Chapter 3 - Act III - Part 2


[07:33:28] GM: can someone give LV the cliffs notes update so he isn't lost
[07:34:59] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: sry :P
[07:35:25] 2Lt. Sarah: we found out our biggest supporter got kidnapped by "swoop pirates" running in and folding out with ships, and hunted around for info to narrow it down to a few worlds. After a little A-team montage, a few jokes, and all, they went to Hoth, narrowly avoided detection by military grade radar being used in a manner to evade its use being detected, and landed.
[07:35:38] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((We're about to go Hothing for a lost governor.))
[07:36:06] GM: Utini!
[07:36:12] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((Speed governor, that is, you do NOT want to see the fine when they inspect your ship to find you don't have one.))
[07:38:11] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: k i think i follow, saving the damsel in distress or governor in a dress however its pronounced
[07:38:13] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: ^_^
[07:38:51] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver watches tabloids go nuts
[07:38:57] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: ^_^
[07:38:58] GM: close enough
[07:39:24] GM: and suddenly from within a hot boxed cockpit a wild Vittoria appears.
[07:39:45] 2Lt. Sarah: (( woo! ))
[07:40:36] GM: She uses Wheeze…it's not effective!
[07:40:37] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( sry im going to be slow w/ or w/o the update, i took my meds, got my cofee going though ))
[07:40:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((*throws a Master Ball.*))
[07:40:56] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: lol
[07:41:49] GM: Okay, so you mand your Roil Corvette a safe distance away from the power gen…I mean the source of the radar.
[07:41:54] GM: mand = land
[07:42:16] Capt Kain Crockett: "So who brought the Shadow Alpha? No one?"
[07:42:34] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Just how far IS the station?))
[07:42:48] 2Lt. Sarah: "Yeah, it would be nice if we had one for this, wouldn't it…" She sighs.;
[07:43:59] Capt Kain Crockett: ((approximate distance to the source. Safe distance could me 20 miles, could be 2000. Depending…))
[07:44:32] 2Lt. Sarah grins and shrugs a little bit. "Of course, depending on who it is, might be a good thing…."
[07:45:27] GM: up to you, you can always fly low and fast like a snow speeder
[07:45:52] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[07:46:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yeah! ))
[07:47:34] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( we in our fights? ))
[07:48:03] 2Lt. Sarah: "should probably do a low altitude survey, and find somewhere to stash the roil in case someone comes out of their facility and notices it."
[07:48:22] 2Lt. Sarah: "A nice ice cave we could launch our snow sp- er, mecha from."
[07:49:10] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( grr fighter* not fights lol ))
[07:49:36] 2Lt. Sarah grins just a little bit.
[07:51:23] GM: okay, you land your Roil and the flight crew camoflauges it.
[07:51:53] GM: You have a bearing to the target in question, it's about 35 klicks out on the crest of a low ridge.
[07:53:45] Capt Kain Crockett: "Alright, everyone in their fighters, stay low, stay fast. We're going to buzz that facility and if it looks piratey. Blow up its outer defenses and invade. Move it, people."
[07:54:34] GM: ((and from behind him, for no reason Kain here's "Oh Kain, I have a malfunction in fire control!"
[07:55:17] GM: okay, roll piloting, ECM, RSI and Detect Conceal
[07:55:43] 2Lt. Sarah hops to her mecha quickly.
[07:55:49] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rofl @ gm ))
[07:55:51] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yup ))
[07:56:36] Cpt. Aylanea: "So what will we do in lieu of harpoons and tow cables, should we come across a giant enemy unit with skinny, totally impractical legs to walk on?"
[07:56:41] Cpt. Aylanea giggles
[07:56:47] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver grins ear to ear hearing that "RIGHT ON, Keep talking like that Captain and i may wet my seat! "
[07:57:12] Cpt. Aylanea straps in anyway.
[07:57:42] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [52] = (52) vs 75 ECM, [1d100] => [32] = (32) vs 85 RSI, no detect concealment, [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2) PERC, [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs 79 pilot.
[07:57:59] Cpt. Aylanea: (( *sporfs at that perc* ))
[07:58:27] 2Lt. Sarah: (( Kain handles ECM for all, right? ))
[07:58:30] 2Lt. Sarah: (( to make sure? ))
[07:58:42] GM: ((if others have the skill they can roll, otherwise it's just you))
[07:59:13] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((anyone with detect concealment?))
[07:59:36] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: ((1 sec))
[07:59:57] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [58] = (58) s. 75% RSI, [1d100] => [37] = (37) vs. 80% detect concealment, [1d20+1] => [2,1] = (3) perc, [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20) detect PC, [1d100] => [26] = (26) vs. 94% pilot
[08:01:00] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver watches her screens [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 60% RSI [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs 65% detect ambush [1d100] => [30] = (30) vs 45% detect concealment [1d20+1] => [14,1] = (15) perception
[08:01:10] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: :P
[08:02:59] GM: You make a buzz over your suspected target low and fast. Kain and Sarah, you cant see anything with the Mk I eyeball, but your sensors tell you that there is something down there. Sarah you get a lot better fix becuase of your ability to detect PC. There is a base of some sort some 5 klicks away from the radar site, you can see the power cable feeding energy to the remote radar site.
[08:04:39] 2Lt. Sarah reports that in to others, pointing out the location and the cable.
[08:05:37] Capt. Komillia Maeless examines the radar dish and site. [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) PERC, [1d100] => [28] = (28) vs 85 RSI
[08:05:59] Capt Kain Crockett: ((That was supposed to be Kain.))
[08:06:10] GM: ((the radar site is concealed and very well camoflauged which is why you cant 'see' it, but you can know it's there.
[08:06:46] Cpt. Aylanea checks on the report quickly. [1d20] => [18] = (18) perc, [1d100] => [17] = (17) vs. 88
[08:07:09] Cpt. Aylanea: 88% RSI, [1d100] => [84] = (84) pilot vt vs. 90%
[08:07:50] GM: Ay, you are just happy to be on the show
[08:08:35] GM: actually, nm, you quasi bork your angle of appraoch, and in so doing are able to get a fleeting visual on the structure.
[08:08:38] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol. :p ))
[08:08:54] Cpt. Aylanea radios in her visual description of what she saw
[08:09:05] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I did damned good for perc and rsi. lol ))
[08:09:19] Cpt. Aylanea ponders the view of it. [1d100] => [36] = (36) intelligence vs.84%
[08:10:54] GM: By the size of it, it's likely a radar suite off of a corvette sized vehicle, that or a trailer mounted array, hidden under a hard shell.
[08:11:47] Cpt. Aylanea radios that in as well.
[08:11:58] GM: ((at this point any more info on it isn't germane to the story so…))
[08:13:26] Capt Kain Crockett: "Alright do we send in a scouting party, try to radio them or what?
[08:14:05] Cpt. Aylanea: "If we land and switch to battloid, we could follow the cable to destination, and knock on the door carefully."
[08:14:29] GM: (9who are you asking Kain, you're in charge))
[08:15:59] 2Lt. Sarah: "Just remember, you poke into a wampa cave by accident, the wampa comes out. No telling what they might have concealed for equipment in the base, or around it. They obviously have enough of a generator to power their radar dish."
[08:18:57] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver sighs lighting a cigerette " what ever happened to shoot first and ask questions later
[08:18:59] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: "
[08:19:04] Capt Kain Crockett: ((it's called getting opinions, running pure military without consulting the other players in some way is typically a bad idea.))
[08:19:54] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( even a ships captain listens to his commanders befor setting course ~_^ ))
[08:20:42] GM: ((I know, I'm just busting your chops))
[08:21:07] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( now im hungery and want pork ^_^ ))
[08:21:35] Capt Kain Crockett: "War crime laws happened."
[08:22:28] Capt Kain Crockett: "Everyone get out here, ASAP. Me an Ay will go Battloid and try knocking on the door. I'd like to have clearly visible back up on the way in case this goes south."
[08:22:54] Cpt. Aylanea: "Well, Sarah, if the wampa comes out, the point is, don't get caught. You might be able to port out, the rest of us can't." She snickers. "though seeing you try to pull a weapon up and beat it might be amusing." She nods. "Acknowledged." She flies dwon to Kain and switches to battloid.
[08:23:17] 2Lt. Sarah flies down to the others, going battloid and falling in behind as 'visible backup'
[08:24:20] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver sighs going battloid and joining the others as backup putting her cigerette out on the consol
[08:24:23] 2Lt. Sarah: "Funny. I am not a Jedi yet." She shrugs in her cockpit. "Be cool if I /could/ do that certainly, but…" She shakes her head. "Nope."
[08:27:11] GM: As you split up and the second element falls back and the first one lands, there is a flurry of missile launch detection warnings.
[08:28:11] Capt Kain Crockett is glad to have not gone battloid. Kain launches counter meastures, and attempts to dodge. [1d100] => [8] = (8) [1d20+15] => [6,15] = (21)
[08:28:42] Capt. Komillia Maeless drops countermeasures and tries for a shoot down. [1d100] => [92] = (92) [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[08:29:13] GM: [2d20] => [12,13] = (25)
[08:29:14] WO Febrith Nyx drops countermeasures and tries to roll out of the way. [1d100] => [20] = (20), [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[08:31:02] GM: About two dozen missiles arc upwards, you get good tone and Ay, you are able to impact a pair of them, about half start banging out massive amounts of jamming as the rest arc over and begin a terminal powered dive into their targets.
[08:31:42] GM: [2d5] => [4,3] = (7)
[08:32:18] GM: nyx and Sarah .
[08:32:45] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( may i assist in shooting down missiles directed at allies? ))
[08:32:46] GM: Nyx will take a hit, Sarah has to dodge a 16
[08:33:14] 2Lt. Sarah tries to dodge. [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[08:33:25] GM: ((no, this is technically a suprise attack)) if you had called it like Ay had, then yes, but you called after the act.
[08:33:47] GM: [2d6*10] => 50 to Nyx, and [2d6*10] => 20 to sarah
[08:34:09] GM: The missiles warhead werent contact, rather flachette.
[08:34:20] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oh ))
[08:34:48] WO Febrith Nyx: ((AFK, bio))
[08:34:59] GM: so both mecha got riddeled with two foot long tungstan rods.
[08:36:43] GM: and the area is covered in jamming, sesnors are next to useless at this point
[08:37:05] 2Lt. Sarah sighs at that. "Well, I guess we know now, yes?"
[08:37:22] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( that didn't really asnwere my question, but ok :P ))
[08:37:34] 2Lt. Sarah: "Suggest we rip the cable out on both ends?"
[08:37:41] 2Lt. Sarah: "At minimum.
[08:38:56] 2Lt. Sarah: "Or we planning to large scale party crash?"
[08:39:58] GM: (9well, let me refrain, most sensors are useless))
[08:40:07] WO Febrith Nyx: ((back))
[08:40:11] 2Lt. Sarah: (( this is true ))
[08:40:26] 2Lt. Sarah senses for PC in the base, to see if she can pinpoint numbers. [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23)
[08:41:08] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: " See what being nice gets us, can we turn this place into a parking lot yet?! "
[08:41:44] Capt Kain Crockett puts up hos own ECM, "silver, kill their radar connection."
[08:41:45] GM: Again, depending on where you are in the air and on the ground, you can tell that you and your allies are anywhere within 3 to 15 km of the base (some are further away, others are closer, you yourself are the closest 3km, and you can pick up mecha and the plant noise of a starship.
[08:42:09] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [1] = (1) vs 75 ecm
[08:42:25] GM: Ooo
[08:42:25] GM: vurr nice
[08:42:46] Capt Kain Crockett goes battloid and lands
[08:43:00] LtJG Rain Silver face palms listening to the convorsation " oh uh roger " attempting to jam their comunications and sensory equipment [1d100] => [47] = (47) vs 65% AEW [1d100] => [69] = (69) vs 65% ECM
[08:43:53] GM: Kain, you defly filter the noise out, might be good against a 'Coastie' patrol this ECm of theairs, but not against 5th generation REF mecha. You punch thru this…second rate cast off zent garbage' with contemptous ease!
[08:44:34] Capt. Komillia Maeless goes gerwalk.
[08:44:41] GM: no
[08:44:45] GM: this is komi
[08:44:50] GM: she goes GRRRRR walk!
[08:45:16] GM: with a lil mouth froth for funzies
[08:46:04] Capt Kain Crockett scans the area. "Anyone else cleared up." [1d100] => [87] = (87) vs 70 RSI, [1d100] => [32] = (32) vs 71 Intelligence. [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14) PERC.
[08:46:37] GM: If they are linked with you they are, but…I dont think they are…
[08:47:00] GM: Vitt what is U B doing?
[08:47:36] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( in battloid mode waiting to shoot something :P ))
[08:48:03] GM: how many attacks do you have in your mecha?
[08:48:06] GM: Vitt
[08:48:21] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( only 5 in the delta ))
[08:48:27] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( no MECT in it lol ))
[08:48:35] GM: FAIL!
[08:48:40] Capt Kain Crockett: ((7))
[08:48:57] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((14))
[08:49:03] GM: ((so…let me get this right…you took a meach into the field in which you have had no 'formal training' in?
[08:49:08] WO Febrith Nyx: ((7))
[08:49:42] WO Febrith Nyx: ((She's a full marine, what do you expect?))
[08:50:04] GM: ((the spirits of past warriors look upon you in shake their heads in shame.))
[08:50:06] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( she has pilot skill no MECT, she's got MECT in cyclone thats it lol ))
[08:50:45] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( Delta is new to her till she levels up ( on paper and IC how bout that ) ))
[08:50:46] GM: ((only Attila the Hun approves, but he's fucking batshit crazy!))
[08:51:42] GM: Okay, so going in Init order, Komi of course goes forst miss I have more attacks then GOD!!!
[08:52:42] GM: Komi?
[08:53:32] 2Lt. Sarah: 6 for me,
[08:53:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( 9 for Ay ))
[08:54:34] Capt. Komillia Maeless will fire the main gun in the general direction of the former missiles. [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:54:46] GM: You tear up the countryside instead
[08:54:57] GM: Ay
[08:56:34] Cpt. Aylanea whirls in the direction of the missiles, firing a short burst at the direction they came from, from her GAU-38. [1d20+15] => [9,15] = (24)
[08:56:57] GM: You also reap indeterminate results.
[08:58:42] GM: [4d20] => [7,3,16,16] = (42) at [4d6] => [6,2,4,5] = (17) 1 Vitt, 2 Sarah, 3 Kian, 4 Nyx, 5 Ay, 6 Komi
[08:59:07] GM: +4 to all
[08:59:28] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[08:59:30] GM: so, komi, Sarah, Nyx and Ay
[08:59:49] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [7,11] = (18)
[08:59:56] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[09:00:26] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [15,15] = (30)
[09:00:36] GM: [2d6*10] => 30 Nyx is hit with an auto laser of some sort. She is the only one hit.
[09:00:47] GM: Kain and Nyx
[09:02:58] Capt Kain Crockett sprays the area with the Gau-11 [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[09:03:25] WO Febrith Nyx does a strafe to the area with the Eu-15. [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16)
[09:03:46] GM: Kain damage, Nyx, you tear up countryside
[09:04:35] GM: Sarah
[09:05:43] Capt Kain Crockett: [4d6*5] => 70
[09:06:03] GM: Kain you are rewarded by a good secondary.
[09:06:32] 2Lt. Sarah peers at where Kain shot, holding off no her own for the moment, to line herself up for firing. (upping intuitive, pass)
[09:06:51] Capt Kain Crockett: ((what do you mean by a good secondary?))
[09:06:51] GM: Vitt
[09:07:15] GM: ((you must of hit something since there was a secondary explosion after your strafed))
[09:08:59] GM: Vittoria?
[09:10:52] GM: Vitt is MIA, bringing it around, backto Komi
[09:12:36] GM: komi?
[09:12:54] Capt. Komillia Maeless sprays the area with the forearm guns. [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[09:13:38] GM: ((as an aside…I am chuckling that even now, the thrid attack in, Kain has forgotten his inital attack order keke))
[09:14:03] GM: damage komi
[09:14:31] 2Lt. Sarah: x/ooc lol
[09:14:36] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:14:37] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yeah ))
[09:15:24] GM: ay
[09:15:44] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d8*10] => 110
[09:16:05] GM: skadoosh! A nice boom, you must have hit a magazine
[09:16:14] Cpt. Aylanea fires another short burst from her GAU-38. [1d20+15] => [4,15] = (19)
[09:16:20] Cpt. Aylanea: (( fail ))
[09:16:20] GM: missing
[09:16:43] GM: [10d20] => [2,15,13,13,7,17,19,8,4,18] = (116) (6 missile 4 gun) @ [10d6] => [5,6,2,5,5,6,4,2,6,4] = (45)
[09:17:43] GM: Ay, you have to dodge a 16 and a 10
[09:18:10] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [13,15] = (28)
[09:18:11] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [13,15] = (28)
[09:18:32] GM: Komi has to dodge a 18, 20, and 7
[09:18:52] GM: Sarah, 15, 11
[09:19:18] GM: Nyx, 23 and 22
[09:19:24] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+14] => [18,14] = (32)
[09:19:24] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+14] => [11,14] = (25)
[09:19:39] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [6,12] = (18)
[09:19:40] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[09:19:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[09:19:49] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [18,11] = (29)
[09:19:51] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[09:19:55] GM: two hits AWT
[09:20:07] GM: on komi, nyx espaces harm
[09:20:36] GM: [4d6*10] => 90
[09:20:58] GM: Kain and Nyx
[09:22:20] Capt Kain Crockett fires a volley of 10 SRMS into the area. [1d20+3] => [19,3] = (22)
[09:22:32] GM: ba ba ba ba -BOOM
[09:22:40] WO Febrith Nyx continues to spray the area. [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[09:22:50] GM: sarah
[09:24:12] 2Lt. Sarah tries to fire the gamma's big cannon into the direction. [1d20+11] => [16,11] = (27)
[09:24:24] GM: ?
[09:24:53] 2Lt. Sarah: (( the direction the fire was all coming from? :p ))
[09:25:52] GM: there is a secondary off of that
[09:25:58] GM: vitt?
[09:26:29] 2Lt. Sarah: (( okay, will roll damage then ))
[09:26:35] 2Lt. Sarah: [4d6*10] => 190
[09:26:39] GM: ((dont bother))
[09:26:47] GM: ((nm))
[09:26:50] 2Lt. Sarah: (( … oh :p ))
[09:27:56] GM: you continue to batte the defences taking sperodic hits in return as you slowly advance, soon, the fire you have been taking by what you have determined are fixed defenses are joined by fire from mobile units now deployed using terrain as cover.
[09:28:22] GM: komi
[09:28:51] Capt. Komillia Maeless turns her top gun on the mobile unit. [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[09:29:02] GM: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[09:29:44] GM: bearly hitting the Beta
[09:30:32] Capt. Komillia Maeless: "Hey Sarah, this may be the ghost of one of your old mecha."
[09:30:47] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d10*10] => 160
[09:30:59] GM: The burly mecha staggers but shrugs the damage off.
[09:31:10] GM: Ay
[09:31:21] 2Lt. Sarah pauses at that and frowns. "Great…"
[09:32:11] GM: ((actually…that shot should have been a miss, under cover requires a nat 10 or higher to hit…
[09:32:32] GM: ((to many effing rules….sigh))
[09:32:59] GM: Ay?
[09:33:11] Cpt. Aylanea twirls around for the mobile unit, trying to let it have it with a short burst and the particle beam if she can. [1d20+15] => [15,15] = (30)
[09:33:21] GM: [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[09:33:23] GM: hit
[09:34:20] Cpt. Aylanea: [(2d8*5)+(2d4*10)] => 95
[09:34:33] Cpt. Aylanea: (( … really :p nice. ))
[09:34:36] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:35:07] GM: the Beta turns on Ay and fires a quartet of GU-11's at her (paired) [1d20+11] => [20,11] = (31) [1d20+11] => [11,11] = (22)
[09:35:40] GM: med bursts
[09:35:47] Cpt. Aylanea: (( holy f ))
[09:36:17] Cpt. Aylanea tries to dodge away, in vain. [1d20+15] => [13,15] = (28)
[09:36:24] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+15] => [14,15] = (29)
[09:36:29] Cpt. Aylanea: (( crit hits ))
[09:36:30] Cpt. Aylanea: (( ow ))
[09:36:41] GM: [(4d6*10)*2] => 260
[09:36:42] Cpt. Aylanea: (( dis gonna hurt ~_~ ))
[09:36:50] GM: [1d100] => [37] = (37)
[09:37:08] GM: comms out
[09:37:19] Cpt. Aylanea: [440-260] => 180
[09:37:19] GM: you ar ein a Gamma?
[09:37:35] Cpt. Aylanea: (( no ))
[09:38:05] Cpt. Aylanea: (( a delta ))
[09:38:34] Cpt. Aylanea: (( gamma has 575 body ))
[09:38:42] GM: [1d100] => [55] = (55)
[09:39:14] Cpt. Aylanea: (( was just figuring out my remaining MDC, so 180/260 :p ))
[09:39:28] Cpt. Aylanea: (( er, 180/440 ))
[09:39:33] GM: [260-175] => 85
[09:39:35] Cpt. Aylanea: (( bleh, brain frying ))
[09:39:56] GM: Your left wing is blown off (control roll -20%) the remaining 85 carries over to main body
[09:40:06] Cpt. Aylanea: (( ow. ))
[09:40:17] GM: And your mecha is effectivly 'grounded'
[09:40:20] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d100+20] => [5,20] = (25) vs. pilot VT 90%
[09:40:30] GM: You manage not to become a lawn dart
[09:40:39] Cpt. Aylanea: (( she was in battloid anyway ))
[09:40:40] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:40:53] GM: oh, well, in that case, all damage to MB
[09:41:07] Cpt. Aylanea: (( k ^_^ ))
[09:41:50] GM: another three mobile units open fire [3d20] => [11,13,11] = (35) + 10 + 11 and +9 at [3d6] => [2,2,4] = (8)
[09:42:19] GM: 21 and 24 at Sarah, and 20 at Nyx
[09:43:04] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29)
[09:43:06] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+14] => [2,14] = (16)
[09:43:14] 2Lt. Sarah: (( pfft. lol ))
[09:43:37] GM: Sarah is hit with 4 mrm's [8d6*10] => 230
[09:43:38] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
[09:43:46] 2Lt. Sarah: (( only one attack left for me sigh. ^_^ ))
[09:43:57] 2Lt. Sarah: [575-230] => 345
[09:44:16] GM: Nyx is hit with a Partical Cannon [1d6*10+10] => 50 roll d100
[09:44:27] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[09:44:44] GM: you avoid being toppled by the impact
[09:44:46] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: ((sry had an emergancy arise and had to run out to pick my sister up, bad juju im all doped up and driving i want to kill my brother ))
[09:45:25] GM: ((owwie…))
[09:45:52] GM: Komi
[09:45:58] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( give me 5 min or so to back track and read, gonna have my scroll off ))
[09:46:06] GM: kk
[09:46:41] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires all guns at the BETA. "You will into string!" [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[09:46:51] GM: You hit the cover it is behind
[09:47:03] GM: Kain and Nyx
[09:47:09] GM: also, sarah roll d100
[09:47:18] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[09:47:30] GM: d100 again
[09:47:41] Capt Kain Crockett will saturate the area with the mobile units with 15 more missiles. [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[09:48:03] GM: carrie?
[09:48:06] GM: another d100
[09:48:09] WO Febrith Nyx will pop a set of 5 SRM plasmas at the guy who shot her. [1d20+3] => [14,3] = (17)
[09:48:17] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [84] = (84)
[09:48:19] GM: kain your missiles hit cover
[09:48:46] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( wow i didn't miss much , um cool ^_^ ))
[09:49:08] GM: Sarah all voice command systems in your mecha are dead.
[09:49:30] GM: [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[09:49:38] GM: [1d100] => [18] = (18)
[09:49:45] GM: Nyx your missiles are shot down
[09:49:51] GM: Sarah
[09:51:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oh god. :p :) lol ))
[09:52:25] 2Lt. Sarah fires her big cannon at the Beta defender quickly. [1d20+11] => [12,11] = (23)
[09:52:33] GM: [1d20+11] => [19,11] = (30)
[09:52:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( blah. sux ^_^ ))
[09:52:53] GM: you miss spectacualrly..oh if only YOU could have dodged so well ina beat… (i'm sorry, that was mean)
[09:53:12] GM: Vitt
[09:53:21] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( targets remaining? ))
[09:53:25] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( if you dont mind? ))
[09:53:30] GM: four mobile units
[09:55:20] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver opens fire on the most heavily damaged one (if any yeah picking on the weakling ~_^) with her GAU-38's 35mm guns
[09:55:25] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: GAU 38 20mm Gun: [1d20+2+10+2] => [19,2,10,2] = (33)
[09:55:26] GM: roll
[09:55:36] GM: [1d20+11] => [19,11] = (30)
[09:55:37] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: ^_^
[09:55:39] GM: you hit
[09:56:12] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: [2d8*10] => 30
[09:56:29] GM: Komi
[09:57:16] Capt. Komillia Maeless keeps the arm guns on the Beta. [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[09:57:28] GM: Ay
[09:58:16] Cpt. Aylanea fires a medium burst and her particle cannon again at the Beta. [1d20+15] => [2,15] = (17)
[09:58:24] Cpt. Aylanea misses, spectacularly, as well
[09:58:47] GM: The Beta fires at Ay and Nyx paired [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26) and [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[09:59:37] GM: oh…wait, Ay, you are gonna be mad at me…
[09:59:42] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+15] => [7,15] = (22)
[09:59:46] GM: I forgot to add a gun that hit you last time…
[09:59:52] GM: I will account for it here
[10:00:01] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I'm out of attacks too, so roll with impact. [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20) ))
[10:00:11] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I'm pretty sure I am anyway. ))
[10:00:17] Cpt. Aylanea: (( s'what I get for bein in battloid mode. :p ))
[10:00:20] GM: [12d6*10] => 400
[10:00:30] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [19] = (19) eject
[10:00:30] GM: Ay you are blown out of your mecha
[10:00:46] GM: Komi you escape horrid nastiness
[10:01:11] GM: Round recycles… Komi
[10:01:15] Cpt. Aylanea scurries for Sarah's mech to see if little Invid girl will let her in.
[10:01:46] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires all guns on the Beta, while hopping in mid air. [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:01:48] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[10:01:50] GM: Do you even know where her mecah is, righ tnow you arent sure which way is UP!
[10:01:54] Cpt. Aylanea: (( point. ))
[10:01:56] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:02:01] GM: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[10:02:05] GM: thats a hit Komi
[10:02:18] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d10*10+4d8+10+2d4*10] => [190,4,6,8,2,10,60] = (280)
[10:02:53] GM: [280+125] => 405
[10:02:55] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((there should be 190 more…))
[10:02:58] GM: [1d100] => [93] = (93)
[10:03:20] Cpt. Aylanea: (( she knew where the equipment said it was before she had to bail, or somethin. lol ))
[10:03:34] GM: Ay, you are still in the air after a zero zero ejection
[10:03:46] GM: The Beta retreats under total cover.
[10:03:54] Cpt. Aylanea: (( okay. lol. ))
[10:03:57] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:04:46] Cpt. Aylanea digs for whatever emergency beacon her CVR or the seat would have, ready to switch it on when she lands
[10:05:21] GM: Komi you are fired on in retribution by two mobile units [1d20+11] => [6,11] = (17) twin PBC's and [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22) 64mm grenade lannchers
[10:05:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27)
[10:05:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22)
[10:06:04] GM: the third mobile unit fres on [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) @ [5d6] => [4,4,1,2,1] = (12)
[10:06:18] GM: sorry [1d5] => [3] = (3) ay is out of the mix
[10:06:18] LtJG Rain Silver is blurting a stream of obsenities that is a complete 180 of his normal, its like hearing your child swear for the first time when he looses Ay's blip on his screens (( ^_^ ))
[10:06:22] GM: kain
[10:06:41] GM: komi is hit by the 64mm's
[10:06:47] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( it felt appropriate lol ))
[10:06:52] GM: [4d8*10] => 180
[10:08:30] GM: A hanger bay door opens up on the side of the ridge and a hovering Roil brings her guns to bear and opens fire. [5d20] => [6,18,8,11,12] = (55) all +9 at [5d5] => [2,5,2,4,5] = (18)
[10:08:41] Capt Kain Crockett will use the Gamma's shoulder cannon at the mobiles. [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[10:08:54] GM: ((not his turn yet))
[10:09:13] GM: kain also needs to dodge a 24
[10:09:39] 2Lt. Sarah starts dodging. [1d20+14] => [8,14] = (22) [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15)
[10:09:55] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oh ffs. ))
[10:10:26] GM: [4d4*10] => 70
[10:10:49] GM: lomi takes Ay's place as #5
[10:10:51] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [7,15] = (22)
[10:10:52] GM: Komi rather
[10:11:03] GM: [2d6*10+20] => 90
[10:11:06] GM: Kain takes 90
[10:11:08] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22)
[10:11:24] GM: hit [4d4*10] => 70
[10:11:33] GM: one more
[10:11:48] GM: have to beat a 21
[10:12:41] GM: and Nyx has to beat a 20
[10:13:07] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+12] => [19,12] = (31)
[10:13:13] GM: easily done
[10:13:19] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[10:13:26] GM: likewise for Nyx
[10:13:43] GM: komi
[10:14:00] GM: also komi I think you need to roll a d100, you have lost over 60% MDC i believe
[10:15:01] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [58] = (58)
[10:15:15] GM: electical system is out lose two attacks
[10:15:25] Capt. Komillia Maeless turns and fires everything into the bridge area of the roil. [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:15:33] GM: -4 for 2d6 melees afterwards
[10:15:51] GM: ((you have no attacks right now, this would be number one of your two lost
[10:16:02] GM: kain and nyx
[10:16:24] Capt Kain Crockett fires 20 missiles into the Roil.
[10:16:32] GM: hehe roll
[10:16:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23)
[10:16:47] GM: oooo
[10:17:04] GM: well, it WILL try and shoot them down [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[10:17:06] GM: damage
[10:17:08] Capt Kain Crockett: [2d6*10*20*2] => 2400
[10:17:28] GM: that'll do pig, that'll do
[10:18:16] WO Febrith Nyx fires one of her LRMs at one of the mobile targes. [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
[10:18:23] GM: the Roil is obliterated, there is a groan of stressed metal as the massive ship crashes to teh ground in flames
[10:18:41] GM: your missile Nyx is consumed by the conflagration
[10:19:01] GM: Sarah, you and Vitt are blinded by the blast/flash
[10:20:09] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( do i have to roll for fear of fire? ))
[10:20:49] 2Lt. Sarah eeks at that, squinting and looking away, and laughing a bit at the explosion. "Nice shot…"
[10:21:09] GM: there are secondary explosions as the ship cooks off when the smoke and fire clears enough to appraoch there is no sign of the mobile units you faced, but there are about 15 flash crisped 'pirates' in body armor further back within the bay.
[10:21:21] GM: you can with a +2 for distance
[10:21:36] GM: Ay, roll a d50
[10:21:42] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( treat as a horror factor roll? and what 1d20 right? ))
[10:21:47] GM: yes
[10:21:49] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d50] => [12] = (12)
[10:21:52] Cpt. Aylanea: (( a d50? ))
[10:21:53] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: [1d20+2+2] => [12,2,2] = (16)
[10:21:55] Cpt. Aylanea: (( o.o ))
[10:22:06] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh god, imma be crisped aren't i ))
[10:22:19] GM: Ay, as you were running back towards friendly units the heat shock front tosses you back 12 feet
[10:22:25] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh. lol ))
[10:22:48] Cpt. Aylanea gets back up and keeps trying to hurry back then ^_^
[10:23:10] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( your ass hurts, it feels like you fell asleep in a spanking booth at freak fest ))
[10:23:34] Cpt. Aylanea: (( and if she doesn't get back, she's a dead little girl ))
[10:24:11] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( did her beacon ever come on? if so Silver is playing spectator he could alert the others to her ))
[10:24:51] GM: yeah, her seats distress becon has gone off.
[10:26:33] GM: Ay got to get that 'broken fear' look in her eyes taht so many Eishi get.
[10:28:39] LtJG Rain Silver: (( she have any form of comms on her? ))
[10:29:40] GM: newp, CVR suit radio and thats it
[10:29:54] Cpt. Aylanea: (( s'what I thought. ))
[10:30:11] Cpt. Aylanea adjusts her CVR suit radio anyway. "Uh, guys? Someone want to pick me up? I'm heading your way now…"
[10:30:32] LtJG Rain Silver " Watch what your doing we have a man on the ground, Cpt. Ay is down, i have her location but who knows if she'll still be there if your blowing everything in the area to hell!"
[10:31:02] WO Febrith Nyx swings by and picks up the freezing Ay.
[10:31:13] Cpt. Aylanea: (( she's in her CVR, she isn't quite freezing. ))
[10:31:39] Cpt. Aylanea: (( isn't Nyx in a delta? ))
[10:31:42] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:31:46] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( and hides her built in thermometers well lol ))
[10:32:19] Cpt. Aylanea gets picked up and sighs. "Well, great…" She shakes her head.
[10:34:31] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: " Someone should really take him out and get him laid he worries to much " she sighs
[10:36:31] GM: Okay, Nyx goes picks up Ay, whiel the rest of you do what?
[10:37:40] 2Lt. Sarah laughs a little at Vitt, and looks at the entrance. "suppose we should see what we blew up with the Roil…" She makes a face.
[10:37:46] 2Lt. Sarah: "Hopefully not the governor."
[10:38:03] Capt Kain Crockett scans the wreckage of the Roil. [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 70 RSI, [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) PERC, [1d100] => [5] = (5) vs 71 Intelligence.
[10:38:51] GM: It was a Roil, it's on fire. ((you did TWICE the MD total to it, there is NOTHING of value to be learned from the wreckage))
[10:39:33] 2Lt. Sarah looks around the area inside behind it. [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) Perc, [1d100] => [79] = (79) detect concealment, [1d100] => [39] = (39) vs. 75% rsi
[10:39:37] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver checks her scanners keeping an eye out for any party crashers [1d100] => [75] = (75) vs 60% RSI [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 65% detect ambush [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 45% detect concealment [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4) perception
[10:39:44] 2Lt. Sarah: ooc detect conceal vs. 80%
[10:39:49] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: wow horrible :P
[10:39:49] GM: Even the NTSB with a full team and months of pick thru time would be all 'Well fuck, what they say this thing was again?'
[10:39:57] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rofl ))
[10:40:21] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( LMAO ))
[10:40:22] GM: They would have to take your WORD that it WAS a Roil.
[10:40:47] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( probably claim we were bull shitting and call it a bowing 747 lol ))
[10:41:21] GM: that or like Vietman body count math, 20 tons of scrap Iorn + 500 gallons of JP-4 = Roil
[10:42:25] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( ^_^ ))
[10:42:31] GM: Vitt, you are to transfized by the dancing flames.
[10:43:11] GM: okay so, like, what are you doing?
[10:43:58] 2Lt. Sarah: (( I just said what I was doing, I wasn't looking at the roil itself. :p ))
[10:44:41] GM: Sarah you see the trappings of a bse, parts, power trucks, stuff like that, and oorways leading into the base. human sized
[10:44:53] Capt. Komillia Maeless goes deeper into the area the Roil took off from. [1d100] => [78] = (78) vs 80 RSI, [1d20] => [9] = (9) PERC
[10:45:10] GM: Republic Troops have entered the base! Republic Troops have entered the…….8))
[10:45:28] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:45:47] GM: You see much the same as what Sarah has seen.
[10:45:57] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver keeps trying to do what she said she was doing but keeps looking back to the flames, half dazed (( waiting on other actions i suppose )) meanwhile Rain keeps watching the scanners for possible unfreindlies or anything out of the ordinary [1d100] => [34] = (34) vs 60% RSI [1d100] => [31] = (31) vs 65% AEW [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs 30% Detect Concealment [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs 45% detect ambush [1d20] => [13] = (13) perception
[10:46:03] 2Lt. Sarah heads in deeper as well, frowning at the setup. "Hmm…" She glances at the entrances. "So, Check the insides on Cyclones?"
[10:46:31] GM: Sarah your pec tells you that the flash fried bodies looked to have had their duffles and such with them and it looks like they were hustling towards the Roil for evac when Kain ruined their life.
[10:47:55] 2Lt. Sarah hmms at that andpoints it out.
[10:48:07] GM: You make your way into the base in Cyc's and after a good half hour secure the facility. The Gov is found in a cell looking malnourished and frazzled.
[10:49:27] Capt Kain Crockett: "Governor, I hope they haven't treated you too badly."
[10:51:03] Mara: Oh it was horrible!
[10:53:48] Capt Kain Crockett: "Relax, your safe now. We'll get you to our ship and then back to the Havoc where we can have a doctor look you over before returning you to your regular duties."
[10:54:42] 2Lt. Sarah nods a little at that.
[10:55:58] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver remains quiet in her own little word as she stands by outside half watching her screens and half watching the fire befor chiming in soft spoken for once " can we get moving? "
[10:58:56] Capt Kain Crockett has everything checked and brought back to their Roil and goes off into space.
[10:58:59] GM: Your friendly Roil arrives to recover you all. Unless you wish to occupy the enemy base, your Roil will lift off and abscond to a safe…undisclosed location to await retrieval. Maybe Nyx can help Rain with what Vittoria suggested, one only knows.
[10:59:23] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: lol
[11:00:03] 2Lt. Sarah: rofl
[11:00:11] LtJG Rain Silver anxiously awaits the arival of everyone in the hanger bay, with a bottle of… coke… hey your still on duty! ^_^
[11:00:25] Capt Kain Crockett: ((I'm sorry. I'm not seeing what was Rain supposed to be doing?))
[11:00:38] GM: Nyx
[11:00:41] 2Lt. Sarah stretches out and relaxes with the mission done.
[11:00:46] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: lmao
[11:00:46] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[11:01:16] GM: (5) 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: " Someone should really take him out and get him laid he worries to much " she sighs
[11:01:23] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( Vittoria said he needed to go out and get laid so that he'll relax lol ))
[11:01:34] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( yeah lol ))
[11:01:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[11:02:02] WO Febrith Nyx grabs Rain by the collar and drags him off to a private area of the ship for a first hand experience with Trow-style sexuality.
[11:02:35] GM: Grab your camera's and prepare to into youTube
[11:03:09] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( Rain : " HEY SOME THINGS ARE SACRED ! " ~_~ Vittoria " WOOHOO! im game" ))
[11:03:11] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: lol
[11:05:41] GM: Rain has a good next two weeks of waiting for the pick up
[11:05:51] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol. ))
[11:06:03] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( O.O ))
[11:06:06] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( lol
[11:07:02] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( well im calling it a night, exhausted. ))
[11:07:10] GM: kk
[11:08:06] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: (( night all and have a merry christmas ))
[11:08:18] GM: you too, merry christmas
[11:08:25] 1st Lt. Vittoria Silver: Disconnecting from server…
[11:08:25] LV (exit): 23:08
[11:09:07] 2Lt. Sarah: merry christmas everyone ^_^
[11:09:18] WO Febrith Nyx takes out a new belt, runs 3 long notches and 1 new short notch.
[11:11:48] 2Lt. Sarah: LOL
[11:11:50] 2Lt. Sarah: ^_^
[11:11:58] GM: lol
[11:12:07] 2Lt. Sarah: mean mean mean


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