[07:40:06] CWO2 Sarah: (( I was just reporting sensing a large protoculture signature, I remember ))
[07:40:17] GM: Correct…
[07:40:43] Lt. Jaron: (I didn’t get that memo on my side)
[07:41:19] GM: The bulk of Echo Company has entered the fold chamber. Sporadic fire is heard hear and there as pockets of enemy are located, isolated, or eliminated.
[07:42:14] CWO2 Sarah: (( [12:01:25] => 12:01:25 CWO2 Sarah blinks a little and turns to look in a direction not quite at where the group is. "Guys? There's a huge PC trace close to here… it's cloaked, but it's strong enough that I can see through it…" She starts walking in that direction. ))
[07:42:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( from last week ))
[07:43:47] GM: Sporadic
[07:44:05] GM: intermittent
[07:44:37] Lt. Jaron thruster to check on Gage and the new Reaver he faced and replies to Sarah "Understand. Be there momentarily"
[07:45:23] GM: Jaron, you hop up to the catwalk next to Gage and Suki, Ishida is about 10 feet away cutting the head off the Melee Reaver.
[07:46:03] CWO2 Sarah keeps moving that way with a frown, to point the way, cautious to make sure not to go into any other chamber before the others are with her again, watching for any change in the signature, in case whatever it is might be trying to power up or something.
[07:46:50] Lt. Jaron watches Suki "Techs and intel can handle that Suki." then looks to inspect Gage's armor "Hold back in the rear, don’t need you on the front line in that shape"
[07:47:01] Gage nods
[07:47:06] GM: Sarah, to get to it, you will have to leve the Fold Chamber pass a DEEP hole in the ground carved out by a Synchro strike, and into the tunnel which Raider, 1st and 3rd Platoon entered via.
[07:47:22] 2nd Lt Vinai would be following up in the rear keeping his own head on a swivel up until he would also come across the wounded Marine. This will probably take a moment but upon arrival he would slide his application functions back to audio momentarily. "Jaron go up ahead…I'll request the evac."
[07:47:42] 2nd Lt Vinai himself is once again…missing his chestplate from his CVR-3.
[07:47:48] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah, and as noted, she isn't leaving the fold chamber until others are with her ))
[07:47:56] Lt. Ishida nods at Jaron as she rips the head free and stuffs it into a 'saddlebag' then remounts her Devo and closes up.
[07:48:04] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[07:48:16] Lt. Ishida: Hammer 1-2, stand fast.
[07:48:37] Lt. Ishida jumps down to the lower level.
[07:48:44] Lt. Ishida: Status !-2.
[07:48:57] Lt. Jaron shakes his head "Gross Suki, just gross." then switches to reply to Max "Roger that vinai" and follows Suki
[07:49:39] GM: The rest of Echo Company continue to secure the area, setting up fields of fire while other move the survivng civvies to the rear.
[07:49:48] CWO2 Sarah sighs. "Standing fast, waiting for others before hunting that trace down. It's back through another tunnel. The Cyclone is functional, but damaged, it'll hold up."
[07:50:24] 2nd Lt Vinai nods to Jaron before sifting to his radio comm. "This is Hi-Fi. Requesting Medical Evac. Marine Dismemberment of the (left or right) arm. Requesting assistance."
[07:50:24] Lt. Ishida: Roger that.
[07:50:40] 2 LT Komillia shoots a fallen Haydonite in the head as she walks over to Jaron. "Orders?"
[07:51:30] Gage: (no dismemberment…just heavily damaged)
[07:51:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( okay. ))
[07:51:48] GM: Yeah, that’s what I thought…
[07:51:53] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((kk *adjusts previous radio communication*))
[07:52:02] GM: I was like, um, I dont remember THAT part…lol
[07:52:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (sorry just wondering where I was)
[07:52:09] Lt. Jaron looks to Komillia "Following the nose for now"
[07:53:00] Lt. Ishida points with the mecha's arm down the corridor.
[07:53:05] Lt. Ishida: After you Chief.
[07:53:12] 2 LT Komillia: "Roger that."
[07:53:33] CWO2 Sarah waits for others to form up, watching towards the direction. At the order, she starts walking towards and around the Synchro blast, thruster jumping over it if needing to, trying to find where the entrance is.
[07:53:45] 2 LT Komillia thrusters over to where. Hammer is and takes a rear guard position.
[07:53:56] Lt. Jaron follows Sarah
[07:54:31] 2nd Lt Vinai stands by with Gage. Rifle swiveling left and right. "Well…I suppose we'll have to get you back to the firebase and let the Corpsman feel you up…and if you're lucky…it'll be a woman." He snickered slightly.
[07:54:36] GM: The Devo's which most of you are in do need to 'hop' the hole, cyclones can make their way around the perimeter. Sadrine closes it up , some 30 seconds after you pass.
[07:55:46] Lt. Utenaru: 2nd Platoon, form up and move down the tunnel to Phase Line Dallas.
[07:56:49] Lt. Utenaru: 1st Platoon, back up Raider and FIST
[07:57:16] GM: The Marines do as they are told.
[07:57:24] CWO2 Sarah keeps following after the thruster leap, eyes mostly in the direction where the trace is, as she watches for any side corridors towards it.
[07:57:36] GM: Carrie perc
[07:57:39] Gage smirks to Vinai "I hope"
[07:58:07] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4)
[07:58:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( crap ))
[07:58:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( +5 if its a PC trace, but still, only 8. ))
[07:58:22] FO Ryuu Hasegawa chuckles slightly and shoulders his rifle and pats Gage on the shoulder
[07:58:33] GM: You keep walking, roll another perc (which takes place about 3 minutes later)
[07:58:38] 2 LT Komillia: ((Cave squirrels!))
[07:58:48] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14)
[07:58:50] 2nd Lt Vinai laughs slightly. "We all know Dr. Hairypalms is probably on duty tonight. At least it'll be a nice furry massage."
[07:59:06] GM: You realize that you have passed it, somehow.
[07:59:11] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Ohhh man, that would suck Vinny" smirks
[07:59:34] Lt. Ishida: Maybe he was an ex-TSA screener.
[07:59:35] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Of course if he was picking shrapnel out of me I wouldn’t mind so much"
[07:59:43] CWO2 Sarah frowns. "We've passed it…" She looks around, to try to get back towards it. "Gotta be a way to it around here somewhere…" She keeps watching and trying to follow it.
[07:59:46] Gage picks some debris from his armor "That not a comforting thought"
[08:00:15] Lt. Jaron starts to feel the walls on the tunnel
[08:00:24] GM: Perc Jaron, and Carrie
[08:00:34] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [12,5] = (17)
[08:00:36] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[08:00:46] 2nd Lt Vinai shrugs slightly. "Could be worse…you could have one of those female Karbarrans volunteering as a nurse. And she might want to give you that…tender nurse love."
[08:01:01] CWO2 Sarah: (( 13/17 depending on trace or not ))
[08:01:37] FO Ryuu Hasegawa shudders slightly
[08:01:39] Gage smiles "I will pass but maybe if it was Komillia though"
[08:01:46] GM: Sarah, you stop where you think you need to go, and find yourself in front of the plug that Sadrine had brought down to block a side tunnel to cover your flanks prior to the push on the FC.
[08:01:59] 2nd Lt Vinai shakes his head. "She's just a hairless one."
[08:02:05] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "that’s why I keep it within the species so to speak…at least Zentraedi LOOK human"
[08:02:09] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs his chin then grins.
[08:02:12] CWO2 Sarah hmms just a little. "Need Miss Sadrine to open it up for us…." She frowns.
[08:02:12] GM: ((Orange Line on map))
[08:03:00] Lt. Ishida: Backstop 1-2, Hammer 1-1, we need Sadrine at our location.
[08:03:22] Lt. Utenaru: Roger that 1-1.
[08:03:25] Gage smiles and cleans his M90 as he stands with Vinai and Ryuu
[08:03:39] Lt. Utenaru points at Sandy and down the tunnel.
[08:03:52] Sadrine nods and makes her way to the others.
[08:04:06] Sadrine: Yes?
[08:04:11] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Though I tell you, once were out of here no woman will be as sweet as my hunny Alpha" *laughs*
[08:04:49] CWO2 Sarah offers Sadrine a smile and tries to be nice. "Hi there, Miss Sadrine. Could you please open the side tunnel here for us? Thanks…"
[08:04:54] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs his chin. "You really just want me to install one of my Otaku Avatars don't you?"
[08:05:05] 2 LT Komillia: I'll make sure to get some techs install a suitable port for you. Plus I prefer not to date in-squadron.
[08:05:37] Lt. Ishida giggle snorts inside her armor, not that anyone hears it.
[08:05:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:05:54] Sadrine: I just closed this up.
[08:05:58] Lt. Jaron switches his com off and chuckles but his cyclone doesn’t hide it well
[08:06:46] FO Ryuu Hasegawa laughs
[08:06:47] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Sorry Ryu…sounds like Komillia's body doesn't want to be virtually installed into your Alpha."
[08:06:58] 2nd Lt Vinai cackled lightly over the radio.
[08:07:39] Sadrine: Humans….
[08:07:41] CWO2 Sarah frowns just a little bit, biting her lip. "Sorry… we're following a trace through a tunnel, and it seems to be down this way. It's behind a Haydonite cloak, but it's too strong to hide completely… Means it might be something big. It's not always a clear signal, but I tracked it back to being behind there somewhere…"
[08:07:46] Sadrine facepalms.
[08:07:59] CWO2 Sarah: "Again, my apologies."
[08:08:24] Sadrine waves you away and begins to work her mojo.
[08:08:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa stretches and frowns
[08:08:35] Sadrine: [1d100] => [12] = (12)
[08:08:37] 2nd Lt Vinai tchs lightly. "She's just mad because we have more fun than they do."
[08:09:06] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Just sayin I'll be happy to leave this place, I think all my vision can see now is cave Ill be locating Haydonites with echo location before too long"
[08:09:10] GM: The plug comes down smoothly with nary a pebble displaced.
[08:09:12] FO Ryuu Hasegawa laughs again
[08:09:17] Sadrine: There.
[08:09:36] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[08:09:36] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
[08:09:36] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[08:09:36] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[08:09:39] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[08:09:39] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
[08:09:40] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[08:09:40] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[08:09:40] 2nd Lt Vinai looks down at his radio. Then covers over the microphone. "Dammit where the hell is the evac?"
[08:09:43] CWO2 Sarah offers the warmest voice she can. "Thank you.."
[08:09:46] Lt. Jaron comms "On your toes gents"
[08:10:03] GM: (dt)
[08:10:46] 2nd Lt Vinai looks down to Gage then slides his data pad back to the Video sync software Perfect Sight. "I've got you on visual Jaron…what's up?"
[08:11:41] GM: Ambush (no dodge) hits on [10d10] => [5,10,3,5,9,9,1,1,5,7] = (55) 1 Sandy, 2 Sarah, 3 Suki, 4 Jaron, 5 Komi, 6 Vinny, 7 Ryuu, 8-10 Other UEEF
[08:12:46] CWO2 Sarah: (( thought there were only 8 of them ))
[08:13:16] GM: Komi twice, UEEF thrice, Suki, Sandy twice. (good call Sarah, knocking out the last two rolls))
[08:14:05] Lt. Jaron: "take cover!"
[08:14:39] GM: Rolling now for the weapons they have [8d10] => [3,10,9,4,1,9,8,2] = (46) 1-4 AR, 5-6 Carbine, 7 Coil, 8-9 SAW, 10 Sniper
[08:16:44] GM: Komi takes [2d6*10+30] => 130 Suki takes [2d4*10+20] => 70, Sandy [1d6*10+15] => 75 and [2d4*10+10] => 40
[08:17:07] GM: All are Main Body hits.
[08:18:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((Was that for one hit or two?))
[08:18:14] GM: ((that was for both))
[08:18:24] 2 LT Komillia: ((still near half-dead.))
[08:18:36] Sadrine: [1d100] => [50] = (50)
[08:19:14] Sadrine is knocked on her ass by the attack. Vinny, you get a FAULT message on her comm feed.
[08:19:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:20:05] 2nd Lt Vinai: !
[08:20:13] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((totally just pulled the MGS))
[08:20:45] GM: Inits please. -1
[08:21:00] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[08:21:01] 2nd Lt Vinai: [1d20-1] => [8,-1] = (7)
[08:21:10] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
[08:21:13] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+2-1] => [19,2,-1] = (20)
[08:21:27] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[08:21:28] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[08:21:29] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[08:21:29] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[08:21:31] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[08:21:31] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[08:21:31] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[08:21:31] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[08:22:14] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+5-1] => [5,5,-1] = (9)
[08:23:14] Gage: (sitting out this one since in the folding chamber)
[08:23:27] GM: Correct
[08:23:39] GM: You are getting felt up by Bubba the hairy nurse.
[08:23:47] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (lol)
[08:23:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( rofl ))
[08:24:25] Bubba the Hairy Nurse: You sure got a purty mouff.
[08:24:30] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((wait…I can't do anything with it either since I'm with Gage with the commus unit.))
[08:24:32] 2 LT Komillia: ((Roll a sexual deviance check to make sure you've not become a Yaoi Furry!))
[08:24:52] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (I'm there with Vin to, since I didn’t know where to put myself lol )
[08:25:11] GM: Hmm, I guess this is also correct, the FAULT message still stands, as far as you can tell Sandy just got wiped.
[08:25:15] Lt. Jaron: (don’t worry I will call you over)
[08:25:26] GM: Sigh
[08:25:38] GM: Okay, well someone is taking that hit Ryuu took.
[08:25:59] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I had declared with Jaron that I was going to stay behind until the evac arrived.
[08:25:59] Lt. Jaron: (Ryuu didn’t get hit)
[08:26:14] GM: [1d6] => [6] = (6) 1 K, 2 san, 3 suk, 4 sar, 5 jer, 6 UEEF
[08:26:15] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I guess the hairy nurse is here now…lol))
[08:26:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( Komi, Suki, and Sandy got hit ))
[08:26:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( I thought ))
[08:26:34] Lt. Jaron: (yea, Ryuu was on the extra rolls)
[08:26:40] GM: Ahh that’s right, okay, moving on, I forgot I abrogated that roll….
[08:28:40] GM: okay, init order Suki, H, H, K, H, J, H, H, H, H, Sarah, H
[08:29:03] Lt. Jaron interrupts runs over to Sadrine and grabs her then jets to side to get her out of the line for fire. Then on comms "Ryuu, get over here ASAP."
[08:29:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[08:29:44] GM: That’s two attacks,
[08:29:48] CWO2 Sarah: (( such heroic nonsense… ))
[08:29:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( j/k ))
[08:30:01] Lt. Jaron: (thats fine)
[08:30:03] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You want me to bring Vinny?"
[08:30:04] Lt. Jaron: (done)
[08:30:07] GM: however the enemy are assholes, and two interrupt you to fire on you as you move.
[08:30:13] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "sounds like you could use the extra firepower"
[08:30:22] GM: [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[08:30:22] GM: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[08:30:33] GM: You can evade only one
[08:30:46] GM: Well AD, so both, anyway, you are getting shot at Jaron
[08:30:53] Lt. Jaron tries to evade the attacks [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19), [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[08:30:56] Lt. Jaron: (ugg)
[08:30:58] GM: Two hits
[08:31:07] Lt. Jaron comms "Yes Ryuu, more firepower would be nice"
[08:32:14] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 45 and [2d4*10+20] => 70
[08:32:26] CWO2 Sarah interrupts and fires three blasts from her beam cannon at one of Jaron's attackers. [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18) [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20) [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[08:33:16] GM: The enemy you fire at ducks Sarah. [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[08:33:26] GM: You hit with one [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[08:33:40] GM: and miss the second time, [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[08:34:29] GM: but are able to get a piece of him on the third hit, the remaining enemy (now that Jaron has moved behind defilade fires on [1d4] => [2] = (2) 1 Sarah, 2 Suki, 3 Komi, 4 UEEF
[08:34:41] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 60
[(2d4*10)+20] => 70
[08:34:42] GM: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27) and [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[08:35:11] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((sorry daughter's dinner was ready. But I think I'm out of Ini for now.))
[08:35:20] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [7,18] = (25)
[08:35:20] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [9,18] = (27)
[08:35:37] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 75
[08:35:53] FO Ryuu Hasegawa bangs Vinny's chestplate
[08:36:07] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Ok tough guy were up, they decided chasing the huge signal was agood idea"
[08:36:12] GM: Okay, Suki your turn, low init as you is.
[08:36:14] 2nd Lt Vinai is slugged in the chest. "Ow man what!"
[08:36:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa rolls eyes
[08:36:49] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Yeah like I said, the sooner we're outta here the better"
[08:36:55] 2nd Lt Vinai has large gaping blast holes in his chest plate from the last skirmish they were in. "Alright…Gage you and your bed buddy there hang tight…I have to go check on Sadrine's signal."
[08:36:56] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "C'mon"
[08:36:58] Lt. Ishida will do a quick scan to see if civvies are in the tunnel [1d100] => [34] = (34) vs 78% (attack 1)
[08:37:15] GM: The tunnel is clear of civvies Suki
[08:37:47] Lt. Ishida breaths a sigh of relief and opens fire with her left missile pod into the center of the enemy formation. [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[08:38:35] Lt. Ishida follows up with a paired strike at the one that fired at Sarah [1d20+12] => [5,12] = (17) and [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[08:39:18] CWO2 Sarah: (( did one fire at me? ))
[08:39:26] CWO2 Sarah: (( *doesn't recall rolling dodge on one* ))
[08:39:32] GM: Enemy will roll with impact on the missile strike [8d20] => [13,3,6,6,4,16,3,8] = (59) adding in a +4 to each
[08:39:46] FO Ryuu Hasegawa grimaces
[08:39:52] GM: All make their roll vs impact
[08:39:56] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Normally I wouldn’t call on you in that shape man…."
[08:40:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa looks Vinny's armor over
[08:40:10] GM: (dt on the rp for a sec)
[08:41:28] GM: Damage for 8 SRM's [16d6*10] => 560
[08:41:39] GM: [560/2] => 280
[08:42:24] GM: All enemy take 280 MD, the hallway is clear [280/4] => 70
[08:42:58] GM: Those in front of the opening take 70 due to shockwave and blowback.
[08:43:27] 2 LT Komillia: ((that's -200 so I only have 100 left…))
[08:43:36] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep.. ))
[08:43:43] GM: roll a 100 komi since you are at 60%
[08:43:52] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [2] = (2)
[08:43:57] CWO2 Sarah: (( isn't everyone in front of the opening? eep ))
[08:43:58] Lt. Jaron was to side with Sadrine and now looks her over "Sadrine, you still with us?"
[08:44:23] GM: -8 to strike w/o visual confirmation, you have radar doubles.
[08:44:37] GM: [1d100] => [8] = (8)
[08:44:40] GM: lol
[08:44:54] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[08:44:58] GM: Haydonite reinforcements [1d8] => [3] = (3) also take the 70
[08:45:02] CWO2 Sarah: (( 60/300 for me ))
[08:45:08] GM: 70
[08:45:28] GM: oh, you mean you have 60 left?
[08:45:31] GM: left?
[08:45:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( yes ))
[08:45:34] GM: owwie
[08:46:07] CWO2 Sarah: (( *gestures to her 1d100* ))
[08:46:54] GM: Sarah, your electrical system blows, your cockpit cramped as it is fills with smoke -2 attacks, -4 strike, parry, dodge. until smoke clears in [2d6] => [1,6] = (7) melees
[08:46:58] CWO2 Sarah: (( ew, smoke in the cockpit. lol ))
[08:47:30] GM: Komillia you turn
[08:48:16] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((at least she has some left…you keep blowing my chest open…))
[08:48:51] 2 LT Komillia fires three gunpod shots at the nearest haydonite, after confirming a visual. [1d20] => [6] = (6) PERC, [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22) [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:49:17] GM: Komi, roll an RSI
[08:49:18] 2 LT Komillia: ((yeah if any of those hit I'll be surprised.))
[08:49:24] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [5] = (5) vs 65
[08:50:21] GM: You get radar ghosts, (6 targets) well past 'ground zero' (those 8 Reavers are scrap) you peg them as new targets, you last two strike rolls will count as you adjust fire.
[08:50:33] GM: [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[08:50:47] GM: You hit once, you last roll was a nat 2 so auto miss
[08:50:50] GM: roll damage
[08:51:00] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 30
[08:51:23] GM: (ooc, that’s 100 total to it, 30 for your hit, and the 70 EVERYONE took)
[08:51:30] GM: Jaron
[08:51:45] Lt. Jaron checks Sadrine out first
[08:51:59] GM: Roll perc
[08:52:07] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[08:52:41] GM: You dont ever recall hearing about an angry Spherian, (surly, gruff, pissy yes, but not angry) until now. Sandy is very much alive, and very much pissed off.
[08:53:14] 2nd Lt Vinai now near the front lines with Jaron. "How is….she…"
[08:53:15] Lt. Jaron smirks a little then peeks out from the side and fires two bursts at some reavers [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10), [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[08:53:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:53:32] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I'll take actions to get there if necessary.))
[08:53:33] Lt. Jaron coms Max "Alive"
[08:53:59] GM: However you see the UV lamps within her armor, that sustain her life flickering (roll an IQ check free attack)
[08:54:21] Lt. Jaron: [1d30] => [20] = (20) vs 12
[08:54:57] GM: All you know is that Spherians need sunlight to survive, and those lights in her armor approximate that, and they are failing…
[08:55:16] GM: Roll an RSI Jaron
[08:55:31] GM: Must be low
[08:55:34] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Pass so I can see this XD))
[08:55:35] GM: for goodies
[08:55:35] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 70
[08:55:44] GM: Low but not low enough.
[08:56:21] GM: Your RSI shows the 8 enemy targets that had fired on you are toast (you do not see the other 3 behind them, yet)
[08:56:38] GM: Sarah, you int'ed so you are done.
[08:56:50] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((how long to I arrive on the scene Mighty GM?))
[08:56:58] GM: Ryuu and Vinny are rushing to you, and have gotten to where the barricade was so far
[08:57:15] GM: One more action Ryuu and Vin
[08:57:19] Lt. Jaron comms Max "I think Sadrine will need some tech assistance with her armor"
[08:57:29] GM: [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[08:57:29] GM: [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[08:57:29] GM: [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[08:57:36] 2nd Lt Vinai huffs and puffs. "I'll do what I can when I get there."
[08:57:47] GM: Suki
[08:58:12] Lt. Ishida uses RSI to look for additional targets [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs 78
[08:58:35] Lt. Ishida: Target ahead, I count 3!
[08:58:49] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22)
[08:58:50] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [11,12] = (23)
[08:58:51] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [2,12] = (14)
[08:58:52] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [7,12] = (19)
[08:58:59] GM: paired attacks
[08:59:07] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[08:59:08] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[08:59:08] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[08:59:08] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:59:20] GM: Three hits
[08:59:47] GM: Komi you are next, your targets are semi confirmed, your radar shows 6, Suki called out 3…
[09:00:14] GM: [6d4*10] => 110
[09:00:16] 2 LT Komillia: I got six ghosts, but my radar is busted so…
[09:00:58] GM: I'ma roll a D3, if the roll is a 1 Suki hit the one Komi wounded earlier [1d3] => [2] = (2)
[09:01:23] GM: Okay Komi, your go!
[09:01:35] GM: lets see that Hot blood of yours!
[09:01:59] 2 LT Komillia fires the gunpods at the one I wounded earlier. [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17) [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[09:02:32] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[09:02:32] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[09:02:33] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[09:02:47] GM: Three hits for the pissed Zent
[09:02:49] GM: Zent
[09:03:38] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 50 [2d4*10] => 50 [2d4*10] => 40
[09:03:59] GM: that was two
[09:04:05] GM: unless I'm mistaken
[09:04:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( no, it's 3 ))
[09:04:50] CWO2 Sarah: (( 50, 50, ad 40 ))
[09:04:58] GM: my bad, I see it now
[09:05:01] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:05:40] GM: Komillia, you hit one, but TWO targets disappear from your scope
[09:06:08] 2 LT Komillia: I think my radar is doubling the images.
[09:06:26] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (are we there yet?)
[09:06:38] GM: The enemy fires back at (RSI) [1d100] => [80] = (80) vs 75 (needs under a 40 to see past Suki, Sarah, and Komi)
[09:06:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[09:06:46] 2nd Lt Vinai still rushing towards them. "Copy that…I'll try to clear up your imagery once I get there."
[09:06:58] GM: Fires at [1d3] => [2] = (2) 1 Sarah, 2 Suki, 3 Komi
[09:07:06] GM: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[09:07:06] GM: [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[09:07:06] GM: [1d20+9] => [2,9] = (11)
[09:07:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Hang tight guys were almost there"
[09:07:17] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [17,18] = (35)
[09:07:18] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [13,18] = (31)
[09:07:52] GM: Two wiffs at Suki, Jaron and the other UEEF as well as Ryuu and Vinny can see tracer fire exiting the tunnel and hitting the far wall
[09:07:58] GM: Jaron your turn
[09:08:34] Lt. Jaron sticks his head to try and locate enemies
[09:08:44] Lt. Jaron: (head out^)
[09:09:14] GM: Roll a free RSI to take benefit Perfect Sight
[09:09:25] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [2] = (2) vs 70
[09:09:27] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((XD))
[09:09:37] GM: Oh yeah, you get a good sight picture off of Suki's HUD
[09:09:41] 2nd Lt Vinai: (Don't you just love me Jaron lol))
[09:10:00] 2 LT Komillia: ((AFK))
[09:10:21] GM: You can clearly see two enemy targets approaching.
[09:10:25] Lt. Jaron reloads a clip them fires two bursts down the tunnel at some Reavers [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15), [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[09:10:34] GM: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[09:10:34] GM: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[09:10:48] Lt. Jaron: (not really Vinny )
[09:10:54] GM: You come around the corner (still need one more attack) and hit nothing
[09:11:04] Lt. Jaron: (had to reload)
[09:11:09] GM: Roger that
[09:11:16] GM: Sarah
[09:12:30] GM: You are down two attacks, so can make 1
[09:12:46] CWO2 Sarah swears as her cockpit panels fry, grumbling and trying to clear things out enough to see again. (2 attacks lost). Once she can, she tries to sight down the tunnel towards one of the new problems, and fire the recoilless. [(1d20+7)-4] => [15,7,-4] = (18)
[09:12:54] GM: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[09:12:59] GM: You shot goes wide!
[09:13:06] 2 LT Komillia: ((back))
[09:13:09] CWO2 Sarah: (( durnit ))
[09:13:12] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[09:13:40] GM: The enemy fires at [2d6] => [4,6] = (10) 1 Suki, 2 Sarah, 3 Komi, 4 Jaron, 5-6 UEEF
[09:14:11] GM: Jaron, you are getting shot at! [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12) , [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18) and [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[09:15:52] GM: Jaron?
[09:17:23] GM: The UEEF forces, 1st platoon (remnants) advance and deal with the last two Reavers, taking up positions half way up the tunnel. (marked in hot pink on map)
[09:19:27] GM: Brief respite, Ryuu and Vinny are now on the scene. The tunnel is clearing of the dust, and you can see fresly smoldering impact marks on the majority of the team.
[09:19:30] Lt. Jaron to duck back behind cover [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[09:19:41] GM: two more dodges
[09:19:58] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[09:20:07] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[09:20:12] GM: two hits
[09:20:20] GM: [2d6*10+30] => 110
[09:20:29] GM: roll d 100
[09:20:49] Lt. Jaron's cyclone armor is blown off, now only in CVR
[09:21:27] GM: You get tagged hard and your mecha falls over backwards, only to be mercifully pulled out of the line of fire by nearby UEEF Marines
[09:22:21] Lt. Jaron nods to the Marines as he catches his breath
[09:22:36] GM: Jaron what did you Devo have on it's shoulders?
[09:22:47] Lt. Jaron: (I didn’t have Devo)
[09:23:24] GM: omG
[09:23:31] 2nd Lt Vinai motions towards Ryuu. "Approach cautiously towards Jaron…I"m going to go check on Sandrine's current status."
[09:23:57] Lt. Jaron: (hehe)
[09:24:05] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [56] = (56)
[09:24:39] GM: As she stands there, Ishida's electrics fratz!
[09:24:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( d'oh. ))
[09:25:08] Lt. Ishida pops her canopy and waves the smoke out of her cockpit.
[09:25:38] CWO2 Sarah sighs, listening, trying to clear her own cockpit out and go to check on Sadrine as well. She pops her own canopy, looking over. "Well, shit…" She looks to see if there's any more mystery protoculture trace, as well. [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12)
[09:25:47] Lt. Ishida: We will need resupply if we are to push on the enemy.
[09:25:58] Lt. Jaron gets to his feet as he watches Vinny come over to Sadrine and Ryuu comes following. "Ryuu, we are full of holes, you'll have to step and fill one"
[09:26:41] GM: Komi, despite the hits taken, you and Sarah are in the best shape, mecha wise.
[09:26:42] 2nd Lt Vinai: "First thing's first…what's wrong with her? Anything you could tell me offhand before I go sticking my nose in it?"
[09:27:18] Lt. Jaron tosses forearm shields to the side and knocks remains of tires from his shoulders "Her lightning inside is messed up"
[09:27:45] GM: Those in earshot (which is most) may roll an IQ
[09:27:50] Lt. Jaron gets to his feet as he watches Vinny come over to Sadrine and Ryuu comes following. "Ryuu, we are full of holes, you'll have to step and fill one" (repost for Ryuu)
[09:27:59] Lt. Ishida: [1d30] => [24] = (24)
[09:28:07] Lt. Ishida: ((hurr durr))
[09:28:08] Lt. Jaron: [1d30] => [19] = (19) vs 12
[09:28:20] 2 LT Komillia: [1d30] => [24] = (24) vs 15
[09:28:31] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs his chin. "Ok…lemme take a look".
[09:28:40] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((IQ Roll? or Other applicable skill?))
[09:28:46] GM: yes please
[09:28:49] GM: please
[09:28:59] 2nd Lt Vinai: [1d30] => [22] = (22) vs 21
[09:29:04] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Oh wow LMAO))
[09:29:06] CWO2 Sarah: [1d30] => [30] = (30) vs. 18
[09:29:09] GM: IQ, unless you have…I dunno, geology
[09:29:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail ))
[09:29:11] Lt. Jaron: (man….dice suck tonight)
[09:29:33] Sadrine bats all your hands away.
[09:29:36] Sadrine: I will be fine!
[09:29:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:29:52] Sadrine: I just need to be out of this light forsaken place in 12 hours
[09:30:16] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs his chin. "You sure…well if you need some sustainable juice I've got plenty of batteries."
[09:30:19] Sadrine: After 12 hours, I'll really get cranky
[09:30:25] Lt. Jaron makes a note to set an alarm in his HUD for 11 hours
[09:30:35] Sadrine: I don’t need energy! I need sunlight
[09:30:55] Sadrine centers herself
[09:30:58] Sadrine: Sorry
[09:31:01] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs his chin. "Photokinetic energy is the same as electrical, but raw. we just need a converter".
[09:32:05] Lt. Jaron comms "Sarah, you still getting anything on the protoculture?"
[09:32:07] GM: Sarah, you have a working Cyclone attached to the back of your Devo
[09:32:19] GM: In box form
[09:32:21] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[09:32:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( GAH ))
[09:32:28] CWO2 Sarah: (( wtf ))
[09:32:51] Lt. Jaron: (hehe yea, we sacrifice the wrong animal or something on thanksgiving)
[09:33:04] GM: Sarah, due to the massive PC spam off the dead Reavers, you cannot get a good fix, but, based on your last, you know it's down this hall.
[09:33:45] CWO2 Sarah pulls the working Super off and starts pulling it from box, looking down to see where the source of the signal is/was, frowning as she tries to get it. "IT's down the hall, I'm sure. These aren't it…" She sighs. "We may need fresh equipment though, depending…" She sighs.
[09:33:50] Lt. Ishida sheds the empty missile pod off her Devo.
[09:34:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (brb dinner)
[09:34:50] Lt. Jaron comms "We just have to be smart but Ryuu take point." (bring dinner to comp)
[09:35:01] GM: Okay, so who gets the fresh Super Sarah?
[09:35:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (sorry Ill bb asap)
[09:35:12] CWO2 Sarah: (( who needs it most? ))
[09:35:12] 2nd Lt Vinai nods slowly. "Let me set up a sensor array shortly. I could help filter your information a bit more. Perhaps remove natural interference that being the dead Reavers."
[09:35:21] Lt. Jaron: (everyone)
[09:35:27] GM: Ask the group
[09:35:36] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((is one shot dead…but I don't know how to use a Cyclone.))
[09:35:51] GM: Suki's Devo is is bad shape but functional, as is Komi's and Sarah's
[09:35:54] CWO2 Sarah looks to Jaron. "Who's in worst condition? They should probably take the spare super." She looks around.
[09:36:04] CWO2 Sarah: (( didn't Jaron's bite it? ))
[09:36:10] 2 LT Komillia: ((I'm in a wounded Devo, but should be fine.))
[09:36:22] CWO2 Sarah: (( think he's in worst if it did ))
[09:36:26] GM: ((Suki halfway wishies she hadn’t given her back up to Rayn))
[09:36:31] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah ))
[09:36:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[09:36:45] Lt. Jaron looks to the group (general maintenance & repair to assess?)
[09:36:51] GM: Roll
[09:36:56] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 65
[09:37:02] Lt. Jaron: (other than me)
[09:37:16] GM: You are mecha less, the others are in bad shape but functional.
[09:37:30] Lt. Jaron: (who is worst?)
[09:37:32] CWO2 Sarah leaves it there, and climbs back in to check her Devo.
[09:37:33] GM: Roll tactics,
[09:37:39] GM: You are Jaron, you are in CVR only now
[09:37:44] CWO2 Sarah: (( if you're mechaless, yeah, you are ))
[09:37:46] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [20] = (20) vs 85
[09:37:59] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Wrong…I'm worse off than he is GM…I haven't repaired my CVR from last encounter.))
[09:38:01] Lt. Jaron: (i know…but Im can hang)
[09:38:12] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Unless that's a off-scene thing)).
[09:38:16] CWO2 Sarah: (( you can't use a Cyclone either ))
[09:38:25] CWO2 Sarah: (( that's what the determination is for ))
[09:38:29] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((yup…which is why I'm in the back BACK field XD))
[09:39:12] GM: Jaron, you figure to make this push, 1st Platoon will have to be the meat shield. They have larger numbers and their gear is in better shape. You and the FIST (who, by all accounts did a fine job in reducing that enemy strong point) are best served as force multipliers.
[09:40:16] Lt. Jaron relays the info to Utenaru
[09:41:02] Lt. Jaron: "Sarah, you man your cyclone. I will hand back in the your devastator"
[09:41:27] Lt. Utenaru: Damn! Yo keke's will be da death of me. Move up, I'll try ta get some gear to ya.
[09:41:51] CWO2 Sarah looks around idly. "If those were the guards, than whatever it is must be important…" She blinks then. "Sir?" She frowns, glancing to Suki quickly.
[09:41:56] Lt. Jaron: "Ma'am, we can do it. No time to slow down"
[09:42:15] Lt. Jaron: (that was to Utenaru)
[09:42:37] Lt. Ishida: Fairman, It's 1-2's call if she wants to stay in her Devo, I would suggest as flight lead for Raiders you take the Cyc.
[09:43:15] CWO2 Sarah looks to Jaron. "You're the Raider lead, you're more in need of protection. If the Devo fails, I can scrub out in an instant. You can't."
[09:43:28] Lt. Ishida: It is settled.
[09:44:23] Lt. Jaron: "Whatever, you have better combat talent as well as Komillia"
[09:44:59] GM: As you speak you can hear the battle is joined by 1st Platoon and the enemy further up the tunnel.
[09:45:15] UEMC Sgt.: Enemy contact front!
[09:45:24] UEMC Sgt.: Count 10 minimum
[09:45:31] 2 LT Komillia: ROGER!
[09:45:34] Lt. Jaron grumbles
[09:45:40] 2 LT Komillia proceeds to the front.
[09:45:50] UEMC LCpl.: Jesus! These bastards are dug in!
[09:46:12] CWO2 Sarah swears at that. "If she can get gear to us, we might just need it. Shit… or backup…."
[09:46:14] GM: Jaron, command call, then inits
[09:46:20] CWO2 Sarah looks to Suki
[09:46:33] Lt. Jaron motions for Sarah to drop the cyclone
[09:46:52] Lt. Ishida: I hate to ask this of you Chief, but you have more armor, you must take point for us.
[09:46:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( uh, I left the Cyclone on the ground, and climbed back into the Devo ))
[09:47:03] CWO2 Sarah: (( a while ago ))
[09:47:17] GM: This is true
[09:47:27] Lt. Jaron: (k, missed it)
[09:47:28] CWO2 Sarah: (( you just gotta stick it on ))
[09:47:37] GM: Okay, so Jaron, bam, you are in a brand spankin new Super Cyc
[09:47:43] Lt. Jaron gets to cyclone and goes to battloid mode
[09:47:54] GM: It has the Rail gun, as well as twin GR-97's
[09:47:58] CWO2 Sarah nods to Suki. "Yes, ma'am!" She turns to head to the front, as well.
[09:48:16] GM: [1d100] => [69] = (69)
[09:48:21] GM: And nothing else
[09:48:55] CWO2 Sarah: (( ack ))
[09:49:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( would the penalties on the Devo be gone, now? I think the fire would be out and the backups gone, and the cockpit has been open ))
[09:49:29] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((GM do I have to roll to set up an array? Or is it an easy enough task to perform?))
[09:49:52] GM: Correct Sarah, you and Suki's negs are gone
[09:49:58] CWO2 Sarah: (( kk ))
[09:50:00] CWO2 Sarah: (( wee ))
[09:50:08] GM: I will assume you took 50 Vinny
[09:50:19] GM: Your array is up and running
[09:50:39] Lt. Jaron adjusts to the super and moves onwards
[09:50:40] UEEF Force's: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[09:51:15] GM: Your support is not having an easy time of it, and have not pushed up significantly since you last heard from them.
[09:51:40] GM: They have however made it to the next pink line
[09:52:31] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Alright bossman…I"m all set up back here…I'll be following your movements from back here as a secondary set of eyes to check your HUDs people. Stay cool and stay fly." Hunkers down behind a barricade after finishing his mini antennae to bosst connectivity towards the members of the group. "Hi-Fi is back online and playing the role of digital eagle!"
[09:53:51] GM: The enemy has put up a hardened position at the bed of the tunnel (green line)
[09:54:40] GM: Inits
[09:54:51] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[09:54:52] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[09:54:56] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+2] => [9,2] = (11)
[09:55:00] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2)
[09:55:05] 2 LT Komillia: ((ROFL))
[09:55:21] GM: well silver lining, you get to go first lol
[09:55:32] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I'm going to roll GM…and state that all of my attacks or actions will be sensor oriented as a supporter of the group as a whole.))
[09:55:40] 2nd Lt Vinai: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[09:55:42] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16)
[09:56:49] GM: need a roll from Jaron, Ryuu is out to dinner
[09:56:50] CWO2 Sarah: (( rofl Komi ))
[09:56:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( nice one ))
[09:58:59] GM: Okay, Komi. Roll an RSI please.
[09:59:12] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [36] = (36) vs 65
[09:59:15] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((interrupt!))
[09:59:19] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((drat !_!))
[09:59:28] GM: You were able earlier to get your radar back to normal
[09:59:30] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((she already rolled lol))
[09:59:37] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[10:00:13] GM: Init order is, Komi, Sarah, Vin, H, Suki, Jaron, H
[10:00:26] GM: Komillia, your go
[10:01:04] 2 LT Komillia fires the beam cannons followed by a gunpod blast at the nearest. [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14) [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:01:24] GM: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[10:01:24] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[10:01:25] GM: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:02:04] GM: Your hot blooded attack momentarily surprises them and you get one hit, but the enemy duck behind cover and your next two shots go wide.
[10:02:25] CWO2 Sarah targets one of the Reavers and fires her beam cannon three times, quickly, wanting to neutralize someone as soon as possible. [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[10:02:28] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10+20] => 90
[10:02:39] GM: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[10:02:39] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[10:02:39] GM: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[10:02:55] GM: Two hits for Slugger.
[10:03:06] CWO2 Sarah: (( probably at the other one from Komi's ))
[10:03:19] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 60
[10:03:21] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 80
[10:03:56] GM: Sarah you topple one as you advance, finishing off the one Komi had hit.
[10:04:13] GM: Vinny, there is not much offensively, but it is your action
[10:05:27] UEEF Force's: [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
[10:05:29] 2nd Lt Vinai plugged into the array, he accesses his data and shifts through the random files and beings to align several windows of view specifically Jaron's, Sarah's, Suki's and Komillia and begins to perform passive polarized scans to identify distant targets not already seen.
[10:05:42] UEEF Force's: [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[10:06:02] GM: 1st Platoon moves up but does little more then present targets
[10:06:35] GM: The enemy fires back [2d8] => [6,7] = (13) 1 Sarah, 2-7 UEEF 8 Komi
[10:06:57] GM: The UEEF take the brunt of the enemy fire as they move forward. Suki
[10:07:24] Lt. Ishida will loose 4 missiles from her pod to help break the enemy fortification [1d20+3] => [14,3] = (17)
[10:07:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[10:07:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[10:07:59] GM: Enemy will tak half damage due to roll with impact.
[10:08:14] Lt. Ishida: [8d6*10] => 290
[10:08:24] Lt. Ishida: [290/2] => 145
[10:08:54] GM: The enemy takes damage, Jaron!
[10:09:28] Lt. Jaron fires a burst from the rail gun, then followed by a burst from pulse rifle (rail gun [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18), pulse [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17))
[10:09:36] GM: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[10:09:36] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[10:09:48] GM: Your shots hit rock and little else
[10:10:19] GM: The enemy recovers and fires at [1d10] => [9] = (9) 1 Suki, 2 Sarah, 3-8 UEEF, 9 Jaron, 10 Komi
[10:10:30] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:10:30] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[10:10:30] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:10:40] GM: Three at you Jaron
[10:10:51] GM: Komi, your attacks
[10:11:06] Lt. Jaron feels like a magnet and tries to dodge [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20), [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14), [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[10:11:08] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (back, sorry had to do cleanup)
[10:11:15] GM: Ryuu, roll an Init
[10:11:39] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[10:11:42] GM: Jaron you are hit once but dance out of the way of the last two strikes [1d6*10+15] => 65
[10:11:52] GM: 65 Main Body
[10:11:55] 2 LT Komillia fires her gunpod into the crowd. [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25) [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26) [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[10:12:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( good thing you got a fresh Cyclone ))
[10:12:08] GM: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:12:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[10:12:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:12:19] GM: Two hits Komi
[10:12:26] GM: Sarah, your attack next
[10:12:29] Lt. Jaron: (yea but if I didn’t, I would be in the back under cover )
[10:13:00] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 70 [2d4*10] => 30 [2d4*10] => 30
[10:13:02] GM: ((Teamwork is essential, it gives the enemy more people to shoot at.))
[10:13:11] 2 LT Komillia: ((oops one too many…))
[10:13:15] CWO2 Sarah fires her beam cannon three more times, this time at a different Reaver, trying to remove another one from the fray. [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[10:13:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( WOOT! ))
[10:13:26] GM: Komi, the enemy you hit dies
[10:13:30] GM: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[10:13:30] GM: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[10:13:31] GM: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[10:13:36] 2 LT Komillia: ((CRIT!))
[10:13:42] GM: roll damage for your crit
[10:13:45] CWO2 Sarah: [((2d4*10)+20)*2] => 100
[10:14:23] GM: Sarah, you finish the enemy off as 1st Platoon moves up and drills a few left overs.
[10:14:36] GM: Sarah perc, in fact all percs
[10:14:45] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15)
[10:14:49] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[10:14:51] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19)
[10:14:52] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[10:15:05] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (squirrel!)
[10:15:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( *dumps a squirrel into Komi's cockpit) ))
[10:15:45] 2 LT Komillia: ((does a squirrel dance))
[10:16:36] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[10:17:28] CWO2 Sarah: (( Vinny, think you can roll one too, since you're wired in. ))
[10:17:39] 2nd Lt Vinai: [1d20] => [18] = (18)
[10:18:20] GM: Jaron and Suki, you see the enemy in fortified positions, some 12 strong, barricaded at the entrance to a large cavern (200 by 300 ft)
[10:20:05] GM: Carrie Vinny, and Ryuu, you see this, and beyond a teardrop shaped machine.
[10:20:45] CWO2 Sarah: (( can Sarah see if that's the source of the emission? or that a separate perc? ))
[10:20:59] GM: The machine has three gantry's attached to it and a slight shimmer of energy tells you that the construct has shields, and that they are active.
[10:22:07] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "12 Bucketheads heavily fortified and some sort of mech with shields…great"
[10:22:30] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "anyone got some heavy armor that’s NOT damaged?"
[10:22:33] CWO2 Sarah frowns at the machine behind, and the guards. "Whatever it is, evidently it's reeeeeeeeally important to them…" She glances to Jaron and Suki. "Large machine with shields. Any word on fresh equipment being sent our way?"
[10:22:37] GM: Ryuu and Vinny (not Sarah) can also see slaves at work
[10:22:54] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Oh and we got slaves….better not open fire"
[10:23:25] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[10:23:25] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[10:23:25] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
[10:23:26] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
[10:23:28] Lt. Jaron comms "Not a word yet"
[10:24:00] GM: Komi, your action
[10:24:17] Lt. Utenaru: [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[10:24:42] GM: The Lt is doing her best, but has as yet been unable to free up back up equipment for you.
[10:25:01] 2 LT Komillia fires her gunpod into the crowd. [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22) [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27) [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[10:25:08] GM: In fact, based on Vinny's prior radio rolls, you are getting word that there is hard contact with the enemy at Phase Line Dallas
[10:25:42] GM: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:25:42] GM: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:25:43] GM: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:25:51] GM: On hit Komi
[10:25:53] GM: One
[10:26:03] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 60
[10:26:17] GM: Sarah
[10:26:22] Lt. Jaron curses "Ryuu, on my mark follow me. We are hopping the barricade; we'll draw fire. Travel along the side away from friendly fire"
[10:27:22] CWO2 Sarah: (( sorry ))
[10:27:48] FO Ryuu Hasegawa raises an eyebrow
[10:27:57] Lt. Jaron comms "Sadrine, can you aid us in that once we pass send a spike through the center of that fortification?"
[10:28:13] CWO2 Sarah quickly reloads her beam cannon's clip, and fires two shots at an enemy. [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18) [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[10:28:17] Sadrine: Yes
[10:28:21] Sadrine: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:28:21] Sadrine: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:28:22] Lt. Jaron cant see Ryuu's face
[10:28:32] GM: One hit Sarah
[10:28:41] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 80
[10:28:52] GM: Ryuu
[10:29:06] GM: ((Jaron you will have to Interrupt to take lead at this point))
[10:29:13] Lt. Jaron interrupts "Now"
[10:29:15] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((interrupt))
[10:29:23] GM: Vinny, has the trump Int
[10:29:23] GM: go
[10:30:27] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (waiting on Vin's interrupt)
[10:30:38] GM: ((he is typing))
[10:30:40] 2nd Lt Vinai comms in. "Hold on…lemme see if I can't deactivate that machine behind them…perhaps I could give you guys a temp diversion." ((RSI the Tear drop…and then attempt to OTA Hack the tear-dropped machine's protocals for it's energy shielding.))
[10:30:52] GM: Roll
[10:31:19] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [3] = (3)% vs skill of 78% RSI
[10:31:37] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((auto 1% on the Computer hacking!))
[10:32:09] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((action point…thing auto 1 thing yea..))
[10:32:13] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (hot damn)
[10:33:14] GM: You are able to hack the system but the internal daemons prevent you form DOING anything, however you are able to glean the following information…(dt)
[10:36:14] That's the Tab key, Dave
[10:38:27] GM: Vinny? You have one action left
[10:38:48] GM: Then we go to Jaron's Int
[10:39:33] 2nd Lt Vinai audibly goes "What the fuck?" Max then begins to hastily depress touchscreen Qwerty keys as he cut/pastes/packages a quick PDF file (With Visual overlay of machinery found) and transfers said information back towards HQ". "HQ this is Hi-Fi!" Urgent Priority message awaiting delivery! Max then attempts to scan the macinery for any structural weak points via optics once the file is delivered.
[10:40:00] Lt. Jaron moves along the one side of the tunnel, rushing toward to the barricade preparing to hope over it.
[10:40:01] GM: Choose, you have one action, scan, or transmit.
[10:40:11] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Transmit))
[10:40:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Sir, with all due RESPECT" he says with edge on the voice, "I don’t think rushing a dug in position is a good idea!"
[10:40:16] GM: Got it
[10:40:40] Lt. Ishida waves as you two pass her "Have fun!"
[10:40:54] CWO2 Sarah: (( rofl Suki ))
[10:41:02] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Im on the brink of disobeying a direct order)
[10:41:10] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((and the little daemons are dragging me away to the land of stories XD…brb))
[10:41:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( kk ))
[10:41:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:41:31] Lt. Jaron: "Fucking move soldier or they will just blast our team to bits."
[10:41:32] GM: Alright Jaron, you are on the move, first attack in motion, you have two left
[10:41:49] GM: Roll piloting
[10:41:56] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "FUCK YOU SIR" *runs after him*
[10:42:06] GM: LOL
[10:42:12] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (well here I go, hes going after him)
[10:42:14] CWO2 Sarah: (( rofl ))
[10:42:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( *paddles* ))
[10:42:20] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [38] = (38) vs 75
[10:43:01] GM: You clear the barricade easily, they enemy splits, half turn towards you, the other keeps firing at the others.
[10:44:09] Lt. Jaron opens fires from the flank on nearby Reaver and coms "Sadrine, any time now" (to strike with rail [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24))
[10:44:19] GM: Firing with what?
[10:44:32] CWO2 Sarah: (( he said 'to strike with rail' ))
[10:44:46] GM: ah he did
[10:44:54] GM: [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:45:00] GM: That’s a hit
[10:45:03] Lt. Jaron: [3d4*10] => 50
[10:45:18] GM: You prang the enemy, he looks, annoyed
[10:45:30] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:45:32] GM: Yo have one action left Jaron
[10:45:35] Lt. Jaron then keeps rail gun going for suppression
[10:45:52] GM: Okay, this put you into Sup Fire mode, roll strike
[10:45:59] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[10:46:02] Lt. Jaron: (ugg)
[10:46:04] GM: wow
[10:46:07] GM: [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:46:07] GM: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[10:46:07] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[10:46:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[10:46:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:46:10] GM: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[10:46:10] GM: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:46:18] CWO2 Sarah: (( failboat. lol ))
[10:46:21] GM: You hit exactly zip
[10:46:32] GM: But you do get them scrambling
[10:46:38] GM: Ryuu
[10:47:27] Lt. Jaron: (fyi; the line of fire would be straight down the barricade line, if possible to half way)
[10:47:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (If I launch those missiles is there anyways I can avoid blasting Jaron?)
[10:47:36] GM: ((understood))
[10:47:47] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (cause I'm launching a volley against these fuckers)
[10:47:49] GM: No
[10:47:54] GM: Roll it
[10:48:00] GM: he went up and over
[10:48:04] GM: so, you are safe
[10:48:13] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Ok)
[10:48:17] Lt. Jaron: I against the side tunnel anyways)
[10:48:23] GM: Correct
[10:49:14] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (looking it up)
[10:50:01] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (volley of 4 GR 109's )
[10:50:32] GM: roll it, that’s one strike you will have two after it
[10:50:58] GM: missile with GR is with your PP bonuses included
[10:51:15] GM: Suki you are after him
[10:51:16] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:51:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (whew that’s undodgeable)
[10:51:41] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (almost missed tho lol)
[10:51:41] GM: Enemy will try to roll with
[10:51:44] GM: [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[10:51:44] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[10:51:44] GM: [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[10:51:45] GM: [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[10:51:47] GM: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[10:51:47] GM: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[10:51:47] GM: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[10:51:49] GM: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:51:49] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[10:51:57] GM: Roll full damage
[10:52:05] GM: I will divide
[10:52:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Ugh not listed)
[10:52:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( its missiles, so by missile type ))
[10:52:55] GM: what missiles do you use/
[10:52:58] GM: ?
[10:53:50] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: FrAG
[10:54:31] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Its whats listed in the GR 109)
[10:54:37] GM: ok 5d6 per so
[10:55:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [20d6] => [1,5,6,2,4,4,5,4,3,4,4,3,1,6,2,5,2,6,2,1] = (70)
[10:55:32] GM: [70/2] => 35
[10:55:44] GM: You do 35 to all but the two that roll nat 20's
[10:55:59] GM: You still have two attacks left
[10:56:03] GM: left
[10:56:11] FO Ryuu Hasegawa launches another volley of 4 from the other launcher
[10:56:17] GM: roll
[10:56:32] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:56:38] GM: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:56:39] GM: [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[10:56:39] GM: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[10:56:39] GM: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[10:56:39] GM: [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[10:56:39] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[10:56:40] GM: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[10:56:40] GM: [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[10:56:45] GM: Roll
[10:57:03] Lt. Jaron comms "Remember, watch you fire. Slaves nearby"
[10:57:50] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [20d6] => [5,4,2,6,3,5,1,1,6,5,4,5,4,1,3,1,2,1,6,2] = (67)
[10:59:12] GM: [67/2] => 33
[10:59:33] GM: You have one attack left
[10:59:43] GM: You are pelting them but it doesn’t seem to be doing much
[11:00:55] GM: well, aside form making them do the 'funky chicken'
[11:01:26] GM: waiting on that last attack
[11:01:33] GM: 5
[11:01:37] Lt. Jaron is shaking from the suppression on the line and it can be heard when he talks "Gg oooo dd jjoobb" (thank he afk)
[11:01:39] GM: 4
[11:01:42] GM: 3
[11:01:48] GM: 2
[11:01:56] GM: 1
[11:02:00] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (here)
[11:02:03] GM: Okay, moving to Suki
[11:02:05] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (I'm thinking, hold)
[11:02:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (action)
[11:02:13] GM: Call and roll it
[11:02:16] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (go with Suki)
[11:02:23] GM: kk
[11:03:13] Lt. Ishida notes the ballsy maneuver by Jaron and Ryuu and moves to support it. She fire her last four SRM's from her pod at the enemy barricade [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[11:03:36] GM: Her missiles go stupid almost as soon as they leave the tube.
[11:06:37] GM: A few hit the cave wall doing nothing, some enter the cavern, flying right over the heads of the enemy, and a single one, decides, 'OOo that gantry looks fun!' and plow right into it. The Gantry is shredded and the contents spill off and topple to the ground, one of the canisters breaks on impact and a reddish mist flows form the broken vessel. Nearby, a few unfortunate slaves are engulfed and in the most horrible fashion are liquified by the mist so that nothing remains but a milky red puddle.
[11:07:28] Sadrine: [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[11:08:03] GM: Sandy kicks off her attack.
[11:08:14] Sadrine: [1d100] => [42] = (42)
[11:08:27] Sadrine: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[11:08:27] Sadrine: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[11:08:42] GM: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[11:08:42] GM: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[11:09:43] GM: Sandy shreds the barricade and in her follow up attack tags a Reaver twice [2d4*10+40] => 70
[11:10:43] GM: The enemy recovers from the assault (-1 Attack) and fires, half at Jaron and Ryuu, the other half at the rest of you
[11:10:48] GM: [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[11:10:48] GM: [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[11:11:04] GM: At [1d2] => [2] = (2) 1 Jaron, 2 Ryuu
[11:11:10] GM: [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)
[11:11:10] GM: [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[11:11:10] GM: [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[11:11:43] GM: at [3d6] => [6,6,4] = (16) 1 Suki, 2 Sarah, 3 Komi, 4-6 UEEF
[11:12:02] GM: Ryuu, you have incoming, Komi it is your attack
[11:12:42] 2 LT Komillia fires the cannons at the toasters behind the barricade. [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16) [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[11:13:13] GM: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[11:13:13] GM: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[11:13:14] GM: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[11:13:25] GM: Two hits, one is a crit
[11:13:34] 2 LT Komillia: [(2d4*10)*2] => 60
[11:13:40] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 50
[11:14:06] GM: Komillia you kill one,
[11:14:13] GM: the other is hurt more
[11:14:34] GM: Sarah
[11:14:43] CWO2 Sarah tries to eliminate toasters behind the barricade with the beam cannon once again. [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18) [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[11:14:51] GM: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[11:14:51] GM: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[11:14:51] GM: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[11:15:00] CWO2 Sarah: (( Ryu had an internet failure, he'll brb ))
[11:15:03] GM: Three straight misses
[11:15:19] GM: Vinny
[11:16:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( Ryu roll a dodge ))
[11:16:21] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+17] => [9,17] = (26)
[11:16:29] GM: giggiy, one more
[11:16:43] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+17] => [6,17] = (23)
[11:16:48] GM: one hit
[11:16:57] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 35
[11:17:09] GM: Vinny
[11:17:42] CWO2 Sarah: (( *pokes Vinny. Time to let all the world know what you've seen.* ))
[11:17:57] GM: Yeah…kinda important
[11:19:03] GM: okay, Vin isn't here, Suki next
[11:19:28] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((whoa whoa…I transmitted the info already!))
[11:19:38] CWO2 Sarah: (( you transmitted it to HQ, not to the others ))
[11:19:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( I thought ))
[11:19:51] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((oh yea…duuuuuuuuuuuuuuur))
[11:20:02] 2nd Lt Vinai interrupts!
[11:20:15] GM: anyhow, stuff happened, Vinny's action
[11:20:35] 2nd Lt Vinai transmits all info to necessary units regarding the machine and it's current payload targets
[11:20:45] GM: done, next?
[11:21:02] GM: that was also done, last round so…
[11:21:25] GM: you have a new round of info that you can play with
[11:21:34] GM: I'll give you some time to scroll up
[11:22:54] GM: As it stands, right now, ONLY Vinny has the big picture
[11:23:12] GM: so…I leave it at that for him
[11:23:37] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[11:23:48] Lt. Jaron: (oops)
[11:23:50] GM: Is Jaron interrupting?
[11:24:09] Lt. Jaron: (nah, Ryuu up right?)
[11:24:19] GM: Suki
[11:24:30] GM: Vinny is next actually
[11:24:32] GM: but…
[11:24:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[11:24:38] Lt. Jaron: (Suki just attacked before Vinny)
[11:24:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( don't vaporize anyone else, Suki ))
[11:24:40] GM: nothing is going out
[11:25:02] GM: ((Suki hasn't done her attack yet, she is waiting on Vinny))
[11:25:13] 2nd Lt Vinai: !! ((double MGS))
[11:25:14] Lt. Jaron: (ahh *confused*)
[11:25:44] 2nd Lt Vinai notices the movement of the rogue missile and begins to scan the now damaged Gantry from his position. ((RSI))
[11:26:00] GM: Suki did her attack last round, horrible thing happened as a result, the enemy counter attacked, Komi and Sarah attack, and now we are on Vinny's turn
[11:26:45] GM: roll Vinny
[11:26:52] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [38] = (38)% vs skill of 78% RSI
[11:28:17] GM: You see it plain as day. The gantry is shredded by Suki's errant missile. A canister on a feeder line topples to the ground, among others, but one breaks. It releases a red mist. Nearby slaves are liquified by the mist and are tuned into a milky red goo.
[11:28:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( ewgrossewgrossewgross ;p ))
[11:29:34] GM: Two actions left Vinny
[11:29:37] GM: Actions
[11:29:52] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I feel like I'm playing Kotor…I have two choices XD))
[11:30:14] GM: Well as I said earlier, you are the only one with the full picture
[11:30:26] GM: what you do with that info is yet to be seen
[11:30:32] 2nd Lt Vinai paused momentarily.
[11:30:46] CWO2 Sarah: (( KotOR was easy for that ))
[11:31:20] GM: okay, we DO have to move forward a bit so…
[11:31:26] Lt. Jaron interrupts cuts the suppression fire and fires a burst from his pulse rifle at nearest Reaver before hopping back over the remains of the barricade to the other side (to strike [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17); dmg [2d4*10] => 50 then coms "Damn. Vinny relay. We need NBC team at the ready"
[11:31:51] 2nd Lt Vinai: "This…is Hi-Fi." You could hear it sounded like he was trying to keep himself from regretting his next choice but then suddenly took a deep breath and suddenly drew small virtual circles on everyone's nearby HUDs. "These tubings carry a deadly substance that literally evaporates organic tissue on contact…blow those wide open and this operation's done…"
[11:32:12] GM: Who is this sent to?
[11:32:26] GM: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[11:32:27] 2nd Lt Vinai: Suki and Jaron.
[11:32:36] GM: Jaron you hit roll damage
[11:32:46] Lt. Jaron: (was 50)
[11:32:48] GM: You still have one attack left
[11:32:53] Lt. Jaron: (done)
[11:33:09] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I'll broadcast that message to as many people as I can within one action.))
[11:33:31] GM: I see you jump back, one attack, shoot one attack, so you are holing your third Jaron?
[11:33:43] Lt. Jaron: (yea)
[11:33:46] GM: kk
[11:33:53] GM: It is Suki's turn
[11:34:12] Lt. Ishida uses her first attack to transmit to base the NBC threat.
[11:34:18] Lt. Jaron comms "You sure? Will our armor hold up and will the vapors or fumes not kill the slaves?"
[11:34:34] Lt. Ishida then fires at a single Reaver twice (paired weapons)
[11:34:51] 2nd Lt Vinai sounds morbid. "It will completely evaporate them…painlessly I hope."
[11:34:53] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[11:34:53] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[11:34:53] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27)
[11:34:53] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27)
[11:35:23] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[11:35:23] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[11:35:24] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
[11:35:24] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[11:35:38] GM: Three hits
[11:35:51] GM: Jaron, you interrupted so enemy attacks
[11:36:11] Lt. Ishida: [6d4*10] => 190
[11:36:38] GM: One enemy is shredded by Suki and the others fire at [1d6] => [1] = (1)
[11:36:54] GM: Suki
[11:36:58] GM: [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[11:36:59] GM: [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[11:36:59] GM: [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)
[11:37:11] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [18,18] = (36)
[11:37:11] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [8,18] = (26)
[11:37:12] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [1,18] = (19)
[11:37:26] GM: Two hits
[11:37:36] GM: [2d6*10+30] => 100
[11:37:57] GM: Suki is blown out of her Devo with 15 to her CVR-3
[11:38:03] GM: Komi your go
[11:39:19] 2 LT Komillia fires her gunpod into the crowd. [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27) [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20) [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[11:39:28] GM: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[11:39:28] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[11:39:29] GM: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[11:39:37] GM: Three hits
[11:39:48] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 30 [2d4*10] => 60 [2d4*10] => 20
[11:39:57] GM: One Reaver is shredded
[11:40:15] GM: Meanwhile, at the FOB (dt)
[11:40:34] Col. Haywood: your men back to this here FOB and maybe, MAYBE, I wont court martial you for subverting my command!
[11:41:20] GM: This comes thru the radio as Anji sneakily keys the transmit button while event occur at the FOB
[11:41:40] Maj. Kavashera: Sir, you don’t understand, my men found a bio weapon of some sort down there, they need back up
[11:41:52] Col. Haywood: Major! I don’t care your your men found the SDF-3 down there!! This is my AO, now you call your troops back and my men will handle it!
[11:42:08] Maj. Kavashera: Sir, it'll take your troops 20 minutes just to enter the mountain! It may be too late by then!
[11:42:21] Col. Haywood: This is the last time I ask you Major; carry out my order or Ill make it so you wont be able to command so much as mess detail!
[11:42:57] GM: Sarah
[11:43:01] GM: Your turn
[11:44:06] CWO2 Sarah stares at her radio for just a moment, before turning and firing her recoilless multiple times at a Reaver. [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[11:44:14] GM: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[11:44:14] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[11:44:14] GM: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[11:44:21] GM: One hit
[11:44:42] CWO2 Sarah: [2d4*10] => 50
[11:45:09] GM: Sarah you shred one
[11:45:17] GM: Vinny
[11:45:46] Lt. Jaron grits his teeth and comms to proximity channel "Hammer 1, I suggest if we take another more damage we prevent the enemy from tactical assets"
[11:45:57] 2nd Lt Vinai begins to scan for some sort of large power source like a generator that may power the shields around the machinery.
[11:46:31] Lt. Ishida: I'm buster on my end, but that weapon needs to be taken out. Priority!
[11:46:51] GM: Roll RSI Vinny
[11:46:55] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [38] = (38)% vs skill of 78% RSI
[11:47:43] GM: Based on your scans that weapon is fully operational. It seems that it is only waiting to be fully loaded, with that deadly , whatever it is.
[11:47:53] Lt. Jaron replies back "Affirmative"
[11:48:43] Lt. Utenaru: [1d100] => [2] = (2)
[11:48:50] CWO2 Sarah sighs. "I think I have two missiles left, but that's all. It won't be enough on their shields…" She tries to think quickly.
[11:49:03] 2 LT Komillia: ((dozing off here, going to bed…))
[11:49:04] 2nd Lt Vinai breaks comms. "This is Hi-Fi…listen up! That weapon is ready to go….those colums above it is carrying it's ammo…either we blow the weapon itself to kingdom come…or we eliminate it's ammo source…which are those Gantries…Pick your poison people!"
[11:49:05] Lt. Utenaru: You keke's still breatin! I got ya some gear!
[11:49:40] Lt. Jaron replies to Vinai "Already to that conclusion"
[11:49:52] 2nd Lt Vinai attempts to then hack into the grid once again to overload the generator's heat sinks to possibly meltdown and detonate the weapon internally.
[11:49:54] GM: Ryuu
[11:50:02] GM: Roll Vinny
[11:50:18] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [13] = (13)% vs skill of 48% Computer Hacking
[11:50:22] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((O.o))
[11:50:49] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((true be told I didn't think I'd make the roll lmao))
[11:51:00] GM: Vinny, you are unable to effect a core breech, BUT, you are able to close the payload feed doors.
[11:51:14] Lt. Jaron reaches around the cover his has and fires a pair a mini missiles at the gantries "Ryuu open fire" (what a leadership roll? )
[11:51:26] CWO2 Sarah: (( o.o *watches slaves die* ))
[11:51:35] GM: You cant Int one in there
[11:51:46] Lt. Jaron: (some slaves=vs city)
[11:52:03] Lt. Jaron: (I'm after Ryuu he is gone)
[11:52:17] GM: kk, roll your roll tho
[11:52:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah, ryu will bbs, but… ))
[11:52:26] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [41] = (41) vs 35
[11:52:30] Lt. Jaron: (oh so close)
[11:52:41] GM: You fail to inspire the complaining fleet brat
[11:52:45] 2nd Lt Vinai "This is Hi-Fi…I've bought you all some time. The loading doors have been sealed…for a time. This is the time to act!"
[11:52:47] GM: Suki
[11:53:18] Lt. Jaron: (what roll for mini missiles?)
[11:53:25] CWO2 Sarah: (( hope Suki knows to withdraw and get equipment. ))
[11:53:29] Lt. Ishida scrambles back to the others (1 attack) dons a Super that Utenaru was ble to bring up) and then hold a knife to the MSE cable to base camp
[11:54:01] Lt. Jaron: (hehe sarah)
[11:54:04] Lt. Ishida: Fairman, your call, we go on the Majors last or we go with what he is forced to say? You call>
[11:54:52] Lt. Jaron smiles as his missiles are in the air "We are Raiders, we get the tough jobs done"
[11:55:01] Lt. Ishida: Roger that!
[11:55:04] Lt. Ishida cuts the line
[11:55:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( hee hee hee ))
[11:55:17] Lt. Ishida: Jaron, your turn
[11:55:20] CWO2 Sarah: (( yay Suki ))
[11:55:53] Lt. Jaron fire his pulse are nearby Reaver as the Missile fire (for missiles [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25); pulse [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16))
[11:56:03] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[11:56:03] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[11:56:12] GM: Two hits
[11:56:32] 2nd Lt Vinai sighs outwardly then chuckles lightly. "I suppose there's no turning back. I'll keep buying you guys time if you keep hitting the damn thing!"
[11:56:35] Lt. Jaron: missiles for gantry [2d4*10] => 60; pulse rule [2d4*10] => 50
[11:57:03] GM: Your rounds hit the 2nd of 3 gantry's and shred it
[11:57:19] GM: You have two attacks left
[11:57:43] GM: Percs all
[11:57:52] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [15,3] = (18)
[11:57:57] Lt. Jaron fires at the Reaver with rifle before going back into cover (to strike [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18); dmg [2d4*10] => 50; perception [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21))
[11:58:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[11:58:15] GM: You hit roll damage
[11:58:23] GM: Waiting on other percs
[11:58:41] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14)
[11:58:57] GM: Vinny?
[11:59:11] 2nd Lt Vinai: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[11:59:25] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I gotta step away from the comp for an extend period of time…feel free to skip me))
[12:00:11] GM: Suki and Jaron ONLY note that the shield flickers slightly as the second gantry falls away, suggesting that even with shields up, an exsisting physical presens will still penentrat
[12:00:21] GM: penetrat
[12:00:32] GM: The enemy fires back at [1d3] => [2] = (2)
[12:00:49] GM: Jaron
[12:00:53] GM: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[12:00:54] GM: [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[12:00:54] GM: [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[12:01:34] Lt. Jaron tries to evade [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22). [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16). [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[12:01:46] GM: Two hits
[12:01:56] GM: [2d6*10+30] => 130
[12:02:01] GM: main body roll 100
[12:03:53] GM: Jaron?
[12:03:57] GM: Sarah, your turn
[12:04:42] CWO2 Sarah fires on one of the Reavers again with the beam cannon, to keep the gantry fire clear. [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18) [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[12:04:44] Lt. Jaron tries to roll with impact with the blasts [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[12:04:49] CWO2 Sarah: (( GAH FAIL ))
[12:05:02] CWO2 Sarah: (( 1 and 2 ))
[12:05:05] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail ))
[12:05:06] GM: Still roll d100
[12:05:17] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[12:05:18] GM: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[12:05:18] GM: [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[12:05:26] Lt. Jaron: (yea still 1d100 but damage is half on one)
[12:05:26] GM: One hit
[12:05:31] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[12:05:34] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [59] = (59)
[12:05:39] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 100
[12:05:45] GM: the last enemy make you feel 1 inch tall as he dodges your 1 with a 20
[12:06:49] GM: Jaron your electrical systems are fried, (you do NOT get the negatives because the only place to fill with smoke is your helmet, and that is isolated from the Cyc as a whole.
[12:07:07] GM: Suki
[12:07:17] Lt. Jaron coms "Hitman 2, open fire on the gantry"
[12:07:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( heh. ))
[12:07:47] Lt. Ishida draws her Katana, yells BANZAI! and leaps for the last remaining gantry!
[12:08:00] CWO2 Sarah watches that, and just… stares.
[12:08:01] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [31] = (31)
[12:08:23] Karberran: The last enemy interrupts and opens fire on her
[12:08:32] GM: [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)
[12:08:32] GM: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[12:08:33] GM: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[12:08:33] GM: [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[12:08:39] GM: last roll is moot
[12:08:54] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [1,21] = (22)
[12:08:54] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [15,21] = (36)
[12:08:54] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [18,21] = (39)
[12:09:22] GM: Ishida is able to weave her way thru the incoming fire and reaches the gantry.
[12:09:31] Lt. Jaron watches Suki charge as smoke raises from his chest (+21 outside mecha…..action point there? )
[12:09:51] Lt. Ishida runs along the gantry into the teardrop shaped machine.
[12:09:59] CWO2 Sarah: (( she's in a Super, she got the one Utenaru was able to get sent p before comm was cut ))
[12:10:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( to avoid the 'forced' order ))
[12:10:36] Lt. Jaron: (oh yea…what the hell kinda super is that. i want it)
[12:10:58] CWO2 Sarah: (( it's an 057 with Suki level dodge bonus ))
[12:10:59] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (yeah I only have a 17 in mine)
[12:11:50] Lt. Ishida: Will use her last attack to swipe at something 'important' looking inside [1d30] => [19] = (19) IQ check
[12:12:10] GM: So close, but no either way.
[12:12:17] GM: Jaron
[12:12:46] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((aww I came back at the wrong time))
[12:12:54] GM: not really
[12:13:04] GM: Carrie you can fill him in
[12:13:20] Lt. Jaron fires his rail gun at the gantry again and then fires pulse rifle to give Suki cover fire and yell "You are one crazy lady!" (rail [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10); pulse [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9))
[12:13:26] Lt. Jaron: (ack boo)
[12:13:47] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (me too Carrie!)
[12:13:52] Lt. Jaron: rail gun for gantry[3d4*10] => 110
[12:14:16] GM: Roll damage at the gantry (it cannot dodge) but you miss the last Reaver embarrassingly
[12:14:30] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[12:14:59] GM: Suki enters the machine and you detonate the gantry behind her
[12:15:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( er….. what's to fill in, we started shooting at the gantry, or suki and Jaron did, on figuring out what was going on with something already inside the shield. Oh, and comm line to outside was cut to avoid a forced order. ))
[12:15:27] GM: The enemy fires at [1d3] => [1] = (1) 1 sarah, 2 Jaron, 3 ryuu
[12:15:35] GM: [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[12:15:36] GM: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[12:15:36] GM: [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[12:15:58] GM: Sarah, you have a crit inbound
[12:16:07] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11) [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[12:16:17] CWO2 Sarah: (( omg ))
[12:16:18] GM: Three hits
[12:16:20] CWO2 Sarah: (( wow, that's fail. ))
[12:16:34] CWO2 Sarah: (( what's the eject roll to tport out? ))
[12:16:49] GM: [2d6*10+30] => 90
[12:17:02] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 35
[12:17:08] GM: [35*2] => 70
[12:17:14] GM: [90+70] => 160
[12:17:22] GM: [160+70] => 230
[12:17:28] GM: roll d 100
[12:17:32] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [7] = (7)
[12:17:56] GM: -8 to strike you radar is going KA RAZY!
[12:18:07] CWO2 Sarah: (( er…. GM? ))
[12:18:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( … ))
[12:18:14] GM: yes
[12:18:20] CWO2 Sarah: (( you do realize I'm still in the Devo? ))
[12:18:22] GM: what i miss?
[12:18:28] CWO2 Sarah: (( and that it had 60 MDC LEFT TOTAL? ))
[12:18:38] GM: yes, and hmm oh
[12:18:47] GM: hold on
[12:18:49] CWO2 Sarah: (( the eject roll ))
[12:18:58] CWO2 Sarah: (( srsly. Use the 1d100 for that, not the malfunction ))
[12:19:06] GM: okay we will go with the 7 be a bastard not to
[12:19:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( floop. Where do I wind up though? ))
[12:19:27] Lt. Jaron grumbles as he misses "Ryuu; take down the Reavers we cant blow with Suki in side"
[12:19:33] GM: gimme a sec
[12:22:05] CWO2 Sarah: (( I figure probably not very far, but… ))
[12:22:11] GM: okay Sarah, you have this to roll 1d6: 1-3 FOB in armor -30 MD, 4 , 10 or so feet back -30 MD CVR, 5, back at the firebase -30 MD CVR (out of game) or 6, back at the hooch at Kato Zano NAKED (totally out of game)
[12:22:47] CWO2 Sarah: [1d6] => [6] = (6)
[12:22:50] GM: so roll a d6
[12:22:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( LOL ))
[12:22:56] CWO2 Sarah: (( oh fuck ))
[12:23:05] GM: You are back at Kato Zano, your hooch your room buck ass nekkid
[12:23:06] CWO2 Sarah: (( you just KNEW that was coming ))
[12:23:25] CWO2 Sarah hurries to get a uniform and find a long range radio.
[12:23:51] GM: As far as Jaron and Ryuu are concerned Sarah just got blowed up
[12:24:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( ad Vinny if he saw the feed ))
[12:24:15] GM: Komi is gone for the night, but she shoots at Reavers
[12:24:25] GM: Oh yeah, her feed went hella DEAD
[12:24:42] CWO2 Sarah: (( wouldn't he see her blow up from someone else's possibly? A couple other UEEFers were in there with them ))
[12:24:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( or did they pull back? ))
[12:25:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( anyhow ))
[12:25:12] GM: Now they see her Devo turned into chunky salsa
[12:25:31] CWO2 Sarah: yeah, and if he has feed from them, Vin gets to see it live
[12:25:33] CWO2 Sarah: ;p
[12:25:36] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehee ))
[12:25:49] Komi (in absentia): [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[12:25:49] Komi (in absentia): [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[12:25:50] Komi (in absentia): [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[12:25:58] FO Ryuu Hasegawa pales
[12:26:01] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[12:26:01] GM: [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
[12:26:01] GM: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[12:26:12] GM: One hit and it is a crit
[12:26:47] GM: [2d4*10] => 70
[12:26:56] GM: 140 and that Reaver is dead dead dead
[12:27:25] GM: Sarah, your turn, …. yeah, you find clothes as your NIPPLES harden in the unheated room!
[12:27:32] GM: Vinny
[12:27:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah. lol ))
[12:27:52] CWO2 Sarah shivers at hard nipples and licks her lips as she puts her clothes on
[12:28:01] Lt. Jaron watches Sarah get blown up "Sarah! Dammit I knew you should of taken the cyclone"
[12:28:13] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[12:28:34] 2nd Lt Vinai sighs lightly. "Suki…I can find you a route out if need be….I can re-open the payload doors if you can worm your way through it."
[12:28:58] Lt. Jaron: (all baddies gone?)
[12:30:02] GM: roll a skill check Vinny, if you get over a 30% the machines 4D cloaking masks it
[12:30:23] GM: Yes Jaron, thus far all baddies gone
[12:30:24] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((which check?))
[12:30:28] GM: radio
[12:30:35] GM: radio basic
[12:31:04] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [75] = (75)% vs skill of 93% Radio Basic
[12:31:13] GM: bolloks
[12:31:20] GM: Suki don’t hear shit
[12:31:25] GM: Ryuu
[12:31:59] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Reavers are down right?)
[12:32:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( yes ))
[12:32:18] CWO2 Sarah: (( he just told Jaron they were ))
[12:32:25] GM: correct, also Vinny, you do have two attacks left
[12:32:53] GM: you just know that your first attempt reach a NUTSO Suki has failed
[12:33:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "damnit, where is suki!?"
[12:33:22] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (I hold)
[12:33:23] GM: LOL
[12:33:25] Lt. Jaron points to the Machine
[12:33:38] 2nd Lt Vinai attempts using his sensor array momentarily and points the parabolic antennae towards their direction.
[12:33:51] GM: easily enough done
[12:33:55] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Lazer comm check?)))
[12:34:04] Lt. Jaron coms "Vinny once you have tried all your tricks with the machine, need coms lines fixed"
[12:34:12] GM: ((nah, not gonna make you roll for that, that shit is easy peasy
[12:34:33] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((no I mean to contact Suki))
[12:34:34] Lt. Jaron radios Utenaru "Ma'am, we need to secure the area. We are bare boned up here"
[12:34:51] Lt. Utenaru: Define boned!
[12:35:09] Lt. Utenaru she replies as the sound of combat is heard in the background
[12:35:21] 2nd Lt Vinai: "The kind not conducive to orgasmic delights ma'am"
[12:35:29] CWO2 Sarah: (( LOL ))
[12:35:40] Lt. Utenaru: Ha fuckin Ha!
[12:35:54] Lt. Jaron: "Missiles and armor near zero on most accounts"
[12:36:02] CWO2 Sarah: (( lolololol. ))
[12:36:09] Lt. Utenaru: Presley! Move your men up move move move!
[12:36:39] Lt. Jaron: "Ryuu go fetch Suki. I have an idea"
[12:36:50] Lt. Utenaru: Roger that, we are holding Phase Line Dallas right now so, we're a BIT tied up!
[12:36:57] Lt. Jaron moves to Sadrine "I need you lovely talents again"
[12:37:01] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I don’t know where she is!"
[12:37:11] Lt. Jaron points to machine, again
[12:37:30] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I know that! I mean where in that fucking thing is she?!?"
[12:37:42] Lt. Jaron shrugs
[12:37:45] 2nd Lt Vinai: "One moment…I'll find her!"
[12:37:57] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Do it fast Vinny boy!"
[12:38:00] GM: As you relay orders there is a bright blue flash from the top of the machine as a synchro cannon fires stright up.
[12:38:05] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he eyes the machine
[12:38:26] Lt. Jaron yells "Sadrine, take the machine down now!"
[12:38:37] GM: The beam rotates on a cyclical fashion and path to the surface is bored thru the rock
[12:38:52] Sadrine: On it!
[12:38:56] Sadrine: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[12:38:56] Sadrine: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[12:38:57] Sadrine: [1d100] => [29] = (29)
[12:39:53] 2nd Lt Vinai attempts to close the exhaust ports.
[12:40:07] GM: Her first strike impact the side of the machine [4d6*10] => 150 the second is blocked, the third hit as well [5d6*10] => 130
[12:40:21] GM: The machine continues to rise.
[12:40:26] GM: roll Vinny
[12:40:30] Lt. Jaron grumbles
[12:40:55] GM: you get this last roll, then we need to move the roudn on
[12:41:21] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [19] = (19)% vs skill of 48% Hacking
[12:41:40] GM: You find no vents, but you are able to cycle the anti-gravity impellers to Idle.
[12:41:48] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[12:41:58] GM: Ryuu
[12:42:05] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I did what now?))
[12:42:12] GM: you did that
[12:42:14] Lt. Jaron: (stopped it from rising)
[12:42:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (stalled it)
[12:42:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( stopped it from taking off ))
[12:42:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa fires the remaining missile volleys he has left
[12:42:33] GM: Roll
[12:42:34] GM: damage
[12:43:08] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((I just realized I hat tricked my lowest skill! Cheers!!!))
[12:43:25] GM: twice too
[12:43:26] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (missiles are 4d6 right?)
[12:43:30] GM: 5
[12:43:41] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (ok 6left so 30 d6)
[12:43:47] GM: roll damage
[12:43:54] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [30d6] => [5,2,6,3,3,3,4,2,6,3,3,3,5,4,4,5,6,4,3,5,2,3,6,4,4,5,2,3,2,3] = (113)
[12:43:59] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: BOOM)
[12:44:14] GM: (roll a trike roll however, anything but a 1 hits
[12:44:47] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[12:44:55] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (right up the tailpipe loL)
[12:45:09] CWO2 Sarah: (( Ryu? ))
[12:45:12] GM: you hit and the missile hit shielding, and it looks as if the shields hold
[12:45:18] Lt. Jaron moves to the machine and radios "Ryuu hold any more strikes. It stopped; need to get Suki. If it starts moving again, blast it. Same for you Sadrine."
[12:45:22] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (awww)
[12:45:26] CWO2 Sarah: (( nevermind ))
[12:45:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( roflroflrofl ))
[12:45:54] GM: ((thing has 1000MD shield, [113+150+130] => 393
[12:46:05] GM: only has taken 393 so far
[12:46:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (yeah im aware how powerful Haydonite shielding is lol)
[12:46:23] Lt. Jaron thrusts up to get inside the machine
[12:46:36] GM: This is comparable to a behemoth so…
[12:46:56] GM: Jaron, you note that the lifting craft is buttoned up
[12:47:23] GM: Suki inside three actions please
[12:47:42] Lt. Jaron grumbles as he hovers "She just did this to show me up"
[12:47:54] Lt. Ishida rolls a lore haydonite [1d100] => [24] = (24) vs 30%
[12:47:55] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[12:48:11] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "well, I'm out of missiles and ideas"
[12:48:21] GM: Suki you see something that looks important.
[12:48:33] Lt. Ishida: For you Sarah!
[12:48:50] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[12:49:03] Lt. Ishida opens fire with everything she has at the 'Important' looking item. [1d20] => [20] = (20)
[12:49:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( the words to activate the ancient artifact are not "now, light our darkest hour!" ;p ))
[12:49:18] Lt. Jaron radios "Sadrine, can you squeeze it some with braces on sides?"
[12:49:43] GM: Not even gonna bother with the damage on a nat 20
[12:50:04] GM: Jaron, you see the side of the craft blossom outwards
[12:50:31] GM: The machines shields drop and the craft falls back into the cavern
[12:50:34] Lt. Jaron watches likes it slow motion and calls "Get clear!"
[12:50:46] FO Ryuu Hasegawa runs clear
[12:51:07] Lt. Jaron thrusts out of way
[12:51:11] GM: Komi seeks cover
[12:51:21] GM: Sarah, your are dressed
[12:51:26] GM: Vinny
[12:51:53] 2nd Lt Vinai leaves his sensor array behind and heads back to the fold corridor.
[12:52:21] CWO2 Sarah stretches after dressing, trying to get her bearings, and possibly puke after that, before trying to see if anyone from the Raiders is on Kato Zano to let know she's still alive and stuff, or if she'll need to wait.
[12:52:30] 2nd Lt Vinai then remembers to detach his data pad.
[12:52:46] GM: 1 action left
[12:53:19] 2nd Lt Vinai carries what communications gear he can back to the fold corridor and braces for impact. "Lets go!"
[12:53:36] GM: Ryuu
[12:53:58] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (uhm, gonna do whatever it takes to get the fuck out)
[12:54:06] GM: roger that
[12:54:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa Jets after and clears the chamber
[12:54:10] GM: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[12:54:41] GM: The craft crashes to the ground and crumples in a heap, but no climactic explosion is forthcoming
[12:55:56] Lt. Jaron lands and coms "Vinny, need comms back up to Homeplate."
[12:55:59] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[12:55:59] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[12:56:00] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [6,11] = (17)
[12:56:52] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Understood" Max would then find a piece of undamaged line and splice himself in using crimpers UTP wiring and his datapad. ((any check?))
[12:57:15] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Oh WAIT!))
[12:57:22] Lt. Ishida: from inside the crashed machine. "Hellllp! Anyone? HElllp!
[12:57:26] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((i STILL have the mirrors I set up from WAY back when!))
[12:57:36] FO Ryuu Hasegawa sighs and hurries over to the machine
[12:57:39] Lt. Jaron: "Komillia, overwatch. Ryuu back with me, we are going in"
[12:57:48] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: :Already on it"
[12:58:02] FO Ryuu Hasegawa hops p onto the top and looks around for signs of Suki
[12:58:04] GM: You reach the machine
[12:58:16] GM: roll perc , Jaron you get a +5
[12:58:16] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Hey, crazy, holler more!"
[12:58:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (wait, want to use her voice to help find her)
[12:58:31] Lt. Jaron looks at Ryuu and smiles "Good, I like having psychics on my side." and joins him in seconds
[12:58:51] 2nd Lt Vinai looking up and remembering the mirrors he previously set up in tandem as an emergency communications plan, he points his laser radio transmitter towards the mirror near dead center. "This is Hi-Fi…can you read me?! Any station this net…this is Hi-Fi…over?"
[12:58:59] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Not psychic just don’t want the …uhm…wonderful lady hurt"
[12:59:08] FO Ryuu Hasegawa his voice is full of sarcasm
[12:59:23] GM: Roll a skill check please Vinny
[12:59:41] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19)
[12:59:45] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (there we go)
[12:59:47] Lt. Jaron nods and kneels down on the machine and tries Morris code
[12:59:51] 2nd Lt Vinai: Skill Check: [1d100] => [65] = (65)% vs skill of 78% Laser Communications
[01:00:01] GM: Ryuu, you see a doorway, looks like a hatch
[01:00:03] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (19 on percep)
[01:00:08] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Going in!"
[01:00:20] GM: Vinny, you are able to raise Phase line Dallas, no further
[01:00:21] FO Ryuu Hasegawa pulls open the hatch using the strength of the Cyclone
[01:00:39] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [52] = (52) vs 85 (Morse code to Suki if she pays attention
[01:00:53] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [31] = (31)
[01:00:54] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [53] = (53)
[01:01:23] GM: You get a dit dit dot dot etc of 'Over here, I'm stuck."
[01:01:51] Lt. Jaron moves to the brute Ryuu "She is alive and stuck"
[01:02:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Im working on it, help me out here instead of barking orders"
[01:02:42] That's the Tab key, Dave
[01:02:43] Lt. Utenaru: Stand by Lt. we are mopping up, we put those pookah topsiders to use! ha!
[01:02:51] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (can the cyclones strength get the door open?)
[01:03:05] GM: Roll d 30
[01:03:13] Lt. Jaron smiles and helps Ryuu get inside the machine "I don’t bark too bad"
[01:03:29] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Roger that ma'am…gonna tap into the land line"
[01:03:31] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (what command is it again?)
[01:03:54] GM: Jaron and Ryuu roll d30's
[01:04:29] Lt. Jaron: [1d30] => [13] = (13) vs 30
[01:04:35] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d30] => [14] = (14)
[01:04:51] GM: Jaron, you and Ryuu are able to open one of the hatches.
[01:05:06] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Scuse me sir!"
[01:05:06] GM: Roll a strike vs 19 each of you (with bonuses)
[01:05:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa hops in
[01:05:51] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
[01:05:55] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[01:06:11] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Cyclone smash)
[01:06:20] GM: Both of you are able to stop a canister from falling out of the hatch as you open it
[01:06:47] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Ohh scary scary"
[01:07:01] CWO2 Sarah: (( heh heh ))
[01:07:09] Lt. Jaron: "ahh..indeed"
[01:07:13] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I dunno maybe I should drop it.."
[01:07:28] Lt. Jaron lands the canister down "Go on it, I will tail"
[01:07:38] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You got it"
[01:08:04] GM: You peek inside and easily enough find Ishida pinned against a wall cradling a canister, holding one in place with her left foot and keep a rack from swinging fee with her right. Her free arm is struggling agains the weight.
[01:08:25] Lt. Ishida: Hi.
[01:08:31] Lt. Ishida: Little help here.
[01:08:34] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[01:08:36] Lt. Jaron moves to her "Looks like a good work out"
[01:08:38] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Looks like big bad samurais in a bit of a bind"
[01:08:48] Lt. Jaron chuckles lightly
[01:09:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You help her out, your her boss, Ill get Komi to come down here to assist"
[01:09:14] GM: You also note her armor is fried
[01:09:16] Lt. Jaron moves to aid Suki
[01:09:18] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "she likes you more"
[01:09:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa climbs back out (CAREFULLY)
[01:09:39] Lt. Ishida hands off the canister she has been cradling
[01:09:51] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "/me pokes his head outside the hatch
[01:10:02] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "HEY KOMI! We got a live one!"
[01:10:13] Lt. Jaron leans to Suki and whispers "I think he might be a germaphobe"
[01:10:14] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "she doesn’t look none to pleased either!"
[01:10:18] GM: Ryuu you see the remainder of 1st platoon enter ing the are and securing it
[01:10:25] CWO2 Sarah: (( rofl ))
[01:10:31] CWO2 Sarah: (( none too pleased. ))
[01:10:36] FO Ryuu Hasegawa frowns
[01:10:43] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "A little late guys, were all done here"
[01:10:44] 2nd Lt Vinai will begin to cut into the land line and splice himself in as previously planned and pulling out the old school Multi-channel HF/VHF radio. Pulling up the original frequency, he keys up the mic. (Any rolls necessary GM?))
[01:11:00] GM: takes two attack, done Vinny
[01:11:28] 2nd Lt Vinai: "This is…Hi-Fi…I repeat…This is Hi-FI…any station this net do you read me?"
[01:11:41] GM: POint I was trying to make tho was that beyond the battle at phase line Dallas, you cant get much because the line has been cut by the combat
[01:11:58] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Komi come help Suki out?)
[01:12:06] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (while Gm possesed I mean)
[01:12:23] 2nd Lt Vinai: So I should be fine as I spliced myself in back near the entrance near the fold corridor and such.
[01:12:23] Komi (in absentia): What did sword broad do now?
[01:12:43] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Oh know the usual shtick: go off and save the world…again"
[01:12:50] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "without our help"
[01:12:55] FO Ryuu Hasegawa smirks
[01:13:26] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You know I'm starting to feel she could be her own unit…wed call it the Bushido brigade…"
[01:13:29] 2nd Lt Vinai tchs lightly. "Oh she had help…believe you me…my fingers and brain fuckin hurt trying to constantly hack those fucks thank you!"
[01:13:50] GM: Well right now I figure due to your know how with the tech, you are cut off from the others because the action has A: created so much dust and particulate matter in the air to render the lasers useless, and B, somewhere the land line in that area has been shot out.
[01:14:04] FO Ryuu Hasegawa laughs at Vinny
[01:14:16] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You did good man, real good…drinks are on me when we get topside"
[01:14:28] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Fuck drinks…I want pussy."
[01:14:33] 2nd Lt Vinai was absently blunt.
[01:14:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[01:14:48] FO Ryuu Hasegawa laughs harder
[01:14:53] GM: You eventually extricate Ishida from the machine and she is very pleased, if not extremely sore.
[01:15:07] Lt. Jaron leans to Suki "Sarah got blasted. I don't know if she got out but haven’t checked her devastator yet"
[01:15:20] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Well, I cant give you that…that would be…awkward…and painful"
[01:15:23] 2nd Lt Vinai: "I'll tell you what…if I wasn't going to risk Court..Martial…I'd pay ma'am a visit once we got topside."
[01:15:42] Lt. Ishida clasps Jaron's shoulder and looks into his eyes as if to say "You are SURE she is alive?"
[01:15:54] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Eh court martialing ain’t so bad…you get used to it after your first one"
[01:15:55] Lt. Jaron: (type there)
[01:16:00] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he smirks slightly
[01:16:25] CWO2 Sarah: (( read his correction ))
[01:16:26] Lt. Jaron looks to Suki "Must have mumbled that part; I don’t know if she did."
[01:16:35] Lt. Ishida nods
[01:16:40] Lt. Ishida: It is what it is.
[01:16:44] CWO2 Sarah: (( he corrected it to "I don't know" ))
[01:17:22] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he plops down next o Vinny a broad grin on his face
[01:18:11] FO Ryuu Hasegawa seems to be trying to cover up something about what happened to Sarah
[01:18:23] Lt. Jaron moves to find Utenaru as the area is secured.
[01:18:36] GM: As you move out of the camber with the 'weapon' you can hear voices yelling, some you can make out as other Echo Company folks cheering. But beyond that, you can hear the barking of someone in power who is not at all pleased.
[01:18:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( covering up what? Far as you know, she's f'in dead. ))
[01:19:19] Col. Haywood: I will have all of your FUCKING heads! You hear me! Your careers are ruined!
[01:19:27] Lt. Jaron coms to team only "Brace for the BS all"
[01:19:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (that’s what it is, hes using humor to hide grief)
[01:19:33] 2nd Lt Vinai looks up.
[01:19:43] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "ignore the suit Vinny"
[01:19:57] Col. Haywood enters the chamber in full battle regalia, (roll percs)
[01:20:02] Lt. Jaron swaggers to the forefront and comms to team "Keep you mouths closed"
[01:20:08] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
[01:20:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he pulls his helmet off an leans against the side of the wall
[01:20:15] 2nd Lt Vinai: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[01:20:23] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4)
[01:20:31] Col. Haywood: Jaron, you can smell fresh oil and lubricant, and I mean fresh, like, FACTORY fresh
[01:20:32] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (woot, squirrels)
[01:20:52] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[01:20:57] Col. Haywood: What is all this shit in here?
[01:21:09] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah, never used battle gear ))
[01:21:18] Lt. Jaron: "It called a battle sir"
[01:21:18] Maj. Kavashera follows behind, putting on a string front.
[01:21:40] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You know, pew pew bang bang?"
[01:21:50] Col. Haywood: Oh la de dah! Shut the fuck up lieutenant! When i want your opinion I'll ask for it!
[01:21:52] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (LOL)
[01:22:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "well he gave it to you, even if you didn't ask"
[01:22:23] Lt. Jaron looks to Ryuu to cut it for his own good
[01:22:32] Maj. Kavashera intervenes and points out the wreckage
[01:22:41] Maj. Kavashera: This is what I was talking about sir.
[01:22:46] Maj. Kavashera: Enemy bio weapons!
[01:22:53] FO Ryuu Hasegawa smiles broadly and relaxes shrugging to Jaron like he doesn’t give a fuck what the suit thinks
[01:23:12] Col. Haywood looks over the item, and the canisters and huffs.
[01:23:20] Col. Haywood then turns and storms out
[01:23:42] Maj. Kavashera puts his hand to his neck as if to say, None say a goddamn thing!"
[01:23:57] Maj. Kavashera: ((no one))
[01:24:03] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "well, I think our job here is done for now, so uhm…can we get the hell out of this place? What do you say Vinny?"
[01:24:24] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (not talking to the officers don’t worry lol)
[01:24:42] 2nd Lt Vinai just shakes his head momentarily. "…"
[01:24:51] Maj. Kavashera looks at the group and gives them a thumbs up before he is forced to chase after the Colonel.
[01:25:19] Lt. Ishida: Officers like that should be beheaded.
[01:25:22] Lt. Ishida grumbles
[01:25:45] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs his chin for a moment. "You think if I offer to take Lt. Utenaru to the mess night…think she'll be down?"
[01:25:45] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Yep and after all that all we get is a thumbs up, great"
[01:25:52] Lt. Jaron smirks "I will remember that when you get older and become grumpy Suki"
[01:26:04] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[01:26:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "isn’t she a little old for you?"
[01:26:18] Lt. Ishida: If I ever become like that, you have my leave to kill me on the spot.
[01:26:22] FO Ryuu Hasegawa chuckles and elbows Vinny
[01:26:27] Lt. Jaron looks to Max "I think she it too much woman for you"
[01:26:39] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Pfft…all that means is that she's better than the younger ones."
[01:26:44] Lt. Jaron: (it=is)
[01:26:50] 2nd Lt Vinai grins widely. "Teach a young buck a thing or two."
[01:26:55] FO Ryuu Hasegawa smirks and laughs
[01:27:05] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I like the way you think "
[01:27:08] Lt. Jaron nods slowly "Anyways, good luck with that.:
[01:27:10] Lt. Jaron: "
[01:27:11] GM: Note that Utenaru IS Samoan, and thusly shops at 'Big and Tall'
[01:27:28] 2nd Lt Vinai: And will most likely not have sex…but Snoo Snoo.
[01:27:29] 2nd Lt Vinai: XD
[01:27:38] CWO2 Sarah tries to find a radio with range, to see if she can contact anyone on the Raider frequency, wondering if they have comms to the inside still.
[01:27:41] FO Ryuu Hasegawa pulls out his Ipod and slips earpiece into one of his ears
[01:27:49] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (LOL snoo snoo!)
[01:27:53] Lt. Jaron moves to Sadrine "You are free to get out of here unless some brass barks some more orders"
[01:28:29] GM: It takes a good half a day to get clear of the battle site, Col Haywood is still infuriated, and Lt Finch, his toady is into EVERYONE'S business,
[01:28:47] GM: It's like a brass mine field
[01:29:03] Lt. Jaron makes sure his stool is clean
[01:29:03] 2nd Lt Vinai will actually attempt to woo Lt. Utenaru XD.
[01:29:26] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (how'd they die? Crushed pelvises!")
[01:29:29] GM: Finally, you are able to make it back to the Base Camp and are told to don sunglasses before you exit the mountain,
[01:29:32] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (lol)
[01:29:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[01:29:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( sunglasses ))
[01:29:50] Lt. Jaron does so
[01:29:59] Lt. Jaron does causes it cool
[01:30:13] GM: you all see the surface for the first time in weeks, and even with the sunglasses, and even it being 1 AM it is still bright.
[01:30:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[01:30:23] 2nd Lt Vinai comes out not only with his sunglasses, but also with his 8-point cover tilted low like a cowboy.
[01:30:30] GM: Sarah, you spent the first hour under a cover back at your room because it was to bright
[01:30:32] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Oh thank god, thought Id never see you again sweet sweet air"
[01:30:36] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehehe ))
[01:30:55] CWO2 Sarah: (( *toon zartans* "Augh! Sunlight!" ))
[01:30:59] Lt. Jaron definitely a refreshing feeling and smiles
[01:31:01] GM: ((shades of the Chilean Miner Rescue here))
[01:31:32] CWO2 Sarah: (( for those who watch the ridiculous silly that is GI Joe. Any word about finding a radio or anything, or a Cyclone to head back to base camp? ))
[01:31:34] GM: The air is frigid
[01:31:53] 2nd Lt Vinai sighed lightly. "Well I guess it's back to my wire next to continue debugging the Perfect Sight software protocols."
[01:32:04] Lt. Jaron ponders in his mind Does the Invid know we attacked or not.
[01:32:10] GM: Sarah, roll a Radio basic
[01:32:23] Lt. Jaron: ( i know gi joe )
[01:32:33] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [51] = (51) vs 84%
[01:33:02] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Hey man…we survived this hell hole…after that…everything seems EASY"
[01:33:03] GM: Sarah, you are able to find a training emergency radio in the hooch and key it to the unit frequency
[01:33:19] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "even flying"
[01:33:22] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he sighs
[01:33:54] CWO2 Sarah adjusts for the frequency and switches it on. "Hammer 1-2 to Raiders, please come in?"
[01:34:17] Lt. Jaron comms "Hitman 1 here, reading. Glad you make it out"
[01:34:24] 2nd Lt Vinai looks down at his radio. "Jaron?"
[01:34:42] Lt. Ishida hears her voice and sighs in relief.
[01:34:51] Lt. Ishida: Hammer 1-2, say status over?
[01:34:52] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I wonder if the Phoenix has come in yet.."
[01:34:58] Lt. Jaron looks to Vinny "Yea?"
[01:35:03] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "wait…how the HELL?!?!"
[01:35:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "shes supposed to be dead!"
[01:35:13] 2nd Lt Vinai: "It's all down here form here isn't it?"
[01:35:19] Lt. Ishida looks over to Ryuu.
[01:35:26] FO Ryuu Hasegawa looks at Vinny, a perplexed look on his face
[01:35:27] Lt. Ishida: She has done this before.
[01:35:38] CWO2 Sarah phews at the message. "Yeah, sorry I didn't make it back for the party, bailing out like that is a little flaky. Ended up at Kato Zano in the hooch. I'm just glad I didn't wind up in a mess hall full of bears, since I popped back in butt naked."
[01:35:42] Lt. Jaron: "What do you mean Max?'
[01:35:49] CWO2 Sarah: "With my usual luck… well…"
[01:35:51] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "just VANISH from a suit of power armor? You got some explaining Lt!"
[01:35:58] 2nd Lt Vinai rubs the back of his head. "You know exactly what I mean."
[01:36:01] Lt. Ishida snorts with a smile.
[01:36:09] Lt. Ishida: Roger that 1-2.
[01:36:28] Lt. Ishida looks up at Ryuu.
[01:36:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "wait…screw that…I don’t want to know"
[01:36:37] Lt. Ishida: She is Stage 6 Invid.
[01:36:44] Lt. Ishida: Does that answer your query?
[01:36:58] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Invid? holy shit.."
[01:37:01] Lt. Jaron nods to Ryuu with what Suki says
[01:37:05] Lt. Ishida: Indeed.
[01:37:16] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I thought they all left?"
[01:37:23] Lt. Ishida: Not all.
[01:37:27] Lt. Ishida: Most, but not all.
[01:37:59] 2nd Lt Vinai: …"You know…I would simply do something stupid like have sudden xenophobia…but at this point…I just want to get back to my little happy place."
[01:38:13] Lt. Ishida looks at Vinny
[01:38:16] Lt. Ishida: Good call.
[01:38:19] Lt. Jaron ponders a moment for what Vinny said "Possible, there will be some blow back for sure. I fear they'll use the chemicals on the Invids in the mountains who were somewhat peaceful"
[01:38:32] 2nd Lt Vinai: "I'm going back to my mini IT lab."
[01:38:34] Lt. Ishida stretches.
[01:38:37] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Well…"
[01:38:45] Lt. Ishida: Those Invid will never leave the mountain
[01:39:00] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I don’t care about the Invid much….except that they killed my parents"
[01:39:01] Lt. Ishida: Regrettable, but the truth.
[01:39:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he folds his arms
[01:39:18] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "but that wasn’t Sarah"
[01:39:38] Lt. Ishida: They killed mine to, so don’t think you have a monopoly on the grief there fleet.
[01:39:42] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Wait for me Vin…I think I'm done with more surprises for now"
[01:40:01] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I don’t…my parents died doing their duty to the SDF 3"
[01:40:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "and in liberating Tirol"
[01:40:15] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Not this time Ryuu…I need to concentrate while in my Lab…I have a lot of debugging and patching to do after receiving all the data via Perfect Sight from all of us."
[01:40:21] Lt. Jaron calls to Ryuu and Vinny "Don’t go rubbing on any bears"
[01:40:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa gives Suki a half salute and chases after Vin
[01:40:30] Lt. Ishida sits back and lets the issue drop
[01:40:37] 2nd Lt Vinai pauses for a moment. "But feel free to….I have more important things to do."
[01:41:14] GM: Within hours those form Echo Company are flown back to Kato Zano
[01:41:30] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "You sure man? seems you could use someone to talk to"
[01:42:02] 2nd Lt Vinai: "I just want to get this program finished…it's my little escape from reality now. The beautiful Samoan woman can wait."
[01:42:12] Lt. Jaron plans to crash for a lengthy nap considering he did his after action report in flight.
[01:42:17] GM: There is an air of festivity, not only is it almost Christmas, (it's the 21st in game now) but best as you can determine, the caves of Urt Balor were the last Haydonite holdout on Karberra.
[01:42:55] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "well…I'll just go to my room then, if ya need to talk let me know man"
[01:43:01] GM: Free RP
[01:43:05] 2nd Lt Vinai paused for a moment. "Lt. Ishida…"
[01:43:07] FO Ryuu Hasegawa he smiles to Vinny and jogs on ahead
[01:43:21] Gage enjoys the festivities
[01:43:37] CWO2 Sarah sits in the main area of the hooch, sipping cocoa from the mess, assuming they have any. Cocoa with little marshmallows in it.
[01:44:03] FO Ryuu Hasegawa when he gets to his room in the hooch checks to see tif the Pheonix has arrived yet
[01:44:05] Lt. Jaron actually joins some of the platoon for drinks and such before taking that nap (afk)
[01:44:58] CWO2 Sarah heads out to join the others, and looks around slightly, sipping. With her eyes, naturally, back to blue for being on Kato Zano at the moment.
[01:45:00] 2nd Lt Vinai would actually be passed out in his little wire next like a hairless spider faceplanted in his datapads.
[01:45:05] Lt. Ishida looks over at Vinny
[01:45:07] Lt. Ishida: Yes?
[01:45:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( aww….. ))
[01:45:21] 2nd Lt Vinai: "Tell that Karberran Leader…I kept my promise to her."
[01:45:27] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((before being passed out)).
[01:45:28] Lt. Ishida: I will.
[01:45:29] CWO2 Sarah: (( *tucks Vinny in* ))
[01:46:03] GM: Ryuu, best you can tell, the Phoenix is still a few weeks out, best speed.
[01:46:46] Lt. Ishida gets into the eggnog, with the rum, and then pulls Sarah aside and has hot monkey love.
[01:47:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa sighs as he logs off
[01:47:39] 2nd Lt Vinai after waking a couple hours later, Max would get up the gall to visit Lt. Utenaru's hooch.
[01:47:46] CWO2 Sarah squeaks at that and enjoys all the hot love, after she gets some egg nog for herself.
[01:48:06] FO Ryuu Hasegawa pokes his head out, passing vinny as he goes for a run
[01:48:19] FO Ryuu Hasegawa seems to enjoy the solitude for awhile
[01:48:33] 2nd Lt Vinai inclines his head and lets the man have his peace.
[01:48:44] FO Ryuu Hasegawa after a while he'll stop and find a place to sit and watch the stars until daybreak
[01:48:53] 2nd Lt Vinai knocks on Lt. Utenaru's door.
[01:49:08] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (figure its around early morning)
[01:49:21] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((same XD))
[01:49:53] GM: Just so you know Vinny, Utenaru is based on an Army officer I knew in real life, and, I love her to death, but, i wouldn’t fuck her with YOUR dick.
[01:50:19] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((wait is she…like…dirty? or just…large?))[01:50:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (LOL)
[01:50:30] GM: Samoan dude, yes large
[01:50:41] 2nd Lt Vinai: ((Pfft…I'm a chubby chaser IRL XD))
[01:50:59] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (yeah man Samoans are built like bricks)
[01:51:00] GM: Well, then Y'all have a very merry Christmas
[01:51:11] GM: I'll leave it at that
[01:51:24] 2nd Lt Vinai has..a VERY large grin on his face…for…days.
[01:51:35] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (LOL)
[01:51:36] GM: Ho Ho HO!
[01:51:55] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (thats fraternizing hahaha)
[01:52:00] 2nd Lt Vinai will more than likely make frequent visits to her hooch.