Chapter 4 - Act II - Part 1


[07:36:21] GM: okay, so, like drunken elephants with boom boxes playing the rap music, you come around a bend and find yourself face to face with an Invid foot patrol. Ay, you shrug off the mutual surprise first.
[07:36:36] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lmao ))
[07:37:19] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh god. hehe ))
[07:37:35] Capt Kain Crockett wonders if lighting himself on fire would help be more stealthy.
[07:37:44] GM: ((is Mel there, and if so how many attacks per melee?))
[07:38:18] GM: ((in fact what are all your APM within the mecha you are wearing
[07:38:45] Lt. Melanie McGregor: 8
[07:39:15] Capt Kain Crockett: 7
[07:39:21] WO Febrith Nyx: 7
[07:39:56] Cpt. Aylanea: 8
[07:40:03] GM: Also, if I'm slow to reply I have mono…j/k, I'm on some pain meds.
[07:40:24] Cpt. Aylanea: (( actually 9, rather ))
[07:40:45] GM: and sarah 6?
[07:41:18] 2Lt. Sarah: (( Sarah lists as having 9 for level 8 and martial arts. ))
[07:41:24] GM: kk
[07:41:27] 2Lt. Sarah: (( think Ay's about the same. ))
[07:41:53] GM: who has the higest PP between the pair, and also between kain and Nyx?
[07:42:12] 2Lt. Sarah: (( Ay does. ))
[07:42:21] 2Lt. Sarah: (( by FAR ))
[07:42:28] WO Febrith Nyx: ((I'm not feeling so great either, but I'm not horrid, so I'm here.))
[07:42:46] WO Febrith Nyx: Kain has ther higher PP
[07:42:50] GM: kk
[07:42:57] GM: ((thats what she said))
[07:42:59] WO Febrith Nyx: 26 vs 16
[07:43:16] 2Lt. Sarah: (( kinda sick myself, but not incapacitated ))
[07:43:33] GM: jesus, and my buddy is sick as well…da fuq yall?
[07:43:38] 2Lt. Sarah: (( so the old weapon damages are t be totally ignored. k. ))
[07:43:52] 2Lt. Sarah: (( cept for single round ))
[07:44:04] GM: okay, I'll go thru combat here, and if yall re still ick after we can hold if you want.
[07:44:21] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I'm not that bad off ))
[07:45:02] WO Febrith Nyx: ((again, not bad, mostly just coughing and a rather mild headache.))
[07:45:22] GM: I think all common weapons have been modified, or already have single round damage listed.
[07:45:56] Cpt. Aylanea mutters a quick "Oh, shit!" at being spotted by the Invid, whipping her M90C up and firing a burst. [1d20+15+1] => [5,15,1] = (21)
[07:46:28] GM: The Solider being fired at raises his shield in reply [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[07:46:41] GM: (and it begins)
[07:46:42] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oooooh. ))
[07:47:11] GM: damage
[07:47:17] GM: (to the shield at anyrate
[07:47:25] Cpt. Aylanea: [(2d6+4)*4] => 32
[07:47:46] Cpt. Aylanea: (( that feels limp, the old damage was 1d10*10+12 for that gun :p :) lol ))
[07:47:53] Cpt. Aylanea: (( for a burst ))
[07:48:00] GM: is that a short or a med burst?
[07:48:07] Cpt. Aylanea: (( medium burst ))
[07:48:14] GM: I though med was 6
[07:48:18] GM: 5 at least
[07:48:39] Cpt. Aylanea: (( not what my notes say… ))
[07:49:27] Cpt. Aylanea: (( that's not til level 9 ))
[07:49:30] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I'm only lvl 8 ))
[07:49:36] GM: ((okay show of hands, who wants to stick with the burst system, and who wnats to go back to the way it was? All in favor of new system?
[07:49:57] GM: All in favor of old system?
[07:50:05] WO Febrith Nyx: ((raises hand))
[07:50:11] Cpt. Aylanea: (( (raises hand) ))
[07:50:26] GM: Motion is secondand and the motion carries.
[07:50:30] Cpt. Aylanea: (( it's just unneeded complication, sorry ))
[07:50:42] GM: ((thats why I asked,
[07:50:49] Cpt. Aylanea: (( reroll damage? ))
[07:50:49] GM: okay, reroll damage
[07:50:58] Cpt. Aylanea: [(1d10*10)+12] => 42
[07:51:03] GM: (LOL)
[07:51:21] Cpt. Aylanea: (( well, it can go to 112 that way. rather than 60-something ))
[07:51:26] WO Febrith Nyx: ((Ay still isn't quite "up" yet.))
[07:51:44] GM: ((no, it would seem not))
[07:51:45] GM: Sarah
[07:51:48] Cpt. Aylanea: (( eh ))
[07:52:01] GM: ((I would have really laughed had you rolled a 2 on your d10))
[07:53:00] 2Lt. Sarah pulls up and fires her own M90C next, trying to overwhelm the shield and take it out. [1d20+7+5] => [18,7,5] = (30)
[07:53:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[07:53:32] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 72 damage
[07:53:47] GM: [72+42] => 114
[07:54:20] 2Lt. Sarah: (( take the mech out rather. ))
[07:54:26] 2Lt. Sarah: (( and the shield if needbe ))
[07:55:49] GM: The Invid soldier takes a step back to stedy itself then raises his gun arm and fires as the other soldier follows suit and sicks the animals on you. [6d5] => [1,3,5,4,5,5] = (23) 1 Ay, 2 Sarah, 3 Mel, 4 Kain, 5 Nyx (order of attack, Soldier Sldier, Cougar Cougare Crocosleen Crocosleen)
[07:56:31] GM: Soldier at Ay, [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[07:56:42] GM: Soldier at Mel [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17)
[07:56:46] Lt. Melanie McGregor: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[07:57:04] GM: Couger at Kain [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[07:57:15] GM: Couger at Nyx [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[07:57:23] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [3,17] = (20)
[07:57:32] GM: CrcoSleen and Nyx [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17) and [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[07:57:36] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[07:57:40] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[07:57:42] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[07:57:58] GM: Carrie?
[07:59:18] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [19,18] = (37)
[07:59:22] Cpt. Aylanea: (( sry ))
[07:59:26] GM: The cougar gets a piiece of Nyx [1d4*10] => 40 and a 50% of knock down [1d100] => [54] = (54) KD on 1 - 50
[07:59:40] GM: Mel
[08:00:00] GM: And poor Nyx gets swarmed by wildlife! Ahhhhh!
[08:01:14] Lt. Melanie McGregor fires four mini-missiles from her Saber at the soldier who shot at her. [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12)
[08:02:44] GM: afk phone
[08:03:52] GM: back
[08:04:11] Cpt. Aylanea: wb
[08:04:14] GM: The soldier will try and parry that as best he can [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[08:04:22] GM: damage
[08:04:41] GM: ((regards the phone call, I will be out next sunday now, for a birthday dinner from my brother))
[08:04:50] GM: ((from = for))
[08:05:02] Cpt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[08:05:48] Lt. Melanie McGregor: [5d6*4] => 68
[08:06:16] GM: the shiled absorbs the brunt of the damage
[08:06:29] GM: Kain and Nyx, in that roder
[08:06:31] GM: order
[08:09:03] Capt Kain Crockett fires the rail gun at the cougar that lunged at him. [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[08:09:11] GM: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[08:10:04] WO Febrith Nyx fires an M90C at the crocosleen. [1d20+4
[08:10:08] WO Febrith Nyx fires an M90C at the crocosleen. [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[08:10:51] GM: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[08:10:59] Capt Kain Crockett: [3d4*10] => 90
[08:11:14] GM: The Crocosleen wriggles around spoling the shots.
[08:11:38] GM: The couger drops into glistning mettalic ash
[08:12:52] GM: Ay and sarah in that order
[08:13:58] Cpt. Aylanea fires her M90C again quickly. [1d20+12+1] => [8,12,1] = (21)
[08:14:53] GM: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[08:15:18] 2Lt. Sarah fires her own M90C soon after. [1d20+7+5] => [6,7,5] = (18)
[08:15:23] 2Lt. Sarah: (( wow, fail ))
[08:15:43] GM: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[08:15:49] GM: (yes, very)
[08:15:54] GM: damamge for both guns however
[08:16:09] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 92
[08:16:10] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 72
[08:17:11] GM: [68+72] => 140
[08:17:34] GM: [92+114] => 206 [140-125] => 15
[08:17:52] GM: [206-125] => 81
[08:18:03] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:18:06] 2Lt. Sarah: (( shield gone, huh? ))
[08:18:17] GM: ((both shields gone))
[08:18:21] 2Lt. Sarah: (( cool ))
[08:18:31] 2Lt. Sarah: (( commencing attacks on the main reactors. ^_^ ))
[08:18:35] 2Lt. Sarah: (( j/k ))
[08:19:08] GM: The Invid attack [5d5] => [4,4,1,4,5] = (18) ((now you make jokes in game…))
[08:20:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27) and [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12) and [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21) at kain )soldier soldier and Crocosleen
[08:21:07] GM: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17) at Ay with the Couger
[08:21:18] GM: and [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11) at Nyx with the last Crocosleen
[08:21:28] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [17,18] = (35) to doddge
[08:21:48] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [19,17] = (36)
[08:21:49] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [5,17] = (22)
[08:21:50] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [16,17] = (33)
[08:22:03] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[08:23:06] GM: kain and Ay make it look easy, Nyx has to scramble half way up a wall to get away from hers
[08:23:41] GM: Mel your attack
[08:27:10] GM: Give em hell, Mel.
[08:27:46] Lt. Melanie McGregor unsheathes the Cads and buries them in the chest of the nearest Invid. [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[08:29:52] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[08:30:22] GM: The Invid doesa downward chopping motion with his arm and swats the blades out of the way.
[08:30:56] GM: Kain and Nyx (note that Mel is now in front of an invid so to hit him and not her is a called shot)
[08:31:53] Capt Kain Crockett keeps shooting the "local" fauna. [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:32:11] GM: wiff
[08:32:27] WO Febrith Nyx wants to kill these stupid lizards. [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[08:32:43] GM: bigger wiff
[08:32:57] GM: Ay and Sarah, (same deal regards mel)
[08:33:00] Cpt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[08:33:19] Cpt. Aylanea goes after the Cougar that swiped at her, with her M90C. [1d20+12] => [13,12] = (25)
[08:33:35] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[08:33:38] GM: damage
[08:33:45] Cpt. Aylanea: [(1d10*10)+12] => 42
[08:33:49] Cpt. Aylanea: (( bleh, suck ))
[08:33:51] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[08:34:21] 2Lt. Sarah fires at the closest crocosleen. [1d20+7+5] => [16,7,5] = (28)
[08:34:28] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[08:34:31] GM: damage
[08:34:32] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 102
[08:35:17] GM: The Crocosleen is mulch
[08:36:55] GM: The invid attack [4d5] => [4,5,4,1] = (14)
[08:37:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22) and [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21) at kain
[08:37:25] GM: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24) at Nyx
[08:37:40] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) at Ay
[08:38:00] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [5,18] = (23)
[08:40:38] GM: James?
[08:41:21] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)
[08:41:34] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [16,17] = (33)
[08:41:34] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [2,17] = (19)
[08:42:32] GM: Nyx gets bit! [4d6] => [4,5,2,5] = (16)
[08:43:00] GM: Kain gets shot once [(1d4*10)+8] => 28
[08:43:27] GM: Ay and Sarah
[08:43:35] GM: ((wait))
[08:43:39] GM: Mel first
[08:44:11] Lt. Melanie McGregor tries to keep cutting the Invid. [1d20+5] => [3,5] = (8)
[08:45:42] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[08:45:48] GM: Ay and Sarah
[08:46:12] Cpt. Aylanea goes after the cougar again. [1d20+12] => [11,12] = (23)
[08:46:38] Cpt. Aylanea: [(1d10*10)+12] => 72
[08:46:50] Cpt. Aylanea: (( in case it hits ))
[08:47:29] 2Lt. Sarah goes after one of the other critters. [1d20+7+5] => [14,7,5] = (26) for [(1d10*10)+12] => 62 dmg if hit
[08:47:36] GM: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[08:47:51] GM: Ay, you ash the couger
[08:47:58] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[08:47:59] 2Lt. Sarah: (( go Ay ))
[08:48:36] GM: the crocosleen is torn up and only now tries to slink away
[08:48:54] GM: kain and nyx
[08:49:15] Capt Kain Crockett: ((what exactly is left.))
[08:50:44] GM: (one soldier, backing away, and one sleen slinking off trailing guts)
[08:51:36] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe. ))
[08:51:48] GM: (remeber called shot to shot over or around Mel…)
[08:52:37] Capt Kain Crockett takes a careful shot to try and hit the one backing away. [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[08:52:51] WO Febrith Nyx kills the sleen. [1d20+53] => [14,53] = (67)
[08:53:03] WO Febrith Nyx: ((Tht's supposed ot be a 19))
[08:53:14] GM: The sleen is easily taken with a coup de grace
[08:54:26] GM: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[08:54:37] GM: You bearly miss the Invid, but still miss.
[08:55:41] GM: The Invid shoots at mel [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[08:57:10] GM: [((1d4*10)+8)*2] => 96 if Mel doenst counter with a nat 20
[08:58:00] Lt. Melanie McGregor: [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[08:58:03] 2Lt. Sarah: (( holy hell ))
[08:58:07] GM: Mel you trun
[08:58:47] Lt. Melanie McGregor fires another 4 missiles. [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[08:59:12] GM: oh kay…
[09:00:07] GM: roll damage, 4 cant be dodged, apply half to Mel as blast damage (she is within the blast radius as she is in hand to hand distance)
[09:00:24] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rofl ))
[09:00:26] 2Lt. Sarah: (( omg ))
[09:00:47] Lt. Melanie McGregor: [5d6*4] => 84
[09:00:52] Lt. Melanie McGregor: ((42))
[09:00:56] GM: ((burned hand teaches best, I garuntee Mel will never do THAT again))
[09:01:04] GM: The soldier is shredded
[09:01:41] 2Lt. Sarah: [245-96-42] => 107
[09:01:48] GM: Meanwhile the combat vets look at the poor engineer that has toasted herself and can but shake their head and palm their face
[09:04:05] GM: Sarah from behind you, you sence PC powered mecha, Invid, approaching.
[09:04:33] Lt. Melanie McGregor: "What, I don't get in the field much, besides, I just need some spare metal to fix it."
[09:04:38] 2Lt. Sarah straightens up. "Another Invid mech approaching!" She whirls around, slapping a new clip into her M90C.
[09:05:48] Lt. Melanie McGregor gets into waist-hgh cover.
[09:06:02] 2Lt. Sarah: (( find some chest high walls ))
[09:06:04] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[09:06:08] Capt Kain Crockett: "hide."
[09:06:40] GM: As they get (yes they) closer Sarah you can make out the types, two Armored Shocktroopers and an Odeon at the van.
[09:06:43] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [86] = (86) vs 35 camoflage.
[09:07:42] 2Lt. Sarah: "Two armored shock troopers and an Odeon…" She tries to find somewhere to hide. "Hide or lay along the sides and power down the armors.
[09:08:06] 2Lt. Sarah: "or something simplar. They'll be looking for PC traces more than life signs.
[09:08:15] 2Lt. Sarah: (( similar ))
[09:08:52] GM: As you say that, you notice Kain, plain as day.
[09:09:09] 2Lt. Sarah: "Laying down on the sides may not work, they know the patrol was lost…" She sighs and tries to hide. [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs. 20% camoflague
[09:09:14] Lt. Melanie McGregor powers down the Cyclone.
[09:09:19] 2Lt. Sarah sighs, and tries to hide as well as possible, powering her Cyc done.
[09:09:22] 2Lt. Sarah: (( down ))
[09:09:27] WO Febrith Nyx gets up against the wall and powers down.
[09:09:44] WO Febrith Nyx: "Kain, we can see you."
[09:10:01] 2Lt. Sarah: "Probably see me as well, but…" She lays back and tries to look dead.
[09:10:03] Capt Kain Crockett growls and makes sure the Cyclone isn't on PC power."
[09:10:10] GM: You are in a tunnel. hewn by nature yes, but still…
[09:10:58] 2Lt. Sarah tries to recall what else they need to do. [1d100] => [28] = (28) lore invid vs. 86%
[09:11:46] GM: You might not want to be here when they arrive.
[09:12:10] 2Lt. Sarah sighs. "Not gonna work, we need to move on and find somewhere better. Keep off PC power if possible."
[09:14:37] GM: okay, swhat do?
[09:14:46] 2Lt. Sarah looks to Kain.
[09:15:11] 2Lt. Sarah: (( they're coming in from outside, to be behind me? ))
[09:15:26] GM: ((in form outside))
[09:15:34] 2Lt. Sarah looks to the others. "Further in, we might be able to find a better hiding place, or a side cave or something."
[09:15:58] Capt Kain Crockett: "We keep moving, try to avoid getting noticed. Move toward the hive.
[09:16:17] 2Lt. Sarah nods quickly, makes sure to keep PC off, and tries to continue moving.
[09:16:28] Cpt. Aylanea: "Understood."
[09:17:07] GM: You hustle and take another bend in the tunnle, behind you the tromp tromp tromp of metallic footfalls fades somehwat then ceases, and you hear cannon fire. Ahead of you you see the faint blue green shimmer of a invid force field.
[09:18:37] 2Lt. Sarah blinks at the ceasing of the tromping, and tries to see if she can get the forcefield to come down. [1d100] => [18] = (18) lore invid vs. 86% (to remember how, its been a while)
[09:20:02] GM: The procedure comes naturally and the field drops.
[09:20:43] 2Lt. Sarah looks to Kain and smiles, walking through the dropped field. "They may notice this as well though, so we should get somewhere quickly after going through."
[09:20:54] 2Lt. Sarah: (( well, walkingthrough where it was ))
[09:20:59] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[09:21:05] 2Lt. Sarah: (( Sarah is naturally cautious ))
[09:21:46] GM: A bit past the field is a side cave where water run off can escape.
[09:22:06] GM: Further down the stright part of the cave is a faint yellowing green glow.
[09:22:28] 2Lt. Sarah gestures to it. "There's a hiding place there…" she frowns at the glow.
[09:23:09] Capt Kain Crockett: "Let's just get to it."
[09:23:24] GM: You all duck into the side cave just before a trio of armored scouts zip past .
[09:23:46] 2Lt. Sarah swears softly and tries to sense for PC sigs as far as she can reach. [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[09:24:48] GM: the odeaon and shocktroopers are to far away and shielded by rock to be seen, but the scouts are flitting about where the shield was/is. Furhter down the tunnle where the glow is, is a lot of PC
[09:25:33] GM: PC with that wonderful mutative and ever changig signature so common to Genesis Pits.
[09:25:58] 2Lt. Sarah groans softly and swears. "We've found the Pit."
[09:26:08] 2Lt. Sarah shudders at the signature of the pit with the PC.
[09:26:58] 2Lt. Sarah: "Soon as the field is up and they stop wondering what went on, we can probably go for it, I don't detect any signatures in the immediate area."
[09:28:19] GM: [1d30] => [6] = (6)
[09:28:51] Capt Kain Crockett: "Just don't fall in, we're not going to be turning into dino mutants."
[09:29:05] GM: A short 6 minutes go by and Sarah can feel the shield come back up and the Invid scouts buzz about for a little longer then depart back up the tunnle.
[09:29:43] 2Lt. Sarah laughs and shakes her head. "Yeah. I would rather not run into a Jurassic Park type pit at all." she smiles and looks. "Hmm, scouts left, field is back up."
[09:31:07] GM: Okay, what do
[09:31:43] Capt Kain Crockett: "Great, now let's see about getting out of here with out getting noticed and try to get to the main hive."
[09:31:54] 2Lt. Sarah keeps her watch for approaching Invid. [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[09:32:09] Lt. Melanie McGregor: "Let me try to rerout the power from the shield that makes it look like the field is till up."
[09:32:31] GM: The filed /is/ up
[09:32:35] GM: field
[09:32:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:32:48] Lt. Melanie McGregor: [1d100] => [51] = (51) vs 94 Electrical Engineer, [1d100] => [53] = (53) vs 59 Jury Rid
[09:33:15] Lt. Melanie McGregor: ((I know that. I'm wanting to be able to shut it down without making the Invid aware it is shut down.))
[09:35:39] GM: You press on towards the glow and reach a landing that extends for mayb 20 feet overlooking a vast cavern. The cavern is ringed with a ten five foot wide outcropping that extends about 100 feet on both sides and it is here that the water comes from as it seeps out of the ground to run down the walls of the cavern. further along the cavern walls you can see other shimmers of moist rock. beneath you in the cavern itself is a junlge of sorts with flora that makes Felucia look normal.
[09:37:41] GM: at the apex of the cavern an obviously invid structure hangs from the 'cieling' like some god awful wasps nest. a few tendrils dangle from around it, swayng in a closed loop breeze.
[09:38:23] 2Lt. Sarah looks at all of this and frowns at it.
[09:38:43] GM: Around it a few trio's of Invid scouts occasoinally enter and exit.
[09:38:56] WO Febrith Nyx: "So this is where they make those lizards huh, seems more organic than I would have thought."
[09:40:40] 2Lt. Sarah nods. "It's entirely organic, effectively. A nightmare den." She looks around. "wonder what's on the ground to make them put the hive on the roof." She frowns.
[09:42:50] GM: what do?
[09:44:29] 2Lt. Sarah looks to Kain. "The worst thing is, the Cycs won't run without their main engines forever…" She frowns, and tries to listen for any signals in any form she can comprehend fro mthe hive. [1d20+1] => [15,1] = (16)
[09:45:15] Capt Kain Crockett: ((afk, taking some meds to try and fix my problems))
[09:46:05] 2Lt. Sarah: (( eek k ))
[09:48:50] GM: (ah))
[09:49:13] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hopefully when he gets back, he'll have an idea ^_^ ))
[09:49:33] GM: ((no one stopping you you know lol))
[09:51:14] 2Lt. Sarah: (( I did something and rolled, waiting on results ))
[09:52:38] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[09:52:38] GM: You mamage to glean a little, you figure from the hive talking to those outside. General gist of the message is, hang out where you are, stand by to stand by.
[09:53:54] 2Lt. Sarah /almost/ laughs at that, shaking her head slightly and stepping to a better vantage point to see what all she can see in the hive itself. [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2) perc
[09:54:04] 2Lt. Sarah: (( I sees squirrels! ))
[09:54:12] GM: hurr, and durr
[09:54:28] Cpt. Aylanea plods up to the view, looking around at the scenery as well [1d20] => [12] = (12) perc
[09:55:15] 2Lt. Sarah glances to Kain. "I caught a little from the hive. telling some units somewhere basically 'stand by to stand by', and not go anywhere."
[09:55:16] GM: There is wildlife down there, she can crocosleenswimming in the mire, and what look like eels floating in the air snapping up smaller more mundane looking insects.
[09:55:41] Capt Kain Crockett tries to glean an escape route. [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9) PERC, [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 70 RSI, [1d100] => [18] = (18) vs 71 Intelligence, [1d100] => [87] = (87) vs 70 Escape Artist, [1d100] => [15] = (15) vs 65 Detect Ambush
[09:55:43] Cpt. Aylanea: "floating eels. nice. Hope they only eat insects."
[09:57:23] WO Febrith Nyx tries to figure out how to turn the pits into a time bomb. [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14) PERC, [1d30] => [17] = (17) vs 23 IQ, [1d100] => [77] = (77) vs 78 Biology, [1d100] => [82] = (82) vs 78 Chemistry
[09:59:22] GM: RSI tells you the cavern is upwards of five miles in length, the interior of the pit is leveled into three strata the jungle mire as the lowlands, a drier jungle area here and there with collosal trees that look more like capalaries (sp) then anything, and an upper area with what look like bio organic fencing with the shimmer of a force field running between the 'fence posts'
[10:00:51] Lt. Melanie McGregor considers what she could do to dislodge the Invid wasp hive structure. [1d20] => [10] = (10) PErc, [1d100] => [54] = (54) vs 69 Robotech Engineering, [1d100] => [28] = (28) vs 64 Reflex System Mechanics, [1d100] => [93] = (93) vs 74 Mechanical Engineering, [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs 79 Mecha Engineering, [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 89 Protoculture Engineering
[10:01:17] Lt. Melanie McGregor pulls out the string as to not get eaten by the Invid Beta.
[10:01:30] GM: Nyx, if, and i stress the word if, you think you have nailed down the base elements of what makes this place up, you could concieveably make it fizzle, but sadly you dont have the necessary unobtainium and absentacite to do it.
[10:02:32] GM: mel, explosives…and lots of it, but you are no EOD expert.
[10:02:54] GM: Well, maybe a Synchro cannon…
[10:02:55] WO Febrith Nyx: "I need two tons of phlebtonium, and 3 gallons of whiskey.
[10:03:03] GM: ((and an avacado))
[10:03:09] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lmao ))
[10:03:18] GM: ((the avacado is key, thats the catalyzing agent))
[10:04:45] Cpt. Aylanea: "So, we gonna take a peek at what they were working on, gather intel and stuff? or…"
[10:07:07] Capt Kain Crockett: "Yeah, let's go do what Ay said."
[10:08:04] 2Lt. Sarah nods at that. "Carefully." She looks for an easy way down from the ledge.
[10:08:28] 2Lt. Sarah: (( well, outside of porting them down in two trips. ))
[10:09:01] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ifthere isn't one, then that''s what happens ;p ))
[10:10:08] GM: There is no foot path or anything or else the creatures within would be free to escape. or try to at least. most invid can fly and the Inorganic came from the outside in…
[10:11:50] 2Lt. Sarah: (( technically she can take 6 in one trip, but the Cyclones… ))
[10:12:22] 2Lt. Sarah: "Looks like I'm the only way in and out, unfortunatelhy." She frowns.
[10:12:55] 2Lt. Sarah: (( or do the cyclones not matter fr that total, since it's like taking a heavier person? ))
[10:13:27] GM: trips or not the result is the same, just more time and rest for her involved…
[10:13:36] 2Lt. Sarah: (( nod ))
[10:13:51] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yeah, whichever. Just trip down then rest ^_^ ))
[10:14:07] GM: In due course you are all at the lolands level on the Mire.
[10:14:48] 2Lt. Sarah gets everyone down, then tries to rest, closing her eyes softly and leaning against something.


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