Chapter 4 - Act III - Part 1


[08:02:24] Narrator: In the air ahead of you lies a vast formation of Haydonite fighters, a mixed bag of Wraiths and Shades. Arranged in V formations the enemy fighters inexorably speed towards you. All around you are friendly fighters, those that fought over Reflex Point have been in a larger gathering of Alpha’s but the formation you fly within now is none-the-less impressive; others, have never seen such a large formation of friendly fighters outside of a news-reel.
[08:02:33] Narrator: On the ground, the two Bioroids and Vindicator share space on a road-blocked and fortified overpass with a pair of ACV-77’s and two sandbagged positions manned by dismounted Cyclone clad UEEF marines armed with .50 caliber machine guns and Stinger-like anti aircraft missiles.
[08:02:42] Narrator: All your radars are chock full of tracks, and your targeting systems have begun to prioritize the tracks based on proximity to you, showing only the closest enemy.
[08:04:54] Lt. Fallnya: "With that many I':m about to call for the betas to combine with us, Do you feel that would help tactically Suki?"
[08:05:23] CWO Sarah checks all systems and watches the inbound Wraiths, sighing very softly at it. She checks and checks, making sure everything is just right, before an enemy engagement. Once she thinks it's there, she just gets ready for them to be in range.
[08:05:58] Lt. Jaron hovers in position, waiting for the right time.
[08:06:01] Lt. Ishida looks down at her display and sees that the docking talkback readout regards the beta and her alpha reads CONNECTED, nods and replies. "Yes ma'am."
[08:06:22] John also checks his systems, and prepares for the assault.
[08:06:26] 2Lt. Aylanea watches the fighters roll in, adjusting the Alpha a little for what she's learned in real combat, and smiling just a little to herself, though nervous. She's just waiting for the engagement.
[08:07:00] GM: For note you in the air are in formation and are flying to meet the enemy, you are in V formations of your own, advancing at 500mph
[08:07:43] 2 LT Komillia: I keep fighting the urge to find a drill, mount on my mecha, and scream "Who the hell do you think we are?" with the scenarios I've been in so far.
[08:08:00] 2 LT Gamjin facepalms.
[08:08:15] Lt. Fallnya: "Sarah Connect with Suki, Alleria combine with me. Suki you and i will cover each other, Jaron and Large breasted one you two cover each other.
[08:08:39] Lt. Fallnya: (am i missing any pilots?)
[08:09:32] Lt. Ishida: Roger that..
[08:09:44] Lt. Jaron: "roger"
[08:09:53] CWO Sarah moves up to connect with Suki, adjusting quickly to get it hooked in properly to the Alpha.
[08:09:58] GM: Alpha pilots connecting to their betas roll piloting.
[08:10:00] GM: [1d100] => [21] = (21)
[08:10:17] Lt. Alleria sighs a bit and maneuvers behind the lead to connect
[08:10:22] Lt. Fallnya: [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[08:10:28] GM: Like buttah!
[08:10:48] Lt. Fallnya gently backs into the dock and establishes connection
[08:11:20] Lt. Ishida: Nice Lu, you backed into that like a pro.
[08:11:23] Lt. Ishida snickers
[08:11:52] UEEF: All wings report in!
[08:11:58] 2 LT Gamjin: Are you used to being rear mounted?
[08:12:04] Lt. Fallnya: "I only wish it was Jaron i was backing into" (smiling as she says that on our personal squad link so not all can hear
[08:12:20] Lt. Ishida: Roger that lead.
[08:12:29] Lt. Jaron: "Hitman 4 reportin"
[08:12:50] Lt. Ishida: Hitman 1, all green.
[08:12:50] Lt. Fallnya flicks on to the all comm "Hitman Actual reporting."
[08:13:40] 2 LT Komillia: "Hitman 5 here."
[08:13:46] GM: As you and the other fighters call in, the maximum engagement range tightens and those with MRM's begin to get locks.
[08:14:05] GM: (Those in the Air)
[08:14:18] Lt. Alleria would hold her missiles preferring to save them for the larger targets
[08:14:48] CWO Sarah holds back with the MRMs as well, at least for now, watching for the range to close for Short range.
[08:15:03] Lt. Alleria: (least to me MRM's on fighters make more than swiss cheese
[08:15:58] Lt. Fallnya switches to hitman comm "Hitman team hold MRM's for the Fantomas as long as possible."
[08:16:12] GM: On the ground, the sounds of Long range missiles being launched by Phalanx Destroids break the tense silence and plumes of fire rise into the sky and travel under the friendly Alpha's as they speed towards the enemy. Nearby, the massive guns of Monster Destroids shatter windows as their begin to lay out flak.
[08:17:09] UEEF: All wings you are clear to engage the enemy BVR! Repeat you are clear to fire!
[08:18:18] Lt. Ishida places the MRM's into standby as per Lurana's orders
[08:18:24] Lt. Ishida: Weapons hold aye.
[08:18:48] 2 LT Gamjin: Roger.
[08:18:53] Lt. Fallnya would throttle up looking back to make sure the wing follows her lead switching to the radio Frequency for command "Hitman engaging, were gonna hold our MRM's for the fantomas"
[08:19:08] 2 LT Komillia readies her new big gun.
[08:20:05] GM: As you relay your order the nearby fighters start to launch their missiles. Wave after wave of missiles streak forth, momentarily blinding the formation as the smoke trails waft over the planes.
[08:20:41] GM: Tense seconds pass as the MRM's from the air and the LRM's from the ground merge into one large volley.
[08:21:41] GM: Haydonite fighters begin to open fire in an effort to swat the incoming missiles from the air, and the sky before you erupts into a ripple of explosions that seem to cover the horizon.
[08:22:34] Lt. Fallnya: "Suki engage your C&C systems i am as well" (RSI [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs 63%
[08:22:47] Lt. Fallnya: (gerr…)
[08:23:36] GM: On your radar screen you see the lead formations of Haydonite craft start to break as missiles begin to chase after individual targets and almost all of the advance flights of Wraiths are shot from the sky!
[08:23:44] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [9] = (9)
[08:24:04] Lt. Ishida: Link engaged! Telemetry streaming!
[08:24:15] UEEF: Nice shooting!!
[08:24:20] Lt. Jaron: (sensory [1d100] => [56] = (56) vs 60
[08:24:33] Lt. Fallnya fiddles with hers a few more moments trying to engage them [1d100] => [90] = (90)
[08:25:33] GM: As the initial euphoria of seeing over 150 Haydonite fighters obliterated in an instant washes over you, you note the radar tracks that disappear are instantly replaced by new tracks, and once again, your targeting system begins to prioritize by distance.
[08:26:14] UEEF: All craft ascend to angles 7, lets get some vertical separation on that flak!
[08:26:18] Lt. Fallnya: "I think my C&C system i is not liking me right now will continue to try for now were under your Telemetry Suki"
[08:26:51] Lt. Ishida: Roger that lead! Climbing the Angels 7.
[08:26:54] Lt. Fallnya adjusts to the angle called for
[08:27:53] GM: In no time you are above the flax layer and are in range of your Short range missiles.
[08:27:56] GM: Init rolls please.
[08:28:26] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[08:28:36] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20)
[08:28:53] GM: [1d12+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[08:28:54] Lt. Alleria: [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7)
[08:29:08] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[08:29:08] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[08:29:08] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[08:29:08] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23)
[08:29:08] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[08:29:09] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[08:29:18] CWO Sarah: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[08:29:27] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [11,3] = (14)
[08:29:34] Lt. Fallnya: (ooo 3 of us tie…)
[08:29:42] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[08:29:44] Lt. Jaron: Init [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[08:29:53] 2 LT Komillia: ((second was Gamjin))
[08:29:57] GM: Tie breakers
[08:30:06] Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9)
[08:30:09] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[08:30:13] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[08:30:13] Haydonite: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[08:30:21] CWO Sarah: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[08:30:54] Lt. Fallnya: (looks like i have highest init…)
[08:31:02] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( Komi and Lu need to tiebreak again lol ))
[08:31:30] Haydonite: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[08:31:45] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[08:32:13] Lt. Fallnya: (wait… i don't see where i tied with komi..)
[08:32:20] Lt. Fallnya: (the first time that is
[08:32:40] 2 LT Komillia: (second set of rolls, I noticed but chose to ignore it.)
[08:34:15] GM: kk
[08:35:14] GM: Gamjin, you have the lowest init, therefor you must act first, you may hold your attack if you wish since the enemy aircraft is still not in range for you to fire at.
[08:36:13] 2 LT Gamjin holds his attack while waiting for something to come in range.
[08:36:39] GM: and correction Gamjin may fire, his MRM's are just barely in range.
[08:38:04] GM: Ober i didn't get an init from you
[08:38:30] GM: Do you wish to fire Gamjin?
[08:39:21] 2 LT Gamjin fires a single MRM at a nearby fighter.
[08:39:31] GM: roll strike.
[08:39:32] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
[08:39:41] Haydonite: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[08:40:30] Oberoth: [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[08:41:36] GM: Gamjin, you lock on and toggle the firing stud and loose a single shot as next to you the ACV-77's open fire with a pair of missiles each! You round streaks upward but the Haydonite it locks onto is able to maneuver away from it. Fired at extreme range and it's fuel expended, the missile detonates creating a flak burst.
[08:42:24] GM: Ober, your action, you may hold your attack as no enemy is yet in range of your weapons.
[08:42:34] Oberoth: ok
[08:42:46] GM: Don't worry, that wont last long /evil laughter
[08:42:59] GM: Wraith
[08:43:23] 2 LT Komillia: ((That's ok, I plan to go beyond the impossible at least once in this campaign…))
[08:43:47] Wraith: 1 All, 2 Ay, 3 Jaron, 4 Lu, 5 Sarah, 6 Suki
[08:43:53] Wraith: [1d6] => [1] = (1)
[08:44:04] Wraith: I shoot at the big Beta!
[08:44:10] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[08:44:44] GM: And yes Lu, you are the PIC so, you need to dodge, or eat it.
[08:44:55] Lt. Fallnya twirls making his blast go around my self and alleria [1d20+15] => [15,15] = (30)
[08:45:24] 2 LT Komillia: ((Triple take!))
[08:45:30] GM: Lurana, you see the incoming and are able to barrel roll over the incoming fire!
[08:45:39] GM: Lurana, you see the incoming and are able to barrel roll over the incoming fire!
[08:45:41] GM: Lurana, you see the incoming and are able to barrel roll over the incoming fire!
[08:45:45] GM: there
[08:45:58] GM: Wraith 2
[08:46:06] Wraith: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[08:46:17] Wraith: I shoot at Jaron!
[08:47:08] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[08:47:43] Lt. Jaron tries to evade the incoming fire (dodge [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[08:48:02] GM: You are able to jink out of harms way!
[08:48:09] GM: Alleria, your attack
[08:48:29] Lt. Alleria would attempt to lock on and fire 4 SRM HEAP's at one of the ugly Wraiths
[08:48:36] GM: roll it
[08:48:57] Lt. Alleria: [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[08:48:57] GM: roll a RSI as well real fast
[08:49:08] Lt. Alleria: [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 50%
[08:49:21] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[08:49:25] Wraith: [1d100] => [70] = (70)
[08:49:48] Lt. Alleria: (3 missiles live?)
[08:51:01] GM: no missiles live
[08:51:13] Lt. Alleria: (i thought the game was to roll low?)
[08:51:25] Lt. Alleria: (on the d100?)
[08:51:58] GM: yeah, it is, and since I have been going that route (dumb book has the missile go boom rules higher the better, but be lame of me to switch now so, roll 1d4 thats how many missiles die.
[08:52:26] Lt. Alleria: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[08:52:34] GM: One missile strikes! roll damage.
[08:52:47] Lt. Alleria: [2d6*10] => 100
[08:52:59] GM: nice roll!
[08:54:15] GM: The wraith shifts its cannons and fires at the incoming volley impacting the lead missile, it's detonation frags the flanking tow, but the slot missile speeds on and hits the Haydonite [1d100] => [58] = (58)
[08:54:19] GM: Main body!
[08:54:38] GM: Wraith
[08:54:45] Wraith: [1d6] => [1] = (1)
[08:54:56] Wraith: I shoot at the big dumpy Beta!
[08:55:02] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[08:55:17] GM: 9 at Alleria
[08:55:33] Lt. Fallnya gently zig zags to keep the Legios from getting hit either on the alpha or beta
[08:55:40] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+15] => [8,15] = (23)
[08:55:46] GM: And does so!
[08:55:57] GM: Ay, your attack.
[08:57:34] 2Lt. Aylanea peeks for Wraiths in range, locking onto an undamaged one, and firing a quartet of SRMs in its direction. [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[08:57:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, crap roll ))
[08:57:58] Wraith: [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15)
[08:58:04] Wraith: [1d100] => [85] = (85)
[08:58:29] GM: Roll 1d4
[08:58:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[08:59:03] GM: The Wraith is able to knock 2 missile out of the air! The other two impact!
[08:59:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: [4d6*10] => 220
[08:59:32] GM: roll an RSI as well
[08:59:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [40] = (40)
[09:00:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( outta 63% ))
[09:00:07] GM: [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[09:00:41] GM: You missiles impact and separate it's left wing from its body! The Wraith begins a death spiral and impacts the desert floor below!
[09:01:02] GM: Wraith 3
[09:01:07] Wraith: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
[09:01:17] Wraith: I shoot Lu! Lu will do!
[09:01:25] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[09:01:38] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+15] => [7,15] = (22)
[09:01:46] GM: Lu will dodge!
[09:02:08] GM: Sadly while you are dodging like a champ these guys are eating you out of attacks…
[09:02:25] GM: Wraith 4
[09:02:44] Wraith: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
[09:02:45] Lt. Fallnya: (well unfortunately its either that or get blown out of the sky)
[09:02:54] Wraith: I shoot at lu too!
[09:03:03] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[09:03:22] Lt. Fallnya: "Dam don't they love our ass…"
[09:03:35] Lt. Fallnya: (will take this one)
[09:04:08] GM: [4d4*10] => 100
[09:04:26] GM: You elect to take the hit and the Alpha portion takes 100 MD
[09:06:54] GM: Komillia, your attack. Around you, city wide, the other air defense units have sprung into action as the enemy fighters edge closer, the cacophony of Gatling gun fire, missile launches, flak bursts and machine gun fire is so massive that you find you have to yell to be heard, even within the confines of your pilots compartment. The sky above you is wall to wall explosions and flak bursts, tracer fire and smoke trails of crashing fighter craft, both Haydonite and UEEF.
[09:07:28] 2 LT Komillia: (Anything inside of 5 KM?)
[09:10:20] GM: Yes! In fact, a pair of low flying Wraith , one trailing smoke, have made it under the flak perimeter and are strafing any ADA emplacement they can see, they are being set upon by small arms ground fire, but nothing seems to be getting close as they weave around buildings.
[09:10:22] Lt. Fallnya: "You don't suppose i pissed them off when i blew away their behemoth?"
[09:10:54] 2 LT Komillia fires at them with the new GAU 15.
[09:10:59] GM: Giggity!
[09:11:25] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22) strike, [1d100] => [54] = (54) vs 85 pilot to stay on feet.
[09:11:45] GM: Wraith roll a perc
[09:11:50] Wraith: [4d20] => [15,11,11,9] = (46)
[09:11:59] Wraith: [1d20] => [18] = (18)
[09:12:23] Wraith: [1d20-2] => [3,-2] = (1)
[09:12:35] GM: So much for its dodge.
[09:12:40] GM: Roll damage!
[09:12:45] 2 LT Komillia: [(1d10*10)+20] => 70
[09:12:54] Wraith: [1d100] => [42] = (42)
[09:13:25] GM: You round impacts tearing a chunk out of it's [1d100] => [54] = (54)
[09:13:30] GM: Main body!
[09:13:49] GM: The Wraith is slammed laterally, but the craft is able to regain control!
[09:14:09] GM: Jaron! Your attack
[09:14:14] Lt. Jaron tries to lock on four (4) separate Haydonites with three (3) missiles a piece in a cluster fire (sensory [1d100] => [17] = (17) vs 60; to strike [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24))
[09:14:37] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[09:14:37] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[09:14:37] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[09:14:49] Wraith: Yipe yipe yipe!
[09:14:52] Wraith: I regret nothing!
[09:15:00] GM: Roll damage
[09:15:14] Lt. Jaron: [6d6*10] => 260 MD
[09:16:22] GM: Jaron your Alpha shudders as 12 missiles lance forth! They all fly true, and dispite the haydonites best efforts to shoot them down, the missile impact, sending the Wraiths into the city below in flames!
[09:16:34] GM: [1d100] => [37] = (37)
[09:17:08] GM: Komillia, Ober and Gamjin, a Wraith falls out of the sky nearby, shredding a nearby 10 story building in the process.
[09:17:09] Lt. Jaron radios "We suppose to clear a path or just have fun with this duck hunt?"
[09:17:12] Oberoth: brb
[09:17:22] GM: Suki
[09:17:58] Lt. Ishida: Not to be outdone! Suki likewise locks up a gaggle of Wraiths and looses 4 per at them.
[09:18:06] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[09:18:15] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
[09:18:15] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[09:18:15] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[09:18:16] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[09:18:30] Wraith: [1d100] => [72] = (72)
[09:18:31] Wraith: [1d100] => [77] = (77)
[09:18:34] Wraith: [1d4] => [4] = (4)
[09:18:35] Wraith: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[09:19:55] Lt. Ishida: @ W1 Miss!! @ W2 [2d6*10*4] => 160 @ W3 Miss, all missile shot down. @ W4 [2d6*10] => 120 3/4 missile shot down.
[09:21:05] GM: Wow, low roller on the 4…ah well. Suki's missile lance forth but the Haydonites seem ready for it! She is only able to get a piece of two of them and both are still in teh fight.
[09:21:12] GM: Wraith 6
[09:21:19] Wraith: [1d6] => [6] = (6)
[09:21:29] Lt. Jaron: "Ok, guess we just fly casually then and fire stuff"
[09:21:30] Wraith: I shoot at Suki! Yeah! Take that!
[09:22:00] GM: Well, Lu hasn't said anything to the contrary yet, and this is just the first round so..
[09:22:11] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[09:22:51] Lt. Ishida will roll over the incoming fire! [1d20+18] => [19,18] = (37)
[09:23:46] GM: The wraith wonders if he even turned his targeting computer on, because damn, the target was no where near where his rounds went…. Sarah your turn
[09:24:44] Oberoth: bk
[09:24:45] Lt. Fallnya: (well I've burned 6 attacks trying to save attacks so she can do some damage ya know)
[09:24:56] Lt. Fallnya: (err not 6 but 4 I'm down to 6)
[09:25:04] GM: nod
[09:25:08] GM: was gonna say
[09:27:29] Lt. Jaron is glad not to be linked
[09:27:51] GM: lol, yeah, you get two characters worth of attacks, but the loss of teh AD does add up
[09:28:23] GM: kk,we'll get back to Sarah, Lu, your action.
[09:28:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek. I'm here, was just out of room for just a second. ))
[09:28:52] Lt. Fallnya flicks on her missile controls and starts locking targets (umm lets say 4, and 4 missiles each)
[09:29:04] Lt. Fallnya: [1d100] => [41] = (41) vs 61 RSI
[09:29:06] GM: And you chose the one second where it's your turn, 10 spankings for you!
[09:29:21] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[09:29:27] GM: kk, lu, hold on the strike, good RSI roll btw, Sarah take it
[09:29:38] Lt. Fallnya: (ok ignore that roll then?)
[09:29:43] GM: nah, to late
[09:29:46] GM: we'll keep it
[09:31:08] CWO Sarah tries to lock up four wraiths herself, similarly, and tries to fire four missiles into each one of them properly as she does as well, since it's become standard procedure for her with Wraiths. [1d100] => [12] = (12) (rsi vs 65%) [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8) (strike)
[09:32:29] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
[09:32:30] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[09:32:30] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[09:32:30] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[09:32:44] Wraith: [1d100] => [59] = (59)
[09:32:44] Wraith: [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[09:32:44] Wraith: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[09:33:12] GM: 4 missiles on 1, 3, and 4, 2 missiles on 2, roll it!
[09:33:44] GM: Rolling for Lu's results
[09:33:54] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[09:33:54] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[09:33:54] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[09:33:55] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[09:34:01] Wraith: [1d100] => [10] = (10)
[09:34:16] GM: 4 missile hit each for lu, roll it
[09:34:28] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 160
[09:34:29] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 200
[09:34:30] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 400
[09:34:36] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*2] => 200
[09:34:39] Lt. Fallnya: [8d6*10] => 220
[09:34:47] Lt. Fallnya: (for simplicity)
[09:34:57] GM: [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[09:34:57] GM: [1d100] => [58] = (58)
[09:34:58] GM: [1d100] => [44] = (44)
[09:34:58] GM: [1d100] => [26] = (26)
[09:34:59] GM: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[09:34:59] GM: [1d100] => [63] = (63)
[09:35:00] GM: [1d100] => [87] = (87)
[09:35:58] GM: of the wraiths hit by the nigh simultaneous vollies form Sarah and Lurana, only 3 remain in the air, the rest are sent down in flames, missing wings and or functional engines.
[09:36:18] GM: New round, Gamjin
[09:37:30] 2 LT Gamjin fires four MRMs (assuming nothing is close enough for SRMs) at the nearest Wraith.
[09:37:43] GM: [1d100] => [78] = (78)
[09:37:45] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [11,3] = (14)
[09:38:02] GM: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[09:38:20] GM: Your missiles fly true and hit!
[09:39:12] GM: Depends on what targets, Komillia was in range, at 5 klicks, same range as a SRM
[09:39:46] GM: if you want to shoot at the strafers then you can use SRM's other wise, yes, MRM's will easily hit the enemy in the furball above you
[09:40:04] 2 LT Gamjin: (let's go with the MRMs and target ones in the furball)
[09:40:13] GM: nod
[09:40:15] GM: roll damage
[09:40:56] 2 LT Gamjin: [(3d6*10)*4] => 320
[09:41:14] GM: I will make four rolls, anything above 70% is a hit to a Wraith as it passes thru the flak put out by Gamjins MRM's
[09:41:21] GM: [1d100] => [52] = (52)
[09:41:22] GM: [1d100] => [83] = (83)
[09:41:22] GM: [1d100] => [10] = (10)
[09:41:22] GM: [1d100] => [31] = (31)
[09:42:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woo! ))
[09:42:18] GM: Gamjin, your missiles fly up and up and swat a Wraith from the sky, the resulting detonation also shreds a Wraith that happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!
[09:43:28] GM: Ay, your turn, the area of sky in your flights immediate vicinity seems to be clear of enemy for the moment! But there is certainly no lack of targets!
[09:43:30] 2 LT Gamjin: (two birds for four shots, that'd be a decent batting average actually.)
[09:45:39] Oberoth: [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[09:46:00] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around at the targets and pokes at her radar a little bit. having seen others fire sixteen missiles out and hit lots of targets so easily, well, she'll try to do the same. Since firing on only one doesn't clear them out fast enough. So she locks up four, and fires four missiles each towards them. [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16) strike [1d100] => [25] = (25) RSI vs 63%
[09:47:30] GM: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[09:47:30] GM: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[09:47:30] GM: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[09:47:31] GM: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[09:47:45] GM: Roll damage for all missile for all targets
[09:47:56] GM: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[09:48:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*4] => 280
[09:48:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*4] => 440
[09:48:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*4] => 160
[09:48:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(2d6*10)*4] => 80
[09:48:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( … wow, I rolled all 1's on that last one. rofl. ))
[09:48:41] GM: John's shoots at one of the strafing Wraiths sadly falls short…and he misses.
[09:49:03] GM: [1d100] => [98] = (98)
[09:50:50] GM: Ay, two wraiths drop from the sky immediately, one, is only peppered by the missiles premature detonation…giggity. The final wraith is gutted as the missiles burrow their way into the engines and leave the wraith without power, to it's credit, the wraith is able to glide for a good 1/3 mile before refacing a skyscraper. not much useful comes out the other side.
[09:51:20] GM: Komillia, your go!
[09:52:17] 2 LT Komillia keeps using the big gun.
[09:52:25] GM: roll it!
[09:52:25] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13) strike, [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs 85 pilot to stay on feet.
[09:52:34] GM: big numbers! i want big numbers!
[09:52:40] GM: damn
[09:53:02] 2 LT Komillia: (Stop your wishing! It's jinxing me!)
[09:53:03] GM: With a 4, the strike auto misses, but does punch a neat hole thru a nearby high rise!
[09:53:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:57:23] GM: Jaron, your go
[09:57:58] Lt. Jaron turns slightly and seeing the grounder miss, fires a pair of missiles at the haydonite as he checks his radar and sensors for any change (sensory [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs 60; to strike [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20))
[09:58:54] GM: perc roll mr wraith
[09:59:00] Wraith: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[09:59:11] GM: roll damage Jaron
[09:59:22] Lt. Jaron: [4d6*10] => 200 MD
[10:00:11] GM: odd hit one, even non hit one
[10:00:14] GM: [1d12] => [8] = (8)
[10:00:17] GM: rats
[10:01:11] GM: Your missiles hit but fail to down the enemy wraith, as for the progress of the battle, right now your radar systems is still trying to keep up with the conflict around you.
[10:01:23] GM: Suki
[10:01:47] Lt. Ishida bites her lower lip slightly and tries for another sweep, 4 per 4.
[10:01:51] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [15,3] = (18)
[10:01:59] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
[10:01:59] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23)
[10:01:59] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[10:01:59] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[10:02:04] Wraith: [1d100] => [26] = (26)
[10:02:04] Wraith: [1d100] => [63] = (63)
[10:02:10] Wraith: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[10:03:50] GM: [2d6*10] => 70
[10:03:50] GM: [2d6*10] => 70
[10:03:50] GM: [2d6*10] => 30
[10:03:50] GM: [2d6*10] => 90
[10:04:11] GM: [2d6*10] => 80
[10:04:11] GM: [2d6*10] => 100
[10:04:48] GM: Suki's volley does far better then her last one, three Wraiths are stricken from the sky and the 4th is damaged!
[10:05:14] GM: Wraith 6
[10:05:27] Wraith: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
[10:05:35] Wraith: I shoot at lu! nyahahahaha
[10:05:41] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[10:05:47] Wraith: sigh
[10:05:52] Lt. Fallnya makes a few zig zags
[10:05:54] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+15] => [9,15] = (24)
[10:06:16] GM: You zig and zag and the Wraith comes up short, other Wraith nearby mock him.
[10:06:22] GM: Sarah, your turn
[10:07:39] CWO Sarah keeps watching for targets as much as she needs to, locking up four more, and kicking out four more missiles at each of them, trying to stem the tide of fighters as much as she can personally per volley. [1d100] => [67] = (67) RSI vs. 65% [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8) to strike
[10:08:12] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[10:08:12] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[10:08:12] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[10:08:13] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23)
[10:08:18] Wraith: [1d100] => [35] = (35)
[10:08:18] Wraith: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[10:08:18] Wraith: [1d100] => [15] = (15)
[10:08:18] Wraith: [1d100] => [52] = (52)
[10:08:25] Wraith: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[10:08:35] Wraith: 4 for 3, 2 for 1, roll it
[10:09:13] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 240
[10:09:18] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 240
[10:09:19] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*4] => 200
[10:09:24] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*2] => 160
[10:09:46] Fantoma: [1d100] => [50] = (50)
[10:09:46] Fantoma: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[10:09:46] Fantoma: [1d100] => [79] = (79)
[10:09:47] Fantoma: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[10:10:13] GM: Two Wraith s are shot down the other tow are damaged, but still airowrthy
[10:10:24] GM: Lurana
[10:10:27] GM: your up
[10:10:49] Lt. Fallnya: (fantomas in range? or comeing into range?)
[10:11:13] GM: You can check if you wish
[10:11:35] Lt. Fallnya makes a quick look at her RSI while trying to set up her C&C
[10:11:45] Lt. Fallnya: [1d100] => [60] = (60)
[10:11:51] Lt. Fallnya: vs 61 normally x.x
[10:12:44] GM: You are able to barely, and i DO mean barely, able to filter out the Fantomas from the rest of the furball, and yes, based on the latest UEEF Intel reports, those bad boys are well in range…
[10:13:36] Lt. Fallnya: "Hitman the Fantomas are coming in range prepare for torpedo run on one of them, i want to take down as many as possible"
[10:14:40] Lt. Jaron radios "Roger, I only have short rangers….I can try to make you a path"
[10:14:52] GM: As if on cue, as if they were waiting for Lurana to say just those words…lances of lethal red beams impact the city.
[10:15:00] Fantoma: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[10:15:01] Fantoma: [1d20] => [9] = (9)
[10:15:03] Fantoma: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[10:15:03] Fantoma: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[10:15:52] GM: mercifully the shots fail to impact anything vital but the eastern most outskirts of the city are vaporized and are now burning.
[10:16:59] UEEF: Jesus! Incoming fire from the east! Javelin Flight! vector to heading 050 and expedite!
[10:18:07] GM: As the command goes out, you see a 7 ship flight of outdated Conabts break from the furball, one, getting obliterated in the process. The remaining six hug the deck and at full after burner head east.
[10:19:26] GM: On the ground, a series of explosions at the fringe of town erupt, and the panicked call of "Haydonite forces have entered the city! Haydonite forces have entered the…*" is uttered
[10:20:31] GM: New round! Gamjin!
[10:21:14] 2 LT Gamjin: (Is the Fantoma in range of my MRMs?)
[10:21:19] GM: negative
[10:21:50] 2 LT Gamjin fires 4 SRMs at any strafer.
[10:21:56] GM: roll it
[10:22:05] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [18,3] = (21)
[10:22:07] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[10:22:16] GM: roll damage
[10:22:20] GM: damage
[10:22:33] 2 LT Gamjin: [(2d6*10)*4] => 360
[10:24:05] GM: Your rounds impact a fast mover as it passes over your position, your snap shot flies true and the missiles pull a hard tun upon leaving the tubes and chase down the offending Wraith, The Wraith is impacted dead center and it eviscerated! The debris and left over parts of the enemy fighter pepper a strip mall and the structures are reduced to rubble.
[10:24:36] GM: Ay, your turn
[10:24:38] Lt. Jaron maneuvers himself in front and tries to lock on to as many fighters as he can and fires 32 missiles total (2 clusters, 4 targets each getting 4 missiles each; sensory [1d100] => [69] = (69) vs 60; cluster #1 strike [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18); cluster #2 strike [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23))
[10:24:53] Lt. Jaron: (interrupt, sorry)
[10:24:55] GM: Jaron has interrupted…going to him now
[10:25:37] GM: define clusters for me please
[10:25:41] GM: clusters
[10:26:24] Lt. Jaron: (2 clusters….each 4 targets and each target getting 4 missiles costing me 2 actions)
[10:26:41] GM: so 8 in total?
[10:27:16] Lt. Jaron: (8 targets=yes; 4 missiles each=32)
[10:27:21] GM: kk
[10:27:23] GM: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[10:27:24] GM: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[10:27:24] GM: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[10:27:24] GM: [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[10:27:25] GM: [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23)
[10:27:25] GM: [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[10:27:25] GM: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[10:27:25] GM: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[10:27:38] GM: [1d100] => [2] = (2)
[10:27:46] GM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
[10:27:55] GM: 4 for 7, 3 for 1, roll it
[10:28:58] GM: Ay, your turn while Jaron rolls damage.
[10:29:01] Lt. Jaron: (4 for 7d6?)
[10:29:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( 7 wraiths take 4 missiles of damage each ))
[10:29:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( one takes 3 ))
[10:29:25] GM: 7 targets get hit with 4, 1 target gets hit with 3 missiles
[10:29:25] Lt. Jaron: (k)
[10:29:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( how many wraiths are still out?Tons? ))
[10:29:41] GM: more then you can count
[10:29:57] Lt. Jaron: [8d6*10] => 190 MD [6d6*10] => 150 MD
[10:30:01] GM: picture the hairiest furball outside of Reflex point and you get the idea
[10:30:32] GM: low ass rolls make me roll location….grr bite bite
[10:30:38] GM: [1d100] => [82] = (82)
[10:30:38] GM: [1d100] => [3] = (3)
[10:30:39] GM: [1d100] => [10] = (10)
[10:30:39] GM: [1d100] => [46] = (46)
[10:30:39] GM: [1d100] => [20] = (20)
[10:30:40] GM: [1d100] => [26] = (26)
[10:30:40] GM: [1d100] => [11] = (11)
[10:30:41] GM: [1d100] => [28] = (28)
[10:31:37] Lt. Jaron: (hey I can hit and pilot awesome..damage I cant do that well)
[10:31:39] GM: 7 Wraiths impact the ground!
[10:32:00] GM: Ay, your go
[10:32:57] 2Lt. Aylanea swears openly at the alarm, trying to target more fighters, trying to get as good a lock as she can, realizing the skies have to be cleared of offenders FAST in order to stop that cruiser. She locks up eight of them as well, in their little clusters, switching her missile system on and carefully trying to set in to see if she can hit them all. She almost crosses her fingers, but needs them to keep the firing up. (Two actions, similar to Jaron's) [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23) strike, [1d100] => [4] = (4) RSI vs 63%
[10:33:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and worth the two attacks. lol ))
[10:33:30] GM: ooo crit!
[10:33:40] GM: just roll damage
[10:33:54] GM: [1d20] => [14] = (14)
[10:33:54] GM: [1d20] => [14] = (14)
[10:33:54] GM: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[10:33:55] GM: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[10:33:55] GM: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[10:33:55] GM: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[10:33:55] GM: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[10:33:56] GM: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[10:33:56] GM: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[10:34:01] GM: yup, roll damage
[10:34:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((2d6*10)*4)*3] => 360
[10:34:29] GM: [1d100] => [4] = (4)
[10:34:29] GM: [1d100] => [43] = (43)
[10:34:30] GM: [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[10:34:30] GM: [1d100] => [33] = (33)
[10:34:30] GM: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[10:34:31] GM: [1d100] => [52] = (52)
[10:34:31] GM: [1d100] => [61] = (61)
[10:34:31] GM: [1d100] => [52] = (52))
[10:34:42] GM: 8 dead wraiths
[10:34:49] GM: Suki
[10:36:51] Lt. Ishida rolls out of the furball [1d100] => [68] = (68) and following her orders to head for the encroaching Fantomas'
[10:37:15] Lt. Ishida she also lets loose a volley of 4 per 4 on her way out
[10:37:41] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[10:38:00] Lt. Ishida: Ffffffff
[10:38:02] CWO Sarah: (( ouch ))
[10:38:24] GM: Okay Suki, just go after the Fantoma, okay, pat pat, you miss, badly, it's okay, just breath.
[10:38:37] 2 LT Gamjin: (Suki's too busy with the squirrel in her pants.)
[10:38:46] GM: Damn fun squirrel
[10:39:10] GM: Sarah
[10:41:00] Lt. Fallnya: (*yawns waiting for Alleria's turn…*_
[10:41:00] CWO Sarah locks up four as well, watching the pull in for the Fantoma, trying to keep their Legios clear if she needs to. She locks onto four wraiths, trying to make sure the closest ones don't encroach, and fires four-missile volleys towards them. [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9) strike [1d100] => [35] = (35) RSI vs. 65%
[10:41:30] GM: smacks self, All, go
[10:42:21] Heather: (btw are we lined up to hit a Fantoma?)
[10:42:32] Lt. Alleria: (eek wrong name)
[10:42:35] GM: not as yet no
[10:42:40] GM: [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[10:42:40] GM: [1d100] => [32] = (32)
[10:42:41] GM: [1d100] => [66] = (66)
[10:42:49] GM: whoops
[10:42:56] GM: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[10:42:56] GM: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[10:42:57] GM: [1d20] => [7] = (7)
[10:42:58] GM: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[10:42:58] GM: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[10:42:59] GM: [1d20] => [3] = (3)
[10:42:59] GM: [1d20] => [20] = (20)
[10:43:00] GM: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[10:43:12] Lt. Alleria locks and launches 4 SRMs again planning to hit one enemy [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[10:43:23] Lt. Alleria: (baaaazing….)
[10:44:00] GM: Sarah, you are able to knock out 5 Wraiths,
[10:44:14] GM: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[10:44:15] GM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
[10:44:27] GM: 1 missle on one, 3 on the other
[10:44:53] GM: Alleria, You missiles fly off to join a commune
[10:44:57] GM: Lurana
[10:46:34] Lt. Fallnya launches on 4 targets 4 missiles each
[10:46:45] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
[10:47:12] Lt. Fallnya: (*kicks her dice*)
[10:48:40] GM: Sarah, I need those last two damage rolls.
[10:48:57] GM: Lu, your missiles follow your backseaters and join the commune.
[10:49:02] GM: New round
[10:49:08] GM: Gamjin
[10:49:59] 2 LT Gamjin fires four missiles into the furball.
[10:50:06] 2 LT Gamjin: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[10:50:08] GM: MRM? or SRM?
[10:50:17] CWO Sarah: (( oh ))
[10:50:32] 2 LT Gamjin: (I'm beginning to lag, MRMs)
[10:50:40] CWO Sarah: [2d6*10] => 80
[10:50:41] GM: kk
[10:50:51] CWO Sarah: [(2d6*10)*3] => 300
[10:50:58] Wraith: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[10:51:37] Lt. Jaron radios "Hit Actual, whats the plan here?"
[10:51:39] GM: Four missile streak into the furball and detonate! Roll damage
[10:51:53] 2 LT Gamjin: [(3d6*10)*4] => 320
[10:52:23] GM: The Wraith is obliterated!
[10:52:38] GM: Alleria
[10:53:04] Lt. Fallnya: (fantomas in range?)
[10:53:25] GM: negative, they are well out into the badlands!
[10:53:54] GM: you are on your way! but it will take a lil time to get there.
[10:54:14] Lt. Alleria fires 4 missiles at the nearest wraith or shadow
[10:54:29] GM: roll it
[10:54:30] Lt. Alleria: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[10:54:57] GM: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[10:55:01] GM: [1d100] => [67] = (67)
[10:55:08] GM: [1d4] => [4] = (4)
[10:55:20] GM: Your missiles are shot down!
[10:55:25] GM: Komillia
[10:55:25] Lt. Alleria pouts
[10:56:14] 2 LT Komillia fires the GAU-15 at a strafer, if any are left.
[10:56:24] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28) strike, [1d100] => [98] = (98) vs 85 pilot to stay on feet.
[10:56:46] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[10:56:53] GM: Damage!
[10:57:01] 2 LT Komillia falls on her Bioroid's rear end but hits.
[10:57:05] Lt. Fallnya: (hit but knocked on ass x.x
[10:57:30] GM: I think thats the pilot of the HIT mecha to stay on their feet. but…thats just me
[10:57:38] 2 LT Komillia: [(1d10*10)+20] => 60
[10:57:45] GM: [1d100] => [45] = (45)
[10:59:04] GM: You round impacts the previously hit Wraith and separates the right wing from the body and the Wraith careens out of the sky creating a 300 meter long gouge in a nearby parking lot.
[10:59:37] GM: Jaron your action
[10:59:58] Lt. Jaron: sensory [1d100] => [40] = (40) vs 60, tactics [1d100] => [46] = (46) vs 70, intelligence [1d100] => [30] = (30) vs 56
[11:01:04] Lt. Jaron tries to formulate a plan as he flies through this mess (those skills my action or can I fire as well?)
[11:03:31] GM: Jaron, the Fantomas are within the badlands, hovering, firing upon the city from range. You figure they are pretty close to where you and the others had your scrape with the Invid.
[11:06:46] Lt. Jaron radios and relays the position to the others "We are going to run out of missiles quickly here….we can either just dogfight all day and let them take pop shots or try to get close"
[11:07:13] GM: Suki
[11:08:25] Lt. Ishida: (Intel [1d100] => [5] = (5) vs 56 Mil Tactics [1d100] => [98] = (98) vs 70)
[11:09:03] GM: Although her tactics skill is massive epic uber fail, her intel skill is spot on,
[11:09:53] Lt. Ishida: Ma'am. Tonto is right! We need to get close. We're just a drop in the bucket here."
[11:10:10] Attempting to assign the role of Player to (9) James…
[11:10:29] Lt. Ishida: Besides, those Conbats are going to get slaughtered without support.
[11:11:37] Lt. Jaron quirks a brow at that Tonto remark
[11:11:43] Lt. Ishida keeps moving out over the desert towards the Fantoma's as per her orders
[11:13:58] 2Lt. Aylanea keeps watching for close by Wraiths, trying to move into formation loosely with the others. "Right. Should I hold until we're at Conbat support range, then?"
[11:14:27] Wraith: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[11:14:56] GM: Fortunately, none of the Wraiths have noticed the departing Alpha's and Legios
[11:14:59] Lt. Jaron radios "No, that Fantoma can fire a few times before then and it might not even close"
[11:15:21] Fantoma: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[11:15:22] Fantoma: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[11:15:23] Fantoma: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[11:15:23] Fantoma: [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[11:15:54] GM: okay, Sarah your turn
[11:16:39] CWO Sarah watches Suki's tail end, watching for the Fantomas and for where they are. She also watches sensors to make certain no Wraiths are too close as they escape for the cruisers.
[11:17:04] GM: roll your skillz there Sarah
[11:17:55] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[11:18:02] CWO Sarah: (( rsi vs 65% ))
[11:18:04] GM: Durrrrrrr
[11:22:10] GM: Okay, Lurana flies on to assault the Fantoma's
[11:24:09] GM: As you break free of the furball and head over the desert towards the badlands, you see the Conbats ahead of you. There is only 5 of them now, and the incoming fire form the Fantoma's is beginning to increase.
[11:25:18] GM: The Conbats loose their missiles and then immediately break off and begin to scamper out of dodge.
[11:26:12] GM: The missiles head towards the Fantomas and impact upon their shields to no noticeable effect.
[11:27:19] GM: Perc and tactics, and any other skills relevant (koff) navigation
[11:27:54] CWO Sarah: [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5)
[11:27:58] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [75] = (75)
[11:28:28] Lt. Jaron: perception [1d20] => [20] = (20), Intelligence [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 56, Tactics [1d100] => [85] = (85) vs 70, sensory [1d100] => [99] = (99) vs 60, military history [1d100] => [76] = (76) vs 60
[11:28:47] CWO Sarah: (( perc, tactics vs. 79%, and… ))
[11:28:50] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [67] = (67)
[11:28:57] CWO Sarah: (( navigation vs 65% ))
[11:29:17] Lt. Jaron: perception [20+2] => 22=22
[11:29:22] Lt. Ishida: (perc [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15) Tactics [1d100] => [23] = (23) vs 70, nav [1d100] => [62] = (62) vs 68, intel [1d100] => [99] = (99) vs 56)
[11:30:08] GM: Great perc roll there Jaron, but damn lol
[11:31:18] GM: okay, the general consensus of chatter back and forth is that, those Fantomas are smack dab over the location Sarah scryed out as a massive PC source.
[11:33:48] GM: well?
[11:35:04] Lt. Jaron radios "Could the Invid and Haydonites been working together?"
[11:35:37] CWO Sarah frowns just a little bit at that, considering it. "The big source… damn. I'm surprised the inorganics aren't fighting back, if it's the hive. If it's not the hive…." She thinks a little bit. "Could be a buried ship almost…" She laughs a little at Jaron. "The Invid would NEVER work with the Haydonites. The Haydonites are more of a hated enemy to them than the Robotech Masters even."
[11:35:37] Lt. Ishida: No way! Don't they hate each other? Sarah?
[11:36:01] Lt. Ishida: Then why aren't they fighting each other?
[11:36:49] CWO Sarah blinks. "The hive is underground. With the shadow systems activated, it might not even know they're there…" She closes her eyes for a moment and tries to see if she can tune to the hive enough to get a message through to it.
[11:38:16] Lt. Jaron: "If so, could he we some missiles in there and expose them?"
[11:38:37] CWO Sarah: (( perc [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14) and Lore: Invid [1d100] => [35] = (35) vs 69% ))
[11:38:59] Lt. Ishida: If those LRM's off those Conbats didn't pierce those shields, what do we have that will?
[11:40:06] GM: You are able to make momentary contact with what you think is a nearby Invid brain, but, the entity immediately recognizes you as the spawn of the Regess and severs contact.
[11:40:32] Lt. Ishida: Any luck Sarah?
[11:40:40] Lt. Jaron: "If Sarah can work her magic we don't have too, I hope"
[11:42:19] CWO Sarah sighs and sits back. "Fuck. Won't listen to a word of it, because I'm from the wrong faction. If the Expedition had lost, there eventually would likely have been civil war between the Regess and the Regent, there was so much division and contention. It totally ignored me. It'd attack me if I went down there, almost certainly."
[11:43:09] CWO Sarah mutters. "But the long and short is, we're shit outta luck on that front, unless it comes up and tries to attack me out here."
[11:43:33] Lt. Ishida: Well if the enemy is shadow cloaked…
[11:43:36] Lt. Jaron: (close enough to fire missiles into the location?)
[11:45:26] CWO Sarah considers. "Then we'll have to be close enough for them to be in visual range if we can draw one close enough to it. And if any are up here…" She frowns, trying to think.
[11:46:54] Lt. Jaron grumbles and fires a quad of miss into the ground to get the Invids attention
[11:47:07] CWO Sarah tries to send the image of the Fantomas right overhead, over the point of the link where she sensed the brain, even if it isn't listening.
[11:47:46] GM: roll a strike Jaron
[11:48:00] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [72] = (72)
[11:48:16] Lt. Jaron: to strike [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[11:48:31] GM: Your missile impact the ground and put off a major light show.
[11:48:49] GM: Sadly this alerts the Fantomas to your presence and they begin to fire on you
[11:48:59] Fantoma: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[11:49:00] Fantoma: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[11:49:00] Fantoma: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[11:49:12] CWO Sarah sighs. "Or I could try to lure them out, but that's a lot riskier."
[11:49:32] Lt. Ishida: Lure? We need bait for that!
[11:49:51] Lt. Jaron goes evasive (dodge [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[11:50:18] Lt. Jaron radios "Someone else try a couple of shots"
[11:50:25] Lt. Ishida: On it!
[11:50:33] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[11:51:14] GM: Not knowing where exactly to fire at Suki unloads at the ground, but to noticeable effect.
[11:51:49] CWO Sarah coughs softly. "That's the risk. I'd have to be the bait, and teleport down in there. I'd have to take a Cyclone with me in order to have any shot at evading fire while keeping them in pursuit distance…" She ponders it a little bit, and looks towards the ground, trying to use her sense of where the protoculture signal is, to fire a missile down right at anything of it that's even close to the surface.
[11:52:16] CWO Sarah: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
[11:53:24] CWO Sarah pauses. "Do we have any of those decoys anywhere? If we had one of those it might lure them to the surface more easily…"
[11:54:05] CWO Sarah thinks. "keep one near one of the ships, and they'd see it."
[11:54:18] Lt. Jaron: "No clue. Could we land on the Fantoma and try to get inside?"
[11:56:09] Lt. Ishida: That might just work!
[11:56:30] CWO Sarah coughs. "We'd need one of the baits, they had some at that little outpost. It puts out a ship sized fake protoculture signature."
[11:56:57] Lt. Ishida: Those are back at FOB Bastogne
[11:57:48] Lt. Jaron: "How long will that take to get?"
[11:58:24] Lt. Ishida: Shouldn't take to long, if we retreat they might think they've run us off.
[11:58:39] Lt. Ishida: But coming back is going to suck.
[11:59:01] CWO Sarah nods a little bit and looks around a little bit. "Or if we pull just out of site and I have fifteen minutes maybe…" She glances forward to the Alpha. "How heavy are those things?"
[11:59:08] CWO Sarah: (( forward to the Alpha ))
[11:59:28] Lt. Ishida: Size of a laptop. Not to big
[11:59:39] Lt. Jaron: "Well you all go for it, I will see I can land on that sucker and get in"
[12:00:07] Lt. Ishida: Denied Hitman 4, we are NOT leaving you solo out here.
[12:00:47] CWO Sarah coughs. "Through the shield?" We need to pull back. I'll get as many as I can grab and be back as soon as possible." She glances forward. "Lt. Ishida, you have full control?"
[12:00:48] Lt. Jaron radios and grumbles "Fine; lets bug then"
[12:01:11] Lt. Ishida: I always have full control…
[12:01:16] Lt. Ishida snickers
[12:02:55] CWO Sarah coughs just a little at that and hmms. "Problem is, we'd have to be set down for me to get back…" She ponders.
[12:04:06] CWO Sarah considers. "Might just be easier to slip that way with one Beta, on full thrust, considering that. Hrm."
[12:04:13] GM: Flying at Flank speed back to the FOB the calls from the UEEF are…not positive, apparently based on the erratic actions of the flight, they think we have gone, I think there is a technical term for it…'bat shit crazy'
[12:05:34] GM: As you arrive over the FOB you can see the Defender Destroids in full swing, their barrels glowing such is the amount of fire they are pumping out.
[12:05:58] GM: wow, okay, slow down, one key at a time…
[12:05:59] CWO Sarah: (( heh, oh ))
[12:06:01] Lt. Jaron radios "I'll patrol while you all grab them"
[12:06:08] GM: Destroids in full swing…
[12:06:35] Lt. Ishida: Roger that
[12:06:41] CWO Sarah nods. "Right."
[12:06:41] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [40] = (40)
[12:07:11] GM: Suki puts the Legios down hard, but solid, right smack center of the LZ.
[12:07:26] CWO Sarah hops out the back quickly and hurries for the storage area.
[12:08:08] LCpl Summerwind approaches as you enter the supply bunker.
[12:08:12] LCpl Summerwind: What the fuck you doing here?
[12:08:53] GM: Jaron, as you fly CAP you note a pair of Shades inbound hot
[12:08:58] CWO Sarah glances over to Anji and keeps hurrying. "Using one problem's leftovers against another. But in order for said problem to /see/ it, we need a few protoculture decoys."
[12:09:28] LCpl Summerwind: Speak fucking English Damn!
[12:11:26] CWO Sarah swears softly. "We were on recon near where those cruisers are. There was a huge protoculture source, and we ran into leftover inorganics from the last invasion. There's a left over hive of the Regent's sitting out there. But it's so far underground that it's for sure not seeing those cruisers. If we can drop baits onto them, we can let them all duke it out, maybe they can even take out some. Not to mention it thins that hive out in case we can take things back eventually."
[12:11:43] Lt. Jaron fires a volley at one (4 missiles; to strike [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15))
[12:11:56] Shade: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[12:11:57] Shade: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[12:12:09] LCpl Summerwind: baits? What the fuck?
[12:12:23] GM: Roll damage Jaron
[12:12:55] Lt. Jaron: [8d6*10] => 290 MD
[12:13:01] GM: Oww
[12:13:40] GM: The deck hugging shade, thinking they'd get the drop on the Defender Destroids focused skyward are blindsided by the Alpha's missiles!
[12:13:41] CWO Sarah sighs and hurries still. "Those traps that were used to lure Invid in by producing a large protoculture signature? You haven't seen those before?"
[12:13:46] GM: shades
[12:14:00] Attempting to assign the role of Player to (11) Lt. Jaron…
[12:14:50] Lt. Jaron radios "Defenders, I'm clear."
[12:14:50] LCpl Summerwind: The decoys…jeeze, yeah, I got ya now!
[12:15:32] MSgt. Smythe: Ah good show chap! Thanks for covering us old bean! Much appreciated!
[12:15:38] CWO Sarah keeps hurrying. "If we can drop decoys on those ships, like, one or two on at least one ship, we can rile the whole hive into attacking them."
[12:16:30] CWO Sarah: (( am I close to the storage place yet? ))
[12:16:48] LCpl Summerwind helps you stuff decoys into the beta. "Well why didn't you say so in the first place! jeez! Give me a fucking monologue! Fuck!
[12:16:54] CWO Sarah: (( yay ))
[12:17:49] CWO Sarah shrugs a little bit. "You wondered why we're here. Sorry about getting wordy. It's a bad habit." She hurries and packs some in as well. "Thanks for the help." She hurries to the cockpit again then, hopping in and waving from the window.
[12:18:24] LCpl Summerwind: No shit its a bad habit! It's called brevity! Learn it you damn slug!
[12:18:36] LCpl Summerwind hops into the cargo bay with the decoys.
[12:19:04] Lt. Ishida: You secure back there?
[12:19:21] CWO Sarah straps in and glances back to Anji. "Secure enough for takeoff?"
[12:19:23] LCpl Summerwind: Yes!
[12:19:35] Lt. Ishida: Up we go!
[12:19:46] Lt. Ishida blink, why did she hear two voices…
[12:20:01] Lt. Ishida: Did we just pick up a passenger?
[12:20:02] Lt. Jaron swings around and ready to fly wing
[12:20:53] CWO Sarah nods quickly. "Corporal Summerwind is along for the ride."
[12:21:31] GM: Jaron, you form up on the Legios as it jets away from the FOB, Suki keeps the speed such that you can keep up and you head back towards the badlands as fast as your Alpha can muster.
[12:22:48] GM: As you approach, the Fantomas are not so easily fooled the second time around and begin to open fire at you as Infiltrator units begin to dump onto the upper hull and open fire.
[12:23:40] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [18,-10] = (8)
[12:23:40] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [12,-10] = (2)
[12:23:40] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [7,-10] = (-3)
[12:23:41] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [1,-10] = (-9)
[12:23:41] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [19,-10] = (9)
[12:23:41] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [5,-10] = (-5)
[12:23:41] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [18,-10] = (8)
[12:23:42] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [17,-10] = (7)
[12:23:42] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [11,-10] = (1)
[12:23:42] Fantoma: [1d20-10] => [13,-10] = (3)
[12:24:37] GM: top 4 for Suki, bottom f4 for Jaron
[12:24:49] CWO Sarah thinks quickly, frowning. "So, how do we get the decoys onto the cruisers without the infiltrators tearing them off? She ponders a little bit.
[12:24:53] GM: 5 sorry 5 each
[12:25:09] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [4,18] = (22)
[12:25:10] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [12,18] = (30)
[12:25:16] Lt. Jaron twirls about to evade
[12:25:36] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[12:25:37] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[12:25:37] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[12:25:38] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[12:25:39] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[12:25:42] Lt. Ishida: [2d4*100] => 700
[12:26:24] Lt. Jaron radios "Guess we'll have to hang around for a little bit"
[12:26:27] GM: Jaron, you are able to zig and zag out of the way of all incoming fire, but eh Legios is stuck hard on it's approach
[12:26:46] GM: 700 split two ways, 350 each mecha
[12:27:15] GM: The Legios takes the hit but it is smoking badly!
[12:27:37] GM: [1d100] => [35] = (35)
[12:27:37] GM: [1d100] => [56] = (56)
[12:28:06] GM: The beta, has its comms damaged range reduced by half
[12:28:49] GM: the Alpha has it's electrical systems blown out, Suki's cockpit is engulfed in smoke.
[12:29:13] CWO Sarah eeks at the hit, frowning a little bit. "Please don't get us killed, Lt." She hrms. "We need to get close and drop a decoy or two off…" She thinks. "wish my Cyclone were on board completely…" She swears as the comms are damaged, blinking forward. "Suki, you okay?"
[12:29:45] Lt. Jaron turns about and gets up the legios, preparing to help guide her, radios "Im underneath you if need be"
[12:30:21] 2Lt. Aylanea flies support, just doing what she does really.
[12:30:22] Lt. Ishida: I cant see! Guide me in!
[12:31:00] Lt. Jaron does so
[12:31:34] GM: Suki will attempt to 'crash land on the hull'
[12:32:25] Lt. Ishida: (RSI, fly by instruments [1d100] => [73] = (73) vs 60)
[12:32:44] GM: Jaron, she is going in WAY to fast…
[12:33:24] GM: And she is being fired on
[12:33:38] Fantoma: [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[12:33:38] Fantoma: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[12:34:17] Lt. Jaron radios "easy up there' and tries tilts to her her evade (pilot [1d100 vs 82; dodge [1d20+10] => 1d100 vs 82; dodge [1d20+10)
[12:34:22] CWO Sarah nods quickly and sighs. Then sees what's' being done. "Oh heck…" She swears softly.
[12:34:27] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+14] => [10,14] = (24)
[12:34:37] Lt. Jaron radios "easy up there' and tries tilts to her her evade (pilot [1d100] => [35] = (35) vs 82; dodge [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20))
[12:34:54] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [85] = (85)
[12:35:20] Lt. Ishida: that was vs 82
[12:35:46] GM: With Jaron's directions Suki is able to avoid the incoming fire, but lands very hard on the hull
[12:36:28] CWO Sarah braces for impact. "Brace, hard landing imminent…" She oofs as the ship hits.
[12:36:56] Lt. Jaron radios "I will try and keep things off of you"
[12:37:01] GM: [3d4*10] => 70
[12:37:19] GM: [3d6] => [2,5,1] = (8)
[12:37:21] Lt. Jaron transforms into battloid as bodyguard
[12:37:31] GM: All aboard the Legios take 8 points of SD
[12:38:15] GM: Jaron you land next to the all but crumpled up Legios
[12:38:56] LCpl Summerwind: Dammit! Who taught you how to fly!? Stevie Wonder!?
[12:39:56] Lt. Jaron smirks and begins to keep an eye out
[12:40:22] CWO Sarah hurries to get out. "I think she has cockpit issues, maybe on the way back I'll have to fly." She shrugs and hops out to get the decoys. "Anyway, we need to set decoys and get lost. Once the Invid respond to them, they'll shoot at us just as much as the Haydonites, if we stick around."
[12:40:38] GM: As you perform cover you see two Infiltrators and 4 Revers approach, firing as they do so
[12:41:06] LCpl Summerwind: Yeh yeah yeah, pop the fucking hatch !
[12:41:31] Lt. Ishida tries to right the Legios
[12:41:35] Lt. Ishida: [d100] => d100
[12:41:38] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [56] = (56)
[12:41:55] CWO Sarah pops the hatch. "We need to do it quickly…" She sighs.
[12:42:11] GM: Suki is able to get the craft onto it's 'feet' the Legios now standing in guardian mode on the hull.
[12:42:45] Lt. Jaron fires a cluster volley at the infiltrators (4 missiles each; total of 8; to strike [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13))
[12:42:47] LCpl Summerwind starts chucking the already activated Decoys out the hatch onto the hull!
[12:43:09] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[12:43:10] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[12:43:11] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
[12:43:12] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[12:43:19] Lt. Jaron radios "You all got ground pounders coming"
[12:43:19] Haydonite: [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[12:43:28] GM: Roll damage
[12:43:40] Lt. Jaron: [8d6*10] => 280 MDC
[12:44:05] CWO Sarah nods. "Ideally I'd put one or two on each, but this hopefully works, since they'll see them all." She watches and heads for her cockpit as well, to support Suki. "Yell when we can close the hatch and blast out of here."
[12:44:33] GM: Your missiles kill the Reavers, and the Infiltrators are pushed back, but not before they get a few shots off
[12:44:48] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
[12:44:49] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[12:45:05] Lt. Jaron: (all at me or the others?)
[12:45:10] Haydonite: 1-4 legios 5-6 Jaron
[12:45:12] Haydonite: [1d6] => [2] = (2)
[12:45:13] Haydonite: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[12:45:29] CWO Sarah tries to sense for a protoculture signature as well, hoping she'll see activity soon from down below.
[12:45:36] Lt. Jaron dives to cover them (real dodge [1d20+14)
[12:45:37] Haydonite: [8d6*10] => 200
[12:45:39] Lt. Jaron dives to cover them (real dodge [1d20+14] => [14,14] = (28)
[12:45:39] CWO Sarah: [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16)
[12:46:12] GM: [1d20+2] => [14,2] = (16)
[12:46:13] GM: [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
[12:47:18] GM: hrm, what was your init roll initially Jaron?
[12:47:35] GM: 17
[12:47:43] GM: the one Haydonite beat you
[12:48:01] GM: and thus you are unable to intercept the hit
[12:48:24] GM: the Legios takes 100 more points of damage (the 1 missed and tears 100 point out of the Fantomas hull
[12:48:29] Lt. Jaron: (aww bummer should get to roll new init)
[12:48:34] GM: [1d100] => [56] = (56)
[12:48:34] GM: [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[12:49:03] CWO Sarah looks at the hull. "Too bad we can't make a hole and dump a couple into it from this range…"
[12:49:36] GM: Sarah, your electrical systems blow out and your cockpit is smoke filled, Suki all but able to get her cockpit blaze under control suffers more blow outs and her cockpit again full of smoke.
[12:49:55] Lt. Jaron radios "quickly please"
[12:50:12] LCpl Summerwind: There! All out, can we GO! PLEASE!!!?
[12:50:23] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[12:51:04] GM: Suki blind, lifts the Legios up and tries to go ballistic, but, instead heads sideways and right towards teh desert floor.
[12:51:17] CWO Sarah swears softly and tries to put her fires out. "Shit! Electrical failure!" She tries to hose down the system and re-establish control enough to take the controls herself if she needs to. "What's your condition up there?"
[12:51:23] CWO Sarah eeks and tries to pull the plane back up.
[12:51:30] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [48] = (48)
[12:51:38] Lt. Jaron grumbles and thrusts to help
[12:51:43] Lt. Ishida: Blind as a bat.
[12:51:47] Lt. Ishida replies rather calmly
[12:51:55] CWO Sarah: (( piloting vs. 80% ))
[12:52:14] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[12:52:26] Lt. Jaron radios "You all might have to hitch a ride in my hand"
[12:52:59] Lt. Ishida fights Sarah's input, not recognizing it for what it is
[12:53:03] CWO Sarah mutters. "If this gets too bad, we may have to go back without the plane."
[12:53:16] CWO Sarah sighs. "Let go, ma'am! I'm trying to nose us up! We're headed straight down!"
[12:53:45] Lt. Ishida pulls her hands off the stick
[12:53:55] GM: roll piloting
[12:53:59] GM: sarah
[12:54:05] CWO Sarah struggles against the controls. ([1d100] => [68] = (68) Piloting)
[12:54:10] CWO Sarah: (( vs. 80% ))
[12:54:31] GM: You are able to nose up and pull the Legios out of the terminal dive it was all but locked into
[12:54:39] CWO Sarah: (( any word on that sense PC roll I did earlier? ))
[12:55:11] GM: In fact you do feel a return Sarah
[12:55:29] GM: The area under you blossoms in PC powah
[12:55:39] CWO Sarah straightens out and heads back in the direction of point R, to pull back from the the combat area and be out of range of Invid noticing them.
[12:55:40] CWO Sarah: (( heehee ))
[12:55:48] GM: Whatever is under you is big!
[12:56:05] GM: Jaron, you notice that the LEgois, and yourself are under fire again
[12:56:28] Fantoma: [1d20-14] => [3,-14] = (-11)
[12:56:29] Fantoma: [1d20-14] => [6,-14] = (-8)
[12:56:31] Fantoma: [1d20-14] => [14,-14] = (0)
[12:56:32] Fantoma: [1d20-14] => [5,-14] = (-9)
[12:56:44] GM: All shots miss
[12:56:59] Lt. Jaron transforms to fighter avoiding the fire "Lets exit here"
[12:57:40] GM: As you exfiltrate the area your radar system prioritizes a very large target!
[12:58:09] GM: The ground under the Fantoma's bursts like a bursting boil.
[12:58:29] CWO Sarah blinks a little bit. "Very large target… What the heck…" She spins around to see if she can see what is under Fantoma. "Geez…"
[12:59:35] Invid Scorpion Carrier: [1d20] => [7] = (7)
[12:59:36] Invid Scorpion Carrier: [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[12:59:43] Lt. Jaron glances to look as well
[12:59:56] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [94] = (94)
[01:00:01] Invid Scorpion Carrier: [1d4*1000] => 3000
[01:00:02] Invid Scorpion Carrier: [1d4*1000] => 3000
[01:01:37] GM: Preceding the emergence of a Regents Scorpion carrier from it's long slumber, two massive beams of energy burst forth and strike the lumbering Fantoma amidships for 6K.
[01:02:18] CWO Sarah uhms slightly as she sees that. "Er…. holy shit."
[01:02:37] 2Lt. Aylanea blinks as she pulls back, staring as well. "What the heck IS that thing?"
[01:02:59] Lt. Ishida still blind. "What the heck is what thing?"
[01:03:13] Lt. Jaron: "No clue but I hope it doesn't change it mind about us after it gets done with the Haydonites"
[01:04:40] GM: As the craft lifts from it's rocky tomb it looses it's troop compliment and soon the air is filled with Invid Scouts, Assault Scouts Shocktroopers and Inorganincs
[01:04:41] CWO Sarah stares at it and ulps. "The general sense of it screams Invid, but I've never seen one before. Looks like some kind of three headed lobster or scorpion thing with a tail."
[01:05:31] CWO Sarah turns tail and makes DAMNED sure they're as out of range as possible. "Shit, I hope the four Haydonite ships can damage it enough before it roasts them that the fleet can finish it off."


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