I have noticed over the last two years that off times in the 'down time', 'Free RP', and alongside situations of non-combat that stuff tends to get missed. This is both a failing on my part, as well as the group. What I have seen, is that things lack the structure of combat initiative, where everyone knows where they are to act, and when.
In an effort to lessen the chance that pertinent information from the GM is not missed; usually lost within a flurry of postings that may or may not be in correct order due to individual typing speeds, length of intended text, or RL distractions preventing prompt response times.
On my end this is also true, I tend to type fast, and this causes me to miss things as well.
I hope to fix this by using a non-roll scheme of 'Social Initiative' and 'Formal Initiative.'
- Social Initiative
This will be the order a person will react to non combat situations presented by the GM. The GM will enter his text describing the situation in as specific or general terms as the situation warrants. After this has been done, the characters will then react. The order of reply will be tied to the characters IQ. This is static, there will be no rolls, he/she who has the higher IQ will be able to react first. NOTE: Reverse Initiative rules apply.
In our case, the order will always be…
Sarah (IQ 18)
Ay (IQ 17)
Suki (IQ 17) - If present
Komi (IQ 15)
Kain (IQ 14)
Jeron (IQ 12)
Anji (IQ 10) - Hurr Durr!
- Formal Initiative
This will be used in situations were military decorum is implied, i.e. Briefings, Meetings, and any other situation where military bearing and protocol is required. The order for this is based on character rank. NOTE: Reverse Initiative rules DO NOT apply to these situations. (Consider this a Hard Military Etiquette check)
In our case, the order will always be…
Suki (O-3)
Jeron (O-2)
Ay (O-2)
Komi (O-1)
Kain (O-1)
Sarah (CWO3)
Anji (E-5)
ANY NPC with rank will be slotted in according to it. So, if a Colonel (O-6) is giving a briefing, the next in line Suki (O-3) does not get to speak until the Colonel (O-6) has finished and opened up the floor to comments/feedback.
In both situations, there is one final note. The GM will not continue on until each character has replied. This can be in the form of dialogue, or simply '/me says nothing.' There must be some reply from the player. I will not assume a long pause to be a pass.
After the round the players may ask questions of the GM. However, if your character has a question to ask, and it is relevant to the conversation, the character should ask in dialogue. If the player is unsure what his or her character may know in or about a given situation or line of dialogue, they should, during their turn, state in OOC chat, in room, that they would like to roll a skill, or ask the GM a specific question that the GM can answer quickly. If it is something related but not directly involved in any dialogue such as 'what is going on around us as we talk to the barkeep?', or something totally non-relevant such as 'what are the color of the curtains in this room?' Then ask the GM at the very end. (Perc rolls are allowed and encouraged). Once the questions are asked and answered, then the GM will proceed.