[07:51:52] GM: The Kalypsos expanse lies before the fleet, and command estimates nebula interface within 12 hours. The fleet is put on combat alert and moved into the spherical formation previously discussed. The Yukikaze and Miyuki have moved to the van of the fleet and have begun preparations for entry. You have two hours with which to take care of any personal business on Phoenix before all shuttle flights are suspended for the duration of the crossing.
[07:52:13] Lt. Fallnya stayed behind on the Yuki
[07:54:14] Gage requests a Radus
[07:54:23] Lt. Ishida travels to the Phoenix to pick up some supplies, mainly sweets and other items.
[07:54:58] Lt. Jaron finalizations any load out requests
[07:55:18] GM: The Radus is available, but remember, it is designed for use on the hull of starships and in other zero gee environments, and cannot transform.
[07:55:55] CWO Sarah goes along with Suki to the Phoenix, making sure she has anything she really needs outside the Yuki's supplies. Which isn't much, but she makes sure she has some things good anyway.
[07:55:56] Gage: (ok)
[07:56:39] GM: Yes, like 3ply TP
[07:57:42] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:00:06] Lt. Ishida requests twin EU-15's for her Alpha as well as a GAU-121 as a alternate loadout, just in case. She also would like to swap out her 038Lite for a 059 for the duration of the crossing.
[08:00:31] Lt. Fallnya is outside the majors office with something in her hand behind her back waiting to be called on after knocking requesting and audience and waiting.
[08:00:55] Maj. Kavashera: Enter!
[08:01:56] Lt. Fallnya steps in snapping off a salute with the empty hand proper and sharp. While waiting on the major to salute back and standing at proper attention
[08:02:08] Maj. Kavashera all but rolls his eyes
[08:02:17] Maj. Kavashera: What can I do for you, Lieutenant?
[08:02:33] Lt. Fallnya doesn't say a thing but hands him the folded up paper
[08:02:42] Maj. Kavashera: Whats this?
[08:02:57] Lt. Fallnya: "Open it and look Sir."
[08:03:13] Maj. Kavashera does so.
[08:04:47] Lt. Fallnya he would see its a class list 4 classes listed down as well as the prices. "Remember how CAG put me in charge, well i took the time to start bettering my self before what happened." He can tell the classes all pertain to leadership, how to handle troops in 2 various situations (naval, and guerrilla i think), and one other leadership based skill
[08:05:12] Lt. Fallnya: "I started taking the classes while our special training was going on."
[08:05:47] Maj. Kavashera folds the paper back up and slides it back to you.
[08:06:41] Lt. Fallnya: "And I'm afraid that now that thats gonna be useless id like some Reimbursement."
[08:06:54] Maj. Kavashera blinks.
[08:07:06] Maj. Kavashera stands slowly.
[08:08:09] Lt. Fallnya: He would also note shes in full battle armor prepared for the mission today except for the helmet
[08:10:13] Maj. Kavashera: Lieutenant, I'm going to make this very plain to you. If you think that I or the UEMC is going to give you back a red cent you are sorely FUCKING MISTAKEN you arrogant bitch! Now, you had best UNFUCK yourself and get your ass back on deck and squared away! You are DISMISSED! Get the FUCK out of my OFFICE!
[08:10:43] Maj. Kavashera: [1d100] => [37] = (37)
[08:10:48] Maj. Kavashera: ((intimidate))
[08:11:19] Lt. Fallnya: (as you said that only works on npc's not pc's)
[08:11:23] Lt. Fallnya: (just like charm)
[08:12:32] GM: Nod, he's an NPC, so, I figured I'd give you some flavor to work with, so, play in character. Basically, you see him incredibly angry and the genes of Khyron the Backstabber have boiled to the surface, as his hand rests on his sidearm.
[08:14:42] Lt. Fallnya: "Major if you fire that weapon, you would be in worse shape than i, you may kill me, but i am unarmed and I'm no way a threat how badly do you want to ruin your own career, sir?" *she speaks diplomatically and calmly with the cold coolness in her own genes
[08:17:12] Maj. Kavashera: You, insubordinate, cheeky….if you do not about FUCKING face RIGHT NOW I'll have you in the brig on charges of conduct unbecoming, willful insubordination, culpable inefficiency and whatever the FUCK else I feel like is, so fast it''ll make your head spin!
[08:18:44] GM: Protip: Run!
[08:19:59] Lt. Fallnya with a faint bemused smile she steps from the office just as she moves out of sight she clicks off a tape-recorder she had in her belt pouch on her utility belt.
[08:21:05] GM: As GM, I'm going to have to call cheese on that one, I consider myself pretty fair, so, little shenanigans like that, you have to tell me beforehand, it wouldn't have changed what he said, but I can't abide by that sort of meta gaming.
[08:21:28] Lt. Fallnya: (not meta gaming)
[08:22:06] GM: Yes, it is, you did not tell me you were taking a recorder in, as it's not part of your standard kit, I can't legitimately allow it unless stated prior.
[08:22:06] Lt. Fallnya: (metagaming is knowing what the hell hes gonna say before hand, and what every one else is gonna do, i didn't know he would react that way.
[08:22:29] GM: I'm sure you can see my point on this.
[08:22:30] Lt. Fallnya: (yea and you need to tell me this)
[08:22:55] GM: No I don't, everyone who plays a role playing game understands these things,
[08:23:13] Lt. Fallnya: (and whats the point if every one knows before hand she has a recorder?)
[08:23:30] Lt. Jaron: (well this could've been handle outside of game time and posted for the rest.)
[08:23:46] GM: It would be like Jaron, with his standard kit, suddenly running afoul of a burning building and suddenly declaring oh, I pull out that fire extinguisher I have in my backpack.
[08:53:19] GM: The Yukikaze enters the nebula first. Suki is standing on the Observation deck below the Flag Bridge in her CVR-3 watching as the ship enters the field, a slight deceleration effect leans her forward slightly as you pass into the mist.
[08:53:54] GM: (free Rp for a lil bit)
[08:54:40] Lt. Jaron joins the few on the observation deck
[08:56:24] CWO Sarah blinks as she sees the nebula, on the observation deck as well. She bites her lip softly, shifting slightly in her armor, and feeling the deceleration. She tries to brace back against it, watching interestedly.
[08:57:05] Lt. Ishida sees Jaron's' reflection in the glass as he enters and turns her head and nods, acknowliging his presence.
[08:57:13] Lt. Ishida : "Tiacho."
[08:59:12] GM: Jaron?
[09:01:50] 2Lt. Aylanea is nearly leaning on the window when they enter the nebula, she's watching so much. She tries to brace when the deceleration happens, though.
[09:02:36] Lt. Jaron: "Ishida. Beautiful isn't it?"
[09:03:11] Lt. Ishida : Hai, it is as you say. A shame it will become a battlefield shortly.
[09:03:30] Lt. Jaron: "Indeed."
[09:03:41] Lt. Ishida : Nervous?
[09:04:03] Lt. Jaron: "A little"
[09:04:10] Lt. Ishida nods
[09:04:44] Lt. Jaron: "Any change in the intel?"
[09:05:41] Lt. Ishida : The rearguard has spotted nothing behind us. and it will be up to us to detect the enemy ahead.
[09:06:08] Lt. Jaron nods
[09:06:10] Lt. Ishida : I expect this will not be easy.
[09:06:49] CWO Sarah listens quietly just a little bit, nodding.
[09:07:06] Lt. Jaron: "Agreed. With sensors mess; anything can be hiding out there"
[09:07:40] Lt. Ishida : Hai.
[09:08:39] Comm Officer: Attention attention! All scout pilots man your craft. All scout pilots man your craft.
[09:09:09] Lt. Jaron turns to leave "Thats our cue."
[09:09:44] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls away from the window quickly, to hurry for the lift, smiling to the others. "Yep."
[09:10:07] The XO: All hands set condition 1SQ throughout the ship, combat stations. This is the XO.
[09:10:49] Lt. Ishida picks up her helmet from a nearby seat and nods to Jaron.
[09:10:59] Lt. Ishida : Yokai!
[09:11:27] CWO Sarah picks her own helmet up and sticks it on, nodding quickly.
[09:11:49] CWO Sarah: (( 1SQ? Secure Quarters? ))
[09:12:04] CWO Sarah: (( know Condition 1 from BSG, just hadn't heard SQ before ))
[09:12:14] GM :
[09:13:15] GM: The ship is a buzz with activity as the team makes their way to the hanger deck. Deck crews hustle as the pilots man their craft.
[09:14:05] Comm Officer: All scout craft, you are cleared for take off on your go, repeat, all scout craft are cleared for launch!
[09:14:56] Lt. Jaron moves to his alpha and does a quick prep himself before taking off (nice background music)
[09:15:09] Lt. Ishida slides her visor down and closes her canopy, giving a thumbs up and salute to the ground crew.
[09:15:20] 2Lt. Aylanea hops her Alpha quick and does her prep, getting ready to taxi to take of quickly.
[09:15:44] CWO Sarah climbs into her Beta behind Suki, letting her handle it if they're connected.
[09:15:50] Lt. Ishida : Hitman 1-3 green across the board.
[09:17:21] Lt. Jaron: "Hitman Actual ready and leaving the bay"
[09:17:40] Lt. Jaron takes off
[09:17:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: I'm green, taking off as well.
[09:17:49] Comm Officer: Roger that Hitman flight! Good hunting!
[09:18:21] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls her Alpha out, and launches.
[09:18:30] GM: The trio of fighters leave the side mounted honeycomb bays of the Yukikaze, catapulting into the nebula.
[09:20:24] GM: The nebula is bright and almost mesmerizing. It is only the double polarization of the canopy and faceplates of your CVR that allow you to avoid being utterly blinded.
[09:20:55] GM: Slight buffets of turbulence rock your ships as you proceed ahead of your mothership.
[09:21:55] Lt. Ishida will link the team in with the C&C systems aboard her Alpha [1d100] => [22] = (22)
[09:22:21] Lt. Ishida : Hitman flight is synched. Combat telemetry 5 by 5.
[09:22:55] Lt. Jaron: "Roger, Echelon formation"
[09:23:09] Lt. Ishida : Echelon formation aye!
[09:23:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: Roger that.
[09:25:06] Lt. Jaron leads the flight to optimal distance from fleet and begins to search space and occasionally check his sensors
[09:26:00] GM: Roll RSI
[09:26:18] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [14] = (14) vs 65%
[09:26:54] Lt. Ishida : [1d100] => [55] = (55) vs 68%
[09:27:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [12] = (12)
[09:27:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( vs. 63% ))
[09:28:15] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [26] = (26) vs. 65%
[[09:28:48] GM: Jaron, you pick up no enemy tracks but your sensors do detect a large diffuse wave of energy approaching from your Starboard side. It is moving at a high rate of speed. Sarah you also detect this, but in slightly less detail.
[09:30:53] GM: Bing! A bioroid appears off Ay's starboard rear quarter
[09:31:18] 2Lt. Aylanea blinks as she sees that, glancing into the mirror and looking back. "We expecting any Bioroids out here?"
[09:31:18] Lt. Jaron reports to Command about the energy.
[09:31:27] James: ((What is this song all about? Can't figure any lyrics out…))
[09:32:04] Lt. Jaron smirks a little "Well they are apart of our team. Better late than never"
[09:32:07] GM: ((it's Komillia ya doofus))
[09:32:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh. ))
[09:32:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( nevermind ))
[09:32:27] 2 LT Komillia: Sorry, I was getting some stitches replaced…
[09:32:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( thought she was with the ground team ))
[09:32:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heehee ))
[09:32:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *buries head* ))
[09:33:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( sorry, thought it was related to my RSI roll ))
[09:33:24] Lt. Jaron: "Hitman, turn to the wave and hope we can ride it out without trouble"
[09:33:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: Acknowledged!
[09:33:41] Comm Transmission: Ro…gert Hi… flight,…commen…u take…asive ac…on.
[09:34:51] Lt. Jaron: "Brace yourself everyone." (afk for about 5)
[09:35:05] Lt. Ishida : Roger that, coming to heading 050 mark 3.
[09:35:29] GM: Roll piloting -20% everyone
[09:35:59] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+20] => [45,20] = (65) vs 89%
[09:36:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+20] => [47,20] = (67) vs 83%
[09:36:17] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100+20] => [28,20] = (48) vs 85%
[09:37:10] GM: I [1d100] => [46] = (46) S [1d100] => [24] = (24) A [1d100] => [54] = (54) K [1d100] => [92] = (92) J [1d100] => [40] = (40)
[09:37:12] CWO Sarah: [1d100+20] => [45,20] = (65) vs. 80% (just in case I do better than Suki )
[09:37:20] CWO Sarah: (( lol, nope ))
[09:38:43] GM: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[09:38:43] GM: [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[09:40:19] 2 LT Komillia: ((Testing your hax skills, oh GM?))
[09:40:20] GM: Sarah, and Jaron, as you enter the Energy Storm your mecha is affected by the electrical discharges. Sarah your Sensors drop by 88% efficiency and Jaron, your radar system starts showing ghost images.
[09:40:40] CWO Sarah: (( ouch ))
[09:40:58] GM: Rolling for Jaron's piloting [1d100+20] => [32,20] = (52)
[09:41:08] GM: He is good to go.
[09:41:21] Lt. Jaron: "Use your eyes and half your sensors" (vs 86% for piloting)
[09:42:05] GM: As you turn into the wave you are able to maintain formation despite the intense energy and high 'wind' speeds.
[09:42:40] GM: [1d8] => [6] = (6)
[09:43:20] GM: It takes you six arm wrenching and bouncy minutes to pass thru the 'weather system'
[09:44:07] Lt. Jaron: "Everyone ok?"
[09:44:22] GM: Bursting thru the other side of this 'clear air turbulence' your craft settle down.
[09:44:39] Lt. Ishida : Roger that lead.
[09:45:20] Lt. Jaron: "Correct your course to previous"
[09:45:42] Lt. Ishida : Yokai! Coming to heading 010 mark 2
[09:46:30] 2 LT Komillia: That was a bumpier ride than that wooden roller coaster back home.
[09:47:20] Lt. Jaron continues on planned pattern
[09:47:44] GM: Density [1d100] => [4] = (4) Energy [1d100] => [52] = (52) Velocity [1d100] => [96] = (96)
[09:48:01] CWO Sarah taps her sensor listing a little, trying to adjust it. "I'm here, sensors are misbehaving though, trying to correct." ([1d100] => [12] = (12) sensory equipment to try to fix)
[09:48:16] GM: RSI's please
[09:48:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: That was interesting, certainly…
[09:48:38] Lt. Ishida : [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs 68
[09:48:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [18] = (18) vs. 63%
[09:49:20] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [41] = (41) vs. 65% (minus whatever penalty, depending on what her roll to try fixing did)
[09:49:50] 2Lt. Aylanea blinkblinks. "Got another wave coming in, a lot faster this time!"
[09:50:03] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [53] = (53) vs 60
[09:50:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: "Not as big, but…"
[09:50:29] GM: Komillia you pick it up just prior to 'impact' all roll piloting at -35%
[09:50:46] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+35] => [15,35] = (50) vs 89
[09:50:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+35] => [47,35] = (82) vs. 83%
[09:51:28] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100+35] => [11,35] = (46) vs 85
[09:51:36] CWO Sarah: [1d100+35] => [96,35] = (131) vs. 80
[09:51:40] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:51:43] CWO Sarah: (( wow, that sucked ))
[09:51:58] CWO Sarah: (( but she's connected to Suki, so Suki's roll would stand, I'd think ))
[09:52:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((Fumble on the play!))
[09:52:14] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:52:17] CWO Sarah: (( I watched that ))
[09:52:27] Lt. Jaron: [1d100+35] => [81,35] = (116)vs 86%
[09:52:36] 2 LT Komillia: ((I didn't I slept through it…))
[09:52:45] CWO Sarah: (( ouch ))
[09:52:49] CWO Sarah: (( poor Jaron ))
[09:52:57] GM: Sarah, you reset the sensor systems on the Beta just as the second wave hits and are buffeted about the cockpit, Ay, you almost lose control, but your training kicks in and with a quick burst to your lateral vernier thruster, you course correct enough to avoid impacting Komillia's Bioroid.
[09:53:01] 2 LT Komillia: ((OH GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN!))
[09:53:17] CWO Sarah: (( eep? ))
[09:53:29] GM: Jaron, your Alpha is pitched over end over end. Suki roll piloting.
[09:53:39] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+35] => [54,35] = (89) vs 89
[09:53:50] 2Lt. Aylanea muttergrumbles as she works the stick. "sorry about that…"
[09:53:53] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( LOL ))
[09:53:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay Suki ))
[09:54:02] GM: Suki you barely and I mean barely avoid impact, you touch paint.
[09:54:59] Lt. Ishida almost bites thru her lip as she descends and pumps the afterburners. Her eyes are wide and her heart races, but she doesn't make a sound.
[09:55:32] GM: Meanwhile Jaron's fighter is being carried along by the wave. You may roll to recover -35%
[09:55:38] Lt. Jaron tries to get control after a flip [1d100+35] => [19,35] = (54) vs 86%
[09:57:18] GM: Jaron you recover from the tumble and rejoin the flight some 4 minutes later as you firewall the afterburners to fight the wave and catch up.
[09:57:32] Lt. Ishida : Recommend we increase combat spacing Hitman Actual.
[09:58:09] Lt. Jaron: "Agreed"
[09:58:38] GM: Roll RSI's -15%
[09:58:48] GM: [1d100+15] => [13,15] = (28)
[09:58:57] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+15] => [31,15] = (46)
[09:59:03] Lt. Jaron: [1d100+15] => [16,15] = (31) vs 65
[09:59:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+15] => [34,15] = (49)
[09:59:18] GM: Got some beady eyes here. lol
[09:59:23] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100+15] => [93,15] = (108) vs 60
[09:59:25] CWO Sarah: [1d100+15] => [43,15] = (58)
[09:59:30] GM: Well, almost
[09:59:51] 2 LT Komillia: My screen is nothing but static!
[09:59:51] CWO Sarah: (( vs 65 for me, 63 for Ay. ))
[10:01:46] Lt. Jaron radios "detect 6 targets, 50km distant, 3 o'clock high"
[10:01:51] Lt. Jaron: (high)
[10:02:07] Lt. Ishida : Roger that Actual, I see them!
[10:02:34] GM: Tactics [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[10:03:23] GM: As you take note of the tracks, they split into two groups, two of them head away from you while the other four move into an intercept heading.
[10:03:29] 2 LT Komillia: Roger.
[10:04:33] GM: As the close in, the alpha's warbook chews the configuration and the icons switch from yellow "unknown" to red "Hostile: Haydonite Wraith"
[10:04:57] GM: Init
[10:05:10] Wraith: [1d20+2] => [11,2] = (13)
[10:05:10] Wraith: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[10:05:11] Wraith: [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
[10:05:11] Wraith: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
[10:05:30] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
[10:05:39] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[10:06:14] Lt. Jaron reports to command and radios "Hitman 3, detach. Concentrate your fire everyone" (init [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6))
[10:06:19] Lt. Jaron: (boo)
[10:07:32] CWO Sarah: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[10:07:52] GM: and for Ay?
[10:07:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[10:08:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( poor Wraith who rolled 3. lol ))
[10:09:05] GM: Okay then
[10:09:38] GM: Init order is as follows, H, J, H, S, Suki, Ay, H, K, H (reverse)
[10:10:41] GM: The first Haydonite moves to get behind the flight of Alpha's and Bioroid, and will fire on the 'tail end Charlie' Komillia. [1d100+35] => [16,35] = (51) vs 90
[10:11:03] GM: [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13) to strike Komillia with Dual cannons.
[10:11:26] GM: Komillia, you may roll piloting to avoid a dog tail if you wish
[10:11:37] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) to dodge.
[10:11:46] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [78] = (78) vs 85 piloting.
[10:12:25] GM: You dodge is applicable, you both make your piloting so it is a stalemate, both targets may attack, (on their turns hover you may interrupt if you wish)
[10:13:06] GM: okay
[10:13:14] GM: you dodge, Jaron your turn
[10:14:34] Lt. Jaron transforms into battloid and fires a volley of 8 at one of the four still approaching (HEAP missiles; to strike [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19))
[10:15:00] GM: ((missile are base +3 to hit so 14 in total))
[10:15:22] Wraith: [1d100] => [25] = (25)
[10:15:38] Wraith pops chaff and flare evading the missiles.
[10:16:16] Wraith will fire at the missile spammer. [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[10:16:46] GM: Thats you Jaron
[10:17:02] GM: Sarah your turn while Jaron dodges
[10:17:40] Lt. Jaron tries to thrust out of the way ([1d20+16] => [5,16] = (21))
[10:17:58] GM: Jaron you skip out of the way and the energy blasts go wide.
[10:18:00] GM: Sarah?
[10:18:55] CWO Sarah detaches as ordered, and maneuvers to try to get herself in behind one of the Wraiths, locking in with the guns as she does. [1d100] => [33] = (33) vs. 80%
[10:19:10] CWO Sarah: (( well, tries to get one into the sights, anyway ))
[10:19:26] GM: ((don't forget the -35% you are still in the 'weather system', you still succeed however
[10:19:42] Wraith: [1d100+35] => [14,35] = (49) vs 90
[10:20:09] GM: You are both able to shoot at one another, neither of you has the advantage. roll strike
[10:20:16] CWO Sarah: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[10:20:31] Wraith: [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[10:20:43] GM: Attackers win ties, roll damage
[10:21:13] CWO Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10] => ((3d8+2)*10*3)]
[10:21:26] CWO Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)*3] => 510
[10:21:28] CWO Sarah: (( ack ))
[10:21:57] CWO Sarah: (( you did say to use EU-13 dam for the 14s, yes? ))
[10:21:59] GM: [1d100] => [39] = (39)
[10:22:03] CWO Sarah: (( heehee ))
[10:22:04] GM: yes
[10:22:44] GM: Your shots shear off the auto cannons and scorch the belly of the Wraith as it jinks away from you
[10:22:50] GM: Suki
[10:23:23] Lt. Ishida firewalls the afterburners to clear the distance from the beta and moves to dogtail a wraith [1d100+35] => [11,35] = (46) vs 89
[10:23:41] Wraith: [1d100+35] => [79,35] = (114) vs 90
[10:23:59] GM: Suki has the advantage, the Wraith cannot fire back, roll strike
[10:24:42] Lt. Ishida fires twin EU-15's [1d20+13] => [15,13] = (28)
[10:24:51] Wraith: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[10:25:06] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( we're still on our old weapons, then? ))
[10:25:18] GM: no
[10:25:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( thought we'd be moving to the ammo based ones. okay. ))
[10:25:29] GM: use new damages
[10:25:55] GM: you are using whatever weapons you have, if the EU's they are energy based, other wise the other gunpods uses shells
[10:26:12] Lt. Ishida : [10d6*10] => 330
[10:26:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I know. Just wondering. nevermind ))
[10:26:20] Lt. Ishida : [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[10:26:52] GM: Suki's rounds impact the main body and shred the Wraith. Ay, your turn
[10:27:21] 2Lt. Aylanea moves to tail one for herself, trying to get in so she can get a shot with her gunpod. [1d100+35] => [30,35] = (65) vs. 83%
[10:27:36] Wraith: [1d100+35] => [98,35] = (133)
[10:27:57] GM: Your on his 6! you may fire unopposed
[10:28:59] 2Lt. Aylanea fires her own dual EU-15s as she gets in behind, pulling the trigger on him and letting fly with it [1d20+14] => [16,14] = (30)
[10:29:03] Wraith: [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[10:29:17] GM: Roll that damage there dead eye
[10:29:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: [10d6*10] => 280
[10:29:30] GM: [1d100] => [18] = (18)
[10:30:02] GM: Your shots impact the top of the Wraith and blow off the left wing
[10:30:30] GM: The wingless Wraith tries to reverse and fire on Ay [1d100+35] => [54,35] = (89)
[10:30:48] GM: And does so.
[10:31:01] Wraith: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[10:31:19] GM: Komillia you are up
[10:31:41] GM: Ay roll a piloting, first to see if you can counter the reversal, if not, roll dodge
[10:31:53] GM: you need to beat his 89 is all
[10:31:57] 2 LT Komillia fires the shoulder cannons and gunpod on the nearest Wraith. [1d209+9] => [208,9] = (217)
[10:31:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+35] => [38,35] = (73)
[10:32:07] 2 LT Komillia: ((oops))
[10:32:16] GM: Disregard the strike then Ay, you are able to keep his guns away from you
[10:32:28] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
[10:32:32] GM: thats a strike roll there Komillia, what, you use ALL your AP's?
[10:32:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, 1d209. that's a new die ))
[10:32:46] Wraith: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[10:33:02] GM: Komillia roll that there damage
[10:33:13] 2 LT Komillia: [2d6*10] => 60 cannons, [2d8*10+35] => 85 gunpod.
[10:33:30] GM: [1d100] => [58] = (58)
[10:33:49] GM: Komillia, check the damage on your shoulder guns, I adjusted them
[10:34:03] GM: roll an additional 2d6x10
[10:34:13] GM: they do 4d6x10 duel strike now
[10:34:33] 2 LT Komillia: [2d6*10] => 80
[10:34:48] 2 LT Komillia: [80+60+85] => 225
[10:35:25] GM: Your rounds impact the main body and tear large chunks of armor off the airframe exposing the soft innards, but the Wraith is still airworthy
[10:35:34] GM: That wraith turns and flees
[10:35:40] GM: Jaron, your attack
[10:37:05] Lt. Jaron fires another volley only 4 this time at previous target (to strike [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24))
[10:37:46] GM: While Jaron is attacking Suki will interrupt and try to finish off the wingless wraith [1d20+13] => [17,13] = (30) The Wraith will try and evade [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:38:08] GM: The wraith Jaron fires on pops chaff and flare [1d100] => [94] = (94)
[10:38:18] GM: But the goggles do nothing! Roll damage
[10:38:50] GM: Damage for Suki's shots [10d6*10] => 320
[10:39:01] Lt. Jaron: [8d6*10] => 280 MD
[10:39:01] GM: [1d100] => [22] = (22)
[10:39:50] GM: Suki's shot blow off the other wing and as the wraith tumbles the rest of the rounds shred the already damaged craft, Jaron, your four missiles home in and impact [1d100] => [95] = (95)
[10:39:53] GM: Dead center!
[10:40:43] GM: Sarah, there is but one target in your immediate area, the gunless Wraith which has turned tail and is fleeing after the other two.
[10:41:57] Lt. Jaron radios "Command, the wraiths are fleeing to these coordinates"
[10:42:10] GM: Roll Radio -35%
[10:42:10] CWO Sarah sights in the Wraith in her area, trying to make sure it doesn't get back and get repaired, since it isn't damaged so badly. She pulls in, trying to get rid of it fully (piloting?)
[10:42:20] GM: no
[10:42:25] GM: just roll strike
[10:42:27] CWO Sarah: [1d20+5] => [3,5] = (8)
[10:42:34] CWO Sarah: (( *facepalms* ))
[10:42:35] GM: but the wraith will go evasive
[10:42:39] CWO Sarah: (( sucks ))
[10:42:42] GM: [1d100+35] => [26,35] = (61)
[10:42:51] GM: And evades your shots, Ay, your turn
[10:43:53] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( any around my area really? Or are they all running further away? ))
[10:44:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( since Suki blasted that wingless one. ))
[10:44:30] GM: the two that ran earlier will require you to actively pursue as they are at the bear minimum 100km away from you
[10:44:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ah-hah ))
[10:44:50] GM: there is only one left and it's now in missile range only
[10:45:40] 2Lt. Aylanea fires at the last remaining one, while getting ready. "Lets see if I can just get this last guy out of here, then we can go after those other two." [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[10:45:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( 4 missiles ))
[10:45:52] GM: The wraith will continue to go evasive [1d100=35] => 1d100=35 and pop chaff and flare [1d100] => [12] = (12)
[10:46:01] GM: {1d100+35]
[10:46:02] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[10:46:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( which do nothing ))
[10:46:07] GM: [1d100+35] => [19,35] = (54)
[10:46:36] GM: yes, combined with the turbulence, the erratic flight path of the Wraith and the chaff and flare, the missiles don't know what the fuck to do
[10:46:55] 2 LT Komillia: ((afk))
[10:46:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( so long as they don't return to sender ))
[10:47:10] GM: Komillia, the Wraith is out of your gun range, Jaron, you may attempt a extreme range shot with missiles but are at -8 to do so
[10:48:12] GM: Jaron?
[10:48:54] GM: strike if you want Jaron, also need that Radio skill roll form you
[10:49:25] Lt. Jaron lets the wraith go ([1d100] => [46] = (46) vs 80%)
[10:50:07] GM: Roll piloting at -35 all to link back up, since you are still in the middle of a nasty 'wind'
[10:50:27] GM: and by link up I mean regroup
[10:50:44] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+35] => [84,35] = (119)
[10:51:01] GM: Suki seems to be having a hard time navigating an eddy
[10:51:47] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100+35] => [10,35] = (45) vs 85 piloting.
[10:52:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+35] => [78,35] = (113)
[10:52:20] CWO Sarah: [1d100+35] => [1,35] = (36)
[10:53:05] GM: Komillia and Sarah regroup , Sarah doing so well against the wind because her beta is so fat!
[10:53:11] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:53:28] GM: Suki and Ay, re-roll
[10:53:34] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+35] => [97,35] = (132)
[10:53:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+35] => [70,35] = (105)
[10:53:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( we suck ))
[10:53:57] Lt. Ishida curses under her breath as the winds prove un-navigable.
[10:53:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yep ))
[10:54:08] 2Lt. Aylanea swears softly at her flying, looking around quickly.
[10:54:13] Lt. Jaron: [1d100+35] => [58,35] = (93) vs 86
[10:54:32] Lt. Ishida transforms into battloid to halt the spin, and reorient herself.
[10:54:32] Lt. Ishida : [1d100+35] => [22,35] = (57)
[10:54:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+35] => [79,35] = (114)
[10:54:44] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( GAH ))
[10:54:51] Lt. Ishida : Jaron, you are at the mercy of the winds as well, but not nearly as bad as SUki and Ay were
[10:55:12] GM: That was supposed to be the GM saying that, sorry miss editor
[10:55:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( as I still am ))
[10:55:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heehee ))
[10:55:41] GM: roll again Ay and Jaron
[10:55:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+35] => [35,35] = (70)
[10:56:13] GM: Ay you recover and along with Suki slowly make your way back to the group.
[10:56:32] GM: Jaron, piloting roll please
[10:56:56] Lt. Jaron: [1d100+35] => [32,35] = (67) vs 86
[10:57:04] 2 LT Komillia: Hey, Sarah, I'd ask to use your Beta as a windbreaker, but I seem to be doing just fine with this stuff.
[10:57:09] GM: Jaron you recover as well and rejoin the group
[10:57:23] GM: [1d100] => [26] = (26)
[10:57:23] GM: [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[10:57:23] GM: [1d100] => [79] = (79)
[10:57:54] CWO Sarah looks at her instruments and looks around. "Seems that some others need to use me as a windbreaker, more than you do."
[10:58:34] GM: As you fly on the electrical interference drops off as do the winds, slightly, however whips of nebula gases start to restrict visibility slightly
[10:59:22] GM: [1d10*2] => 12
[10:59:42] GM: These conditions keep up for another 12 minutes [1d100] => [5] = (5)
[10:59:56] GM: Depositing you into a 'clearing'
[11:00:16] CWO Sarah frowns at the 'clearing', looking around very quickly.
[11:00:17] GM: Winds , interference, and cloud cover is negligible
[11:01:01] Lt. Ishida puts her Alpha into station keeping mode, and messages her sore arms.
[11:01:27] CWO Sarah settles her Beta into station keeping as well, though she keeps close watch.
[11:01:34] GM: Everyone, especially those carried by the wind earlier are drenched in sweat
[11:02:07] Lt. Ishida : This expanse is unforgiving.
[11:02:27] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls her Alpha into station keeping and settles back in the seat, relaxing herself and trying to fan herself. "Yeah…"
[11:03:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( automatic instinct, even if she's in CVR. lol ))
[11:03:20] GM: lol
[11:03:40] Lt. Jaron pops his visor and wipes some sweat away "Return to planned course"
[11:03:57] 2 LT Komillia: Just gotta learn to surf the currents and weather, that's all.
[11:04:13] Comm Transmission: Home Plate to Hitman Flight say status over!
[11:04:44] Lt. Ishida nods at Komillia's statement "Ride the wind"
[11:05:28] GM: Applying Komillia's observation further skill rolls will be 10% easier
[11:05:40] GM: Bonus XP Komillia
[11:06:34] 2Lt. Aylanea nods. "Acknowledged…" She lets Jaron answer the transmission.
[11:06:40] Lt. Jaron replies to Home Plate "All accounted for. Ran into six wraiths. Three fled"
[11:07:27] Comm Transmission: Home plate to hitman flight, say stat…roger that Hitman flight, Six Whiskey Tangos encountered three fled over.
[11:07:45] Comm Transmission: Please transmit current location, we lost you in that gale over.
[11:08:12] Lt. Jaron does so
[11:08:57] GM: Anyone have navigation or space navigation?
[11:09:22] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [57] = (57) vs. 70%
[11:09:38] GM: Sarah you know where you are!
[11:10:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [64] = (64) vs. 58% here
[11:10:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[11:10:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I is sux ))
[11:10:50] GM: [1d180] => [170] = (170)
[11:10:56] GM: [1d100] => [12] = (12)
[11:11:22] GM: You are 1200 miles Behind and to the right of the Yuki
[11:11:41] GM: [1d360] => [242] = (242)
[11:11:47] GM: ahead and to the left
[11:11:49] GM: sorry
[11:12:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((lol))
[11:12:17] GM: Not enough degrees lol
[11:12:56] CWO Sarah relays that for Jaron and the others, so they know.
[11:13:09] CWO Sarah: (( gah, wow, buncha people without navigation: space ))
[11:14:17] Lt. Jaron radios "Madresa take led, going to go over some numbers"
[11:15:05] 2Lt. Aylanea nods a bit. "Acknowledged…"