[07:32:50] KSN: Btw [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs 73
[07:33:06] Chris: Oh, the others will have fun with you
[07:33:11] KSN: *burries head
[07:33:48] CWO2 Sarah: there.
[07:33:54] Chris: So, like, the um, you know, explosives you see, well they explode! And, when they um, explode, well,they make a loud noise and send lots of things flying in all direction, in the…well, you know, explosion.
[07:33:59] CWO2 Sarah: lolololol
[07:34:21] KSN: I want rolls for ever 5 minutes of presentation darn it!!
[07:34:59] Chris: Meanwhile Suki lets Rayn borrow her katana so he can commit seppuku
[07:35:24] KSN: Give me the total number of minutes the presentation is for so I can do my rolls before we begin tonight’s session
[07:35:26] Chris: well, the next option up is registered with the site…
[07:35:40] Chris: at any rate, that's neither here nor there
[07:36:43] KSN: Chris how many minutes is the presentation so I can retry my skill ro
[07:36:50] KSN: rolls
[07:37:21] Chris: I am assuming you will post that in the forums, so really, in this case the skill roll is moot
[07:37:41] KSN: I told you last week I can't do that
[07:37:56] Chris: kk
[07:38:01] KSN: Skill rolls only
[07:38:05] Chris: so in other words you want it to be a roll off?
[07:38:09] Chris: kk
[07:38:11] KSN: Has to be
[07:38:34] Lt. Jaron: (just roll in whisper and decide there….cause we don’t want to see three 100% rolled for you )
[07:38:34] CWO2 Sarah: (( you've made plenty of other posts. ))
[07:38:50] Chris: well, with that horrific roll to start off with, I'm pretty sure everyone in the group with a Demo roll raises their hands and takes turns eviscerating you for oh, a few minutes each
[07:38:51] KSN: ((HAHA))
[07:39:40] GM: Tellingly Suki does not but sit silently watching the verbal melee
[07:39:42] KSN: Could you just give me the number of rolls to make in total for the duration of the presentation?
[07:39:44] Gage knows but like acts like an extra hand rather then demo expert since with the group.
[07:40:27] GM: well, I'll give you a roll for each major portion of a essay to whit the intro (botched already) body topic 1 body topic 2 and conclusion
[07:40:52] KSN: Demolitions [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs 73 ; Demolitions [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 73 ; Demolitions [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 73
[07:41:21] KSN: See that double 92 - that’s fixed that is
[07:42:10] GM: It is a painful seminar Rayn, either the others are masters of the craft or you are just rusty, but you conclude well enough but the efficiency and skill of that many could see, and later laugh about as desperation and a real desire to flee the lectern
[07:42:50] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekeke ))
[07:43:03] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan is relieved that’s all over - lecturing is not his strong suit
[07:43:26] Lt. Jaron takes a breath after that lecture and nods to Suki with a slight smile
[07:43:27] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: ((PERFECT finale btw))
[07:43:58] GM: Suki returns the smile with a nod and Jaron is left wondering if she knew this is what would happen.
[07:44:44] FO Ryuu Hasegawa has fallen asleep
[07:45:01] Lt. Jaron nudges Ryuu to wake on his way out
[07:45:02] 2 LT Komillia gives a look that speaks of bored indignation.
[07:45:28] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Huh what? is it over?"
[07:45:59] GM: A bad roll can mean many things Ryu, not just a monotone speech by Ben Stien.
[07:46:01] Lt. Jaron nods to Ryuu "yes"
[07:46:06] CWO2 Sarah has tried to take good notes all the way through, pausing at notice of others finding issues though. She eventually stops and just watches in silence, smiling Suki's way once it's over as well.
[07:46:16] CWO2 Sarah: (( it can also mean demonstrations gone wrong ;p ))
[07:46:17] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (I know, but he was bored to begin with! lol)
[07:46:41] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "thank god I thought it would never end"
[07:46:42] GM: (or data being incorrect, or putting ones foot in ones mouth etc etc))
[07:46:54] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Big foot in big mouth)
[07:47:25] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (hey no need to criticize me )
[07:48:15] Lt. Jaron moves to Rayn "Nice try private. First time butterflies?"
[07:48:36] CWO2 Sarah: (( *scritches Ryu* relax ))
[07:49:01] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: No excuse sir, I don't know where I started wrong, but things got much easier as the lecture progressed.
[07:49:19] 1stSgt Walken: All right! Echo Company! Backstop wants full load out, readiness, and muster in 20 mikes! Platoon leaders! Section brief in 10!
[07:50:08] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: First Sgt. Whats the word - Heavy, or Light load outs?
[07:50:27] GM: The still lingering UEEF folks nearby scatter and the firebase shifts into high gear
[07:50:38] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Here we go again…first monsters, no what?"
[07:50:42] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (now)
[07:50:57] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Now little buddy - Haydonites again…
[07:51:03] 1stSgt Walken: FULL load out son!
[07:51:20] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Roger that First Sgt.
[07:51:41] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Ok I am so making sure those missles are installed in my super this time)
[07:51:55] GM: kk
[07:52:07] 2 LT Komillia loads up the Devo with the same loadout as last time. Two shoulder beam cannons and a recoilless rifle, tries to get two if possible.
[07:52:11] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan heads to Motorpool to inspect his standard full loadout and have the sidecar linked up for this op
[07:53:58] GM: Ishida gears out with her Devo, armed with twin Vanq's and twin missile pods. She has a further two Vanq's folded up and stowed under the shield. A boxed up cyclone is attached to her back where the cargo pods would go, and two cargo pods are mounted to the upper hips of the Devo's legs
[07:54:17] Lt. Jaron nods to the 1st Sgt. and makes to cyclone for a quick check before brief
[07:54:17] GM: Komi, you may take two cannons
[07:54:35] FO Ryuu Hasegawa makes sure his Super gets outfitted with GR 109 launchers
[07:54:44] GM: done and done Ryuu
[07:54:55] 2 LT Komillia: ((actually, I was talking about two cannons and two recoilless rifles…))
[07:55:01] GM: correct,
[07:55:20] Lt. Jaron makes sure to have a new rhino helm and firearm missiles.
[07:55:33] CWO2 Sarah loads her own up as well, quickly, with beam cannon and recoilless, checking loadouts of each, and loading cargo storage boxes with sidearm and her reloads for both the beam cannon and her recoilless, nodding quickly to both. She looks towards Suki's, makes sure her own missile pod is right. She looks to Suki's loadout and raises her eyebrows, blinking just a little at the Cyclone attached, and pausing. "Think we'll need the extra cyclone? I'll attach an extra myself then."
[07:55:37] GM: I am assuming that the Rhino helm is standard for the unit at this point
[07:55:41] Gage gets a new shield and replenishes gear
[07:55:54] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (I also take the rifle from before, Rhino helm, and of course the railgun)
[07:56:09] Lt. Jaron: (Optional)
[07:57:03] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (can a super use a GAU 15 78 mm?)
[07:57:45] GM: Okay, platoon leaders…you arrive at the CP and see the Major in full armor, he Devo nearby loaded to the gunnles. His command staff likes wise have their Devo's and cyclones nearby or on (in the case of the cyclones)
[07:58:16] GM: Cyclones and Devo can NOT use Alpha weaponry handheld, (nor can a Silverback)
[07:58:33] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Oh wasn’t sure it was an alpha gun)
[08:00:25] Maj. Kavashera waves the Platoon leaders over to the map of the cave network
[08:00:38] Maj. Kavashera: Okay, today's the day. Zero hour.
[08:01:12] Lt. Jaron moves over
[08:02:15] Maj. Kavashera: Combat engineers have cleared out the carcass of those creatures in the cave leading out to Sector 12 and we've gotten talk back from the Company head in that area. The Captain is holding his forces at the ready and will jump off an enter the cave in coordination with our assault on the Fold Chamber.
[08:04:18] Maj. Kavashera: By the time we hit this tunnel (marked on map) the 85th will have moved in and will assault the two Haydonite firebases to our rear, here, and here. (Marked on map)
[08:06:11] Maj. Kavashera: By the time the 85th has reduced those position we should be about ready to enter the cavern, I want 1st, 3rd, and Raider up front, 2nd, and 4th, I want you to swing around and flank them, once 2nd and 4th are in position we will assault the chamber in tandem.
[08:07:08] Maj. Kavashera: Ishida, your unit will float between the two and cover the flank until the 85th links up with us.
[08:08:30] Maj. Kavashera: We will be using liberal amounts of knockout gas to spearhead out attack, so, watch where you step. Also, visibility will be reduced so watch your sectors and dont get lost or cut off.
[08:08:51] Maj. Kavashera: This assault can be summed up in three words. Tempo tempo tempo.
[08:09:12] Maj. Kavashera: Once we strike, we need to keep pushing and maintain our momentum.
[08:09:34] Lt. Jaron nods
[08:11:03] Maj. Kavashera: Ishida, one more task your unit will have to tackle. When and if I give the call, you need to get Amdahl to the hive and rally the slugs, once you have them, you tell them that we'll have left the bread crumbs out for them. Again, the slugs are not to be pulled into this until myself or Utenaru orders it.
[08:11:14] Lt. Ishida: Yokai!
[08:12:56] Maj. Kavashera: Alright, that the meat of it, HHC communications staff will shift to the Artemis and will relay comms thru there, I'll be floating between it and our FOB.
[08:13:20] Maj. Kavashera: Any questions?
[08:13:41] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan raises his hand
[08:14:07] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: And the Spherian sir?
[08:14:22] Maj. Kavashera: ((you aren't at the Platoon leader meeting Rayn sorry ))
[08:14:23] Lt. Jaron: "What about neutralizing the fold platforms?"
[08:14:50] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: ((well heck sorry didn't know that))
[08:15:19] Maj. Kavashera: For us securing them means the enemy has been neutralized around them, once that is accomplished all units will keep moving on the enemy leaving follow on units to secure them properly.
[08:15:50] Maj. Kavashera: Here is the skinny. And why we will be pushing past and thru the fold chamber.
[08:16:52] Maj. Kavashera: we have no idea of the exact number of enemy in here, or if there may be other fold chambers we haven’t located yet, so, as long as we have the momentum we will exploit it
[08:17:09] Lt. Jaron: "What if they fold in reinforcements sir? Also what if the alien cat is there?"
[08:17:24] Maj. Kavashera: We leave them to the follow on forces.
[08:17:40] Col. Hav'Weth: And those would be us.
[08:17:54] Col. Hav'Weth steps up from behind in full battle regalia.
[08:18:13] Col. Hav'Weth: I have three companies of Marines behind you all.
[08:18:45] Col. Hav'Weth looks to her left and right to a Major and Captian, both Karberran, both in full gear.
[08:19:16] Lt. Ishida: Sir, the Spherian?
[08:20:13] Lt. Jaron: "That the answer to both questions sir?"
[08:20:28] Col. Hav'Weth: Will accompany you on your assault and once the fold chamber is secured, will remain there until my forces arrive to take possession of it.
[08:21:48] Col. Hav'Weth: If the enemy folds in forces, it will be to late. Even if they put out a call for help three days ago, due to fold time dilation it would not arrive for another two weeks.
[08:22:37] Maj. Kavashera: Roger that, in fact the only inbound traffic was a pair of cargo pods and a handful of troops.
[08:23:10] Maj. Kavashera: We've looked over the data and the enemy posture did not indicate any heightened level of alert.
[08:24:00] Maj. Kavashera: Okay, you know the drill, jump off is in 5 minutes, return to your units and brief your men.
[08:24:52] 2 LT Komillia: ((AFK))
[08:24:56] Lt. Jaron nods and gives a salute to the Major
[08:25:23] Lt. Ishida salutes and returns to her team and briefs them.
[08:25:29] Lt. Ishida: Any questions?
[08:25:50] CWO2 Sarah shakes her head. "No, ma'am!"
[08:26:39] Lt. Jaron informs his team
[08:27:32] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: How much of my proposal is in this op plan ma'am?
[08:27:46] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: I'm real concerned about those Revenants
[08:28:22] Lt. Ishida: Sadrine will be joining the assault team. She will be on hand to bring her talents to bear.
[08:30:52] GM: no comments for those in Jaron's team?
[08:31:10] Lt. Jaron: (its komi or ryu?)
[08:31:12] 2 LT Komillia: So, basically we just sweep through there, killing Haydonites with maximum force, until we drop or they do?
[08:31:30] Lt. Ishida: Tempo tempo tempo.
[08:32:34] Lt. Jaron nods to Komillia "Yes, nothing fancy. Leaving that for the bears"
[08:33:30] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Guess so"
[08:33:38] FO Ryuu Hasegawa grimaces slightly
[08:33:57] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: LT the specs on those Revenants show Synchro Cannons - need to eliminate them from the get go
[08:34:06] Lt. Ishida: Roger that.
[08:34:09] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan sighs - Command never listens
[08:34:21] Lt. Ishida: Have you faced the business end of a synchro cannon before Private?
[08:34:57] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan has a look on his face that reads like you're seriously asking me that after everything I've been through?
[08:35:08] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "and they are sending us against heavy artillery on foot?"
[08:36:14] Lt. Jaron: "Only two Ryuu; we just have to hit them first & fast. So don’t spare the missiles"
[08:36:32] FO Ryuu Hasegawa grimaces
[08:36:53] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "Look I'm not a butter bar, but where is OUR heavy artillery?"
[08:38:06] Lt. Ishida hears Ryuu and Jaron talking.
[08:38:10] Lt. Jaron points to Komillia "There plus FIST will be lurking around"
[08:38:13] Lt. Ishida: Hasegawa.
[08:40:37] Lt. Ishida: ((waits for Ryuu to respond to Suki))
[08:40:52] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "That’s my name"
[08:40:59] Lt. Ishida: Cute.
[08:41:06] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "ain’t it?"
[08:41:24] Lt. Ishida: The synchro cannon has a spin up time, about 4 to 5 seconds. Be aware of that.
[08:41:42] Lt. Jaron: "Avoid missile fire on ground targets since the miners will be sleeping. So once we enter, everyone focus fire on the first target them next upon on the Revs with missiles."
[08:41:51] Lt. Ishida: Also, there is a bright white core to the beam, and spin up, if you see white you must evade, if not the beam is not directed at you.
[08:41:54] Lt. Jaron: (them=then)
[08:42:09] Lt. Ishida: Also, do NOT seek cover, the Synchro cannon will brun thru anything, your only chance is to evade.
[08:42:51] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Well not the only chance LT…
[08:42:52] Lt. Ishida: One last thing, the cannons are ineffective at ranges closer then 500ft, so, close with the enemy if needs, be, the Revenants have shields as well, so, be aware of that.
[08:42:53] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan smiles
[08:44:12] Lt. Ishida turns away then, she imparted her experiance, if the Fleet pilot wants to be snippy and ignore it, well, that was on him.
[08:45:12] Lt. Ishida: All right FIST, we are online in 1 minute, lets move.
[08:45:20] CWO2 Sarah nods quickly.
[08:46:47] GM: Okay final comments questions etc before ouch time
[08:46:57] Lt. Jaron: (negative)
[08:46:59] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan tosses a comment to FLEET "You can also try to take out the synchro cannon before it fires to create a power feedback - but you have to be a crack shot … but if your back is against the wall and you can't get out of the way its an option
[08:47:45] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan comments "I've got a bad feeling about this… FUBAR just FUBAR"
[08:48:02] Lt. Jaron smirks
[08:48:04] Lt. Ishida: Stow the pessimism. We have a job to do.
[08:48:35] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "I hear you big guy"
[08:48:40] FO Ryuu Hasegawa grimaces
[08:49:15] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "charging two mechs in nothing but tin cans…brilliant!"
[08:49:23] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan says to FLEET "Don't get me wrong - its the plan I'm concerned about… but LT said stow it so…"
[08:49:47] FO Ryuu Hasegawa slaps the helmet on and shrugs
[08:49:58] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "that she did.."
[08:50:10] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: "but of course, shes not my CO" he smiles
[08:50:11] CWO2 Sarah gives Rayn an eyeroll for the comment. glancing to him and Ryu. "We'll be fine. Just steady your aim and keep shooting enemy targets."
[08:50:23] GM: With that, the Major calls out 'For the Corps!' and you begin to move out, those towards the rear lines like the FIST, watch the entire camp pretty much clean out of personnel. Only a few remain and those move towards teh shaft to the Artemis.
[08:52:10] GM: You arrive at the first mining shaft, and like the other times, you can see slaves toiling, and the recon marines note that there is a quartet of Reavers approaching.
[08:52:49] Lt. Utenaru: Fairman, do you want the honors?
[08:53:09] Lt. Jaron: "Yes ma'am"
[08:53:18] Lt. Utenaru: Roger that, move your unit up.
[08:54:01] Lt. Utenaru: Give us the go and we'll pop gas. Then they are all yours.
[08:55:20] Lt. Jaron comms "Roger that." and motions Gage, Komillia & Ryuu up. "In 5 seconds Lt."
[08:55:35] Gage moves forward
[08:55:59] Lt. Utenaru waits then orders a pair of KO gas canisters lobbed down the tunnel. [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19) and [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[08:56:12] FO Ryuu Hasegawa moves forward grimacing
[08:56:42] GM: The canisters rattle around a bit as the gas streams out and in ones and two's the nearby slaves collapse to the deck.
[08:57:18] GM: The Reavers immediately split up and move tow to each wall, their weapons panning back and forth looking for targets. [4d20] => [17,18,6,1] = (42)
[08:57:35] GM: Two seem to have noticed something and move to aim… Inits.
[08:58:23] Lt. Jaron: Init [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[08:58:26] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+2] => [19,2] = (21)
[08:58:26] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[08:58:26] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+2] => [17,2] = (19)
[08:58:26] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
[08:58:29] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
[08:58:34] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (Oh hell yes)
[08:58:52] Gage: Init [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[08:59:25] Haydonite Reaver: ((James?))
[08:59:26] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12)
[08:59:42] Lt. Jaron comms "Focus your fire and no missiles"
[09:00:47] GM: Init order is…Komi,Jaron, H, H, H, H, Ryuu, Gage
[09:01:25] GM: The multi attack max of three per is still in effect, if you want to roll one at a time to see enemy reaction, that is fine.
[09:03:01] 2 LT Komillia fires her first recoilless, than the second recoilless, and finishes with a beam cannon on the nearest open Haydonite. [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25) [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24) [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[09:03:43] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[09:03:44] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[09:03:44] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[09:04:15] GM: Roll damage for the first attack, Jaron your turn
[09:04:22] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 70
[09:05:01] Gage interrupts fires three bursts from is M90 at the Reaver that Komillia hit (to strike [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17), [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20), [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21); dmg [2d4*10] => 60, [2d4*10] => 50, [2d4*10] => 50MD)
[09:06:13] GM: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[09:06:13] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[09:06:13] GM: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[09:07:04] GM: The Reaver is in bad shape but functional
[09:07:47] GM: Jaron
[09:09:28] Lt. Jaron fires a burst from his EP at the Reaver that is the focus (to strike [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22); dmg [2d4*10] => 50)
[09:10:04] Haydonite Reaver: Reaver 1 pick up a slave to use as a hostage. Reaver 2 reels form the hits, 3 fires at [1d4] => [1] = (1) 1 komi, 2 Jaron, 3 gage, 4 ryuu [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9) and [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) reaver 4 fires at [1d4] => [1] = (1) [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13) and [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12) Reaver Jaron fired at rolls to evade [1d20+8
[09:10:09] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[09:10:29] GM: Reaver 2 drops
[09:10:51] GM: Komi roll three dodges
[09:11:04] GM: Ryuu
[09:11:40] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [9,13] = (22)
[09:11:40] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [7,13] = (20)
[09:11:40] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [16,13] = (29)
[09:11:51] GM: good to go
[09:12:37] GM: Ryuu
[09:13:21] FO Ryuu Hasegawa unloads with the railgun on Rever 3
[09:13:32] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[09:13:33] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25)
[09:13:33] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[09:13:38] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[09:13:39] GM: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[09:13:43] GM: two hits
[09:14:21] GM: Komi back up to you while Ryuu rolls damage
[09:14:46] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [3d4*10] => 110
[09:14:56] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [3d4*10] => 70
[09:15:11] 2 LT Komillia fires her first recoilless, than the second recoilless, and finishes with a beam cannon on the nearest open Haydonite. [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20) [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27) [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[09:15:13] GM: Reaver 3 is shredded
[09:15:21] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[09:15:21] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[09:15:21] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[09:15:30] GM: Three hits
[09:15:48] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Uh what did Ryu shoot with - there’s nothing on a VR-057 that does 3d4*10 dmg)
[09:16:00] GM: the HRG-70
[09:16:15] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Only 1d4*10+10 )
[09:16:17] GM: read house rules, I have dramatically changed damages
[09:16:29] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (I c)
[09:16:40] GM: Jaron
[09:17:04] 2 LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 50 [2d4*10] => 40 [2d4*10+20] => 80
[09:18:05] GM: Komi your shots pelt the enemy ad your second beam cannon shot hits pay dirt and there is a large BLORCH of greenish fluid on the back wall as the Reaver crumples.
[09:18:31] Lt. Jaron fires at the head of the one who has the hostage, since it has to be done (called shot; [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18); dmg [2d4*10] => 50) (only one remaining?)
[09:18:58] GM: You miss the head…I will roll random hit location [1d100] => [63] = (63)
[09:19:38] GM: Main body the hostage is misted and the Reaver staggers backwards
[09:20:02] CWO2 Sarah: (( eew. misted. ))
[09:20:17] Lt. Jaron grimaces "dammit"
[09:20:27] Haydonite Reaver fires one then I run! [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) at [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[09:20:43] GM: Gage
[09:21:01] Gage is surprised but tries [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[09:21:37] GM: [1d4] => [1] = (1) for weapon 1 AR, 2 Carbine, 3 Pulse gun, and 4 SAW
[09:21:55] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 45
[09:21:59] GM: [45*2] => 90
[09:22:08] GM: [1d100] => [99] = (99)
[09:22:23] GM: Your in what now Gage?
[09:22:31] Lt. Jaron: (cyclone)
[09:22:43] GM: You get to join Ay
[09:22:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( d'oh ))
[09:23:07] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (wonderful!)
[09:23:08] GM: Ryuu
[09:23:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( *hoses off Ryuu* ))
[09:23:29] Gage: (I have shield on one arm)
[09:23:31] FO Ryuu Hasegawa yells MEDIC!
[09:23:33] GM: MDC
[09:23:47] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: ((What happened to Gage exactly?))
[09:23:56] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (missing a limb)
[09:24:02] GM: possibly
[09:24:02] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (apparently)
[09:24:09] GM: there is the shield to deal with
[09:24:13] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (wait, if he is, then I call for Medic)
[09:24:20] GM: fair enough
[09:24:21] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (please take that back)
[09:24:22] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (I keep telling all of you to ROLL WITH IMPACT - but no no one listens)
[09:24:26] GM: let Ted get the numbers
[09:24:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( just wait until the shield is handled? srsly. ))
[09:24:47] Gage: (always forget)
[09:24:49] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (I am Carrie)
[09:25:03] Gage: (shield on left)
[09:25:42] GM: 75 + 35 for CVR-3, and 65 for forearm
[09:26:08] GM: okay, do you really want to roll left or right/.
[09:26:35] Gage: (your call)
[09:26:42] GM: nope, your call
[09:26:52] Gage: (guess roll)
[09:26:58] GM: roll it
[09:27:01] Gage: [1d100] => [86] = (86)
[09:27:29] GM: well, you need to declare first, like odd is such, or over 50 is such
[09:27:42] Gage: even right, odd left
[09:27:47] Gage: [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[09:28:20] GM: your shield is blow clean off your arm, in fact the enemy rounds cut it in half, your forearm shield (and any weapon so mounted is lost)
[09:28:49] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Can you say "Hat Trick"?)
[09:28:56] GM: forearm shield is hit, for 20 carryover, but any mounted weapon is lost
[09:29:16] GM: If the dice say it's nasty it will be, but I will give the player every chance
[09:29:24] GM: Ryuu, your attacks
[09:31:09] FO Ryuu Hasegawa fires more rounds at the retreating Haydonite
[09:31:19] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[09:31:19] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [7,11] = (18)
[09:31:20] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [1d20+11] => [5,11] = (16)
[09:31:22] GM: three more rounds…or bursts?
[09:31:30] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[09:31:30] GM: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[09:31:30] GM: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[09:31:31] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (burst)
[09:31:41] GM: two hits as the Reaver retreats at full burn
[09:31:59] GM: wait one hit, you rolled a 1
[09:32:14] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:32:18] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: [3d4*10] => 90
[09:33:23] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (there you go)
[09:33:35] GM: Ryuu, your shots kill the thrusters on it's back [1d100+25] => [90,25] = (115)
[09:34:05] GM: and the Reaver face plants into the mine cart tracks tearing up the scenery for a good [1d30] => [23] = (23) feet
[09:34:20] GM: gage
[09:35:15] GM: (note it will take at least one attack to get into LOS of the enemy gage
[09:35:46] GM: not so much left and right, but up and down
[09:35:58] Gage slings off the remains of the shield and follows
[09:37:08] GM: roll you next two
[09:37:44] Gage fires a burst at the fleeing (to strike [1d20+12] => [16,12] = (28); [2d4*10] => 70)
[09:37:55] GM: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[09:39:05] GM: You catch up and see the enemy smoking on it's knees as it tries to stand, your burst blows it's chest out onto the ground in front of it and it collapsed backwards.
[09:39:44] GM: The enemy is subdued and the rest of the company moves forward, a grand total of 15 seconds has passed since the initiation of hostilities.
[09:40:09] GM: Actually 45 seconds, but, whatever
[09:40:47] Lt. Jaron looks at the damaged shield and frowns "This might be worse than Tirol", he motions his team onwards
[09:41:00] GM: You pass by KOed slaves as the gas, heavier then air, flows down the tunnel ahead of you.
[09:41:07] FO Ryuu Hasegawa: (brb guys)
[09:41:27] Gage returns and reloads with fresh clip in M90
[09:41:35] Lt. Ishida notes the slumbering slave stock.
[09:41:54] Lt. Ishida: Everyone of them we put behind us now, is one we save. Remember that Hammers.
[09:42:14] 2 LT Komillia: Roger Roger.
[09:42:43] GM: You reach the bend in the tunnel, where the platoons are to separate.
[09:44:32] GM: By know you have heard via comms, that the 85th has entered the cave network and is engaged in combat with the enemy firebases. Hav'Weth has reported that the lead element of her troops are within 50 klicks of the mountain in their dropships. As a bit of news, the enemy up top is…quiet…
[09:45:27] GM: Up on the surface (dt)
[09:45:43] Lt. Finch enters the TOC in a huff
[09:45:48] Lt. Finch: Sir!
[09:45:59] Col. Haywood: What is it Lieutenant?
[09:46:41] Lt. Finch: Sir, Karberran dropships are inbound our AO. IFF squawk is friendly, but they will not divert to LZ Zebra or Hotel.
[09:47:10] Col. Haywood stands as a wash of rage swells over him.
[09:47:29] Col. Haywood: Dammit! You get those bears to divert now! It may be their planet but this is my fucking AO!
[09:47:42] Lt. Finch: Yes sir! Right away Sir!
[09:47:55] GM: And, back inside the mountain!
[09:48:27] Lt. Jaron asks 2 & 4 "how much lead time due you need?"
[09:49:47] GySgt Kofflyn: We'll holler once we are in position, good hunting!
[09:50:12] GySgt Kofflyn: I estimate no more then 10 or 15 minutes depending on resistance.
[09:50:36] Lt. Jaron nods and gives a two finger wave off salute.
[09:50:44] GM: As if to punctuate that statement, recon marines from the 3rd call out contact front.
[09:51:01] GySgt Kofflyn: Well we best be on our way! Have fun.
[09:51:18] GySgt Kofflyn smiles devilishly then closes the cockpit to his Devo.
[09:52:39] GM: 2nd, 4th and FIST maneuver their way down the tunnel to their position using the intell provided by Sarah and Jaron. The lead elements lob KO gas as per SOP but recon element note a cadre of enemy approaching.
[09:53:13] UEMC Lt.: FIST! Front and center! Enemy to the front, engage and we will leap frog past you!
[09:53:40] Lt. Ishida: Roger that! Hammer 1-2, Hammer 1-3, on me!
[09:53:58] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan forms up tight "Roger"
[09:54:10] CWO2 Sarah nods quickly to the order and moves up to Suki, staying tight. "Acknowledged."
[09:56:05] GM: As you three maneuver down the tunnel ahead of your compatriots your sensors ping hostiles ahead, radar and motion counts 5, in a two front on middle two rear formation
[09:56:22] GM: (yes, just like it looks on a 6 sides (with dots)
[09:56:27] GM: (dots)
[09:57:01] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Does the Devo have IFF to tell us what they are exactly?)
[09:57:03] GM: percs
[09:57:12] GM: If it's ahead of you its bad
[09:57:19] GM: but yes a Devo does have IFF
[09:57:23] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[09:57:36] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[09:57:41] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: LT your IFF showing whats up ahead - Types?
[09:57:46] Lt. Ishida: ((well that, that's pretty suck))
[09:58:00] Lt. Jaron: (nice rolling guys )
[09:58:13] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (don't need rolls we have IFF )
[09:58:14] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5)
[09:58:18] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [24] = (24) vs 78%
[09:58:38] Lt. Ishida: (9yeah, are we uber or what, bet you wish you could roll like that!)
[09:58:46] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail perc. ))
[09:58:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( oblivious invid is oblivious ))
[09:59:13] Lt. Ishida: IFF has two light in front two heavy in rear. Warbook has nothing on center target.
[09:59:18] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (I'm good so long as the percp is EASY )
[09:59:43] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (can IFF link to the Cyclones to act as CCC?)
[10:00:06] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (or is that too much for the system on the Devo?)
[10:00:35] GM: I will make a roll for Vinny's 'Perfect Sight' system. [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[10:00:38] GM: YES!
[10:01:09] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Okay Surprise attack then?)
[10:01:12] GM: You two see the same thing, so does the rest of the Company
[10:01:18] CWO2 Sarah: (( ehehehehehehehe. Neat. ))
[10:01:28] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (You can all thank me later )
[10:01:38] GM: Roll Camo and Prowl to effect an ambush
[10:01:57] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (on a missile strike? plus don't have either)
[10:02:33] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [56] = (56) vs 63% Prowl, [1d100] => [72] = (72) vs 78% Camoflage.
[10:02:56] GM: Ishida goes all zen and becomes one with the tunnel.
[10:03:25] GM: Sarah and Rayn, roll it if you so choose
[10:03:39] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (can't don't have those skills mate)
[10:04:25] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (just want to surprise attack with missile volley using IFF to hit center target)
[10:04:34] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [73] = (73) Prowl vs… 49% unless there's a penalty for the Dev.
[10:04:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail ))
[10:04:54] GM: Yeah, you to are as sneaky as a mammoth ina phone booth
[10:04:56] GM: Inits
[10:05:03] CWO2 Sarah: (( gee, thanks ))
[10:05:11] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14)
[10:05:14] CWO2 Sarah: (( *bangs on a pot* ))
[10:05:23] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:05:35] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[10:05:35] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:05:35] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:05:35] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[10:05:37] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
[10:05:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[10:05:53] Lt. Jaron: (wow…low rollers)
[10:06:11] Haydonite Reaver: ((don’t you wish you could be as cool as us?))
[10:06:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( heh heh heh ))
[10:07:03] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: LT … got mines if we need em
[10:07:34] Lt. Ishida: No mines! 2nd and 4th will be bypassing us once we go loud!
[10:08:00] GM: [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9)
[10:08:00] GM: [1d20+2] => [17,2] = (19)
[10:08:00] GM: [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
[10:08:01] GM: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[10:08:04] GM: [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18)
[10:08:27] GM: Only one Haydonite is oblivious, but the other 4 are not.
[10:09:01] GM: Note at this point you can see all of them and they can see all of you [1d100] => [53] = (53) vs 65% Detect Concealment
[10:09:08] GM: All can see everyone
[10:09:48] GM: The center Haydonite is a Heavy Reaver but about 25% larger then the others, it has spikes and chain adorning it's armor and is armed with a wicked looking Bardiche
[10:10:09] GM: ((pic on upper map))
[10:10:38] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[10:11:32] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Whats Ishida's IFF link bonus for us to strike?)
[10:12:52] GM: The two haydonite up front open fire on [1d2] => [2] = (2) Rayn 1 Sarah 2 (only the guy in the middle noticed Suki) [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) and [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23) then [1d2] => [1] = (1) [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14) [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) and then one in the rear at [1d2] => [2] = (2) [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) and [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[10:13:29] GM: Sarah 4 dodges, Rayn 2
[10:14:09] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:14:11] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[10:14:12] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[10:14:12] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[10:14:24] GM: Sarah is dogy mc gee
[10:14:42] GM: Rayn, need 2 dodges from you and then it is your attack
[10:14:46] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:14:47] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:14:53] GM: you are hit once
[10:15:03] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 65
[10:15:06] GM: main body
[10:16:45] GM: Rayn, your attack
[10:16:52] GM: And then Sarah
[10:17:46] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Full Missile Volley at the Largest Reaver… 6 Short Range Plasma Napalm (15ft blast)
[10:17:55] GM: Are you sure you want to do that?
[10:18:04] GM: This will be the only GM warning I give.
[10:19:53] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Military Etiquette [1d100] => [62] = (62) vs 55 to see how stupid Rayn is today if he is just itchy trigger finger but calls off the missiles or does it anyway
[10:20:03] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: And seems Rayn isn't very smart today
[10:20:13] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Full volley
[10:20:25] GM: Suki will interrupt with one attack [1d20+12] => [17,12] = (29)
[10:21:11] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Reminds me of Gurren Laggen)
[10:21:14] Lt. Ishida: Reaches out with her Devo and yanks Rayn onto his ass.
[10:21:18] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Fire fire fire)
[10:21:34] Lt. Ishida: Check your fire! There are civilians in the tunnel!!!!
[10:21:44] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (that will take me off my cyclone)
[10:22:11] GM: Suki and Rayn have both lost one attack, it is still Rayn's round, go.
[10:22:17] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Sidecar is mounted cycle mode)
[10:22:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( didn't know we were ever in cycle mode actually ))
[10:22:49] 2 LT Komillia: ((So you're the guy that couldn't hit ANYTHING no matter what he spammed until the LAST episode?))
[10:22:59] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol @ Komi ))
[10:23:14] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Remounts cyclone - 1 attack)
[10:24:35] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan bitches under his breath only thing that seems to make sense is '… not civiies'
[10:25:04] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Transform and suppressing fire beyond 2 attacks fyi
[10:25:15] GM: Roll
[10:25:25] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (How many times now?)
[10:25:30] GM: Sarah, you are next so…
[10:25:31] GM: 1
[10:25:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( kk ))
[10:25:44] GM: One roll Rayn
[10:25:48] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[10:25:57] GM: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:25:57] GM: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[10:25:57] GM: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[10:25:58] GM: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:25:58] GM: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[10:26:22] GM: The enemy 'saves' and is not hit by the initial burst of suppressive fire
[10:26:31] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Number of Targets = [1d4] => [1] = (1) taking [2d4*10] => 30 DMG
[10:26:39] GM: Hmm wait, I have to roll actual dodges done I
[10:26:54] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Cant save per MV885 rules you posted)
[10:27:17] GM: Nod so dodges need to be made
[10:27:42] GM: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[10:27:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[10:27:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:27:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[10:27:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[10:28:02] GM: You hit target number 3 for 30
[10:28:11] GM: Sarah, your attack
[10:28:13] CWO2 Sarah fires the beam cannon three times at one of the front Reavers, for herself. Nothing too fancy for her, since she doesn't want to have explosions go wild and hit anyone. [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22) [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13) [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[10:28:14] GM: (s)
[10:28:25] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:28:26] GM: [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[10:28:26] GM: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[10:28:30] GM: One hit
[10:28:37] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 50
[10:28:49] GM: that last guy made you look bad, he just side stepped
[10:29:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( fired three times at /one/ Reaver, to make sure it went down ))
[10:30:09] GM: Reaver in the rear raises up his coil gun and fires thrice at [1d2] => [1] = (1) [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25), [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17) and [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:30:43] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (FYI ongoing suppressing fire so that would be a simultaneous attack and he'll take damage no?)
[10:30:48] GM: Suki will Int and try to blow off the weapon arm. [1d20+12] => [9,12] = (21) and [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[10:31:24] GM: Suki misses both times the arm so Sarah you have to dodge, the enemy tries to evade [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26) and [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[10:31:34] GM: Enemy takes no damage!
[10:31:38] GM: Roll dodge Sarah
[10:32:10] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[10:32:26] GM: you dodge attack number 1
[10:32:34] GM: you have two more
[10:32:40] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[10:32:42] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[10:32:49] GM: you are free and clear
[10:33:48] GM: Enemy boss charges and attacks [1d3] => [2] = (2) Sarah 1 , Rayn 2, Suki 3 , with the melee weapon a few times [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25) [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) and [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[10:34:10] GM: Sarah, you are SO lucky, roll three dodges
[10:34:31] CWO2 Sarah: (( hay, you said I was 1 and Rayn was 2. ))
[10:34:47] GM: nm Rayn
[10:34:54] CWO2 Sarah: (( grr. ))
[10:34:54] GM: YOU are SO lucky
[10:35:04] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Um so whats all that continuous suppressive fire? - a light show?)
[10:35:24] GM: well, right now the enemy get his shots at you,
[10:35:40] GM: we'll cover the continued suppressive fire in a second
[10:36:22] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (there’s no dodge for me - but if this guys doing melee then he's closing under HEAVY HEAVY Lead Rain
[10:37:10] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (So that’s a 1d4 for each attack it takes him to close and strike for how many times he gets hit)
[10:37:11] GM: Well that’s a choice you have to make, you just since you opened up on the last attack, just spun, and opened up, you may parry with the weapon, but must cease your fire to do so.
[10:38:13] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Rule says no dodge under suppressing fire on MV-885 and I'm not gonna parry with my primary weapon)
[10:38:18] GM: and you did hit one target on your initial firing, once the next rotation begins (after enemy attack) you get to do damage again)
[10:38:44] GM: so you are hit three times, makes sense, enemy goes after the guy with the mini gun…
[10:39:18] GM: [2d6*10] => 50 for the two non crits
[10:39:20] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (well calling continuous in advance means to me anything that has its head up is getting hit because of the 885 ROF)
[10:39:26] GM: 50 main body
[10:39:36] GM: [1d6*10] => 40
[10:39:43] GM: 80 for the crit
[10:40:34] GM: that’s a total of -130 to the MB of your cyc
[10:41:00] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (below 60% for optional damage table fyi just before that crit hit)
[10:41:18] GM: round starts over enemy fires at [1d3] => [1] = (1) [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13) , [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[10:41:31] GM: no you still have some MD left before 60%
[10:41:36] GM: Sarah
[10:41:59] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Not even -147 damage is the 60% mark just did the math)
[10:42:17] GM: [1d3] => [1] = (1) [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) and [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) , [1d3] => [3] = (3) [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13) and [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:42:28] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (oops nvm)
[10:42:34] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (was only 130)
[10:42:49] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (wait I had prior damage - that’s why)
[10:42:56] GM: Sarah, 2 more, and Suki 2
[10:43:07] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (VR-057 is at 50 MDC remaining)
[10:43:21] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[10:43:23] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[10:43:26] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [4,18] = (22)
[10:43:29] CWO2 Sarah: (( arg ))
[10:43:38] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail ))
[10:43:58] Lt. Ishida: [2d6*10+30] => 110
[10:44:09] Chris: 110 main body Sarah
[10:44:24] Chris: Rayn, you suppressive fire is still going
[10:44:29] Chris: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:44:29] Chris: [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[10:44:30] Chris: [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[10:44:30] Chris: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[10:44:31] Chris: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[10:44:37] CWO2 Sarah: (( 190/300 then ))
[10:44:47] Chris: You hit one more based on you previous strike of 15
[10:45:19] Chris: You have one attack used going into this round, you have 2 attacks to play with. Go
[10:46:19] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Targets Hit = [1d4] => [1] = (1) ; and DMG = [2d4*10] => 50 to each
[10:46:44] Chris: kk, next two attacks, what do you do, what DO you DO!?
[10:47:17] GM: You may roll a tactics for advice at no charge to your attacks
[10:47:56] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (lol if I had it - nope just keep doing my job and let someone else save my arse or die doing my duty…)
[10:47:58] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Targets Hit = [1d4] => [2] = (2) ; and DMG = [2d4*10] => 30 to each
[10:48:01] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Targets Hit = [1d4] => [2] = (2) ; and DMG = [2d4*10] => 80 to each
[10:48:08] GM: roll strike
[10:48:16] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Don't have to per your rules
[10:48:41] GM: every THIRD attack
[10:48:49] GM: so you have to roll once
[10:49:27] GM: Sarah, you are up next hon
[10:49:45] CWO2 Sarah: (( *nods* ))
[10:49:47] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Could I finally get that IFF bonus I asked about so I can roll? - was gonna roll after this round but np I can roll)
[10:49:55] GM: add +2
[10:50:02] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[10:50:07] GM: yuck
[10:50:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[10:50:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[10:50:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[10:50:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:50:13] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:50:21] GM: well, you hit one
[10:50:29] GM: Sarah
[10:50:33] CWO2 Sarah once again fires the beam cannon three times, aiming for the lead Reaver with the axe, since he seems to be the biggest threat for the moment. [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[10:50:48] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Chris - 885 is like ROF 3000 per you - how can any freakin NPC dodge that shit?)
[10:51:02] GM: (actually hit the big one Rayn, and, based on that, you notice, to your horror, this fucker has shields.,
[10:51:05] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Its either take cover or get hit right?)
[10:51:54] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan now wishes he had actually used those missiles
[10:52:13] GM: (I'm going by the rules Rayn, if there is no save there is a dodge available. it's a double edges sword, you roll high and you own, you roll low, and the enemy has a very good chance of avoiding harm
[10:52:41] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:52:41] GM: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:52:42] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:52:52] GM: Three hits Sarah! one is a crit!
[10:52:53] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 80
[10:53:08] CWO2 Sarah: [((2d4*10)+20)*2] => 120
[10:53:11] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (I call bullshit - but I won't try to argue the point, but now there is NO POINT to continuous suppressing fire anymore)
[10:53:12] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 90
[10:53:36] CWO2 Sarah: [80,90,120] => (80, 90, 120)
[10:53:46] CWO2 Sarah: (( er. ))
[10:53:48] GM: Nod we can debate it later, and if you are right I'll give you your due.
[10:53:52] CWO2 Sarah: [80+90+120] => 290
[10:54:24] GM: Sarah, you knock the enemies shield down, weakened as it was by Rayn's fire, your rounds tear chinks form it's main body.
[10:54:25] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (I am right but Rayn'll be dead before that debate happens)
[10:54:50] GM: The enemy boss, uses his three to retreat
[10:55:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( *cheers* ))
[10:55:20] GM: Interrupting the rear most reaver who fires twice at [1d3] => [2] = (2) [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) and [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[10:55:20] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: ((pussy))
[10:55:29] GM: Rayn…
[10:55:40] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (whats the Damage?)
[10:55:55] GM: you have to parry or take it, I have to wait for your call
[10:56:15] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (That was the call - no parry DMG pls)
[10:56:19] GM: kk
[10:57:17] GM: [1d6*10] => 10 and [1d6*10] => 30 but Suki will try again to int and hit the weapon arm. [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16) , [1d20+12] => [20,12] = (32)
[10:57:41] GM: You get hit for 10, but Suki does [2d4*10] => 60
[10:57:43] GM: 120
[10:58:07] GM: blowing the weapon arm off saving you from taking the last 30 which would have crited to 60
[10:58:28] GM: Suki uses her last attack to fire at the retreating boss [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[10:58:30] GM: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[10:58:31] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (still need that 60% damage roll on systems etc… long time ago actually)
[10:58:35] GM: Missing poorly
[10:58:39] GM: roll 100
[10:59:04] GM: actually no you still have 7 md to go before you have to roll
[10:59:47] GM: The remaining Haydonites use one attack each to backpedal following their bodd, but fire one at y’all
[10:59:54] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (GM your wrong I am at 40 MDC remaining)
[11:00:04] GM: [3d3] => [2,1,2] = (5)
[11:00:11] GM: Rayn Sarah Rayn
[11:00:33] GM: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17) [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) and [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[11:00:41] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Taking the damage and not letting up on the suppressing fire)
[11:00:44] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[11:00:50] GM: Sarah, beat a 17 and a 24, Rayn beat a 15
[11:01:12] GM: [1d10*10+15] => 65 to Rayn Main body
[11:01:20] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[11:01:38] GM: sarah one hit [1d6*10+15] => 25
[11:01:47] GM: Rayn roll d100
[11:02:08] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (( thats -25 to the Cyclone - is destroyed! and - 25 MDC to my CVR-3))
[11:02:09] GM: and then continue your attacks, roll once more or change to dircet fore, your call
[11:02:39] GM: -25 plus the -65 earlier, [25+65] => 90
[11:03:13] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Nope I had prior damage as I told you got hit for 65
[11:03:16] GM: -90 out of 120
[11:03:22] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: On the opening attack
[11:03:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( 165/300 for me ))
[11:03:29] GM: you took the -65 prior to going into battloid
[11:03:47] GM: and that was straight to CVR
[11:03:48] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Yeah to the Main body meaning the cyclone bro)
[11:03:59] GM: the cyc was in bike mode buddy
[11:04:06] GM: Main body meant you
[11:05:13] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[11:05:13] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[11:05:14] GM: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[11:05:14] GM: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[11:05:14] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (it really sux when you call things 15 minutes after the fact - anyway rolling)
[11:05:20] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[11:05:47] GM: well the cyc is toast anyway, but just before it goes, the electrical system shorts out
[11:05:57] GM: Sarah your turn
[11:06:19] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Whats the dmg on my CVR-3 so I can keep up?)
[11:06:24] GM: -90
[11:06:30] GM: in total
[11:07:28] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan pops the releases on the shredded Cyclone
[11:07:59] CWO2 Sarah: (( I'm assuming that I was in battloid mode, and the main body to me was to the cyc? ))
[11:08:09] CWO2 Sarah: (( I'd hope ))
[11:08:24] GM: you are in a Devo in Battloid and deployed as such you are -25 to your main body, it is your attack
[11:08:28] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Does the 885 still operate if I hold it manually since the power system doesn't affect the ammo belt feed?)
[11:08:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( right. ))
[11:09:35] GM: Rayn, you would be using is much like Rick did that Zent rifle, don’t try to pick it, up, but use it braces maybe using your shredded cyc as a sandbag or something, but yes, for no tho direct fire, since you have lost the ability to effectively control the weapon
[11:09:43] CWO2 Sarah watches the retreating leader, wanting to get three more shot4s in before he gets away to recharge shields, unless one of the others blocks her. She fires down the hallway in that direction, firing shots 7, 8 and 9 from her beam cannon, quickly. [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10) [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[11:09:59] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[11:09:59] GM: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[11:10:00] GM: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17)
[11:10:07] GM: one hit
[11:10:16] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (PS 33 and I have lost the ability to control the weapon??!! Srsly?!)
[11:10:28] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 80
[11:10:39] GM: Rayn…if you wish to make a Strength check do so,
[11:10:58] GM: Sarah you pelt the enemy in the rear but the armor holds and the bastard turns the bend
[11:11:06] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Strength Check - not sure how to do that given I can carry well over 800 lbs)
[11:11:09] GM: (you were 20 MD short))
[11:11:28] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (And lift over 1600)
[11:11:42] GM: Do you make it?
[11:11:55] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[11:11:57] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (need something to roll against)
[11:12:03] Lt. Jaron: (1d30)
[11:12:09] Haydonite Reaver: I think you'll beat it regardless
[11:12:32] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d33] => [26] = (26)
[11:12:59] CWO2 Sarah: (( *grump* hehehe ))
[11:13:07] GM: Last enemy fires at [1d3] => [1] = (1) with it's arm guns since it's one arm has been blown off prior [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27) and [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[11:13:09] GM: Sarah
[11:13:17] GM: One will hit you, one is a miss
[11:13:36] CWO2 Sarah: (( eh? ))
[11:13:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( I don't get a dodge? ))
[11:13:52] GM: Suki will fire at the rear most Reaver two times and once and one towards the front [1d20+12] => [17,12] = (29), [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20) and [1d20+12] => [13,12] = (25)
[11:14:14] GM: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[11:14:14] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[11:14:14] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[11:14:22] CWO2 Sarah: (( okay, unless it was a nat 20 I don't dodge it, but… ))
[11:14:35] GM: [2d4*10] => 40 , [2d4*10] => 60 and [2d4*10] => 20
[11:14:51] GM: The one near the rear crumples, and one towards the front takes light damage
[11:15:18] GM: you do get a dodge, just waiting on it
[11:15:25] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[11:15:31] GM: it hits
[11:15:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( well, that sucked. ))
[11:15:39] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 35
[11:16:09] GM: The one towards the rear retreats leaving the two up front as 2nd platoon moves up past you
[11:16:43] GM: Rayn, Suki also dump the cyc in box mode (interrupting the enemy for an attack) on her back for you
[11:17:23] GM: [2d3] => [3,2] = (5) [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13) [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17) and [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[11:17:30] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (mate I'm still waiting on my last action… )
[11:17:30] GM: Suki and Rayn
[11:17:45] GM: did you roll your d30?
[11:17:56] GM: you did, and you may heft your weapon
[11:18:33] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [2,18] = (20)
[11:18:33] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+18] => [4,18] = (22)
[11:18:56] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 35 to Suki
[11:19:08] GM: Rayn you have one dodge to make
[11:19:18] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Is there even still a target?)
[11:19:24] GM: And then it is your turn
[11:19:28] GM: there are two
[11:20:18] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: Roll impact after popping seals and going for the 885
[11:20:40] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[11:20:47] GM: you dodge
[11:20:51] GM: You attack
[11:20:58] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (was a roll with impact roll)
[11:21:12] GM: look, just take the dodge which I'm givin ya
[11:21:17] GM: roll your attacks
[11:21:20] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (reduced damage - my dodge out of cyclone isn't high enough)
[11:21:55] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[11:21:56] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[11:21:56] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[11:21:57] GM: you rolled a nat 18 which is higher then the enemies roll and bonus combined, dun argue lol
[11:22:10] GM: [1d20+-4] => [9,-4] = (5)
[11:22:10] GM: [1d20+-4] => [19,-4] = (15)
[11:22:28] GM: [1d20-4] => [19,-4] = (15)
[11:22:34] GM: one hit full damage
[11:22:46] GM: Damn enemy is on fire
[11:22:48] GM: Sarah your go
[11:23:00] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: [2d4*10] => 60
[11:23:23] GM: The forward left enemy crumples
[11:24:04] CWO2 Sarah picks one of the new enemies, or the remaining one anyway, and fires twice, stopping in between shots to change the clip in her beam cannon. [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19) [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[11:24:17] GM: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[11:24:17] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[11:24:23] GM: Big wiffah
[11:24:34] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan calls out over CVR-3 comm… NEED A SCREEN HERE LADIES!
[11:24:53] Lt. Jaron: (I thought you all would make us look weak )
[11:25:07] GM: Suki tries to redeem the FIST's honor [1d20+12] => [9,12] = (21) [1d20+12] => [9,12] = (21) and third attack moves her Devo in between the enemy and Rayn
[11:25:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[11:25:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[11:25:21] GM: Two hit, and the one by the barest of margins
[11:25:33] GM: [4d4*10] => 110
[11:25:41] GM: The last enemy is shredded.
[11:25:47] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Need to know if I can still find Targets under the screen of the Devo?)
[11:26:02] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (nvm)
[11:26:03] GM: By this time 2nd and 4th have leapfrogged your position
[11:27:01] GM: The rest of the net got to see Rayn yanked off his mecha, spray and pray and get cleaved out of his cyclone, while the rest of the FIST kills the rest of the enemy, it is ugly, but hell, it's a win.
[11:27:36] GM: But to be fair, you all do get to See Rayn lift a cyc weapon bear handed and finish off an enemy at near point blank range
[11:27:41] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Hey and Me gunning an 885 by hand)
[11:27:53] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (Exactly)
[11:28:20] Pvt. "Rayn" Raihan: (That’s gotta be worth a meddle or something )
[11:28:20] GM: Tune in next time when the heroes charge the Fold Chamber!!