Pychology Profile
The quote "Not by Power, nor by Might, but by the Spirit" is easily the best way to describe her underlying philosophy. To this extent she has embraced passion, optimism and zeal, to the point of describing herself as hot-blooded. Even when her parents died, she only mourned for a brief period and only saw inspiration in how they lived and died. Her personal philosophy has implications for her fighting style, she always prefers direct forms of combat to indirect ones, or combat that relies solely on overwhelming firepower. Her personal philosophy and a training accident during her academy days has caused her to have an extreme aversion to and possible of phobia of missiles, and frequently calls them the weapons of the soulless.
View of Earth:
Earth is where the Zentraedi found a life outside that of the warrior, and must be preserved.
Views on Aliens:
Being an alien herself, she prefers to judge by actions rather than personal origin. However, there are still some prejudices in her that she keeps repressed. The most important of which is that she thinks of Tiroleans as cold and arrogant manipulators that were in desperate need of being knocked off their high horse. She has this image in her head of Tiroleans as pampered aristocrats who have not earned their right to exist and have forced others to take on their hardships for them. The recent betrayal has Komillia thinking that the Haydonites are nothing but murdering traitors. However, this is more of a knee-jerk reaction then a deeply rooted belief and may be swayed with personal experience.
View of War:
Life is conflict, so as long as life exists there will always be war. Everlasting peace will only come through some Act of God rewriting the very laws of the universe, or through the more likely scenario of mass-extinction of all life in the universe. However, intelligent life should be civilized enough to make rules of warfare and abide by those rules as to not cause any truly unnecessary suffering.
Medical Profile:
Most of Komillia's medical history is the typical childhood diseases and colds. Due to a training accident where a live missile exploded near her, she has some light scarring on her back and shoulders.
Military History:
- Participated in the Battle for the Lentactal Pass.
- Participated in the Battle for the Heptac Basin.
- Assigned to the 33rd MEU UES Yukikaze
- Detached Duty: Tirol: Point R: FOB Bastogne.
- Participated in the Battle for Point R
- Assigned to the Phoenix Battle Group / DESRON 14
- Detached Duty: Kato Zano Airbase: Karbarra.
- Participated in Operation Undermine.
- Participated in the Battle for the Karberran Asteroid Belt
- Participated in the Battle for Ancyra.
- Participated in the Battle for Chaffa.
- Detached Duty: ADFS-606 Valley Mistress
- Participated in the Battle of Haydon IV
Common Skills
- Computer Operation: 91% (S)
- Language: ESL: 74%
- Literacy: ESL: 80%
- Language: Zentraedi: 94% (cS)
- Literacy: Zentraedi: 98% (cS)
- Math: Basic: 98% (cS)
Flight Test Group Skills
- MECT Skorpion Officer Pod
- Pilot: Zentraedi Ground Mecha: 45%
Sarghress Mercenary Skills
- WP: Hangun
- Language: Chellic: 59%
- Literacy: Chellic: 55%
O.C.C. Skills
- Climbing: 90%/80%
- Forced March
- Mecha: Pilot Battloids: 105%
- Mecha: Pilot Ground VTs: 95%
- Military Etiquette: 90% (oS)
- Navigation: 95% (cS)
- Radio Basic: 90% (S)
- Sensory Equipment: 80% (S)
- Space Survival: 80% (cS)
- Zero-G Combat
M.O.S. Skills (Combat Specialist)
- Boarding Spaceships: 85%
- Wrestling
- Kick Boxing
- Mecha Specialty: Bioroid Interceptor
- MECT Bioroid Interceptor
- MECT Condor
- Recognize Weapon Quality: 80% (S)
Updated 8th Level: 5/6/12
UEMC Operations and Tactics Course Skills
- WP Rifles
- MECT: VR-059 Devastator
- MECT: Saber Cyclone
- Military Sign Language: 80%
O.C.C. Related Skills
- Fencing
- MECT: VR-30 series Cyclone
- Public Speaking: 55%
- Cryptography 30%
Secondary Skills
- Play Guitar: 70% (oS)
- Wardrobe and Grooming: 78%
- Seduction: 44%
- Boxing
- Running
- Sewing 50% (S)
Weapon Proficiencies
- Energy Pistol
- Energy Rifle
- Heavy MD Weapons
- Large Sword
- Sub-Machine Gun
- Pistols
- Axe
- Blunt
- Chain
- Forked
- Knife
- Polearm
- Spear
- Staff
- Short Sword
- Small Thrown
- Bow
- Crossbow
- Chain-Paired
- Large Sword-Paired
- Short Sword and Whip-Paired
- Short Sword and Axe-Paired
Hand to Hand
Updated 8th level 5/6/12
- IQ: 15
- ME: 16
- MA: 11
- PS: 17 (Augmented) +2 melee damage
- PP: 24 Strike/Parry/Dodge Bonus: +5
- PE: 16 +4% save vs. coma/death, +1 save vs. poison
- PB: 18 Charm/Impress: +40%
- Spd 40 Running 1600 yards/minute, 200 yards/melee
Hit Points and SDC
- Experience Level: 8th
- Experience Points: 54,867
- XP till next level: 16,833 to 71,700
Combat Bonuses
Hand to Hand (including Attribute Bonuses)
- Attacks: 10
- Initiative: +3
- Strike: +7 (extra +2 with Long Range Weapons)
- Dodge: +10
- Parry: +9
- Pull Punch: +3
- Roll with Punch: +4
- Critical: 19/20
- +4 HTH damage (+6 with PS bonues)
- +1 Perc
Mecha Bioroid Interceptor
- Init: +5
- Attacks: 14
- Strike: +10
- Dodge: +12 (g), +13 (f)
- Parry: +12
- Disarm: +2
- Pull Punch: +7
- Roll: +3
- Critical: 19/20
Mecha Saber Cyclone
- Attacks: 13
- Initiative: +4
- Strike: +9
- Dodge: +13 (ad)
- Parry: +14
- Pull Punch: +6
- Roll: +5
- Critical: 19/20
- HTH Damage: +14
Mecha Devastator
- Attacks: 13
- Initiative: +3
- Strike: +10 (extra +2 with Long Range Weapons)
- Dodge: +13 (ad)
- Parry: +12
- Pull Punch: +3
- Roll with Punch: +6
- Critical: 19/20
Combat Stats and Saves
- Punch: 2d4
- Power Punch: 4d4
- Backhand Strike: 1d6
- Body Flip: 1d6
- Body Throw: 1d6
- Elbow:1d6
- Forearm: 1d6
Updated 8th Level: 4 Nov 2012
ZBR-10 Mk. I Interceptor
Non-Variable Heavy Assault Battloid
- Crew: 1
- Main Body: 350
- Pilots Compartment: 120
- HPC-40 Gun Pod: 75
- Speed: 312.5mph (double in space)
- Height:
- Weight: 14 tons
Weapons Systems:
HLC-90 Retractable Laser Cannons
- Range: 6,000ft. (Double in space)
- Damage: 2D6x10 per single shot or 4D6x10 for a dual blast.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike small targets, +4 to Strike large targets.
HPC-40 Particle Cannon
- Range: 3,000ft.
- Damage: 1D6x10+8 per single blast.
- Payload: 10 blasts per clip.
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike.
LMMDS-16 Missile Delivery System
- Range: 5 miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 32
ZBR-11 Mk.II Advanced Interceptor
Non-Variable Heavy Assault Battloid
- Crew: 1
- Main Body: 410
- Pilots Compartment: 150
- HPC-40 Gun Pod: 75
- Thruster Pods: 120
- Speed:
- 420mph up to 15,000 ft
- Mach 9 in space
- Height:
- Weight: 15 tons
Weapons Systems:
HLC-90 Retractable Laser Cannons
- Range: 6,000ft. (x10 in space)
- Damage: 2D6x10 per single shot or 4D6x10 for a dual blast.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike small targets, +4 to Strike large targets.
HPC-40 Particle Cannon
- Range: 3,000ft.
- Damage: 1D6x10+8 per single blast.
- Payload: 10 blasts per clip.
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike.
TPBGe-MK.IV 85mm Weapon Pod.
- Range: 6,000ft. (Double in Space)
- Damage: 3D8x10+35
- Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack.
- Payload: 50 bursts.
H-90 Gallant
- Weight: 2 Pounds.
- Range:
- Pistol: 800ft
- Rifle: 1,600ft
- Damage:
- Pistol: 2D6 SDC, or 5D6 SDC for low power settings. 1D6 MD, or 3D6 MD for high power settings.
- Rifle: 2D6 SDC, or 5D6 SDC for low power settings. 2D6 MD, or 6D6 MD for high power settings.
- Payload: 2500 SDC bursts, 830 Single MD shots, 415 Rifle Shots, or 83 MD Rifle bursts.
- MDC of weapon: 40
Clips carried: 4
- Helmet: 50
- Arms (2): 30 each
- Legs (2): 40 each
- Main Body: 90
Amalgast Halberd
An ancient melee weapon used by space-faring Sailors and Merchent Marines during the time of the old Tirolian Mercantile Republic. This particular specimen was recovered from the Amalgast, an ancient solar-sailing vessel captained by Eratosthenes of Tonvella. The weapon and the vessel it was found on has been Carbon Dated at over 2500 years old. The weapon displays Rilacan motifs and ornamentation on it's grip and blade.
Weight: 4.5 pounds
Range: 30ft if thrown
Damage: 6D6 SDC
Bonus: +1 to Strike
Image Copyright: Ubisoft ACII
Ribbon Rack
Awards Roster
UEF Titanium Medal of Valor
- Awarded: September 15, 2044
Crux pro Audacia
- Awarded: September 15, 2044
Purple Heart
Combat Action Ribbon
- Awarded: September 10, 2044
Tirol Defense Campaign Ribbon
- Awarded: September 10, 2044
UEG Defense Service Medal
UEG Deployment Ribbon
- Awarded: November 30, 2044
UEF Marksmanship Medal: Rifle & Pistol
- Awarded: September 20, 2044
UEF Marksmanship Ribbon: Rifle & Pistol
- Awarded: September 20, 2044
Kalypsos Nebula Campaign Ribbon
- Awarded: October 30, 2044
O-1 Lieutenants Pay: 2,500₢ per month.
Combat Pay: +20% Base Pay (500₢)
Hazard Pay: +20% Base Pay (500₢)
Total Pay: 3,500₢ per month.
Credits (₢): 24,100
April 2045