Chapter 5 Act II -- Part 2


[07:45:56] GM: Jaron's team [1d20] => [18] = (18) Suki's team [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[07:46:05] GM: We will begin with Jaron's team
[07:47:09] GM: All three if Jaron's team please roll piloting. You have left a null grav area and have entered an area with full gravity, and, you have the ground looming up to you in a hurry.
[07:48:31] GM: Y'all gonna roll?
[07:48:41] Lee: [1d100] => [68] = (68)
[07:48:47] Lee: Vs 79%
[07:50:39] GM: gage and Jaron?
[07:51:15] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [28] = (28) vs 72
[07:51:24] Gage: [1d100] => [94] = (94) vs 60
[07:52:52] GM: Jaron and Lee alight onto the top of the building with practiced ease, Gage however plows right thru a skylight and impacts the floor or the room below smashing trhu a coffee table and creating a divot in the tile. [4d6] => [6,5,6,1] = (18) Fall Damage
[07:53:57] GM: Init for you three. Gage your roll is at -2 and it will take you 1 attack to pick yourself up if you so choose.
[07:54:13] Lt. Jaron comms "Trooper you ok?" He looks for the enemy
[07:54:15] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
[07:54:15] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [2,2] = (4)
[07:54:15] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [17,2] = (19)
[07:54:24] CWO Sarah: (( *patpats Gage* poor dear ))
[07:54:46] Gage gets to his feet and radios "Yes sir, where do you want me?"
[07:54:59] GM: Three of the enemy are on the roof with you, the have moved to the side of the building and look to be scouting for a jump off point.
[07:55:13] GM: Init roll please
[07:55:43] Lee: [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7)
[07:55:56] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+2] => [2,2] = (4)
[07:56:02] Gage: [1d20+4] => [12,4] = (16)
[07:56:47] Gage: (sorry forgot -2, so 14)
[07:57:06] GM: Haydonite [1d20] => [20] = (20) Jaron [1d20] => [9] = (9) tie breaker
[07:58:04] GM: Init order: H, Jaron, H, Lee, Gage, H
[07:59:01] Haydonite fires at Jaron, being the biggest target on the roof with him, [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[08:00:22] Lt. Jaron tries to dodge, cursing the damn thing in his helmet (auto [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7))
[08:00:58] Haydonite: [1d4*10+15] => 25
[08:01:33] GM: Jaron, your mecha takes 25 on top of the 55 you have taken earlier.
[08:01:49] GM: Jaron, it is your turn
[08:03:18] Lt. Jaron returns firing burst at his attack (to strike [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21) dmg [2d4*10] => 40) Coms "Gage once you are able, travel to the east side and you should be underneath them"
[08:06:14] Haydonite will attempt to side step the annoying gnats weapons fire. [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[08:07:01] GM: Remember reverse init is at play, if you have higher you may interrupt.
[08:07:35] Haydonite crouches and fires upon the target my teammate fired upon. [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[08:07:44] Gage gets to his feet and replies to command "Roger that, be there in a sec"
[08:08:14] Lt. Jaron tries to evade again and comments "Lee, I hope you are a good shot" (autododge [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13))
[08:08:38] Lee: My turn?
[08:08:54] GM: Jaron you squeek out of the way of the incoming, and you will see soon enough if Lee is indeed a good shot. Lee, your turn.
[08:12:09] Lee: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[08:12:12] Lee aims and fire two HEAP Mini missiles at the damnable thing (add Cyclone targeting bonuses and Heavy M.D. and race bonuses)
[08:13:20] GM: Your stats are on your sheet, strike in cyclone with unguided missiles is +6
[08:13:31] Lee: ok 23
[08:13:55] Haydonite will duck to avoid the missiles [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[08:14:11] GM: Attackers win ties, roll damage.
[08:15:37] Lee: [2d4*10] => 40
[08:19:33] Haydonite: [1d100] => [73] = (73)
[08:20:33] GM: The Haydonite is hit and is blow backwards off the building! It tries to stop it's momentum but instead comes away with only a chunk of stucco in it's hand as it disappears over the end.
[08:21:08] GM: Gage has gotten up and is moving to the east as the third Haydonite opens fire on the Battle Cyclone (lee)
[08:21:20] Haydonite: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[08:22:52] Lee: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[08:23:01] Lee: dodge
[08:23:05] Haydonite: [1d4*10+15] => 35
[08:23:30] GM: The Haydonite connects !
[08:23:52] GM: The first Haydonite continues leveling fire upon the Garland [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[08:23:54] GM: Missing
[08:24:00] GM: Jaron, your attack
[08:28:38] Lt. Jaron rushes forward and fires two missiles from their housing at an Haydonite (to strike [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23); [2d4*10] => 40 MD) "Gage, one of them fell to street as well"
[08:30:23] GM: Well, didn't know a Garland had missiles, but hey, why not.
[08:31:17] Haydonite moves to avoid [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[08:31:29] Lee Says "I'm on 'm"
[08:31:42] GM: The Haydonite takes the hit and reels from the hit.
[08:31:58] GM: Lee your action
[08:32:16] Lee: Jumps to the street after the other.
[08:34:49] GM: Lee, you jump off the roof and towards the street below, but the Haydonite is not down there, it seems to have arrested it's fall and, using it's thrusters, is on it's way back up to the roof top.
[08:35:16] Lee: Grabs on to it
[08:35:25] GM: roll strike
[08:35:50] Lee: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[08:36:22] GM: The Haydonite wants none of you Lee and tries to thrust out of the way. [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[08:36:49] GM: But alas, it wasn't expecting a flying tackle, and you impact the 9 foot tall mecha dead center.
[08:38:53] GM: roll 4d4
[08:39:12] Lee: [4d4] => [3,1,2,3] = (9)
[08:40:12] GM: Gage, your turn
[08:41:23] Gage replies "Roger that sir" and starts to move through the building. He begins to maneuver in and out of rooms and hallways (what a pilot roll, plus will I get there in one action?)
[08:42:56] GM: It might take you more then one if you are being…how shall we say, respectful of terrain…
[08:43:44] Gage: (negative)
[08:44:53] GM: So, the choice is up to you, move your way around, or say to hell with it, remember, you have powerful weapons…
[08:45:22] GM: Use your mecha's full capabilities.
[08:45:30] Gage: (bull in a china shop mentality)
[08:46:54] GM: Whats the call?
[08:47:39] Gage: (rushing)
[08:48:28] GM: Okay, you punch thru the drywall of a few walls and come to a stop in the middle of a living room, you can hear the muffled sounds of combat above you.
[08:48:57] GM: The third Haydonite fires on Jaron, since, well, he's the only target it can see. [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[08:49:16] GM: Gage, roll a perc as well please
[08:50:03] Gage: [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
[08:50:33] Lt. Jaron hopes to dodge [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[08:50:52] GM: Gage, you pretty much know that the enemy is right on top of you, and, you looking out the window can see Lee and the Haydonite playing at aerial ballet.
[08:51:10] GM: Jaron you skirt out of the way easily.
[08:51:30] GM: The first Haydonite fires at you as well [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[08:52:50] Lt. Jaron reacts as he is still in mid leap, bringing the garland's arm up to parry (parry [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17))
[08:53:17] GM: Your mecha takes the hit [1d4*10+15] => 45 and you are free to counter attack, your turn.
[08:55:06] Lt. Jaron fires a burst from his hand held and is a little impressed at the damage this vehicle can take (to strike [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19) [2d4*10} MD)
[08:55:18] Lt. Jaron: [2d4*10] => 30
[08:55:31] GM: The Haydonite moves to evade. [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[08:56:01] GM: Lee, the Haydonite you are on top of rears back with a mighty claw and punches at your head. [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[08:57:27] Lee: [1d20+11] => [19,11] = (30)
[08:57:37] Lee: dodges
[08:57:55] GM: You let the enemy go and scramble back to avoid the blow.
[08:58:07] GM: Lee, your attack
[08:58:51] GM: ((or not, nm, you just move your head out of the way, you are still on him.))
[09:00:03] GM: Lee, your attack
[09:01:01] Lee: Jams EP-37 in the thing's face and burst fires.
[09:01:13] GM: roll them bones
[09:01:13] Lee: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:01:34] CWO Sarah: (( LOL ))
[09:02:06] Lt. Jaron: (did you put it in your our face instead?)
[09:02:09] GM: You raise up your weapon, and just as you pull the trigger, I dunno, an updraft hit you and spoils the shot.
[09:02:20] GM: gage, your action
[09:03:02] GM: If Haydonites had 9 lives, he just lost one
[09:04:44] Gage takes aim and fires at the head of the Haydonite Lee is wrestling with (to strike [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14) [6d6] => [3,1,1,1,5,2] = (13)MD)
[09:06:22] Haydonite will parry the shot with Lee
[09:06:28] Haydonite: [4d20+7] => [17,8,1,9,7] = (42)
[09:06:32] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[09:07:00] GM: Lee, the rear of your Cyclone takes 13 MD from friendly fire
[09:07:45] GM: The third Haydonite fires at Jaron again, advancing slowly, menacingly. [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[09:07:56] Lee curses in Zent loudly over the radio…
[09:08:18] Lt. Jaron tries to evade (dodge [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22))
[09:08:54] GM: The first Haydonite fires at Jaron as well [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10) as the Thirds rounds impact [1d4*10+15] => 35
[09:09:39] Lt. Jaron tries to keep moving (dodge [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22))
[09:09:50] GM: Jaron your attack!
[09:11:45] Lt. Jaron comms "Gage, going to give you an entrance now." He fires one missile at the feet/rooftop to try and make a hole (to strike [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7) [1d4*10] => 40MD)
[09:12:25] GM: Jaron the missile blows a clean hole into the roof. Gage, the debris rains down on you.
[09:13:00] GM: Lee, the Haydonite in front of you emits a guttural noise you think is a laugh, and then knees you in teh groin. [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[09:14:25] GM: Lee your dodge/parry, and then attack
[09:15:38] GM: Lee?
[09:15:43] Lee: [1d20+11] => [3,11] = (14)
[09:15:50] Lee: dodge
[09:15:55] GM: Attackers win ties [2d8] => [3,5] = (8)
[09:16:38] GM: Your armored cup stops the blow, but yeah, you still 'feel' it as your meat and two bits try to crawl up your ass for safety.
[09:16:46] GM: Your attack
[09:17:22] Lee: Jams EP-37 in it's face again and blasts a burst.
[09:17:28] GM: Roll it!
[09:17:28] Lee: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[09:17:52] GM: The Haydonite tries to avoid it! [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[09:17:56] GM: Roll damage!
[09:18:11] Lee: [2d4*10] => 40
[09:20:07] GM: The Haydonite isn't laughing anymore as you tear a large chunk from his faceplate, it lets you go immediately as it starts to back peddle.
[09:20:13] GM: gage, Your attack
[09:20:18] Gage: (is the hole before or after the Haydonites?)
[09:20:46] GM: the hole is close, roll a perc, note that you can see clearly lee's aggressor
[09:21:05] Gage: [1d20+2] => [4,2] = (6)
[09:22:22] GM: It's hard to see the Haydonite above you due to all the dust and grit tossed up by the missile strike, but you might be able to hit it (shooting wild -6 to strike)
[09:22:49] GM: or you can shot with full bonuses at the one in the air with Lee
[09:22:55] GM: shot = shoot
[09:23:36] Gage grumbles and continues to fire at Lee's attacker (to strike [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21) [6d6] => [1,2,1,6,6,2] = (18)MD)
[09:24:12] GM: The Haydonite takes the hit, as the third one on top fires at Jaron [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[09:25:27] Gage: "You are clear Lee!"
[09:26:07] Lt. Jaron takes the hit and fires his last missile at his attack (sim attack [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22) [1d4*10] => 40MD)
[09:26:59] GM: The Haydonite, untouched till now takes the 40 and you are hit with [1d4*10+15] => 45
[09:27:18] Lt. Jaron: (your dice is too hot)
[09:27:31] GM: Roll a % Jaron
[09:27:35] GM: Suki's team, init's please. Thats Suki, Sarah, Ay, Komillia, and Tony.
[09:28:03] CWO Sarah: [1d20+1] => [20,1] = (21)
[09:28:11] Lt. Jaron: [1d100] => [70] = (70)
[09:28:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [9] = (9)
[09:28:19] GM: (oh, don't worry about hot dice, just wait till I start rolling for Suki, it'll be nothing but single digits. lol)
[09:28:19] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[09:28:35] Lt. Jaron: (bah, I don't care about her )
[09:28:42] Lt. Fallnya: (that doesn't include me right?)
[09:28:48] 2 LT Komillia: ((The curse is working perfectly…))
[09:29:00] GM: Jaron: Severe internal damage, Reduce speed by half, -1 attack, -2 init, -2 dodge
[09:29:16] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[09:29:39] Lt. Ishida : (jesus sarah!)
[09:30:21] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
[09:30:21] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
[09:30:21] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[09:31:34] Anthony: Initiative [1d20+2] => [6,2] = (8)
[09:31:45] Anthony: (( No wait it was +6 ))
[09:32:59] GM: Init order is as follows: Ay, Kom, Tony, H, H, Suki, Sarah, H
[09:33:24] GM: Ay your attack, there are three Haydonites to teh rear of your group having landed on the ground, Three Reavers.
[09:33:34] GM: correction 5
[09:33:59] GM: In space, Jess is being picked up by a SAR bird
[09:35:18] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
[09:35:18] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [8,2] = (10)
[09:37:36] 2Lt. Aylanea peers at the group behind, slowing her jet down quickly and trying to turn it around. Once she is, she sights her guns for one of the Reavers, pulling the trigger quickly. [1d20+16] => [2,16] = (18)
[09:37:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( auto fail ))
[09:38:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( Suki's C&C roll is still in effect, right? ))
[09:38:45] GM: Your rounds tear up the roadway hitting everything but the Haydonite, as his pal nearby fires on the larger Legios. [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15)
[09:38:50] GM: correct
[09:38:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( mkay ))
[09:39:28] GM: Perc for Suki [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
[09:40:47] GM: She is able to see the incoming attack and will elect to avoid it. [1d20+18] => [11,18] = (29)
[09:40:55] GM: Komillia your turn,
[09:42:01] 2 LT Komillia lines up the nearest Reaver and fires with the gunpod and shoulder cannons. [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[09:42:23] GM: The Haydonite tries to avoid the hits! [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[09:42:34] GM: But is hit roll damage.
[09:43:35] 2 LT Komillia: [2d8*10+20] => 130 for the gunpod and [2d6*10] => 50 for the shoulder cannons.
[09:44:02] GM: The Reaver gets chewed up but it's still mobile, Tony, your attack!
[09:44:33] Anthony glances at his sensors as he examines the current battlefield. Sticking close to his squad, by flying right underneath them and offering cover fire from all degrees. His alpha taking to eccentric spins and rolls in place
[09:44:45] Anthony: Strike [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) Pulse Beam Cannon
[09:44:59] Anthony: (Five round burst)
[09:45:08] GM: Which Haydonite are you shooting at?
[09:45:29] Anthony: (( Following my standing orders and shooting at a Reaver. ))
[09:45:41] Anthony: (( What ever is attacking the girls and guy ))
[09:45:46] GM: right, but there are 5, one hit, 4 unhit
[09:46:03] Anthony: (( Can I spread my attack? ))
[09:46:16] Anthony: (( Oh I know I will use my missiles ))
[09:46:16] GM: not really, they are combat spaced and tiny
[09:46:31] GM: no, you called gun pod first lol just give me a target
[09:46:54] Anthony: (( Ok. one of the hit. My attack is actually [24+3] => 27 ))
[09:47:23] GM: The Haydonite, reeling from the hits earlier moves to avoid the new attack on it [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[09:47:36] GM: And Does it! NAT 20
[09:47:54] Anthony: (( You cheated! ))
[09:48:04] Anthony: (( Let me see that digital die! Email it to me! ))
[09:48:08] CWO Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[09:48:15] CWO Sarah: (( *tickles Anthony* ))
[09:48:26] Anthony: (( *giggles like a manly girl* ))
[09:48:32] GM: Two Haydonites open fire, one at Komillia, [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12) and the other at the Legioss [1d20+6] => [3,6] = (9)
[09:49:17] GM: The shots at the Legios go wide, but were still pretty close
[09:49:50] GM: Komillia, you are being shot at, Suki your attack.
[09:50:44] Lt. Ishida detaches the Alpha and transforms to Guardian and fires all guns at the closest Reaver.
[09:51:34] 2 LT Komillia dodges. [1d20+11] => [3,11] = (14)
[09:51:47] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[09:51:58] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:52:01] Anthony: (( BRB afk for a sec ))
[09:52:09] GM: kk
[09:52:26] GM: man, I hate this part, trying to figure out all teh damage on an all guns…
[09:52:36] GM: I'll roll it in a sec, Sarah, your attack
[09:52:38] CWO Sarah: (( *patpats* ))
[09:54:08] CWO Sarah adjusts for the detachment, converting her Beta into Battloid mode, and trying to shove a foot down towards it, using her vertical drop to add momentum to the kick, on the closest Reaver Suki isn't shooting at. [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14)
[09:54:31] CWO Sarah: (( is that a power kick or a Flying leap kick tho, technically? hrm. ))
[09:54:52] CWO Sarah: (( since she's trying to use altitude. ))
[09:55:23] GM: Nose lasers [4d8*2] => 44 Gunpods [6d4*10+60] => 200 FAST arm pods [4d4*10] => 110
[09:55:40] CWO Sarah: (( 354 then ))
[09:55:54] GM: The Haydonite looks up and yipes as it tries to avoid being squished. [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:56:20] That's the Tab key, Dave
[09:56:50] GM: Roll damage Sarah, 3d8 x3
[09:57:00] GM: Suki Reaver ceases to be
[09:57:08] CWO Sarah: [3d8*3] => 27
[09:57:24] CWO Sarah: (( suck ))
[09:57:29] GM: The Reaver is embedded into the road.
[09:57:36] GM: and loses an attack
[09:57:40] CWO Sarah: (( hee! ))
[09:57:59] GM: The wounded Reaver that Komillia hit seeks and moves towards cover, Ay, your atack
[09:59:00] Anthony: (( Back ))
[09:59:16] 2Lt. Aylanea converts to Battloid and searches around for the Reaver she fired on before. She checks the shoulder mounts for the 15s, and fires the two on top, as she tries to close distance.
[09:59:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+16] => [6,16] = (22)
[10:00:58] GM: The Haydonite moves to dodge [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25) ((which target Ay, there are 4, one wounded, two not, one under Sarah jackboot))
[10:01:19] GM: nm, the bastard dodges
[10:01:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( the one she fired at the first time. And arg. ))
[10:01:26] GM: Komillia, your attack
[10:02:02] 2 LT Komillia fires at the Reaver she damaged previously with all guns. [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[10:02:41] GM: The Reaver still moving to cover, is so close, and dives behind a minivan nd into an alley [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[10:02:46] GM: Roll damage
[10:02:55] Lee: (when's the round turn, losing track)
[10:03:12] GM: in a few more atacks
[10:03:21] Lee: (KK)
[10:04:12] GM: damage there Komillia
[10:04:17] GM: You hit the chummer
[10:04:35] GM: Tony, while Kom rolls damage, your attack
[10:04:38] 2 LT Komillia: [2d8*10+20] => 130 for the gunpod and [2d6*10] => 70 for the shoulder cannons.
[10:04:42] Anthony: Anthony turns his alpha to the side and opens fire with the pulse cannon. Emptying a burst of rounds on the damaged target that skillfully missed his last attack. [1d20+12] => [9,12] = (21) strike
[10:05:31] GM: Komillia, as the Reaver makes it's dive you track it and open fire, you shred the minivan, and a good half of a mini mart as your round continue on and turn the Reaver and the nearby dumpster into slag.
[10:06:10] GM: The Haydonite Reaver tries to avoid Tony's shots. [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:06:12] Lee: (hope no one was in either)
[10:06:17] GM: But his luck runs out! Damage
[10:06:46] Anthony: Damage [2d4*10+30] => 80
[10:07:24] GM: The Haydonite takes the hits and fires back at Tony [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[10:07:49] Anthony: Dodge! [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12)
[10:07:52] GM: Sarah, the one under you squirms.
[10:08:25] GM: Tony, your alpha takes a racking burst to it's flank. [1d4*10+15] => 55
[10:09:02] GM: Suki , still in Guardian pans her nose to the left and fires all guns again at another Reaver. [1d20+11] => [20,11] = (31)
[10:09:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( !!!! ))
[10:09:18] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[10:09:21] Haydonite: Fuck me!
[10:09:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( so long sucker ))
[10:09:39] GM: Sarah your attack, I'm not even rolling damage for that, it's dead
[10:10:06] GM: Tony, the one Suki just vaporized was the one that shot at you
[10:10:18] Anthony: (( Karma is a bitch ))
[10:10:27] Anthony: (( We also call her Suki ))
[10:10:31] GM: Rest in pieces
[10:10:37] GM: LOL
[10:10:49] GM: Sarah, your attack
[10:11:15] CWO Sarah notices the one underneath her squirming, hrmphs, and points both sets of pulse beam cannons down at it's head. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[10:11:45] GM: ((suki's shit reminds me of that scene in Star Wars 1 where Anakin messes up the Driodeka's in the hanger bay))
[10:12:05] CWO Sarah: (( heehee ))
[10:12:23] GM: The hapless Haydonite tries to parry, since dodging is out of the question [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[10:12:25] GM: Damage
[10:12:35] CWO Sarah: [1d6*10] => 30
[10:13:05] GM: one more
[10:13:08] CWO Sarah: (( since errata didn't get to the Beta guns, firing with both forearm p-beams is 1d6*10 ))
[10:13:11] CWO Sarah: [1d6*10] => 20
[10:13:13] GM: or was that it added
[10:13:29] CWO Sarah: (( that was it added, it's 6d6 for one. ))
[10:13:36] CWO Sarah: (( direct from book ))
[10:13:39] GM: Sarah, you blow off the face plate and can see the single eye of the pilot behind it
[10:13:45] GM: oh
[10:13:47] GM: kk
[10:14:18] GM: The one untouched Reaver sees this all and bolts towards the city center
[10:14:25] GM: Ay your attack
[10:15:05] GM: and Komillia, your next
[10:15:30] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to get after the one untouched Reaver, trying to fire both her shoulder mounted EU-15s in a desperate effort to slow it down. [1d20+16] => [18,16] = (34)
[10:16:24] GM: The Haydonite moves to dodge behind a building, turning the corner at speed [1d100] => [98] = (98) {1d20+7]
[10:16:31] GM: [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[10:17:08] GM: Instead the Reaver careens out of control, skids into the lobby of an apartment building and is chased by Ay's bullets, damage
[10:17:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d4*10)+30)*2)] => ((3d4*10)+30)*2)
[10:17:23] 2Lt. Aylanea: (ah fug)
[10:17:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(((3d4*10)+30)*2)] => 240
[10:17:44] GM: the Reaver and the lobby are shredded
[10:17:44] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( dere we go. ))
[10:17:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[10:18:08] 2 LT Komillia fires at the nearest Haydonite with all guns. [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[10:18:11] GM: Komillia, and Tony, the only Haydonite left for you to torment is the one under Sarah's foot
[10:18:23] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( LOL ))
[10:18:26] GM: roll damage
[10:18:38] 2 LT Komillia: [2d8*10+20] => 70 for the gunpod and [2d6*10] => 90 for the shoulder cannons.
[10:18:46] Anthony: Accompanies Komillia, firing right after her shot.
[10:18:52] Anthony: [1d20+12] => [17,12] = (29) Pulse Beam
[10:19:06] 2 LT Komillia: ((x2 =320))
[10:19:21] CWO Sarah: (( should I try to check piloting to evade the fire? ))
[10:19:45] GM: Sarah, you see these two line up and in an oh shit moment step back as they open fire, the Haydonite is wasted leaving a hole halfway to the next deck.
[10:19:55] CWO Sarah: (( heehee ))
[10:20:04] GM: no, with the rolls to strike so high, there really is no spray
[10:20:12] CWO Sarah: (( okie ))
[10:20:31] Anthony: (( rofl same number just Komillia was a crit ))
[10:20:35] 2 LT Komillia: I'd call that a clean kill.
[10:20:40] GM: they would have not hit you no matter what, but Haydo-boy well, yeah,
[10:20:49] Anthony: "It left a mess thought"
[10:21:21] Lt. Ishida transforms to Battloid. "Clear! Jaron! Sitrep over."
[10:22:35] Lt. Ishida : Jaron? Hitman 4-1, sitrep over.
[10:27:04] Lee: "WO Lee Here, he's taking a beating facing a Reaver and I'm occupied in a fistfight with one other (give coordinates)
[10:27:47] Lt. Jaron comms "Engaged, damaged but managing. We one on one at the moment"
[10:28:03] Lt. Ishida : Roger that.
[10:28:22] Lt. Ishida : Komillia, you and Tony head over there and assist.
[10:28:38] 2 LT Komillia: Roger.
[10:28:52] 2 LT Komillia heads off to the coordinates.
[10:28:58] Anthony: "Roger that" He breaks from the squad toward the coordinates.
[10:30:44] UEEF MP: …we are pinned down! Enemy units have us bottled up near Plaza West
[10:31:50] GM: Tony and Komillia, it takes two attacks to get from where you are to where Jaron and crew are. When you arrive you see the situation, the roof top is in tatters and so is Jaron's Garland.
[10:32:19] 2 LT Komillia: Looks like you've seen better days.
[10:32:49] GM: There is a pair of Reavers on the roof and both fire upon the closing TF
[10:33:09] GM: Left [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) right [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[10:33:09] CWO Sarah frowns at the radio, turning her mecha towards Suki. "Sounds like Plaza West is our next stop."
[10:33:15] CWO Sarah: (( for later ))
[10:33:27] Lt. Ishida : Roger that!
[10:33:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: Acknowledged. Heading for Plaza West.
[10:34:02] Anthony: Parry! [1d20+12] => [19,12] = (31) He fires at the rounds in attempt of stopping the attacks.
[10:34:31] GM: Tony, you parry the rounds at you easily.
[10:34:39] GM: Komillia?
[10:35:23] Jess (exit): 22:35
[10:35:28] 2 LT Komillia: Dodge! [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[10:37:26] GM: Jaron your attack
[10:37:35] GM: then Komillia and Tony
[10:39:14] GM: um..anyone gonna roll?
[10:39:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *assaults Jaron to get him to roll, in absence of Jess to complain* ))
[10:40:07] Anthony: Tony fires at the Reaver. Strike: Pulse busrts [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[10:40:43] Anthony: Damage [2d4*10+30] => 60
[10:41:41] GM: The Haydonite tries to dodge. [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[10:42:11] Anthony: (( brb ))
[10:42:33] GM: Komillia?
[10:43:43] 2 LT Komillia fires at a nearby Haydonite with all guns. [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[10:44:17] GM: The Haydonite tries to dodge. [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:45:32] GM: And does so!
[10:45:34] GM: Lee
[10:46:58] Lee Aims his other missile arm at the Haydonite he's engaged with and fires taking carfull aim at the midsection
[10:47:10] Lee: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[10:47:33] Lee: both missiles
[10:48:13] GM: The Haydonite Reaver tries to evade [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[10:48:25] GM: And gets hit!
[10:48:46] Lee: they are heaps
[10:49:15] Lee: (triple damage?)
[10:49:23] GM: i think only on a crit
[10:49:30] Anthony: (( back ))
[10:49:58] Lee: (think you have 18 as a crit with Heaps)
[10:50:44] Lee: [2d4*10] => 30
[10:50:53] GM: I'll go with it, I still cant find the rule on it (PB really needs to make their books easier to navigate))
[10:51:11] Lee: in your house rules
[10:51:25] GM: Oh, well, don't I feel foolish
[10:51:50] Lee: (i think)
[10:52:15] Lee: so 90?
[10:52:24] GM: yes
[10:52:31] Lee: k.
[10:53:04] GM: The Haydonite is still up and behind you Komillia's miss tears a nice chunk out of the corner of the building. Gage your attack
[10:53:17] Lee: (probably not blasted stupid dice roller)
[10:53:17] Gage leaps through the hole with thrusters, firing at a Haydonite (to strike [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29); [6d6] => [3,3,4,1,1,6] = (18)MD)
[10:53:34] GM: OOOOo there we go! thats the sauce!
[10:53:34] Gage: [18*2] => 36 for crit
[10:54:21] GM: The Haydonite takes the hits square but the armor holds. [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[10:54:31] GM: But the enemy is smoking badly.
[10:55:03] GM: The third Haydonite fires at the Bioroid as it jets into the hole in the building.
[10:55:10] GM: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:55:21] GM: Jets = drops down into
[10:55:49] GM: Komillia?
[10:56:34] CWO Sarah: (( *scritches Komi* ))
[10:56:43] 2 LT Komillia fires at the Haydonite she missed before. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[10:57:01] GM: Um, this was a dodge or parry
[10:57:13] GM: The enemy fired at you
[10:57:18] GM: and you evade masterfully.
[10:57:39] GM: The First Haydonite follow suite and jumps down into the building as well.
[10:57:46] GM: Jaron your attack
[10:57:54] Lt. Jaron is getting static on comms and blinking lights all around, noticing though some help arriving "Thanks for the assist." He fires a burst at a Haydonite (to strike [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18); [2d4*10] => 70md)
[10:58:06] GM: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:58:14] GM: Attackers win ties, roll damage!
[10:59:18] GM: Komillia, your attack
[10:59:28] 2 LT Komillia fires at the Haydonite she missed before. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[10:59:28] GM: two Haydonites are inside, and one is outside
[10:59:56] GM: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:59:56] GM: damage
[10:59:57] 2 LT Komillia: [2d8*10+20] => 90 for the gunpod and [2d6*10] => 70 for the shoulder cannons.
[11:00:10] Haydonite: [1d100] => [72] = (72)
[11:01:34] GM: Your sensors track the enemies heat thru the building and you open fire shredding the floor and wall sending glass and furniture everywhere. That Haydonite takes the hits and is blow out the 4th story and onto the ground below, landing with a dull thud.
[11:01:53] GM: Tony your attack
[11:03:09] Anthony: Empties his pulse cannon on the surrounding tangoes. Strike [1d20+12] => [5,12] = (17)
[11:03:40] GM: The Haydonite moves thru the building [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[11:03:46] GM: And is hit!
[11:03:50] GM: Damage
[11:04:48] GM: Tony?
[11:05:13] Anthony: Damage [2d4*10+30] => 110
[11:05:51] GM: Your rounds chase the Haydonite and cut thru the roof like a jig saw until finally you catch the bastard and turn him and the stairwell into confetti
[11:06:26] GM: The Second Haydonite turns and bolts.
[11:06:28] GM: Lee
[11:07:36] Lee: Grabs hold of him and tries to piledrive him into the deck letting go and pulling up at the last second
[11:07:44] GM: roll piloting and strike
[11:07:58] GM: piloting first
[11:08:09] Lee: Vs 79%
[11:08:11] Lee: [2d100] => [3,17] = (20)
[11:08:20] GM: good enough
[11:08:20] GM: lol
[11:08:30] GM: You are able to react fast enough to make the strike
[11:08:33] GM: roll strike
[11:08:40] Lee: [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15)
[11:08:58] GM: The Haydonite will attempt to shake you [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[11:09:14] GM: And does so, barely, your finger tips sliding off his back.
[11:09:17] GM: gage.
[11:09:58] Gage: (Where is the last one considering everything in my area got hit by a shredder(
[11:10:17] GM: the last one is the one that is running and that Lee tried to grab
[11:11:18] Gage takes a very careful aim and tries to hit its dome (called shot head; [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8), [6d6] => [4,3,4,5,6,3] = (25)md)
[11:11:39] Haydonite: The Haydonite goes evasive [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[11:11:54] GM: Jaron, your attack,
[11:13:15] Lt. Jaron tries to get to a vantage point and fire a burst at the Haydonite (to strike [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)..[2d4*10] => 50md)
[11:13:42] GM: The Haydonite keeps up it's evasive maneuvering [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[11:14:45] GM: But to no avail! The Haydonite takes the hits and reaches ground level and moves, smoking, into the building across the street.
[11:14:54] GM: Komillia
[11:15:15] GM: roll a Sensory Equipment if you intend to fire
[11:15:16] 2 LT Komillia fires at the nearest Haydonite still alive. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[11:15:53] Lt. Jaron comms "Lee, Gage care to take him out and hope to avoid anymore collateral from the birds"
[11:15:53] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [9] = (9) vs 60
[11:16:27] GM: The Haydonite very aware of the fate of his brethren keeps moving for cover inside the building [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[11:16:51] GM: But Komillia's sensors and passion fueled aim is to great!
[11:17:02] GM: fueled
[11:17:05] GM: roll damage
[11:17:43] 2 LT Komillia: [2d8*10+20] => 100 for the gunpod and [2d6*10] => 100 for the shoulder cannons.
[11:17:51] GM: Oh my god!
[11:18:12] GM: You kill the Reaver, and you also blow out the entire face of teh building in the process.
[11:18:24] 2 LT Komillia: ((lol, I'm now just as effective as a missile boat!))
[11:18:36] GM: Oh the collateral damage!
[11:18:48] GM: I think we did more damage then the enemy
[11:18:52] CWO Sarah: (( LOL ))
[11:18:56] CWO Sarah: (( *didn't* ))
[11:19:00] CWO Sarah: (( *halopolish* ))
[11:19:00] Lee: "What a mess….."
[11:19:07] 2 LT Komillia: ((It could be a LOT worse.))

[09:15:07] GM: The UEEF civil defense seems to be in trouble in this area, there is an indeterminate number of enemy units in the area, and weapons fire can be seen.
[09:16:06] CWO Sarah frowns on approach, looking at the situation and trying to tell what is where, trying to see if they're in places she can even reach with the big Beta. [1d20+ 1] => [17,1] = (18)
[09:26:45] CWO Sarah pushes in for the closest thing she can see. She tries to notice, in fact, where there's the most indicated activity, looking for weapon blasts and whatnot, and moving towards the closest area of them.
[09:27:48] 2Lt. Aylanea moves to find another target herself, as the one who hurried here, peering around, switching herself to guardian mode to flit around and look for the situations that might pop up, and heading in for the worst looking overall one she can find. [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[09:27:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or not ))
[09:28:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oblivious Zentraedi is oblivious ))
[09:28:50] GM: Ay, flying nearby a tree, finds a squirrel on her canopy.
[09:28:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:29:38] CWO Sarah heads in for the area near the river, looking upwards at the building tops to make sure the Reavers aren't using them as sniper positions against things, frowning at the thought.
[09:31:23] GM: You heading off alone?
[09:31:52] CWO Sarah: (( oops ))
[09:32:04] GM: I take that as a yes
[09:32:09] GM: Eager Invid is eager
[09:32:29] CWO Sarah looks around for Suki. "Looks like the hot zone is between the buildings at the river, unless the rooftop units are sniping people…" She talks into her radio quickly
[09:32:58] GM: No sooner do the words leave your lips then you are fired upon,
[09:33:33] GM: You are moving towards your intended area and are at the light blue mark when you start taking ground fire.
[09:34:40] CWO Sarah looks around for where she's taking ground fire from, quickly, to see if she can root it out on sensors somewhere or see it, to respond to it, switching to guardian herself for better overwatch to do it.
[09:34:44] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [30] = (30)
[09:35:07] CWO Sarah: (( sensory equip vs. 65% ))
[09:35:09] GM: You may roll whatever you think necessary to locate the source, meanwhile. [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20), [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22), [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24). [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[09:35:50] GM: Those four locations open fire at you
[09:38:04] CWO Sarah swears softly and tries to evade, pulling backwards.
[09:38:10] CWO Sarah: (( how many of those can I try evading? ))
[09:39:53] GM: you may attempt to evade one
[09:40:13] CWO Sarah: [1d20+9] => [2,9] = (11)
[09:40:18] CWO Sarah: (( *facepalms* ))
[09:40:36] GM: [4d4*10+60] => 160
[09:40:44] CWO Sarah: (( eep ))
[09:41:03] GM: The Beta take 160 point of damage before you pull back
[09:41:31] GM: ((Pink dot is Suki))
[09:42:12] CWO Sarah tries to press backwards as she's shot, looking around quickly for Suki, Aylanea, or the CD units. She pulls back to Suki and looks over quickly. "Damn… a lot of them…"
[09:42:47] Lt. Ishida shakes her head.
[09:43:04] Lt. Ishida : Thats one way to fix the enemy.
[09:44:42] 2Lt. Aylanea looks over towards Lt. Ishida. "Orders, ma'am?" She looks over to the water and hrms at it, sighing. "Wish I could sneak an Alpha through the trees, but…"
[09:45:27] Lt. Ishida keys her mic. "Charlie Delta, this is Hitman 1-1, we are in the field due north of Papa Whiskey. We have a fix on some of your Tango's. Mind giving us a picture?
[09:45:57] UEEF: Roger that Hotel 1-1, switch to Guard for update.
[09:46:20] Lt. Ishida : Copy that, Hitman 1-1 on guard.
[09:47:06] Lt. Ishida will attempt to link in. [1d100] => [7] = (7) RSI vs. 69%
[09:49:16] Lt. Ishida : Charlie Delta, I have you r locations and your Tango's fixed, where do you want us?
[09:49:44] CWO Sarah listens quietly, rather blushing after her little oops. She peeks at the map, quietly. She nods just a little at it, hrming.
[09:51:08] UEEF: Copy that, we have a unit on the bridge thats pinned down. Tango's in teh building across the tracks are chewing them up.
[09:52:02] Lt. Ishida : Roger that, we'll sweep in behind them. Hold tight.
[09:52:04] 2Lt. Aylanea hmms a little bit, peering at the screen. "Using the roofs as cover…" She considers and nods quickly at that, glancing over to Suki.
[09:52:55] Lt. Ishida : Okay, fall back across the road and dismount, we'll be able to get in close in Cyclones.
[09:53:15] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly and falls back. "Yes, ma'am!" She moves back for the road immediately.
[09:53:44] CWO Sarah nods quickly, blushing very softly still. "Right…"
[09:53:59] Lt. Ishida moves her Alpha back in Guardian mode and settles it within the trees. She dismounts and dons her cyclone.
[09:54:08] Lt. Ishida : ((brb))
[09:55:15] CWO Sarah: (( okie ))
[09:55:47] CWO Sarah moves her Beta back, still in guardian mode, setting it somewhere and digging her Cyclone out quickly, getting it together and on as quickly as possible.
[09:57:20] 2Lt. Aylanea certainly hurries her Cyc on. She checks it quickly, nods, and smiles just a little, as she gets it up into battloid and moves a little. "Been a while, hope I still remember how to use it." She laughs just a little, smiling widely to indicate she's joking.
[09:58:58] Lt. Ishida fixes both , girls, with a stern gaze that could freeze in a desert. Donning her 38-Lite she does a ready check on her EP-37.
[09:59:34] Lt. Ishida : Cut the chatter, I want weapons and equipment check in 30 seconds, we move out in 2 mikes.
[10:00:01] CWO Sarah looks down as she gets that look, checking her RL-6 and 97 unit quickly, making sure of the load on each.
[10:00:12] GM: Let me know what your load out is.
[10:01:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( normal load on both counts. .The 97 on one arm and RL6 on other for Sarah's 38, Ay's isn't totally different than Suki's, 97s and EP-37. ))
[10:01:34] GM: Ay is in a 38-lite?
[10:02:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yes ))
[10:02:32] GM: Really?
[10:03:00] GM: Yeah…she is, okay then
[10:03:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( … It's the same one posted on the web site ))
[10:03:13] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *tickles* ))
[10:04:14] GM: Suki lays out the proposed route of approach (dark green line)
[10:05:04] Lt. Ishida : We move fast, and enter the building, then make our way up. I dont expect the one on the roof to be the only Tango inside.
[10:05:11] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly as she looks at it. "Yes, ma'am. Probably not."
[10:05:49] CWO Sarah nods just a little bit as she looks at the route.
[10:06:12] Lt. Ishida : Charlie Delta, Hitman 1-1 is oscar mike.
[10:06:20] UEEF: Roger that!
[10:06:42] GM: init's
[10:06:50] Lt. Ishida : [d20+5] => d20+5
[10:06:54] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+5] => [3,5] = (8)
[10:07:27] CWO Sarah: [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16)
[10:07:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[10:10:37] Lt. Ishida : I'll take point, Sarah, you are behind me. Ay, you have the fastest Cyc, you cover the rear but be ready to displace and cover us if need be.
[10:10:51] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly. "Yes, ma'am!"
[10:11:21] CWO Sarah nods, moving up behind Suki.
[10:12:07] Lt. Ishida moves across the raod and follows the tree line up to the river. Prowl [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs 53%
[10:12:58] CWO Sarah follows along, trying to be quiet. .She can almost prowl, sad as it is, just not very well [1d100] => [30] = (30) vs 34%
[10:13:03] CWO Sarah: (( woah ))
[10:13:47] 2Lt. Aylanea slips along the back, TRYING to prowl, but her height and the cyclone don't make it easy. [1d100] => [60] = (60) vs. 30%
[10:13:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:17:49] Haydonite: [1d20-4] => [18,-4] = (14)
[10:17:49] Haydonite: [1d20-4] => [6,-4] = (2)
[10:19:03] Haydonite: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[10:19:03] Haydonite: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[10:19:30] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+4] => [6,4] = (10)
[10:19:49] Haydonite: [1d4*10+15] => 25
[10:20:40] GM: As you make your way thru the tree's enemy fire from the building opens up and impacts around Suki, most of the rounds miss, but a few hit.
[10:20:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek ))
[10:21:43] 2Lt. Aylanea sights up towards the building, to see if she can see where in the building it was from, though she keeps following along. "Return fire? Or hold?"
[10:21:59] Lt. Ishida : Weapons free!
[10:22:47] 2Lt. Aylanea sights up at it then, grinning just a little and trying to see if she can't take a shot at the one who pelted the bosslady, with a burst from the 37. [1d20+15] => [15,15] = (30)
[10:25:02] Lt. Ishida moves to cover and likewise returns fire. [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[10:25:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:25:18] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[10:25:19] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[10:25:43] GM: Sarah? And roll Damage Ay
[10:26:44] CWO Sarah tries to return fire as well, launching a single shot from the RL-6 up towards it. [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[10:27:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [2d4*10] => 20
[10:27:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *facepalm* ))
[10:27:40] GM: Just tack on damage rolls to all strikes like Jaron does okay, you wont really know what you are doing until you are close so…
[10:27:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( okay ))
[10:28:13] CWO Sarah: [1d6*10] => 60 (in case mine hits)
[10:28:23] Haydonite: [1d20-6] => [11,-6] = (5)
[10:28:23] Haydonite: [1d20-6] => [14,-6] = (8)
[10:28:32] Lt. Ishida : Cover fire!
[10:29:38] Lt. Ishida engages her thrusters and will jet across the river to the treeline on the far side. [1d100] => [52] = (52) vs 88%
[10:31:13] CWO Sarah: (( *tries to remember. Is that the suppressive fire thing?* *thinks* ))
[10:31:24] Lt. Ishida : you can if you wish
[10:31:56] CWO Sarah: (( meh. not enough firepower between Ay and Sarah to do that. ))
[10:33:39] GM: Well?
[10:35:32] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to take another EP-37 shot as Suki jets across the river, trying to keep the fire from above coming to her from pressure. [1d20+15] => [14,15] = (29) [2d4*10] => 40 damage
[10:35:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( parent rage, sorry ))
[10:36:06] CWO Sarah: (( I had to literally guide her out of my room and shut the door ))
[10:37:16] CWO Sarah tries to use the distraction to get herself across behind Suki as well, hurrying. [1d100] => [39] = (39) vs. 93%
[10:39:04] Lt. Ishida looks at Sarah next to her. "Well, you wanted to be up here so bad, move to the building. Ay cover fore on three!" Suki cocks her head at you. "Have fun…one…two…Three!"
[10:39:44] Haydonite: [1d20-6] => [1,-6] = (-5)
[10:39:45] Haydonite: [1d20-6] => [18,-6] = (12)
[10:39:54] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[10:40:06] Lt. Ishida : [2d4*10] => 50
[10:40:36] No match found
[10:40:52] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly, bracing for the fire, and trying to jet herself across the river quickly, ready to evade if she needs to [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs. 73%
[10:40:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ouch ))
[10:41:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( now watch me fall into the river or something ))
[10:41:21] GM: Sarah, roll a dodge.
[10:41:55] CWO Sarah: [1d20+12] => [16,12] = (28)
[10:43:38] GM: Sarah, the enemy shots come very close to you almost hitting. Ay, you faceplant into the water and wind up on the far side near Suki. Suki continues to fire as she snarls into her comm "Ay, get your butt on my six RIGHT NOW!"
[10:44:26] 2Lt. Aylanea scrambles back up and tries to get to the others quickly, sighing as she hears the snarl into the comm and hurrying. [1d100] => [38] = (38)
[10:46:39] Lt. Ishida cuffs Ay by the collar and pulls her down. "I said cover fire! not follow me! If you ever screw up like that again I'll kill you where you stand!" She pushes you off her. "Now I want you to park your butt, right here, and provide COVER fire and don't move up until I say so. Do you read me?"
[10:48:54] Haydonite: [2d20-2] => [9,9,-2] = (16)
[10:48:54] Haydonite: [2d20-2] => [11,13,-2] = (22)
[10:48:57] Haydonite: [1d20-2] => [13,-2] = (11)
[10:48:58] Haydonite: [1d20-2] => [6,-2] = (4)
[10:49:55] 2Lt. Aylanea sighs. "Understood." She pulls up the 37 and starts firing quickly, trying to get as much fire up towards them as possible. [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6) (for suppression, EP-37)
[10:50:26] Lt. Ishida : Sarah! See if you cant keep their heads down!
[10:50:54] Lt. Ishida waits for Sarah's shots then jets to her position. [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 88%
[10:51:48] Sarah pulls the Gallant rifle and fires upward as well, trying to keep them down herself. [1d20+2] => [8,2] = (10)
[10:52:31] Haydonite: [1d20] => [7] = (7)
[10:52:59] GM: The suppressive fire is effective, and Suki takes no incoming as she links up with Sarah
[10:55:07] Lt. Ishida : Perc [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9) RSI [1d100] => [62] = (62) vs 68%
[10:55:35] Lt. Ishida : Two tangos, third story.
[10:55:41] Lt. Ishida points.
[10:56:22] Lt. Ishida steps back and lifts her EP-37. "Ay, move to us on three. Sarah, get ready.
[10:57:27] Lt. Ishida counts to 2 then opens fire, [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) then call sout 'Three!'
[10:57:44] CWO Sarah pulls up her Gallant and gets ready, sighting in quickly, and doing to suppress again. [1d20+2] => [9,2] = (11)
[10:57:58] Haydonite: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[10:58:18] GM: The cover fire is effective, Ay is able to link up taking no incoming.
[10:59:47] 2Lt. Aylanea makes her scramble then, trying to get her ass to where she's supposed to be on three, in as big a tear as she tends to be in, sighting upward once again as soon as she links up.
[11:01:18] Lt. Ishida : Okay, Ay, keep up the fire on the window. Sarah, lay a burst thru the wall.
[11:02:12] Lt. Ishida takes a step back and then thrusts through the window of the first floor. [1d100] => [50] = (50) vs 88%
[11:05:04] That's the Tab key, Dave
[11:05:35] 2Lt. Aylanea fires on the window diligently, trying to keep everything nice and covered. [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[11:06:01] CWO Sarah fires the burst through the wall where indicated, watching quickly for what's behind it.
[11:06:48] Lt. Ishida does a quick sweep , RSI [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 68
[11:06:53] Lt. Ishida : Clear!
[11:07:09] Haydonite: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[11:07:28] Lt. Ishida : Move in!
[11:09:05] CWO Sarah nods quickly and moves in, looking quickly around.
[11:10:00] CWO Sarah: [1d100] => [44] = (44) [1d20+1] => [12,1] = (13)
[11:13:16] GM: Sarah and Ay can hear gun fire from above them, but otherwise, the first floor area they are in is clear of hostiles.
[11:14:37] CWO Sarah looks towards Ay, and looks upward at the gunfire above them, muttering just a little bit and switching to radio. "Area clear here, move upstairs? Gunfire above our position on an upper floor."
[11:14:56] Lt. Ishida moves up the stairs slowly, her weapon at the ready. RSI [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs 68
[11:15:24] GM: ((gawd it's like DOT all over again))
[11:15:45] CWO Sarah moves for the stairs as well, watching her instruments /really/ closely as she does [1d100] => [88] = (88) vs. 65%
[11:15:54] Haydonite: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[11:16:18] 2Lt. Aylanea follows behind, looking at her own instruments as well. [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs. 63%
[11:16:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( Sarah and Ay for the lose ))
[11:21:51] GM: You make it up to the 2nd story landing, and as you turn the corner an armored claw lunges towards Suki. [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[11:22:47] GM: Suki, surprised, tries to parry. [1d20+13] => [16,13] = (29)
[11:23:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, everyone failed RSI. lol ))
[11:24:02] GM: Following init order, Suki unleashes the burning blade and takes a swing, trying to 'disarm' the opponent. [1d20+11] => [18,11] = (29)
[11:24:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( that's way funny ))
[11:24:16] GM: Yup, and dingo boy was waiting for ya too
[11:24:25] GM: and an 18 is a crit with the Katana
[11:24:36] CWO Sarah: lol
[11:24:44] CWO Sarah: (( lol wow ))
[11:25:29] Lt. Ishida : ((hmm, hold on, have to adjust damage…
[11:25:54] Lt. Ishida : [3d6+14*2] => [3,4,5,28] = (40)
[11:27:33] Lt. Ishida : ((umm, that didn't times by two or something, or did it, nope, it didn't, hold on
[11:27:37] CWO Sarah: (( that didn't do right ))
[11:27:44] CWO Sarah: (( put 3d6+14 in parentheses ))
[11:27:58] Lt. Ishida : 76
[11:28:00] CWO Sarah: (( as is, it just multiplied the 14 ))
[11:28:49] Lt. Ishida : ((nod, I did it manually, 76 is correct right, 3+4+5 = 12 + 14 x2 = 76))
[11:29:07] Lt. Ishida : wait, I got 76
[11:29:51] Lt. Ishida : what 52
[11:30:00] CWO Sarah: (( 52, yeah ))
[11:30:06] Lt. Ishida : ((I really really do suck at math))
[11:30:09] CWO Sarah: (( was gonna say, 12+14 is 26 ))
[11:30:13] CWO Sarah: (( eehee ))
[11:30:59] Lt. Ishida : okay, I has to re add…I forgot something.
[11:31:16] Lt. Ishida : ((good thing I figure this all out now then during the actual game))
[11:31:35] CWO Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:32:34] Lt. Ishida : ((kk56))
[11:33:50] GM: The upward slice impacts cleanly and the Haydonites armored arm is left dangling by wires and partway shorn linkages. Spark and lubricant belch from the wound as the Haydonite steps back, the arm dead, but, still attached.
[11:34:15] GM: Sarah, your attack
[11:35:16] CWO Sarah ews just a moment as she sees Suki fillet the Haydonite, trying to move to an angle that won't get Suki from it, and firing the Gallant rifle, not wanting to risk anything else in the current close quarters. [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[11:35:29] CWO Sarah: [6d6] => [3,3,3,1,4,6] = (20)
[11:37:00] Haydonite: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[11:37:32] GM: Your rounds impact the chest and leave some dents and scorch marks but the Reaver is still standing, Ay your attack
[11:39:13] 2Lt. Aylanea grumbles just a little, maneuvering around both others, trying to park a shot for the head of the Reaver with the EP-37, wanting to get a good angle for it. [(1d20+15)-3)] => (1d20+15)-3) [2d8*10] => 100
[11:39:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(1d20+15)-3] => [20,15,-3] = (32)
[11:39:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oops. ))
[11:39:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[11:39:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( BOOM! Headshot! ))
[11:39:49] GM: ((we'll keep the 20
[11:40:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( that's the only attack roll I made, the -3 is for called shot ))
[11:40:09] GM: ((but yeah, use correct damage lol 2 d 4 ,not 8
[11:40:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: ((oh))
[11:40:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: [2d4*10] => 20
[11:40:23] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woops ))
[11:40:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( 40 ))
[11:41:08] Haydonite fires blindly with it's good arm [1d20-10] => [19,-10] = (9)
[11:41:37] Haydonite fires at Sarah
[11:41:58] GM: You are -10 to dodge a point blank shot like this
[11:42:09] CWO Sarah: [1d20+2] => [9,2] = (11)
[11:42:37] CWO Sarah maneuvers as much as she can in closed space, grumbling at lack of room and diving for it.
[11:43:55] Lt. Ishida follows thru behind Ay's attack to the dome and slices downward. [1d20+11-3] => [9,11,-3] = (17)
[11:45:00] Lt. Ishida : ((lets see if I cant do this damage roll right)) [3d6+16] => [4,4,3,16] = (27)
[11:45:06] Lt. Ishida : ((forgot not a crit))
[11:45:59] GM: Suki's strike carve some more of the faceplate away, but there is still ample protection.
[11:46:23] GM: Sarah, your attack
[11:47:46] CWO Sarah grumbles a little bit, knowing she can't fire the big stuff, and firing the gallant rifle again. Knowing she's not quite the shot the others are, she still goes for the face, figuring it can't hurt. [(1d20+8)-3] => [20,8,-3] = (25) [6d6] => [3,1,5,2,1,6] = (18)
[11:48:03] CWO Sarah: (( 36 for the crit ))
[11:48:04] GM: Boom headshot
[11:48:27] GM: 36+27+40= Dead
[11:50:40] CWO Sarah: (( what's even more sick about Ay's mistake earlier is that Sarah probably wouldn't even notice, been out doing this stuff without 'cover fire' in resistance probably plenty of times, is used to not having it ))
[11:50:53] CWO Sarah: (( as a random ))
[11:51:57] GM: The Haydonite crumples to the ground with a thud. Suki sheaths her blade and reaches down and takes the Reavers side arm, a large blocky assault rifle about 25% larger then an EP-37
[11:53:14] CWO Sarah blinks a little at that and laughs slightly. "Neat. " She looks up and ahead then, checking instruments for anything else nearby. [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12) [1d100] => [77] = (77) vs. 65%
[11:54:29] GM: gimme on sec
[11:54:35] GM: one even
[11:57:23] GM: kk
[11:57:32] GM: Ay your action
[11:58:48] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around and checks instruments as well, after a quick glance at the fallen one and the weapon being picked up. [1d20+1] => [15,1] = (16) [1d100] => [26] = (26) vs 63%
[11:59:25] GM: Ay can tell that there is one more target in the building, and it is still firing at the UEEF on the bridge.
[12:00:49] 2Lt. Aylanea frowns just a little bit and glancing upwards. "One more…"
[12:01:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *tickles* ))
[12:02:44] Lt. Ishida nods.
[12:03:36] Lt. Ishida affixes the enemy weapon to the rear cargo area and hefts her EP-37 and motions to move out, but instead of heading up the stairs she moves towards the sounds of gun fire.
[12:03:46] Lt. Ishida : [1d100] => [66] = (66)
[12:04:03] Lt. Ishida stops after a few rooms and points up. "It's right above us."
[12:04:29] GM: Sure enough the sound of fire is incredible and you can see shell casings sprinkle down past the window.
[12:04:41] CWO Sarah follows along quickly, watching and hoping for a better chance to use her better weapon. She nods just a little bit. "Take out the floor maybe and drop him down into everyone's gunsights?"
[12:05:33] Lt. Ishida pulls her blade again. "Thats the idea." She steps back.
[12:06:24] CWO Sarah nods and aims the RL-6. "Just one shot should do it with this…. Unless it jams in the tube…" [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[12:07:49] GM: Roll damage
[12:08:43] CWO Sarah: [1d4*10] => 10
[12:08:53] CWO Sarah: (( *sprays diet dew* ))
[12:09:15] CWO Sarah: (( but then… 10 MD is plenty on a floor ))
[12:10:01] GM: The floor blows out just enough, and the hapless Haydonite falls right into the middle of you.
[12:10:14] GM: Ay, your attack
[12:11:09] 2Lt. Aylanea smiles just a little, having checked her EP-37 while the ceiling was fired at. Once she has a Haydonite in front of her, she goes for the head once again, trying to see if she can do better this time. [(1d20+15)-3] => [16,15,-3] = (28) [2d4*10] => 70
[12:11:51] GM that Haydonite takes the hits and Suki moves to coup-de-grace it. [1d20+11-3] => [11,11,-3] = (19)
[12:11:57] GM: ((yessss))
[12:12:09] GM: [3d6+16] => [5,3,6,16] = (30)
[12:13:06] GM: Suki raises her Katana and then with a loud Ki-ya! drives the blade thru the breach that Ay cracked and thrusts the blade into, thru and out the back of, it's head.
[12:16:06] CWO Sarah watches that and winces just a little. She loads a fresh magazine into the RL-6 since she used some rounds from it, nodding a little as she checks it and checking the Gallant's charge as well.
[12:18:00] 2Lt. Aylanea settles back as she watches Suki doing that, looking around quickly and moving to see if the situation outside has improved, or if the one on the bridge is clear finally, or taking fire from elsewhere now. [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[12:22:09] UEEF: Nice work Hitman team! Good kill!
[12:22:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *snug* ))
[12:22:35] Lt. Ishida looks at Sarah.
[12:22:44] Lt. Ishida : You want to help me demoralize the enemy?
[12:23:07] Lt. Ishida takes the freshly dead Reavers side arm and then hands the first ones to Sarah.
[12:24:01] CWO Sarah glances to Suki and shrugs. "Sure…" She smiles just a little, taking it and checking it, to see if she can tell what charge it has and such.
[12:25:52] CWO Sarah smiles a little more then. "and thanks." She hmms. "So who are we after next?"
[12:26:16] Lt. Ishida starts to drag the Reaver to the window.
[12:27:50] CWO Sarah watches that and blinks, moving to help with it.
[12:29:15] Lt. Ishida : Sarah, help me dump this thing out the window, Ay, I want you put a few shots into that Haydonite position across the tracks, I want them to see this.
[12:29:52] CWO Sarah nods just a little bit towards Suki and grins.
[12:30:22] Lt. Ishida : Charlie Delta, your might have an opening here in a second. Stay frosty.
[12:30:33] UEEF: Roger that Hotel 1-1
[12:30:54] Lt. Ishida : Ay. Light em up.
[12:31:24] 2Lt. Aylanea goes to the window and nods, taking sight of the enemy position across the tracks, and trying to snipe him with a missile from the GR-97, to get his attention. [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) [1d4*10] => 10
[12:32:00] GM: [1d100] => [66] = (66)
[12:32:09] GM: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[12:32:29] GM: The shot distracts and gathers attention, and the enemy does not make it's save
[12:33:01] GM: Of course, the downside is, that the two enemy positions closest to us, open fire at us.
[12:34:16] GM: And I will leave it at that for now
[12:34:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[08:47:49] GM: Roll dodges
[08:48:18] Haydonite: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[08:48:18] Haydonite: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[08:48:19] Haydonite: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[08:48:19] Haydonite: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[08:49:24] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+17] => [11,17] = (28)
[08:49:25] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+17] => [1,17] = (18)
[08:49:25] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+17] => [7,17] = (24)
[08:49:25] Lt. Ishida : [1d20+17] => [9,17] = (26)
[08:50:00] GM: Suki is hit by cannon fire, [1d4x10+15] => 1d4x10+15
[08:50:17] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 55
[08:50:19] CWO Sarah: [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27)
[08:50:42] CWO Sarah: [1d20+12] => [20,12] = (32)
[08:50:43] CWO Sarah: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[08:50:44] CWO Sarah: [1d20+12] => [20,12] = (32)
[08:51:07] Lt. Ishida : [1d100] => [79] = (79)
[08:51:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [5,15] = (20)
[08:51:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [15,15] = (30)
[08:51:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [17,15] = (32)
[08:51:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [14,15] = (29)
[08:54:05] GM: Suki's sensor systems flatline and all her combat bonuses are lost. The top portion of her armor is shredded and flip up targeting reticle is damaged and locked int he up position, obscuring her view. Her faceplate is cracked from the impact.
[08:54:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[08:57:15] GM: The enemy is continuing to fire at your location but many of the rounds miss as you are further back into the building, occasionally a round will impact and sprang off the armor.
[08:58:40] Lt. Ishida : Oww
[08:59:07] CWO Sarah eeps as she sees that, looking to Suki quickly. "You okay, ma'am?"
[08:59:34] Lt. Ishida : I'm still breathing.
[09:00:27] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[09:00:27] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[09:00:27] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:00:33] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:00:33] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[09:00:34] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[09:00:52] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:00:52] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[09:00:52] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[09:00:53] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[09:00:53] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:00:55] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:02:04] UEEF: UEEF trooper 1 [3d4*10] => 50 UEEF trooper 2 [2d6*10] => 40
[09:03:06] Haydonite: Tactics [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 60%
[09:03:34] Haydonite turns back to the UEEF forces and opens fire. [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[09:03:51] Haydonite: Tactics [1d100] => [31] = (31) vs 60%
[09:04:24] Haydonite turns back to the UEEF forces and opens fire. [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[09:04:42] GM: Your actions
[09:14:07] CWO Sarah peeks out after the ones shooting, sticking a Gallant out in their general direction, trying to fire a shot off onto one to see if she can annoy it. [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[09:14:26] CWO Sarah: (( well, a burst ))
[09:14:31] CWO Sarah: (( no one fires single shots ))
[09:15:28] CWO Sarah: [(1d4*10)+20] => 60 (in case I hit)
[09:16:52] GM: And Ay?
[09:17:51] 2Lt. Aylanea sticks her nose out and pokes the EP-37 out the window, trying to shoot at the closest one. [1d20+15] => [5,15] = (20)
[09:17:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: [2d4*10] => 50
[09:20:12] Haydonite: Tactics [1d100] => [38] = (38) vs 60%
[09:22:12] Haydonite moves down a few rooms, to avoid the distractions to my right.
[09:24:13] Lt. Ishida puts a pair of Mini missiles into the enemy (or tries to at least) [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23) (-1 becuase VR bonuses are gone, but she still has HtH bonuses to work with, -1 because of the damaged and immobile EUD)
[09:24:32] Haydonite: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[09:24:55] GM: Suki missiles do [2d6*10] => 80
[09:27:27] GM: Suki missiles fire past Ay, the smoke contrails wafting over her, and arc into the building. There is a massive double BA-BANG! and the Haydonite is thrown out of a 5th story window, shredded, and impacts the ground.
[09:28:17] CWO Sarah smiles brightly as she peeks out to see that. "Nice shot."
[09:28:36] Lt. Ishida nods.
[09:28:41] Lt. Ishida : Domo
[09:29:56] CWO Sarah: (( three more in range at least, sadly, but ))
[09:31:09] Lt. Ishida : Okay, lets move, aim for the roof top over the corner. (I will circle in green) Lets come at the next one from above.
[09:31:48] CWO Sarah nods quickly at that. "Right."
[09:32:01] Lt. Ishida takes a running start and hurls herself with a thruster assisted leap across to the other building. [1d100] => [69] = (69) vs 88%
[09:32:59] CWO Sarah follows along, firing a thruster leap herself, trying to reach the other side. [1d100] => [12] = (12) vs. 93%
[09:33:59] 2Lt. Aylanea comes up the rear, once she's certain everyone else is clear and across safely, firing her own boosters in a running jump. [1d100] => [81] = (81) vs. 73%
[09:34:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( d'oh ))
[09:35:02] GM: Roll a strike.
[09:35:04] GM: Ay
[09:35:20] GM: straight dice roll
[09:35:30] GM: target to beat is 14
[09:35:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[09:36:19] GM: You take [6d6] => [6,3,6,2,2,2] = (21) SDC and now roll a piloting at -10% to avoid impacting the ground.
[09:36:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [11] = (11)
[09:37:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( phew ))
[09:37:55] GM: Ay, you miss the jump and fail to grab onto a hand hold, but you are able to arrest your fall. You take a massive body blow, so much so that you involuntarily start to cry slightly.
[09:40:40] Lt. Ishida purses her lips at seeing Ay fail to land, and hustles to the side of the building to check on her. Seeing her on the ground doubled over in pain, she breath out sharply thru her nose and then turns back towards the enemies location. "Ay, get up here when you are able. Sarah, on me!"
[09:41:25] CWO Sarah winces, then nods quickly and moves to follow Suki into the melee. "yes, ma'am!"
[09:41:52] GM: You begin to race over the rooftops, ninja style.
[09:42:09] Haydonite: Perc {1d20+2]
[09:42:18] Haydonite: [1d20+2] => [14,2] = (16)
[09:42:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( what do I need to roll to recover and get up there? ))
[09:42:33] Haydonite: Eh? What is that sound/noise?
[09:42:52] GM: Save vs pain, target number 16
[09:43:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [14] = (14)
[09:43:17] Haydonite: Tactics to figure out whats going on [1d100] => [33] = (33) vs 60%
[09:43:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( drat ))
[09:43:30] Haydonite: Enemy above/over/near me!
[09:44:35] GM: Init please
[09:45:05] GM: Haydonite [1d20+2] => [17,2] = (19) Suki [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[09:45:15] CWO Sarah: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[09:45:51] CWO Sarah: (( it sucks to be me heehee ))
[09:48:28] Lt. Ishida skids to a halt over where she thinks the enemy is and opened fire with the EP-37 and Haydonite rifle (Paired Weapons) thru the roof at it. [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26) and [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[09:49:09] Lt. Ishida : [2d6*10] => 60 and [1d4*10+15] => 45
[09:49:50] Haydonite: Fires back up at Suki [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[09:50:36] Lt. Ishida moves to dodge. [1d20+15] => [6,15] = (21)
[09:50:46] GM: Sarah
[09:50:50] CWO Sarah can't dual wield herself, so fires the Haydonite weapon first, now that she's in better visual range to be seen with it. ([1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) strike and [(1d4*10)+15] => 25 damage)
[09:51:13] CWO Sarah: (( ouch ))
[09:51:16] GM: Ay, the hit you took was apparently worse then you thought and as tears well up in your eyes your tummy starts to really really hurt.
[09:51:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[09:52:00] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[09:52:00] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to struggle through it, even as she's tearing up and clutching her stomach. [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[09:52:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, even worse ))
[09:52:16] Haydonite skirts out of the line of fire.
[09:53:07] GM: Ay, your stomach and chest pain goes from bad to worse and you feel the urge to throw up.
[09:53:41] Lt. Ishida tracks the movement and fires again with both weapons. [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15) and [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[09:53:57] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[09:54:23] GM: Attackers win ties, [2d6*10] => 60 and [1d4*10+15] => 55
[09:55:03] GM: The Haydonite is cut down buy Suki's second attack and crumples to the deck.
[09:55:36] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to at least get her helmet open to avoid throwing up in it, if she can, struggling to do that, and try hold off throwing up if nothing else. [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[09:55:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[09:57:00] GM: Splorch!
[09:57:06] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( LOL ))
[09:57:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and what does that do to the helmet radio? ))
[09:57:59] GM: Now roll a save vs Non Lethal Poison
[09:58:16] GM: target is 14
[09:58:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+1] => [20,1] = (21)
[09:58:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *cheers* ))
[09:58:58] GM: Ay, you are able to throw open your visor and drain out the sick
[10:00:12] 2Lt. Aylanea shivers and eeeews that it happened, though, sighing. Now that her stomach is relieved of contents, she tries to see if she can struggle to her feet again. [1d20] => [9] = (9)
[10:00:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rotfl ))
[10:00:46] GM: Instead of standing you double over again and go fetal
[10:01:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol. the mighty Zentraedi. Yeah. ))
[10:01:31] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[10:01:32] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[10:01:32] UEEF: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[10:01:42] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:01:43] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[10:01:43] Haydonite: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:02:08] UEEF: [2d6*10] => 110
[10:02:37] UEEF: Clear down!
[10:02:46] Lt. Ishida : Clear up!
[10:03:37] Lt. Ishida stows her guns and motioning with her head to follow trots back to the buildings edge and hops down to the ground.
[10:04:19] CWO Sarah nods quickly and hops down herself, following right along.
[10:04:43] GM: Reaching the ground you see Ay curled up holding her tummy, she is sobbing softly and there is a puddle of sick nearby.
[10:05:27] CWO Sarah glances up at the sky/ceiling, and sighs just a little, shaking her head at the sight.
[10:07:16] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to fight it off once again. [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[10:07:33] Lt. Ishida sighs and her hard demeanor slips for a second as a look of worry crosses her face. It is gone just as fast and she kneels down (avoiding the puddle) and helps Ay to her knees and disengages her Cyclone.
[10:08:07] 2Lt. Aylanea certainly is helped by that, when it's disengaged. "Sorry about this, ma'am…"
[10:08:24] Lt. Ishida nods
[10:08:34] Lt. Ishida : Walk it off Marine.
[10:08:51] Lt. Ishida she pats Ay on the back.
[10:09:17] 2Lt. Aylanea nods just a little. "Yes, ma'am." She blushes hard, especially at the pat, trying to move and walk it off if she can.
[10:10:04] GM: Without the Cyclone on Ay feels a lot better.
[10:10:20] CWO Sarah watches a little more, and a look of sympathy even overtakes her for a little bit.
[10:10:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay ))
[10:11:03] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to walk it off and shake her head clear, pretty much, at this point.
[10:13:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( any more rolls needed? ))
[10:14:19] GM: Nope
[10:14:32] GM: No need to humiliate the girl further
[10:16:02] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay! ))
[10:16:27] 2Lt. Aylanea moves back to the others once she thinks she's walked it off, to get her Cyclone back on. "Where to next, ma'am?"
[10:17:04] GM: well, call it here until the others catch up, but Suki's first gut (pun intended) reaction will be to get Ay to sick bay


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