Book I is almost wrapped up, and Book II will be upon us soon. (April 29th or May 6th, after a three week break from me to close out Book I and get all the preliminary stuff you will need for Book II up on site.)
Players may roll new characters, not alts, if they wish.
There will be a time skip of four years. Book II will begin in 2049.
I plan to wrap up Book I on the April 1st or 8th.
After this if there is time after Book I's last session I will begin the random roll session for the time skip events. I will have those charts up on site prior to that session so everyone can be on the same page. If there is no time, I will either handle that during the week or on the Sunday after for as long as it takes to finish up the rolls. Once these rolls have been made I will post results in a compiled form. Once they are up, you may flesh them out. I'll edit / expound on what you have submitted afterwards to finalize the events of the time skip.
Book II will begin in the Fantoma Sector.