[07:42:21] GM: Okay, the enemy bombers continue on dispite a trio of them being downed by you all on your first pass. Some 40 miles away the Training Flight is mixing it up with Haydonite escort fighters and by the radio chatter they are having a tough time. The bombers are about 200 miles shy of the base and are moving at a fair clip (600mph). RSI and init rolls please.
[07:43:09] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [100] = (100) vs. 70%, [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17) init
[07:43:13] Lt. Ishida: RSI = [1d100] => [35] = (35), Init = [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[07:43:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( wow, RSI epic fail ))
[07:43:42] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [56] = (56) vs 60 RSI, [1d20] => [15] = (15) PERC, [1d20+3] => [4,3] = (7) Init.
[07:43:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [67] = (67) vs. 68% rsi, [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21) init
[07:44:00] GM: Sarah, your getting 'Karberran woah oh, radio."
[07:44:20] 2 LT Komillia: ((And Sarah's Radar is now showing lolcats.))
[07:44:21] Lt. Jaron: sensory [1d100] => [78] = (78) vs 65, Initiative [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16)
[07:44:28] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekekekeke ))
[07:44:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( yay lolcats ))
[07:44:44] GM: And Jaron's can has cheeseburgers
[07:47:05] Haydonite: [6d20] => [17,8,18,3,13,4] = (63)
[07:48:48] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11)
[07:49:35] Lt. Fallnya: [1d100] => [55] = (55) vs 63% RSI
[07:52:17] Haydonite: Okay, those that made your RSI by any number get a Blue Force Tracker alert. Friendly fighters are approaching from the base, and the base Air Defenses have begun to open fire. Missiles have lifted off from the base's Phalanx units. (dt)
[07:52:36] GM: Thank you friendly haydonite… kk (dt)
[07:53:24] GM: For those that made your RSI by better then 15 points. You notice a flight of enemy fast movers diving at y’all. (dt)
[07:54:07] GM: For those that made your roll by 25 points, you notice the Training flight is having rings flown around them by the haydonite fighters they are mixed up with.
[07:56:03] GM: Responses in Init order. Init order is H, Komi, H, Lu, H, Jaron, Suki, H, Sarah, H, Ay, H.
[07:59:27] Lt. Ishida: Me.
[07:59:38] GM: Okay, Suki, go ahead.
[07:59:53] Lt. Ishida calls out the enemy incoming.
[08:01:07] Lt. Ishida: Fairman, enemy diving from above. I count six. I hate to do this to you but, that Training flight is getting trounced, I'm going to pull my flight to aid them until the bases CAP fighters can take over.
[08:02:07] GM: You can respond, just no monologues lol
[08:03:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( 1335. I can not filibuster in the middle of my dying speech to buy the cleric more time. (or any variation thereof) ))
[08:03:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((prepares toastmaster speech…))
[08:03:33] GM: Exactly.
[08:03:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( *writes up a huge filibuster as such* ))
[08:04:13] Lt. Jaron radios "Roger that"
[08:04:33] GM: Sarah?
[08:04:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( I kid ))
[08:04:41] GM: Anything from you?
[08:05:02] CWO2 Sarah glances up at that. "Acknowledged. Adjusting course."
[08:05:28] GM: Okay. combat times.
[08:06:35] GM: The lead (lowball init) Haydonite opens fire at [1d6] => [4] = (4) 1 komi, 2 lu, 3 Jaron, 4 suki, 5 sarah, 6 ay with both guns as it dives thru your formation.
[08:06:45] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekeke ))
[08:06:50] CWO2 Sarah: (( *hugs Suki* ))
[08:06:53] GM: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24) at the [1d100] => [96] = (96) top
[08:07:22] Lt. Ishida will try and evade the enemy fire. [1d20+21] => [4,21] = (25)
[08:07:38] GM: Ooooo you are so lucky!
[08:07:50] GM: Komi, your turn.
[08:09:11] 2 LT Komillia fires all guns at Haydonite 2. "All Haydonites who stay in my line of fire will be great contributors to my kill count, all others will be shot." [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[08:09:18] GM: ((For note, a top hit location of a 96% would have been the cockpit.))
[08:09:25] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:09:33] 2 LT Komillia: ((rofl))
[08:09:54] GM: The hapless Haydonite will attempt to avoid Komi's blazing electric death [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[08:10:02] GM: Roll damage.
[08:10:43] 2 LT Komillia: [((3d8*10)+35)*2] => 290 gunpod, [(4d6*10)*2] => 260
[08:10:49] 2 LT Komillia: [290+260] => 550
[08:10:50] GM: The second Haydonite opens fire on [1d6] => [4] = (4), [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[08:11:03] CWO2 Sarah: (( eek ))
[08:11:07] 2 LT Komillia: Thank you for your cooperation.
[08:11:13] GM: But is shredded before it can fire. Komillia , your target is confetti.
[08:11:39] 2 LT Komillia: ((You're SERIOUSLY gonna rob me of my crit?))
[08:11:39] GM: Actually, no, target 1 is confetti, target 4 roll to dodge.
[08:12:00] GM: ((no you hit))
[08:12:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((nvm))
[08:12:16] 2 LT Komillia: ((Misread your line.))
[08:12:20] CWO2 Sarah: (( "your target is confetti", Komi ))
[08:12:25] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [6,21] = (27)
[08:12:50] GM: Attackers win ties, Suki you are hit in the [1d100] => [3] = (3)
[08:13:16] GM: Alpha , sub location [1d100] => [3] = (3)
[08:13:22] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep. ))
[08:13:52] GM: Okay then…arm thruster for [4d4x10] => 4d4x10
[08:14:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((-6 to dodge!))
[08:14:06] GM: [4d4*10] => 120
[08:14:15] CWO2 Sarah: (( heh. arm thruster, oh. ))
[08:14:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( wee ))
[08:15:17] GM: The Super arm module is blow clean off and 20 point carry over to your forearm.
[08:15:23] GM: Lurana
[08:15:26] GM: Your turn
[08:15:59] Lt. Fallnya: (how many left?
[08:16:12] GM: 5
[08:16:30] GM: remember locking up a bunch takes an attack and a successful RSI roll
[08:16:53] Lt. Fallnya she target locks all 5, trying to finish them off launching 2 missiles on each [1d100] => [57] = (57) vs 63% RSI
[08:17:08] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11) to strike all of them with 2 missiles a piece
[08:17:14] GM: Lurana, your targeting computer is chewing on the data, but it looks good.
[08:17:16] Lt. Fallnya: (sigh my dice hate me
[08:17:32] GM: Your missiles will launch next attack
[08:17:48] GM: Right now your systems are locking them all up, takes a lil bit.
[08:17:52] Lt. Fallnya: (same dice roll?
[08:18:06] GM: Yes. We'll keep the 11
[08:18:38] GM: The third haydonite dives as well attacking [1d6] => [3] = (3) [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[08:18:46] GM: Jaron,
[08:18:50] GM: You are getting shot at
[08:19:13] GM: Coincidentally, it's also your attack next so.
[08:20:06] Lt. Jaron tries to evade (to dodge [1d20+14] => [8,14] = (22))to the fire as he hits the thrusters and tries to get infront of a bomber and open up with a volley of 4 (to strike [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19))
[08:21:17] GM: The bomber lays out some chaff as it's point D guns go after your missiles [1d100] => [93] = (93) 75 is the number to beat [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10) to hit missiles.
[08:22:20] GM: [1d100] => [46] = (46)
[08:22:40] GM: Two missiles are taken out, but the other two hit.
[08:22:44] GM: Roll damage.
[08:23:04] GM: Suki, you interrupted earlier and are on your way out of the furball.
[08:23:33] GM: The 4th Haydonite fighter makes it's dive firing at [1d6] => [3] = (3) [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[08:23:37] GM: Jaron again
[08:24:37] Lt. Jaron tries to dodge again ([1d20+14] => [17,14] = (31), [6d6*10] => 110 damage)
[08:25:12] GM: Jaron you evade the enemy fire and your two missiles hit, the enemy craft is hit in the [1d100] => [86] = (86)
[08:25:37] GM: Main body, and continues on trailing smoke.
[08:25:41] GM: Sarah your turn.
[08:27:37] GM: Sarah?
[08:27:42] CWO2 Sarah: (( *pokes Jaron* ))
[08:27:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( ack ))
[08:27:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( scroll got bumped off ))
[08:28:06] CWO2 Sarah: (( didn't I take my turn as interrupt when I responded to Suki and started adjusting course? ))
[08:28:24] GM: No, you just said your response, now it your action
[08:28:29] CWO2 Sarah: (( kk ))
[08:28:50] CWO2 Sarah adjusts to follow Suki to the other furball to help the rookies, and pushes her engines to full.
[08:29:00] CWO2 Sarah: (( there ))
[08:29:16] GM: The 5th Haydonite dives and fires at [1d6] => [4] = (4) [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[08:29:26] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [11,21] = (32)
[08:29:39] GM: Ay, your turn.
[08:30:27] Lt. Ishida wants to know who slapped the Kick Me sign on her fighter.
[08:30:42] GM: Ay? your turn
[08:31:16] GM: Ay?
[08:31:22] CWO2 Sarah: (( *nod*] ))
[08:31:31] GM: The 6th Haydonite dives and fires at [1d6] => [2] = (2) [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[08:31:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( chill ))
[08:31:45] GM: Lurana, you are getting shot at.
[08:32:32] 2Lt. Aylanea adjusts and fires at one of the remaining Haydonites, firing her dual EU-15s and her dual EU-13s from her Beta. [1d20+14] => [11,14] = (25)
[08:32:54] GM: The enemy fighter tries to evade [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[08:32:59] GM: And does so!
[08:33:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ooooh. ))
[08:33:02] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+15] => [16,15] = (31)
[08:33:07] Lt. Fallnya: dodge
[08:33:10] GM: Lurana, you also evade.
[08:33:14] GM: Komillia
[08:33:19] GM: your turn.
[08:34:27] 2 LT Komillia: "Does a machine such as yourself experience fear?!" firing all the guns into the nearest Haydonite. [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[08:34:57] GM: The enemy moves to evade [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[08:35:04] GM: but doesn’t quite make it.
[08:35:06] GM: Damage.
[08:35:18] 2 LT Komillia: [(3d8*10)+35] => 225 gunpod, [4d6*10] => 160 cannons
[08:35:24] 2 LT Komillia: [225+160] => 385
[08:36:11] GM: Your second kill of the day, your target is shredded. Lurana, your missiles launch!
[08:37:25] GM: The enemy go stupid to evade the missiles. 1 [1d20+11] => [20,11] = (31), 2 [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14), 3 [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24), 4 [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[08:37:27] Lt. Fallnya: (any that were destroyed lose target lock and dont launch right?
[08:37:48] Lt. Fallnya: (1 auto miss
[08:37:53] Lt. Fallnya: (i think
[08:37:58] GM: Only one enemy is hit by your spread, roll damage for two missiles.
[08:38:03] Lt. Fallnya: (or auto fail
[08:38:38] Lt. Fallnya: [(2d6*10)*2] => 140
[08:38:43] GM: You hit it in the [1d100] => [88] = (88) for 140
[08:39:00] GM: Main body. The Wraith is smoking badly, but is still in the air.
[08:39:46] GM: The enemy pulls up and looks for a piddy. [1d6] => [5] = (5)
[08:40:07] GM: Sarah, you have one on your tail. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[08:41:17] GM: Meanwhile, Jaron, it is your turn.
[08:41:22] Lt. Jaron transforms to battloid and rears back to throw a punch into the cockpit area (called shot; power punch [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24))
[08:41:54] GM: The Wraith tries to avoid running into you. [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[08:42:06] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:42:51] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19) dodge
[08:43:00] 2 LT Komillia: Now that's my kinda move!
[08:43:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( failed dodge. *snif* ))
[08:43:47] GM: Roll damage. I will figure the speed difference tween Jaron and the enemy is about 250 mph [1d6*25] => 75
[08:44:00] Lt. Jaron: (its the bomber but anyways a critical hit with the 18 so [10d8] => [1,6,4,3,2,2,1,2,3,5] = (29))
[08:44:14] GM: Sarah, you are hit in the [1d100] => [19] = (19) for [4d4*10] => 120
[08:44:42] GM: Upper Arm shield Right side.
[08:45:45] GM: Blowing it clean off, you Beta is no without it's right wing, roll a control roll.
[08:46:20] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [87] = (87) vs. 85% pilot Veritech
[08:46:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail. ))
[08:46:26] GM: [29+75] => 104
[08:46:33] 2 LT Komillia: ((Dump the Beta. It'll only be your what? Hundredth loss of a Beta?))
[08:46:42] CWO2 Sarah: (( *smacks Komi* ))
[08:47:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( rar ))
[08:47:26] GM: You do 104 to the enemy wraith, your arm / hand takes 75, the hand is turned into scrap and pushed back into your forearm which takes 30 MD in carryover.
[08:47:57] Lt. Jaron: (alright, any effect on the bomber?)
[08:48:00] GM: Sarah, your legios flips over and heads for the deck.
[08:48:49] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:49:01] CWO2 Sarah: (( lemme know when I can roll to try and right it. ))
[08:49:27] Lt. Fallnya: (i thought she was in just a beta not a legios?)
[08:49:44] CWO2 Sarah: (( both she and Suki took a full Legios down to Karbarra. ))
[08:49:50] CWO2 Sarah: (( so did some others. ))
[08:49:52] GM: I'll give the Bomber a pilots compartment of 100 the same MD as an average ASC battloid.
[08:50:02] 2 LT Komillia: ((I still say just dump the Beta, or transform it.))
[08:50:03] Lt. Fallnya: (i think i would have just did super
[08:50:07] GM: We are all in Legios')
[08:50:16] Lt. Fallnya: (fudge)
[08:50:21] 2 LT Komillia: ((I'm not.))
[08:50:29] GM: Well, okay, not Komi
[08:50:30] CWO2 Sarah: (( upside down, transforming it won't help much ))
[08:50:54] GM: Jaron, the bomber lurches and you can see crew spill out from underneath it as the bomber spirels downward.
[08:51:02] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol! ))
[08:51:25] GM: Suki your turn.
[08:52:02] Lt. Jaron radios "One finally down. Someone target the other bomber and I will get the other. The rest of you help Tango squad"
[08:52:24] Lt. Ishida pulls her craft back and tries to pull Sarah out of her dive. [1d100] => [45] = (45) vs 79%
[08:53:05] GM: The next enemy fires at [1d6] => [2] = (2) [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[08:53:09] GM: Lurana.
[08:54:19] GM: Suki, you are able to catch up and grab a hold (Battloid mode attached to Beta) Sarah, while Lu makes her dodge, it is your turn.
[08:54:29] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+15] => [16,15] = (31)
[08:54:38] GM: Lu you avoid damage.
[08:54:43] Lt. Fallnya: (my turn?
[08:54:57] GM: No, you fired your missiles earlier.
[08:54:57] Lt. Fallnya: (and what we got left?
[08:55:06] Lt. Fallnya: (oh
[08:55:26] GM: you have about 3 or 4 bombers that are now behind you, and 4 wraiths all up in your face.
[08:55:29] CWO2 Sarah grumbles softly. "This is embarrassing…" She tries to gently set her Legios down if she needs to. "We close enough to pick the Beta up later without it being in danger?"
[08:55:54] GM: Piloting roll Sarah you get a bonus 5% for Suki's assist.
[08:56:17] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [37] = (37) vs. 85%
[08:56:33] GM: The next enemy fires at [1d6] => [6] = (6) [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[08:56:41] GM: Ay! Your turn in the pickle barrel.
[08:57:23] 2Lt. Aylanea ooohs as one shoots at her, and yanks on her controls to make a dodge for it. [1d20+20] => [2,20] = (22)
[08:57:39] GM: I think that’s a hit
[08:58:14] 2 LT Komillia: ((Wait, +20?))
[08:58:36] GM: Ay, your legios is hit in the [1d100] => [58] = (58) , [1d100] => [97] = (97) for [4d4*10] => 90 (yeah, she's a Zent…grumble, I mean YAY! )
[08:59:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( that was a hit? ))
[08:59:10] GM: yes, 1-2 auto fuck up
[08:59:18] GM: I lowered it from 4
[08:59:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ah. ))
[08:59:39] GM: so yes, your threes and fours will be cool, have been for a while now
[08:59:49] GM: Alpha cockpit hit for 90
[09:00:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( meep ))
[09:00:21] GM: [90-150] => -60
[09:00:26] GM: 60 left
[09:00:52] GM: Ay your turn
[09:01:52] 2Lt. Aylanea adjusts after being fired on. "Acknowledged, targeting the other bomber." She lines up one of the remaining bombers, and fires six missiles towards it. [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7)\
[09:01:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( suck and fail ))
[09:02:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *tosses some dice in a blender* ))
[09:02:27] GM: You missiles go off to join a commune and the last enemy fires at [1d6] => [6] = (6) [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[09:02:30] GM: Ay again
[09:02:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [9,20] = (29) dodge again
[09:02:48] GM: This time you make it!
[09:02:55] GM: Komi your turn
[09:03:47] 2 LT Komillia: "ZENRYOKU ZENKAI!!!" Fires the guns at a poor Haydonite. [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[09:04:04] GM: [1d20+11] => [18,11] = (29)
[09:04:10] 2 LT Komillia: ((MAXIUMUM POWER, VERY close to…))
[09:04:14] GM: The Haydonite evades your passionate fire.
[09:04:22] 2 LT Komillia: ((DAMMIT! >.<))>
[09:04:30] GM: Lurana, your turn.
[09:04:58] Lt. Fallnya: (Whats left?
[09:05:39] GM: 4 Wraiths, some bombers getting far in the view, 6 more wraiths over where Suki and Sarah headed off to 50 miles off.
[09:06:33] Lt. Fallnya tries to catch up to the bombers ignoring the wraiths locking on to 2 and launches 4 missiles at them
[09:06:45] Lt. Fallnya: [1d100] => [67] = (67) vs 63% RSi if needed
[09:07:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:07:10] GM: kk, you turn to pursue, and RSI roll made but those bombers are throwing out some heavy jamming.
[09:07:19] Lt. Jaron kicks off the falling bomber then hits his thrusters and heads to another bomber (piloting if needed [1d100] => [42] = (42) vs 88; afk a few)
[09:07:53] Lt. Fallnya switches to guns then and tries to blow away 1 then if in range?
[09:08:11] GM: The enemy fires at [1d4] => [4] = (4) Suki and Sarah are out of it as they are far away. 1 komi, 2, lu, 3, Jaron, 4 Ay
[09:08:19] GM: Ay, you are getting shot at
[09:08:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [13,20] = (33)
[09:08:47] 2Lt. Aylanea starts evading.
[09:08:57] GM: Would help if I rolled the attack roll huh [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[09:09:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yep. lol. ))
[09:09:15] GM: Jaron made his attack, Suki.
[09:09:39] CWO2 Sarah: (( Sarah asked Suki a question remember ))
[09:09:41] Lt. Ishida lets Sarah's machine go then heads back towards the Training flight at full burner.
[09:10:02] Lt. Ishida: Stay with me! Don’t you dare ditch that Beta out here unless it's about to go critical!
[09:10:28] CWO2 Sarah nods quickly at that. "Acknowledged…" She flies for the training flight as well.
[09:10:31] Lt. Ishida: Enemy fighter fires at [1d4] => [2] = (2) [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[09:11:00] GM: Lurana, as you speed towards the bombers one of the Wraiths slides in behind you.
[09:11:37] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+15] => [16,15] = (31) Dodge
[09:11:38] GM: Enemy fires at [1d4] => [3] = (3) [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[09:11:53] GM: Jaron, as Lurana avoid damage.
[09:11:58] GM: Ay your turn
[09:12:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( don't you need a pilot roll from Sarah? ))
[09:12:24] GM: Yes please -10%
[09:12:26] CWO2 Sarah: (( or isn't her wing totally gone? ))
[09:12:33] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs. 85%
[09:12:35] GM: Oh, it's totally gone.
[09:12:37] CWO2 Sarah: (( thbt ))
[09:12:58] GM: Wow
[09:13:07] GM: you flip over again.
[09:13:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( that tears it. I'm going to melt every die in my room down into a PUDDLE. ))
[09:13:42] GM: Ay, your turn
[09:14:24] 2Lt. Aylanea keeps on the bomber she was firing at before, firing her guns this time, trying to do better. [1d20+14] => [14,14] = (28)
[09:14:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( thank god. ))
[09:14:44] Lt. Jaron tries to evade the attack on his way to bomber (dodge [1d20+12] => [13,12] = (25))
[09:15:05] GM: the bomber tries to evade while it's Point D guns open up at you. [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24), Shooting [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[09:15:20] GM: Roll damage, and a dodge.
[09:16:34] GM: Last enemy fires at [1d4] => [4] = (4) [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[09:16:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [3,20] = (23) dodge, [((3d8+2)*10)*2] => 340 EU13, [(5d6*10)*2] => 460 EU15
[09:16:39] GM: Ay,
[09:16:43] GM: roll two dodges.
[09:16:53] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [20,20] = (40) 2nd dodge
[09:16:58] GM: roll one more
[09:17:03] GM: well damn
[09:17:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rolled one with the damage rolls ))
[09:17:12] GM: Okay then, not even close.
[09:17:17] GM: Komi your turn
[09:17:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( what's the verdict on the bomber? ))
[09:17:33] 2 LT Komillia: ((IS McDodgy still alive?))
[09:17:37] GM: The bomber has ceased to be.
[09:17:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kay ))
[09:17:43] GM: yes
[09:17:55] GM: all 4 of the wraiths are
[09:18:51] 2 LT Komillia: "Alright let's see how you like this: DIVINE!" ((spending an action point for the +10 to strike)) firing all guns at the Dodgy. [1d20+19] => [15,19] = (34)
[09:19:08] GM: The enemy tries to evade [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[09:19:28] GM: ((well, not this time…damn good roll on his part tho))
[09:19:41] 2 LT Komillia: "BUSTER!" [(3d8*10)+35] => 195 gunpod, [4d6*10] => 100 cannons
[09:19:45] GM: (9would have laughed my ass off had it rolled a 20))
[09:19:50] 2 LT Komillia: [195+100] => 295
[09:20:10] GM: Dodgy McGee is vapor!
[09:20:14] 2 LT Komillia: ((Hey I'm getting very good rolls tonight…))
[09:20:33] GM: Lurana, is chasing bombers so, Jaron your turn.
[09:20:45] GM: ((yeah, you are, cant deny that))
[09:20:58] 2 LT Komillia: ((Did I forget to mention her energy blasts suddenly changed colors to pink, just for the added humiliation…))
[09:21:11] GM: ((Jaron is still afk it seems. Suki your attack.
[09:21:34] Lt. Jaron keeps moving to a bomber, hitting his thrusters move but fires a volley a four to aft of the bomber (to strike [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21))
[09:21:48] Lt. Ishida lines up and fires all guns at the nearest enemy that bears. [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[09:22:08] GM: She finally gets to shoot and misses…classic.
[09:22:33] GM: Enemy wraith fires on [1d3] => [2] = (2) 1 komi, 2 Jaron, 3 Ay
[09:22:45] GM: [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[09:23:53] GM: Jaron is still afk so he has his attack and a dodge to worry about
[09:23:58] GM: Sarah
[09:23:59] Lt. Jaron tries to evade as he lets loose his volley (my action up above; dodge [1d20+12] => [19,12] = (31))
[09:24:03] GM: your move.
[09:24:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((AFK))
[09:24:30] CWO2 Sarah struggles to try to get control of the Legios. Again. [1d100+10] => [68,10] = (78) vs. 85%
[09:24:44] CWO2 Sarah: (( or is there a further penalty? ))
[09:24:56] GM: You are able to arrest your fall, and manage to point the ship in the general direction of where you want to go.
[09:25:08] GM: Enemy fires at [1d3] => [2] = (2)
[09:25:19] GM: Jaron again [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[09:25:23] GM: Ay your turn
[09:25:36] Lt. Jaron keeps evading (to dodge [1d20+12] => [7,12] = (19))
[09:25:39] GM: and the last enemy fires at [1d3] => [3] = (3)
[09:25:41] GM: Ay
[09:25:47] GM: [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[09:25:51] Lt. Jaron: (my action is right before Suki's)
[09:26:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [12,20] = (32) dodge
[09:26:02] GM: Nod, you were chasing bombers
[09:26:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((back))
[09:26:09] GM: Ay is scott free
[09:26:19] GM: Komi's attack
[09:26:28] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to line up one of the wraiths quickly, and fires her guns again towards it. [1d20+14] => [13,14] = (27)
[09:26:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wasn't it my attack? ))
[09:26:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *paddles* ))
[09:26:41] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[09:26:47] GM: Damage Ay
[09:26:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d8+2)*10)*2] => 300 EU13, [(5d6*10)*2] => 400 EU15
[09:26:58] GM: boom
[09:27:31] GM: Komi, your attack, and Jaron's afterward,
[09:27:37] GM: Suki and Sarah as well
[09:27:39] GM: go
[09:28:20] Lt. Ishida grumbles as a pair of enemy turns towards her. She fires at the left most with full guns. [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[09:28:36] GM: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[09:28:36] 2 LT Komillia: "Broken MAGNUM!" [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14) all guns.
[09:28:38] GM: Missing
[09:28:45] GM: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[09:28:48] GM: You miss too
[09:29:17] CWO2 Sarah tries to sight in one of the Wraiths now that she's in the right direction, checking her range and arming missiles to send four towards one of the Wraiths if in range. [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12) strike [1d100+10] => [5,10] = (15) piloting
[09:29:42] GM: Enemy launches flares [1d100] => [46] = (46)
[09:30:29] CWO2 Sarah: (( *tickles* ))
[09:31:14] GM: Why can I never find the flare rules when I need them
[09:31:33] GM: Enemy attacks [1d3] => [1] = (1)
[09:31:48] GM: Komi, wow, they finally shot at you [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[09:32:06] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[09:32:15] 2 LT Komillia: ((…))
[09:32:27] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:32:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( *keeps waiting for her attack resolution with the flares* ))
[09:32:49] GM: [4d4*10] => 110 to the [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[09:33:52] GM: Komi, your left thruster pod is shredded, 10 md left, it sputters out.
[09:34:52] GM: Sarah your missiles are spoofed
[09:35:00] CWO2 Sarah: (( aww, kk ))
[09:35:03] CWO2 Sarah: (( durn ))
[09:35:03] GM: Ay your turn
[09:35:45] 2Lt. Aylanea smiles at the luck she's been having with guns now, and turns her Legios towards another of the Wraiths, sighting in the systems and pulling her trigger once again. [1d20+14] => [17,14] = (31)
[09:36:06] GM: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[09:36:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d8+2)*10)*2] => 340 EU13, [(5d6*10)*2] => 360 EU15
[09:36:25] GM: Damage, and the last Wraith fires at [1d3] => [2] = (2) [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[09:36:28] GM: Jaron
[09:36:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep Jaron ))
[09:36:47] GM: Ay, you kill your wraith deader then dead.
[09:37:06] Lt. Jaron keeps with the thurstes after the bomber (close enough to attack?)
[09:37:19] GM: yeah, but roll a dodge first
[09:37:32] GM: cuase the enemy just uncorked a can of whoop ass
[09:37:40] Lt. Jaron gets dodgy [1d20+12] => [9,12] = (21)
[09:37:45] CWO2 Sarah: (( the enemy just nat 20'ed an attack on you. kekekeke ))
[09:37:56] GM: Jaron gets crit [1d00] => 1d00 [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[09:38:13] GM: reroll on first d100 [1d00] => 1d00
[09:38:19] GM: [1d100] => [22] = (22)
[09:38:28] GM: yah, helps to type in the 1
[09:38:32] CWO2 Sarah: (( yep ))
[09:38:39] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:39:13] GM: Alpha in the left wing for [(4d4*10)*2] => 240
[09:39:41] GM: Jaron your left wing is GONE!
[09:39:52] GM: roll a control roll
[09:39:59] CWO2 Sarah: (( an alpha wing on a Legios, tho. ))
[09:40:25] Lt. Jaron isn’t worried since battloid mode (pilot [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 88)
[09:40:30] GM: Look at the pic, that’s a LOT of lifting area.
[09:40:54] GM: Jaron is not worried! The snap transformation prevents any further tragedy
[09:41:01] CWO2 Sarah: (( point. kekekeke. ))
[09:41:21] GM: ((Jaron you did have to go into fighter mode to pursue your bombers…so))
[09:41:33] Lt. Jaron opens with aa volley of 4 to the bombers aft (to strike [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24))
[09:42:07] GM: [1d100] => [77] = (77) for flare, and [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9) for point D guns
[09:42:13] GM: You hit with all missiles.
[09:42:28] GM: Komi, your attack, then Suki (Jaron cut in line lol)
[09:42:33] Lt. Jaron: [8d6*10] => 230
[09:42:44] GM: The bomber keels over and heads for the deck.
[09:43:15] Lt. Ishida lines up for another all gun shot. [1d20+11] => [3,11] = (14)
[09:43:18] Lt. Jaron: (where is it heading now?)
[09:43:19] 2 LT Komillia fires off her guns with some mono-syllabic yelling. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[09:43:30] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[09:43:33] GM: Missing
[09:43:42] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[09:43:45] GM: You miss too
[09:43:50] GM: ((grrrrr))
[09:43:59] GM: The bomber?
[09:44:15] GM: Sarah your turn
[09:44:18] GM: then Ay
[09:44:36] Lt. Jaron: (yes)
[09:44:54] GM: The bomber is going to be turning itself into a dark spot on the ground soon,
[09:45:03] CWO2 Sarah tries to fire her guns as well, hoping she can keep stable enough to fire her weapons on it. [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) strike [1d100+10] => [24,10] = (34) pilot vs. 85%
[09:45:15] GM: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[09:45:20] GM: The enemy evades.
[09:45:51] GM: Ay, your go, one Wraith left.
[09:46:52] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls herself in behind the final Wraith, wanting to clean it out quickly before heading after the bomber or the other situation. [1d20+14] => [16,14] = (30)
[09:47:09] GM: [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[09:47:12] GM: Damage
[09:47:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d8+2)*10)*2] => 320 EU13, [(5d6*10)*2] => 420 EU15[09:47:19] GM: At least someone is hitting tonight
[09:47:23] GM: Dead Wraith
[09:47:36] GM: Komi your sky is clear until you reposition yourself.
[09:47:58] GM: Jaron, the bombers ahead have run into the bases air defenses, NOT a place you want to be.
[09:48:03] GM: Suki, try again.
[09:48:13] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[09:48:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rotflol ))
[09:48:20] GM: Sarah
[09:49:00] CWO2 Sarah fires her guns again, still trying to sight one of the wraiths, and keep her craft stable with a missing Beta wing. [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24) strike, [1d100+10] => [23,10] = (33) pilot vs. 85%
[09:49:06] GM: But first, the enemy fires at Suki [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27) [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[09:49:28] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [17,21] = (38) [1d20+21] => [1,21] = (22)
[09:49:51] GM: Sarah your target evades [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[09:50:04] CWO2 Sarah: (( durn ))
[09:50:12] GM: Ay, your sky is likewise clear,
[09:50:42] GM: Komi, your action? Same for Jaron and Ay? Suki and Sarah, you will get two more shots beofre the others show up if they so choose.
[09:50:55] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [5,11] = (16)
[09:51:12] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[09:51:15] 2Lt. Aylanea ahems softly. "Clear, heading to other engagement to assist the others. Unless I need to chase bombers down." She starts maneuvering for the other flight.
[09:51:15] GM: No joy
[09:51:16] GM: Sarah
[09:51:30] CWO2 Sarah keeps firing guns. Yep. [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[09:51:37] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
[09:51:58] GM: Sarah's enemy [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17) Suki's [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[09:52:05] GM: FINALLY!
[09:52:06] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [34] = (34) vs 60 RSI, [1d20] => [17] = (17) PERC, looking for targets.
[09:52:06] CWO2 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)*3] => 600
[09:52:06] GM: Two hits
[09:52:22] GM: [((3d8+2)*10)*3] => 690
[09:52:29] GM: Two dead targets.
[09:52:30] CWO2 Sarah fires her guns a second time (since Suki fired once already), trying to get another one. [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[09:52:52] GM: Komillia, there are the bombers in the AA soup and the firefight going on where Suki and Sarah are, you are at half speed.
[09:52:54] Lt. Jaron holds up and watches the air defenses kick (is the defense doing well?)
[09:53:03] GM: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[09:53:06] GM: no joy
[09:53:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( ouch ))
[09:53:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:53:50] GM: It's nasty, the area above the base is clouded in flak bursts and you can see impact craters on the ground, although from this distance you cant be sure if they are bomb hits or downed enemy craft.
[09:54:23] 2 LT Komillia heads to the Suki and Sarah mixer…
[09:54:31] GM: You do see tracer fire from the CIWS units so you know the enemy is at the very least, overhead, or passing overhead
[09:55:07] GM: okay, one more free shot you two as two more Wraiths break towards the 'good' pilots…/sigh
[09:55:45] GM: Roll a perc Sarah as well, -8
[09:55:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( thought we both fired twice. for free shots. ))
[09:55:49] GM: you to Suki
[09:56:00] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1-8] => [12,1,-8] = (5)
[09:56:09] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3-8] => [1,3,-8] = (-4)
[09:56:18] CWO2 Sarah: (( squirrel! ))
[09:56:56] GM: Komi, you approach the engagement and you see two Wraiths playing merry hell with the 4 newbs two of which are smoking.
[09:57:03] 2 LT Komillia: ((Epic squirrel for negative Perc roll result.))
[09:57:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( yep ))
[09:57:32] GM: You see two smoke plumes of crashing enemy and two turning to engage Sarah and Suki, you can see that Sarah has lost a wing.
[09:57:43] GM: Jaron, you can see the same thing,
[09:57:45] GM: NOW
[09:58:15] 2 LT Komillia lines up a shot at one of the wraiths. "Do you know wha happens to a toaster in a blast furnace?" [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22) all guns.
[09:58:18] GM: Ay, you can engage immediately, Jaron and Komi will have to wait one attack due to their reduced speeds due to their damage.
[09:58:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kekeke ))
[09:58:27] GM: ((we will keep that roll Komi))
[09:58:40] 2 LT Komillia: ((heh))
[09:58:55] GM: ((hey it's decent, if it was the suck I’d have you re roll ))
[09:58:55] 2Lt. Aylanea zooms in on the ones engaging the newbs first, since she figures that Suki and Sarah can take care of themselves. She locks one in, and fires her guns immediately. [1d20+14] => [5,14] = (19)
[09:59:19] GM: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[09:59:22] GM: You hit!
[09:59:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d8+2)*10)*2] => 200 EU13, [(5d6*10)*2] => 360 EU15
[09:59:31] GM: Beginners luck…
[09:59:39] GM: The Wraith detonates.
[10:00:03] GM: Suki your shot.
[10:00:13] Fleet 4: I interrupt!
[10:00:20] GM: Go
[10:00:47] Fleet 4 swoops down in front of Suki's mecha and fires at the enemy. "I got him! He's mine!"
[10:00:58] Fleet 4: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[10:01:08] GM: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:01:34] CWO2 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:01:35] GM: The Wraith evades, and Suki's shot is spoiled.
[10:01:38] GM: Sarah
[10:01:56] GM: Suki roll a piloting to avoid rar ending the Fleet pilot.
[10:02:04] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[10:02:25] CWO2 Sarah adjusts to engage another inbound Wraith, targetting her guns and trying to adjust to kepe control. [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26) strike and [1d100+10] => [2,10] = (12) 85% pilot
[10:02:36] GM: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[10:02:38] GM: Hit!
[10:02:39] CWO2 Sarah: (( wow ))
[10:02:45] GM: No shit huh
[10:02:50] CWO2 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)*3] => 360
[10:02:57] GM: Wraith be gone
[10:03:01] GM: Komi
[10:03:03] GM: your go
[10:03:16] 2 LT Komillia: ((see above,))
[10:03:21] GM: you attack, right, okay, the enemy evades, [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:03:23] GM: you hit
[10:03:38] 2 LT Komillia: [(3d8*10)+35] => 185 gunpod, [4d6*10] => 100 cannons
[10:03:40] GM: Jaron, your attack
[10:03:45] 2 LT Komillia: [185+100] => 285
[10:04:03] GM: The enemy wraith loses chinks and wobbles, then explodes.
[10:04:09] GM: chunks
[10:05:16] Lt. Jaron hits his thrusters and tries to get above the bombers heading towards the base
[10:05:57] GM: You maneuver and can note that the bombers have finished their pass at full speed and are now exiting the area to the north.
[10:06:00] GM: Suki
[10:06:22] CWO2 Sarah: (( isn't it Ay's shot before Suki? ))
[10:06:43] Lt. Ishida gnaws at her inner lip and dives under the rookie then pulls up in a cobra maneuver and fires all guns at the Wraith [1d100] => [50] = (50) [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[10:06:58] GM: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:07:02] GM: And misses
[10:07:28] GM: no, new round, Komi, Jaron, Suki, Sarah, ay, unless Ay wants to interrupt.
[10:07:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( Ay shot before the interrupt last time. And the interrupt was Suki's shot ))
[10:07:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ah. ))
[10:07:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[10:08:05] GM: so Sarah your go
[10:08:15] GM: roll an RSI and a perc
[10:08:37] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) [1d100] => [89] = (89) vs. 70%
[10:09:12] GM: Your proximity alarm goes off and you manage to see the head on silhouette of an Alpha headed towards you
[10:09:43] CWO2 Sarah swears quickly and yanks on her controls to try and evade! [1d100+10] => [59,10] = (69) vs. 85%
[10:10:22] GM: You bank hard and one, and then a second Alpha barrel past you. You see them fire missiles at the target Komillia fired at.
[10:10:34] GM: Ay, your go
[10:11:05] Fleet 2: [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16)
[10:11:09] 2Lt. Aylanea sights for one of the remaining Wraiths (not the one Komi and them are at, if there's another one), and firing the guns at it, wanting to clean out the situation a bit more. [1d20+14] => [12,14] = (26)
[10:11:14] Fleet 3: [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
[10:11:23] GM: [1d100] => [84] = (84)
[10:11:35] GM: [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[10:11:38] GM: You hit
[10:11:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d8+2)*10)*2] => 440 EU13, [(5d6*10)*2] => 480 EU15
[10:11:55] GM: Blammo!
[10:12:19] GM: Komi, you see your target get plastered by a flurry of 16 missiles, 8 from each of two Alpha's that zip past.
[10:12:54] 2 LT Komillia: Kill stealers!
[10:13:03] 2 LT Komillia: ((Is it alive?))
[10:13:11] GM: Oh no, it's very dead
[10:13:20] GM: 16 missiles, I'm not wasting the dice roll
[10:13:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( 320 minimum damage, it dead ))
[10:13:43] GM: yeah
[10:14:01] 2 LT Komillia fires the guns at any remaining Haydonite. [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[10:14:13] GM: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:14:15] GM: you hit!
[10:14:27] GM: Don’t feel bad Sarah, we got the hard ones.
[10:14:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:14:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and the rookies in your faces ))
[10:15:05] GM: Suki, your attack, Jaron, what do you regards the bombers, you also notice that they are being pursued by CAP fighters.
[10:15:27] Lt. Ishida tries to get that last Wraith, all guns.
[10:15:34] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25)
[10:15:34] 2 LT Komillia: [(3d8*10)+35] => 115 gunpod, [4d6*10] => 190 cannons
[10:15:48] GM: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[10:15:48] 2 LT Komillia: [115+190] => 305
[10:16:02] GM: Komi, your target dies! Suki, roll damage.
[10:16:06] GM: [((3d8+2)*10)*3] => 480
[10:16:12] GM: So does yours Suki!
[10:16:34] GM: You sky is clear, except for a quartet of Fleet rooks hooting it up.
[10:16:51] GM: Jaron?
[10:17:37] Lt. Jaron breaks off his pursuit since CAP fighters are chasing and heads back to the others and radios "Everyone ok?"
[10:18:05] GM: Ay, you notice another CAP flight enter your area.
[10:19:27] Lt. Ishida: Hammer 1-1 green.
[10:20:02] Lt. Ishida: Minor damage to my midsection.
[10:20:42] CWO2 Sarah sighs softly at that and responds. "Hammer 1-2 here. Lost one wing on the Beta, no other damage."
[10:22:40] Lt. Jaron radios "Roger that. Tango squad; how are you holding up?"
[10:23:10] 2 LT Komillia: ((Splitting headaches are bad…))
[10:23:17] CWO2 Sarah: (( eek ))
[10:23:25] CWO2 Sarah: (( *rubs your head gently* ))
[10:23:30] CWO2 Sarah: (( you take something for it? ))
[10:23:42] Zato Kana ATC: Roger that. Hitman 1-1 and Hammer 1-1, have your flights RTB, Bravo Kilo flight will relieve you on station. You are clear to land Pad 7 and 9, be advised the east west runway is fouled.
[10:24:19] Fleet 1: Tango 1-1, my flight is green, minor damage only.
[10:24:38] 2 LT Komillia gets in formation and prepares to return.
[10:25:27] CWO2 Sarah tries to limp her plane into formation to return as well. [1d100+10] => [40,10] = (50) vs. 85%
[10:25:44] Lt. Jaron replies "Roger. On our way." and starts back in formation
[10:26:21] GM: On your return leg you are unless you key over, bombarded by Tango flights self congratulatory banter. The base is damaged, but most of the main targets survived. The hangers took a massive pasting, and the runways have been cratered, a few Horizons caught on the ground are burning and rescue crews can be seen dealing with the damage.
[10:27:04] Zato Kana ATC: Inbound flights, we see smoke, do you require a crash wagon?
[10:27:09] 2Lt. Aylanea sighs just a little as she surveys the base damage. "Great… just great…" She shakes her head just slightly.
[10:27:21] Zato Kana ATC: [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[10:28:02] Suki: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:28:15] Lt. Jaron: "Could have been worse. We took out some bombers"
[10:28:23] CWO2 Sarah: (( what's that roll? ))
[10:28:35] Zato Kana ATC: Roger that, your pads are clear.
[10:28:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( ooh, pretty pink ))
[10:28:58] GM: ((the percentile was to see if your hooch got hit, it didn’t.
[10:29:08] CWO2 Sarah: (( I meant the 1d20+9 in hot pink ))
[10:29:15] CWO2 Sarah: (( and heh ))
[10:29:15] GM: you;ll see
[10:29:21] CWO2 Sarah: (( kk ))
[10:29:42] GM: Your craft land one in turn and ground crew marshal you out of the way and into the infield.
[10:30:38] Lt. Ishida powers down her Legios and post flights her craft. Pulling her helmet off she runs her fingers thru her hair then hops out of her plane.
[10:31:41] CWO2 Sarah powers down as well, sighing and yanking her helmet off after post flight, and asking if she should detach her Beta to get repairs or not. Depending on the response, she either does that and gets out, or just gets out.
[10:32:08] Lt. Jaron lands his craft and once done, takes a breath and sighs. He gets out to to survey team and base on the ground
[10:32:21] GM: Sarah, the ground crew have you detach in battloid mode , direct you to go guardian and part nearby
[10:32:43] 2 LT Komillia: Climbs out of her cockpit.
[10:32:49] CWO2 Sarah does so quickly, to keep them from having to wait, and climbs out then.
[10:32:54] Lt. Ishida walks over towards where the Tango flight pilots are standing.
[10:32:57] 2 LT Komillia: Heh just one thruster, that ain't bad.
[10:33:16] 2Lt. Aylanea climbs out of her Legios, and peeks over the cockpit damage from the outside, sighing just a little bit at it.
[10:33:17] Fleet 2: You see that! Michals and me, we took that toaster right out of the air!
[10:33:33] Fleet 3: Heck yeah! Was a smoooooth kill.
[10:33:56] Lt. Jaron eyes Suki and moves to follow.
[10:34:27] Lt. Ishida walks up behind Fleet 4 and putting her hand on his should wheels him around and delivers a straight punch right to the face.
[10:34:44] Lt. Ishida: [2d4+10] => [3,2,10] = (15)
[10:34:57] Gage drives up to the team with the ride and gets out "You all have fun…..oh shit." Moves to Suki and the Fleet guy
[10:35:06] Lt. Jaron runs there as well
[10:35:12] GM: The pilot totters backwards over a kit bag and lands on his ass his face bloodied.
[10:35:31] Lt. Ishida calmly looks at the others then at the one she punched.
[10:35:42] Lt. Ishida: If you ever do anything like that again, I will kill you.
[10:36:38] 2Lt. Aylanea rolls her eyes at the fleeters. "Two of you. Took one toaster. I'm /really/ impressed." She lets the sarcasm drip. "Meanwhile, I took out 5 by myself."
[10:36:54] Lt. Ishida takes a step backwards, challenging them to attack. Intimidate [1d100] => [64] = (64) 50% is the number to beat
[10:37:02] Lt. Jaron: "Calm it Suki. Not your place; his superior will handle it."
[10:37:52] Fleet 1 throws a punch at Suki just as Jaron arrives ((Suki apparently isn't THAT intimidating))
[10:38:01] Fleet 1: [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[10:38:21] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[10:38:29] CWO2 Sarah sighs softly at the situation, shaking her head. "They're children, and not entirely trained yet. They don't know any better."
[10:39:08] GM: And gets inside her guard, Jaron's voice having distracted her [1d6+2] => [3,2] = (5)
[10:39:23] Lt. Jaron goes to grab Suki "Gage, grab Mr. Fleet. Komillia some assistance here"
[10:39:46] Lt. Ishida responds with a counter strike by way of knife hand. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[10:39:47] 2 LT Komillia considers what's going on and wonder why Suki is getting curb stomped.
[10:39:55] CWO2 Sarah looks over towards 2 and 3, though. "Though it would be best if you did not nearly ram people on your way to make a kill. That will cause much more trouble than it solves."
[10:40:04] Fleet 1: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[10:40:40] GM: crit on a nat 18 or up [2d4+10*2] => [4,4,20] = (28)
[10:41:03] GM: The second pilot falls back onto his ass
[10:41:07] CWO2 Sarah: (( the 2d4+10 should be in parntheses ))
[10:41:15] CWO2 Sarah: (( it just multiplied the 10 ))
[10:41:17] Lt. Ishida bears her teeth and smiles.
[10:41:20] Lt. Ishida: Who's next?
[10:41:33] Lt. Jaron: "Fuck Suki, Calm the fuck down."
[10:41:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( so it should be 36. ))
[10:41:53] GM: ((correct so, [16+20] => 36
[10:41:57] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekeke ))
[10:42:15] Gage leaves the Fleet boys alone seeing as Suki is the problem and tries to stay in between them
[10:42:17] Lt. Ishida stands to, at Jaron's call, but doesn’t take her eyes off the other two.
[10:42:43] GM: Jaron, you do notice that Suki, actually is, pretty calm.
[10:43:07] Lt. Jaron: (yea calm killer)
[10:43:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( psychotic lil girl ;p ))
[10:43:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekekeke ))
[10:43:29] 2 LT Komillia: ((headache is in overdrive see ya all later.))
[10:43:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( aww, cya. ))
[10:43:43] 2 LT Komillia: Disconnecting from server…
[10:43:43] James (exit): 22:43
[10:43:59] Lt. Ishida looks at Jaron as if noting had even happened when it is sure that the other two aren’t going to attack, not with Gage and Jaron standing right there.
[10:44:08] Lt. Ishida: Will there be anything else Ell Tee?
[10:44:18] Lt. Jaron: "Suki care to explain trying to put these gentlemen in the medical?"
[10:44:20] Lt. Ishida she asks as if you had asked her the time.
[10:44:31] CWO2 Sarah: (( I'm right there as well, or am I not threatening enough to count? ))
[10:44:39] Lt. Ishida: I was training them.
[10:44:48] Lt. Ishida: ((sorry, And Sarah!))
[10:44:54] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[10:44:57] CWO2 Sarah: (( *tickles* ))
[10:45:16] Lt. Jaron: "Training in pain?"
[10:45:29] Lt. Ishida: Training in discipline.
[10:45:54] Lt. Ishida: They are reckless.
[10:45:59] Lt. Jaron: "Are you their CO or even XO?"
[10:46:32] Lt. Ishida: Does it really matter Fairman? This is a war zone. Not a cadet review.
[10:46:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I notice that 2 and 3 shut up totally, didn't respond after both Ay and Sarah said things to them ))
[10:47:04] Lt. Ishida: And if you wish to 'correct me' I would ask you do it in private, as it sets a bad precedent to have us bickering in public.
[10:47:33] Lt. Jaron: "you should talk. Just get out of here."
[10:47:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heck, Ay mocked their one kill ))
[10:47:59] Lt. Ishida nods and walks away after a polite salute.
[10:48:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kekekekeke ))
[10:48:34] Lt. Ishida returns to her plane and pulls the crypto and makes her way to flight ops.
[10:48:59] 2Lt. Aylanea glances over to Jaron and sighs slightly.
[10:49:02] Lt. Jaron turns to the fleet gents "Who is your CO?"
[10:49:50] Fleet 2: Captain Weathers. 34th Fighter Wing.
[10:50:02] Gage takes a breath as he didn’t have to mix it up with Suki and heads to jeep to wait.
[10:50:38] CWO2 Sarah sighs, and heads to write her own flight report, figuring on explaining the damage to the Beta, even if she got it back.
[10:51:20] Lt. Jaron: "Very well. Except some questioning. Stay away from Suki; she seems to be on edge and efficient killer. Not a good mix"
[10:52:00] GM: Fleets 2 and 3 nod. 1 has gotten back up and 4 is still trying to figure out what week it is.
[10:52:19] GM: Actually 4 is up 1 is still dazed…
[10:52:20] Lt. Jaron: (expect)
[10:52:38] GM: Later! In the Hooch common area!
[10:53:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( woot ))
[10:53:47] GM: Free RP
[10:54:25] Lt. Ishida lounges in her sweats (it's cold out) reading a book sipping hot cocoa with her feet up on the coffee table.
[10:55:07] CWO2 Sarah settles next to Suki, after a quick check to see about any news or anything else. She's holding a cup of cocoa as well, and looking at the window just a bit.
[10:55:29] GM: You can see thru the lighting that it's begun to snow.
[10:55:35] Lt. Jaron had filled a report with Weathers about events and discussed the cause. Soon returning to the hooch; silent as he heads to this bunk to change
[10:56:21] 2Lt. Aylanea heads out of her bunk once she's changed, and looks out the window at the snow. "Ooooh." She gets cocoa and moves to see just how much it's snowing.
[10:56:39] Lt. Ishida notices Jaron's entrance via the reflection in the TV, and looks over then back at her book.
[10:58:32] CWO2 Sarah blinks a little at the snow and smiles slightly, at least before thinking about what it'll do to base repair efforts. Still, she watches out at it. "I saw it snow in the Dakotas back when I was in the resistance. Wonder if it'll snow enough to toss snowballs at people if anyone has interest."
[10:58:57] Lt. Ishida: I hope so. I would like to make a snow man, and snow angles as well.
[11:00:16] CWO2 Sarah laughs a little. "Never did much of that there. Everyone was interested in pelting everyone else with snowballs if there was time. Happened a couple times, as well. Just think, with enough people, teams could be organized and snow forts built to defend and attack. Not that there's time for it."
[11:02:14] Lt. Ishida: That sounds like a lot of fun, we should do it.
[11:04:32] CWO2 Sarah laughs just a little and rubs her hands. "Wonder who else would be interested."
[11:08:04] 2Lt. Aylanea glances over. "So long as no one slips ice chunks into the snowballs. Here or with tango squadron if they get involved."
[11:08:30] LCpl Summerwind: Yeah, slush balls are bad form.
[11:09:25] Lt. Jaron soon returns from changing in more comfortable clothes and moves to Suki "Things have been settled unless someone up the chain doesn’t like you. Just from now on, please don’t beat greenhorns"
[11:09:43] LCpl Summerwind: Suki beat greenhorns!?
[11:09:53] LCpl Summerwind: And I missed it?
[11:09:58] LCpl Summerwind pouts
[11:10:19] Lt. Ishida gives Anji a look, then nods up at Jaron.
[11:10:55] Lt. Ishida: Hai.
[11:11:33] 2Lt. Aylanea nods a little at Anji.
[11:11:36] Lt. Jaron nods to Suki "Very well then."
[11:11:46] Lt. Ishida looks back at her book.
[11:11:52] Lt. Ishida: You have to admit…
[11:12:01] Lt. Ishida: It was a very good punch.
[11:12:36] CWO2 Sarah laughs slightly at the pouting and shakes her head. "Silly Anji. But yeah, slushballs aren't good."
[11:16:52] CWO2 Sarah glances to Suki a little bit. "Well, maybe it was. Those other two were the ones who nearly rammed me, there were two of them though. No doing that when outnumbered. Asides, if something happens to me here, well, don't want to think about the kind of 'care' I'll get once I'm seen bleeding. I spoke to them, not that they listened any. They'll listen at the trial when they've killed someone with it, I'm sure."
[11:17:50] Lt. Ishida: Hopefully the split lip and a bloody nose will prevent that from happening.
[11:19:06] Lt. Ishida then looks at Sarah.
[11:19:18] CWO2 Sarah nods just a little. "That depends on them. With some people it might help, with others it might just make them start planning their retaliation."
[11:19:20] Lt. Ishida: Maybe? Maybe? Dear, it was a fantastic punch.
[11:19:59] CWO2 Sarah laughs just a little bit. "Okay, it was." She smiles then.
[11:20:14] Lt. Ishida: If it's the former then it served it purpose, if the later, I'm prepared to deal with it.