Just something to note for use down the road.
Entangle combat:
To escape its a straight 1d20 versus the defender and attacker.
In Dead Reign, latest combat rules; to escape an entangle is a dodge roll vs. entangler's roll (strike/entangle roll)
To escape holds its 1d20+P.P. or P.S. to escape.
Attacking and Defending:
A natural roll of 1-4 auto misses unlike the book which only a natural 1 auto misses.
A natural roll of 12 or more is needed to hit with called shot unlike the book where attacker is allowed to use bonuses. In Dead reign; the latest combat rules its a straight roll; with penalties depending on target size. Its counts as two actions. You can make an Aimed called shot; with a +2 to strike bonus but counts as three actions.
You can add physical prowess bonus to firearm to strike roll unlike the book where you can not.
There is no -10 or -5 to dodge gunfire.
All ranged attacks require a roll of 8 to strike (including bonuses and penalties)
Firing through the cover of a completely covered opponent requires a called shot with a -5 penalty if you know they are there.
Mecha combat
In mecha/fighter combat; you can take up to three defensive actions. I assume these actions eat up your allotted actions per melee round.
1. Deploy chaff (automatic or no?)
2. If chaff fail; you can fire at missiles.
3. If the total number of missiles is 3 or less after firing you can now take a dodge action.
I think this 3 defensive actions is limited to missile combat.
More down the road when its comes up.