Chapter 3 - Act II - Log 2


[07:40:26] GM: When we last left off, HC Tanis had arrived in town with his advance team, his forces slated to arrive within a few hours.
[07:42:33] GM: it is around 0730 in the morning now, the team has gotten a few hours of shut eye and have noshed upon a meager meal of MRE's. When they awake the towns atmosphere is that of urgancy and trepidation.
[07:43:40] Lt. Fallyna would have sleped inside one of the transformable jeeps for privacy and with a change of under clothing and redoning of uniform and armor she steps back out.
[07:44:09] GM: And everyone else?
[07:44:48] Lt. Jaron cleans up abit, giving the extra eyes in the area now before heading to Tanis for an incident report if any from the night
[07:45:14] Lt. Fallyna: (lol was hopeing some one would open the door of the jeep while she was changing
[07:45:20] GM: I bet
[07:45:30] Lt. Fallyna: (as in shes not done yet or stepped out)
[07:45:47] GM: Lu is a closet exhibitionist
[07:46:02] Lt. Fallyna: (a wha?)
[07:46:13] Sarah looks up at the sunrise, looking around and considering her Cyclone. She glances to Suki and considers. "Should I be getting back to the lookout post?"
[07:48:44] Lt. Ishida rubs her eyes, awoken by Sarah's movement. Stretching with a yawn she cricks her neck before answering. "Hai, let us see about a meal first."
[07:49:22] Sarah nods just a little bit and stretches out. "all right."
[07:50:18] Lt. Ishida steps out into the cool mountian air and stretches more fully still clad in her flight suit, now, wrinkled and matted.
[07:50:35] Lt. Jaron suits up on armor "Going to check in with Tanis, be back in abit"
[07:51:54] Lt. Ishida nods at Jaron as he informs her. "I'm going to place the gunpod we dragged in last night, we'll be on the North East end of town."
[07:52:45] Lt. Jaron nods as he mounts up and heads off.
[07:52:58] Sarah crawls out into the air, sighing as she does. She checks her own flightsuit now, straightening it up a bit and running a hand through her hair. She looks around then, though she sticks close to Suki for it all.
[07:54:15] Lt. Fallyna: (ooo kay)
[07:54:22] GM: Lu you are finsihed changing
[07:54:48] Lt. Fallyna: (ok… i see nothing happening)
[07:55:27] Lt. Fallyna: testing
[07:55:27] Lt. Fallyna: 1
[07:55:28] Lt. Fallyna: 2
[07:55:28] Lt. Fallyna: 3
[07:56:28] Lt. Fallyna (exit): 19:56
[07:56:28] Lt. Fallyna (enter): 19:56
[07:56:39] Fold Ops: Jaron, you reach the town hall relativly quickly and as you enter you see Tanis, fuming on the radio.
[07:56:51] Lt. Fallyna: test again
[07:56:56] Lt. Jaron remains helm and heads towards Tanis
[07:57:09] GM: sorry bout the Fold aOps header Crarrie….
[07:57:16] Sarah: (( rofl ))
[07:57:26] Sarah: (( ))
[07:58:58] Lt. Fallyna: Disconnecting from server…
[07:58:58] Lt. Fallyna (exit): 19:58
[07:59:05] High Centurion Tanis: …said that I had my Cohort to defend the pass! And you send me…this!?"
[07:59:23] Lt. Fallyna (enter): 19:59
[07:59:29] Lt. Fallyna: testing
[07:59:34] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (196) Lt. Fallyna…
[07:59:34] Lt. Jaron listens intently but glances around
[07:59:43] Lt. Fallyna: ok can i get a repost from sarahs looking up post?
[07:59:47] GM: There is a pause as the voice on the other line replies and by the look on Tanis' face the news isn't getting any better.
[08:00:13] GM: I'll send it to your AIM
[08:00:31] GM: keep it easy on the editor
[08:02:34] GM: After a few tense minutes Tanis grumbles out a yes sir and closes the line. Looking to his communications officer and adjunct he gives them orders. "We will be allowed only the forces in the advance team. You know your jobs, place them."
[08:02:51] Lt. Fallyna finally steps out of the other back having slept alone zipping up the last of her uniform and proceeds to clamp on her body armor again.
[08:03:23] Magistrate: Bad news? Are no more of the legion to assist?
[08:03:56] High Centurion Tanis: Yes, the Legate is holding the rest of my men back to defend Heptak'va.
[08:04:46] Censor Vendris: Tut tut High Centurion. The 855th aren't yours, they are the Legates, and his needs, I fear, supercede ours.
[08:05:23] Lt. Jaron comments to Tanis and Magistrate "No assistance? Planned for that as I have an idea to bolster our numbers"
[08:05:44] High Centurion Tanis: Mind your tongue Censor. I know the chain of command far greater then you do.
[08:05:55] Lt. Fallyna: "I think il lsee about rigging up our bioroid friend we found last night, specially if i can get a ride out later after listing what parts i might need to those bioroids you found yesterday suki?"
[08:06:06] Lt. Fallyna: *she speaks rather informally to the other Lt.
[08:07:33] Lt. Ishida regards Lurana. "Speak with Lt. Magna, he will know what parts you need. I trust you will use discretion in retrieving the parts." She says evenly.
[08:08:48] Lt. Fallyna: "As much as possible." *she nods and heads towards where the bioroid is kept hopeing to find Magna there.*
[08:08:52] High Centurion Tanis looks over to you Jaron. "Interesting. Please, proceed."
[08:09:45] Lt. Ishida: Where are you going?
[08:09:58] Lt. Fallyna: "To find Lt. Magna"
[08:10:05] Lt. Ishida says as she snaps her chest plate on.
[08:10:20] Sarah stays quiet for the moment, moving to slip her own CVR on quickly, as she keeps watching everything.
[08:11:00] Lt. Fallyna: (is mearly assuming he stayed with the bioroid?)
[08:11:01] Lt. Ishida taps her head. "Save yourself a walk."
[08:11:44] Lt. Jaron: "In our recon, there was plenty of destroyed Bioroids, alot of them only partially. We can reform them and look like we have more firepower. I know they wont be operational but having a group of bioroids form up at different locations will draw fire from our true forces."
[08:11:56] Lt. Fallyna she shrugs. "Allright, coulda used the excersize but ok." *she slips her helmet on and walks back over to the sabre cyclone
[08:12:18] Lt. Jaron: "Maybe even have a gun placement with the group of ghost bioroids"
[08:13:23] High Centurion Tanis: Hmm, a sounds stratagem. We do not know how far the enemy has advanced, or when they plan to attack, we will have to move fast and be careful not to venture to far.
[08:14:49] Lt. Fallyna: "Oh i got a question for you suki, if you werent… well the way you are would you say like jaron more than command would like us to?"
[08:15:17] Lt. Ishida plops her helmet on and flips the faceplate on and dons a pair of sunglasses. tapping Sarah on the shoulder she angles her head towards teh Silverback with the gunpod on the hood. Meet me by the east wall.
[08:15:34] Lt. Ishida: Excuse please?
[08:16:01] Lt. Fallyna: "Never mind…" *she starts up the cyclone and moves off heading to where the bioroid was.*
[08:16:11] Lt. Ishida looks confused as to what you said.
[08:16:59] James (enter): 20:16
[08:17:05] Sarah nods just a little bit to Suki and blinks at Lurana, cocking her head slightly.
[08:17:11] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (199) James…
[08:17:17] GM: Sup J-Dog!
[08:17:35] James: Just got in…
[08:17:54] Lt. Fallyna: (yey but your not on aim x.x)
[08:17:58] Lt. Jaron nods to Tanis "Yes, understandable. My team did haul in a bioroid weapon last night, so its possible. If you have a hover truck, one of our silverback and the truck can collect the gear. What of the picket line. you think its possible?"
[08:19:47] Lt. Ishida still is unsure as to what Lurana was asking,
[08:20:54] Lt. Fallyna: (done drove off)
[08:21:02] Lt. Ishida moves off a few feet and then in a commanding voice "You! And you. Come with me!" Three Tirolian villagers blink but comply and follow Suki.
[08:22:11] GM: James to sum up, new day, we jsut woke up, Tanis found out he is not getting his full troop, just a sliver of it, Jaron is talking tactics with the man right now, Lu is looking for Magna, and Suki and Sarah are moving the gunpod
[08:22:58] James: ok
[08:23:11] Lt. Fallyna drives off to where the bioroid was hopeing Magna stayed there
[08:25:11] Fold Ops: the little blue dots are locations of bioroid wreckage.
[08:25:33] Lt. Fallyna: (k)
[08:25:49] Lt. Fallyna: (but she went to the bioroid int he barn i think to get the list)
[08:26:00] Fold Ops: the H is the hamlet Suki and Sarah blew thru yesterday
[08:26:54] GM: Roll a Perc Lu
[08:27:00] Lt. Fallyna: [1d20] => [14] = (14)
[08:27:23] GM: As you start to leave town you see John exit a outhouse nearby , zipping his fly up.
[08:28:15] Sarah starts heading for the east wall as ordered.
[08:28:19] Lt. Fallyna she shakes her head not needing to guess what he was doing then and rolls the bike towards him and stops gently "Lt. i need a list of parts you require for our bioroid friend to get him operable."
[08:29:08] Lt. Jaron goes over to map with Tanis as he waits for reply by Tanis about the picket line. He notes locations of significant bioroid wreckage.
[08:29:46] John nods and looks around to the left and right taking stock of those nearby, a few Legionnairs are milling about as are a few civvies. He motiones with his head and walks around the back of a nearby building without saying a word.
[08:30:04] GM: What is Kommi doin?
[08:30:15] GM: Inquiring minds want to know
[08:30:23] Lt. Fallyna she follows parking the bike just in the alley where she can see it
[08:31:23] 2 Lt. Komillia is practicing some martial arts manuvers, focusing her mind for the trials ahead.
[08:31:50] 2 Lt. Komillia: (I'm still trying to fully catch up with what's going on…)
[08:32:17] GM: ahh
[08:33:54] GM: As you practice your kata's a few locals gather to watch. presently, Suki with three villagers in tow approach. Suki pauses to wach for a few seconds.
[08:34:15] Lt. Ishida: Lieutenant, gaather your armor and come with me please.
[08:34:56] GM: The spectators 'Awwwwww' and pout and then finally disperse.
[08:35:09] Sarah keeps slowly heading for the east wall, trying to keep up some watch on where she's going.
[08:36:00] GM: You crawl towards teh east wall, having to stop and reposition the 'Backa few times, the space between the buildings not meant for vehicular traffic.
[08:36:37] Lt. Fallyna: (waits…)
[08:36:47] GM: Tanis looks at the map and considers his options…
[08:37:27] John: Jesus, keep it down willya! You're gonna get Bria and her dad in trouble! he sighs
[08:37:27] 2 Lt. Komillia approaches Suki, "Yes, ma'am?"
[08:38:25] Lt. Ishida: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[08:38:35] GM: well, screw that perc roll
[08:38:40] Sarah: (( LOL ))
[08:38:53] GM: anyway
[08:38:54] GM: lol
[08:39:15] Lt. Fallyna: (was that line from john sent to me?)
[08:39:25] GM: yes
[08:39:44] GM: Sarah, you arrive at the east wall, and bump into it slightly.
[08:40:12] Sarah swears softly as she bumps it, trying to adjust, blushing softly.
[08:40:16] Lt. Fallyna: "Yiesh sorry, but time is against us you know, and if my memory serves me correct if the bioroid is repairted you would be best qualified to pilot it right?"
[08:40:43] GM: Tanis runs his fingers along the map. "With limited manpower, we will have to channel the enemy, so we can focus what firepower we do have. You say that the haydonites only have airpower, no gournd?"
[08:40:50] 2 Lt. Komillia finishes donning her armor while she awaits Lt. Ishidas orders.
[08:41:21] Lt. Ishida motiones for you to follow her and the three Tirolians.
[08:41:51] High Centurion Tanis: Or rahter, that you believe they may have ground forces.
[08:42:00] Lt. Jaron nods "from what we've seen so far"
[08:43:36] GM: Sarah, you can see Ishida, Komillia and three villagers approaching. There are a few sheds nearby, a large Ox cart, no oxen, and the wall is about waist high made of morterless stone.
[08:44:20] John nods. "Okay, okay, so…whats up?"
[08:44:56] Lt. Fallyna: "I was wondering what parts you needed so i could run out to the damaged bioroids in the field and see ifi can salvage some of them?"
[08:45:02] Lt. Fallyna: "To get it up and running again"
[08:45:11] Lt. Ishida: Komillia-chan, what did you do back in 'the world'?
[08:45:31] Sarah looks around and watches Suki quietly, smiling and cocking her head at the villagers.
[08:46:47] John rubs the bridge of his nose. "Mmm, we'll need an oxidizer tank, a new control suite, and the wiring for the left arm could use replacing, thats off the top of my head, that'll get it to start…might have more issues after that."
[08:47:00] 2 Lt. Komillia: "I'm sorry what do you mean by "in the world?" I'm not familiar with that expression."
[08:47:17] Lt. Ishida: In civilian life.
[08:48:25] 2 Lt. Komillia: "Oh. I'm a bit of an old Earth Super Robot animation fan, with a hobby of dressing up as some of my favorite characters. When I wasn't training in the Martial Arts."
[08:49:10] Lt. Fallyna she nods and notes them on what ever she has handy (small comp, paper and pen ect), and nods "Ill check out the nearest bioroids first then ill be back soon see you there."
[08:49:19] 2 Lt. Komillia: "I was actually full-time planetary guard prior to activating. If that's what you meant."
[08:49:30] Lt. Fallyna with that she speeds off to the first series of bioroids closer
[08:49:31] GM: Tanis draws those lines on the map "If there are ground forces, having a few lines of defence here , here, and here, would do well to slow them down, Were I the enemy, advancing along the plain would be far easier then advancing thru the pass, provided they can get their vehicles out of the pass.
[08:50:25] GM: He traces teh arrow, "This is how I would advance were I them."
[08:51:05] High Centurion Tanis: Of course, I have equipment capable of traversing the terrain…
[08:51:51] GM: The tree red X's are the confirmed spottings of enemy drones…
[08:52:48] John: Wait up a sec, I'll go with, not for nothing, but you pull the wrong thing, and well, yeah, bad things.
[08:53:14] Lt. Jaron points on the map "here are were we've made contacts. But I agree about the ground troop movements. Maybe have a few patrols there."
[08:53:33] Lt. Fallyna: "I am a bit of a mechanic… i think id know what to pull and not to…"?
[08:53:34] Lt. Ishida nods at Komillia's words.
[08:53:57] John: Uh huh, and how many hours have you had in a Bioroid?
[08:54:37] GM: Arriving at the Silverback Suki walks to the wall and looks over the plain (yellow dot will be where you are.)
[08:54:49] GM: no messing with the map folks
[08:55:06] 2 Lt. Komillia: (er, the map just jumped twice on me…)
[08:55:12] GM: same
[08:56:16] GM: grr
[08:56:24] GM: okay, well, we'll work trhru is
[08:56:49] GM: The yellow dot is current,
[08:56:50] Sarah: (( lock the miniature when you have it up ))
[08:57:18] Lt. Fallyna: "Only a few, but there not that much diffrent from vertechs internal wise"
[08:58:34] John: Really, so a mecha that transforms is similer to a mecha that does not…internally.
[08:59:14] Lt. Fallyna: (last i checked they werent… that diffrent just that the parts were more moble in the VTs?)
[08:59:16] Lt. Ishida: Here looks good.
[09:01:24] Lt. Jaron looks at his helm "Here is my suggestion High Centurion. We'll get the gear from the wreckage sights, just need a couple of drivers and trucks. You can handle the prep defenses and ground patrols or picketts in the plains."
[09:01:34] Lt. Fallyna: "if you really want to come that bad come"
[09:01:57] Lt. Fallyna she motions for him to sit behind her
[09:02:35] John: I have a Cyclone too you know.
[09:02:37] John laughs
[09:02:47] Lt. Fallyna: "bt its not here now is it?"
[09:03:37] John: I can get it pretty qucik miss impatianet
[09:04:07] Lt. Fallyna: "Fine suit your self" *she drives off not cause shes impatient shes just got that feeling time is against them
[09:04:24] Lt. Ishida points at Komillia and the Villagers and then at the ox cart…which is full of hay.
[09:04:43] John grabs up his cyclone and drives after her.
[09:05:19] High Centurion Tanis: Agreed. I also have three working bioroids, mine, and my squad leaders.
[09:06:38] 2 Lt. Komillia walks up to the ox cart and inspects it to see if there is anything odd about it before looking back at the Tirolians.
[09:07:07] Lt. Jaron nods and prepares to depart "I will be back within 20 minutes for the trucks as I tell the others"
[09:08:01] GM: The ox cart is sturdy, made of the local timber. and old. Outside of that it is rather simple, the front wheels can swivle and the seat can accomodate three (a bench really)
[09:08:33] Sarah looks over the cart from the Silverback, cocking her head just a little bit and smiling.
[09:08:50] Lt. Ishida makes a large X on the ground with her heel then walks over to the ox cart, hops up and starts to toss the hey out of it.
[09:09:08] 2 Lt. Komillia hops on to the cart after helping the Tirolians on board.
[09:09:30] 2 Lt. Komillia then starts pitching hay.
[09:09:58] Lt. Ishida looks over at Sarah and whistles sharply. "You too." She laughs
[09:12:16] GM: Sarah?
[09:13:23] GM: kk red dot is the bioroid that Lu and Jhon Jhon pull up to
[09:14:00] Sarah nods just a little bit, hopping out and heading to get hay out, laughing just a little. "Right…"
[09:14:30] Lt. Jaron starts to walk out and ue short range radio "Lurana, Ishida….I will be getting us some trucks for hauling the wreckages in."
[09:15:13] Lt. Ishida: Roger…huff…that…huff.
[09:16:13] Lt. Jaron radios as he walks to bike "Ishida, what are you doing?"
[09:16:13] Lt. Fallyna steps off the bike and walks over to it takeing a look at what kind of shape its in hmming as she begins to pick at it and remove potentally usefull parts if any (salvage attempt [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs 53%)
[09:17:14] John: [1d100] => [21] = (21)
[09:18:36] GM: You and John start picking at the Bioroid in question, no control suite here, as the cockpit has taken a direct hit. To get at the oxidizer wuld require flipping it over, but the wiring for the arm is easily enough acquired.
[09:19:45] Lt. Fallyna pulls the wireing for the moment then moves back to her bike to use it to roll the thing over as its to heavy to do by hand… then moves back over rolling it onto its front to acess the oxidizer if its still good.
[09:19:47] Lt. Ishida: Pitching hey. Why?
[09:20:19] 2 Lt. Komillia: You were doing it first.
[09:20:24] Sarah snickers at the radio conversation, rolling her eyes and trying to pitch hay as much as possible.
[09:20:27] Lt. Jaron radios "Sounding like you was straining plus, why you pinching hay?"
[09:20:55] Lt. Ishida: Becuase the ox cart is full of it.
[09:21:21] GM: Suki was replying to Jaron, not Komillia
[09:21:38] Lt. Fallyna finally speaks back to Jaron, "Well thats nice my self and magna are at one of the bioroid wrecks currently…"
[09:22:00] 2 Lt. Komillia chuckles.
[09:23:04] Lt. Jaron comments to Lurana "Well, there are others wreckages we can use, I will be getting the trucks in about 20. Ishida, why are you cleaning out the cart?"
[09:23:08] GM: It is impossible for even two cyclone to roll over an 11 ton mecha
[09:23:19] Sarah: (( rofl ))
[09:23:31] Lt. Ishida: Becuase if the cart is full, the gun wont fit.
[09:23:45] Lt. Fallyna: (err i thought the cyclones could roll a heavy object over?)
[09:23:54] GM: 11 tons?
[09:24:04] Lt. Fallyna: (cuase i remember 2 pushing a rail train that was prolly several tons)
[09:24:15] GM: a train on wheels ona track
[09:24:36] GM: Improvise
[09:24:55] Lt. Fallyna: "See a big stick and a rock any where?"
[09:25:09] John laughs
[09:25:11] John: [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[09:25:20] John: Well, we could carve it open.
[09:25:40] John: But we screw up and boom…
[09:26:09] Lt. Fallyna she shrugs "gota try keep me away from its power core" *She deploys her CADS and begins carving into it slowly.
[09:26:23] Lt. Jaron comments on the radio "You both have silverbacks with you?"
[09:26:29] John: Okie dokie, but, I like the white meat.
[09:26:46] Lt. Ishida: We have the SAM back.
[09:27:03] Lt. Fallyna: (flack back was where she left it…)
[09:27:25] Lt. Jaron is slightly concerned "Who is manning the other?"
[09:28:03] Lt. Ishida: You are, right, you took it into town with you.
[09:28:43] Lt. Jaron replies "No, I took my bike."
[09:29:04] Lt. Jaron mounts up and heads towards last spot of the other silver
[09:29:05] Lt. Ishida: Then it's still in the square with the legionnairs
[09:29:30] Lt. Fallyna: (basic mechanics [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs 53%)
[09:29:45] GM: chop chop chop…so far so good
[09:30:24] GM: In the time it takes Jaron to retun to Tsien'va the team has cleared the ox cart of the hey and have pused it onto the X previously drawn.
[09:31:25] Lt. Fallyna keeps going in till shes close then tries to pick it out [basic mechanics [1d100] => basic mechanics [1d100 vs 53%, Salvage [1d100] => [31] = (31) vs 53%)
[09:31:34] Lt. Fallyna: (woops)
[09:31:45] Lt. Fallyna: [1d100] => [78] = (78) vs 53%
[09:31:49] Lt. Fallyna: (eek)
[09:32:24] GM: You slice in and there is an ugodly HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and you are bathed in liquid
[09:34:37] GM: A-Team montage. It takes a little doing, but, the Gunpod is finally mounted atop the ox cart, and shored up with the tmber from the nearby sheds turning them all into a odd looking…howitzer?
[09:35:23] Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:35:29] Sarah: (( A-Team montage ))
[09:35:31] 2 Lt. Komillia: "My brother would make a bad phalic joke about this situation."
[09:35:39] Lt. Jaron looks for the silverback, hoping its not been a play toy
[09:35:56] Lt. Fallyna: "Arg…"
[09:36:14] Lt. Fallyna: "That wasnt your part was it?"
[09:36:31] GM: The Silverback is where it was siad to be, and two children scamper from it (not inside, the doors were closed) as you approach
[09:36:50] GM: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[09:36:51] Lt. Fallyna: (sence i was last at it i would have locked it)
[09:36:56] John: Yes.
[09:37:42] Lt. Fallyna: "well then we move on to the next…" *She coils the other we recover up and tucks it into a saddle bag.*
[09:38:18] Lt. Fallyna then switches to bike mode "Comeing?"
[09:38:44] John: Yup!
[09:38:46] Lt. Jaron breaths a sigh of relief and radios "Its still here. Like I said, we'll get a truck or two in abit, whos wants to take them out and collect?"
[09:40:04] Lt. Fallyna: "allready out collecting parts…"
[09:40:15] Lt. Ishida sitting next to the gunpod howitzer Suki wipes the sweat from her brow. "I wonder if Fairman thought I was straining becuase of…." She pauses and blushes
[09:40:16] Lt. Fallyna she comments over the radio
[09:40:34] Lt. Fallyna then she revs up and moves to the next closest bioroid
[09:40:37] Sarah blinks a little at Suki and cocks her head, laughing slightly.
[09:41:24] Lt. Jaron radios to Lurana "Well, when you get your first load ready get a truck for the next"
[09:42:38] Lt. Fallyna: "Only out here getting parts for the bioroid at the farm…"
[09:42:49] GM: A Team montage continues! It takes until lunch but the trucks manage to acrt back three bioroids that are 'intact' enough to be passed off as 'operational'
[09:43:22] 2 Lt. Komillia mutters something about being permenately surrounded by people then something inaudible and gutters.
[09:43:48] Lt. Ishida: Welcome to the Marine Corps.
[09:43:53] Lt. Ishida shrugs.
[09:44:39] Lt. Jaron gets inside the silverback and tries to contact command (radio [1d100] => [46] = (46) vs 70)
[09:45:06] GM: Didnt Lurana blow up the radio…or was that the radar?
[09:45:21] Lt. Jaron: (I thougth radar but I could be wrong)
[09:45:34] Lt. Fallyna: (radar, on the light back)
[09:45:48] Lt. Fallyna: (wich suki and sarah had last)
[09:47:14] GM: You are able to get bits and pieces from Command, nothing concrete, before the jamming proves to much.
[09:47:45] Game disconnected!
[09:51:53] Locating server at…
[09:51:54] Game connected!
[09:51:54] Sarah (enter): 21:51
[09:51:55] Mercenary+170 (enter): 21:51
[09:51:55] Mercenary+170 (enter): 21:51
[09:51:55] Edelweiss (enter): 21:51
[09:51:55] James (enter): 21:51
[09:51:56] Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.0'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

OpenRPG webring by Tom Baleno
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An OpenRPG Net Ring Powered by RingSurf!

Oh and keep the language clean in the lobby. This also is a bootable offense.

I recently had problems on my webserver at and some of the character sheets have been deleted. If you put a sheet up there or downloaded one from there could you check and see if it needs to be added again? I'd appreciate any help getting the sheets back so others can have access to them.
[09:51:57] Moving to room 'Robotech: W&P'..
[09:51:57] Sarah (enter): 21:51
[09:51:58] Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

OpenRPG webring by Tom Baleno
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An OpenRPG Net Ring Powered by RingSurf!

Oh and keep the language clean in the lobby. This also is a bootable offense.

I recently had problems on my webserver at and some of the character sheets have been deleted. If you put a sheet up there or downloaded one from there could you check and see if it needs to be added again? I'd appreciate any help getting the sheets back so others can have access to them.
[09:51:58] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 21:51
[09:51:58] Sarah (enter): 21:51
[09:51:58] Lt. Jaron (enter): 21:51
[09:51:58] Lt. Fallyna (enter): 21:51
[09:51:58] James (enter): 21:51
[09:51:59] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 21:51
[09:51:59] Lt. Jaron (enter): 21:51
[09:52:00] Lt. Fallyna: sarah james?
[09:52:06] Lt. Fallyna: wb
[09:52:10] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (219) Sarah…
[09:52:13] 2 Lt. Komillia: (I'm here.)
[09:52:13] Server Administrator-> Kicking '(189) Lt. Jaron' from server… Removing dead client
[09:52:13] Lt. Jaron (exit): 21:52
[09:52:18] Attempting to assign the role of GM to (215) Lt. Ishida (GM)…
[09:52:24] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (214) James…
[09:52:25] GM: Sarah?
[09:52:27] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (216) Lt. Jaron…
[09:52:38] Lt. Fallyna: she just came back in
[09:52:40] Sarah: (( wth just happened? ))
[09:52:41] Lt. Ishida (GM): Booting '(179) Sarah' from room…
[09:52:42] Sarah (exit): 21:52
[09:52:47] Lt. Ishida (GM): Booting '(166) Lt. Ishida (GM)' from room…
[09:52:50] Lt. Ishida (GM) (exit): 21:52
[09:52:51] GM: kk
[09:52:52] Lt. Fallyna: every one got kicked
[09:53:00] GM: that should clear it all up
[09:53:01] Sarah: great.
[09:53:05] 2 Lt. Komillia: (OpenRPG is being a pain.)
[09:53:19] Sarah: (( what'd I miss? ))
[09:53:24] GM: I still think it's the Haydonite jamming us!! With Raspberry!
[09:53:25] Lt. Fallyna: nothing
[09:53:33] 2 Lt. Komillia: (A mass kicking.)
[09:53:38] Lt. Fallyna: any way where were we
[09:54:07] GM: we had done an A-Team montage and have dragged back to town 3 bioroids…Jaron tried to raise the fleet and thent he haydonties jamme dus
[09:54:36] Lt. Fallyna: and me and manga went to the 2nd closest bioroid to see what we could grab off it
[09:54:42] 2 Lt. Komillia: (they still seem to be jamming your keyboard.)
[09:54:44] Sarah: (( *nods* ))
[09:54:54] GM: yes…jam…right
[09:55:17] Sarah: (( wee ))
[09:55:22] GM: okay
[09:56:14] Lt. Jaron grumbles and locks up the silverback. He moves over to inspect the intact bioroids.
[09:56:17] GM: Where do you want to place the bioroid decoys/
[09:57:53] GM: ANyone?
[09:58:37] Lt. Fallyna: (jaron and tanis were playing tactic guys
[09:58:44] Lt. Fallyna: im playing the techie with magnus atm
[09:58:51] Lt. Jaron ponders "Let me try Tanis, see if the ground patrols noticed anything in the plains"
[09:59:06] Lt. Jaron tries to get Tanis on coms
[09:59:49] Game disconnected!
[10:00:40] Locating server at…
[10:00:41] Game connected!
[10:00:41] Sarah (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] Mercenary+170 (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] Mercenary+170 (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] Edelweiss (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] James (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] MyRealName (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] Sarah (enter): 22:00
[10:00:43] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 22:00
[10:00:44] Edelweiss (enter): 22:00
[10:00:45] Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.0'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

OpenRPG webring by Tom Baleno
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An OpenRPG Net Ring Powered by RingSurf!

Oh and keep the language clean in the lobby. This also is a bootable offense.

I recently had problems on my webserver at and some of the character sheets have been deleted. If you put a sheet up there or downloaded one from there could you check and see if it needs to be added again? I'd appreciate any help getting the sheets back so others can have access to them.
[10:00:57] Moving to room 'Robotech: W&P'..
[10:00:58] Sarah (enter): 22:00
[10:00:58] Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

OpenRPG webring by Tom Baleno
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An OpenRPG Net Ring Powered by RingSurf!

Oh and keep the language clean in the lobby. This also is a bootable offense.

I recently had problems on my webserver at and some of the character sheets have been deleted. If you put a sheet up there or downloaded one from there could you check and see if it needs to be added again? I'd appreciate any help getting the sheets back so others can have access to them.
[10:00:58] Lt. Fallyna (enter): 22:00
[10:00:58] James (enter): 22:00
[10:00:58] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 22:00
[10:00:59] Lt. Jaron (enter): 22:00
[10:00:59] Sarah (enter): 22:00
[10:00:59] Lt. Fallyna (enter): 22:00
[10:00:59] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 22:00
[10:01:45] Lt. Jaron: (just switch server)
[10:01:45] Server Administrator-> Kicking '(208) Lt. Fallyna' from server… Removing dead client
[10:01:46] Lt. Fallyna (exit): 22:01
[10:01:47] Server Administrator-> Kicking '(219) Sarah' from server… Removing dead client
[10:01:48] Sarah (exit): 22:01
[10:01:55] James (enter): 22:01
[10:02:08] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (225) James…
[10:02:11] Attempting to assign the role of GM to (222) Lt. Ishida (GM)…
[10:02:14] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (221) Lt. Fallyna…
[10:02:19] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (224) Sarah…
[10:02:34] Server Administrator-> Kicking '(214) James' from server… Removing dead client
[10:02:35] James (exit): 22:02
[10:03:28] Lt. Jaron: making a room on mayhem server
[10:03:43] Lt. Jaron: Disconnecting from server…
[10:03:43] Lt. Jaron (exit): 22:03
[10:04:13] Game disconnected!
[10:07:12] Locating server at…
[10:07:13] Game connected!
[10:07:13] Sarah (enter): 22:07
[10:07:14] Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.7', named 'Robotech: War and Peace'.
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

[10:07:17] James (enter): 22:07
[10:07:27] Moving to room 'War and Peace'..
[10:07:28] Sarah (enter): 22:07
[10:07:28] Server Administrator->
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
This product is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

[10:07:39] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1) Sarah…
[10:07:42] James (enter): 22:07
[10:07:46] Lt. Fallyna (enter): 22:07
[10:07:46] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Lt. Fallyna…
[10:07:50] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) James…
[10:07:50] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 22:07
[10:07:51] Lt. Ishida (GM) (exit): 22:07
[10:07:51] Lt. Ishida (GM) (enter): 22:07
[10:07:54] Attempting to assign the role of GM to (3) Lt. Ishida (GM)…
[10:08:07] Sarah: (( welcome to my desktop computer ))
[10:08:11] James: Stop jumping in and out of the door.
[10:08:22] Sarah: (( This will NOT crash ))
[10:08:29] Lt. Ishida: I feel funny…ewww I stepped in something!
[10:08:30] James: Virus time!
[10:08:37] James: j/k
[10:08:39] Sarah kicks James
[10:08:50] Lt. Ishida: keep the AIM room open, JIC
[10:09:20] James: sure
[10:09:38] Server Administrator-> RAR
[10:09:38] Arelius (enter): 22:09
[10:09:45] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Lt. Jaron…
[10:09:54] GM: All fear the SA!
[10:10:13] GM: Okay, moving on
[10:10:31] James runs for the hills.
[10:10:40] Lt. Jaron hopes Tanis has good news as he tries to contact him
[10:10:55] Server Administrator-> Yup, fear the SA ;)
[10:11:16] High Centurion Tanis: Tanis here …sxxxzzzz….go ahea…..sxxxxz
[10:12:30] Lt. Jaron replies "Any news of ground patrols?"
[10:12:43] Lt. Fallyna moves on to the location of the next bioroid
[10:15:05] High Centurion Tanis: We stirred up a few drones, they have been dealt with…
[10:15:30] GM: Roll the bones Lu
[10:15:35] John: [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[10:15:46] John: whoops
[10:15:48] John: [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[10:15:53] John: Woot even better!
[10:16:02] Lt. Jaron: "Roger that, we'll plant a decoy on that side of the hill….Fairman out"
[10:16:17] GM: John expertly removes the oxidizer tank without spilling so much as a drop…
[10:16:30] Sarah: (( woo ))
[10:16:34] Lt. Fallyna looks it over and then begins to salvage what can be salvaged from its current position (salvage [1d100] => [77] = (77) vs 53%)
[10:16:52] GM: There is not much else to gather from the carcass
[10:16:54] Lt. Fallyna: (and i prolly fry any thing…)
[10:17:11] GM: do you really wnat me to roll for htat?
[10:17:14] GM: cuase I well
[10:17:16] GM: will
[10:17:28] Lt. Fallyna: (lol the only thing left was to salvage as much of the armor as possible)
[10:17:55] GM: Possibly, but with that roll, you dont get much
[10:18:11] Lt. Fallyna: (true but even scraps can be used to mend armor
[10:18:17] GM: The first bioroid has been placed
[10:18:26] GM: right, but you dont get much
[10:18:55] Lt. Fallyna: "One more part right?"
[10:19:01] GM: Who wants to help place the bioroid?
[10:19:44] Lt. Jaron ponders placements of one between T'sienva and peak over An'versa, then one in the plains and the other in the valley (military tactics [1d100] => [23] = (23) vs 55)
[10:20:17] GM: Meanwhile, as this is going on, Tanis' men continue to set up a trench line and foxholes, by using the bioroids they do have and their weapons blowing pot holes into the countryside.
[10:21:42] GM: show me
[10:23:08] GM: or not
[10:23:55] GM: is everyone able to draw on the map?
[10:24:04] James: (plot holes, no wait my eyes are screwing with me.)
[10:24:15] GM: lol
[10:24:44] James: (not a clue how to.)
[10:24:45] GM: Jaron?
[10:24:53] GM: whiteboard
[10:25:32] GM: roger that
[10:25:55] Lt. Jaron hopes this works
[10:26:30] GM: It take until dark to manuver the bioroids into place.
[10:26:41] GM: T is tanis, the B's are his squad leaders bioroid locations
[10:26:45] GM: those all work
[10:27:45] Lt. Fallyna: (any way i assume me and jaon move on to the next to try and find that last part?)
[10:27:50] GM: where do you want the Silverbacks?
[10:27:54] Lt. Jaron takes a breathe "The decoys and Tanis forces are set…John or Komillia, where do you want to place your bioroid?"
[10:28:31] GM: They still ahve to do work on it to get it to run
[10:29:41] Lt. Jaron looks to the others to voice an opinion about silverbacks
[10:29:53] GM: It is dusk now, the bioroids are in place. the parts have been recovered.
[10:30:18] Lt. Jaron: (where was that hamlet again?)
[10:30:22] Lt. Fallyna would be assisting as much as possible to fix the bioroid and maybie improve its armor
[10:30:42] GM: A total of 5 drones have been swept from the plain as Tanis' men (40 strong) dig in
[10:31:06] GM: who is on watch?
[10:31:13] GM: John and Lu are in the 'Pit'
[10:31:24] Lt. Fallyna: Basic mechanic [1d100 vs 53%, basic electronics [1d100] => 1d100 vs 53%, basic electronics [1d100 vs 53%, vehicle armorer [1d100] => [73] = (73) vs 53%)
[10:31:34] Lt. Fallyna: err
[10:31:46] Lt. Fallyna: [1d100] => [76] = (76)
[10:31:54] Lt. Fallyna: [1d100] => [31] = (31)
[10:32:07] GM: Bria's father swats you away from the mecha, deeming you …useless
[10:32:09] Lt. Fallyna: [1d100] => [45] = (45)
[10:32:23] GM: lol
[10:32:24] Lt. Fallyna: (hey i got 2 good ones)
[10:32:29] GM: okay, not so useless
[10:32:32] Lt. Fallyna: (sept the basic mechanic one)
[10:32:45] Lt. Fallyna: (im doing good with the electronics and the armor on it lol)
[10:33:20] Lt. Jaron suggests one silverback in the former location at peak above An'versa. "Sarah, would you like to head to observation point again?"
[10:35:41] Sarah nods quickly at the idea of heading to observation. "If that's where I'm wanted, I'll grab my Cyclone and head up right now."
[10:36:32] Lt. Jaron: "Its up to you Sarah, you'd do a fine job anywhere"
[10:36:33] Lt. Fallyna does the best sodering and welding she can do on the good ole bioroid!
[10:38:35] Sarah unfolds the Cyclone. "Headed out now then…"
[10:38:51] Lt. Ishida takes a position at the 'Howitzer' along with 8 of Tanis' men and 10 Tsien'va auxilieris (read: conscripted townsfolk)
[10:41:02] Lt. Jaron ponders abit more "Komillia, care come with me and man the silverback at the peak?"
[10:41:32] James: Sure
[10:41:43] John will man the AA Silverback in town
[10:41:46] 2 Lt. Komillia: "Sure."
[10:42:10] Lt. Fallyna: (guess that means i either drive the AA or my cyclone?)
[10:42:25] GM: you are under a barn working on a bioroid
[10:42:36] GM: and scratch that, so is John…/kicks self
[10:42:43] Lt. Fallyna: (oh thought john was in there to lol)
[10:42:51] GM: So that leaves the AA silverback…
[10:43:19] Lt. Fallyna: "Dam i forgot how hot this gets…" *she rubs her forehead having allready shead her armor and helmet for better visability
[10:44:02] Lt. Fallyna: (and has her flightsuit zipped down only undershirt and braw remaining
[10:44:16] GM: Sarah, 8:17 rolls around and in the distance you hear hollow a hollow 'Ba-boom!'
[10:45:21] Lt. Jaron setups at the peak with Komillia "You are ok with operating the silver?"
[10:45:31] Sarah blinks up at that and looks around, trying to find the source. "Just heard a noise…"
[10:46:03] Lt. Jaron replies to Sarah "location?"
[10:46:17] 2 Lt. Komillia: "I don't have much training on it, but I should be fine."
[10:47:22] Lt. Jaron nods to Komillia as he waits for Sarah "If things get hot where, we'll head to T'sienva"
[10:47:32] Lt. Jaron: (where=here)
[10:47:39] GM: Another dull boom echos thru the pass.
[10:48:49] GM: Sarah, you pop up, and look towards teh noise and see over the hamlet down the way gouts of fire. You also see incoming and outgoing fire.
[10:50:03] GM: Wraiths are straffing the town from above. There is a bright red flash and a beam slices the top half of the hamlets belltower in half sending it crashing into the square.
[10:50:16] GM: You can tell that the beam came from ground level
[10:51:00] Sarah blinks at that and swears. "Shit…! Wraiths attacking the city! Ground and air!"
[10:51:29] Lt. Fallyna: (the north hamlet?)
[10:52:01] GM: yes
[10:53:04] Lt. Jaron lowers his head "We'll mourn those souls later but atleast we know they have ground units now"
[10:53:28] Lt. Jaron radios Lurana & John "ETA on your repair?"
[10:53:41] GM: Repairs will take at LEAST 6 hourts
[10:53:43] GM: hours
[10:53:45] Sarah sighs just a little bit and looks down for a moment, before looking back up.
[10:53:50] Lt. Fallyna: "6 hours"
[10:54:06] GM: And thats with cutting all sorts of corners
[10:54:35] GM: Sarah, roll a perc
[10:55:25] Sarah: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19)
[10:55:29] Lt. Jaron replies back "Is the father helpnig you or can he help cause having one of you up here would be nice"
[10:55:40] Lt. Jaron transform in battloid mode
[10:55:57] Lt. Fallyna: (i dont think father is… is he?)
[10:56:01] GM: The north west end of town is bathed in red and orange light and flames erupt along the entire northeast side
[10:56:14] GM: yes dad is there helping
[10:56:35] Lt. Fallyna: "Do you want me to go Magnus?"
[10:56:47] Lt. Fallyna: Magna*
[10:57:10] GM: The flames were caused by what looked like a flamethrower
[10:57:43] Sarah blinks and frowns. "Something or someone just opened jup with a flamethrower, the whole northwest end is burning, now the northeast…" she swears. "Dammit…"
[10:58:00] 2 Lt. Komillia: Disconnecting from server…
[10:58:01] James (exit): 22:58
[10:58:22] GM: James isn't feeling well so he had to split
[10:58:55] Lt. Fallyna: (okies)
[10:58:56] GM: doing anything else sarah?
[10:59:14] Fold Ops: remember your the groups eyes right now
[10:59:19] Lt. Fallyna: (i asked magna if he wanted to finish the repairs him self or me to?)
[10:59:53] GM: if you leave the repairs will take longer…
[10:59:54] Sarah keeps looking around after checking the town, sighing.
[11:00:04] GM: roll perc sarah
[11:00:09] Sarah: [1d20+1] => [5,1] = (6)
[11:00:13] Sarah: (( crud ))
[11:00:45] GM: It's hard to see thru the flames but you briefly see the silouette of a four legged … thing
[11:01:45] Sarah frowns. "Some kind of four legged mecha…" She tries to peer through the flames again if she can, trying to get a glimpse, trying to magnify as much as the viewer will go.
[11:01:54] Lt. Fallyna: "Sorry if one of us leaves this will take longer" *she tries to cut as many corners as she can but keep the repairs up (basic: mech [1d100] => [61] = (61) vs 53%, Basic Electronics [1d100] => [23] = (23) vs 43%, Vehicle Armorer [1d100] => [81] = (81) vs 53%
[11:02:59] Lt. Fallyna: (oops vehicle armorer 33%)
[11:03:57] Lt. Jaron replies to Lurana "Very well but I will give you a sitrep if things get hairy." Then goes to Sarah "Just keep us posted"
[11:04:02] GM: zooming in, you see a fourlegged mecha (Haydonite Infiltrator, except the rear legs are the same as the front legs.) It has a large, yet low slung turret atop it's back with red pilot light blazing, the mecha pauses, hunkers down and swivles the turret towards some dwellings and twin gouts of fire burst forth and engulf the structure
[11:05:03] Sarah swears again, frowning. "A not much bigger unit than the one on ship, but all legs are the same size. It has a huge turret with flamethrowers on it…"
[11:05:30] GM: In the fire light, you see two cyclone sized objects, bipedal, standing next to the mecha. As the structure occupants flee the flames, the two bipedal mecha? open fire, cutting them to ribbons
[11:05:42] Lt. Jaron relays inform to Tanis incase Ishida has told him
[11:06:03] GM: Right now I figure we are all getting the visuals from Sarah
[11:06:36] Lt. Fallyna: (except me and magna unless they put a tv or something to send it to?)
[11:06:42] GM: correct
[11:06:49] Lt. Jaron: (ok)
[11:07:10] Sarah frowns at the bipedal ones and frowns.
[11:07:15] Sarah: (( er, frowns and sighs ))
[11:07:16] GM: for everyone else, go to the site and the haydonite section, Haydonite Reavfer tab to see what the bipedal things look like
[11:07:25] GM: Reaver
[11:07:35] Lt. Fallyna: (done did)
[11:08:26] Lt. Fallyna tries to sing a lil tune while she works….
[11:08:32] Lt. Fallyna: [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs 43%
[11:08:36] Lt. Jaron: (cool but dang)
[11:09:54] Fold Ops: Sarah perc
[11:10:01] Sarah: [1d20+1] => [2,1] = (3)
[11:10:06] Sarah weeps
[11:10:10] Sarah: (( er, oocly ))
[11:10:13] Sarah: (( *sighs* ))
[11:10:59] GM: The wraiths continue to pound the hamlet as fires rage uncontrolled
[11:11:49] High Centurion Tanis looks at his view screen at the carnage and shakes in rage.
[11:12:04] Sarah sighs very softly. "And they're still shooting it…" She shakes her head.
[11:12:19] GM: perc
[11:12:34] GM: sarah
[11:12:45] Lt. Jaron watches as well, wishing coms werent jammed then replies to Sarah "How much longer do you think they'll stay at the hamlet?"
[11:13:31] Sarah: [1d20+1] => [15,1] = (16)
[11:14:08] GM: Towards teh south end of town you can see villagers fleeing, , trying to cath up with the Militia well ahead of them
[11:14:42] GM: All outgoing fire at the Haydonites has ceased
[11:14:58] Sarah fights back any tears she would have. "Not long, potentially." She turns the camera to the villiagers and the Militia fleeing.
[11:15:21] Lt. Ishida: It's a rout.
[11:15:45] Lt. Ishida: Cowards
[11:16:46] Lt. Fallyna: (any of the 3 i keep rolling not needed any more for checks? ie electronics mechanics or armor?)
[11:17:10] GM: you are winning some, and losing some, but progress on the mecha IS being made
[11:17:11] Lt. Jaron comments "They were out matched, they couldnt have done anything"
[11:17:26] Lt. Ishida: They could have died fighting
[11:19:02] Lt. Jaron: "Yes but if they join up with us, then we combine forces and have a better chance"
[11:19:16] Lt. Fallyna after a short gulp of water to cool off she gets back at it (basic mechanics [1d100] => [79] = (79) vs 53, basic electronics [1d100] => [98] = (98) vs 43, vehicle armorer [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 33)
[11:19:27] Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:19:41] Lt. Fallyna: (dam i think i just fucked up the electronics i was working on back 1 stage at least x.x)
[11:20:03] Lt. Jaron: (dang)
[11:20:05] Lt. Ishida regrets the words, but is frustrated. Jarons words snap her out of it however. "They ran ahead of the townsfolk! They abandoned them. Had it been the ohter way around I would agree with you.
[11:21:08] Lt. Jaron: "Most have missed that in vids, then they are cowards but we'll let Tirolians handle that"
[11:21:14] High Centurion Tanis in a soft voice adds…"Our militia…are not the most, couragous soldiers…"
[11:21:56] High Centurion Tanis: Do not fear, we are legionnairs, we will not run.
[11:22:54] GM: As you speak the hamlet continues to be pouned and scorched into ruin.
[11:23:01] GM: pounded
[11:23:51] Lt. Jaron: "Noted High Centurion and thank you"
[11:24:24] Lt. Ishida: Domo arigate gozaimasu!
[11:24:31] Lt. Ishida: arigato…
[11:25:19] GM: sarah perc
[11:25:33] Sarah: [1d20+1] => [20,1] = (21)
[11:25:40] Lt. Fallyna: )In zentradi) "God fucking damit…"
[11:27:00] GM: A gust of wind wafts pass the town dispersing the smoke, allowing you to see two falmethrower Infiltrators, 4 of the bipedal mecha and one Infiltrator with what looks to be Wraith cannons on top of it's back, they are plodding thru town now, obliterating anything over 5 feet in height as the wraiths circle overhead like angry vultures
[11:28:36] Sarah swears and turns the camera to that. "They're razing it to the ground totally…"
[11:29:53] GM: a waft of smoke from a burnt coupling emits fromt eh bioroid in the barn as Lurnana's hand it slightly singed
[11:29:59] Lt. Jaron: "Then is will be the same fate for T'sienva and AN'versa"
[11:31:01] Lt. Fallyna she yelps and curils recoiling away her bare hand blistering instantly (possibly charing?)
[11:31:12] GM: no, just hurts like a bitch
[11:31:39] GM: and your pinky and ring finger will be numb for the next day and a half
[11:32:38] Lt. Fallyna: (oh so not a fire burn but an alectrical shock burn?)
[11:32:52] GM: something like that
[11:33:16] Lt. Fallyna: "Ahh fuck…" *shes gipping her hand trying to force some feeling into it.
[11:34:45] GM: Down in the pass, Sarah sees the enemy forces pass thru town, leaving nothing standing, and start moving towards Anver'sa
[11:35:34] Sarah sighs and keeps monitoring. "They're heading for An'versa…"
[11:35:55] Lt. Jaron radios "via the valley or the plains?"


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