[07:19:45] Capt Kain Crockett drops some nukes the hangar…
[07:20:02] GM: please make note of the updates to the site, and the damages to your mecha
[07:21:16] 2Lt. Sarah: lol
[07:21:51] 2Lt. Sarah: checking
[07:22:23] Capt Kain Crockett: Ghost II?
[07:23:09] GM: didnt change it's damage yet
[07:23:21] GM: but yeah, thats been on the site for months
[07:24:13] Capt Kain Crockett: [4d10*10] => 190
[07:26:11] Capt Kain Crockett picks up a Pulse Wave Gun and two Nh-46 Ion Pulse Pistols from the Armory…
[07:27:07] Capt Kain Crockett: return of the long burst. That was what? Three actions?
[07:29:28] GM: 2
[07:29:35] Capt Kain Crockett: kk
[07:29:37] GM: but the new rule set doesnt actually state
[07:29:47] GM: so I think its just one
[07:30:44] GM: [700/15] => 46
[07:31:16] GM: [700/60] => 11
[07:31:49] 2Lt. Sarah peeks at the new rule system
[07:32:39] GM: yeah, taht works, 2 actions for along burst,
[07:33:03] GM: but thats more for personal side arms, the mecha gunpods work differently
[07:33:41] GM: but we'll go with the blanket 2 rounds for a long
[07:33:45] GM: seems to wrok better
[07:34:09] GM: allows for pro's and cons, do you trade damage over attacks.
[07:34:35] GM: the gun pod tabs have also been updated
[07:37:12] GM: Kain, unless you purchased or looted a Bondar weapon during your time on the other side of the Gate, the Havoc, and well, the Fantoma Secotr at large doesnt have very many Bondar weapons laying about.
[07:37:18] Capt. Komillia Maeless steals into the muv luv universe and steals the radiation cannon.
[07:37:42] GM: Yes, that is a vurr nice gun.
[07:38:11] GM: But jesus, wasnt that like a full minute to two minutes prep time before you can even pull the trigger?
[07:38:41] Capt Kain Crockett: No, that was about 30 seconds.
[07:38:49] Capt Kain Crockett: Maybe 45.
[07:39:00] GM: seemed like a long time to me to be standing still
[07:39:06] Capt Kain Crockett: Still quite a bit of time to bloody arm the thing.
[07:39:57] GM: okay, so garb your gear, and dont forget magazines
[07:40:00] Capt Kain Crockett: That said, that was the test bed model. What happens after full development?
[07:40:07] 2Lt. Sarah: sigh. I have to re-eval my whole gun setup don't I. :p
[07:40:18] 2Lt. Sarah: since I was operating on 4d6*10 for a burst. :p
[07:40:19] 2Lt. Sarah: lol
[07:40:25] 2Lt. Sarah: *rubs eyes*
[07:40:29] Capt Kain Crockett: I'll take Playboy, Hustler and PC Gaming…
[07:40:37] GM: The plan of attack will be simple, (since LV isn't here, I'll dispense with the intell gathering that he would be doing with his pet Ghost, and lay out what is found.
[07:42:05] GM: Yes ma'am. I know the feel, I had to re-evaluate the entire load out on the Delta as well, but found that you can maximize fire power on it, by going either triple medium, or which allows most damage for most attacks, or, one long off the pod, and twin medium off the internals, for maximized fire power
[07:42:34] 2Lt. Sarah: sigh
[07:42:51] 2Lt. Sarah: I got plenty of sleep, but I had to drive all the way home
[07:42:53] 2Lt. Sarah: :p
[07:43:10] GM: that Lx2M set up also allows you to husband your ammo longer, since you would be drawing most of your ammo from the pod, which has a larger drum
[07:43:56] GM: [1d100] => [14] = (14)
[07:43:56] GM: [1d100] => [81] = (81)
[07:44:14] 2Lt. Sarah: …
[07:45:09] GM: Okay, Intell dump, the enemy has quite a few of those rigged asteroids floating about, as well as more then a dozen energy cannons mounted to other rocks.
[07:46:04] Capt Kain Crockett: Okay, I have questions to ask, the EU-15 lists a payload of 20. 20 What?
[07:46:10] GM: those guns run the gamut, and while most were covered, a few you can recognize as taken off of warships, strapped to a power source and targeting array and bolted to an asteroid.
[07:46:52] Capt Kain Crockett: 20 rounds? so it can do one long burst before reload? 20 bursts? 20 years?
[07:47:02] GM: 20 five round bursts
[07:47:06] GM: (according to the book)
[07:47:21] Capt Kain Crockett: kk
[07:47:34] 2Lt. Sarah: *tries to read the stuff on the site again*
[07:47:52] GM: carries 100 shots all told
[07:48:15] GM: so, you have to be choosy , you can go hog wild and get fantastic damage, but, you will burn yourself out of ammo really fast
[07:48:39] Capt Kain Crockett: Next question: Where do we store gunpod magazines, and how many can we hold? I know in the old addition it was a spare in each leg…
[07:50:37] GM: thank god for models…okay
[07:50:55] GM: 2 magazines on each arm
[07:51:37] Capt Kain Crockett: Final Question: do we have one of these Ranged Combat thingies to start or do we have to burn an OCC Related to get the basic ones?
[07:51:44] GM: those are free
[07:51:46] 2Lt. Sarah: it's based on what h2h we have as I understood it
[07:52:09] GM: if you have assassian, you have sniper, if you have marital arts, you have Spec Ops…etc,
[07:52:20] GM: I think I put that all in there on the tab for it
[07:52:25] GM: house rule page,
[07:52:28] Capt Kain Crockett: Okay…
[07:52:44] GM: yeah house rule page, new tab for it
[07:52:50] Capt Kain Crockett: And for the two of mine with commando?
[07:52:58] GM: also listed all the levels etc so you dont have to dig thru books
[07:53:04] 2Lt. Sarah: sniper. kekeke
[07:54:10] GM: that would be Spec ops
[07:54:11] 2Lt. Sarah: oh, yeah
[07:54:11] 2Lt. Sarah: only assassin gets sniper.
[07:54:12] 2Lt. Sarah: duh me
[07:54:12] 2Lt. Sarah: :[p
[07:54:13] GM: well, if you have commando, I'll let you choose either sniper or spec ops
[07:54:13] Capt Kain Crockett: Komi didn't have sniper as part of her initial draw, and I'm just going to treat her as Martial Arts…
[07:54:14] GM: that would seem to make sense
[07:54:14] GM: kk
[07:54:39] Capt Kain Crockett will take spec ops.
[07:54:48] WO Febrith Nyx will take sniper.
[07:54:52] 2Lt. Sarah: both of mine end up spec ops
[07:55:20] GM: easy peasy
[07:55:37] WO Febrith Nyx: And how does this stack against existing bonuses?
[07:55:39] 2Lt. Sarah: nothing is 'easy' about this
[07:56:14] WO Febrith Nyx: Agreed, I'll have to go back and rework my characters to include this info.
[07:56:34] 2Lt. Sarah: samer
[07:56:37] 2Lt. Sarah: same even
[07:56:47] 2Lt. Sarah: and try to sort it out and understand it better when I'm more coherent.
[07:57:00] 2Lt. Sarah: I tried to get enough rest and sleep ,but weather and complications during drive home made it very long
[07:58:09] GM: thats fine, there were growing pains anticipated, but I think this will give us some more fun, and, if it gets to cumbersome we can discard it
[07:58:58] GM: I think the rifter article assumes it stacks with the WP bonuses, since the core rules state that PP bonuses aren't applied to ranged combat. Something I discarded
[07:59:25] GM: so, lets have it stack, and it will for the bad guys as well, so it evens out
[07:59:51] GM: plus it makes it simpler so we dont have to have two seperate attack bonuses we have to worry about
[08:00:35] 2Lt. Sarah: isn't the init bonus separate from the h2h one then, along with the bonus on top of PP? I'm going to have to re-figure all of it
[08:01:03] GM: thtas also why for mecha gunpods etc I listed the damage on the site (just adjust your sheets to match,
[08:01:47] GM: that would be seperate, so, whatever it is now, just add Initiative: Ranged
[08:02:08] 2Lt. Sarah: yeah
[08:02:10] 2Lt. Sarah: thought so
[08:02:16] GM: and so if you had a 5, it would be Init 5 / Init:ranged: 7
[08:02:21] GM: or somesuch
[08:02:36] 2Lt. Sarah: this is a huge set of rule changes you realize?
[08:03:05] GM: honeslty, not really, I've been looking this over for months, and aside from a few things to add here and there, it's pretty seamless
[08:03:29] 2Lt. Sarah: …
[08:06:09] GM: the hardest part of this was the damage changes, and, I did all that for you
[08:06:32] GM: thats alos the reason why the sidearms all have their single shots listed
[08:06:48] GM: so just add the x2, x5, x7 etc to that and roll
[08:09:31] 2Lt. Sarah: right now, you're gonna have to explain all of this again anyway, y'know?
[08:09:42] 2Lt. Sarah: I'm going to catch LV and drag his ass back
[08:09:45] 2Lt. Sarah: some way or another
[08:10:07] GM: well, dont invest that much time on it, we need to press on tonight
[08:11:43] GM: so, did everyone read what I wrote regards the asteroids?
[08:12:47] Capt Kain Crockett will take a GAU-11 with his gamma and additional ammo for it. His missiles will all be heap.
[08:14:15] GM: kk
[08:14:51] GM: goin old skool
[08:14:54] 2Lt. Sarah: I had an EAU-14 listed before
[08:15:10] 2Lt. Sarah: GAU 14
[08:15:36] 2Lt. Sarah: think I'll switch up to an 11 myself though as well
[08:15:41] Capt. Komillia Maeless takes a Skorpion mounted with doggies to launch. Her limited fire weapons aren't easily reloaded, so we'll just have to give one extra GAU-11 ammo clip for Kain and the other one for whatever I decide on for Nyx. The NPC missile maggot will have to choose what he'll be firing, Komi would just assume Flame retardant foam.
[08:15:58] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((That GAU-11 has good damage and good ammo…))
[08:16:37] 2Lt. Sarah: one thing
[08:16:49] 2Lt. Sarah: how does the new critical hit on 18+ bonus get affected by ammo types?
[08:17:07] GM: Nod, I havent added the picture yet, but consider it a GU-11D which means it has a detachambe mag instead of an internal one.
[08:17:31] GM: detachable
[08:17:44] 2Lt. Sarah: HVAP was supposed to crit on 17+, and nat 20 triple damage, before the critical on 18 in the new thing
[08:20:51] GM: it stacks, and goes in order, if you roll a 17 you crit with the ammo and if you roll an 18 you would do more damage on top of that (this will be soehting to see how that owrks out, I dont anticipate to many issues on that, so, to make it simple, 17 x2 and an 18 would be x3, if you roll a nat 20 then x5
[08:21:19] WO Febrith Nyx will take a gamma, she will take the GAU-38 and ammo magazines. Her missiles will be tips: 5 Plasma each, Wings: 5 Medium range HEAPS on one, 15 SRM HEAP on the other, Body (assuming one is in use for the gun pod): 1 Heavy Plasma LRM.
[08:22:08] GM: kk
[08:23:02] Cpt. Aylanea will be in a delta, unmodded for now
[08:23:12] Cpt. Aylanea: cept for the hvap
[08:23:48] GM: Nyx, are those for your internal stores, or underwing loads?
[08:24:46] 2Lt. Sarah takes all HEAP to be boring, as well, for note ;p
[08:25:13] WO Febrith Nyx: ((it says NOTHING abotu internal stores on the beta.))
[08:25:25] GM: the beta?
[08:25:28] WO Febrith Nyx: ((er Delta.))
[08:25:35] GM: The Gamma
[08:25:38] GM: you said Gamma
[08:25:47] WO Febrith Nyx: ((I meant Delta.))
[08:25:50] GM: kk
[08:25:55] GM: now I is less confused
[08:26:05] WO Febrith Nyx: ((head not all there today…))
[08:26:43] GM: okay, so, I've told you about the 'roids
[08:26:51] GM: so, check that off
[08:27:04] GM: Yall have loaded out your mecha, check that off
[08:27:53] GM: Suki has left a post it note for Sarah on the inside of her helmet visor, says ' I 'heart' U '
[08:28:33] 2Lt. Sarah: d'aww. ^_^ *blushes weird olive/bruise color*
[08:31:40] GM: okay you are the strike team, the Skorps will hit the hanger after you have secured a 'beachead'
[08:31:52] GM: (yes, I know that Komi is in a Skorp)
[08:34:36] GM: the mission is, get aboard, secure the control center, cover the technicians as they disable the 'mine field' and then mop up
[08:35:09] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Murder and mayhem await.))
[08:35:17] GM: once the minefield is down, the Havoc will move in, and, if it's not to much trouble, silance any fixed defences on teh main base as well.
[08:35:40] GM: otherwise it will be a long walk home
[08:36:12] GM: also, try to get as close to the station as you can before they spot you,
[08:36:46] GM: (how you do that, I'll leave up to you)
[08:38:11] GM: okay, you are launched and off you go
[08:39:15] GM: anyone?
[08:40:54] GM: …
[08:41:17] 2Lt. Sarah: (( erk ))
[08:41:26] 2Lt. Sarah: (( was working out the new bonuses and rolls with the new system, sorry ))
[08:42:55] GM: how do you approach?
[08:43:32] Capt Kain Crockett: ((double checking intell, got distracted with the other issues and forgot what it was.))
[08:44:41] 2Lt. Sarah: (( from the back door I'd guess might be the stealthiest way, since it's the 'least expected' approach vector. ))
[08:45:08] 2Lt. Sarah: (( but then, that might be expected, so take 'least expected' and rotate 90 degrees or so to a different angle if its thought it might be. hrm. ))
[08:47:14] Capt Kain Crockett: ((So there is the main booby trapped path. Is the base cradled in these things are can we sneak around the patch and blow a hole into the inside?))
[08:49:21] GM: the majority of the traps cover the appraoch sized for a capital ship to near the base.
[08:50:58] GM: and are designed to defeat cap ships
[08:51:22] GM: there is coverage for the larger of the other appraoches (those that are corvette sized)
[08:51:56] Capt Kain Crockett: Okay, so we fly in hard and fast just trying to out fly these defenses, without trying to take them out. Full burner, with timed transformation for rapid change of vector…
[08:53:45] GM: okie dokie
[08:53:58] GM: roll your rolls that you wish to roll, and lets roll
[08:57:47] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs 79 Pilot, [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs 70 RSI, [1d100] => [65] = (65) vs 75 ECM, [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 70 70 Escape Artist (you never know), [1d100] => [98] = (98) vs 65 Detect Ambush
[08:58:34] GM: nice piloting there Yeager
[08:59:13] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [87] = (87) vs 45 Pilot, [1d100] => [93] = (93) vs 80 RSI, [1d100] => [12] = (12) vs 85 Board Spaceships
[09:00:34] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [62] = (62) pilot vs. 94%, [1d100] => [3] = (3) RSI vs. 75%, [1d100] => [40] = (40) vs. 85% detect ambush, [1d100] => [44] = (44) vs. 80% detect concealment
[09:00:37] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d100] => [28] = (28) vs 94 Pilot, [1d100] => [10] = (10) vs 53 RSI, [1d100] => [57] = (57) vs 83 AStrophysics
[09:00:51] WO Febrith Nyx: ((well one of my pilots can fly straight…))
[09:01:09] GM: yeah, the one with the least stick time too…
[09:02:14] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [85] = (85) vs. 90% pilot, [1d100] => [38] = (38) vs. 88% RSI, [1d100] => [69] = (69) vs. 88% boarding spaceships, [1d100] => [50] = (50) vs. 84% intell
[09:03:20] GM: [1d100] => [16] = (16)
[09:03:21] GM: [1d100] => [50] = (50)
[09:10:16] GM: Okay, you barrel on towards the point of entry you have selected (what point of entry is that by the way? you never specified) Komi and Kain give their mecha an Arizona racing stripe [2d6*10] => 80 to each mecha main body. Kain, your ECM work tells you that you're high speed approach has been noticed and your RSI tells you that the radar is likely off a Quel Quillie. Sarah, you avoid denting your mecha, and your RSI tells you that, yes, you have been spotted, but the enemy isnt sure where exactly, and that enemy craft are manuvering towards you to intercept. Komi and Ay, you have your touch down points all figured out, and they look good.
[09:10:55] 2Lt. Sarah relays the info about being spotted of course.
[09:13:23] WO Febrith Nyx: ((hangar bay? you seem to think we remember what your picture looks like and can find it easily.))
[09:13:59] GM: kk
[09:16:47] GM: As you burst out of the thicket you see the hanger bay ahead. 10 Gnerl rise up out of it to attack you, inside you see twenty or so boiroids taking up position alongside a half dozen Male Power armors. Inside the hanger is a Taul Detral and a Dreanitz
[09:17:50] GM: Behind you, the persuing enemy begin to run afoul of the second flight of fighters off the Havoc that had been covering your six
[09:18:36] GM: The Gnerls launch their missiles at you
[09:18:51] GM: as the bases point defence cannons go hot
[09:19:35] GM: [10d20] => [8,12,11,14,6,20,19,1,4,18] = (113)
[09:20:32] GM: Did you guys wanna, you know? Do anything?
[09:23:13] Capt Kain Crockett: ((how far to the hangar bay?))
[09:23:21] GM: a cuople miles
[09:23:34] GM: well, like say, 30 or so…
[09:23:42] GM: but at your speed..
[09:23:51] Capt Kain Crockett: Which is about 3 seconds…
[09:24:33] Capt Kain Crockett barrels into the hangar bay, goes guardian and swings around out of my squads way and opens fire.
[09:25:14] Capt Kain Crockett: ((at any enemy still trying to catch us, odds are those are SRMS, coing from behind, we should out run them stupid easy.))
[09:26:51] Capt Kain Crockett: ((yes, all but some MRMs and LRMs should be easy to out run…))
[09:27:14] GM: those missile are coming right at you, and will hit if you dont do anything about em
[09:27:40] GM: I told you that the Gnerls rising out of the hanger bay in front of you had fired them
[09:30:35] GM: Well, Komi's gunner doesnt wanna die so…he launches missiles at the missiles. [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[09:30:53] GM: [1d100] => [59] = (59)
[09:31:50] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Excuse me? We can't just our run missiles going at best 1000 mph while doing Mach 7?))
[09:31:57] 2Lt. Sarah fires flairs. [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[09:32:01] GM: ((oh god, it's a game!
[09:32:01] 2Lt. Sarah: (( flares ))
[09:32:14] Cpt. Aylanea fires flares as well. [1d100] => [10] = (10)
[09:32:53] GM: ((and you arent out running, you are flying right into))
[09:33:18] Capt Kain Crockett: ((oh I thought they were behind us…))
[09:33:24] GM: ((newp))
[09:33:57] Capt Kain Crockett hits the flares and dodges out of the way. [1d100] => [53] = (53) [1d20+15] => [12,15] = (27)
[09:34:24] Capt. Komillia Maeless hits the flares and dodges out of the way. [1d100] => [60] = (60) [1d20+13] => [19,13] = (32)
[09:34:40] WO Febrith Nyx hits the flares and dodges out of the way. [1d100] => [35] = (35) [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[09:35:47] GM: [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[09:35:54] GM: [1d100] => [79] = (79)
[09:36:42] GM: [1d5] => [1] = (1) Ay 1, Kain 2, Nyx 3, Sarah 4, Komi 5
[09:38:36] GM: Sarah you are hit with a pair or MRM's, Ay, you are hit with a Pair as well, Kain Komi take one apiece and Nyx you take one as well
[09:39:22] GM: [4d4*10] => 140 to Sarah, [4d4*10] => 100 to Ay, [2d4*10] => 20 Kain, [2d4*10] => 40 Komi, [2d4*10] => 50 to Nyx
[09:39:51] GM: the rest of the missiles are either shot down or are spoofed.
[09:40:28] Cpt. Aylanea: [575-140] => 435
[09:41:01] GM: Komi, Sarah, and Ay may fire on the enemy (in that order)
[09:43:33] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the big gun at one of the Gnerls, [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[09:44:19] 2Lt. Sarah: (( we even in range for a gun yet? ))
[09:45:04] GM: At the rate of closure, yes
[09:45:15] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[09:45:21] GM: Komi, roll damage
[09:46:45] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d10*10] => 160
[09:47:54] GM: Classic Robotech, the shot burns right thru the cockpit then out thru the back. The Gnrel detonates.
[09:48:31] GM: ((Carrie?))
[09:48:42] 2Lt. Sarah fires a medium burst from her GAU-11
[09:48:56] GM: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[09:48:58] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+8+1] => [15,8,1] = (24)
[09:49:00] GM: beat a 25
[09:49:04] 2Lt. Sarah: (( sigh ))
[09:49:06] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:49:12] GM: Ay
[09:49:47] GM: Sarah and Kieta must be related somehow, that or they had the same weapons instructor…
[09:50:20] Cpt. Aylanea fires her own medium burst as well. [1d20+15] => [6,15] = (21) 35mm
[09:50:28] GM: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[09:50:31] Cpt. Aylanea: (( fail roll ))
[09:50:53] GM: KOmi, nyx and Kain, in that order.
[09:52:02] Capt. Komillia Maeless bursts her forearm guns. [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[09:52:14] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[09:52:19] GM: damage
[09:52:42] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d8*10] => 110
[09:53:06] WO Febrith Nyx: me fires off a flight of 4 plasma MRMs. [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[09:53:29] Capt Kain Crockett fires 6 SRMS. [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
[09:53:31] GM: the Gnerl is shot up pretty bad and will pass by you trailing smoke.
[09:53:39] GM: Nyx you hit nothing
[09:53:58] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25) to shoot at Kains missiles
[09:54:04] GM: [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[09:54:17] GM: All missiles in Kains volley are defeated.
[09:54:50] GM: the pirates shot at [8d5] => [2,1,2,3,2,5,2,2] = (19)
[09:55:18] Cpt. Aylanea: (( yay! ))
[09:55:22] Cpt. Aylanea: (( only one at me ^_^ ))
[09:55:36] GM: They must know kain is the leaders….
[09:56:07] GM: Kain, you are fired at 5 times. [5d20] => [14,3,17,7,20] = (61) all at +8
[09:56:15] GM: Ay, [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[09:56:23] GM: Nyx [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[09:56:35] GM: Komi [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[09:57:26] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [5,15] = (20)
[09:57:27] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [8,15] = (23)
[09:57:28] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [2,15] = (17)
[09:57:29] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [7,15] = (22)
[09:57:30] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [2,15] = (17)
[09:57:47] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [8,13] = (21)
[09:57:57] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [5,11] = (16)
[09:58:01] GM: four hits on kain
[09:58:17] GM: and hits on nyx and komi as well
[09:59:48] GM: [3d4*10] => 70 and [2d4*10] => 70 (the crit) to kains [2d100] => [57,15] = (72), Komi, [1d4*10] => 40 to the [1d100] => [82] = (82), Nyx [1d4x10] => 1d4x10 to the [1d100] => [81] = (81) waiting on Ay
[10:00:45] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [20,18] = (38)
[10:00:54] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:00:55] GM: well well well
[10:01:04] GM: not often that that occurs
[10:01:24] Cpt. Aylanea: (( saved from utter destruction ))
[10:01:27] Cpt. Aylanea: (( ^_^ ))
[10:01:57] GM: Kain, your Gamma take a good amount of hits ont he left wing, the tail fin is blown off and the shoulder takes 70 (leaving it with 105 MD)
[10:02:12] GM: no saved from 80 points maximum Ay
[10:02:21] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh ))
[10:02:37] Cpt. Aylanea: (( so a 20 doesn't dodge a 20 anymore? ))
[10:02:46] GM: KOmi takes 40 to the canopy (pilots compartment)
[10:03:08] GM: it does, but you dodged an attack that woul dhave dealt 80 points in total if it had hit and rolled top damage
[10:03:15] Cpt. Aylanea: (( NDO ))
[10:03:16] GM: jsut sayin
[10:03:24] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh :p ))
[10:03:32] GM: [1d4*10] => 10
[10:03:45] GM: Nyx, you also take 10 to the canopy
[10:04:09] Cpt. Aylanea: (( gah at caps too :p ))
[10:05:52] GM: You and the Gnerls pass each other at high speeds and you continue on towards the hanger bay. You may fire once at range before you and the defenders get into gun range. The bases fixed defences are [1d100] => [97] = (97) 1-25% ready to fire, 26-75 may fire a wild burst before you hit the bay, 76-100 are to damn slow.
[10:07:36] WO Febrith Nyx fires of a flight 6 plasma MRMs. [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[10:07:57] Capt Kain Crockett fires off a flight of 10 SRMs. [1d20+3] => [14,3] = (17)
[10:08:02] GM: [4d20] => [12,1,14,14] = (41)
[10:08:10] GM: [6d20] => [14,1,10,16,3,20] = (64)
[10:08:15] Capt. Komillia Maeless is apparently not in gun range…
[10:09:00] GM: Nyx roll damage, same for Kain, Komis gunner however is, and fires off a pread of missiles [1d20+3] => [11,3] = (14)
[10:09:06] GM: [4d20] => [15,10,2,14] = (41)
[10:09:23] GM: [3d6*10] => 80
[10:10:15] GM: please roll damage for one missile only however
[10:11:09] Cpt. Aylanea fires 6 SRMs from her wing hardpoints as well. [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[10:11:21] GM: [4d20] => [9,7,20,6] = (42)
[10:11:21] 2Lt. Sarah fires six from her internal load. [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[10:11:29] GM: [4d20] => [11,18,1,7] = (37)
[10:11:48] GM: roll damages from your missiles
[10:12:07] WO Febrith Nyx: [4d6*10] => 160
[10:12:16] WO Febrith Nyx: ((you said only one missile…))
[10:12:20] GM: correct
[10:12:23] Capt Kain Crockett: [2d6*10] => 60
[10:13:02] 2Lt. Sarah: (( how many? ))
[10:13:24] GM: Nyx, your missiles blanket a [4*6] => 24
[10:14:40] GM: 240 foot area and engulfs one of the boiroids in plasma, the mecha falters then claws at the sky before the head of the meach baloons from the heat and then bursts tossing the charred pilot out into space.
[10:15:48] GM: Kain your shots pepper a similer sized area and blow the arms off of three of the boiroids rendering them quite useless.
[10:16:07] GM: Carrie, need you r damage
[10:16:20] 2Lt. Sarah: (( for one missile each? ))
[10:16:24] GM: one
[10:16:28] 2Lt. Sarah: [2d6*10] => 70
[10:16:36] Cpt. Aylanea: [2d6*10] => 110
[10:16:38] Cpt. Aylanea: (( trhere ))
[10:17:26] GM: Ay, your shots total three enemy Boiroids, Sarah, your shots wreck up two of them
[10:17:53] GM: You are now in gun range, Komi, Sarah and Ay, in that order
[10:19:49] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the big gun and forearms into the bay. [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
[10:20:07] GM: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[10:20:12] GM: Well, you hit
[10:20:24] 2Lt. Sarah fires her GAU-11 into the bay, in a medium burst. [1d20+8+1] => [7,8,1] = (16)
[10:20:30] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:20:33] GM: hit
[10:21:01] 2Lt. Sarah: [4d6*10] => 190
[10:22:10] Cpt. Aylanea fires short bursts from her internal guns, and a medium from her pod. [1d20+15] => [20,15] = (35)
[10:22:15] GM: Sarah, you now know the feel those VF-1 pilots of yore knew as the vibrations of 55mm rounds cycling out at a fantastic rate pepper your target, Designed to fit the Zentraedi, the 55mm shells make short work of the smaller Boiroid.
[10:22:17] Cpt. Aylanea: (( squeeeee ))
[10:22:24] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hvap ))
[10:22:43] GM: Komi, damage
[10:22:45] GM: Ay damage
[10:22:47] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d10*10+4d8*10] => 390
[10:22:57] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((AFK, bio))
[10:23:28] GM: Komi, your shot from the main cannon tears the boiroid in half, the top half lands off to the side, then after a few seonds pause, detonates.
[10:24:30] Cpt. Aylanea: [((4d8*5)+(2d8*10))*5] => 925
[10:25:27] GM: Ay, your shots tear the boiroid to tiny bits, so devestating is your attack tha the target cant even explode as it's torn to shreds.
[10:26:10] GM: Komi , Nyx and Kain,
[10:28:35] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires off the burst of the forearms. [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[10:28:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[10:29:06] WO Febrith Nyx fires her EU-15 in autocannon. [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[10:29:26] Capt Kain Crockett fire sthe GU-11. [1d20+11] => [20,11] = (31)
[10:29:33] Cpt. Aylanea: (( ooooooh ))
[10:29:56] GM: Mood
[10:30:10] GM: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[10:30:15] GM: Hit Nyx
[10:30:18] GM: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:30:22] GM: Hit Kain
[10:32:34] WO Febrith Nyx: [2d8*10] => 100
[10:32:36] GM: Meanwhile, aboard the Havoc
[10:32:51] Capt Kain Crockett: [4d6*10] => 130
[10:33:25] GM: Nyx, your target is hit bad and the mecha is tossed to the ground missing large chunks of it's armor, Kain, your shred your target.
[10:34:32] GM: You now all need to roll piloting for your 'hard vector change'
[10:35:10] GM: As the remaining enemy open fire [4d5] => [2,1,1,5] = (9) [3d5] => [3,1,3] = (7)
[10:36:05] GM: At Ay, [2d20] => [16,1] = (17) at +9 and [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[10:36:23] GM: At kain [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[10:36:31] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [12,15] = (27)
[10:36:32] GM: at Komi [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:36:41] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [2,13] = (15)
[10:36:53] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [4,18] = (22)
[10:36:53] GM: at nyx [2d20] => [14,16] = (30) with +8
[10:36:54] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [14,18] = (32)
[10:37:03] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[10:37:06] Cpt. Aylanea: (( crap, one hit ))
[10:37:08] GM: Ay is unhit, so is Kain
[10:37:24] GM: oh you are right sorry,
[10:37:30] GM: I cannot into math
[10:37:31] Cpt. Aylanea: (( 25 to 22 ))
[10:37:50] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [51] = (51) vs. 90% piloting for vector change
[10:38:00] GM: [(1d6*10)+10] => 50 Ay roll piloting -10%
[10:38:23] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d100+10] => [89,10] = (99)
[10:38:27] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh f ))
[10:38:43] Cpt. Aylanea: (( wait, I already rolled piloting ))
[10:38:50] Cpt. Aylanea: (( 61 with the -10 ))
[10:39:20] GM: Ay, you stick your landing, and are then knocked flat on your ass by a near point black hit from a Nousjadeul-Ger's particle cannon.
[10:39:45] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs. 94% pilot VT.
[10:40:04] GM: Nyx, need one more dodge,
[10:40:10] GM: Sarah you stick the landing
[10:40:12] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+11] => [11,11] = (22)
[10:40:57] GM: [(3d6)*5] => 35
[10:41:31] GM: Komi, Sarah, and Ay. your actions.
[10:42:06] Capt. Komillia Maeless turns and fires another burst from the forearms. [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[10:42:16] GM: Of the 20+ boiroids waiting for you, 17 have been either outright obliterated or rendered combat inneffective, there are alos 4 November Golfs in the bay as well.
[10:42:25] GM: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[10:42:27] GM: you miss
[10:43:51] 2Lt. Sarah fires the GAU-11 at one of the NGs in the bay. [1d20+8+1] => [9,8,1] = (18)
[10:43:57] 2Lt. Sarah: (( medium burst ))
[10:44:13] GM: [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
[10:44:17] GM: You likewise miss
[10:45:02] Cpt. Aylanea fires a linked short burst from internals, and medium from the pod, firing the particle cannon from the pod as well, to one of the other NGs. [1d20+15] => [19,15] = (34)
[10:45:41] GM: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[10:46:15] GM: damage
[10:46:32] Cpt. Aylanea: [(2d8*10)*3] => 180 [(2d8*10)*3] => 180 [2d4*10] => 40
[10:46:38] Cpt. Aylanea: [180+180+40] => 400
[10:48:16] GM: [250+70] => 320
[10:48:39] GM: Your shot shred the powerarmor and body armor underneath and then shred the pilots torso.
[10:49:12] GM: the NG topples backwards as blood covers the deck in torrents
[10:50:13] Cpt. Aylanea: "ew, gross." She giggles though.
[10:50:49] GM: The pirates open fire on [3d5] => [5,4,2] = (11) [3d5] => [1,2,2] = (5)
[10:51:03] GM: At Kain [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[10:51:12] GM: [2d20] => [3,16] = (19) +8
[10:51:22] GM: Ay [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[10:51:36] GM: Komi [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[10:51:37] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [6,18] = (24)
[10:51:54] GM: Sarah [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:52:20] GM: Ay is hit [(3d6)*5] => 60
[10:52:30] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[10:52:56] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [19,15] = (34)
[10:52:59] 2Lt. Sarah: (( I'm hit ))
[10:53:01] GM: sarah roll piloting -10% [(1d6*10)+10] => 50
[10:53:03] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[10:53:10] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [19,15] = (34)
[10:53:10] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [8,15] = (23)
[10:53:11] GM: Kain sure isnt
[10:53:19] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [5,13] = (18)
[10:53:29] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100+10] => [56,10] = (66) vs. 94%
[10:53:36] GM: well kain is once
[10:53:47] GM: [(3d6)*5] => 75 at kain
[10:54:00] GM: Sarah you keep your mechas footing
[10:54:38] GM: Komi is hit, roll piloting -5% [(1d6*10)+10] => 40
[10:55:28] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100+5] => [26,5] = (31) vs 45
[10:55:57] GM: Komi keeps her footing
[10:56:17] GM: KOmi sarah Ay
[10:56:39] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the top gun. [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[10:58:03] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[10:58:07] GM: damage
[10:58:10] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d10*10] => 280
[10:58:24] GM: You tear the top of another boiroid apart.
[10:59:49] 2Lt. Sarah turns and fires her big gun at one of the NGs. [1d20+8+2] => [1,8,2] = (11)
[10:59:54] 2Lt. Sarah: (( … frak me ))
[11:00:30] Cpt. Aylanea fires a medium burst and particle cannon shot from her gun pod. [1d20+15] => [17,15] = (32)
[11:00:50] GM: Komis gunner opens up with the 22.3mm front cannons at the various dismounted pirates scurrying around , some firing side arms at the invaders, other, are running for the nearest cap ship [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[11:01:01] GM: [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
[11:01:10] GM: Ay hits, Sarah! Gun pod jam
[11:01:17] Cpt. Aylanea: [((2d8*10)*2)+(2d4*10)] => 230
[11:01:25] Cpt. Aylanea: (( Sarah's big gun is the shoulder cannon actually ))
[11:01:29] Cpt. Aylanea: (( if they're landing and have footing ))
[11:01:36] GM: Ay the shots tear apart the armor but the pilot is still in one piece
[11:01:48] GM: well it still jams…
[11:01:58] GM: so there! nya!
[11:02:59] GM: okay, Komi, Ay, Sarah, Nyx, Kain.
[11:04:51] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the forearm guns. [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[11:05:07] Capt Kain Crockett fires his GAU-11. [1d20+11] => [18,11] = (29)
[11:05:17] GM: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[11:05:21] GM: komi hit
[11:05:24] WO Febrith Nyx fires her gunpod. [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10)
[11:05:26] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[11:05:29] GM: Kain hit
[11:05:35] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d8*10] => 200
[11:05:42] GM: Another dead Roid
[11:05:52] Capt Kain Crockett: [4d6*5] => 95
[11:06:00] GM: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[11:06:18] GM: Kain, you hit your roid but dont kill it, and it easily dodges Nyx's attack
[11:06:20] WO Febrith Nyx: [2d8*10] => 120
[11:06:29] WO Febrith Nyx: ((ah…))
[11:06:36] Cpt. Aylanea fires her pod again, same as before. [1d20+15] => [1,15] = (16)
[11:06:38] Cpt. Aylanea: (( omg ))
[11:06:42] GM: (i was waiting to see if Kain killed it…))
[11:06:49] GM: Her gun pod jams!
[11:07:30] 2Lt. Sarah tries to unjam hers frantically, swearing softly to herself. [1d100] => [61] = (61) vs. 74% (computer operation with whatever penalties, its an energy weapon)
[11:07:42] GM: The gun is cleared Sarah
[11:07:50] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yay! ))
[11:07:55] GM: Komi
[11:08:27] GM: Komi's gunner is still going to town on the dismounts [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[11:08:37] GM: well, he was till his guns jammed
[11:09:06] GM: KOmi?
[11:11:12] GM: the pirates open fire [3d5] => [1,1,5] = (7) [1d5] => [2] = (2)
[11:11:29] GM: Ay [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14) and [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[11:11:39] GM: KOmi [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[11:11:49] GM: Kain [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[11:12:26] GM: poke
[11:12:28] GM: poke
[11:13:04] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+18] => [20,18] = (38)
[11:13:11] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [2,18] = (20)
[11:13:15] Cpt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[11:13:22] Cpt. Aylanea: (( alias fail on 1 ))
[11:13:36] GM: Piloting -10% ay [(1d6*10)+10] => 30
[11:13:55] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the top gun. [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[11:14:04] GM: [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[11:14:07] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+15] => [3,15] = (18)
[11:14:13] GM: missing, please roll her dodge
[11:14:23] GM: on hm
[11:14:25] GM: nm
[11:14:28] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((it was a 1…))
[11:14:50] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d100+10] => [88,10] = (98) vs. 90%
[11:14:54] GM: Komi, Sarah Ay, Nyx Kain, only 4 targets left, can you do it inthis action
[11:15:05] GM: Ay loses her attack I believe
[11:15:10] Cpt. Aylanea: (( crap ))
[11:15:27] GM: yup, they hit hard
[11:15:36] 2Lt. Sarah: (( komi fired again, rolled a 3. lol ))
[11:15:52] GM: (i say that that was fr last action)
[11:15:58] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oh ))
[11:15:59] 2Lt. Sarah: (( anyhow ))
[11:16:01] 2Lt. Sarah: (( k ))
[11:16:06] GM: so new action, everyone gets to shoot but Ay
[11:16:39] GM: do eet
[11:17:35] GM: i have like 5 min left, lol
[11:17:43] GM: someone roll something
[11:18:08] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the top gun. [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[11:18:16] 2Lt. Sarah fires her heavy cannon again. [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[11:18:44] 2Lt. Sarah: [4d6*10] => 160 (if it hits)
[11:19:01] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[11:19:08] GM: Sarah you wax the last roid
[11:19:38] GM: kain and nyx
[11:20:00] Capt Kain Crockett fires 6 SRMs. [1d20+3] => [17,3] = (20)
[11:20:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[11:20:12] GM: damage
[11:20:18] WO Febrith Nyx fires four SRMs. [1d20+3] => [13,3] = (16)
[11:20:25] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[11:20:32] GM: [1d100] => [86] = (86)
[11:20:33] Capt Kain Crockett: [6*(2d6*10)] => 660
[11:20:47] GM: nyx your volly is defeated
[11:20:59] GM: Kain you blow the NG to bits
[11:21:29] GM: komi
[11:21:33] GM: and the pirates
[11:21:34] GM: go
[11:21:46] GM: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[11:21:55] GM: [2d5] => [5,4] = (9)
[11:22:11] GM: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23) at komi, and [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29) at sarah
[11:22:19] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the cannons. [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[11:22:27] GM: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[11:22:29] GM: damage
[11:22:30] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [7,13] = (20)
[11:22:35] GM: and sarah roll your dodge
[11:22:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d8*10] => 150
[11:22:54] GM: you hurt it, but not bad enough to kill it
[11:23:09] GM: sarah
[11:24:11] GM: carrie?
[11:24:22] 2Lt. Sarah fires the big gun again. [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[11:24:27] 2Lt. Sarah: [4d6*10] => 100 (if it hits)
[11:24:30] GM: thanks, but I need a dodge
[11:24:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oh ))
[11:24:35] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oops ))
[11:24:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( was being distracted by parent ))
[11:25:06] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[11:25:09] GM: [((1d6*10)+10)*2] => 140
[11:25:13] 2Lt. Sarah: (( erk ))
[11:25:16] GM: roll piloting -20%
[11:25:28] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100+20] => [59,20] = (79) vs. 94%
[11:25:43] 2Lt. Sarah: [385-140] => 245
[11:25:46] GM: okay all of you shoot
[11:26:08] GM: two targets left
[11:26:24] 2Lt. Sarah points to her mistaken roll above, keep that?
[11:26:31] GM: (nope)
[11:26:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( k ))
[11:26:38] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[11:26:39] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires the forearm guns. [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[11:26:41] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hmph ;p ))
[11:26:46] GM: ((I know, I'ma heel)
[11:26:52] 2Lt. Sarah fires the big gun again. [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[11:26:52] GM: [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[11:26:55] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [4d10*10*2] => 540
[11:26:56] GM: miss
[11:26:58] 2Lt. Sarah: (( roar ))
[11:27:05] GM: Komi kills one NG
[11:27:08] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yes, you're a heel, and a few other things ))
[11:27:09] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:27:35] Capt Kain Crockett fires the GAU-11. [1d20+11
[11:27:38] Capt Kain Crockett fires the GAU-11. [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[11:27:38] GM: ((dont sass me girl! not when you are standing next to a docked cap ship whose turrets could become active annnny second now))
[11:27:47] GM: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[11:27:52] GM: hit?!
[11:27:59] Capt Kain Crockett: [4d6*5] => 60
[11:28:08] GM: Damaged but still in action
[11:28:24] GM: Ay?
[11:28:35] GM: and Nyx I belive are all that is left
[11:29:34] WO Febrith Nyx fires another 5 SRMS. [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9)
[11:29:39] GM: [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[11:29:42] GM: LOL
[11:29:50] GM: damage
[11:30:13] GM: aww carrie, you were thinking of a witty comback to me and sarah lost out on the kill
[11:30:52] WO Febrith Nyx: [5*2d6*10] => 450
[11:31:06] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ack ))
[11:31:09] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:31:11] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[11:31:24] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ^_^ ))
[11:31:34] GM: With Nyx's final missile volly the hanger bay is cleared of any meanigful resistance, Komi's gunner is now pelting the dismounts keeping them scampering and unable to mount a worthwhile defense.