[07:18:41] Narrator: As the group makes its way towards the 'Slice' for some more 'commecrial' shopping, the events of the past hour linger. Times are tough, and security tight, nigh draconian. As the group makes their way out of the bazaar the smells and sounds of rampant barter and haggle fade, to be replaced with bright lights, and music escaping from the many night clubs and bars that line the 'Slice.' The 'Slice' is obvioulsy an analog to the infamous Las Vegas Strip, and the citizenry here are legion. As in the bazaar, UEEF and TDF security is ever present.
[07:19:48] Narrator: (rp)
[07:20:35] 2 LT Komillia: Gah! I feel like a backwoods hick now. I've never seen anything like this!
[07:20:50] Lt. Jaron went back to his so called "home"
[07:21:24] Lt. Ishida: Hai, it reminds me of the pictures I have seen of the Tokyo Ginza district….before the….
[07:21:32] Lt. Ishida 's voice trails off.
[07:22:49] GM: Jeron, define 'home'
[07:25:20] Lt. Jaron: the Yukikaze
[07:27:02] GM: Roger that, Jeron, you make your way Topside, and to the hangerbay where your fighter is berthed.
[07:27:42] CWO Sarah looks around at the slice, blinking a little at all the excitements of the Slice, staying close to Suki for the moment.
[07:27:45] Lt. Ishida: The 'Slice' not to your liking Jeron-san?
[07:28:50] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around quite interestedly, peering around for somewhere with nice clothes that will fit someone with her height and figure.
[07:28:56] Lt. Jaron: "Afraid not. But I guess it comes form the fact of not much was like this on Mars"
[07:29:18] Lt. Ishida: Hai, not much like ALuCE either.
[07:29:39] Lt. Jaron nods "I have plenty of reading to do anyways"
[07:30:09] 2 LT Komillia looks for a store that carries some of her otaku magazines. (PERC: [1d20] => [3] = (3))
[07:30:11] Lt. Ishida: I cannot help but wonder if this is what the Earth would have been without the SDF-1's apperance.
[07:31:05] Lt. Jaron waves to the troop and heads off
[07:31:17] Lt. Ishida waves goodbye
[07:32:10] GM: Komilla, you almost think you see a Squirrel…
[07:32:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[07:32:29] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around for her store quite curiously. [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[07:32:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[07:32:42] GM: Ay, you DO see a Squirrel
[07:32:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[07:33:31] GM: Hehe, it takes a little looking, the glitz and glitter distract you at every turn, but Komilla, you find a location that carries your mags, and Ay, one that carries the type of clothes you find appealing.
[07:34:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay! ))
[07:36:18] 2 LT Komillia: Now I can find some pics to see if I can't get some seamstresses to make my costumes!
[07:37:37] GM: Komilla, the mags you find are reproductions, mainly, the originals long lost, and you find them in the history section of the bookstore no less.
[07:38:02] GM: specifically, Art History
[07:40:05] 2 LT Komillia laughs.
[07:40:10] 2Lt. Aylanea wanders into the store, looking around at shorts and shirts, and bikinis. And 'essentials', to keep the pervs from looking any more than they do.
[07:40:24] GM: OOo you do find the pasties
[07:40:30] GM: hehe
[07:41:08] Lt. Ishida waits upon the street as the others enter various stores.
[07:42:45] CWO Sarah wanders about in search of clothes as well, something more… conservative than Aylanea obviously. She's actually looking at jeans, and better t-shirts, and such.
[07:42:54] CWO Sarah: (( And she's also easier to fit clothes onto than Aylanea ;p ))
[07:43:29] GM: both Ay and Sarah find items that catch thier fancy.
[07:46:56] GM:
[07:47:03] GM: Anthony
[07:48:29] GM: You have been , tasked with escort duty… a pair of transport ships are heading towards a jump location secret to you, only, the pilot in the lead Garfish knows the actual location, and it will be within his ships Fold Sphere that you will travel…
[07:50:53] Anthony: Anthony, a young man. Smooth white skin, soft blond hair cut short to his cranium and quiet blue eyes. His focus jumps about the control panel of his bird as he clicks the comms for a briefing. He exhales deeply pressing his head against the top of the sit.
[07:51:13] GM: sit?
[07:51:18] Anthony: *seat
[07:51:56] Anthony: "Cry baby, online." He say, alerting of his ready status.
[07:52:48] UEEF: We here you, stow the crap noob! We will be entereing fold space in 5 mikes.
[07:53:12] GM: Comes the surely reply from the lead garfish.
[07:53:34] Anthony: He winces "My bad.."
[07:54:05] UEEF sends off a double click of the mic to signify reciept of your last.
[07:54:15] UEEF:
[07:55:10] UEEF: The shopping done, reading done (jeron) Translating done(Suki) and the team finds themselves on their BARCAP duities prior to thier 'classes' for that day.
[07:55:35] Narrator: Should have been narrator for that, sorry miss editor
[07:56:13] Narrator: BARCAP = Barrier Carrier Air Patrol. = Fighters that screen the fleet.
[07:57:28] Lt. Jaron flies casually for now on someone's wing
[07:57:58] CWO Sarah sits quietly behind Suki in her Beta, watching sensors.
[07:58:49] 2 LT Komillia does what she can just to keep up.
[07:59:10] 2 LT Gamjin follows the group keeping an eye out for hostiles.
[07:59:24] 2Lt. Aylanea flies wing for whoever needs it, watching out the windows and generally relaxing, though she's watching in case something pops up.
[07:59:44] GM: With the new booster attachments to Komi and Gamjins mecha keeping speed with the Legios is easy, unless they firewall it.
[08:01:30] GM: Anthony, the count dwn reaches zero and the lead Garfish initiates fold! The sensation is odd, you have only felt it once before, but that was well within the safety of an Ikazuchi. In an Alpha, it is guite…disconcerting.
[08:02:59] Anthony: He inhales deeply as if jumping into water. Holding his breath as he enters fold. He squints his eyes attempting to focus. Exhaling deeply "Don't be such a cry baby" He whispers to himself.
[08:04:54] UEEF: Phoneix tower to Hitman Flight. Flash Override! We have an anomouous reading bearing 35 dash niner 5. Be advised, we have a schedule resupply flight callsign Juniper inbound in your vacinity.
[08:05:18] UEEF: Anomolous*
[08:05:42] Lt. Jaron radios "Roger that Tower"
[08:06:00] Lt. Jaron spreads out alittle
[08:06:00] Lt. Ishida: Hitman 1 copies all tower.
[08:06:20] Anthony: He flicks switches and turns dials by instinct, adjusting himself on his seat.
[08:06:23] Lt. Ishida: Hitman flight, assume Gamma formation.
[08:06:32] Lt. Ishida smiles as Jeron anticipates the command.
[08:06:57] 2Lt. Aylanea blinks up at that, adjustingt formation and looking at the scanner, adjusting for the formation quickly.
[08:07:39] Lt. Jaron watches sensors for any spikes (sensory [1d100] => [2] = (2) vs 60)
[08:09:29] GM: Jeron, you pick up a power spike, with a signature of a fold. It is not a UEEF signature.
[08:09:55] Lt. Jaron radios "energy source non UEEF….be ready"
[08:10:43] 2 LT Gamjin: Copy.
[08:10:49] Lt. Ishida: Roger that Four! All craft, stay frosty!
[08:10:50] 2 LT Komillia: Roger
[08:12:40] CWO Sarah looks up to see if she can see the energy signature, and possibly recognize what it might be from. ( [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) Perc to check for PC sig)
[08:14:24] GM: Sarah, you , along with jeron, pick up a cojoined fold signature. One is uEEF, the other, isnt.
[08:15:14] UEEF: Defold in 15 seconds!
[08:15:41] Lt. Ishida:
[08:15:49] Anthony: Prepares for the unevitable, glancing over to the sides before fixing his focus straight.
[08:15:57] Lt. Ishida looks over the feed from Jeron and Serah….
[08:16:04] Lt. Ishida: This doenst look right…
[08:16:48] Lt. Ishida: Hitman flight, go weapons hot!
[08:16:49] CWO Sarah blinks just a little bit. "Conjoined fold signature… UEEF and non-UEEF… what the…" She keeps watching.
[08:17:06] Lt. Jaron radios "Roger Hitman 1"
[08:19:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: Roger that, weapons hot!
[08:19:28] GM: In front of Hitman Flight, some 25 kicks distant, you see the unmistakable flash of defold. Two Garfish and their CAP pop into real-space. However, a scant second later, there is a second defold behind the incoming UEEF flight.
[08:19:45] GM: kicks = klicks
[08:20:25] Lt. Jaron radios "Incoming UEEF Forces, you have bogies on your aft"
[08:24:38] GM: Anthony, instead of a friendly greeting, you hear.. that! That you have bogies on your six!
[08:24:58] Lt. Ishida: Hitman flight, step into attack! Cover those ships!!!
[08:25:34] Lt. Jaron grumbles and takes off towards the Garfishes and CAP; full speed. Radioing "On it HItman 1"
[08:25:57] 2 LT Komillia: Do we have confirmed hostiles or just unknowns?
[08:26:15] GM: As Suki's transmission crosses the airwaves, you see now the cause! A smallish craft, reminisint of a Fantoma, but 1/10th the size, with no less then 12 Wraiths!
[08:26:47] Anthony: "Roger that!" He picks up his sensors trying to discern the exact location of the boogies.
[08:28:01] 2 LT Komillia: Preparing to Engage.
[08:28:36] GM: Init tiem!
[08:29:06] Lt. Jaron: Init [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[08:29:09] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[08:29:09] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
[08:29:12] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[08:29:12] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[08:29:13] Lt. Jaron: (turd)
[08:29:20] Anthony: Init [1d20+2] => [11,2] = (13)
[08:29:39] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[08:29:46] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9)
[08:29:58] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22)
[08:30:23] 2Lt. Aylanea adjusts quickly once the inbounds are spotted, getting ready for engagement. "Party time." ( [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13) init)
[08:30:45] GM: tie breaker tween Anthony and Ay
[08:31:02] CWO Sarah: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[08:31:09] GM: base 20 roll please
[08:31:09] Anthony: ( ladies first )
[08:31:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [3] = (3)
[08:31:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( craptastic ))
[08:31:32] Anthony: ( lol ladies first )
[08:31:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( roll goof. ))
[08:31:57] Anthony: Slugs his movement, acting after Aylanea in order to accern the situation.
[08:32:04] Anthony: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[08:32:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol. You win ))
[08:32:12] GM: d20 please Cappy
[08:32:15] GM: thankee
[08:32:29] Anthony: ( gosh! )
[08:32:34] 2 LT Komillia: ((He already did…))
[08:32:44] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *tickles* ))
[08:32:46] 2 LT Komillia: (626) Anthony: Init [1d20+2] => [9,2] = (11) => [11,2] => (11, 2) = (13)
[08:33:03] Anthony: ( lol )
[08:33:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( er, Komi? Reread better. There was a roll-off, Cause Ay rolled 13 as well ))
[08:33:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *tickle* anyway ))
[08:34:14] UEEF: [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[08:34:20] Anthony: ( *is a robotech combat virgin* please be gentle )
[08:34:38] Anthony: ( at first )
[08:34:47] GM: Take him hard! giggity
[08:34:50] GM: hehe
[08:34:54] GM: kay
[08:35:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[08:36:24] GM: Gamjin! You are up first vis-a-vis reverse init! You have 12 enemy, 13 if you can count the enemy mother ship
[08:37:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heehee ))
[08:37:28] GM: The enemy have Wraiths!
[08:37:44] 2 LT Gamjin fires four SRMs at the nearest Wraith.
[08:37:48] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16)
[08:37:58] GM: Gamjin, with your Vindi…you have range on ALL enemy
[08:38:20] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[08:38:58] GM: The Wraith you fire on tries to evade, but is unable! Roll damamge!
[08:39:25] 2 LT Gamjin: [(2d6*10)*4] => 280
[08:40:26] GM: The Wraith defolds and before he can calibrate his sensores, he is toast!!!!
[08:41:23] GM: Two groups of Hayonites however are able to fire now, their sensors clear of fold clutter. They fire on…One of the Garfish, and their CAP!
[08:41:44] Haydonite: Erradicate the Addicts!
[08:42:00] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[08:42:04] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[08:42:04] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[08:42:06] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[08:42:06] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[08:42:06] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[08:42:42] GM: Anthony, you now find yourself being fired upon!
[08:43:07] Anthony: "Rolling!" pulls the throttle for an evasive manuever.
[08:43:22] GM: You may AD the unat 21, 14, and 8
[08:43:40] Anthony: (an roll for the others with a +10? )
[08:43:54] Anthony: ( I didn't get to add the bonuses for my veritech )
[08:43:57] Anthony: ( MECT)
[08:44:57] Anthony: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[08:45:02] tmrevolver (enter): 20:45
[08:45:42] GM: oww
[08:45:48] Anthony: ( ok so.. )
[08:45:59] Anthony: ( 12.. )
[08:46:13] tmrevolver: Disconnecting from server…
[08:46:13] tmrevolver (exit): 20:46
[08:46:25] Anthony: ( or more.. gah need to get all this MECT bonuses )
[08:46:26] GM: nat 1-4 equal bad
[08:46:31] Anthony: ( ok )
[08:47:46] Wraith: [4d4*10] => 90
[08:47:53] Wraith: [4d4*10] => 80
[08:48:57] GM: The Garfish are hit hard, and thwir CAP likewise, Anthony, you take 170 instnatly as a pair or wraiths saddle up on your six
[08:49:05] GM: Komillia
[08:49:42] GM: Remember, those with higher init MAY inturrupt…
[08:49:48] 2 LT Komillia: (Does Komi still have the GAU 15)
[08:49:56] Lt. Jaron flies through the Garfish's CAP and skims underneath the Garfish to cut the distance (or atleast tries) before firing a volley of 4 at a wraith that attacked a Garfish (pilot [1d00] => [1] = (1) vs 82; to strike [1d20+2] => [6,2] = (8), dmg [8d6*10] => 220 MD)
[08:51:27] Wraith: [4d20+6] => [8,4,5,10,6] = (33)
[08:51:31] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[08:52:44] GM: [1d100] => [66] = (66)
[08:53:26] GM: Jeron! You inturrupt! but alas your missiles fail to hit your target! You have never seen this before! But! The Wraith have just deployed Chaff and Flare! They. have. Adapated!
[08:54:22] Lt. Jaron radios "Anyone else see that? They have counter measures"
[08:54:27] 2 LT Komillia: ((Back to my question, does Komi have the heavy rifle she had on Tirol.))
[08:54:42] Lt. Ishida: I see it 4!
[08:54:56] GM: Yes James, Komi still ahs the BFG
[08:55:21] 2 LT Komillia: Doesn't affect my fighting style.
[08:55:34] GM: The UEEF CAP and Garfish sping into action!
[08:55:44] 2 LT Komillia fires the boom gun on the one the evaded Jaron.
[08:55:59] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[08:56:35] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[08:56:48] GM: Roll damamge!
[08:57:04] 2 LT Komillia: [(1d10*10)+20] => 100
[08:57:55] GM: The Wraith is hit but the damnable craft is still in the fight!
[08:58:27] UEEF: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[08:58:27] UEEF: [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[08:58:33] UEEF: [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18)
[08:58:33] UEEF: [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[08:58:34] UEEF: [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12)
[08:58:46] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[08:58:47] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[08:58:47] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[08:58:48] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[08:58:48] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[08:59:17] UEEF: [3d4*10] => 90
[08:59:39] UEEF: [8d6*10] => 250
[09:00:55] GM: The UEEF garfish and other escorts swing into action! One of the GArfish is able to connect with it's Point Defence guns, and an Alpha wipes a Wraite with a spread of 4 missiles! But, the enemy persists and continues it's attack!
[09:01:03] GM: Ay, Your go
[09:02:40] 2Lt. Aylanea starts sighting one of the remaining wraiths, swearing softly as she sees them persisting the way they are. She lines up, checking for status on the additional 15s she requested, as well as the first, and locking them in on one of the fighters, pulling the trigger on him. ([1d20+14] => [9,14] = (23) strike)
[09:03:41] Wraith: [8d20+6] => [20,18,13,3,20,18,6,12,6] = (116)
[09:03:45] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[09:03:59] GM: Ay! You hit!
[09:04:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rolling damage ))
[09:04:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d4*10)+30)*3] => 210
[09:04:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d4*10)+30)*3] => 300
[09:04:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oops ))
[09:04:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ignore 2nd click. ))
[09:06:08] GM: The Wraith is hit hard and spins back and moves towards the enemy 'mothership'
[09:06:29] GM: Anthony! Your go
[09:06:50] Anthony: Glances over at his six "Oh you little, you ruined my paint job." He pushes hard on the throttle trying to twirl the space-craft to his six in a wide arc "Enjoy the toostie roller!" He shouts as he attempts to fire a volley of MM60 at the pair in mid twirl.
[09:07:20] Anthony: [1d100] => [29] = (29) vs. 75 Pilot
[09:07:33] Anthony: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[09:07:57] GM: how many in your volly?
[09:07:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( firing how many missiles from the MM-60 though? ))
[09:08:11] Anthony: ( 4 )
[09:08:16] GM: roger that
[09:08:22] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11)
[09:08:31] GM: Damamge
[09:09:29] Anthony:
1 [2d6*10] => 50
2 [2d6*10] => 40
3 [2d6*10] => 80
4 [2d6*10] => 50
[09:09:58] GM: next time just clump roll it ^^
[09:10:04] Anthony: ( ok sorry
[09:10:21] Anthony: ( 220 )
[09:11:23] GM: The Wraith takes the hit! and turns tail! Parts and chunks of it splay off the retreating fightercraft.
[09:13:35] Wraith: The Wriaths move in (three of them and fire on 1-2 Garfish, 3-4 Garfish CAP, 5-6 dastardly UEEF reinforcements.
[09:13:39] Wraith: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[09:14:26] Wraith: CAP 1-5 other alpha's 6 = Anthony
[09:14:28] Wraith: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[09:14:35] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[09:14:42] UEEF: [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[09:14:56] Wraith: [4d4*10] => 140
[09:15:02] Wraith: [4d4*10] => 100
[09:15:03] Wraith: [4d4*10] => 90
[09:15:25] UEEF is hit hard!
[09:16:00] UEEF: Escort niner three! I'm screwed! Heading towards the mother ship! Cover me!
[09:17:00] GM: Sarah!
[09:18:17] CWO Sarah: (( how many left? ))
[09:18:25] GM: 10
[09:18:30] GM: plus the nother ship
[09:18:34] GM: mother
[09:19:03] CWO Sarah tries to lock up four Wraiths, and fire volleys of four missiles at each one, promptly. [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[09:19:34] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[09:19:34] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20)
[09:19:35] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20)
[09:19:35] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[09:19:48] CWO Sarah: (( crud ))
[09:19:49] Wraith: [1d100] => [7] = (7)
[09:19:49] Wraith: [1d100] => [90] = (90)
[09:19:49] Wraith: [1d100] => [3] = (3)
[09:19:50] Wraith: [1d100] => [76] = (76)
[09:20:13] GM: Roll damamge on 2, full spread, brbm in 5 min
[09:20:41] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 400
[09:20:45] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 240
[09:21:27] 2 LT Komillia: (AFK)
[09:22:46] GM: Two Wriath are obliterated! The other two are able to knock the offending missiles out of the 'air'
[09:22:52] GM: Suki
[09:23:29] Lt. Ishida follows in Ay's footstwps and locks up 4 and fires 4 per
[09:23:34] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [11,3] = (14)
[09:23:44] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:23:45] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[09:23:45] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[09:23:45] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[09:23:52] Wraith: [1d100] => [81] = (81)
[09:23:59] CWO Sarah: (( that was me, not Ay ))
[09:24:12] GM: Suki roll 4 missile damamge on 3 and 3 on one
[09:24:24] 2 LT Komillia: ((back))
[09:24:33] Lt. Ishida: [8d6*10] => 210
[09:24:34] Lt. Ishida: [8d6*10] => 250
[09:24:35] Lt. Ishida: [8d6*10] => 270
[09:24:39] Lt. Ishida: [6d6*10] => 170
[09:26:06] GM: Suki your missiles lance forth and wipe two Wraiths! One is cripples beyond repair and is for all intents and purposes a mobility kill. The Fourth, able to kill a missile on its termial dive escapes alive, but damamge badly!!!
[09:26:26] Wraith: Oh I have had about enough of this!
[09:27:11] Wraith: Fires on 1-3 Garfish CAP 4-6 Phoenix birds
[09:27:16] Wraith: [1d6] => [5] = (5)
[09:27:44] Wraith: Suki/Sarah 1-2, Jeron 3-4, Komilla 5 Ay 6
[09:27:45] Wraith: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[09:27:57] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[09:28:03] Wraith: [1d6] => [2] = (2)
[09:28:08] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
[09:28:13] Wraith: [1d6] => [5] = (5)
[09:28:22] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[09:28:46] Lt. Jaron takes a hard left to evade (dodge [1d20+13] => [1,13] = (14))
[09:29:03] Lt. Jaron: (booo….bad dice)
[09:29:12] Wraith: Jeron, you are fired on, Suki/ Sarah, you as well. and Komilla
[09:29:21] Wraith: [4d4*10] => 100
[09:29:39] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[09:29:39] GM: Jeron you are hit, balster fire pranging off your hull!
[09:29:45] GM: for 100 pernts
[09:29:58] GM: Komilla you too are hit!
[09:30:00] GM: [4d4*10] => 100
[09:30:04] GM: For 100!
[09:30:44] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [7,18] = (25)
[09:31:08] GM: Attackers win ties, sorry Suki and Sarah!
[09:31:24] GM: 1-4 Beta 5-6 Alpha
[09:31:28] GM: [1d6] => [2] = (2)
[09:31:32] CWO Sarah: (( don't I get a dodge shot? ))
[09:31:37] GM: [4d4*10] => 90
[09:31:48] GM: You are not the PIC )Pilot in command)
[09:31:58] CWO Sarah: (( ah. *shrug* nm then. ))
[09:31:59] GM: The beta takes 90!
[09:32:07] GM: Gamjin! your shots!
[09:33:29] 2 LT Gamjin fires at 4 of the Wraiths with 4 SRMs each.
[09:33:35] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[09:33:37] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
[09:33:38] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[09:34:06] 2 LT Gamjin: ((Got laggy on me there…))
[09:35:23] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[09:35:40] 2 LT Gamjin: ((to finish the set… ))
[09:35:59] GM: I'll go with the 19
[09:36:06] GM: only need one roll
[09:36:13] Wraith: [4d20+6] => [6,13,6,13,6] = (44)
[09:36:14] Wraith: [4d20+6] => [1,3,12,3,6] = (25)
[09:36:14] Wraith: [4d20+6] => [8,2,16,20,6] = (52)
[09:36:15] Wraith: [4d20+6] => [3,13,8,9,6] = (39)
[09:36:18] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:36:19] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[09:36:19] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[09:36:20] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[09:36:25] Wraith: ((thats bewtter))
[09:36:38] Wraith: [1d100] => [7] = (7)
[09:36:40] 2 LT Gamjin: ((I know, but do to lag, I ended pressing three times, thinking the first two didn't get through.))
[09:37:15] GM: Roll damamge full on 3, the other Wraith is able to distract it's volley on it by flares!
[09:37:30] 2 LT Gamjin: [(2d6*10)*4] => 240
[09:37:33] 2 LT Gamjin: [(2d6*10)*4] => 320
[09:37:33] 2 LT Gamjin: [(2d6*10)*4] => 80
[09:38:42] GM: @ Wriaths are blown from exsistance!
[09:39:26] GM: The third however moves off at full burner!
[09:40:08] Lt. Ishida: Tactics [1d100] => [5] = (5) vs75%
[09:40:41] Lt. Ishida: AllHitman birds! Hold CAp on teh 'Fish! Haydonites are in full retreat!
[09:41:31] Wraith: Fires on the Garfish!
[09:41:36] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:41:36] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[09:41:37] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[09:42:08] Wraith: 2nd Group fire on the Fish!
[09:42:11] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[09:42:11] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[09:42:12] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[09:42:13] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[09:42:37] Anthony: ( I can act now? )
[09:43:36] GM: Komilla, the Wraith seem to be withdrawing, but, they are taking a toll onthe Garfish as they withdraw! Komilla it is your turn(Anthony, you have Init over Komilla, you MAY inturrupt and act ahead of her.)
[09:45:14] 2 LT Komillia fires the BFG at any Garfish harassing Wraiths.
[09:45:16] Anthony: He finishes the arc and pulls down, trying to fall on the Garfish's topside. He attempts to fire a volley at the remaining Wraith, using their attack to tighten their reflexes "Riding on your high fin, boss."
[09:45:17] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[09:45:25] GM: Dayum girl!
[09:45:49] GM: Roll damamge! not even gonna roll a dodge!
[09:46:04] Anthony: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[09:46:04] GM: Anthony declare and roll your attack
[09:46:10] 2 LT Komillia: [(1d10*10+20)*2] => 60
[09:46:17] Anthony: ( 8, divided between those incoming )
[09:46:24] GM: kk, you have a 16, whatcha doing with it
[09:46:37] Anthony: ( 60mm volley of 8 )
[09:47:06] Anthony: ( oh sorry! )
[09:47:15] Anthony: (that was ment as strike but I'll use it as pilot )
[09:47:31] Anthony: (Riding on top of the Garfish to get at hte wraith striaght on )
[09:47:52] Anthony: ( they got their fix on him so my theory is that they should already be aling for an easier shot )
[09:47:57] GM: kk, hold on a sedc and well figure out what your onto, Kommi roll the BFG damamge
[09:47:57] Anthony: ( Like playing chicken )
[09:48:04] Anthony: ( roger )
[09:49:59] GM: need your roll James
[09:50:46] 2 LT Komillia: [(1d10*10+20)*2] => 140
[09:50:48] Anthony: [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs. 75%
[09:50:59] Anthony: ( 16 on strike )
[09:51:57] GM: 140?
[09:52:11] GM: Screwit!
[09:54:19] GM: Komilla, you fire! Your shot lances forth and tags a retreating Wraith! Thankfullly it is one that has been damaged prior! The Wriath is penetrated amidships and the round seperates the drive section from the main body! Internal fires race across the hull and the craft detonates!
[09:55:05] GM: Okay, Anthony, sum up, whatcha doin?
[09:56:36] Anthony: He pulls on top of the fish, trying to ride his drift and shoot at the alinged tangoes. Using their distraction of shooting to keep them close and easier to hit.
[09:56:50] GM: kk, your hit is a 16
[09:56:53] GM: working
[09:57:00] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[09:57:11] GM: Dammage
[09:57:34] GM: roll me a piloting as well por favor
[09:57:43] Anthony: [16d6*80] => 4640
[09:57:47] Anthony: (thats wrong.. )
[09:57:48] GM: LOL
[09:57:57] GM: I want to do that much damage!
[09:58:21] 2 LT Komillia: ((Hush you, you got to fire a Reflex Cannon once…))
[09:58:29] Anthony: [2d6*10] => 100 + [2d6*10] => 100 + [2d6*10] => 40 + [2d6*10] => 70 + [2d6*10] => 60 +[2d6*10] => 80 + [2d6*10] => 30 + [2d6*10] => 100
[09:58:39] GM: ((this is true! and that was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!0
[09:58:44] GM: Huh!
[09:58:58] GM: What am I looking ata…./
[09:59:00] GM: ?
[09:59:22] Anthony: 400 damage fromt the 60mm
[09:59:32] Anthony: ( 8 missiles )
[09:59:51] GM: for future referance, just roll like 8d6 or what not times 10
[09:59:58] Anthony: ( ok )
[10:00:07] Anthony: ( wasn't sure how lol sorry )
[10:00:10] GM: in the case of 8 missiels, that would be 16d6x10
[10:00:22] GM: no big just tryong to make it easy
[10:01:23] Anthony: ( thank you )
[10:01:39] GM: Eight missiles fire forth and impact the enemy Wraith! there is no chance for the hapless Wraith! there is not much it can do, but DIE!!!!
[10:02:33] GM: The remaining Haydonites forgo their attacks to rondavous with the haydonite mothership!
[10:02:38] GM: Sarah!
[10:03:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( am I not at some point before Sarah? ))
[10:05:07] Lt. Jaron radios "Do you think their main ship has a cannon or something cause it particularly doesnt look to be retreating"
[10:06:18] GM: If Ay did not attack then she must no, my bad, missed it
[10:06:31] GM: no = now
[10:07:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( they all made it to the ship now? Or can I snipe one before it gets there? ))
[10:08:13] Anthony: ( roll intelligence for that piece of info? )
[10:08:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( that doesn't need an intelligence roll. ))
[10:08:36] Anthony: ( possibility of that mothership having cannons? )
[10:08:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh ))
[10:08:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heh ))
[10:08:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ignore me, I dumb ))
[10:08:52] Anthony: ( )
[10:09:55] GM: The enemy have all made it into what you would by UEEF protocol recognoze as poximity to a fold sphere.
[10:10:38] 2Lt. Aylanea blinks and pauses, watching them pull back. "Hmm… Wonder what this was about. Unless it was just a recon mission to see where we were…" She frowns.
[10:11:01] GM: Attack or no?
[10:11:09] GM: tick tock
[10:11:36] 2Lt. Aylanea fires four missiles each at four of the Wraiths, anyway, if in range. [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[10:11:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, suck roll ))
[10:11:51] GM: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[10:11:52] GM: [1d20+6] => [3,6] = (9)
[10:11:54] GM: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[10:11:56] GM: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:12:00] GM: [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[10:12:00] GM: [1d100] => [90] = (90)
[10:12:31] GM: Roll damamge on 2 of the four, full missiles, and 3 missiles on one
[10:12:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*4] => 280
[10:12:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*4] => 120
[10:12:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*3] => 300
[10:14:10] Anthony: "They got what they were looking for." He snickers with a deep sigh, prepping to pull from the fish in a roll to come to its side. He glances at the mothership trying to discern if it would have cannons.
[10:16:31] Lt. Jaron swings back around to join the CAP, going back to normal speed
[10:17:57] GM: whoo
[10:18:10] GM: Two Wrait die instantly!
[10:18:26] GM: Suki you got ONE shot before the enemy mother ship fold out!
[10:19:11] Lt. Ishida: ((well, based on that I fire a 10 spread at the mother ships ass (engineering section!))
[10:19:15] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [35] = (35)
[10:19:18] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9)
[10:19:27] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[10:20:09] GM: Sadly, the missiels that Suki fires are hit upon by the Haydonties motherships AA guns (rolling % for effect )
[10:20:13] GM: [1d100] => [65] = (65)
[10:20:21] GM: Half are knocked out
[10:20:34] GM: [10d6*10] => 350
[10:21:58] GM: Half of Suki's missiles strike true but alas, the fold drives are shielded deep within the the hull of the ship and while the sublight drives take catostrophic damage, the ship and it's Wriath cadre warp out!
[10:23:12] Lt. Jaron radios "Well that was interesting"
[10:24:27] Lt. Ishida: Roger that! Phoenix Control…enemy tangos are RTB, we have two UEEF down! Garfish are intact! Hitman team form on Juniper Flight and follow them in!
[10:25:18] Lt. Jaron does so
[10:25:33] 2Lt. Aylanea maneuvers to follow Juniper in. "Acknowledged."
[10:25:39] 2 LT Komillia gets in formation.
[10:26:31] GM: Hitman flight escorts the sticken Garfish and their escorts into the cavernous bays of the Phoenix. (you even see a pair of Shimikaze Battlecrusiers berthed within undergoing repairs and resupply.)
[10:26:45] Benjamin (enter): 22:26
[10:27:08] UEEF: Hitman and Juniper Flight, you are clear for laning Bay Alpha West!
[10:27:18] UEEF: *landing
[10:27:30] Anthony: He takes formation by the Garfish, looking over at the Hitman. Closing his comm at listen. He moves with the formation, admiring the sight.
[10:28:06] Lt. Jaron goes to landing bay as ordered
[10:28:25] GM: Anthony, as you look over Hitman flight you notice that they have not taken one single hit, while you and your ENTIRE flight are damaged in some small way or another.
[10:30:14] GM: Hitman Flight you land among a damages two ship flight of garfish with their Alpha escort.
[10:30:35] GM: damaged*
[10:30:45] Anthony: He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck
[10:30:58] GM: (free RP)
[10:31:09] GM: Location Hanger deck
[10:31:30] Lt. Jaron lands and powers down; soon exiting
[10:32:37] 2 LT Gamjin examines his Vindicator.
[10:33:09] Lt. Jaron looks at the Garfish's CAP alphas "Man…you all see action before you arrive?" (to any of the CAP in general)
[10:33:16] 2 LT Komillia: The Haydonites are proving more intelligent than I gave them credit for.
[10:33:20] 2Lt. Aylanea crawls out of her Alpha, looking around slightly.
[10:33:26] Anthony: Brings the bird down, slowly as it chips and cracks. He expels the cover and removes his helmet. "Hot damn.."
[10:33:33] GM: Gamjin sees his Vinid is unscathed outside of some small knicks and ings that re univrsal from space comabts.
[10:34:12] Benjamin (exit): 22:34
[10:35:32] CWO Sarah sighs as she slips from her mecha, glancing to Komi and sighing softly. "They were intelligent enough to engineer the backstab with equipment that at the time was an offer that couldn't be refused. That says plenty on their intelligence. Their adapting is unsurprising, now that they've realized that we won't just roll over and die, or keep running."
[10:35:37] Lt. Ishida hops out of her mecha and looks over her team. Satisfied that they are in decent order she relaxes somewhat.
[10:36:12] Lt. Ishida: Clankers are using counter measures now…that complicates things.
[10:36:42] Lt. Jaron nods to Suki
[10:36:43] 2 LT Komillia: You expected missile tactics to be forever useful?
[10:36:45] Anthony: He hops of the bird, watching the star Hitmans.
[10:37:01] Lt. Ishida: No, I didnt. but, now we have to deal with it…
[10:37:31] 2 LT Komillia: Use more guns, like me. Not that hard, might take longer though.
[10:37:37] Lt. Ishida: Counter vs counter…it's going to be long war.
[10:37:58] 2 LT Komillia: Barring the UEEF coming up with some better guns.
[10:37:59] Lt. Ishida nods in agreement with Komilla's statement.
[10:39:55] Anthony: He adjusts his uniform, trying to look presentable before making his way toward the group. He moves with high held high and a proud stride. Bringing his hand to a salute for the closest 2nd LT.
[10:40:10] Anthony: (*head held high)
[10:40:58] Anthony: (wait )
[10:41:05] Anthony: (CWO is warrant officer right? )
[10:41:15] Anthony: ( yeah. ok 2nd is highest ranking )
[10:41:21] GM: Yes
[10:41:25] GM: no
[10:41:30] GM: there are 5 ranks
[10:41:34] GM: 0 thru 5
[10:41:37] Anthony: ( I mean in the crowd )
[10:42:11] Anthony: ( the Hitmans )
[10:42:43] GM: Anthony is one of the first to be an Alpha Pilot at such a low rank, however, he wont be the lowest, like Rick Hunter aboard the SDF-1, the UEEF will start allowing enlisted ranks to fly Alpha's
[10:43:36] Lt. Jaron turns to the approaching pilot and gives a casual salute "Just a formality pilot. Names Jaron Fairman. Nice to meet you but you best be on your best with her" he points to Suki
[10:44:37] Anthony: "Corporal De La Charles, call sign "Cry Baby." Its a honor to have danced with the famous hitmans."
[10:45:12] Lt. Ishida goes over her post flight regime, and looks over with a hard gaze, playing up to Jeron's comment.
[10:46:14] Lt. Jaron smirks "First name please or you will be stuck with Cry baby forever"
[10:46:38] Anthony: Lowers his salute, glancing over the lot. "First name is Anthony sir but I there is no shame in my call sign."
[10:47:10] Lt. Ishida: His old callsign is ireelevant, he's not ours anyway…
[10:47:26] Anthony: "They call me cry baby cause I make 'em shriek like new born babes and well, the ladies like this baby face." He smacks his smoth chin.
[10:48:48] CWO Sarah laughs and rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "Cute…" She nods to Suki then, and just stays near her, quieting down.
[10:48:52] Anthony: He raises a brow as his eyes drift to Ishida.
[10:49:23] Lt. Jaron smirks "Well Anthony…nice piloting out there anyways. If you hang around, dont feed to Zents."
[10:49:36] Anthony: He snaps to CWO Sarah and grins turning to a wink but catches himself and gathers his military bearing. "Thank you sir!"
[10:49:37] Lt. Ishida continues going about her offical buzznis…
[10:49:50] Lt. Ishida turns at that.
[10:50:01] Lt. Ishida: Hai. Pleased to meet you.
[10:50:05] Anthony: "I must stay and see the techs on my bird. She got hit bad."
[10:50:09] Lt. Ishida returns the salute.
[10:50:26] Anthony: Nods to Ishida, respectfully acknowledging her.
[10:51:28] GM: Some time passes….Ishida is notified of a transfer to the unit (as Jess/Lu is away)
[10:52:18] GM: Anthony, you are adebriefed and are told to report the CO of 1st Marine Raiders, Hitmans.
[10:53:53] Anthony: Exits the debriefing room with as much composure as he can muster. As soon as he is out of sight he shrieks and tries to slap the grin of his face. He adjust his uniform and does as order. Turning to a salute at the CO's office "Corporal De La Charles, reporting for duty!"
[10:55:05] Lt. Ishida looks over the new orders and paceplams…
[10:55:40] Lt. Ishida looks at Sarah…
[10:55:49] Lt. Ishida: Do me a afavor and handle this…
[10:56:59] 2 LT Komillia: ((afk, again))
[10:58:14] Anthony: Stands straight as a nail. His salute sharp and without a quiver. He gives the room a thousand yard stare.
[11:00:40] No match found
[11:01:29] Lt. Ishida inwarlyw scoffs at the 1000yrd stare. Hving read his record, she knows that the skirmish that they just had was his forst taste of combat. However, to his credit, he performed admirabley!
[11:02:03] CWO Sarah blinks quickly at Suki, raising her eyebrows slightly and frowning just a little. "Me? Er… okay…" She bites her lip slightly, as she moves to handle it.
[11:02:56] CWO Sarah meanwhile tries to remember what all has to be handled.
[11:05:28] Anthony: Brings his arm down to his side, in an attention.
[11:07:06] Lt. Jaron comments "You know we have a knack of picking up random personel"
[11:07:31] Lt. Ishida rubs the bridge of her nose
[11:07:43] Lt. Ishida: Hai, I know.
[11:08:04] CWO Sarah tries to fake her way through anyway, waving it off. "At ease, please. Relax…" She sighs just a little bit. "And welcome. I'm sure the Lieutenant is working out your place in the squadron now…" She glances to Jaron and starts laughing. "Certainly happened on Tirol enough. Corporal Summerwind especially is probably gonna be a handful."
[11:08:42] LCpl Summerwind: Quit talkingabout me you officer bitch!
[11:08:52] LCpl Summerwind: Damn occifers!
[11:09:28] Anthony: Brings his hand to the front, clasp on top of the other. He relaxes his stance and spreads his legs shoulder length.
[11:09:43] CWO Sarah: (( eek, Anji ))
[11:09:45] Lt. Jaron points to Summerwind "we got lucky with her"
[11:09:59] LCpl Summerwind: Screw you! Screw you all!
[11:10:15] CWO Sarah grins at Anji. "Aw relax… we're not quite that bad. Even if we tease once in a while."
[11:10:34] LCpl Summerwind: resefrikkin nvid
[11:10:59] LCpl Summerwind: Yeah! I called you out!
[11:11:03] LCpl Summerwind: Deal with it!
[11:11:31] Anthony: He raises a brow and tilts his head slowly toward Summerwind.
[11:11:37] Lt. Jaron takes a breath and looks for reactions
[11:11:48] Anthony: "Wha.."
[11:11:57] LCpl Summerwind: You heard me
[11:12:24] LCpl Summerwind: I didn't stutter!
[11:12:41] Anthony: He swallows the imaginary rock in his throat and slowly trains his eyes on Sarah.
[11:13:36] CWO Sarah rolls her eyes and glances over at Anji. "No, you just keep on being cranky. And you'll probably get stuck riding on my Beta at some point for it, too." She grins, and looks over to Suki.
[11:13:53] LCpl Summerwind: Humph
[11:14:27] Anthony: Staring her down with frosty blue eyes. His eyes scan her from head to toe before coming back up to face level and drifting over her shoulder to their thousand yard stare. He remain silent, his expression tightens.
[11:14:51] Lt. Ishida watches
[11:15:26] Anthony: He inhales deeply, puffing out his chest and stretching his neck high. His shoulder pulling back.
[11:15:33] Lt. Ishida: I trust her Chief, however that that for what you will. I am…involved, with her.
[11:15:39] Lt. Ishida: take*
[11:15:59] 2Lt. Aylanea wanders up to Anji and scruffles her hair a little bit. "Goof."
[11:19:31] GM: this is Free RP here so…
[11:19:44] CWO Sarah looks over Anthony and just shrugs a little bit. "Whatever it was, I didn't do it. I signed up after two years in the resistance. And our other Beta pilot… well, you'll get to know her. Just that she's underage, so…" She shakes her head. "You'll get used to Anji's tirades as well, I'm sure…"
[11:20:04] CWO Sarah: (( yes, I'm typing. Chill ))
[11:21:10] Anthony: Remains silent. Standing still in an at ease stance listening.
[11:21:46] Lt. Jaron looks to Anthony "Permission to speak freely"
[11:22:07] Anthony: "Thank you sir. I have nothing to say but…"
[11:22:09] Anthony: "Aye."
[11:22:11] LCpl Summerwind bats Ay's hand away…but not to hard.
[11:22:25] Lt. Komilla: Granted.
[11:22:35] Lt. Ishida: Granted
[11:22:43] Lt. Ishida: ((sorry, edit that out)
[11:24:21] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:25:13] 2Lt. Aylanea grins at Anji and rolls her eyes, patting her shoulder. "Easy…" She peeks over at Anthony then, raising her eyebrows.
[11:28:14] CWO Sarah scrapes her foot on the deck idly as she peers at Anthony, frowning and stepping back slightly.
[11:29:06] Anthony: Brings his eyes to her, pulling his head back. He cringes his jaw subtly.
[11:30:07] Lt. Ishida: Will this be a problem…Chief?
[11:31:16] Anthony: "Negative" He glances at Sarah and forces a weak smile.
[11:31:51] Anthony: The smile dies as quick as it came.