Chapter 7 - Act I - Part 2


[07:38:29] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [19] = (19) PERC, [1d100] => [40] = (40) vs 60 RSI just to see if anything odd like a half-fried Alpha is out there.
[07:38:33] Lt. Jaron swings back around for a quick glance for Ay (perception [1d20+2] => [2,2] = (4); sensors [1d100] => [40] = (40) vs 65)
[07:38:47] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [88] = (88) Tactics; [1d100] => [43] = (43) Theater Warfare:AS; [1d100] => [1] = (1) RSI, [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12) Perc
[07:38:53] 2 LT Komillia: ((Sorry, not half-fried, deep fried.))
[07:40:52] GM: Komillia and Jaron you see a shattered carcass of the forward half of an Alpha.
[07:41:21] 2 LT Komillia marks the spot and forwards the coordinates to S&R.
[07:41:39] GM: Suki with the Crit RSI success pick up a brief ping from an Emergency Beacon
[07:42:27] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [6] = (6) RSI and [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) perc
[07:43:11] GM: Sarah, you think you picked up a beacon, but as you try to localize it the signal ceases
[07:43:18] Lt. Jaron follows Komillia
[07:43:38] GM: The enemy still has upwards of 60+ aircraft in the air.
[07:43:57] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[07:46:12] Haydonite: [1d100] => [73] = (73) Tactics; [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4) Perc
[07:46:20] 2 LT Komillia: ((Activating Genetron, Mockingintelligence connected, Infralaugh up, Mega-stupidtiy is go. GO! STAR TREK!))
[07:46:37] CWO2 Sarah: (( SQUIRREL! ))
[07:46:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekekekeke ))
[07:47:17] Lt. Jaron maneuvers through the debris
[07:47:17] 2 LT Komillia decides to go play distraction by blowing up wraiths. "No good finding a fallen comrade if the enemy home in on her because we're doing Search and Rescue's job."
[07:47:43] GM: It would seem that those enemy fighters are in some form of disarray at the moment. How long that lasts is anyone's guess.
[07:48:37] Lt. Ishida uses the enemy confusion to fade back into the debris and repositions her Legios.
[07:48:45] 2 LT Komillia: ((I enjoy STO and some of the movies, but the more I try watching the Star Trek various series the more I feel the need to mock it relentlessly.))
[07:49:06] CWO2 Sarah fades back into the debris along with Suki, watching and waiting for updated orders.
[07:49:15] 2 LT Komillia: ((Are they in range? of Komi's guns?))
[07:49:29] Lt. Ishida: ((I agree, about the one series of ST that get the least mocking from me is DS9, Voyager, well, everything about that should be mocked))
[07:49:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( keke ))
[07:49:45] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah ))
[07:49:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( Voyager got really silly ))
[07:50:29] GM: Komillia, while not all enemy fighters are in range, a handful are, more if you use the TF's missiles.
[07:50:59] GM: Jaron, you are in range of at least a dozen or so.
[07:51:16] 2 LT Komillia opens fires with all guns in a SPRAY at all the wraiths in range. [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
[07:51:16] GM: Percs and RSI rolls.
[07:51:29] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [9] = (9) PERC, [1d100] => [47] = (47) vs 60 RSI
[07:51:31] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) perc [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15) RSI
[07:51:37] CWO2 Sarah: (( er ))
[07:51:43] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [19] = (19) rsi
[07:51:45] CWO2 Sarah: (( brainfail ))
[07:51:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( for a moment ))
[07:51:56] Haydonite: [1d8+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[07:51:56] Haydonite: [1d8+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[07:51:56] Haydonite: [1d8+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[07:51:57] Haydonite: [1d8+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[07:52:02] 2 LT Komillia: Wait, these things are showing up on radar? Holy crap, it's a TRAP!!!!
[07:52:33] Lt. Jaron: perception [1d20+2] => [11,2] = (13) sensors [1d100] => [36] = (36) vs 65
[07:52:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[07:52:55] GM: ((remember the are just got irradiated, the enemy fighters, and you are all flying thru that noise, some of it will stick.
[07:53:06] GM: ((are = area))
[07:53:40] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [72] = (72) RSI. [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10) perc
[07:53:40] Lt. Jaron follows suit with a volley of missiles at the wraiths with Komillia (to strike [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21))
[07:53:54] GM: How large is the volley?
[07:54:32] Lt. Jaron: (dozen)
[07:54:48] 2 LT Komillia: ((Didn't they show up on radar BEFORE that?))
[07:55:03] GM: All that made their RSI rolls notice the enemy cap ship has launced an other salvo of torpedos and is backing out of the "pocket' and into the 'mist'
[07:55:16] 2 LT Komillia: ((Tell me if I need to roll damage.))
[07:55:27] GM: You'd have to review your sensor logs Komi
[07:55:46] GM: But the initial strike on them was with nukes so…
[07:56:01] GM: Yes, please roll full guns then divide that by 4
[07:56:12] GM: each enemy will take that amount
[07:56:25] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
[07:56:25] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[07:56:25] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[07:56:25] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[07:56:27] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[07:56:27] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24)
[07:57:09] GM: Jaron, roll damage for 2 missiles on 4 targets, two escaped your fury
[07:58:46] Lt. Jaron watches his missiles fly out "Lets not bite off more than we can chew and see what our Captain has planned" ([4d6*10] => 170; [4d6*10] => 150; [4d6*10] => 130; [4d6*10] => 210)
[07:58:52] 2 LT Komillia: [(3d8*10)+70] => 220 [(3d8*10)+70] => 280 [2d6*10] => 50
[07:59:08] 2 LT Komillia: [(220+280+50)/4] => 137
[08:00:31] GM: Jaron 3 of your targets are wiped out , the 4th is essentially dead in space. Komillia, your targets will win the 'Best Swiss Cheese Impersonation Contest 2044' and are effectively dead
[08:01:38] 2 LT Komillia: 4 down, 5 dozen to go.
[08:03:52] GM: The remaining enemy fighters seem to have been recovered from their confusion and turn into attack position and advance on your position at full burner along side the two torpedoes
[08:04:35] GM: meanwhile the enemy cap ship disappears into the mist
[08:05:05] 2 LT Komillia: Somebody please nuke that sniper, please.
[08:05:50] GM: Okay then, inits
[08:06:23] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [15,3] = (18)
[08:07:38] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14) Trop1, [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11) Torp2, [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20) Wraithflight1, [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16) WF2, [1d20+4] => [20,4] = (24) WF3, [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7) WF4
[08:08:17] Lt. Jaron: [3d20+5] => [17,9,18,5] = (49)
[08:08:22] Lt. Jaron: oops
[08:08:26] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[08:09:05] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[08:09:25] UEEF: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[08:09:25] UEEF: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[08:09:25] UEEF: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[08:09:48] GM: Sarah?
[08:10:03] GM: And Gage
[08:10:11] GM: need your inits
[08:10:47] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16)
[08:11:43] GM: Jaron you may act first
[08:11:43] Gage: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[08:11:53] GM: As per reverse init
[08:12:28] Lt. Jaron fires another volley of six into the midst of fighters (to strike [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21))
[08:12:42] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[08:12:42] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[08:12:42] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[08:12:42] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[08:12:55] Haydonite: [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[08:12:55] Haydonite: [1d100] => [21] = (21)
[08:13:57] GM: Your missiles don't make it very far and are either shot down or spoofed by chaff and flare, the enemy press forward guns blazing and the Yukikaze and her ground forces open up in an attempt to establish an Anti Aircraft perimeter
[08:14:25] GM: Suki your go
[08:15:51] Lt. Ishida responding to Komillia request, unmasks her craft and taking a dead reckoning bead fires a single missile (Reflex) into the mist towards where she thinks the enemy ship is. [1d20+1] => [12,1] = (13) (Blind fire -10 vs Strike +11)
[08:16:34] GM: Sarah, your turn
[08:19:07] CWO2 Sarah watches for the two torpedoes heading towards the ship, trying to head those off quickly as she unmasks a little bit, firing ten short range missiles at each of them, hoping for a hit. [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7)
[08:19:10] CWO2 Sarah: (( GAH ))
[08:19:13] CWO2 Sarah: (( suck and fail ))
[08:19:24] CWO2 Sarah: (( at least I didn't waste a blind fire nuke on that roll ))
[08:19:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[08:19:45] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7)
[08:19:45] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[08:19:55] GM: Well then…
[08:20:19] GM: The enemy attempts to shoot down the inbound missiles, to do so.
[08:20:28] GM: Roll damage
[08:23:12] GM: As the UEEF and Haydonites trade blows on their approach, Komi, your turn
[08:23:16] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d6*10)*10] => 900
[08:23:19] CWO2 Sarah: (( there ))
[08:23:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( both hit the torpedoes? ))
[08:23:43] GM: and for the other salvo please
[08:23:44] CWO2 Sarah: [(2d6*10)*10] => 700
[08:24:04] CWO2 Sarah: (( sorry. had to do something quick, and thought it was a miss ))
[08:24:08] GM: Both Torpedoes are obliterated
[08:24:13] CWO2 Sarah: (( wee ))
[08:24:22] GM: Komillia your action
[08:25:05] 2 LT Komillia tries to spray four more Wraiths, if any are in range. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[08:25:15] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23)
[08:25:15] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14)
[08:25:16] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[08:25:16] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
[08:25:40] GM: Roll damage /4 and apply to three enemy
[08:26:36] GM: Gage, your turn. From your position in the hanger bay, you can see the enemy fast approaching. Other Battloids int he bay have taken up defensive positions.
[08:27:25] GM: Behind you a secondary line of cyclone riders in VR-057's are in positions to repel borders
[08:28:58] Gage takes positions with the cyclone troopers and waits for impact
[08:29:20] 2 LT Komillia: [(3d8*10)+70] => 190 [(3d8*10)+70] => 200 [2d6*10] => 30
[08:29:36] 2 LT Komillia: [(190+200+30)/4] => 105
[08:30:19] GM: The enemy moves forward and begin to pick out targets. 2 plus the one that dodged Komillia's fire turn to attack her, while another three move to attack Jaron.
[08:30:43] GM: Komi first
[08:30:52] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18)
[08:30:52] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10)
[08:30:53] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[08:31:04] GM: and for Jaron
[08:31:10] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[08:31:10] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[08:31:11] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13)
[08:31:36] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+12] => [5,12] = (17)
[08:31:36] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+12] => [17,12] = (29)
[08:31:36] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+12] => [2,12] = (14)
[08:31:51] GM: Jaron is hit twice
[08:32:11] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
[08:32:11] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[08:32:11] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[08:32:22] GM: [4d4x10] => 4d4x10 to the [1d100] => [53] = (53) and [4d4x10] => 4d4x10 to the [1d100] => [69] = (69)
[08:32:49] GM: Komi is hit once
[08:33:00] GM: [4d4x10] => 4d4x10 to the [1d100] => [37] = (37)
[08:33:16] Lt. Jaron: (x=*)
[08:33:33] GM: Jaron you were in fighter mode?
[08:33:39] Lt. Jaron: (guardian)
[08:33:43] GM: kk
[08:33:48] CWO2 Sarah: (( he's in a Legios as well, isn't he? ))
[08:33:51] CWO2 Sarah: (( so it's clear ))
[08:34:07] Lt. Jaron: (no on Legios)
[08:34:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( oh ))
[08:34:37] GM: crap damage didn't roll…
[08:34:43] CWO2 Sarah: (( * instead of x ))
[08:34:53] GM: Yeah…dur
[08:34:56] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:34:56] GM: [4d4*10] => 100
[08:34:56] GM: [4d4*10] => 100
[08:37:23] GM: [4d4*10] => 90
[08:39:11] GM: Jaron your left wing is holed and your main body takes damage (100 each)
[08:39:55] GM: Komillia, you take 90 to your right forearm
[08:41:32] 2 LT Komillia: Remind me to have words with the Haydonite targeting systems.
[08:41:33] Lt. Jaron: "Komillia, I can't stay out here much longer"
[08:42:14] 2 LT Komillia: Understood.
[08:42:29] GM: Jaron your action
[08:44:21] Lt. Jaron breaks off to use debris as cover and head back to ship
[08:45:09] GM: Suki your action
[08:46:03] 2 LT Komillia: ((AFK))
[08:47:02] Lt. Ishida with the enemy fighters out of range Suki will try to locate that Beacon she picked up earlier while the enemy's focus is decidedly elsewhere. [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4) perc, [1d100] => [82] = (82) RSI
[08:47:29] GM: Suki you find nothing this action.
[08:48:11] GM: Sarah, your action
[08:49:04] CWO2 Sarah follows off after Suki, also having seen the beacon for a short time even if it vanished, since the torpedoes are neutralized, especially since Suki is doing so and she needs to maintain formation and provide cover if needed. [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) perc, and [1d100] => [14] = (14) RSI
[08:49:29] GM: Sarah, you do pick something up
[08:49:49] CWO2 Sarah: (( wee ))
[08:50:04] GM: Komillia
[08:50:44] GM: Gage
[08:51:03] 2 LT Komillia: ((Hey I did say I was going AFK…))
[08:51:16] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekeke ))
[08:51:28] 2 LT Komillia continues the spraying tactic. [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
[08:51:35] Gage waits still, hoping for the best
[08:53:04] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[08:53:04] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14)
[08:53:04] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[08:53:19] GM: Damage divided among your three aggressors
[08:53:31] 2 LT Komillia: [(3d8*10)+70] => 210 [(3d8*10)+70] => 170 [2d6*10] => 70
[08:53:45] 2 LT Komillia: [(210+170+70)/3] => 150
[08:54:07] GM: And the enemy will counter attack (well 2 of them will) One explodes
[08:54:09] GM: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
[08:54:09] GM: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[08:54:26] CWO2 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:55:46] GM: roll them there dodgeroonies
[08:56:18] GM: Locations for each hit. [1d100] => [71] = (71) and for the 20 [1d100] => [19] = (19)
[08:57:05] GM: Jaron, the enemy is not letting you off so easy and they continue to pursue you, firing at you as they do
[08:57:07] CWO2 Sarah: (( *tickles Komi* ))
[08:57:11] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [13,5] = (18)
[08:57:11] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[08:57:11] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24)
[08:58:28] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[08:58:29] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[08:58:38] Lt. Jaron sighs and tries to use the debris to evade the fire (piloting [1d100] => [62] = (62) vs 84; dodge [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30); [1d20+12] => [7,12] = (19); [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27))
[08:58:59] 2 LT Komillia: ((Sorry, stupid dog doesn't know how to take a get out of my face.))
[08:59:12] CWO2 Sarah: (( lolol ))
[08:59:16] CWO2 Sarah: (( yay puppies ))
[09:00:38] GM: Jaron, you tread the needle and avoid pasting yourself on debris while avoid the enemy incoming, some of which come far to close for comfort.
[09:00:55] GM: [4d4*10] => 140
[09:01:04] GM: Komi you take 280 to the main body
[09:01:17] GM: roll a 100
[09:01:31] Lt. Jaron radios "Komillia; going to take this group through a mine group that hasnt went off yet, so dont follow too close"
[09:02:41] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [65] = (65)
[09:03:06] GM: Sever internal damage -1 attack, -2 on init and dodge
[09:03:17] GM: reduce speed by half
[09:03:28] 2 LT Komillia: Well, I'm done.
[09:03:31] GM: Jaron your turn
[09:05:19] Lt. Jaron moves through the debris and tries to get the wraiths to follow towards the mines (piloting [1d100] => [31] = (31) vs 84)
[09:05:45] GM: Suki your go
[09:07:33] Lt. Ishida hearing the battle chatter veers off to assist the stricken bioroid. "Sarah, Komi;s in trouble, keep to your search, I'll be back soon." Suki will try to pull Komillia from the battlefield approaching at high speed transforming into Battloid (connected to the Beta still) and tackle the busted battloid and hit full burner towards the Yuki.
[09:07:42] Lt. Ishida: [1d100] => [77] = (77) Piloting
[09:07:51] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[09:08:05] GM: It's ugly, but, I'll take it
[09:08:15] GM: Sarah, your turn
[09:09:10] GM: Komillia, as the Wraiths turn for another pass your proximity alarms go wild and there is a large bang as your mecha is impacted hard, you are slammed into your seat and are held there by steady and increasing velocity.
[09:09:21] CWO2 Sarah listens that, nodding just a little. "Yes ma'am. Following up on sensor contact…" She watches her sensors still, flying towards the spot she saw. [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15) perc, [1d100] => [11] = (11) RSI
[09:10:03] GM: Sarah, you just happen to come across a battered chunk of toasted debris, it looks…vaguely Alpha like.
[09:10:23] GM: Komillia, your turn
[09:11:00] 2 LT Komillia: Thanks, I can bring myself in thanks. Activates thrusters to withdraw.
[09:11:48] Lt. Ishida: Once I have your past the flax perimeter you can go solo, until then, please do not struggle.
[09:11:57] Lt. Ishida: ((flax = flak))
[09:11:59] 2 LT Komillia: Understood.
[09:12:01] Lt. Ishida: ((faceplam))
[09:13:24] GM: Gage, outside you can see a stricken Alpha barreling towards the hanger bay at full speed in Guardian mode, it is being chased by three Wraiths thru some debris. The Battloids in the bay are busy firing at the other Wraiths that are buzzing about the ship like angry hornets
[09:13:37] CWO2 Sarah: (( *pours flax into Suki's undies* j/k ))
[09:14:39] Gage radios "We have friendlies inbound, watch yourselves" He moves to the side and ready to fire at a wraith if it enters.
[09:15:13] GM: The enemy wraiths move to pass thru the debris (Jaron I have your successful piloting roll already)
[09:15:24] Haydonite: [1d100] => [15] = (15)
[09:15:24] Haydonite: [1d100] => [5] = (5)
[09:15:24] Haydonite: [1d100] => [53] = (53)
[09:15:54] GM: The enemy navigates the debris with skill at full military thrust and continue to fire
[09:16:07] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[09:16:08] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[09:16:08] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[09:16:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( heh, a fail and a crit, nice ))
[09:16:51] GM: ((and thus the balance of the universe is maintained))
[09:17:20] Lt. Jaron grimaces and tries to jerk up to avoid(dodging [1d20+12] => [12,12] = (24); [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15))
[09:18:04] GM: Jaron you go evasive and evade two of the incoming wraith, but the third strikes true, hitting you in the [1d100] => [32] = (32)
[09:18:27] GM: [4d4*10] => 110
[09:18:29] GM: 220
[09:19:25] Lt. Jaron ejects
[09:19:31] GM: blowing your right shoulder and arm off
[09:19:40] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[09:19:54] CWO2 Sarah: (( don't eject too prematurely ))
[09:20:25] Lt. Jaron: (I guess but does the damage carry over to main body?)
[09:20:44] GM: It will yes
[09:21:21] Lt. Jaron: (I have some remaining on main body, so I wont eject then)
[09:21:38] GM: Roll 100
[09:21:46] GM: well, a d100 rather
[09:21:52] CWO2 Sarah: (( yeah, someone might think you have premature ejection issues. j/k ))
[09:21:54] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [88] = (88)
[09:22:05] Lt. Jaron: (harhar)
[09:22:28] GM: Engine damage! Cannot engage any thrusters, fly or perform leaps
[09:22:44] GM: Your plane just turned into a brick
[09:23:17] Lt. Jaron radios "Lost engines, coming in fast and hard. No control"
[09:23:47] GM: You are coming in dead stick…sure you don't wanna get out while you can?
[09:24:19] Lt. Jaron: (how far am I away?)
[09:24:33] CWO2 Sarah: (( might be a good idea with that issue, really. heehee. wee, dead stick ))
[09:24:34] GM: I mean, you're technically going 3 times the speed of sound with no way to slow down headed right towards a very large object…
[09:25:01] GM: Yuki getting BIG in that window!
[09:25:28] Lt. Jaron does as his gut instinct told him to do earlier, eject
[09:25:36] GM: You pull the loud handle and, in the space of .5 seconds, your restraints pull you into the seat , explosive bolts blow the canopy clear and your seats thrusters throw you clear of your stricken craft.
[09:27:03] GM: Gage, you see Alpha hit again, it's arm is blow off and the hull is shredded, the canopy blows clear and the pilot ejects. the burning and now spinning fireball of a fighter continues to hurtle towards the hanger bay…
[09:27:28] GM: Suki your turn…
[09:27:47] CWO2 Sarah: (( (*tickles Suki*) ))
[09:28:26] Gage sighs "aw crud." and radios "Incoming"
[09:28:28] Lt. Ishida continues her full burner thrust towards the Yuki [1d100] => [41] = (41) to navigate mine field [1d100] => [14] = (14) to navigate flak perimeter
[09:28:58] GM: Sarah, your turn
[09:29:26] CWO2 Sarah maneuvers her Legios towards the twisted "Vaguely Alpha-like" chunk, slowing and switching the Alpha lo battloid mode to make a check on it, as she closes in.
[09:30:03] GM: Sarah finds a pilots compartment that has seen better days
[09:30:39] GM: Ay, sitting in your tomb, bright searchlight play over your canopy
[09:30:39] CWO2 Sarah taps on the compartment, and starts looking in. "Anyone there?"
[09:31:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [89] = (89) radio basic (in case she's at mine) "I'm here!"
[09:31:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( d'oh ))
[09:32:33] GM: Sarah, you can see someone inside,
[09:33:33] CWO2 Sarah takes hold of the compartment, and starts heading back for the Yuki.
[09:33:46] GM: Inside the hanger bay, Gage's warning is heeded and the cyclone riders scatter, running for cover while the Battloids turn their guns on the incoming Alpha [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16) and [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[09:34:25] GM: [4d8*10] => 210
[09:34:25] GM: [4d8*10] => 210
[09:35:07] GM: The Alpha is obliterated but a good enough amount of the debris, including the nose continues on and the fiery wreck impact the bay
[09:35:18] GM: Gage, roll dodge
[09:35:24] GM: +6
[09:35:33] Gage: [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[09:35:46] GM: You are able to thrust out of harms way.
[09:36:08] GM: Suki, the Haydonites are not happy at you stealing their prey, and open fire at you
[09:36:21] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[09:36:21] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[09:36:21] Haydonite: [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[09:36:49] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [1,21] = (22)
[09:36:49] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [6,21] = (27)
[09:36:49] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+21] => [16,21] = (37)
[09:37:05] GM: Suki you are hit twice, one is a crit
[09:37:22] GM: [4d4*10] => 80
[09:37:30] GM: to the [1d100] => [82] = (82) for the hit
[09:37:47] GM: Lower leg
[09:37:54] GM: and [1d100] => [49] = (49) for the crit
[09:37:58] GM: [4d4*10] => 90
[09:38:11] GM: 180 to the same, lower leg
[09:38:39] GM: Just a flesh wound (lucky bitch)
[09:38:41] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:39:03] GM: Jaron, your turn
[09:40:18] GM: ((actually…Suki, your left engine (beta) is knocked out))
[09:40:31] GM: ((forgot to add the 180 to the 80))
[09:41:16] Lt. Jaron radios "If someone could make a quick grab, I would appreciate it"
[09:41:32] GM: Suki your turn
[09:42:14] Lt. Ishida kicks in full reverse thrust to slow her momentum, then releases Komillia [1d100+15] => [79,15] = (94)
[09:43:15] GM: Suki, your slow yourself and release Komi, but, you didn't slow yourself as much as you would have liked, Komillia, you are released towards the Yuki at about mach 1.7
[09:43:46] GM: Sarah, your turn
[09:45:23] CWO2 Sarah keeps holding onto the pilots compartment, flying back towards the Yukikaze as before. "Inbound to the Yuki with an occupied pilot's compartment." She flies all careful to evade the mine field [1d100] => [49] = (49) and the flak perimeter. [1d100] => [22] = (22) when she gets to them.
[09:45:39] GM: Komi, your turn
[09:45:42] CWO2 Sarah: (( vs 85% on both ))
[09:45:44] CWO2 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[09:46:21] 2 LT Komillia: ((Are there any that Komi can hit while still maintaining course to the Yuki?))
[09:46:45] GM: yes, but if you attack then you don't get to try and slow yourself until next turn
[09:47:56] 2 LT Komillia tries to slow herself down to not be a grease smear on the deck. [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs 85% Pilot Battloid.
[09:48:33] GM: Komi you are able to slow your approach and 'impact' the deck at a gentle 45 mph
[09:50:11] GM: Gage, your action, the debris from the Alpha has ceased banging around and the fires in the vacuum of the bay are quickly extinguished. A battered Terran Fighter Bioroid (friendly) alights to the deck, and you can feel the impact under you as the deck reverberates
[09:53:26] Gage radios "You ok in there pilot?" he watches space for followers
[09:53:54] GM: Jaron you be floating so we go to Suki next
[09:54:18] Lt. Ishida inwardly swears at the sloppy release. [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23) perc
[09:54:27] Lt. Ishida and notices Jaron in his ejection seat
[09:54:36] 2 LT Komillia: Gee, we keep getting hammered by the Haydonites all the time, and we're supposed to be the elites…
[09:54:44] CWO2 Sarah: (( awesome perc ))
[09:54:48] Lt. Ishida moves to recover him and deposit him in the bay [1d100] => [80] = (80)
[09:55:00] Lt. Jaron waves as he notices Suki's mech
[09:55:31] GM: Suki, you are able to grab a hold of Jaron and return him to the deck, but he gets banged up a bit at the jarring retrieval [6d6] => [4,2,4,1,2,2] = (15) sdc to Jaron
[09:56:27] GM: Sarah, you arrive to the deck at about the same time Suki underhand lobs Jaron inside.
[09:56:33] Lt. Jaron radios "oww, easy girl"
[09:57:10] GM: ((note the damage isn't form the lob, but rather from the initial grab, 80 is above her piloting roll
[09:57:23] CWO2 Sarah shakes her head just a little bit. She reverses thrust, and moves to land herself down, even with the Alpha in battloid, to set the pilot's compartment down gently on the deck. [1d100] => [86] = (86) piloting
[09:57:27] GM: rather her skill
[09:57:35] CWO2 Sarah: (( vs 85%. lolol ))
[09:58:01] GM: actually, was looking at the wrong skill, that damage vanishes Jaron
[09:58:07] GM: she has an 86%
[09:58:21] GM: ((bad GM, BAD!))
[10:00:05] GM: Ay on the other had takes that 6d6
[10:00:06] 2 LT Komillia: ((Now swe shall never let you live it down.))
[10:00:15] GM: [6d6] => [4,4,1,4,2,3] = (18)
[10:00:22] 2 LT Komillia climbs out of her wreck.
[10:01:17] Maj. Kavashera brings his TF into the bay from the upper hull and surveys the disorder in the bay.
[10:01:51] Maj. Kavashera: What a mess!
[10:02:15] 2 LT Komillia: My apologies sir. Seems I couldn't outrun a toaster.""
[10:02:58] Maj. Kavashera: Toasters are faster then you think. Alright…
[10:03:09] Maj. Kavashera thrusts over and looks at Suki's mecha.
[10:03:15] Lt. Jaron gets out as well and moves to the side "Apologies sir. A lot of fire out there"
[10:03:58] Maj. Kavashera: Okay, wonder twins, get back out there into a hidey hole, Mr Toaster is gonna be back. Rest of you, draw a new machine and get back on line.
[10:04:49] Lt. Jaron nods "Yes sir!"
[10:04:49] GM: As the Major barks his orders a crash team uses the jaws of life to get Ay out of her life pod
[10:05:08] CWO2 Sarah nods quickly and complies. "Yes, sir!"
[10:05:21] 2Lt. Aylanea sprawls in her pod basically
[10:06:36] Lt. Ishida has her Alpha salute then wheels about and transforming into a more streamlined form, leaves the bay.
[10:07:01] CWO2 Sarah also switches her Legios back to full fighter mode before leaving.
[10:07:10] GM: Free RP (on comms)
[10:08:36] Lt. Jaron moves over to Aylanea and helps her to her feet "Sorry we couldn't find you sooner"
[10:09:16] CWO2 Sarah sighs just a little. "Well, we found her anyway. Wonder where that capship snuck to…"
[10:10:04] 2 LT Komillia: [1d12] => [6] = (6)
[10:10:53] 2 LT Komillia: Is it me or does our unit seem to bleed mecha like the Haydonites have struck a major artery? And I wonder what units are getting shafted to keep us up to par?
[10:11:23] Maj. Kavashera: Don't let it eat at you, you made it back alive.
[10:11:45] CWO2 Sarah snickers just a little on radio. "I won't say anything, it'll jinx me for later on."
[10:11:47] Maj. Kavashera: Mecha can be replaced, you all, not so easily.
[10:12:44] Lt. Jaron: "Thanks Major. How have the others squadrons done?"
[10:13:12] 2 LT Komillia: It's not eating at me as much as its an observation. We need things either sturdier or better at getting out of the way…
[10:13:15] Maj. Kavashera: We've lost about 35 or so today
[10:13:25] Maj. Kavashera: more in terms of Mecha
[10:13:54] Lt. Jaron nods "the enemy?"
[10:14:04] 2 LT Komillia: 35 isn't a good number, but at least its ONLY double digits.
[10:14:39] Maj. Kavashera: I'd have to double check in with the CIC but, at least 150 Wraiths, and those two caps hips confirmed, one probable.
[10:14:40] 2 LT Komillia: I'd say its safe to assume that they lost A LOT more than we did.
[10:17:09] Maj. Kavashera nods
[10:17:46] CWO2 Sarah: So, there any estimate on how many more capships might decide to show up to this, from fighter counts or such?
[10:18:23] Maj. Kavashera: No idea, but it would be wishful thinking to believe that's all they sent.
[10:19:06] Maj. Kavashera: But best intels puts that fighter cover at three times what the cap ships we saw can carry.
[10:19:22] Maj. Kavashera: So, take that for what it's worth.
[10:19:40] CWO2 Sarah: So either they have 3 more capships, or a heavier carrier of some kind we haven't seen, to cover the numbers. Yes, sir.
[10:19:51] Maj. Kavashera nods
[10:20:44] GM: As you converse an alert message blares over the comms
[10:21:02] Comm Transmission: All hands brace for impact! All hands brace for impact!
[10:21:12] GM: Percs
[10:21:20] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [9,1] = (10)
[10:21:23] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:21:33] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+2] => [8,2] = (10)
[10:21:38] Lt. Ishida: [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[10:21:40] Gage: [1d20+2] => [15,2] = (17)
[10:21:53] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [20] = (20) (since I'm alive)
[10:22:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or am I not in position to see anything? ))
[10:22:29] GM: Ay, you see it first, then Komillia and Gage since they were facing out the bay…
[10:22:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woot! ))
[10:23:03] GM: The mist in the distance glows red then hundreds of energy beams hurtle towards your positions
[10:24:12] GM: the beams aren't particularly aimed, and it seems more like a saturation barrage, but debris and larger chunks of ship hulks are impacted.
[10:24:27] 2 LT Komillia: GO EVASIVE!
[10:24:47] 2Lt. Aylanea winces. "Still one out there."
[10:24:51] GM: The Yuki shudders as the enemy artillery pounds the area
[10:24:56] GM: percs
[10:25:03] CWO2 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15)
[10:25:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[10:25:09] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [18] = (18)
[10:26:01] GM: You figure from the volume of the incoming, if that's from one of those ships you fought earlier, there is at least ten of them out there, that, or something bigger…
[10:26:19] GM: the fire is continuous
[10:27:13] GM: You can feel the Yukikaze fire up her mains and from the hanger bay can see the ship backpedal deeper into the debris field.
[10:28:29] GM: Sarah and Suki, you have a much better view from the outside
[10:28:36] 2Lt. Aylanea probably has to go to sickbay by this point, anyway, tries to under her own power.
[10:29:02] GM: the area where the ships are hidden are being barraged by enemy cannon fire, hundreds and hundreds of energy blasts impact every 5 seconds
[10:29:39] GM: You can tell easily that the enemy either doesn't know where the ships are, or doesn't care.
[10:30:06] GM: and are blanketing the area, blowing up any thing and everything
[10:32:27] GM: Ay, you make your way to sickbay, all the while the ship shudders from the incoming
[10:33:21] CWO2 Sarah tries to look into the view from outside, to see if the beams are coming more from a specific point, or several specific points, to see if she can get some figuring on how many ships are firing. [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) perc
[10:33:48] GM: The beams seems to be coming out of the mist along a mile long arc
[10:34:39] Lt. Jaron comments "We could try circle around the engagement zone and deliver something powerful."
[10:36:57] CWO2 Sarah nods just a little. "The problem is, we need to do it /fast/, the longer it takes to circle around, the less there'll be left of the ships."
[10:38:13] GM: Well vat to joo vant to do?
[10:39:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( that's not for me to decide, after all ))
[10:39:52] Lt. Jaron: "could we fold a small ship in there?"
[10:40:23] CWO2 Sarah shakes head. "Fold drives don't work in this mess, I thought."
[10:40:48] GM: No folding in the nebula…
[10:40:51] Lt. Jaron: "That's the fastest way thou"
[10:41:14] 2 LT Komillia: If we could somehow space fold a nuke that would be best. However, my thought is to use something small and dodgy that we could ram into the thing and tear it apart from the inside.
[10:41:46] Lt. Jaron: tactics [1d100] => [85] = (85) vs 80
[10:42:31] CWO2 Sarah: [1d100] => [15] = (15) tactics vs. 89%, [1d100] => [27] = (27) fleet tactics vs. 59%
[10:42:59] GM: okie day
[10:44:03] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekeke ))
[10:44:55] CWO2 Sarah: (( pew pew pew. nice ))
[10:44:58] GM: kk, basic jist of it all
[10:45:22] GM: enemy in da mist, pew pew pew in your general direction
[10:45:23] Lt. Jaron: (could spread our ships and see if the barrage follows…….or have lu make a run into the mist)
[10:45:33] GM: that's a plan
[10:48:38] CWO2 Sarah: (( the ships will be vulnerable when moving between debris pieces, is the thing. ))
[10:49:02] CWO2 Sarah looks at the situation and frowns, considering it, looking to see how much fighter screen is still left. [1d20+1] => [10,1] = (11)
[10:49:14] Lt. Jaron: (well stay in the barrage or try to move? bumping into some debris sounds ok)
[10:49:33] GM: The enemy fighter screen has, to the best of your ability, retreated intot eh mist
[10:52:08] GM: Okay, I will leave it here, hehehe, let you figure out what yall wanna do
[10:52:26] Lt. Jaron: (how fast would it take us to get to the edge of the mist?)
[10:52:42] CWO2 Sarah looks at the debris and such. "Maybe we could make it in more directly moving from debris spot to debris spot. If we can get the mist quickly enough, we can possibly hit the ship from the sides. Depending on where in the mist the fighter screen is…"
[10:52:46] GM: at best speed, maybe a half hour
[10:52:58] GM: maybe less, if you go at full burner
[10:53:27] GM: assume 700 miles give or take, and you can make the calculations based on your mechas top speed
[10:54:01] GM: that is of course if you want to do a flat out run at the enemy guns
[10:54:11] CWO2 Sarah: (( kekekekeke ))
[10:54:19] Lt. Jaron: can Lurana's ship fold?
[10:54:30] CWO2 Sarah: (( rar ))
[10:54:34] Lt. Ishida: I for one do not wish to repeat the Charge of the Light brigade thank you very much.
[10:54:50] GM: Nothing can fold inside the nebula
[10:54:53] GM: at all
[10:55:07] Lt. Jaron: Yea I know
[10:55:17] GM: so even if her ships had operational fold drives, it would not engage in here
[10:55:26] GM: kk
[10:57:14] CWO2 Sarah: (( mach 7.2 for the Legios combos, btw. 5560 mph at full boost. so even going around the fire, 15 mins. ))
[10:57:38] GM: there ya go
[10:57:53] CWO2 Sarah: (( that's ballistic flight in atmosphere tho, isn't that doubled in space? ))
[10:58:00] Lt. Jaron: I suggest just moving out of the barrage and have our ships fires into the mist as we fly in with a present
[10:58:13] CWO2 Sarah: (( without gravity and atmosphere interfering? ))
[10:59:03] CWO2 Sarah sighs a little and nods. "The Legios units will almost have to lead the way, we can get to the mist a lot faster than anyone else can."


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