[07:31:38] GM:
The battle within the city continues to rage. Suki and her fighters head towards the Plaza West area nearby, while other UEEF units tangle with Haydonite boarders elsewhere.
[07:33:02] GM: Outside, a Rabbit utility shuttle outfitted for SAR work maneuvers towards Lurana's stricken Legios and an EVA team exits the craft to cut Lurana free from her pilots compartment.
[07:33:47] GM: Upon the three story building Jaron and his crew recover from the knife fight they just endured.
[07:34:47] GM: Jaron and Lu roll a 20, to determine which team gets to go first.
[07:35:44] GM: Roll please
[07:36:26] GM: Okay then, Jaron [1d20] => [8] = (8) Lu [1d20] => [18] = (18)
[07:36:34] GM: Lu's 'team' goes first
[07:37:10] GM: Lurana, the EVA team has cut you out of your cockpit. Your action(s)
[07:38:52] GM: Okay, moving on, Jaron, your team is atop the Building, Action(s)
[07:40:12] WO Lee: Lee sees if he can jury rig Jaron's systems to be temporary functional using mecha engineering.
[07:41:03] GM: roll it lee
[07:41:42] WO Lee: [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[07:41:44] WO Lee: Vs 60%
[07:41:50] GM: Critical success!
[07:42:40] GM: Lee, not only do you bypass the damage, you locate a design flaw in the relay buffer and fix that as well.
[07:43:26] WO Lee: (cool who says zents aren't handy)
[07:43:48] CWO Sarah: (( *snickers at Lee* ))
[07:45:25] WO Lee: Here's the durn trouble… and this doohickey is poorly made…
[07:46:45] Lt. Fallnya would have simply jetted up to the extraction team when they arrived rather than have to be unceremoniously cut out of the hulk
[07:47:03] GM: sure, moving on, you link up with the EVA team
[07:47:07] Lt. Fallnya: "To the phoenix if you guys can get me there, I'm sure my assistance will be required."
[07:47:45] UEEF: Sure thing, princess, and you're welcome…
[07:47:48] UEEF mutters
[07:48:33] CWO Sarah: (( *lols* ))
[07:49:05] Lt. Fallnya: "Believe me you will get a gift when this is over i promise."
[07:49:09] GM: The Rabbit changes heading and you can see over the shoulder of the flight crew the Phoenix in the distance.
[07:49:35] GM: Suddenly, there is a loud BANG and the Rabbit lurches violently.
[07:50:12] UEEF: …the hell!?
[07:50:48] Lt. Fallnya: (I'm assuming cyclones have magnetic boot soles for walking externally?)
[07:50:54] GM: Yes
[07:51:24] Lt. Fallnya thanks to the magnetic boots isn't thrown but looks about "Going to take a look." she unstraps her gallant in rifle form and begins to move outside
[07:53:12] GM: You orient yourself and move to the door, and cycle the lock. The door swings open and you are face to face with a Reaver whose mechanical claw is over the outer airlock controls. Both of you share a surprised O.O moment. Init Haydonite [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
[07:53:51] GM: roll init lu
[07:54:17] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11)
[07:54:38] Lt. Fallnya: (I'm so dead
[07:55:49] GM: The Haydonite recovers first and raises up his arm and opens fire with the triple barreled gatling gun affixed to it's gauntlet. [1d20-2] => [1,-2] = (-1)
[07:56:35] GM: Luckily for Lurana the Haydonite misses her as the pilot of the Rabbit course corrects. [1d4*10+15] => 45
[07:56:46] GM: The Rabbit takes 45 MD
[07:56:46] Lt. Fallnya looks around at the bullet holes "Whats the matter cant hit?" she leaps out at it tossing her gallant back "AYYYAAAAAH!!!" and deploys the twin CADS and goes to sink both in
[07:57:09] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[07:57:32] GM: The Haydonite moves to the side to allow the raging maniac to pass it by. [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[07:57:45] GM: But is unable to completely get out of the way, roll damage.
[07:58:26] Lt. Fallnya latches on with her magnetic boots and starts cutting [3d6*2] => 20 from both CADS
[07:58:45] UEEF: This is SAR Yankee 5!! Declaring an in-flight emergency! We need help out here!!
[07:59:21] WO Lee: (Back)
[08:00:17] Lt. Fallnya: (235 if heavy Reaver 205 if light Reaver left on its body
[08:00:42] GM: The Haydonite holds it's ground despite the stabs and brings its armored fist up and punches at Lurana's faceplate, (Lu, you do not get an auto parry, but you may attempt to dodge, but the dodge will use an attack) [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[08:05:03] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+12] => [20,12] = (32) to dodge
[08:05:11] GM: Well then!
[08:05:44] Lt. Fallnya flips and gives him a view of crotch landing on his shoulders "I'm gonna take your head robot man!" *slides off and goes to remove his head -3 to the attack if i recall?
[08:05:50] GM: You pull back or duck and weave or whatever it is you do and the Haydonites punch fails to connect!
[08:06:09] GM: You cant flip silly, your in the back of a shuttle thats not all that big,
[08:06:13] GM: thats not
[08:06:22] Lt. Fallnya: (aww)
[08:06:38] Lt. Fallnya: (what ever then i move out the way and say that
[08:06:44] GM: http /
[08:07:04] Lt. Fallnya: (plz link in aim only
[08:07:15] GM: copy paste is srs bizness
[08:07:21] GM: your attack
[08:07:40] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+8-3] => [16,8,-3] = (21) called shot to his head with dual blades
[08:08:35] GM: The Haydonite moves to parry that with one hand and opens fire with his other, parry [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25) Shoot joo [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
[08:08:46] GM: Bad guys on fire tonight
[08:09:02] Lt. Fallnya: (i thought he had a penalty for shooting me?)
[08:09:21] GM: nope
[08:09:48] Lt. Fallnya: (personally if hes using a rifle in melee he should have a penalty but what the fuck ever
[08:09:51] GM: trust me I looked, you just forfeit an auto parry if you attack with both, but since he's using one of his pair to parry…it renders that moot
[08:10:13] GM: he's not using a rifle, look at the pic of a Reaver, it has its gun built into his hand
[08:10:19] GM: your fighting a heavy
[08:10:29] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 45
[08:10:32] Lt. Fallnya: (right but still thats considers a rifle if its built into his arms)
[08:10:39] Lt. Fallnya: (and I'm dodging nincompoot
[08:10:56] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+12] => [7,12] = (19)
[08:11:03] GM: I'm psychic
[08:11:25] GM: I predict you will fire stab him back
[08:11:50] Lt. Fallnya opens her chest piece not caring now about blast radius of the mini-missiles [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9)
[08:12:22] GM: The Haydonite tries to duckificate [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[08:12:31] GM: And the missiles fly out into space and join a commune.
[08:12:46] Lt. Fallnya: (only shot 2 any way lol)
[08:13:33] GM: The Enemy raises up his hand again and fires back at you. (next time call how many before you fire okay, not cool if you miss and then say, oh, yeah, I only fired 1…) [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
[08:14:01] Lt. Fallnya jukes and dives auto dodging this time [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[08:14:14] Lt. Fallnya: (fuck can i trade my dice)
[08:14:18] GM: Man for having bum ass stats, this Reaver is kicking some butt
[08:14:42] Lt. Fallnya: (bumm ass my ass hes stronger than even the top end cyclones
[08:14:43] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 25 sure, /hands you his GM dice.
[08:15:22] WO Lee: (Try using the Action Point Jess)
[08:15:24] GM: Well, the Haydonites are supposed to possess the most advanced tech in the galaxy…or so goes the lore…
[08:15:31] GM: Your action Jess
[08:16:03] Lt. Fallnya opens her chest again and fires the other 10 saying what the fuck better to empty it than to have them blow up when he blows open her chest armor
[08:16:06] Lt. Fallnya: [1d20+3] => [15,3] = (18)
[08:16:46] GM: The Haydonite moves to avoid that [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[08:16:51] GM: You hit roll damage
[08:17:07] GM: you had HEAP loads right?
[08:17:19] Lt. Fallnya: [(1d6*10)*10] => 500
[08:17:38] Lt. Fallnya: (Standard for saber cyclone)
[08:17:42] Lt. Fallnya: (not sure if thats heap or plasma
[08:17:53] GM: HEAP
[08:18:17] Lt. Fallnya: (oh that would be 1d4 then
[08:18:24] Lt. Fallnya: [(1d4*10)*10] => 400
[08:18:56] GM: Your enemy is turned in carne asada and you talk half damage from the blast radius
[08:19:09] Lt. Fallnya: (then I'm dead
[08:19:18] Lt. Jaron: (roll)
[08:19:44] WO Lee: action point
[08:20:13] Lt. Fallnya: but i chose to roll with the damage to half that [1d20+19] => [6,19] = (25) using an action point
[08:20:49] Lt. Fallnya: (either way its still enough to shut down her armor and singe her CVR-3 underneath)
[08:21:44] Lt. Fallnya: (looks like 28 damage got through to my armor)
[08:22:03] GM: Your VR is done, and your CVR takes 28 to all locations
[08:22:25] Lt. Fallnya: (err i thought you only did main body?)
[08:22:32] GM: blast radius hon
[08:22:39] GM: it hits everything
[08:22:57] CWO Sarah: (( 28 doesn't wreck anything totally anyway ))
[08:23:23] CWO Sarah: (( the arms have 2 left, is the worst. ))
[08:23:23] Lt. Fallnya: fine then my face plate is scalded shut cant see, armor shows near breaches on the 2 arms
[08:24:03] Lt. Fallnya lays in a heap at the back of the rabbit's cargo hold smoking
[08:24:33] CWO Sarah: (( was the Rabbit in the blast radius of that as well? ))
[08:24:38] Lt. Fallnya: (any way my turn over?)
[08:24:50] GM: Now, as for the Rabbit….the blast blows the craft into two, and you, and the 2 EMT troopers spill out into space while the front end with flight crew hurtles away from you and towards the Phoenix.
[08:25:26] CWO Sarah: (( that answers that… ))
[08:25:30] Lt. Fallnya: (wow rather light armored piece of junk…
[08:25:48] CWO Sarah: (( it's not a combat ship. ))
[08:26:01] CWO Sarah: (( its a little high speed runner ))
[08:26:04] Lt. Fallnya: (still even the non combat transports had over 300 mdc main body
[08:26:09] GM: Meanwhile, inside the Phoenix
[08:26:40] GM: The Rabbit is a hold over mecha from the First Robotech war. these things were used on the SDF-1
[08:27:40] CWO Sarah: (( hope the EMTs were all in CVRs. ))
[08:27:45] CWO Sarah: (( and pilots ))
[08:28:42] GM: Okay, inside the Phoenix atop a building that has seen better days…
[08:29:26] Lt. Fallnya: (question you do realize the blast was only 30ft?)
[08:29:32] GM: Jaron's Devo is up and running and the rest of you have taken up Defensive position as per your training as you look about.
[08:29:48] GM: 3 feet and yes, I measured it out,
[08:29:56] GM: you were right in his face
[08:30:07] GM: in hand to hand range, so that puts you within 3ft
[08:30:12] Lt. Fallnya: (i know just was curious about the rabbits interior lol
[08:30:32] GM: about the size of that of a UH-1, maybe slightly bigger, but not by much
[08:30:45] Lt. Fallnya: (never been in a UH-1)
[08:30:51] GM: anyhoo, Jaron, Lee, Gage, and Komillia!
[08:31:11] GM: Go watch a Vietnam movie, you'll see it
[08:31:48] James: ((sorry that took so long))
[08:31:49] GM: Jaron? Lee, James? anyone, Buller?
[08:32:01] GM: no prob, good timing, cause, hey, it's your turn
[08:32:17] Lt. Jaron takes a breath "A good test run for sure for this baby but its doesn't have much left of it. The rest of you ok?"
[08:32:17] WO Lee: "What's out next move?"
[08:32:37] Gage comms "Peachy sir"
[08:32:49] WO Lee: 'Fine, but annoyed…"
[08:33:04] 2 LT Komillia: "I suggest clearing out any remaining civvies, I did some nasty collateral damage back there. And I'm in perfect shape."
[08:33:44] GM: The civvies have been evacuated to shelters, if there are any left in the city now, they are stragglers heading to a shelter or, up to no good.
[08:33:54] Lt. Jaron radios "Defense, This is Hitman 4 with some troopers….where do you need us?"
[08:35:09] UEEF: We've got some Tangos to forward your position. (using ship compass)
[08:36:28] Lt. Jaron radios "Roger that" he checks the nav grid. (distance and what part of the city are they in?)
[08:36:28] GM: Roll percs you crazy cats
[08:36:49] Gage: [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
[08:36:57] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+2] => [13,2] = (15)
[08:37:18] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[08:37:25] WO Lee: [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[08:37:47] WO Lee: add my bonuses if any
[08:38:01] GM: Jaron and Gage, as you move across the rooftop you see chunks of debris fall from the 'sky'
[08:38:19] Lt. Jaron: "Incoming"
[08:38:22] GM: Well, you note it as they land nearby almost hitting you
[08:39:26] Lt. Jaron curses "Sonova…" and moves in to check it out to see what it is
[08:39:48] Gage covers the Lt.
[08:40:14] WO Lee: Lee covers them both
[08:41:21] GM: Well, as the debris is falling, looking up might work
[08:41:42] WO Lee: and looks up.
[08:41:53] 2 LT Komillia is oblivious to the debris. "What's up guys?"
[08:44:03] GM: Above you Lee, you see an odd sight, The ceiling of the city ship has a holographic sky projected, much like that of the old SDF-1, so, you see a pleasant looking sky with a few clouds wafting past but directly above you you see the hole in the floor that the Revenant had blasted earlier. and you can see the Revenant still up there, as it moves over the hole.
[08:45:57] Lt. Jaron eventually looks up after inspecting the pieces falling "Oh crud"
[08:46:04] Gage: "What is it sir?"
[08:46:06] WO Lee: "Ummmmm….. EVERYONE OFF THE ROOFTOP NOW!!!!!" and he goes to pull Jaron and gage off it.
[08:46:47] Lt. Jaron was about to move but the garland is a bit slow "Agreed"
[08:47:08] Gage is escorted off
[08:47:10] 2 LT Komillia follows after the group, "Now would be a good idea what we're about to see."
[08:47:56] WO Lee: "syyyyynchro cannnooonnn!!!"
[08:49:11] GM: There is indeed a bright flash of blue electric death, but it doesn't fire down thru the hole, but you instead hear a loud muffled BAM! above you as the Revenant fires at something on the deck above you.
[08:50:25] CWO Sarah: (( glad I'm not there, after that one time ))
[08:50:37] 2 LT Komillia: "Permission to shoot it sir?"
[08:51:21] Lt. Jaron scans for what it is shooting at (perception [1d20+2] => [3,2] = (5) sensors [1d100] => [75] = (75) vs 65%) "Negative, it will make an easy snack of us. Be ready to move out towards the others the defense told us about"
[08:51:40] Lt. Jaron: (boo, bad dice)
[08:52:20] Lt. Jaron: "My senors are still not 100%, anyone see what it was shootin at?"
[08:52:33] GM: You cant tell much, but apparently the UEEF are still duking it out with the damnable thing.
[08:53:29] GM: Actions?
[08:54:14] WO Lee: "Sir I suggest the VFs assault the thing they can deal better with it"
[08:54:29] Lt. Jaron motions the rest to move out since they can't make it out either (what area are those hostiles in…is it an arena or theater?)]
[08:54:38] 2 LT Komillia: "Sir, with all due respect, that thing will make an easy snack of whatever it is shooting at. Right now, we can surprise it and maybe take out the cannon at least."
[08:56:06] Lt. Jaron states plainly "I'm barely 25% operational. Gage has only an ion pulse. Lee doesn't have much in the way of heavy firepower either. Plus last time I remember, they had shields too"
[08:56:41] 2 LT Komillia: "Understood."
[08:58:45] Gage heads out, taking point if needed
[08:59:35] GM: ((afk for a sec))
[08:59:51] WO Lee: Lee takes the rear on the lookout for straggling civies needing rescuing.
[09:00:43] Lt. Jaron follows along "Komillia, what weapon do you have equipped?"
[09:01:25] 2 LT Komillia: Two over the shoulder cannons and my gunpod
[09:03:29] GM: Okay, Blue dots are the good guys, the red, bad
[09:03:43] GM: there is a lot of fire between the two sides
[09:04:33] 2 LT Komillia: ((I'll take the right most five, everyone else try to survive the other three…))
[09:04:44] GM: following the arrow, you guys are about a half klick away
[09:04:51] 2 LT Komillia: ((is kidding, sorta.))
[09:05:38] WO Lee: Lee cocks and locks his M-21 and loads with grenades
[09:06:08] Lt. Jaron radios "Lets flank left, Komillia care to lay down some heavy fire to distract or suppress them?" (tactics [1d100] => [39] = (39) vs 75; detect ambush [1d100] => [41] = (41) vs 70; perception [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20))
[09:06:41] WO Lee: Perception
[09:06:45] WO Lee: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[09:06:53] WO Lee: add bonuses
[09:07:13] GM: What are you look for there Lee?
[09:07:17] GM: looking
[09:07:25] 2 LT Komillia looks for the one that looks like it is being the most effective. (PERC [1d20] => [10] = (10))
[09:07:37] 2 LT Komillia: (enemy unit that is.)
[09:07:44] WO Lee: Anything friendlies in trouble ambushed anything.
[09:08:04] Lt. Jaron motions Lee and Gage to follow him as he breaks left, hopping and running along.
[09:08:31] Gage follows
[09:08:50] WO Lee: lee brings up the rear.
[09:09:02] GM: Okay, from your vantage point Lee, you cant see friendlies because they are out of line of sight, but your EUD (Eyes Up Display) shows their locations. This however doesn't tell you their condition or status. Komillia and Lee, you see three hostiles that are close to your guys, and they look pretty dug in.
[09:09:57] WO Lee: Lee sees if he can lob a few grenades on there position
[09:10:13] GM: Jaron, with your tactics roll, you do have a great avenue to flank the enemy, and it looks like they are trying to advance on the building cluster that the UEEF are defending, you know that those buildings are administration buildings for the Phoenix.
[09:11:00] 2 LT Komillia rips open with a full out cannon assault on the closer of the two dug in ones (once in range of course).
[09:11:24] GM: Lee, you can try from where you are, but it will be a long shot, literally, total hail mary. You would need to get closer to get in any accurate fire.
[09:11:59] WO Lee: ok he will do so should Jaron order it.
[09:12:10] GM: Also Jaron, tactically, your approach, if you head in directly towards them is very open, they WILL see you
[09:12:18] Lt. Jaron moves along the NW side of the road/overpass to shield him and his mates as they move "Focus your fire; either the rear guard or the ones next to it"
[09:12:45] Lt. Jaron: (correct)
[09:12:46] GM: There Jaron? Where I put the green
[09:12:48] GM: kk
[09:13:15] WO Lee: We can sneak over in the water sire
[09:13:22] GM: kk, the vegetation there will easily cover you smaller mecha, but Komillia, your is a bit larger, what are you going to do to alleviate that?
[09:13:47] Lt. Jaron: "If I was in better shape Lee, I would be up for it"
[09:14:16] 2 LT Komillia ducks between buildings at least two stories tall.
[09:14:37] GM: There?
[09:14:55] WO Lee: (Yeah)
[09:14:55] Gage moves ahead of Jaron to take point (prowl [1d100 vs. 55%)
[09:15:02] Gage: [1d100] => [67] = (67)
[09:15:05] 2 LT Komillia: ((Sure, I should have the range for that.))
[09:15:12] GM: Nod
[09:15:38] GM: Haydonite Perc to notice Komillia, [1d20] => [18] = (18) target to beat 13
[09:15:42] GM: Oh snap!
[09:16:07] GM: Haydonite Perc to notice crafty Cyclones crawling up their asses. [1d20] => [18] = (18) target to beat 16
[09:16:08] GM: Shit
[09:16:44] 2 LT Komillia: ((Heh, no Prowl rolls from us?))
[09:16:57] GM: Not that they don't know exactly where you are, but, they know something is out there that ain't one of them
[09:17:24] Lt. Jaron: (it wouldn't matter, his dice have been hot this whole battle )
[09:17:54] GM: No prowl is good, they haven't fixed your positions, but they saw something out the corner of their beady red eye and saw something, so, they know something is up.
[09:18:46] GM: You are all in weapons range now
[09:19:23] Lt. Jaron: "Lee, Gage. Move in, we'll give you cover fire"
[09:19:32] WO Lee: Lee uses his cyclones targeting to get a bead and lobs in some grenades
[09:19:41] GM: Which position are you assaulting?
[09:20:26] WO Lee: the three closest to the administrative building
[09:20:31] 2 LT Komillia lights up the nearest dug in one (of the group three to the left) with all three guns. [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[09:21:05] Lt. Jaron curses as Lee didn't listen "The rear guard Lee."
[09:21:32] Gage moves in with ion pulse ready, closing the gap
[09:22:16] WO Lee: (wait that isn't ok turns and assault the rear guard)
[09:23:13] GM: so okay, I'll number them and Jaron tell me which one you want who to attack
[09:23:19] Lt. Jaron: (its ok…your character, your actions. Its called drama )
[09:23:48] WO Lee: Lee lobs grenades at the rear guard 4
[09:23:48] Lt. Jaron: (#8)
[09:23:57] GM: Komillia, I'm assuming you are lighting up number 3
[09:24:08] 2 LT Komillia: ((yes))
[09:24:16] GM: roll your strikes fellas
[09:24:22] GM: well Lee gage and Jaron
[09:24:22] WO Lee: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[09:24:22] Lt. Fallnya: (and I'm back)
[09:25:08] Lt. Jaron fires at the rear guard (to strike [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13); [2d4*10] => 50MD)
[09:25:34] GM: and gage?
[09:25:43] Gage fires as well [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16) [6d6] => [3,3,6,4,2,6] = (24)MD
[09:25:58] GM: roll damage Komillia
[09:26:00] WO Lee: [5d6] => [1,2,1,2,2] = (8)
[09:26:06] WO Lee: mdc
[09:26:07] GM: plinker
[09:26:33] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 70 cannons [2d6*10] => 100
[09:26:37] WO Lee: (lousy crappy dice)
[09:28:43] Haydonite: #3 Tactics: [1d100] => [47] = (47) vs 60%, Perc [1d20] => [4] = (4). #4 Tactics [1d100] => [98] = (98) vs 60%, #8 Tactics [1d100] => [82] = (82) vs 75% Perc [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[09:28:56] Lt. Jaron: (yay!)
[09:30:29] GM: The Haydonite Komillia fired upon moves position to take greater cover, #4 has no effing clue where that bang came from and keeps on firing, #8 like wise has no idea where he was being fired upon from and moves back some.
[09:30:46] GM: Actions
[09:31:14] WO Lee lobs a second grenades of #4
[09:31:50] Lt. Jaron fires again at rear guard "Again guys. Komillia spread the wealth around" (to strike [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11) [2d4*10] => 70MD)
[09:32:01] 2 LT Komillia fires on the next idiot, just to make them think there may be more than one. ((firing on number 4)) [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[09:32:13] WO Lee: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[09:32:22] WO Lee: [5d6] => [1,1,6,4,6] = (18)
[09:32:39] WO Lee: (thats better)
[09:32:52] Gage moves towards the junction, firing at the rear again [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16) [6d6] => [4,5,4,1,5,2] = (21)MD
[09:34:34] GM: Komillia, you fire but eviscerate the building ahead of you instead. Lee, your grenade lands right on top of the enemy and blows him off the roof. Jaron and Gage, you continue to level fire on #8.
[09:35:51] GM: #8 tactics [1d100] => [64] = (64) vs 75% #5 perc [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[09:35:56] WO Lee: (is #4 still active?)
[09:36:15] GM: Very much so yes, but it is humorous to see him land on a sedan.
[09:37:14] GM: Actions
[09:37:34] WO Lee: Lobs another on 4
[09:37:41] WO Lee: Last shot
[09:37:56] 2 LT Komillia tries again to put the pressure on number 3.
[09:38:00] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[09:38:02] Lt. Jaron repeats (to strike [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16) [2d4*10] => 30MD)
[09:38:13] WO Lee: Lee chuckles audibly….
[09:38:31] WO Lee: [d20+6] => d20+6
[09:38:41] GM: roll damage Komillia
[09:38:43] WO Lee: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:38:54] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 110 cannons [2d6*10] => 30
[09:39:11] Gage skips across the bridge to the NW side, still firing at rear [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12) [6d6] => [4,1,5,6,5,5] = (26) md
[09:39:46] GM: And that is a kill Komillia
[09:40:05] GM: Lee, your round fails to leave the tube…and its now hissing at you
[09:40:32] WO Lee: Uh oh tosses in the water
[09:40:52] GM: BOOOOSPLASH!
[09:41:09] WO Lee: "Damnit!!"
[09:41:23] WO Lee: Unslings EP-37
[09:41:48] 2 LT Komillia: So that's one dead Haydonite, a toasted building, and a lot of dead fish. We''re doing great."
[09:41:51] GM: Jaron did you do anything?
[09:42:12] Lt. Jaron: (stroll up)
[09:42:30] WO Lee: Tube jammed
[09:42:45] GM: gage, as you start to cross the bridge, you find yourself facing two reavers, they lift their rifles and open fire
[09:43:00] GM: [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25) and [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[09:44:13] Gage lets the cyclone work for him (auto-dodge) [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13); [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[09:44:30] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 25
[09:45:08] GM: You are able to skip out of the way of one burst, but one catches you.
[09:45:24] GM: Inits
[09:45:45] WO Lee: [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4)
[09:46:03] WO Lee: (ARGGHH!!!!)
[09:46:06] GM: Haydonite 6 [1d20] => [18] = (18) Haydonite 7 [1d20] => [3] = (3) Haydonite 8 [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[09:46:14] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[09:46:17] Lt. Jaron: (Oh, did my last attack hit #8 as well?)
[09:46:32] Lt. Jaron: Init [1d20+2] => [4,2] = (6)
[09:46:34] GM: you strolled up
[09:46:39] GM: I never saw an attack
[09:47:01] GM: I saw on form gage, Lee and Komillia, but not form Jaron
[09:47:10] Lt. Jaron: Lt. Jaron repeats (to strike [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14) => [12,4] => (12, 4) = (16) [2d4*10] => 50 => 30MD)
[09:47:24] 2 LT Komillia: ((Immediately after my strike roll))
[09:47:38] Lt. Jaron: (16 to hit, 30 MD)
[09:47:58] Gage: Initiative [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[09:48:53] GM: gage, your action
[09:50:13] Gage moves towards the building on the NW side, firing at the closer one to him (number 6; strike [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21) [6d6] => [5,1,5,5,6,3] = (25) md)
[09:50:37] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:51:44] GM: The two Haydonites continue to fire at gage as he maneuvers to cover. [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20) and [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[09:52:33] Gage continues to evade (auto dodge [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16))
[09:52:46] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 25
[09:53:05] Lt. Jaron radios "Komillia, Gage is taking some fire"
[09:53:08] GM: Komillia, your turn
[09:53:38] 2 LT Komillia guns for number 6. [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[09:54:01] GM: You will need to move position to do that, unless you ant to fire thru a building
[09:54:14] GM: well, actually, two buildings
[09:54:28] 2 LT Komillia: ((ok, number 2))
[09:54:42] GM: roll damage
[09:54:54] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 110 cannons [2d6*10] => 80
[09:55:25] GM: Jaron your turn
[09:56:41] GM: UEEF [1d20] => [4] = (4) [1d20] => [2] = (2) 1d20] Haydonite [1d20] => [18] = (18) 1d20]
[09:56:58] GM: UEEF [1d20] => [14] = (14) Hay [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[09:57:23] GM: Jaron your go
[09:58:15] GM: We'll come back to him, Lee your turn
[09:59:12] WO Lee: Lays down suppressing fire at Gages attackers
[09:59:18] GM: roll it
[09:59:20] WO Lee: Burst
[09:59:28] WO Lee: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[09:59:28] Lt. Jaron still in the bushes, concentrates on the rear guard still (to strike [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19); [2d4*10] => 40MD)
[09:59:48] GM: Haydonite saves vs Suppressive fire target roll to beat 12 [1d20] => [16] = (16) [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[10:00:11] GM: One of the Haydonites takes cover, the other says screw it and keeps firing(next attack)
[10:00:33] Lt. Jaron: (sorry about that, froze up)
[10:00:33] GM: cover Haydonite's dodge roll [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[10:00:54] GM: kk, Jaron, your attack then
[10:01:20] WO Lee: I roll damage?
[10:01:27] GM: oops
[10:01:37] GM: but yes, you should
[10:01:51] WO Lee: [2d4*10] => 50
[10:02:40] GM: Gage, your turn
[10:02:46] GM: And that is a kill Jaron
[10:04:44] Gage takes some cover using the building and fires at his last target (Number 6; to strike [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26) [6d6] => [6,5,1,5,4,3] = (24) md)
[10:04:54] Gage: (critical)
[10:05:17] GM: Haydonite will try to dodge. [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[10:05:47] GM: The Haydonite that is ignoring the suppressive fire fires at gage
[10:05:55] GM: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:06:45] Gage hopes the cover helps (auto [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10))
[10:06:56] Gage: (umm a action point)
[10:06:56] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 55
[10:07:08] GM: have to call before roll
[10:07:29] GM: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[10:08:23] GM: gage, as you turn to avoid the incoming the rounds impact your back and blow the wheel/engines right off your back. You are grounded
[10:09:14] Gage: (like immobile or on the ground?)
[10:09:33] GM: like you have no engines anymore so no jumpy jumpy for you
[10:09:49] GM: Komillia
[10:09:51] GM: your turn
[10:10:39] 2 LT Komillia: "Haydonite, you have a terrible burden on your shoulders; you're head!" shoots at number 1.
[10:10:42] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[10:11:32] GM: The Haydonite was in the middle of a retrograde move and can see teh incoming and moves to dodge it [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:11:42] GM: and does not! Roll damage
[10:11:46] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 100 cannons [2d6*10] => 60
[10:12:02] GM: And that is a kill
[10:12:13] GM: Jaron your turn
[10:13:02] 2 LT Komillia: "No apology necessary, Haydonite, you're death shall suffice."
[10:13:06] Lt. Jaron radios "This is Hitman 4, forces in admin building. The enemy is being drawn to us, care to light up their backsides?" He adjusts his aim and fires at Gage's nemesis (#6; to strike [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9) [2d4*10] => 30MD)
[10:13:15] Haydonite: I regret nothing!
[10:13:52] GM: The Haydonite seeing direct fire at it, move to cover now [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[10:13:59] GM: and takes it in the ass
[10:14:27] GM: Lee your turn
[10:14:54] WO Lee: Uses suppressive fire on #6
[10:14:56] UEEF: Already moving!
[10:15:10] WO Lee: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:15:21] GM: Haydonite [1d20] => [13] = (13) target to beat 15
[10:15:21] Lt. Jaron: (damn)
[10:15:27] WO Lee: (GODDDD!!!)
[10:15:34] GM: The Haydonite stays down, your suppressive fire is working
[10:15:38] GM: gage your turn
[10:15:50] GM: ooo wait, you rolled a 1
[10:16:14] GM: roll a 20
[10:16:26] WO Lee: [1d20] => [7] = (7)
[10:16:52] GM: Handling your weapon like a rank amateur your weapon whips back and catches you in the eye. You take a -2 to all actions next attack.
[10:17:12] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:17:28] WO Lee: (could be worse)
[10:17:33] GM: The Haydonites use the respite to move back towards the building behind them
[10:17:42] GM: Komillia
[10:17:47] Gage takes a pop shot at his attacker before moving into the building to avoid any more damage (number 6, to strike [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) [6d6] => [3,1,5,3,2,6] = (20) md)
[10:18:02] GM: you have acted this round already gage
[10:18:26] GM: oh wait, nm, my bad I'm sorry,
[10:18:31] GM: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[10:18:34] 2 LT Komillia pops up from cover and shoots at number 6. [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[10:18:36] GM: but you miss anyway
[10:18:54] GM: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[10:18:57] GM: damage
[10:19:01] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 150 cannons [2d6*10] => 120
[10:19:36] GM: And that is a kill
[10:19:57] GM: Jaron
[10:20:45] Lt. Jaron fires at a new target, seeing the Haydonite's fall (#7 to strike [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17) [2d4*10] => 50md)
[10:21:29] GM: Number 7 uses it's dodge to jump thru the plate glass window on teh bottom floor of the building and into cover [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[10:21:35] GM: Damage!
[10:21:54] GM: But the bullets follow him and say HI!
[10:21:57] GM: Lee
[10:22:14] WO Lee: Lays suppressing fire at 7
[10:22:24] WO Lee: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[10:22:42] WO Lee: [2d4*10] => 50
[10:22:43] GM: He is inside already under cover, so you are not sure if you are having an effect, but, you sure are treating up the lobby.
[10:22:47] GM: tearing
[10:22:48] GM: Gage
[10:23:49] Gage stays in the building "Sir, am out. I don't think the cyclone can take another hit"
[10:24:18] GM: Komillia
[10:24:38] GM: The Haydonites have all taken cover inside the building, you cant really see where exactly,
[10:25:05] 2 LT Komillia: ((What's the building? Perc [1d20] => [11] = (11)))
[10:27:03] GM: The building looks to be a 4 story concrete and steel structure, with plate glass facade, the sign on it says, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
[10:28:10] 2 LT Komillia: "Gah! So tempting to just blow the building up! Boss, I really can't do anything." repositions to cover the exits but nothing else.
[10:29:18] GM: Jaron, your call
[10:29:57] GM: Komillia as you reposition to the other roof, a Haydonite inside takes a pot shot at you [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:30:23] 2 LT Komillia dodges! [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
[10:30:31] GM: And hits nothing!
[10:30:39] GM: Jaron your action
[10:31:33] UEEF: UEEF Tactics [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs 75%
[10:32:18] Lt. Jaron fires at the building, hoping to get lucky against one (to strike [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16) [2d4*10] => 80 md)
[10:32:45] Haydonite: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[10:32:55] Haydonite: Missed me bitch!
[10:33:13] GM: Lee
[10:34:00] WO Lee: Lee switches to single shot uses the scope takes carful aim at on and fires
[10:34:32] WO Lee: how much damage single fire does?
[10:34:38] WO Lee: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[10:34:50] Lt. Fallnya: (for rifle gallant?
[10:34:59] GM: EP-37
[10:35:01] WO Lee: EP37
[10:35:20] GM: 4d4
[10:35:31] WO Lee: [4d4] => [2,1,3,3] = (9)
[10:36:12] Haydonite: [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[10:36:17] Lt. Fallnya: (plink_
[10:36:43] WO Lee: (trying to keep them occupied)
[10:36:53] GM: The enemy fires back at you guys, [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17) at Komillia [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16) and Jaron [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13) at UEEF
[10:37:45] 2 LT Komillia dodges! [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[10:38:09] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 45
[10:38:15] Lt. Jaron tries to dodge out of the way (auto [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20))
[10:38:48] GM: Aww, you get hit Komillia, your perfect streak is ruined! hang your zent head in shame, you have dishonored your line
[10:39:05] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:39:29] 2 LT Komillia: Tis but a scratch, especially versus the three or four kills I've wrought.
[10:39:36] GM: After a few rounds of back and forth, the enemy is well dug in, and the UEEF commander calls for the building to go away
[10:39:54] GM: The UEEF troopers start opening up with their GR-97's
[10:40:34] Lt. Jaron fires with them "Fire at will"
[10:40:41] 2 LT Komillia lets loose with the cannons. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[10:40:54] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 80 cannons [2d6*10] => 50
[10:40:57] Haydonite: [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[10:40:57] Haydonite: [1d20+9] => [2,9] = (11)
[10:40:58] Haydonite: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[10:41:05] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:41:05] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[10:41:05] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[10:41:07] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:41:07] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
[10:41:07] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[10:41:13] Gage fires as well through a strike [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15) [6d6] => [1,1,6,3,5,3] = (19)
[10:41:31] Lt. Jaron: to strike [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8) [2d4*10] => 30md
[10:42:29] GM: The combined fire starts to drop the building in on itself, from inside there is return fire, [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14) at UEEF
[10:42:38] WO Lee holds as his weapon is overheating…..Let's out some Zent curses and says "A perfect day!"
[10:42:41] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[10:43:13] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:43:13] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[10:43:13] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[10:43:14] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[10:43:14] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[10:43:14] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[10:43:22] Haydonite: [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[10:43:34] Haydonite: [1d100] => [91] = (91)
[10:44:13] GM: Komillia, you see the Haydonite come flying out the back of the building, and catches on some steel girders.
[10:44:53] 2 LT Komillia fires at the little target of opportunity. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[10:45:13] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[10:45:22] GM: Damage
[10:46:09] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 140 cannons [2d6*10] => 30
[10:47:03] GM: The Hyadonite spins and fires at You Komillia [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26) as it tries to jet away [1d00] => 1d00
[10:47:09] GM: [1d100] => [45] = (45)
[10:48:08] GM: Komillia?
[10:48:35] GM: need a dodge roll from ya
[10:49:01] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+11] => [11,11] = (22)
[10:49:06] GM: [(1d4*10+15)*2] => 50
[10:49:13] GM: you luck….
[10:49:22] GM: you take 50 more atop the other hit you took
[10:49:53] GM: Your action, it's booking now
[10:50:26] 2 LT Komillia fires on the creep again, in pursuit. [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[10:50:34] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[10:50:56] Haydonite fires back at the Bioroid
[10:50:58] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:51:14] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+11] => [16,11] = (27)
[10:51:25] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[10:51:25] UEEF: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:51:36] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[10:51:37] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[10:52:00] GM: The UEEF troops loose some missiles at him but it is able to avoid the hits, your action
[10:52:09] 2 LT Komillia fires on the creep again. [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[10:52:31] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:52:41] GM: Damage
[10:52:48] 2 LT Komillia: gun pod [2d8*10+20] => 70 cannons [2d6*10] => 90
[10:52:59] Lt. Jaron moves slowly, finally moving next to the UEEF; watching Komillia firing in the distance
[10:53:57] GM: The Haydonite, almost away, is blow from the air, it's burning carcass impacting and skittering across the highway for a good 700 feet.
[10:55:20] GM:
[10:56:00] GM: As the Haydonite burns the radio chatter starts to tell the story of victory throughout the city area as other UEEF units mop up their enemy pockets.
[10:56:34] GM: Looking out over the city you can see plumes of dark smoke wafting upwards.
[10:57:00] Lt. Fallnya simply floats in space near the other 2 EV guys singing in a dazed sleep over her short range radio which activates due to her singing simply…
[10:58:00] GM: Outside, a new SAR team recovers the wayward pilot.
[10:58:39] Lt. Fallnya has to be put on a stretcher probably given that even tho she rolled vs the damage i am expecting concussion at least and maybe a broken bone or two
[11:01:00] GM: Pulling back to the admin buildings Jaron's team hears and then sees a few Alphas and a Beta land nearby.
[11:02:34] GM: Suki and her team hop down and enter. Suki's CVR-3 is damaged around the head and legs, Sarah looks fine, but Ay looks a little green has her chest wrapped up and has leftover sick around her neck and upper chest.
[11:03:09] GM: Sarah's Beta also has some scorch marks along it's side
[11:03:33] GM: Lurana, you are indeed taken to the cities hospital facility
[11:03:45] WO Lee: lee noticeably avoids Sarah.
[11:04:08] Lt. Ishida notices Jaron and nods.
[11:04:15] Lt. Ishida : Report.
[11:05:00] CWO Sarah glances over at the Alpha in front, and the slightly greenish pilot, then walks over to the others, nodding just a little as she sees them.
[11:05:36] Lt. Jaron: "Looks like today was a good training day. We are operational but heavily damaged. We've had two encounters, total of 12 enemies all together"
[11:06:14] Lt. Ishida : Agreed, however we lost Lurana. She went after some torpedos and we lost her in teh blast wave.
[11:06:21] Lt. Ishida puts her hand on your shoulder Jaron
[11:07:08] Lt. Jaron looks at Suki "Missing or gone?"
[11:07:45] Lt. Ishida : I don't know, I'm hoping MIA, but, it was four torpedo's.
[11:08:28] 2 LT Komillia: That is not good.
[11:08:35] Lt. Ishida shakes her head.
[11:08:40] Lt. Ishida : No, it is not.
[11:08:49] Lt. Jaron grimaces a little "I knew she would go off and do something stupid"
[11:09:10] Lt. Fallnya: (would they have taken my helmet off before getting to the hospital?
[11:10:14] GM: usually after an accident they like to keep your clothes on till you get to a facility, I could be wrong,
[11:10:35] GM: helmets too, sometimes thats all that keeping you together…
[11:10:36] Lt. Fallnya upon reaching the city tries to contact the team via her short wave radio
[11:11:21] GM: roll it, your helmet is a bit damaged, so…
[11:11:50] Lt. Fallnya: "Hitman squad hitman actual… reporting *raspy sounding* [1d100] => [94] = (94) vs 78%
[11:11:55] Lt. Fallnya: (fried)
[11:12:05] GM: You get nada, your radio is toast
[11:12:09] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:12:42] GM: Free RP
[11:12:50] Lt. Fallnya: (funny always pictured the radio as internal aka not dying till the helmet was lowered below 30% lol)
[11:12:58] Lt. Fallnya: (free rp my ass since i cant join in )
[11:14:02] CWO Sarah: (( *tickles* ))
[11:14:32] WO Lee does his debriefing gets cleaned up and goes to get drunk, just looking for a sign that says bar he walks into a singles bar.
[11:15:26] Lt. Jaron takes his wreck of a garland back.
[11:16:08] Gage heads to get his cyclone repaired
[11:17:09] CWO Sarah frowns a little as Lee avoids her, returning the favor for the moment, sticking with Suki. She looks around the damage and sighs very slightly, glancing at the Beta, making a soft 'phew', even with the damage to it, muttering "at least I didn't lose another one…" She hauls it off to get repaired, taking the Alpha with if needed, since its pilot is too sick to fly at the moment.
[11:16:50] GM: It takes a few hours, but The rest of th team is notified that Lu has been recovered, and is in the Hospital.
[11:1818] Lt. Ishida returns her fighter to the stable and find Jaron to inform him of Lurana's status.
[11:19:02] Lt. Jaron gives the techs some details of teh garlands handling and soon makes his way to the hospital
[11:20:06] CWO Sarah points out the lack of effectiveness of the arm weapons to the techs, as she returns the Beta.