and plug and play modules from existing UEEF ships of the line. Thus far, less then a handful have been hurriedly built at various Karbarren space yards. The few ships that have been constructed have been added to the already formidable defense net over Karbarra, and their crews eagerly await the day when they might take their ships on the offensive.
- Model Type: Trebuchet Class Siege/Artillery Ship
- Class: SDR Super Dimensional Dreadnought
- Ships Complement: 480
- Mecha Pilots: 250 Combat Ready, 150 in Reserve
- Troops: 500
- MDC By Location
- Upper Hull Section (2) : 30,500
- Lower Hull Section: 32,000
- Launch Bay (2) : 1,200
- Main Reflex Cannon: 2,000
- Heavy Rail Cannon (8): 750
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (68): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (4): 1,500 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (12): 350 each
- Pin Point Barrier (4): 5000 each
- Atmosphere: N/A
- Space: .10 Light Speed
- Maximum Range: Limited by ships stores, usually 4 to 6 months.
- Fold Drive: 10 lyph (90 Parsec range before Fold Drive needs to cool off.).
- Length: 2,640 ft
- Beam: 875 ft
- Height: 790 ft
- Weight: 1,855,000 tons
Mecha Compliment:
- 200 Alpha Fighters of various types
- 100 Beta Fighters of various types.
- 100 Battloids/Destroids of various types.
- 500 Cyclones of Various types.
- 20 Spider Bug
- 20 Rabbit Shuttles
Weapon Systems:
- KB-004-Z Reflex Cannon
- Range: 300,000 Miles
- Damage: 4D4x1000
- Rate of Fire: Once per melee round.
- HRC-310 Double Barreled Cannons (8)
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 2D8x100
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HM-6 Heavy Missile Launchers (10)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 6 at a time
- Payload: 6 per launcher plus 960 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (68)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Karberran Ships
- The ships of the Karberran Hegemony reflect the Karberren culture and mindset; tough, powerful, and utilitarian. As a space faring race, one so even before contact with the Robotech Masters Empire the various classes of ship used by the Karberran people are legion, however five primary ships of the line are used by the KDF (Karberran Defense Forces) as dedicated Ships-of-the-Line. These newer classes of ships have been built using the UEEF as a inspiration, thus the ships are angular and maintain a structural configuration in line with UEEF designs.
Ship Type and Class
- Dakhath Class Battleship: UEEF Designation: Kodiak
- Kabaka Class Cruiser: UEEF Designation: Grizzly
- Jak-tu Class Destroyer: UEEF Designation: Kuma
- Koractu Class Frigate: UEEF Designation: Bruin
- Vorshak Class Frigate: UEEF Designation: Paddington
Dakhath Class Battleship
- Simple, robust and deadly, the Dakhath mounts a single spinal mounted Reflex Cannon along with a myriad of smaller armament covering all arcs. These ships form the center of attack squadrons and are designed for up close and personal combat, as well as large formation fighting, much like Zentraedi warships. There is little subtlety involved with these massive ships, they are as their shape suggests, the proverbial brick through the plate glass window.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Dakhath (Kodiak)
- Class: BB Battleship
- Ships Complement: 1,800
- Mecha Pilots: 1,000
- Troops: 750
MDC By Location:
- Forward Hull Section: 48,500
- Aft Hull Section: 40,000
- Launch Bay (4): 1200
- Heavy Particle Beam Turret (12): 1000
- Particle Beam Turrets (16): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (60): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (2): 7500 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (6): 3000 each
- Pin Point Barrier (6): 4000 each
- Reflex Cannon Aperture: 5500
- Length: 1800 m
Weapon Systems:
- KvB-099-R Reflex Cannon
- Range: 300,000 Miles
- Damage: 4D10x1000
- Rate of Fire: Once every other melee round.
- KvPC-11 Particle Beam Cannon (12)
- Range: 62,137 Miles
- Damage: 2D4x100 per Barrel. 4D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- KvPC-24 Double Barreled Cannons (16)
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 1D4x100 per Barrel, 2D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HM-6 Heavy Missile Launchers (8)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 6 at a time
- Payload: 12 plus 120 (960 total) Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (60)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Kabaku Class Cruiser
- The Kabaku ships has been called the Karberran Shimikaze. While not as streamlined as the UEEF craft, the Kabaku is none-the-less a versatile and potent design. Carrying the same amount of fighters and troops, the Kabaku however does not mount a Reflex Cannon. To make up for that the Kabaku mounts two massive Rail Cannons which give the ship a very potent long range direct fire capability without having to point the nose of the ship at it's target.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Kabaka (Grizzly)
- Class: CG Cruiser
- Ships Complement: 870
- Mecha Pilots: 40
- Troops: 200
MDC By Location:
- Forward Hull Section: 23,500
- Aft Hull Section: 21,000
- Launch Bay (1): 1200
- Heavy Rail Cannon Turret (2): 1000
- Particle Beam Turrets (16): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (30): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (4): 2500 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (4): 800 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 4000 each
- Length: 620 m
Weapon Systems:
- KvRRG-5 Heavy Rail Cannon (2)
- Range: 32,000 Miles
- Damage: 2D8x100 per Barrel. 4D8x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- KvPC-24 Double Barreled Cannons (16)
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 1D4x100 per Barrel, 2D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HM-6 Heavy Missile Launchers (2)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 5 at a time
- Payload: 10 plus 100 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (30)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Jahk-tu Class Destroyer
- Essentially a gun with an engine, the Jahk-tu is one of the smallest ships to mount a Reflex Cannon, so much so that the crew areas of the ship must be housed in outriggers and areas away from the main hull to accommodate the massive radiators and cooling systems needed for safe firing.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Jahk-tu (Kuma)
- Class: DG Destroyer
- Ships Complement: 570
- Mecha Pilots: 20
- Troops: 50
MDC By Location:
- Forward Hull Section: 29,500
- Aft Hull Section: 35,000
- Weapons Outrigger: 9500
- Command Boom: 10,000
- Launch Bay (1): 900
- Heavy Rail Cannon Turret (2): 1000
- Reflex Cannon Aperture: 950
- Missile Batteries (2): 750
- Particle Beam Turrets (10): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (30): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (2): 4500 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (4): 1800 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 4000 each
- Length: 920 m
Weapon Systems:
- Kv65-R Medium Reflex Cannon
- Range: 200,000 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x1000
- Rate of Fire: Once per melee round.
- KvRRG-5 Heavy Rail Cannon (2)
- Range: 32,000 Miles
- Damage: 2D8x100 per Barrel. 4D8x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- KvPC-44 Double Barreled Cannons (10)
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 1D4x100 per Barrel, 2D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HVL-3bis Heavy Missile Launchers (2)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 6 at a time
- Payload: 16 ready to fire plus 400 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (30)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Koractu Class Frigate
- The smaller Koractu is a multipurpose Frigate inspired by the UEEF Garfish. Able to mount mission specific modules underneath and between it's twin outer hulls the Koractu can fulfill most if not all mission profiles from Search and Rescue to Planetary Bombardment. On board craft are housed and launch out of a hanger bay to the rear of the central hull.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Koractu (Bruin)
- Class: FG Frigate
- Ships Complement: 60
- Mecha Pilots: 25
- Troops: 200
MDC By Location:
- Central Hull Section: 9,500
- Outer Hull Section: 11,000
- Launch Bay (1): 1200
- Ventral Mounting Bracket: 350
- Heavy Particle Beam Turret: 450
- Particle Beam Turrets (2): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (20): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (2): 1500 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (4): 800 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 2000 each
- Length: 220 m
Weapon Systems:
- KvHPC-77 Heavy Particle Beam Turret (1)
- Range: 62,137 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x100 per barrel, 4D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack.
- KvPC-44 Double Barreled Cannons (2)
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 1D4x100 per Barrel, 2D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HM-2 Heavy Missile Launchers (2)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1, 2 or 4 at a time
- Payload: 4 ready to fire plus 96 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (20)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Vorshak Class Frigate
- The Vorshak Frigates are capable picket craft but truly shine in their role as a skirmisher. Incredibly fast and armored for their size, these craft are designed to enter an enemy formation and wreak havoc with pinpoint strikes to engines, command citadels, and other vulnerable targets as well as to sow general chaos and or assault specific targets within that formation.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Vorshak (Paddington)
- Class: FG Frigate
- Ships Complement: 45
- Mecha Pilots: 12
- Troops: 50
MDC By Location:
- Central Hull Section: 5,500
- Outer Hull Section: 7,000
- Heavy Particle Beam Turret: 450
- Particle Beam Turrets: 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (12): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (6): 900 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (6): 600 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 500 each
- Length: 200 m
Weapon Systems:
- KvHPC-77 Heavy Particle Beam Turret (1)
- Range: 186,411 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x100 per barrel, 4D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack.
- KvPC-44 Double Barreled Cannons (1)
- Range: 62,137 Miles
- Damage: 1D4x100 per Barrel, 2D4x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- HM-2 Heavy Missile Launchers (2)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 or 2 at a time
- Payload: 2 ready to fire plus 48 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (12)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Other Karberran Ships
Ursa Class Battlecrusier (BC)
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Bergman Class Heavy Cruiser (CH)
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MacFarlane Class Destroyer (DD)
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
Andarta Class Frigate (FG)
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Praxian Ships
The newest addition to the combat capable space faring races within the Fantoma Sector; the proud Praxians are eager to test there mettle against the Haydonite, or any other foe. Thanks in large part to efforts of Admiral and then Ambassador Lisa Hayes, the needed support was gathered and delivered to a grateful Praxian Navy. Thus far only three ship classes have slipped their moorings, The Nike Class Escort Carrier, the Eris Class Destroyer and the Artemis Class Frigate. However the rumor mill speaks of a larger, Capital or Super Capital Class ship, tentatively slated as the Athene Class, that will serve as the Empresses Flagship. Within the hierarchy of the Praxian Navy, the rank structure is similar but still culturally unique.
- Praxian Naval Hierarchy
- Trierarchos ("commander of trireme") — CO
- Kybernetes — XO
- Keleustes ("command") — responsible for the training and morale of the crew
- Pentecontarchos ("commander of fifty") — administration officer
- Prorates ("prow") — bow officer, responsible for keeping a sharp lookout (Sensor Operations)
- Thranites ("bench") — Senior NCO's
- Zygites ("rowing-bench") — Engineering and Junior NCO's
- Thalamites ("inner chamber") — Enlisted Crew-women
Nike Class Escort Carrier
- The Nike (Pronounced Nee-kay) class Escort Carriers, named after the goddess of Victory, are small, compact, yet nimble. A proud people, the Praxians have long desired to make their names heard within the interstellar community and have, to that end, with generous UEEF support and funding been able to create the Nike Class as a way to project their presence into the Fantoma Sector as well as to avoid having to be carried around by allied ships. Mounting a sacred anti-gravity module under the keel these ships are fully capable of trans-atmospheric operations.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Nike (Victory)
- Class: CVE Escort Carrier
- Ships Complement: 850
- Mecha Pilots: 48 to 60 depending on mecha compliment.
- Troops: 40
- Mecha Compliment: 24-36 Fighters (Usually modified Gnerls, or VF/A-6Z Alpha's)
MDC By Location:
- Forward Hull Section: 6,000
- Amidships Hull Section: 7,500
- Aft Hull Section: 7,500
- Particle Beam Turret (2): 450
- Rail Gun Turrets (2): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (14): 125 each
- Main Thrusters (2): 1000 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (4): 600 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 3000 each
- Length: 350 m
Mecha Compliment
- 24 Modified Gnerl (two seater) or
- 36 VF/A-6 Alpha
- 4 Spider Bug
- 4 Rabbit Shuttle
Weapon Systems:
- HPC-P4 Particle Beam Turret (2)
- Range: 62,100 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x100 per barrel, 4D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack.
- LRRG-P5 Rail Cannon (1)
- Range: 17,000 Miles
- Damage: 1D6x100 per Barrel, 2D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (12)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Eris Class Destroyer
- The Eris Class destroyers utilize the same basic layout of the Nike but instead of a flight deck the forward section is heavily armored with a ram prow and mounts two devastating Beam Cannons. Like their oar driven ships of antiquity the Eris sport painted on eyes. These ostensibly allow the ship to better ‘see’ its intended prey. These ships also mount a sacred anti-gravity module under the keel, allowing these ships full trans-atmospheric capability. This ship class is the most numerous within the fledgling Praxian Fleet.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Eris (Shrike)
- Class: DD Destroyer
- Ships Complement: 550
- Mecha Pilots: 18
- Troops: 60
MDC By Location:
- Forward Hull Section: 8,000
- Ram Prow: 10,000
- Amidships Hull Section: 7,500
- Aft Hull Section: 7,500
- Heavy Beam Turret (2): 650
- Deck Turrets (2): 300
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (14): 125 each
- Missile Launchers (2) 350 each
- Main Thrusters (2): 1000 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (4): 600 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 3000 each
- Length: 265 m
Mecha Compliment
- 6 Modified Q-Rau
- 2 Spider Bug
- 2 Rabbit Shuttle
Weapon Systems:
- Ram Prow
- Damage: 2D10x100
- Note: To set up a ramming attack will take 30 seconds.
- HPC-P1 Beam Cannon (2)
- Range: 124,200 Miles
- Damage: 4D6x100 per barrel, 8D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack.
- LPC-P3 Plasma Turrets (2)
- Range: 21,000 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x100 per Barrel, 4D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- PX-1 Heavy Missile Launchers (2)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 6 at a time
- Payload: 2 plus 24 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (12)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Artemis Class Frigate
- The Artemis Class ships are the smallest yet fastest class of ship in the Praxian Navy. Designed as skirmishers the lion’s share of their weaponry is forward facing. In large fleet actions these ship plunge headlong into the enemy formation and attack engine clusters and other vital point as well as break up enemy formations. These ships also mount a sacred anti-gravity module under the keel, allowing these ships full trans-atmospheric capability.
Image Copyright Sega / Infinite Space
- Model Type: Artemis (Hunter)
- Class: FG Frigate
- Ships Complement: 185
- Mecha Pilots: 0
- Troops: 30
MDC By Location:
- Forward Hull Section: 6,000
- Amidships Hull Section: 7,000
- Aft Hull Section: 7,500
- Retractable Anti-Ship Lasers (14): 125 each
- Missile Launchers (4) 350 each
- Main Thrusters (2): 1000 each
- Maneuvering Thruster (8): 600 each
- Pin Point Barrier (3): 3000 each
- Length: 175 m
Weapon Systems:
- MPC-P8 Beam Cannon (4)
- Range: 62,137 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x100 per barrel, 4D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack.
- LPC-P3 Plasma Turrets (6)
- Range: 21,000 Miles
- Damage: 2D6x100 per Barrel, 4D6x100 for both barrels.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- PX-1 Heavy Missile Launchers (4)
- Range: Varies with Missile Type
- Damage: Varies with Missile Type
- Rate of Fire: 1 2, 4, or 6 at a time
- Payload: 4 plus 96 Long Range Missiles.
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (12)
- Range: 310 Miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Tiresian Aerospace Fighter
Swift, compact and deadly, these non-transformable fighter craft form(ed) the bulk of the current Tiresian (as well as the old Tirolian Mercantile Republic) aerospace forces.
- Model Type: Roil-Triarii (Shrike)
- Class: Aerospace Fighter
- Crew: 1 or 2
MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 350
- Thrusters (3): 175 each
- Sensor Array: 100
- Particle Gun turrets (2): 85
- Antennae (3): 25 each
- Length: 42ft
- Speed: Up to Mach 5 in Atmosphere, up to Mach 12 in space. (Trans-atmospheric flight is possible.)
Weapon Systems
- Particle Beam Turrets (2)
- Range: 7,000ft
- Damage: 2D4x10 per blast (4D4x10 if fire-linked)
- Payload: Effectively unlimited.
- Forward Lasers (4)
- Range: 6,000ft
- Damage: 4D4x10 per quad blast (1D4x10 per laser)
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- Notes:
- Possess all standard features common to UEDF and ASC fixed wing aircraft.
- +6 to Dodge in Space
- +1 Initiative (Antennae and sensor pod provide excellent spatial awareness bonus to the flight crew)
- Missiles can be carried on three external hard-points using standard UEEF pylons and load out. No missiles are carried internally.
Republic System Defense Boat
Alpha to scale
- While there are many military ships within the fleets of the Zentraedi, UEEF, Haydonite, Sentinel and Colonial Navies, no space faring culture is without their Merchant Marine, transport providers, and private owners.
Helium 3 / Reactant Mass Transport
- While these types of ships come in many shapes and sizes the general structure remains the same. These ships are medium to large sized inter-system ships designed to move material from the mine to the refinery and then to a distribution hub. In a pinch these ships can hitch a ride within a larger ships fold sphere but it is risky as the lighter ships are not designed to handle the quantum torque of folding space. There for it is not recommended unless the situation is dire or the ship is being moved from one colony system to another. They are lightly armed to stave off piracy but in a fight they are expected to call for help and run.
These ships are NOT capable of trans-atmospheric flight.
Image Copyright Studio Nue 'Bye Bye Jupiter'
- Model Type: Heavy Transport
- Class: IST Inter-system Transport
- Ships Complement: 30
MDC By Location:
- Bridge Pod: 700
- Center Hull: 2500
- Storage Tanks (Varies):
- Large Tank: 4500 (Up to 2 may be carried)
- Medium Tank: 2200 (Up to 4 may be carried)
- Engine Cluster: 2500
- Maneuvering Thrusters (16): 200 each
- Length: 1,500 ft
- Beam: 950 ft
- Height: 425 ft
- Weight: 490,000 tons fully loaded.
Vehicle Compliment:
- 1 or 2 Rabbit Shuttles
- 1 or 2 Spider Bug maintenance pods.
Weapons Systems:
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (8)
- Range: 5,280 feet.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Feeder Ship / Short Space Transport
- These ships are medium sized inter-system ships designed to move material from facility to facility or distribution hubs within the same system. The cargo pods they use are industry standard pods used by the UEEF Horizon-T. These ships can carry up to 48 Cargo Pods double stacked on 24 cargo hard points. Two larger hard point can be used to move overlarge loads from Point A to Point B.
These ships are NOT capable of trans-atmospheric flight.
Image Copyright Studio Nue 'Bye Bye Jupiter'
- Model Type: Feeder Transport
- Class: ISTF Inter-system Transport / Feeder
- Ships Complement: 15
MDC By Location:
- Bridge Pod: 400
- Center Hull: 1500
- Engine Clusters (2): 750 each
- Maneuvering Thrusters (10): 100 each
- Cargo Clamps (24): 300 each
- Large Cargo Clamps: (2): 450 each
- Length: 250ft
- Beam: 200 ft
- Height: 120 ft
- Weight: 14,400 tons fully loaded.
- Weapons Systems:
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (2)
- Range: 5,280 feet.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Orbital Repair Platform
- These ships are less actual ships but platforms capable of movement. These craft primarily deal with the repair and limited refit of civilian vessels, but in a pinch can be pressed into service to effect basic repairs on military grade ships-of-the-line. For more extensive repairs a ship’s master would be better served taking his vessel to a dry dock facility. These ship types can accommodate 4 large, 12 medium or 16 smaller craft exclusively, or a combination of the three at one time. Off times a larger dry-dock facility will have a few of these platforms in the vicinity to handle pre and post dry-dock work.
These ships are NOT capable of trans-atmospheric flight.
Image Copyright Studio Nue 'Bye Bye Jupiter'
- Model Type: Repair Platform
- Class: ISRP In-System Repair Platform
- Ships Complement: 100 - 200
MDC By Location:
- Bridge Tower: 750
- Foreman's ‘Mast’: 1500
- Center Hull: 5500
- Engine Clusters (8): 950 each
- Maneuvering Thrusters (50): 250 each
- Large Docking Clamps (4): 500 each
- Medium Docking Clamps (16): 350 each
- Ventral ‘Materials Bunker’: 2000
- Length: 1000ft
- Beam: 1000 ft
- Height: 750 ft (Including Foreman Mast)
- Weight: 800,000 tons fully loaded.
Weapons Systems:
- MLWS-40 Rapid-Fire 40mm Point Defense Lasers (50)
- Range: 5,280 feet.
- Damage: 2D6x10 per burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack. (Attacks dependent on gunner, 4 if left on automatic)
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitor.
Azstraph Class Border Frigate
Image Copyright Jager375 on DeviantArt
Quiltra Galthanousdhel Class Border Cruiser
Image Copyright Jager375 on DeviantArt
Quel Draenitzs Class LST / Transport
Image Copyright Jager375 on DeviantArt