The Haydonites, enigmatic, devious, and deadly.
Not much is known about the Haydonites outside of what they wished the UEEF to know. What is known, is that they are an ancient race, old when the Invid were young, and recognized the true power of Protoculture and the Flower of Life once it was discovered by Zor and refined into what would become the 'universal' power source for a galaxy spanning empire. One could even surmise that in their dealings with the Robotech Masters Empire that they had some hand in influencing the order to defoliate Optera. Appealing on the one hand to the paranoid nature of the Masters and on the other, eliminating the source.
It is also know that their mastery of technology is vast, able to create the Synchro Cannons, Shadow Cloaking Devices and the dreaded Neutron-S Missiles. This however raises more questions then it answers, for, if the Haydonite possessed such technology, why did they not eradicate the Invid themselves? This may never be known, but based on past events it is clear that the Haydonites are not infallible. This begs the question; 'Why would the Haydonites attack the UEEF, specifically the ships within the Omicron Sector? Why burn such a bridge?' The only reasonable answer, given current intelligence on their capabilities and motivations, would be that they were so sure that the Invid Regess would be consumed by the Neutron S Missiles that they felt confidant enough to begin their attack on the users of Protoculture without first confirming that Reflex Point, and consequently, the Sol System, had been destroyed.
Had this occurred, the Invid and the UEEF would have been left leaderless, ripe for the taking.
This broaches the issue of military strength. Now, beyond the original two Capital Ship Classes encountered by theUEEF, the Fantoma, and the Omicron, at least three other ship types have been noted, chief among them, the Asteroth Class Torpedo Frigate. Regards smaller weapon systems, the Wraith Interceptor, and the Infiltrator mecha, have been seen in concert with Reavers, Revenants, Shades, and Behemoths, more shocking and ultimately dangerous is the Haydonite usage of VQ-6X Shadow drones. Only time will tell if this is the majority of the Haydonite MToE, or if it is just the tip of the iceberg.
In terms of hierarchy, up until recently it was assumed that beyond the Haydonite 'God Head', The Awareness, and a caste of Generals, that the majority of the enemy forces followed a function over responsibility breakdown. With the capture of the 'Chaffa Core' more light has been shed upon the Haydonite military structure.
It has been learned that beyond a clearly defined rank structure that a second caste-like tier of functions also exists. At this time it is not known if Sect superseded Rank, or if Rank supersedes Sect. Note, that the term Sect has not been assigned by UEEF Intelligence assets, this is a term used by the Haydonites themselves. This and the rank names, also assigned by the Haydonites to their forces suggest a religious connotation that may be purely coincidental, or central to Haydonite culture.
Haydonite Rank |
UEEF Equivalent |
Haydonite Sect |
UEEF Equivalent |
Votary |
Private |
Desiccator |
Infantry |
Auditor |
Corporal |
Barrier |
Armor |
Executor |
Sergeant |
Augmenter |
Supply |
Vicar |
Lieutenant |
Transitor |
Flight Crew |
Proctor |
Captain |
Adjudicator |
Internal Security |
Adherent |
Major |
Inquisitor |
Intelligence |
Rector |
Colonel |
Exemplar |
Elite |
Prelate |
General |
Codex |
Communication |
Based on available data the Haydonite Rank and Sect titles have been ascribed a UEEF analog. These are pure conjecture based on gathered data, and may or may not, accurately reflect the Haydonite hierarchical structure.
Haydonite Small Arms
Assault Rifle
Haydonite Assault Rifle
- Weight: 24 lbs
- Range: 5,500 ft
- Damage: 1D6x10+15 per 6 round burst
- Payload: 180 rounds of flachette ammunition.
Image Copyright IGN Section 8
Assault Carbine
Haydonite Assault Carbine
- Weight: 16 lbs
- Range: 4,500 ft
- Damage: 1D4x10+15 per 6 round burst
- Payload: 240 rounds of flachette ammunition.
Image Copyright IGN Section 8
Pulse Gun
Haydonite Pulse Gun
- Weight: 20 lbs
- Range: 750 ft
- Damage: 2D4x10+15 per Blast Wave
- Payload: 8 shots
- Note: This weapon also delivers a Knockback to any target under 2 tons. There is a 60% chance the target is knocked down and back 2 feet per Natural dice value over 12, losing initiative and one melee attack. (For every Natural dice value above 16 the percentage of Knockback increases by 10%) Standard Impact rules apply. (2 SDC per every 10 points of MD inflicted.)
Image Copyright IGN Section 8
Coil Gun
Haydonite Coil Gun
- Weight: 30 lbs
- Range: 1 mile
- Damage: 1D6x10 per shot
- Payload: 12 rounds of 50mm AP ammunition.
Image Copyright IGN Section 8
Flachette Pistol
Haydonite Flachette Pistol
- Weight: 12 lbs
- Range: 1,500 ft
- Damage: 4D8 per shot
- Payload: 24 rounds of flachette ammunition.
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Squad Assault Weapon
Haydonite Squad Assault Weapon
- Weight: 32 lbs
- Range: 4,500 ft
- Damage: 2D4x10+20 per 6 round burst
- Payload: 420 rounds of flachette ammunition.
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Sniper Rifle
Haydonite Sniper Rifle
- Weight: 37.5 lbs
- Range: 3.1 miles
- Damage: 1D8x10+5
- Payload: 10 rounds of 25mm flachette ammunition.
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MANPADS Man Portable Air Defense System
Haydonite MANPADS
- Weight: 35 lbs
- Range: 10 miles
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 2 110mm SGHV (Self-Guided-Hyper-Velocity) rounds.
Image Copyright IGN Section 8
Haydonite Mecha
Haydonite Imp
- Class: Reconnaissance Sentry
- Crew: None
Weapons Systems
- Targeting Laser
- Range: 2 miles
- Damage: 2D6 S.D.C. (Within 1,000ft) May cause temporary blindness on a strike over 15.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- Self Destruct Charge
- Range: Self
- Damage: 2D4x10 to a 20 foot area
- Payload: 1
- Speed: 55mph
- Flight: 100mph
- Altitude Ceiling: 1,000ft
- Size: About as big as a large grapefruit. (-12 to hit)
First recorded sighting on Tirol by detached Marines of the 33rd MEU off the UES Yukikaze, August 27th, 2044 on the T'sivar Peninsula.
Haydonite Reaver
Mecha Type: Heavy Assault / Shock Assault
Crew: 1 Haydonite (Possible)
MDC By Location: (Heavy Reaver / Light Reaver)
- Main Body: 255 / 225
- Arms: 75 / 60
- Legs: 125 / 100
- Head: 80 / 80
- Thrusters: 90 / 90
- Running: 80 mph / 95 mph
- Flight: 200 mph / none
- Altitude: 7000ft.
- Height: 9 ft 7in
- Weight: 1 ton / .7 tons
- PS: Equal to 35 Robotic / 30 Robotic
- Punch: 1D6 / 2D4
- Kick: 2D4 / 2D8
Arm Mounted Gatling Cannons: (Used by both Heavy and Light Reaver.)
- Range: 4000ft
- Damage: 1D4x10+15 per 10 round burst.
- Payload: 1000 rounds
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike
- Note: This weapon can be dual wielded and fed off the same drum. (Drum 75 MD, Belts 25 each)
Hand Held Assault Cannon: (Used by the Light Reaver only.)
- Range: 4000ft
- Damage: 1D40X10+15 per ten round burst.
- Payload: 200 rounds
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike (40 MDC)
Claws: (Used by the Heavy Reaver only.)
- Range: Melee
- Damage: + 4D6 MD to normal hand to hand strike.
- Bonuses: +1 Strike +2 Parry
Forearm Laser Cannon: (Used by both Heavy and Light Reaver)
- Range: 3500ft
- Damage: 1D6x10, 2D6x10 if both weapons are fired at the same target
- Payload: Unlimited
- Rate of Fire: Once every other melee attack.
- Bonuses: +2 to Strike
- Horror Factor: 10 (Among Troopers that have never faced one in combat before.)
Image Copyright IGN Section 8
VQ-6X Haydonite Shadow
The VQ-6X Shadow Drone, designed to save lives, to, as the brochure put it, ‘allow the plane to substitute for junior pilots, and to fly as fully-capable wingmen for human pilots’ has been turned against the UEEF. Using the vaunted airframe of the Alpha, the UEEF, strapped for aircrew in the wake of the terrific losses of the 10th and 21st Mars Divisions, re instituted the Ghost Program of UCAV aircraft. Naturally the Haydonites were more than happy to offer their expertise and technology to the project and soon the AI driven craft began to pour off the assembly lines.
While a short range fighter, the VQ-6X is able to mate with a Beta fighter, the AI fully capable of controlling both craft and their conjoined weapons systems.
Now, with the Haydonite betrayal fully realized, the very same drone fighters that had been made to keep human pilots from harm have been turned on the UEEF as disposable front line mecha, able to go toe to toe with Alpha and Beta alike, their AI’s well versed in all UEEF tactics and methodology, their airframes hardened, and their agility not hampered by a soft, weak, and fragile pilot.
MDC by Location:
- Main Body: 420
- Wings (2): 150 each
- Legs (2): 180 each
- Arms (2): 120 each
- Fighter Mode: Mach 2.75
- Guardian Mode: 450 mph
- Battloid Mode: 200 mph
EU-13 80mm Pulse Beam Cannon
- Range: 4,000ft.
- Damage: 3D10 per single shot or 2D4x10+30 for a five round burst.
- Payload: 100 Single shots or 20 bursts.
- Bonuses: +3 to Strike.
LWS-12 Nose Lasers
- Range: 2,000ft.
- Damage: 4D4 per single blast or 4D8x2 per linked blast.
- Payload: Unlimited.
MM-60 Missile Delivery System
- Range: 5 miles.
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 60
MM-24 Missile Delivery System
- Range: 5 mile.
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Payload: 24
Combat Bonuses:
+4 Initiative
+8 Strike
+8 Dodge
+10 Parry
+6 Roll
Beta Note:
Beta’s attached to the VQ-6X are identical to the Beta’s used by the UEEF, with one glaring difference. The Haydonites may or may not elect to mount Synchro Cannons on the Beta’s used by their Shadow's. UEEF personnel would be well advised to approach any Shadow Legios with EXTREME caution.
Additional Note:
It is entirely possibly for a Shadow to actually be piloted by a Haydonite pilot.
Haydonite Revenant
Mecha Type: Heavy Assault / Mobile Artillery
Crew: UNKN (Multiple crew possible)
MDC By Location:
- Main Body: 650
- Weapon Sponson (2): 200
- Legs (4): 175
- Synchro Cannon: 210
- Energy Shield: 500
- Ground: 75 mph
- Flight: 450 mph (Est.)
- Space: Mach 5 (Est.)
Synchro Cannon
- Range: 5 miles
- Damage: 1D4x1000
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round.
- Note: Weapon has been observed with a noticeable 'spin up' wherein the forward hull splits open and energy projectors and a focusing array are deployed.
High Yield Pulse Lasers (x2)
- Range: 4,000 ft
- Damage: 4D4x10 per gun
- Rate of Fire: Each burst is equal to one attack.
Point Defense Blasters (x4)
- Range: 2,500 ft
- Damage: 2D6x10
- Rate of Fire: Each burst is equal to one attack.
Image Copyright Electronic Arts, Valve Corporation: Crysis
Haydonite Behemoth
The Haydonites rarely take design hints from other races, however, it seems that this particular land vehicle is a direct analog to the UEEF's mighty MTA-Titan GMU. It can be assumed that the crew and mecha compliment are similar.
The Behemoth has only been seen employing one type of weapon, it's primary Synchro Cannon. The weapon armature occupies the frontal 'dish' of the machine and the Behemoth will go 'hull-down' in order to fire.
Like the GMU, it is assumed that this vehicle fills a Command & Control function. and as such should be targeted for immediate elimination. However, the Behemoth is never fielded alone, usually at the center of a Battalion sized formation, and even without a screening force, it is assumed that it carries inside, a formidable defense force. Also, UEEF Intell believes that due to the sheer size of the vehicle, it may employ the same energy screens seen used aboard Haydonite Capital ships. If this is indeed the case then the Behemoth will truly be a hard target.
Mecha Type: Command & Control / Mobile Artillery / Transport
Crew: UNKN (Assumed to exceed 20)
- Length: 250 feet
- Height: (Hull Down): 115 feet
- Height: (Hull Up): 150 feet
- Cruising Speed: 25 mph
- Top Speed: 50 mph
- Hover: 5 feet above the ground, may rise to 25 feet for very short periods in order to circumvent obstacles.
Synchro Cannon
- Range: 25-100 Miles
- Damage: 1D6x1000
- Rate of Fire: Once per melee round.
- Note: Weapon has been observed with a noticeable 'spin up' wherein the upper hull lowers and the forward dish begins to glow just prior to energy release.
No other weapons systems have been currently noted, but are assumed to be present.
Image Copyright Electronic Arts, Valve Corporation: Crysis
Haydonite Shade
The Haydonite Shade occupies the role that past units such as the RAH-66 Comanche, the LH-2000 Snoop, and to a lesser extent, the current VM-9E and VF/A-6E Aegis. While the Haydonite Imp is fantastic at scouting out data and getting in close to a target, it’s capabilities are limited by its size. Also, its ability to defend itself is limited to a self-destruct, and the possibility of blinding a foe with its ranging lasers. The Shade on the other hand has a far more powerful sensors suite, as well as the ability to hold its own in a fight.
The Shade has three modes, possibly another mecha influenced by the UEEF’s Alpha and VF-1.
The first mode is designed for silent running, to allow the Shade to approach the target area silently and undetected. The second mode is designed for data gathering, with sensors deployed. The final mode is utilized when and if the Shade has been detected and must fend off the enemy to make its escape or, if the threat is manageable, to eliminate it prior to continuing on with its intelligence gathering duties.
- Class: Recon / Light Assault
- Crew: 1 Pilot
MDC by Location:
- Main Body: 235
- Head: 85
- Maneuvering Cluster: 115
- Arms (2): 125 each
- Dorsal Turret: 50
- Height: 16ft (Flight Mode)
- Length: 24 ft (Flight Mode)
- Width: 15 ft
- Speed:
- Maximum Speed: 680 mph (Triple in Space)
Weapon Systems:
- Laser Turret:
- Range: 5000 ft
- Damage: 6D6
- Payload: Unlimited
- Forearm Rail Cannons:
- Range: 7500 ft
- Damage: 1D6x10+15 per 10 round burst (2D6x10+30 fire linked)
- Payload: 500 rounds each (50 Bursts)
- Bonuses: +1 to strike
Systems of Note:
- Arm and head mounted Spotlights: 1000ft (IR/UV)
- Advanced Sensor Suite:
- Radar: 125 miles / 174 target capacity
- Radio Communications: 600 miles
- Laser Communications: 150,000 miles (secure)
- Motion Detector and collision warning: 5000ft
- Shadow Cloak: +2 Initiative, +4 Dodge
- Chaff/Flare: 10 each
- Other Sensors as per the Beta Fighter
Image Copyright Electronic Arts, Valve Corporation: Crysis
Haydonite Space Craft
Asteroth Class Haydonite Torpedo Frigate
- Ships Complement: 1 Transitor Sect Proctor (Captain), 1 Inquisitor Sect Adherent, 6 Transitor Sect Adherents, 2 Exemplar Sect Adherents, 3 Augmenter Sect Executor’s, 30 Augmenter Sect Votary’s.
- Mecha Compliment: 20 Wraith fighters (CAP)
Image Copyright Volition Inc.
The Asteroth is a new seen ship of the Haydonite Armada, with it's most striking feature being it's use of guided munitions. As this class of ship has never been encountered before the Phoenix's Long March it is not known whether this class of ship has employed guided munitions from the onset or if that is a byproduct of their conflict with the UEEF. The ship is roughly Y shaped with it's Torpedo launch bays within outrigger hulls to the left and right of the main central hull section. The ship is a compact design, roughly aerodynamic and possess excellent acceleration qualities.
- MDC By Location
- Primary Hull: 7500
- Secondary Hulls (2): 6000 each
- Bow Tube Doors (6): 650 each
- Wraith Launch bays (2): 1000 each
- Bow Mounted Disruptor Cannon (2): 500 each
- Anti Ship Beam Cannons: (10): 250 each
- Rear Thrusters (6): 550 each
- Auxiliary Thrusters (8): 400 each
- Speed:
- Flying: Atmosphere: Mach 2.4 maneuvering, Mach 9 in a flat out run or entering orbit.
- Space: .25 Light speed.
- Maximum Range: Unknown
- Statistical Data:
- Length: 1200 feet
- Height: 175 feet
- Beam: 440 feet
- Weight: 155,000 tons (Estimated)
- Disruptor Cannon: (2)
- Damage: None!
- Range: 200,000 miles
- Rate of Fire: Once per melee
- Notes: Shorts out and disrupts any Shadow Tech it hits.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- Anti-Ship Beam Cannons: (10)
- Damage: 4D4x100
- Range: 85,500 miles
- Rate of Fire: Three times per melee round
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- Anti-Ship Torpedo Tubes: (6)
- Damage: 4D6x100 or 1D6x1000 for high yield torpedoes.
- Range: 8 Light Seconds
- Rate of Fire: Fired in pairs, (Ripple Fired). 2, 4 or 6
- Payload: 24 (4 per tube)
- Point Defense Laser: (12)
- Damage: 4D6x10
- Range: 200 miles.
- Rate of Fire: Equal to gunner (5 to 6 per melee)
- Payload: Effectively unlimited
Abaddon Class Haydonite Cruiser
The Abaddon Is a mid-range ship of the wall, and is usually seen at the center of smaller flotillas. These flotilla's are often attached to larger formations when the situation calls for it, but large set piece capital ship battles are a fleeting occurrence as the Haydonites most recent tactics are to hit and fade in smaller numbers. The Abaddon possess devastating forward firepower and relies on it's flotilla and CAP fighters to protect it's flanks. This ship also possess energy shielding, giving it staying power in ship to ship engagements versus comparable ship types and classes.
- Ships Complement: 1 Transitor Sect Proctor (Captain), 1 Inquisitor Sect Adherent, 8 Transitor Sect Adherents, 12 Exemplar Sect Adherents, 27 Augmenter Sect Executor’s, 235 Augmenter Sect Votary’s.
- Mecha Compliment:
- 2 Wraith Squadrons (CAP)
- 1 Shade Squadron
Image Copyright Volition Inc.
- MDC By Location
- Primary Hull: 18,500
- Articulated Weapon Booms (3): 9000 each
- Boom Laser Emitters: (3): 1200 (each)
- Bow Synchro-Cannon Armature: (1): 1500
- Launch Bays (2): 1000 each
- Bow Mounted Disruptor Cannon (2): 500 each
- Anti Ship Beam Cannons: (160): 250 each
- Rear Thrusters (3): 550 each
- Auxiliary Thrusters (8): 400 each
- Shields: 10,000
- Speed:
- Flying: Atmosphere: Mach 2.0 maneuvering, Mach 8 in a flat out run or entering orbit.
- Space: .22 Light speed.
- Maximum Range: Unknown
- Statistical Data:
- Length: 1800 feet
- Height: 345 feet
- Beam: 380 feet
- Weight: 198,000 tons (Estimated)
- Disruptor Cannon: (2)
- Damage: None!
- Range: 200,000 miles
- Rate of Fire: Once per melee
- Notes: Shorts out and disrupts any Shadow Tech it hits.
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- Anti-Ship Beam Cannons: (16)
- Damage: 4D4x100
- Range: 85,500 miles
- Rate of Fire: Three times per melee round
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 10 Additional shots in turret reserve capacitors.
- Boom Laser Emitters: (3)
- Damage: 1D4x1000
- Range: 126,000 miles
- Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line. 1 Additional shot in Boom reserve capacitors.
- Synchro-Cannon: (1)
- Damage: 4D6x1000
- Range: 8 Light Seconds
- Rate of Fire: Once every other melee.
- Payload: Unlimited while main reactors are on-line.
- Point Defense Laser: (36)
- Damage: 4D6x10
- Range: 200 miles.
- Rate of Fire: Equal to gunner (5 to 6 per melee)
- Payload: Effectively unlimited. 20 additional bursts in turret reserve capacitors.
Haydonite Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Haydonite Bio(Mechanical) Weapon
The Miasma device is the Haydonite version of a chemical weapon. Under the direction of Lord Valtegos the Miasma project was originally conceived as a nano-machine swarm designed to prey on organic targets, i.e. the Invid. Since the Invid’s armor, mecha, and structures are also made of a bio-organic compound, Miasma would have served double duty as both an anti-personnel and anti-material weapon. The drawback was that Miasma required large amounts of refined Sekkitin Ore, and, at the time of initial conception, the only place to extract large quantities of Sekkitin was on Karbarra, a world held tightly in the grip of the Regents Invid.
With the arrival of the UEEF into Fantoma Space they, and their Protoculture powered mecha were attacked without a second thought by the Invid, this, and the fact that the UEEF’s Zentraedi allies harbored an inbred animosity towards the Invid, it was rather easy to convince the UEEF forces that the Invid were an intractable and insidious foe.
While the UEEF used Protoculture, the Haydonites looked at the overall picture and decided, rightly, that the UEEF was the lesser of two evils, and the favorite game of those who work from the shadows, that of ‘Lets you and him fight’, worked to their advantage, and allowed them to insinuate themselves with the UEEF since the UEEF had had no prior contact, and therefore no preconceived bias against the Haydonites.
With the Invid defeat Miasma was shuffled off to the back burner. However, with Karbarra liberated and free of the Invid, and in ‘allied’ hands, the needed Sekkitin Ore was readily available. Valtagos, knowing the ultimate designs of the Awareness to betray the UEEF for their unrepentant use of Protoculture, began the acquisition of the ore. The first task was simple enough, Valtagos, via proxies offered the beleaguered Karbarran mining industry technology and technical assistance. They various mining guilds happily agreed, giving Valtagos ready access to Sekkitin Ore without ever having to express a desire for it.
While the ore refining process was perfected and installed the most optimal delivery method were explored using initial test batches of Miasma. With a war still raging against Invid holdouts and other rogue elements as cover, numerous hapless individuals, of all races, were captured and used in horrific experiments to produce more potent munitions and vectors.
When the plan to eliminate the Invid Regess and the lion’s share of the UEEF fleet foiled at the 11th hour by the SDF-3’s stubborn refusal to die, the Awareness proceeded to Plan B. It was at this time that Valtagos ensured that Karbarra was attacked as well. Valtagos knew that the defenses of Karbarra were likely to hold, but his interest was not in holding the world but extracting as much Skettin Ore as possible from the mines the Haydonites had helped refurbish. His parting shot once the last of the ore he could reasonably expect to retrieve was folded out, was to launch a cluster of Miasma warheads over the UEEF facilities and Karbarran cities based along Karbarra’s equatorial regions. Thankfully this attack failed, and countless lives were saved. But, the true damage was done, and Valtagos had acquired enough ore to make thousands of Miasma weapons.
- Weapon Effects:
- Range: As per delivery method. Common vectors include Medium and Long Range Missiles which are able to disperse Miasma over large swaths of a battlefield. Each warhead can cover a ½ mile radius and will persist so long as there is biological mass within it to consume. Once the biomass has either been consumed or vacated the area the Miasma nanites become inert.
- Damage vs. organic materials: 2d4x10 +4d4 per melee until all biomass has been consumed.
- Damage vs. inorganic materials: 1d4x10 +2d4 per melee for 1d6 melees.