[09:07:22] Gen. Rienhardt: That ship you pulled out of the frying pan on your shakedown cruise, well, we couldnt do much for that world. By the time we were able to debrief the envoy the damage had been done. We were able to send a small flotilla, to 'show the flag' as it were, but we just didnt have the manpower and resources to be effective. Frankly, militarily speaking, that flotilla is so minimalist is arguably qualifies as modern art.
[09:07:38] GM: ((I HAD to use that line…had to))
[09:09:40] Gen. Rienhardt: But, what it lacked as a deterrent it more then made up for as an observer, and thanks to them we have a much better idea of the forces at work in the region.
[09:09:57] Gen. Rienhardt: Here's what we /do/ know…
[09:10:41] Gen. Rienhardt: There are three major factions. One youare familier with, the other two are as old, if not older, and all three date back to the Old Republic.
[09:12:56] Gen. Rienhardt: Each of these factions has subordinate houses that pay fealty to them. House Tszaurlain, with their vassel Houses Veijo, Makaal and Osdural. House Kridanack, yes, THAT Kridanack, with House Azik under them, and then, the one you know, House ASbillides, with Benalatak and Cavaan as their vassles.
[09:15:38] Gen. Rienhardt: The world that those envoys hailed from was non alligned, and if memory serves, House Makaal with support from Tszaurlain were the ones that forcibly annexed it.
[09:17:52] Gen. Rienhardt: It seems that the three major houses are working together as a loose confederation to rule the regaion we call the Eastern Expanses. Sdaly, they've had time to consolidate their powerbase, so much so that they have actual representation, if only at a provisional level in the Apella.
[09:20:36] WO Febrith Nyx: "I apologize for interupting on what is nitpicking, but what are you using as "Galactic North"? If it's the core, then technically, everything is the south…"
[09:22:34] Gen. Rienhardt: Now, geographically speaking, the EE rests between Tirol and the Settlers Gate. Econimically, they are exacting a high tarriff on all Republic trade missions passing thru the region. Not unlike old Earth mafia protection rackets, pay the juice 'so we can protect your ships from pirates'. They can get away with that becuase of their Apella seat.
[09:23:08] ** Cpt. Aylanea frowns severely at that. **
[09:23:14] ** Gen. Rienhardt Tirol is the center, core is north. So that region is to our east. **
[09:23:42] GM: whoops… not gonna retype, but you get it
[09:23:53] ** WO Febrith Nyx decides not to point out the obvious failings of that system. **
[09:24:08] GM: ((yeah, let that one go…lol))
[09:25:30] Capt Kain Crockett: "Is this even our jurisdiction? Has someone asked for help, or is this another war that is going to go on while the Invid do their thing?"
[09:26:04] Gen. Rienhardt: Certian, shall we say, non REF trade capable faction of course arent bound by Assemblage Law and have blow the last few pirate forays out of space…and might I add are raking in the credits as more and more Tiresian companies choose them to carry their goods.
[09:26:21] ** Gen. Rienhardt gives the ole palyful yet baleful stink eye to Ishida. **
[09:26:58] ** Gen. Rienhardt turns to Kain. **
[09:27:15] ** 2Lt. Sarah blinks over at Suki and almost laughs. **
[09:27:28] WO Febrith Nyx: "So this is asking for somethign a bit off the books?"
[09:28:01] Gen. Rienhardt: Techicially yes.
[09:28:13] ** Gen. Rienhardt says in reply ti Kain. **
[09:29:55] Gen. Rienhardt: There are still non aligned planets in the area, and we've fast tracked their entrance into the Apella, but this Eastarn Alliance is becoming expansionistic. One of their tactics is to foment a popular uprising, and either swoop in in support of the 'peoiple' or loan out their troops to the 'government faction' with all the strings attached.
[09:30:27] Gen. Rienhardt: Either way, fiat accompli and the world is theirs.
[09:31:18] Gen. Rienhardt: Hell some worlds have seen the writing on the wall and just give up, letting them walk in in the hopes that they can broker a sweetheart deal. needless to say, we look, and frankly /are/ ineffective.
[09:33:24] Gen. Rienhardt: Whats stayed our hand thus far is that we run the very real risk of having all of our trade thru the settlers gate cut off if we intervene in a half assed manner.
[09:33:50] Gen. Rienhardt: Which would be the case, well, was the case…u until recently.
[09:34:55] Gen. Rienhardt: What we need in that area is a powerful enough force to quite frankly, give them pause, and impose our will, as well as protect our shipping from whatever retaliatory measures they will likly bring to bear once they figure it out we are done pussy footing around.
[09:36:21] Capt Kain Crockett: "So we get to go in, and do what? Defame these racketeers, or blow them up to stop this nonsense?"
[09:37:25] ** 2Lt. Sarah glances over towards Kain a bit. **
[09:37:31] Gen. Rienhardt: Truthfully, I dont give a rats. I'd love to steamroll the lot of them, but I dont get to make that call. The Assembalge would like to have them as allies, not a knife at our backs.
[09:38:29] Gen. Rienhardt: Both options are a pipe dream, we simply do /not/ have the military power to utterly devestate them, nor are they likely to become buddy buddy any time soon.
[09:39:54] Gen. Rienhardt: What we /can/ do however, and what military force we /do/ have will allow…is to keep anymore non aligned or fast tracked worlds from folding.
[09:41:23] Gen. Rienhardt: So yes, Colonel (Lt.) I guess you could say, I'm about to task you with something of a conflict of interests.
[09:41:40] ** Gen. Rienhardt chuckles **
[09:42:06] Gen. Rienhardt: Sick of you reaping all the profits…share the love why dont you?
[09:42:08] WO Febrith Nyx: "So get one of us installed as a sovereign…"
[09:42:17] ** Gen. Rienhardt faceplams. **
[09:42:22] Gen. Rienhardt: No rare one, no.
[09:42:44] ** WO Febrith Nyx looks over to Ishida, "Not even her?" **
[09:42:51] ** 2Lt. Sarah lauighs just a little. **
[09:42:51] Gen. Rienhardt: Not even her.
[09:43:34] Gen. Rienhardt: Although, she may well have to take on the role of military govoner if the need arises…under Assemblage oversight.
[09:45:30] Gen. Rienhardt: Comparison wise…I think most approprite analog would be a twisted combination of ancinet Earth Italian warring city states and rebal armies in Africa.
[09:45:52] ** Gen. Rienhardt fixes all with a piercing gaze. **
[09:46:28] Gen. Rienhardt: It's /that/ ugly out there.
[09:48:12] ** Gen. Rienhardt holds out his now empty glass and Stevens materializes from the shadows and refills it (and any other empty or near empty glass) before withdrawing. **
[09:48:52] ** Gen. Rienhardt sips from his freshened glass awaiting the inevitable comments and questions. **
[09:50:10] Capt Kain Crockett: "I'm almost tempted to go find a new set of allies with some powerful ships and show up on their doorstep with said allies going "hi". Pipe dream, but probably a more reasonable one than teh Assemblage's two dreams."
[09:53:11] Gen. Rienhardt: We would need a lot of ships, militarily, the major houses hav access to a lot of hardware as well as a decent amount of Zentraedi soldiers loyal to them…whether they are fresh clones or co-opted leftovers from the last war or so back is yet to be determined.
[09:53:58] Gen. Rienhardt: Which is why any action by the REF has to walk a tightrope.
[09:54:23] ** 2Lt. Sarah frowns at that. **
[09:54:36] Gen. Rienhardt: Hell, two of those major houses, Asbillides and Tszaurlain have Motherships at their beck and call.
[09:55:00] Gen. Rienhardt: I believe you had the pleasure of visiting the Asbillides' ship.
[09:57:05] Gen. Rienhardt: As for House Kridanack, no mothership confirmed, but, thats the house who's gene stock created the most famous, to us at least, of their line…Breetai. Needless to say, their troops are /very/ well led.
[10:00:25] Capt Kain Crockett: "Not to pick wounds on our prime minister, but at this point a "Minmei Attack", hail mary play almost seems plausible."
[10:00:32] 2Lt. Sarah: (( brb parent needs fr a moment ))
[10:00:42] ** Gen. Rienhardt pauses and thinks. **
[10:01:03] Gen. Rienhardt: Thats a damn good question, we really havent had any need to use the MA since 2012.
Eastern Expanse
» Book II Notepad / Campaign Notes
» Eastern Expanse
Stuff that needs looking up quicker than a full log.
Eastern Expanse