Publicly Available Background Information:
Lived on a very rural farm with extended family, separate and away from living parent, was essentially kept worked on that farm until she left. Never had a chance to get out and meet people or have a relationship or anything, just did farm work and protected it from potential crop thieves. Got fed up with it once she was old enough to be able to understand the situation, and left for the resistance after seeing what horrors were going on in the world around her. Family objected and tried to catch her and drag her back, but she ran long enough and escaped. Once she was gone, she took up arms, learned the military equipment the others were using, and very willingly stood up to fight. Most of her family died or vanished in the war, including her parent by war's end. She thinks a few other relatives /might/ have survived, however.
Not Publicly Available: Information is basically true, if you adjust for the fact that the 'relatives' were Invid and the parent was the Regess. Sarah was in dispute with the other high caste commanders at her hive routinely about what constituted actual Resistance activity, and actual Resistance membership. Brought her into odds with others since she refused to claim that a young kid finding a Cyclone and going "ooh, motorbike" and trying it out did NOT qualify as resistance activity, and that a 90 year old woman from a local village was NOT active resistance, regardless of what the greedy symp trying to turn her in said. (she shot the symp in that incident.) When she finally departed citing 'irreconcilable differences', she was branded a traitor to the Collective, and they attempted to hunt her on a local level for some time after she left. This prompted her to escape from New Delhi, India, clear to the opposite end of the world in North America.
Psychology Profile:
Tends to be very cheerful in most circumstances, is oftentimes smiling. Some have said her smile usually seems permanent enough to give them the creeps. Like she might keep on smiling while pulling out her pocket knife and putting it into one of them. She would never do it however, she tries to be kind, nice, and gentle with everyone. Unless they're being a problem… She is quite willing to deal with problems as they come!
Views on Earth:
It's become home. And she'll do whatever she has to, in order to protect her new home, and make certain people have their chance to get back to their normal lives. She wants to see Earth back to the way it was described as being before the wars, when things were pretty and nice. She has high hopes of that, though there's uncertainty behind especially with the Haydonites attacking.
Views on War:
If people are infringing upon other people's rights, she certainly won't deny the need for standing up and fighting against it. In fact, she'll be one of the first to stand up and be willing to protect the rights of the infringed upon party. She was quick to join the Resistance and learn a Beta in order to push back and protect the innocent people from Invid infringement.
She left the Collective to get away from wars being fought for the wrong reasons, after all. Fighting to protect innocent people is totally different, it's a just cause.
Views on Other Aliens:
Depending on which kind of alien it is, she ranges anywhere from slightly nervous to very nervous, depending on how 'nationalistic' said alien is. Someone who's particularly proud of being Zentraedi or Tirolian, and their 'long heritage' and 'birthright' make her more nervous than people who want to be a part of helping to rebuild Earth. Honking on about how cool one's own people are in comparison to another group, while in the other group's military, seems uncool to her. Especially how their own people's military 'beat' the military of the group they're now working for.
With other Invid, she has some worries that not all the ones who stayed behind did so to defect. She worries that some may have stayed behind to get their 'pound of flesh' after the fact, wanting to continue attacking the humans. She does not take pride in the Invid or much of what they've done lately, for herself. Haydonites make her very nervous, due to the experiences the Invid have had with them
Medical Profile:
Sarah suffers from no conditions affecting her physically.
November 9, 2044: Traumatic incident with slightly misaimed teleport jump while getting Suki to sickbay more quickly. Induced some fear of heights due to trauma and shock. (Undiagnosed)
Beyond that, unless someone is highly trained in Xenomedicine, and even then unless they've dissected/studied Invid to know the physiology (which would make Sarah nervous due to fear of being dissected herself), essentially no doctor is qualified to check.
Military History:
Sarah's prior experience has included a period as a civilian, and as a resistance fighter in the Dakotas, taking orders from an organized resistance unit and their leadership/CoC. Not actual military experience, but it is experience in being part of a disciplined unit, and acknowledging/following orders.
- Participated in the assault on Reflex Point.
- Assigned to the UES Yukikaze.
- Participated in the Battle for the Trinity Fleet Yards: Tirol Orbit.
- Detached Duty 'Tango 556'.
- Participated in the Battle for Keyhole Callisto: Jupiter Orbit.
- Assigned to the 22nd MEU (UES Yukikaze).
- Detached Duty: Tirol: Anver'sa.
- Participated in the Battle for the Lentactal Pass.
- Participated in the Battle for the Heptac Basin.
- Detached Duty: Tirol: Point R: FOB Bastogne.
- Participated in the Battle for Point R
- Assigned to the Phoenix Battle Group / DESRON 14
- Detached Duty: Kato Zano Airbase: Karbarra.
- Participated in Operation Undermine.
- Participated in the Battle for the Karberran Asteroid Belt
- Promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3 (CWO3): January 05, 2045
- Participated in the Battle for Ancyra.
- Participated in the Battle for Chaffa.
Prior to departure from them, she served with the Invid Collective a long time as well, both in her humanoid form and in the previous form. She doesn't generally like to think or talk about that, though.
Personal Relationships:
Sarah is currently involved in an intimate relationship with Suki Ishida.
O.O.C. Skills (Invid Commander/Royalty)
- Athletics
- Lore: Invid: 91%
- Optics Systems 84%
- Language: Opteran: 102% (cS)
- Literacy: Opteran: 109% (cS)
- Zero Gravity Combat
- Pilot RCB/Overlord: 116%
- MECT RCB/Overlord
- Navigation: 94% (cS)
OCC Related Skills
- MECT Beta
- Language: English: 88% (cS)
- Radio: Basic: 94% (S)
- Military Etiquette: 84% (oS)
- Gymnastics
- Balance: 77%
- Parallel Bars: 82%
- Back Flip: 88%
- Prowl: 49%
- Climb: 31%
- Rope/Rappelling: 78%
- Socialization
- Public Speaking: 69%
UEMC Operations and Tactics Course Skills
- WP Rifles
- MECT: VR-059 Devastator
- MECT: Alpha
- Military Sign Language: 85%
M.O.S. Skills (Invid Overlord)
- Military Tactics: 104%
- Fleet Tactics: 74%
- Leadership
- Detect Ambush: 90%
- Detect Concealment: 85%
- Sensory Equipment: 80% (S)
- Navigation: Space: 90% (cS)
- Combat Flying
- Pilot Veritechs (+13% Cyclone) 98%
- MECT Cyclone
Secondary Skills
- Literacy: English: 89% (cS)
- Seduction: 88%
- Swimming: 94%
- First Aid: 79%
- Ballet
- Computer Operation: 77%
- Running
- Body Sculpting
- Language: Chellic: 56%
- Literacy: Chellic: 50%
Weapon Proficiencies
- WP: Energy Pistol
- WP: Energy Rifle
- WP: Paired Weapons
- WP: Heavy MD Weapons
Hand to Hand Type
- Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Updated 7th Level: 01/16/11
- I.Q.: 18 (Skill Bonus +4%)
- M.E.: 20 (Save vs. Insanity +3)
- M.A.: 33 (Trust/Intimidate: 97%)
- P.S: 17 (H2H Damage Bonus: 2)
- P.P.: 19 (Parry/Dodge Bonus: +2)
- P.E.: 22 (Save vs. Coma/Death: +14%)
- (Save vs. Poison/Pain: +4)
- P.B.: 23 (Charm/Impress: 85%)
- Spd: 33
Running: 660 yards/minute, 165 yards/melee
Swimming: 45 yards/melee for 21 minutes.
Hit Points & SDC
- S.D.C.: 34
- H.P.: 40
- I.S.P.: 212
Experience Level: 8th
Experience Points: 53,632
XP till next level: 8,628 to 69,960 (check this)
Combat Bonuses
Attributes/Hand to Hand
- Attacks: 6
- Initiative: +3
- Strike: +4
- Parry: +6
- Dodge: +7
- Roll: +6
- Pull Punch: +3
- Entangle: +1
- Crit on: 18, 19, 20
Mecha: Beta
Values are totals of Attributes, HtH, and Mecha bonus.
- Attacks: 9
- Initiative: +3
- Strike: +6
- Parry: +8
- Dodge: Ground: +10
- Dodge: Flight: +10
- Pull Punch: +5
- Roll: +7
- Disarm: +4
Mecha: Cyclone: VR-030 Series
Values are totals of Attributes, HtH, and Mecha bonus.
- Attacks: 9
- Initiative: +5
- Strike: +6
- Disarm: +4
- Parry: +9
- Dodge: +13
- Pull Punch: +6
- Roll: +9
Mecha: Cyclone: VR-057
- Attacks: 10
- Initiative: +6
- Strike: +7
- Parry +9
- Dodge: +17
- Pull Punch: +7
Mecha: Alpha: VF/A6Z
Values are totals of Attributes, HtH, and Mecha bonus.
+2 Atmosphere Bonus
- Attacks: 9
- Initiative: +6
- Strike: +7
- Disarm: +6
- Parry: +8
- Dodge Ground: +9
- Dodge Air: +11
- Pull Punch: +6
- Roll: +8
Mecha: VR-059 Devastator
- Attacks: 9
- Initiative: +4
- Strike: +7
- Parry: +9
- Dodge/AutoDodge: +10
- Roll: +8
- Pull Punch: +3
- Entangle: +1
- Crit on: 18, 19, 20
Combat Stats and Saves
- Damage: +0
- Disarm: +2
- Body Block: +0
- Flip/Throw: +0
- Pull Punch: +3
- Kick: 2D6
- Power Kick: 4D4
- Karate Punch: 2D4
- Knee Strike: 1D6
- Elbow Strike: 1D6
- Coma/Death: +14%
- Disease: 14
- Harmful Drugs: 12
- Insanity: 10
- Lethal Poison: 11
- Non-Lethal Poison: 13
Creepy Invid Stuff:
- Standard
- Max range (Short): 37,000 miles
- Passengers: 5
- Max Range (Long): 414,000 miles
- Passengers: 3
- Bio-Regeneration (because she gets smacked up a lot)
- Range: Self
- Duration: Permanent.
- I.S.P.: 6
- The Invid can repair damage taken by up to 2D6 Hit points or 3D6 SDC per minute. Invid must concentrate for a full minute to begin the healing process. The Invid may continue to heal so long as he/she has I.S.P. up to 4 minutes after which a 15 minute rest is needed.
- Telepathy (sometimes actually saying it loud will annoy someone too much)
- Range: Read Surface thoughts up to 60ft away or two way communication within 140ft.
- Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
- I.S.P.: 4
- Saving Throw: Conditional / Standard
- Beyond the Invid’s natural ability to converse mentally with members of their own race, the Invid may communicate with others not of their species. Messages are one way, unless the recipient also has the power of telepathy.
- Energy Projection (Coil up the energy onto two fingers and shove it forward!) GM: Giggity?
- Range: 100ft per level.
- Damage/I.S.P.: 1D6 per every 6 I.S.P.
- The Invid can focus his/her mental energy into a powerful bolt of force and hurl it at a visible target with amazing accuracy. Energy blasts are +4 to strike (Hand to Hand bonuses do NOT apply. An additional 10 I.S.P. will allow the energy blast to strike at +8.
- Energy Field
- Range: Self
- Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience
- I.S.P.: 30
- The Invid is able to surround him/herself with a energy barrier that conforms to his body shape and enables him to physically move and fight. The field has 10 MD per level of the Invid character. Hand held items, hung from the back or atop the head are not protected. Any skill requiring manual dexterity suffers a -30% while the field is active.
- Increased Healing
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 2d4 Days
- ISP 10
- The Invid is able to stimulate another person's healing process, dramatically decreasing recuperation time. Hit points and SDC recovery are double the normal professional treatment rate.
- Intuitive Combat
- Range: Self
- Duration: 2 melee rounds +1 per level of experience
- I.S.P.: 20
- This form of telepathy is geared towards giving the Invid the advantage in combat.
- While this power is active the Invid is unable to use any other power or natural ability.
- Bonuses:
- +3 Initiative
- +1 Strike
- +1 Parry
- +3 Dodge
- +4 Pull Punch
- +2 Roll with punch, fall or impact
- +2 Disarm
- +10% to abilities conferred by Acrobatics or Gymnastics as well as Swimming and Climbing
- Deaden Pain
- Range: Touch
- Duration: One hour per level.
- Length of trance: 2 minutes.
- I.S.P.: 4
- The Invid can deaden pain temporarily. May negate existing pain, or act as a poor man’s anesthetic.
Current Outfits
- Civilian clothes
- T-shirt and cotton short (not denim) (for sleeping in)
- Standard UEEF Duty Uniform
- Gym/Workout clothes
- Bikini
- Undecided
- Undecided
- Undecided
Updated 8th Level: 05/03/2012
VF/B-9X Beta
Heavy Veritech Aerospace Fighter/Bomber
- Crew: 1
- Main Body: 515
- Pilots Compartment: 170
- EU-14 Beam Cannons (3): 100
- Speed: Mach 7.2 (double in space)
- Height:
- Battloid: 45ft
- Guardian: 27.8ft
- Fighter: 20ft
- Weight: 29.5 tons
Weapons Systems:
EU-13 80mm Pulse Beam Cannon (3)
- Range: 4,000ft.
- Damage: 3D8+2x10 for a five round burst. 8D8+6x10 for a linked burst from all three; 6D8+4x10 for a twin burst when linked to an Alpha.
- Payload: Unlimited
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike.
Forearm beam Cannons (2)
- Range: 1,500ft.
- Damage: 1D6x10 per triple blast per arm or 2D6x10 per linked blast.
- Payload: Unlimited.
- Bonuses: +3 to Strike
- Note: May be fired backwards in Fighter or Guardian mode at -1 to Strike. (Unless linked to an Alpha with Beta pilot acting as a gunner.)
MM-20 Missile Delivery System
- Range: 5 miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 40
MM-16 Missile Delivery System
- Range: 5 miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 16
Bomb/Missile Bay
- Range (Bomb): May be dropped from any altitude while in atmosphere
- Range (Missile): Varies per missile launched
- Payload (Bomb): 17 Light bombs, 8 Medium bombs, or 4 Heavy bombs.
- Payload (Missile): 17 Short Range missiles, 8 Medium Range missiles, or 4 Long Range missiles.
- Bonuses: +2 for smart bombs, Missiles use their own specific bonuses.
Wing Mounted Hardpoints(6):
- Range: Varies
- Damage: Varies
- Payload: 6 Medium Range missiles, 18 Short Range missiles, or 36 Mini missiles.
VR-038A Cyclone
Veritech Ride Armor
Crew: 1
- Speed: 225mph
- Height:
- Battloid: 6ft
- Motorcycle: 3ft
- Weight: 237 pounds
Weapons Systems:
RL-6 Rocket Cannon:
- Range: 1 Mile
- Damage: 1D6x10
- Payload: 6 rockets per Magazine
- MDC: 25
- Range: 1 Mile
- Damage: 1D6x10 MD
- Payload: 2
Yes, she STILL has her old Command Battloid she escaped New Delhi with. :p And yes, it still looks the same.
- Shielded Forearm (1, left arm) - 160
- Shielded Main Cannon (1, right) - 280
- Upper Arms (2) - 130 each
- Hands (2) - 50 each
- Legs and Feet (2) - 240 each
- Jet Thrusters/Missile Pods (2) - 160 each
- Sensor Eye/Head Laser - 901
- Main Body - 4002
- Pilot Compartment (1, dark area in chest) - 1503
1 - This sensor eye/head unit is not like the sensor eye of lower caste Invid mecha, but is an actual sensor cluster. Destroying it knocks out the head laser, protoculture sensors, protoculture targeting system, optic enhancements, electro-magnetic sensors, and any other sensor systems, leaving the pilot to rely only on his own sight and senses. Its destruction will not, however, destroy the mecha nor hurt the pilot. The sensor eye/head is shielded between the shoulder plating and missile pods so it is a difficult target to hit. The attacker must make a 'called shot' and even then is -3 to hit when the mecha is stationary, -5 when it is moving, and -9 when it is moving fast.
2 - Depleting the MDC of the main body shuts the mecha down, rendering it completely immoble and useless. The humanoid Invid pilot is still alive in side, and may exit the mecha at any time.
3 - The pilot sits behind a tinted, transparent hull playe, which is less armored than the rest of the mecha (this is the dark area in the chest of the mecha). Destroying the pilot's compartment leaves the pilot vulnerable to further attacks, but it and the pilot inside are difficult targets to hit and require an attacker to make a successful called shot with the following penalties: -3 when stationary, -5 to moving target, and -9 to fast moving target.
Weapon Systems
1. Main Cannon/Shield and Dual Energy Cannon (1):
Main Purpose: Assault/Anti-Aircraft/Anti-armor
Range: Particle Beam: 2,800 feet. Plasma Discs: 4,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each Beam or Burst counts as one attack, a strafe counts as two.
Bonus: +3 to strike against any target, PC powered or not. Additional +4 bonus to strike when protoculture targeting sensors are used. Strafing attacks get no bonus.
Payload: Unlimited
Note: Mouth of cannon always glows white just before it is about to shoot.
2. Head Laser:
Primary Purpose: Defense and Close combat
Range: 2,000 feet
Mega-Damage: 1d10*10+12
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one attack.
Bonus: +1 against all targets, additional +4 if actively using protoculture without shadow tech.
3. Twin Missile Launchers (2):
Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Armor
Range: 64 Mini-missiles with 1 mile range, 42 SRMs with 5 mile range.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, 12, or 24. One volley counts as one attack regardless of missile numbers.
Bonus: SRMs are +3 to strike, minis get no bonus.
Payload: 64 mini-missiles, and 42 SRMs.
4. Hand to Hand:
- Punch/shield/forearm strike: 1d6 md restrained, 3d6 full strength, 1d6*10 for power punch, counts as two attacks.
- Kick/Stomp: 3d6 MD. Must be 15 feet tall or smaller
- Power Kick/Stomp and Leap Kick: 5d8 MD, all count as two attacks.
- Flying Leap Kick: 1d6*10 MD, 1-66% chance of knocking opponent equal size or smaller off its feet or back 1d6*100 yards, plus victim loses init and one melee attack. Counts as three melee attacks.
- Flying Body Block/Ram: 1d8+2 per 100 mph of speed. Plus Accumulative 15% chance per 100 mph of knocking an opponent of equal size or up to 50% larger off its feet, or an airborne enemy 1d6*100 yards backwards or off course. In any case, victim loses init and two melee attacks. Counts as two attacks.
- Hand to Hand Bonuses:
- +2 Init
- +2 Perception
- +2 Strike
- +5 Parry
- +3 Disarm
- +4 Pull Punch
- +3 Dodge/Ground
- +5 Dodge/Flight
- +2 Roll with Impact
H-90 Gallant
- Weight:
- Pistol: 2 pounds
- Rifle: 7 pounds
- Range:
- Pistol: 800ft
- Rifle: 1,600ft
- Damage:
- Pistol: 2D6 SDC, or 5D6 SDC for low power settings. 1D6 MD, or 3D6 MD for high power settings.
- Rifle: 2D6 SDC, or 5D6 SDC for low power settings. 2D6 MD, or 6D6 MD for high power settings.
- Payload: 2500 SDC bursts, 830 Single MD shots, 415 Rifle Shots, or 83 MD Rifle bursts.
- MDC of weapon: 40
M-90C (Two, Paired)
- Weight: 7.5 Pounds.
- Range: 1500ft
- Damage: MDC: 2D6+4 MD, or 1d10*10+12 MD per 5 round burst. (standard Ammo)
- Payload: 64 rounds (+15 round mag) (9 bursts)
- Bonuses: +1 to Strike.
- Balanced: +1 to Strike
- Custom Grips: +1 to strike
- Porting: +1 to strike
- Laser Sight: +1 to strike
Clips Carried: 20
CVR-3F Female Armor
- Helmet: 50
- Arms (2): 30 each
- Legs (2): 40 each
- Main Body: 90
Ribbon Rack
Award Roster
UEF Titanium Medal of Valor
- Awarded: September 15, 2044
Crux pro Audacia
- Awarded: September 15, 2044
Bronze Star
Combat Action Ribbon
- Awarded: September 25, 2044
UEF Expedition Medal
- Awarded: September 25, 2044
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Earth Liberation Campaign Medal
Reflex Point Campaign Medal
Tirol Defense Campaign Award
UEG Defense Service Medal
- Awarded: September 26, 2044
UEG Deployment Ribbon
- Awarded: November 30, 2044
UEF Marksmanship Medal: Rifles
- Awarded: September 20, 2044
UEF Marksmanship Ribbon: Rifle & Pistol
- Awarded: Spetember 20, 2044
Kalypsos Nebula Campaign Ribbon
- Awarded: October 30, 2044
CWO-3 Warrant Officer Pay: 2200₢ per month.
Combat Pay: +20% Base Pay (440₢)
Hazard Pay: +20% Base Pay (440₢)
Total Pay: 3080₢ per month.
Credits (₢): 17,370
April 2045