- UEG Destroids
- HWR-00-Mk.III
- MTS-Artemis
- Silverback VM-9
- Super Shadow Fighter
- ELINT Platforms
- VR-052S Radus
- YVR-059 Devastator
- MBR-49 Mk. III Vindicator
- VF/B-7 Super Condor
- VF/A-13 Gamma Fighter
- Modifications
- Ground Vehicles
- MBR-05 Cougar
- Karberran Mecha
- ZBr-O Mk.XXV Variable Glaug
- VF-32 Delta Fighter
- QM-445 Ghost II
Among the many VF/A-6, VF/B-9, MBR-12, and ZBR-10 mecha used by the UEEF, the venerable Destroid has seen a resurgence. Some were recovered on Earth, from abandoned warehouses and Pre-Positioned Stockpiles that survived bombardment, looting and the elements. But most, oddly enough came from the stocks of the SDF-3 herself. Sent along on the Pioneer Mission the Destroids of Project Excalibur proved very useful against an enemy that detects Protoculture. Some models, namely the MBR-04 Tomahawk and MBR-07 Spartan were relegated to the scrap heap, replaced by the more able ZBR-10, and in some cases the MBR-12. However the support role played by the ADR-04 Defender, SDR-04 Phalanx, and HWR-00 Monster were hard fill, and thus, in that limited niche those three mecha were subject to SLEP (Service Life Extension Programs) and retained within the UEEF arsenal.
A number of these have been spread throughout the fleet and many were sent to Earth to participate in the assault on Reflex Point. It is worth mentioning that since the support Destroids were already, for all intents and purposes, invisible to the Invid, being powered by Fusion reactors rather then Protoculture Cells; these support mecha did not necessitate the installation of Shadow Technology.
Images Copyright Studio Nue
HWR-00-Mk.III Monster (SLEP Block-4)
- Class: Heavy Weapons Destroid
One of the five progenitor Destroids, and actually the first model designed, the Monster was far and away one of the best long range artillery and fire support mecha ever conceived. Blending the offensive punch of the M-270 MLRS and an entire battery of M-109A6 Paladin's all into one platform, the Monster provided the UEG and later the UEEF the long range punch it needed to support troops on the ground without having to rely on more specialized mecha. The SLEP design slimmed down the exterior while beefing up the internal components to keep pace with new supply chains and maintenance cycles. New armor and weapon systems were added to give the Block-4 Monster additional survivability and badly needed close in self defense. Upgrades to the mecha's systems integration has also been able to reduce pilot workload such that the Block-4 is able to be operated by the same three crewman despite the newer systems and weapons.
- Main Body: 500
- Pilots Compartment: 375
Weapon Systems
- M-500 40cm Artillery Cannons
- Range: 115 Miles.
- Damage: Varies with cannon round. (Uses the same ammunition as the Block-2)
- Payload: 36 rounds.
- MMDS-14 Missile Launchers
- Range: 50 Miles
- Damage: Varies with missile type. (Able to use all existing medium range missiles in the UEEF inventory)
- Payload: 7 in each arm (14 total)
- MMDS-30 Missile Launcher
- Range: 5 Miles
- Damage: Varies with short range missile used, typically 2D6x10.
- Payload: 30
- LAC-30 CIWS Turret
- Range: 1 Mile
- Damage: 2D4x10+8 per 5 round burst
- Payload: 1000 rounds
- Notes: This weapon can be switched to automatic to deal with missiles, or can be controlled by the vehicle commander to clear away infantry threats.
Image Copyright Studio Nue
VF/A-6 Alpha Shown to scale
- Vehicle Type: All-Terrain Mecha Transport and Reconnaissance Vehicle.
- Vehicle Class: Reconnaissance / Fast Attack.
- Crew: 15 (MTS Commander, Pilot, Copilot, Communications Officer, 2 Gunners, 4 Engineers, 1 Medic, and 4 Mecha Engineers.
- Troops: 32
- Mecha: 32 Cyclones, 2 Silverback's, 6 Devastator's, and 2 Battloids.
- Can Support an additional 8 large mecha.
MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 1350
- Wheels (6): 350
- Communication Antenna: 100
- Particle Beam Turret: 200
- Gatling Laser Turret (2): 750
- Mecha Doors (3): 500
- Missile Launchers (2): 150
- Speed:
- Land: 325mph on unbroken flat terrain.
- Hover: 750 feet
- Flying: Is possible but ungainly. 200 mph at 600 feet can be sustained.
- Space: Mach 2
- Underwater: 55mph along the sea floor. 150mph through or on the water.
- Maximum Range: Reflex Furnace will last 1 year.
- Length: 175 feet
- Height: 45 ft
- Width: 80ft
- Weight: 385 tons.
- Cargo: Up to 100 tons.
Weapons Systems:
- Rapid Fire Pulse Lasers (2):
- Damage: 8D6x10 per 30 round burst.
- Range: 4 miles
- Payload: 1500 rounds
- HRG-140 Railguns (9):
- Damage: 4D4x10 per 20 round burst.
- Range: 4,000ft
- Payload: 2000 rounds
- PBT-S2 Particle Beam Turret (1):
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Range: 4,000ft
- Payload: Unlimited
- MTA-S24 Missile Launcher (2):
- Damage: Varies with missile
- Range: 40 to 60 miles.
- Payload: 12 Medium Range missiles in each launcher for a total of 24.
Image copyright AIC/Artmic
Weapon Mods
- AAC-11 Flak Cannon:
- Damage: 3D6 per single shot, 3D6x10 per 10 round burst.
- Range: 6000 ft
- Payload: 1200 rounds (120 Bursts)
- LMMDS-12: See Book Stats.
- MMMDS-6: See Book Stats.
- MMDS-48: See Book Stats.
- H-340 Vanquisher
- Damage: 4D6 Single shot or 2D4x10 per 10 round burst.
- Range: 2000 ft
- Payload: 500 Single Shots, or 50 bursts.
- GR-107
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Range: 5 miles
- Payload: 2
- The GR-97, EP-40, EP-37, HRG-70, H-260 and the RL-6 can NOT be used by the VM-9
Image copyright Studio Sunrise
Shadow Alpha FAST Packs
In a war against an enemy that uses swarm tactics, and has time and time again eschewed deploying missile weaponry in the field; the use of mecha that mount missiles is the logical step. The Alpha and Beta fighters fill that role nicely. However, the Alpha and Beta can only carry so many missiles, and once their launchers are dry, the swarm gains the advantage. The solution is to allow the Alpha and Beta to mount more missiles, thus increasing their combat endurance and survivability.
To this end the UEEF R&D department sought after a way to increase the missile payload and protection for the VA/F-6 and settled upon a concept pioneered some 40 years ago by the venerable VF-1. Revisiting the FAST Packs used by the RDF, the UEEF was quick to design an updated and more compact design that could be fielded by the much smaller Alpha and Beta fighters.
- AMAS-4 FAST Pack (VA/F-6 Attachments) This kit has three components. Leg Mounted Plating, Wing Mounted Missile Pods, and Arm Mounted Cannons. All three components mount reaction thrusters.
- ADS-A-32: Wing Module
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 24 Short Range Missiles
- MDC: 150 each
- AMS-A-2: Arm Module
- Range: 4000ft
- Damage: 2D4x10 (4D4x10 if fire linked)
- Payload: 20 bursts before needing to recharge. (5 bursts will recharge per 5 minutes)
- MDC: 100 each
- LMS-A-2: Leg Module
- MDC: 125 each
Bonuses: +1 to parry and + 2 to dodge in all modes while in space (Alpha ONLY)
- BMAS-5 FAST Pack (VF/B-9 Attachments) This kit has one component. Dorsal Booster Pod. (NOTE: This pod is capable of mounting different types of weaponry but has a missile launcher standard, regardless of weapon mounted. Currently the UEEF had only used a micro Synchro-Cannon, but plans are in the works to develop a replacement.)
- ABM-B-1: Dorsal Booster Pod
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 12 Short Range Missiles
- MDC: 150
Bonuses: +1 to dodge in all modes in space. (Beta ONLY)
Speed is increased by 25%
Combined Bonuses: +1 Parry and +1 Dodge connected while in space. (Alpha may be in any mode but Beta is limited to Fighter and Guardian.)
Speed is increased by 10%
The UEEF has learned from the designs of the past and the newer FAST Packs have been built to be conformal and aerodynamic and thus confer NO negatives while used in an atmosphere.
ELINT Platforms
Tier 1
- Omoikane Class SDCV
Built on the frame of an Ikazuchi the Omoikane is the top of the EWAR/ELINT pyramid. While a garden variety Ikazuchi can act as a command and control vessel for its Air Wing, the Omoikane class is designed to act as a C&C vessel for entire fleets. While the upper decks of the Omoikane are identical to an Ikazuchi, complete with its fighter bays and turrets, the lower half is dedicated to sensors and communications equipment.
Visually the Omoikane is similar to the Ikazuchi; three large antenna arrays are built into the hull, two extend the dorsal Thruster Shields by another 100 feet and a large ventral array extends from beneath the ship like an overlarge centerboard. The ventral array is able to fold back to allow for docking and maintenance. Numerous smaller communications antenna dot the hull.
Nestled within each ship is an incredibly powerful computer system designed to sift through the enormous amount of collected data. This information is then parsed, analyzed and disseminated by a veritable army of Intelligence staff (actually, a Battalion) to the rest of the fleet.
So secret are these vessels that the only two of her class, the UES Omoikane and the UES Inari, are known only to a select few within the UEEF upper leadership, their crews, and the crews of their escorts. In fact, 99.9% of the supported UEEF fleet believe that the Intelligence they receive comes from listening posts, Fleet HQ, or the SDF-4 herself.
Tier 2
- Pioneer Class SDCL
More a set of plug-and-play modules then a unique class of the ship, the Pioneer EWAR/ AWACS suite has been designed for use on the ubiquitous Garfish. Comprised of multiple sensor and communications arrays the Pioneer fulfills the role of an intermediate ELINT platform. The turret of the Garfish has been replaced with a sensitive sensor suite, dubbed the Spotlight Array. While most sensors are passive in nature, the Spotlight is, as its name suggests, active, designed to sweep a battlefield for new or changing threats and other ‘surprises’. The Spotlight is only used in situations where stealth is pointless. For operations requiring more discretion the Pioneer hangs back and uses its passive sensor instead.
The regular flight pod has been halved. The lower half houses the passive sensors while the upper half holds the Pioneers defense CAP and Recon Drones. The CAP is comprised of 6 Up-Armored Beta fighters whose singular task is to protect the Pioneer to the exclusion of any other tasking. It is joked that not even Admiral Hunter himself could order a Pioneer CAP to leave their charge unattended. Also carried are 8 Recon Drones; unarmed Ghost Fighters fitted with a myriad of sensors and communications gear. These drones are used to get in close to a suspect target without risking the Pioneer as well as act as a communications relay. Offensively, the Drones can engage in EW attacks on enemy forces.
The Pioneer is, so far, the only Garfish class of ship to carry a Pin Point Barrier system. It also carries an upgraded fold system, dubbed a Snap-Drive for it’s incredibly fast spin-up time, which allows it to reposition itself quickly when, not if, it become a target of interest.
Tier 3
- LCT-14 Horizon-E
Occupying the role of the E-3B Sentry and the EC-33B Tiger’s Eye, the Horizon-E dispenses with the oft carried cargo bunkers and instead mounts a pair of sensor and communications pods in their place. The pods are one quarter the size and aerodynamically sound for use in an atmosphere. While the Ikazuchi and Garfish variants can traverse into and out of orbit, the Horizon-E is designed to do so with greater efficiency and speed. A Dorsal Radome mounted atop the armor pack rounds out the external modifications. Inside, the troop area has been retrofit with workstations and analysis equipment.
The E-Class is also the first Horizon variant to carry the Pin Point Barrier system, in fact the E-Class is the test bed for the system and should the PPB perform well it will be added to the Horizon FAST Packs as a standard feature.
Tier 4
- VF/A-6E or VF/B-7E Aegis
Constituting the fourth tier of six EWAR/ELINT Classes, the VF/A-6E8 and or VF/B-7E is the smallest space capable ELINT platform. Mounting a Radome on top and a sensor boom below, the Aegis Alpha’s emulate the venerable VEF-1 of the RDF and replace them and the ES-11 Cat’s Eye. While under wing hard points are available to the Alpha and Beta, the Aegis is the one variant that uses them as part of their standard load out. The reasoning being that, if the Aegis has the radar available, why not allow it long strike ‘over the horizon’ capabilities. Nominal load is four Long range missiles on the outer two pylons with a triple pylon on the inboard, mounting three Medium range missiles each.
Fully capable of transforming without having to ditch the Radome and sensor boom the Aegis can hang in a fight just as well as an Alpha but rarely does so if it can help it. An Aegis-B Alpha variant sports an extended cockpit and can accommodate a RIO in the back seat. (Uses the same airframe as the VT-6 Trainer.)
- Aegis FAST Pack:
- AN/APG-98
- Radar Range: 650 miles (Triple in Space)
- Track Limit: 550 separate targets
- Communications Range: 800 miles (Triple in Space)
- Telemetry Range: 600 miles
- Bonuses Provided: All supported units are +1 to attack, +2 Initiative, +2 to Strike, and +3 to dodge.
- AN/ALQ-227
- Jamming Range: 150 miles
- Jamming Effects: Sensors Range -50%, Sensory Equipment Rolls -25%,
- Spoofing Range: 150 miles
- Spoofing Effects: One system rendered inoperable for 2D6 minutes, if one system down reduce combat bonuses by 25%, two down by 50%, three down and ALL combat bonuses are lost.
- MDC by Location:
- Radome: 150
- Jamming Pods (2): 100 each
- Sensor Boom: 125
Tier 5
- VM-9E Silverback
Tier 6
- VR-038R Cyclone
VR-052S Radus
- With the success of the VR-050 series, in particular, the VR-052 Battler, the UEEF realized that a dedicated space-borne Cyclone would be useful to replace the use of VR-052's on the hulls of large spacecraft during battle. In particular, heavier armor and radiation shielding was a must as well as thrusters for maneuverability in zero-gee and magnetic, 'Radus' pads to affix themselves to the hulls for safety and greater stability. Long range striking abilities were added with over the shoulder missile pods. Tactically speaking, these units were made for defensive operations, but, with an alternate weapons load out, these Cyclone make excellent boarding mecha and if paired with Bioroid Interceptors, can make for a formidable assault force.
- In terms of transformation, only two modes really exist. The operational 'Battloid' mode, and the 'Box' storage mode.
- Class: Heavy Armored Space Optimized Armor
- Crew: 1
- MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 250
- Legs: 100
- Arms: 90
- Head: 75
- Impulse Boosters: 80
- Statistical Data:
- Height: 7ft 2 in
- Weight: 310 Pounds
- Speed:
- Running: +25% pilots Spd.
- Flight: 150mph in Atmosphere, 400mph in Space.
- Physical Strength: +10 to PS
Weapon Systems:
- EP-77 80mm Beam Cannon (Up to 2 may be carried)
- Weight: 16 Pounds
- Range: 3,000 ft
- Damage: 1D4x10
- Payload: 50
- GR-94 Forearm Missile Pods (Up to 4 may be carried)
- Weight: 12 pounds
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 2 per arm
- IP-03 Shoulder Missile Pods x2
- Weight: N/A
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 6
- MCET: Use VR-052 stats.
- Requires Zero-G Combat skill to use properly.
- Magnetic Foot Pads.
- Multiple Vernier thrusters.
- May mount any Cyclone Gauntlet Weapon Systems.
Image Copyright Artmic / Shinji Aramaki
YVR-059 Devastator
- Class: Ultra Heavy Assault Cyclone / Experimental
- Crew: One.
- M.D.C. by Location:
- Motorcycle Mode:
- Headlights: 2 each
- Tires: 6 each
- Rear Rocket Thruster Pack: 100
- Windshield: 20
- Main Body: 300
- Battloid Mode:
- Reinforced Pilot Compartment: 95
- Rear Rocket Thruster Pack: 100
- Main Body: 300
- Arms: 75 each
- Hands: 30 each
- Legs: 150 each
- Feet: 60 each
- Head: 100
- Shield: 250
- Statistics:
- Power Plant:
- Protoculture fired rotary engine; designed for maximum efficiency under all conditions. Two Protoculture cells will power it for up to six months.
- Speed:
- Motorcycle mode: 250 mph max with a maximum height of 200 feet.
- Turbo boost: Allows the YVR-059 to make jumps of up to 40 feet across or 20 feet high; or increases speed of the Devastator by 100 mph for up to two melees. Pilot must make roll for each melee at -30% (cumulative with other penalties)
- Battloid mode, running: 70 mph max
- Battloid mode, flying: Hover stationary up to 200 feet (61.5 m) above the ground and fly up to 1,000 feet above the ground at a max speed of 200 mph (320 kph). Due to the increased efficiency of this model, the Protoculture Cells can support flight almost indefinitely.
- Battloid mode, leaping: The powerful legs of the Devastator can leap up to 20 feet (6.1 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters. A thruster-assisted leap can propel the mecha up to 150ft high or lengthwise.
- Height:
- Battloid Mode: 12 feet
- Motorcycle Mode: 5 feet
- Width:
- Battloid Mode: 6 feet
- Motorcycle Mode: 5 feet at rear hubs, narrowing to 1 foot at front wheel
- Length:
- Battloid Mode: 6 feet
- Motorcycle Mode: 10 feet
- Weight: 3200 lb
- Cargo: None; minimal storage space on motorcycle/inside robot for rifle or pistol, a few clips, and survival kit.
Weapons Systems
- GU-21 45mm Recoilless Rifle Gun Pod: (Hand Held: Left Illustration)
- Damage: HEAT: 2D4x10 MD (3 foot burst radius), FRAG: 1D6x10 MD (40 foot burst radius), API: 1D6x10+10 MD plus ignites any flammable materials.
- Range: 4,000 ft (FRAG rounds may be fired indirectly out to 1.75 miles, but with a -6 to strike)
- Rate of fire: Single shots only; number of shots per round is equal to the pilot's combined hand-to-hand attacks.
- Payload: 30 grenades.
- GU-18 23mm Gun Pod: (Hand Held: Right Illustration)
- Damage: 1D6x10 MD
- Range: 4,000 ft
- Rate of fire: Semi-automatic; equal to the pilot's combined hand-to-hand attacks.
- Payload: 20 rounds per magazine. Magazine clips fit into the back of the gun; inserting a spare clip requires one melee action.
- HLC-40 Beam Cannon: (Shoulder Mounted)
- Damage: 2D4x10+20
- Range: 4,000ft
- Rate of Fire: Single shot.
- Payload: 10 shots per magazine.
- LMMDS-8: (Back Mounted)
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Range: 5 miles
- Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4 or all 8
- Payload: 8 Short Range Missiles.
Weapons Note:
- The Devastator may use ANY weapon fielded by the Silverback EXCEPT the LMMDS-12, MMMDS-6 and MMMDS-48.
VR-059 Devastator MECT
- 2 hand-to-hand attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot)
- Body flip/throw: 2D4 MD plus victim loses initiative and one attack that melee. Possible only in Battloid mode.
- Body block/tackle/ram: 3D4 MD plus 70% chance of knocking opponent down (this will cause the victim to lose initiative and one attack that melee). Counts as TWO attacks.
- Kick attack: 4D6 MD
- Leap kick: 6D6 MD; counts as two attacks
- +3 to strike
- +3 to parry
- +3 to leap dodge. An automatic dodge just like the parry, with no loss of attacks per melee. The Devastator is so mobile that the pilot can leap, hop, and skip out of the way without penalty.
- +3 to dodge. This is the regular type of dodge, applicable when in motorcycle mode.
- +2 to roll with punch
- Critical Strike, same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
- One additional hand-to-hand attack at level five.
- One additional hand-to-hand attack at level ten.
- +1 to initiative
- Damage:
- Punch: 3D6 M.D.
- Kick: 4D6 M.D.
- Leap Kick: 6D6 M.D.
- Body Flip/Throw: 2D4 M.D.
- Body Block/Tackle: 3D4 M.D.
MECT Written by Chris Meadows
MBR-49 Mk. III Vindicator
- The MBR-49 is a ground attack battloid built on the frame of an Alpha’s soldier mode. While visually identical to the Alpha, the MBR-49 cannot transform. Built as a cost saving measure, the design similarities of the MBR allow Alpha maintenance crews to operate on the machine with ease. Logistics are also simplified as major components are interchangeable, especially the hull plating and MMDS weapon system. The Vindicator is heavier than an Alpha, mounts thicker armor, and can deploy mission specific weapons pods, a fact that more than a few Invid attacker have learned the hard way after attacking what they thought was a landed Alpha. Designed for use with the UEA (United Earth Army) to augment their SPARTAS and 'straight leg' Battloids, the Vindicator also sees use in the UEMC (United Earth Marine Corps) in much the same way the M1A1 was used at the turn of the century.
- NOTE: The weapons pods, arms, shoulders, legs etc, can all be mounted on a Alpha if desired, however, like the venerable VF-1 Armored Veritech, the Alpha is limited to Battloid mode and must shed the armor and weapons pods if it wishes to switch modes.
- Class: Medium Infantry Assault Battloid
- Crew: 1
- MDC By Location:
- Head: 100
- Hands: (2) 65
- EU-17 Pulse Laser / Missile Launcher: 150
- Forearms: 150
- Legs: 200
- Main Body: 425
- Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 200
- Statistics:
- Running: 95 mph
- Leaping: 100 feet
- Flying: Can hover up to 175 feet and skim at 80mph for short periods of time (1D8+5 minutes)
- Height: 29 feet
- Weight: 17 tons
Weapons Systems:
- EU-17 Pulse Laser / Missile Launcher
- Weight: 550 lbs
- Range: Laser: 4,000 feet
- Range: Missile Launcher: 5 Miles
- Damage: Laser: 5D6 per single shot. 3D6x10+30 per 5 round burst.
- Damage: Missile Launcher: 2D6x10
- Payload: Laser: 100 single shots or 20 bursts
- Payload: Missile Launcher: 9 Short Range Missiles
- MM-60 MMDS
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 60 Short Range Missiles
- MMDS-8
- Range: 1 mile
- Damage: 1D6x10
- Payload: 8 Mini Missiles
Mission Specific Ordinance Packs (GBR-6A MSOP System)
- Various Ordinance Packs have been developed for Ground operations, and were designed for use by the UEA (United Earth Army) in mind. The MM-6 Packs are designed to by jettisoned after their missiles are expended but may be retained at the discretion of the pilot for the added armor they confer, however, the lower legs launchers of the MMDS-60 will be unable to function while the MM-6 is still attached. The LM-3 Packs replace the Shoulder Launcher for the MMDS-60, swapping out the missile bay for a capacitors and systems integration links. The LM-3 comes in both Lefty and Righty versions, but most pilots, unless tasked with air defense duties, elect to carry only one. The MS-6 and HPC-55 are the only Packs that do not restrict any internal weapons system.
- MM-6 MDS
- The MM-6 Packs are mounted to the lower outer legs of the MBR-49. These each contain 3 Medium range missiles which allow the Vindicator to provide intermediate range artillery support or air suppression depending on load out.
- Range: 50 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10 per Fragmentation (Air Suppression) 3D6x10 per High Explosive (Artillery)
- Payload: 6 Medium Range Missiles (Three in each launcher)
- MDC of Missile Pod: 100
- MS-6 DMS
- The MS-6 Packs are mounted over the shoulder and fire Demolition rounds similar to those employed on the M2200 Janissary. These are short range projectiles used to breach fortifications, or to crack the armor of heavy ground targets such as the Invid Gumo or Odeon Inorganic.
- Range: 1500 feet.
- Damage: 4D6x10+15
- Payload: 6 Demolition Rounds (Three in each launcher)
- MDC of Missile Pod: 75
- LM-3 LPD
- The LM-3 Packs are mounted to the outer shoulders of the MBR-49 and mount Rapid Fire lasers that serve close in and missile defense duties. These weapons are identical to the lasers mounted to the forearm of the VF/B-9 Beta Fighter.
- Range: 1,500 feet
- Damage: 6D6
- Payload: Unlimited payload when connected to the MBR-49
- HPC-55 LRA
- The HPC-2 Packs are actually a gun mount and a capacitor and targeting array. The HPC-55 is a streamlined amalgam of both the HPC-155 used on the old MBR-04-Mk. VI and the 128mm PBC mounted atop the Glaug Officer's Pod. While the range has been lessened, the damage output has been increased. Units with the HPC-55 serve as dedicated fire support units as well as operate side by side with the larger Condor's in breaching operations.
- Range: 10 Miles
- Damage: 3D6x10+20
- Payload: Unlimited
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
- Knockback: Pilots in Mecha under 100 tons must make a piloting roll at -15% to keep their footing. If knocked down, initiative and one attack are lost.
Image Copyright Tatsunoko Production Co Ltd.
VF/B-7 Super Condor
- Class: Heavy Aerospace Assault Veritech
- Crew: 1
- MDC By Location:
- Head: 200
- Hands: (2) 75
- EU-12 Heavy Particle Beam Cannon: 100
- Forearms: 150
- Legs: 250
- Main Body: 500
- Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 200
- Statistics:
- Running: 85 mph
- Leaping: 80 feet up or across unassisted, 300ft with rocket assist.
- Flying:
- Fighter Mode: 400 mph at Sea Level; 1,100 mph at 55,000ft; Mach 7.0 in ballistic flight.
- Height: 46 feet
- Weight: 17 tons
Weapons Systems:
- EU-12 Particle Beam Cannon
- Weight: 120 lbs
- Range: Laser: 2,000 feet
- Damage: 2D4x10+20
- Payload: 42
- MM-36 MDS
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 36 Short Range Missiles
- MDS-9-S
- Range: 15mile
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 9 Short Range Missiles
- Bonuses: +3 to strike airborne targets.
- GU-35 Gatling Cannons: x4
- Range: 3,000ft
- Damage: 1D6x10 per cannon; 4D6x10 if firing all four.
- Bonuses: +2 to strike.
- Payload: 25 bursts per cannon.
VF/A-13 Gamma Fighter
Image Copyright Harmony Gold/Tommy Yune
With the Alpha fast approaching its 25th year of operational service, coupled with the Haydonite Betrayal, the UEEF needs a new generation of front-line Veritech now more than ever. The answer lies within the VF/A-13 Gamma.
Originally conceived in the late 30’s the Gamma borrows design features from the VF-4G and H models used by UEG Colonial Fleets and melded them with the best aspects of the venerable Alpha. The first prototype took to the skies over Neptune Base in 2041 only to be set aside as the new Haydonite Shadow Technology gave the Alpha a new lease on life. Much of the research staff and resources for the Gamma project were transferred to that end.
As the buildup to the 3rd Reclamation Fleet's attempt on Earth progressed, the few remaining project engineers continued to tweak and perfect the Gamma design. Especially useful was the information gathered from the loss of the 21st Reclamation Fleet. In early 2044, persuasive lobbying from some senior members of the Gamma Test Group were able to garner a larger allocation of resources and a squadron of Gamma’s were hastily built as technology demonstrators with the caveat that they be compatible with all UEEF ordinance as well as the new Beta Fighter. This squadron, the 41st FTS (Flight Test Squadron), saw action within the Fleet and although suffering moderate to heavy losses, acquitted themselves and their new mecha with distinction.
The Gamma fighter would have already seen full scale production to assist the replacement of the ships lost during the battle for Reflex Point but for one major issue. The Gamma, as originally built, is a Protoculture hog, requiring almost three times the needed Protoculture Canisters to function at peak efficiency then it's smaller Alpha cousin. So, while the airframe and structure are sound, the entire power system needs to be reworked to do more with less. Currently the surviving fighters of the 41st and their design team are feverishly working on a solution.
- Class: Next Generation Heavy Aerospace Assault Veritech
- Crew: 1 or 2
- MDC By Location:
- Head: 100
- Hands: (2) 50
- Forearms: 175
- Upper Legs: 175
- Lower Legs: 225
- Main Body: 575
- Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 190
- Statistics:
- Running: 85 mph
- Leaping: 80 feet up or across unassisted, 300ft with rocket assist.
- Flying:
- Fighter Mode: Mach 4 (3,044 mph) at Sea Level; Mach 5 (3,270 mph) at 55,000ft; Mach 7.0 in ballistic flight.
- Height: 30 feet
- Weight: 17 tons
Weapons Systems:
- EU-15 Gun Pod
- Weight: 750 lbs
- Range: 4,000 feet
- Damage: 5d6 MD per single shot; 5d6x5 per 5 round short burst; 5d6x10 per 10 round medium burst; 5d6x20 per 20 round long burst.
- Payload: 20
- MMS-25 Shoulder Cannon
- Range: 1 mile
- Damage: 4D6x10
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- Note: Usable in Battloid Mode only
- MMDS-8
- Range: 1 mile
- Damage: 1D6x10
- Rate of Fire: 1, 2 or 4.
- Payload: 8 Mini Missiles
- MM-60
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 60 Short Range Missiles
- LWS-14 Nose Lasers
- Range: 4,000ft
- Damage: 1D4 x10 per cannon, 2D4x10 if fire linked.
- Bonuses: +2 to strike.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- MRM-10 Conformal Hard Points.
- Range: 40 miles.
- Damage: 3D6x10 to 4D6x10, depends on missile.
- Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or all 10
- Payload: 10 Medium Range Missiles.
Modifications / Customization
- Skill Modifiers: In Field Repairs
- Simple Task: -5%
- Moderate Task: -10% to -15%
- Difficult Task (Or dealing with Alien Technology): -20% to -40%
- Extensive Task: Not possible, MUST return item/vehicle to repair bay/motor pool.
Armor Modifications:
- Extra Armor: Vehicle Armorer, Mechanical Engineering
- Swap SDC with MDC:
- Add MDC to MDC Armor: +12 MD per Level of Armorer/Engineer.
- Penalties: Additional armor above 25% of target’s base MDC incurs a -1 to Dodge and Parry. (Negatives are cumulative, for example, 50% over base armor would incur a -2 to Dodge and Parry.)
Weapon Modifications:
- Extra Range: (Applicable to Energy Weapons Only!!) Weapons Engineering
- +200ft at the cost of 5 single shots up to a maximum of 2000ft. (Weapon will also do +20 MD if target is within 20% of the weapons base range; for example: A weapons base range is 4000ft, if the target is within 800ft you do extra damage.)
- Hot Loading: (Applicable to Projectile Weapons Only!!) Weapons Engineering, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert.
- +5 MD per round fired.
- Penalties: For every 5 shots/bursts there is a 15% chance a Hot Loaded round will cook off doing catastrophic damage to the weapon. (Penalty may be reduced by 5% for every 5th level of SKILL experience known by the gunsmith.) Note: NOT Recommended and considered dangerous, don’t let your CO or Squadron Safety Officer know…
Sensor Modifications:
- Range Increase: Mecha Engineering -5%, Mechanical Engineering, + Relevant use skill for the sensor desired to be upgraded.
- +10% Range:
- +20% Range:
- Penalties: For every 10% range increase for desired sensor, subtract 10% range from another. For example, to increase the range on your Thermal Imager by 10%, you must subtract 10% from either your Nightvision, or Telescopic Optics.
- Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit: Mechanical Engineering, Mecha Engineering, + Basic Electronics or Electrical Engineering.
- Adds a Medical scanner to the Pilot’s Compartment and or the hands of the mecha.
- Penalties: -5 MD to Mecha’s hands if so mounted.
Engine Modifications:
- Speed Increase: Mechanical Engineering, Robot Mechanics -5%, Mecha Engineering, Robotechnology Engineering, Aircraft Engineering. (Automotive Engineering if attempting to modify a Cyclone or Silverback)
- Up to 30% increase.
- Penalties: For every 10% of speed above your base you add +1 to Dodge, but subtract -1 from any attack (even missile strikes!), you also incur a -5% to piloting for every 10% above base speed.
Structural Modifications:
- Locking Joints: Robot Engineering, Mecha Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Joint(s) lock into place and cannot be bent or moved until unlocked.
- Penalties: 10% chance per use of staying locked. (Percent penalty ‘resets’ after any routine maintenance to the modified limbs/joints) Attempting to break the lock by force requires a Robotic PS of 40 (combined) or at least 40 MD of damage. Either option runs a 50% chance of ruining the joint.
- Increasing Robotic Strength: Robot Engineering
- +5 PS up to +20
- For every 5 points of PS subtract -1 Parry and Dodge.
- Damage: Use applicable Robotic PS Damage or Base Mecha damage, whichever is higher.
Cosmetic Modifications:
- Paint job: Vehicle Armorer, Art
- For every 10% skill of the Artist the Mecha may, if desired, gain 5% to Intimidate or 5% to Impress.
- Spotlight: Vehicle Armorer, Mecha Engineer
- Secret Compartment: Vehicle Armorer -10%, Mecha Engineer, Mechanical Engineer
- For every 15% skill of the engineer/armorer there is a -5% to Detect Concealment.
- Modulating Voice Synthesizer: Mecha Engineer, Basic Mechanics -5%, Radio Basic -10%
UEEF Ground Vehicles
HCAT-40 Utility Vehicle
- Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Passenger / Gunner
- MDC By Location:
- Headlights (2): 3 each
- Tires: (4): 25 each
- Gun Turret: 50
- Missile Launcher (Optional): 100
- Main Body: 180
- Speed: 80mph, 50mph fully loaded, 25mph in water (amphibious)
- Cargo: 18x8 bed able to accommodate up to 20 tons.
Weapons: (Optional)
- M3A2
- Range: 5,000ft
- Damage: 2D6 per single shot, 2D4x10 per 20 round burst.
- Payload: 500 rounds
- Missile Launcher
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 12
HCAT-70 Armored Support Vehicle
- Crew: 1 Driver, 2 Passenger / Gunner
- MDC By Location:
- Headlights (2): 3 each
- Tires (6): 50 each
- Missile Launcher (Optional): 150
- Cargo Cab (Standard): 150
- Main Body: 250
- Speed: 75mph, 20mph in water (amphibious)
- Cargo: 20x8 bed able to accommodate up to 35 tons.
- MRLS-9
- Range: 40 miles
- Damage: 3D6x10 or 4D6x10
- Payload: 9 Medium Range Missiles
SDR-05-Mk. III Cougar
Using the same lower body of the MBR-12 Condor the SDR-05 from the waist up is an entirely unique mecha. With its asymmetrical layout the massive machine occupies the same long range fire support role of the old UEG SDR-04 Phalanx. While still used within the UEEF force structure, the SDR-04’s are getting along in years and the Cougar is their replacement, however their integration was stymied by their less then stellar performance within the 10th Mars Divisions assault on Earth (the only assault wave where any SDR-05 Mk.II’s were able to be employed.) Like it’s older cousin the Cougar works best against long distance foes and finds itself easily swamped by numerous hostiles approaching from all angles. The addition of a ball mounted Particle beam turret as well as arm mounted cannons has given the Mk.III some much needed offensive power to employ once it’s missiles are expended, or if the enemy has closed inside their useful range.
- Crew: 1
- MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 450
- Upper Legs: 180
- Lower Legs: 225
- Upper Arms: 140
- Lower Arms: 200
- Particle Beam Turret: 125
- Sensor Array: 90
- Top Mounted Missile Launcher: 200
- Side Mounted Missile Launcher: 125
- Pilots Compartment: 200
- Speed:
- Running: 55mph
- Leaping: 20 feet across or 50 feet up
- Height: 35 ft
- Width: 20 ft
- Length: 20 ft
- Weight: 22.5 tons
Weapon Systems:
- 1: MDS-C-16 Missile Launcher
- Range: 1,800 miles
- Damage: As per missile used, usually 4D6x10 or 5D6x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4, 6, or 8.
- Payload: 16 Long Range Missiles
- 2: MMS-6 Missile Launcher
- Range: 80 miles
- Damage: As per missile used, usually 3D6x10 or 4D4x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4, or 6
- Payload: 12 Medium Range missiles
- 3: AMS-3-H Missile Launchers (2)
- Range: 80 miles
- Damage: As per missile used, usually 3D6x10 or 4D4x10
- Rate of Fire: 1, 2, or 3.
- Payload: 6 Medium Range missiles per arm, for a total of 12
- 4: RRG-PC-15 Particle Beam Cannon
- Range: 6,000 ft
- Damage: 5D6x10 per blast
- Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one attack.
- Payload: Unlimited
- 5: EU-26A Arm Cannons (2)
- Range: 4,000 ft
- Damage: 3D8+2x10
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack.
- Payload: Unlimited
- 6: Optional use of Gunpods:
- The SDR-05 can use any ASC or UEEF gunpod.
MBR-09K-MK.VIII Tomahawk
The MBR-09 Tomahawk is a melding of the old UEG MBR-04 and the experimental UEEF MBR-06, utilizing the best features from both. Ultimately the UEEF decided to go with non transformable versions of the Alpha and Condor to fill their Battloid needs; however the Karberrans found that the MDR-06 designs could be easily modified to accommodate their military requirements as well as their larger pilots. Many off the shelf parts were already in use in the MBR-06, so, it was decided to continue that design philosophy and the LHC-20 auto cannon used on the old VF-1R’s was incorporated along with an updated version of the HPC-155 used on the old MBR-04. Of the weaponry available to the MBR-09 the only standard, internally mounted, weapons are the LHC-25’s and the MDS-L-14. Everything else is modular, able to be swapped out as the mission dictates, although a KLA-1 and PBT-12 combo are standard.
MBR-09K-MK.VIII (Karberran Variant)
MBR-09B-MK.VIII (Non Karberran Variant)
- Crew: 1 (K Variant)
- Crew: 1 or 2 (B Variant)
- MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 525
- Legs: 325
- Upper Arms: 175
- LHC-25 Head: 125
- Speed:
- Running: 75mph
- Leaping: 80 feet across, 40 feet up
- Height: 31ft
- Width: 20 ft
- Length: 12 ft
- Weight: 20.8 tons
- Cargo: Minimal 5x3x3 compartment.
Weapon Systems:
- 1a: PBT-12 Tactical Cannon (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: 10,000 ft
- Damage: 3D6x10+25
- Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one attack
- Payload: Unlimited
- MDC: 200
- 1b: HPB-199 Heavy Particle Cannon (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: 20 miles
- Damage: 5D6x10 per single shot
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
- Payload: Unlimited
- Note: Ineffective at close range. -8 to hit targets closer than 1 mile.
- MDC: 175
- 1c: KLA-1 Heavy Manipulator (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: N/A
- Damage:
- Restrained Punch: 4D6
- Punch: 8D6
- Power Punch: 2D4x10
- Tear / Pry: 6D6
- MDC: 245
- 2: LAC-25 Head Lasers
- Range: 4000ft
- Damage: 1D4x10+5 per five round burst
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack
- Payload: 100 rounds per gun (300 total)
- Notes: This weapon can be set to operate autonomously as a CIWS system. Each cannon has three attacks and is +3 to hit incoming missiles. Specific targets can be preset, or the pilot may take manual control with a roll of the Weapon Systems skill.
- 3a: GR-101 Mini Missile Launcher (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: 1 mile
- Damage: As per mini missile, usually 1D4x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4 or 6.
- Payload: 18 Mini Missiles
- Note: May not be fired while the MDS-L-14 is in use.
- 3b: MDS-M-6B Air Defense Missile Launcher (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: 10 miles
- Damage: As per missile, usually 2D4x10 or 2D6x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4 or all 6.
- Payload: 6 Short range missiles
- Note: These missiles are +3 to strike airborne targets.
- 3c: MG-121B Shoulder Mounted cannon (1) Optional
- Range: 8,500 ft
- Damage: 4D8x10 per twenty round burst.
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack.
- Payload: 960 rounds stored in offset ammo hopper.
- Note: Essentially a mounted version of the GAU-121 hand held gunpod.
- 4: MDS-L-14
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: As per missile, usually 2D4x10 or 2D6x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4, 6, 8 or all 12.
- Payload: 12 per launcher for a total of 24
- 5: Optional use of Gunpods
- Notes: Any Gunpod used by the ASC or UEEF can be used so long as one limb mounts the KLA-1 arm option.
MBR-07K-MK.VII Spartan
The MBR-07 is another UEEF design that the Karbarrans snapped up as uniquely suitable to their needs and combat style. While used in specialized roles within the UEEF force structure, the Karbarrans use them as forward assault and shock mecha. Moderately armored when compared to heavier Destroids, the Spartan makes up for this with increased speed and maneuverability. Designed to close with the enemy and tear it limb from limb the mecha also employs fixed mount shoulder cannons used on the Bioroid Interceptor. A battery of short range missiles round out its combat load. The arm units are designed, much like the Tomahawks, to be swapped out, with the normal KLA-1 replaced by a much larger and armored KLA-3. However, mecha gun-pods cannot be used by the KLA-3 unit. Off times Karbarran pilots will use a mix of the KLA units giving the Spartan a distinct ‘Hellboy’ appearance.
MBR-07K-MK.VII (Karbarran Variant)
MBR-07A-MK.VII (Non Karbarran Variant)
- Crew 1 (K Variant)
- Crew: 1 or 2 (B Variant)
MDC By Location
- Main Body: 475
- Legs: 300
- Upper Arms: 175
- Shoulder Cannons: 125
- Chest Lasers: 95
- Speed:
- Running: 120mph
- Leaping: 100 feet across, 100 feet up
- Height: 27 ft
- Width: 14 ft
- Length: 12 ft
- Weight: 19.2 tons
- Cargo: Minimal 5x3x3 compartment.
Weapon Systems:
- 1: HLC-90B Shoulder Cannons
- Range: 6,000ft
- Damage: 2D6x10 per single shot or 4D6x10 for a dual blast
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike small targets, +4 to Strike large targets.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- 2: GR-201 Missile Launcher
- Range: 2 miles.
- Damage: As per missile, usually 5D6 or 1D4x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4, 6, or 8
- Payload: 24 Mini Missiles
- 3a: KLA-1 Heavy Manipulator (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: N/A
- Damage:
- Restrained Punch: 4D6
- Punch: 8D6
- Power Punch: 2D4x10
- Tear / Pry: 6D6
- MDC: 245
- 3b: KLA-3 Ultra Heavy Manipulator (1 or 2) Optional
- Range: N/A
- Damage:
- Restrained Punch: 6D6
- Punch: 1D6x10
- Power Punch: 3D4x10
- Tear / Pry: 8D6
- MDC: 275
- Note: This is a beefed up version of the Claw Arm used on the TCH-4 Tractor hauler.
- 4: LAC-25 Chest Lasers
- Range: 4000ft
- Damage: 1D4x10+5 per five round burst
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack
- Payload: 100 rounds per gun (300 total)
- Notes: This weapon can be set to operate autonomously as a CIWS system. Each cannon has three attacks and is +3 to hit incoming missiles. Specific targets can be preset, or the pilot may take manual control with a roll of the Weapon Systems skill.
- 5: MM-50 Short Missile Launchers
- Range: 5mile
- Damage: As per mini missile, usually 2D4x10 or 2D6x10
- Rate of Fire: 2, 4 or 6.
- Payload: 16 Short Range Missiles
- 6: Optional use of Gunpods
- Notes: Any Gunpod used by the ASC or UEEF can be used so long as one limb mounts the KLA-1 Arm option.
ZBr-O Mk.XXV Variable Glaug
ZBr-M Mk.XXVI Skorpion / Razorback
During the Battle of Ancyra the UEEF forces faced and then recovered samples of a new mecha being used by the Asbillides Fleet, a faction of the old Robotech Masters empire. Based on gathered intelligence the Asbillides developed the Neue Glaug, or T'sienglaug for numerous reasons, chief among them was to give their Zentraedi warriors a versatile machine capable of more easily defeating the Earth mecha the Masters Fleet expected to face. (VF-1's) Secondly, it eased an already strained logistics chain by eliminating the need for the Glaug-Eldare (Officer Battlepod Booster), as the Neo Glaug is capable of self deployment into orbit. Third, and least, was the Neo Glaug's usefulness as a 'reward' for loyal and skilled officers.
A micronian piloted version comes in two versions, the Skorpion, which is a variable assault craft, and the Razorback which is a three person fighter bomber. The Skorpion is capable of carrying assault teams of Marines on either planetary insertions, or ship to ship/station boarding actions, then, remain on hand to provide support to it's dismounted Cyclone infantry. The Razorback is intended to fill a anti ship assault platform for missiles as well as heavy fighter duties against massed formations of enemy forces.
- Crew 1 (Full sized Zentraedi) Variable Glaug
- Crew 3 (Micronian sized) Razorback
- Crew 1-2 (Micronian sized) Skorpion
- Passengers: Up to 24 Infantry (in CVR-4)
MDC By Location
- Main Body: 550
- Sensor Eye: 100
- Canopy / Pilots Compartment: 240
- Main Thrusters (2): 175 each
- Particle Cannon: 180
- Upper Legs: 160
- Lower Legs / Wings: 275
- Upper Arms: 150
- Lower Arms / Cannons: 250
- Forward Auto-cannons: 75
- Speed:
- Running: 175 mph
- Leaping: 700 feet across, 700 feet up
- Flying: Mach 3.8 in Atmosphere, Mach 12 in space
- Height:
- Fighter Mode: 40ft
- Gerwalk Mode: 66 ft
- Weight: 42 tons
- Cargo: Minimal
Weapon Systems:
- 1: 128mm Particle Cannon
- Range: 4 miles.
- Damage: 4d10x10 per single shot
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee.
- Note: Targets under 100 tons hit by this weapon must roll piloting skill with a -15% penalty to stay on their feet.
- 2: Forearm Cannons
- Range: 6,000ft.
- Damage: 2d8x10 per 20 round burst, 4d8x10 if both cannons are fired at the same target.
- Rate of Fire: As per pilot’s attacks.
- Payload: 240 rounds per arm for a total of 24 bursts.
- 3: 22.3mm Forward Cannons
- Range: 3,000 feet.
- Damage: 1d4x10 per 20 round burst, 2d4x10 of both cannons are fired at the same target.
- Rate of Fire: As per pilot’s attacks.
- Payload: 1000 rounds for a total of 50 bursts.
- 4: Missile Hardpoints (Optional)
- Range: As per Missile (Short or Medium)
- Damage: As per Missile (Short or Medium)
- Payload:
- Original Design: 4 Medium Range Missile attached to each arm, (usable in any mode); 24 Short range missiles and two 12 shot launchers under the wings, (must eject the launcher to change modes.)
- UEEF Design: Medium range Missile (same), 24 Short range missiles in over 'shoulder' launchers (usable in any mode).
Images Copyright Macross / Studio Nue
VF-32 Delta
Image Copyright: Yattori / A Clockwork Chicken
The newest fighter in the UEEF arsenal, the VF-32 Delta is a dedicated air superiority fighter with multi-role capabilities, chief among them is high speed reconnaissance and target interception. It is also adept at breaking apart enemy formations with their speed and agility. The Delta is the counter to the heavier Gamma and the two complement each other well. While the Delta's race in, disrupting an enemy formation, the Gamma's follow on and dispatch the enemy in detail. If the Gamma's are overwhelmed, the Delta's have the speed and firepower to tear apart their aggressors.
Considered by some to be a glass-cannon, the Delta does indeed trade off armor for maneuverability, and in that the craft follows the same design intent of the VFA-8 Logan. If the Logan was the "Flying Cat" then the Delta is a "Rocket Powered Cheetah". Capable of incredible speeds (Mach 14+ in space environments) the lightly armored Delta can outrun most any enemy fighter or mecha currently fielded. In that same vain, in it's multi-role capability, it can swiftly close to effective missile range, launch and withdraw, avoiding enemy CAP fighters in the process.
Like the Gamma the Delta is capable of unassisted exo-atmospheric operations. While not designed for prolonged ground operations, the Delta is quite adept at Blitzkrieg style assaults, which make it a fantastic raider.
- Class: Single Seat, All-Weather, Attack Interceptor
- Crew: 1
MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 440
- Legs (2): 150
- Arms (2): 125
- Wings (2): 175
- Tail (3): 75
- Engine: 175
- Head: 100
- Pilots Compartment: 175
- Gun Pod: 130
- Forearm Shield *:200
- (*) Shield will take 10% of inflicted damage from Physical (ranged and melee) and Energy attacks. Plasma and Armor Piercing inflicts 50% Any strike rolled on a natural 17 or higher will do 100% damage to shield.
Image Copyright: Yattori / A Clockwork Chicken
Statistical Data:
- Speed:
- Fighter Mode: Up to Mach 7 in atmosphere. Mach 14 in space.
- Gerwalk Mode: Up to Mach 4.5 in atmosphere.
- Battloid Mode: Up to mach 1.2 in atmosphere.
- Length (Fighter) : 15.40m (51ft)
- Height (Battloid): 12.19m (40ft)
Weapon Systems:
- Head Lasers: (x2)
- Damage: Heavy (32 B/J): 1D4x10+2 per
- Range: 6000ft
- Damage: Light: (32 A/D): 2D8+4 per
- Range: 4500ft
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- 35 mm Internal Guns: (x2)
- Damage: 2D8x5 per 5 round short burst (per gun); 2d8x10 per 10 round medium burst; 2d8x20 per 20 round long burst.
- Fire-linked: 4d8x5 per 5 rounds short burst; 4d8x10 per 10 round medium burst; 4d8x20 per 20 round long burst.
- Range: 4000ft (8000ft in space)
- Payload: 500 rounds (250 per gun) 35mm
- Damage: 2D8x5 per 5 round short burst (per gun); 2d8x10 per 10 round medium burst; 2d8x20 per 20 round long burst.
- GAU-38 Gunpod: (x1)
- Damage (35mm): 2D8x5 per 5 round short burst (per gun); 2d8x10 per 10 round medium burst; 2d8x20 per 20 round long burst.
- Damage (Particle Beam): 2D4x10
- Range (35mm): 4,000ft
- Range (Particle Beam): 5,000ft
- Payload (20mm): 600 rounds
- Payload (Particle Beam): 40 shots
- Hardpoints: (x10)
- Tip Rails: (x2) May carry a single, or 5 shot pod of, Medium Range missile(s) each.
- Wing Rails: (x2) May carry up to two Long Range, five Medium Range, or fifteen short range missiles / bombs per rail. (If Long Range missiles are carried only 4 rails may be used)
- Body Rails: (x2) May carry a single mission pod (FLIR, EW), Long or Medium Range missile / bomb.
QM-445 Ghost II Drone
Built along the same lines as the original QF-3000 Ghost's used during the First Robotech War, the Ghost II is a wholly new machine designed to be a cheap alternative to a manned Gamma, or Delta. The Ghost II is a multi-role platform able to operate in the fighter, bomber, escort, reconnaissance or electronic warfare role depending on need.
- Class: Multi-Role Unmanned Aerospace vehicle.
- Crew: None
- MDC By Location:
- Main Body:320
- Engine Pods: 175
- Main Sensor Cluster: 50
- Wings: 80
- Canard Wings: 45
- Statistics:
- Flying: Mach 5.25 in Atmosphere
- Flying: 4200 m/s
- Length: 52 ft
- Weight: 13 tons
Weapon Systems:
- ROV-25 25mm Beam Cannons x2
- Range: 28,000 ft (4 miles)
- Damage: 3D4x10+5 per (6D4x10+10 Fire linked)
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- XM-30 MB-SRM Launchers x2
- Range: 20,500 miles
- Damage: Varies with missile type
- Payload: 30 Short Range Missiles (60 Total in two bays)
- Wing Hardpoints x4
- Range: Varies per missile
- Damage: Varies per missile
- Payload: 1 LRM or 3 MRM or 15 SRM per hardpoint. May also carry gun-pods, EW pods or other under-wing stores as needed.
- EW Radome x1
- Sensor Range: 90,000 miles (Maximum possible detection range)
- Note: One XM-30 Bay is removed to accommodate the Radome's support infrastructure. 2 under-wing Hardpoints are taken to mount EW or RECCE support pods.