Never got an answer on this. Just posting the actual stuff now.
Requirements: Must be part of a Skill program or if using an O.C.C. system, an O.C.C. related skill. Secondary skills can not be used to acquire Parkour/Free Running.
Character Bonuses: +1 to P.S., +1 to P.P., +2 to P.E., +1D6 to Spd and +2D6 to S.D.C. Can jump strait up 2ft +4in per level and can jump forward 4ft +6in per level.
Basic Moves and Special Techniques: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Back Flip – Escape, Somersault – Escape, Vault*, Maintain Balance, Grab, and Automatic Dodge.
Level Advancement Bonuses
1st: +1 to Vault and +2 to Back Flip
2nd: +2 to Vault, +1 to Back Flip and +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
3rd: Add Leap – Escape
4th: +2 to Vault, add +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact and +1 to Somersault
5th: Add +1 to Spd and +2 to Maintain Balance
6th: Add +1 to Grab and +1 to Vault
7th: Add Wall Flip. This special move uses the Back Flip bonus but must be done off a wall and must require having the initiative or as a dodge. The character can Wall Flip into a standing position and can dodge melee attacks as long as the Wall Flip is successful. A failed Wall Flip dodge can not be negated for damage by a Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact and the fall does 1D6 damage plus the character takes full damage from the opponents attack.
8th: +2 to Vault and +1 to Grab
9th: +1 to Automatic Dodge
10th: +1 Maintain Balance and +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
11th: +1 to Back Flip and +1 to Somersault
12th: +1 to Vault and +2 to Maintain Balance
13th: +1 to Vault and +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
14th: +2 to Maintain Balance
15th: +1 to Grab and +1 to Somersault
Vault is a skill where the character runs, gains enough acceleration over a certain obstacle and uses either a hand or foot to “vault” over the obstacle. Timing is critical in the use of a vault but it can propel the character either up to gain a hand or foothold, or over an obstacle that a character without this skill cannot climb. Like several skills the GM requires a 1D20 roll to determine a successful vault;18 for a difficult vault, 14 for a tough vault, 12 for a standard vault, 8 for a mediocre vault and 4 for an easy vault. A failed vault means not climbing it, and being trapped or requiring successive attempts. Vaults can be attempted once per melee action unless there is a failure; then it costs three melee actions before the next Vault can be attempted (hope you have the climbing skill if you need to climb fast).