Chapter 2 - Act I - Part 1


[07:37:05] GM: okay
[07:38:55] GM: You leave Corridor Point and head into the Channel along the last know route of the missing frighter.
[07:39:52] LtJG Silver: (( damn it brb >:( ))
[07:41:31] 2Lt. Sarah: (( eek? ))
[07:41:58] GM: Sarah, you should make some rolls
[07:42:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( kk ))
[07:42:37] Capt Kain Crockett: ((what kind? Dinner? Crescent? Butter?))
[07:43:07] 2Lt. Sarah: (( mmm, sweet rolls with honey butter ))
[07:43:09] GM: Rick
[07:44:36] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Well, if it's a whoopin' you're a wantin', it's a whoopin' you'se gonna git.))
[07:46:58] GM: Carrie?
[07:47:03] 2Lt. Sarah: Navigation: Space [1d100] => [10] = (10) vs. 85%, Sensory Equipment [1d100] => [55] = (55) vs. 75%, Navigation [1d100] => [33] = (33) vs. 89%, Fleet Tactics (in case it's useful) [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs. 69%, Optics systems [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs. 79%, Detect Concealment (Anything behind rocks) [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs. 80%, Detect Ambush (anything /bad/ behind rocks) [1d100] => [22] = (22) vs. 85%…
[07:47:08] GM: kk
[07:47:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( just looking for more creative reasons to roll more skills ;p ))
[07:48:18] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7) perc (forgot that one)
[07:48:37] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs 75 Electronic Countereasures
[07:49:21] GM: you plug in what the 'cats know and then some and are able to narrow the field down to an area around a feature of space called the Grand Cay. Fold faults are more fluid in this area then most.
[07:49:55] GM: And, it is also along the route. And is normally given wide berth by frighter captians.
[07:50:18] 2Lt. Sarah frowns at that, making note of it, adn reporting it to all the appropriate people.
[07:52:40] 2Lt. Sarah hns and taps the console idly as well. "Question becomes, if freighter captains normally stay a long ways away from Grand Cay, what would push them to go closer… Outside of an attack, or the Cay widening."
[07:53:19] LtJG Silver: back
[07:53:55] GM: The captain takes that all in and nods. "Good question."
[07:54:56] GM: ((no input from anyone else?))
[07:55:15] Capt Kain Crockett: "So what's the risk of us launching fighters for recon?"
[07:55:30] LtJG Silver: (( im playing catch up sry :P ))
[07:55:50] GM: Ay, the answer to that is endurance.
[07:56:16] LtJG Silver: (( whats going on i dont have my tom tom im lost lol ))
[07:56:47] Capt Kain Crockett: ((get a Magellan, they're better))
[07:56:48] Cpt. Aylanea: (( uh. last weeks log is posted, you shoud read it ))
[07:57:14] GM: ((a bit catty are we lol))
[07:57:26] Cpt. Aylanea: (( sorry ))
[07:57:31] Cpt. Aylanea: (( we got ordered to find a ship ))
[07:57:37] Cpt. Aylanea: (( so we're headed to go find it ))
[07:58:32] GM: ((well, not ordered….asked. lets be honest, a civvie station doesnt really get to 'order' a REF ship of the wall to do much of anything…))
[07:58:34] LtJG Silver: (( thats right sry, i forgot i left fairly early last sunday :P ))
[07:59:21] GM: nod
[07:59:55] Cpt. Aylanea: (( sry. don't mean to be catty. ))
[07:59:59] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I'm dumb tonight ))
[08:00:10] GM: ((no worries, just so long as you arent Lufy))
[08:00:14] LtJG Silver: (( thats ok sprays with water from his squirt bottle** ))
[08:00:14] Cpt. Aylanea: (( heh ))
[08:00:19] Cpt. Aylanea: (( eep! ))
[08:00:32] GM: ((I got her back tho))
[08:00:55] LtJG Silver: (( kk i think i follow all now ^_^ ))
[08:01:55] WO Febrith Nyx: "Hrmm, couldn't we just take space's natural state to out advantage? I mean we could use some sort of catapault system to send a bunch of fighters over wtihout them needing to even power on their engines. Once there they could check it out and return under their own power. That should handle the endurance issue."
[08:01:56] Cpt. Aylanea sighs. "It's a matter of pilot endurnace, mostly. Could probably send out the Ghosts to run long range extended search patterns though."
[08:03:09] WO Febrith Nyx: "Oh. I can see the sense of that."
[08:04:13] GM: The captian nods at Ay, then looks at Nyx. "If we did a inertial slingshot the fighters would be on a ballistic course unable to turn. We also could not garuntee they would pass into space we could fold into for a recovery.
[08:06:58] Cpt. Aylanea sends down the orders to prep the Ghosts for launch.
[08:07:26] Lt.Col Ishida: Summerwind, Silver, prep a flight of Ghost's for extended recon duty. We will leave them here while we check the rest of the route and return for them. I figure that will leave them onstation for a day or two longer if we dawdle.
[08:07:40] LtJG Silver: "Why not launch them using Horizon shuttles? they could easily cover the distance send out three each with a legos, and i can monitor a ghost or two from one of the shuttles using a portable unit that and the horizons only manning the alpha crews would easily be able to accomodate them and make the pilots endurance a mood point you think?"
[08:07:47] LtJG Silver: (sry late on that :P)
[08:08:09] Cpt. Aylanea: (( or not. lol. :) ))
[08:08:11] GM: (Havoc doenst carry Horizont's they are to big and we are to small.
[08:08:26] LtJG Silver: (( ah kk then iggy that post lol ))
[08:08:30] GM: Ship stats have been up on site for a while now…just sayin
[08:09:22] Cpt. Aylanea: (( Ship Stats ))
[08:10:31] LtJG Silver: (( yeah yeah i didnt think about that :P ))
[08:10:56] WO Febrith Nyx: "These fold faults are proving a pain. Hrmmm, I'm curious."
[08:11:20] WO Febrith Nyx goes off to see what she can figure to circumvent the fold faults. [1d30] => [29] = (29) vs 3
[08:11:58] LtJG Silver: (( what am i to do with the ghosts? got confused reading that? prep them to stay in this area for extended runs? wile we leave em or what lost me on that ))
[08:12:25] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d30] => [6] = (6)vs 23 IQ, [1d100] => [86] = (86) vs 84 Math Advanced, [1d100] => [19] = (19) vs 83 Astrophysics [1d100] => [11] = (11) vs 83 Research
[08:13:36] GM: ((Nyx, right now that is something you know that a lot of eggheads (not gonna say smarter then you, but I'm sure over the decades a few have been…) have worked on that very issue. You have a good theory, and have found supporting theories, but right now, your math just doesnt add up. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, then you must acquit.))
[08:14:26] GM: ((Silver, you are correct,))
[08:14:35] WO Febrith Nyx: ((expect that set of rolls to show up later in another session as she continues working on it.))
[08:15:07] GM: ((fair enough. You may well get to pull a Louie, but, Ima make you sing for that meal.))
[08:15:49] LtJG Silver nods "on top of it" and heads off to prep the ghosts for their extended duties programming them accordingly (( computer operation i'm guessing :P [1d100] => [6] = (6) vs 91% ))
[08:16:08] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ooo ))
[08:18:31] LtJG Silver: (( there autopilot for the next century ever vigilant and standing watch on their own ^_^ or rather programmed to do as you needed them to do and keep watch over the area ^_^ lol do you need a navigation roll for setting up their routes and rondevues? ))
[08:19:25] GM: You set them upa decent search pattern and over the two days they are out there, they will be able to cover 1,440,000 km each in swaths 90,000 km wide.
[08:19:47] LtJG Silver: (( cool ^_^ ))
[08:20:05] GM: maybe even more using Nyx's slingshot idea, to just hurl them into the fault.
[08:20:22] GM: trusting them to eventually meander their way out…
[08:20:29] LtJG Silver smiles as he goes over his console "i like this much better then my hounds" sighs "ah peace and quiet"
[08:21:21] GM: Okay, you drop off the drones and then head off along the channel, you dont find much of anything although to you startle a few freighters at the Kokiri end when you pop in to turn around.
[08:21:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:21:49] GM: They are all AHHH…oh wait, friendly IFF….whew
[08:22:22] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lmao ))
[08:22:29] LtJG Silver: (( ? ))
[08:22:49] LtJG Silver: (( O.O ))
[08:23:28] 2Lt. Sarah: (( sorry, stuff that sounds funnier in my head. ))
[08:23:54] GM: You head back to the point you dropped off the drones and recieve one of the pre programmed status reports from the drone cluster.
[08:24:28] Capt Kain Crockett plays tiddlywinks.
[08:24:30] GM: There is a lot of data ro rifle thru…they covered about a 3.5 sqly area all told
[08:24:45] GM: so, make some rolls and i'll tell you the results.
[08:27:17] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [21] = (21) vs. 75% sensory equipment (to read sensor data), [1d20+1] => [15,1] = (16) perc for looking through it… [1d100] => [59] = (59) detect concealment (in case the vital info is crammed somewhere into a tiny snip out of a sea of data)…
[08:27:26] 2Lt. Sarah: vs. 80%
[08:27:41] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9) PERC, [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs 70 RSI, [1d100] => [17] = (17) vs 71 Intell, [1d100] => [44] = (44) vs 90 Comp Ops.
[08:27:48] LtJG Silver begins the tedeous task of going over the info watching the screens on his pad [1d100] => [35] = (35)vs91 computer operation [1d100] => [82] = (82)vs 59% intelegence [1d100] => [54] = (54) vs 55% criptography [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 65% AEW [1d100] => [70] = (70) vs 60% sensory equipment [1d100] => [40] = (40)vs 85% radio (for comunications electronic signatures data info whatnot i think i covered everything)
[08:27:58] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [52] = (52) vs. 74% computer ops (good idea)
[08:28:00] LtJG Silver: [1d20] => [9] = (9) perception
[08:28:28] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [4] = (4) PERC, [1d100] => [40] = (40) vs 91 Comp Op, [1d100] => [42] = (42) vs 80 RSI
[08:29:33] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12) PERC, [1d100] => [1] = (1) vs 53 RSI, [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs 79 RSI
[08:29:43] Cpt. Aylanea: (( holy god ))
[08:29:49] WO Febrith Nyx: ((79 Comp Op.))
[08:32:05] LtJG Silver sighs as he goes over them "this is so mind numbing, should have stayed behind at least then i could have just relayed a message if i hit on something"
[08:32:27] GM: Okay, you come back with some interesting resutls. At the far end of the Ghosts sesnor range, a pair managed to pick up some anomolous readings. (it sticks out becuase you have two drones picking the same thing up at the same place but from two different search areas, so, basically triangualted it. Sarah and Kain are able to note what appears to be a signature of a ship, and something that looks like parts of a ship (a debris field) Nyx, you also are able to pick up a few sensor ghosts that Silver is able to determine as objects likely employing some form of passive stealth.
[08:33:29] GM: The tracks you locate are also 3.5 to 4 ly into a fold fault.
[08:34:24] GM: (The ghosts do not have the ability to detect faults, but a simple position overlay with a know fault map puts them right there)
[08:34:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( heh ))
[08:35:22] LtJG Silver: (( ^_^ ))
[08:35:29] GM: So yes, your Star Trek techno montage. Computer, overlay target positions with known fold fault regions…
[08:36:27] WO Febrith Nyx: ((Computer, play hidden stash Suki6, folder H, all contents…))
[08:36:56] GM: ((Nyx, a Black ICE program puts you into a coma and blows up your computer.))
[08:38:53] Capt Kain Crockett: "Passive stealth, AND that deep into a fold fault… I say we just nuke it, this is entirely to fishy."
[08:38:54] LtJG Silver blinks leaning in as he sees the hit and smiles going over the data couble checking to be sure entirely unsure himself it is what their looking for points out the two hits to the others to see if they came up with it (guessing that part all of us seen) " I got a hit on what may be a ship here, not sure though whatever it is is using some form of stealth, but its definatly the only hit i managed. I cant be certain of what is though, but there is definatly an anomoley here"
[08:39:54] Lt.Col Ishida: it certainly seems to be the best lead we have run across.
[08:41:46] Lt.Col Ishida: Sarah, assuming a head of steam that of a frighter. If we headed towards that location in fold, how long would we travel before we were forced into a crash dive?
[08:42:23] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [63] = (63) navigation space (85%)
[08:42:55] WO Febrith Nyx: "Is there a way to fold to the otherside and steam in from there?"
[08:43:09] GM: 3.4 to 4 ly sarah
[08:43:24] 2Lt. Sarah: "Around 3.4 to 4 light years, ma'am…"
[08:43:58] 2Lt. Sarah hns. "Right where the other contacts are."
[08:43:58] Lt.Col Ishida: Hmm, as I thought, and unfortuantly know Nyx, even if there was a pocket, once you enter a fold, you will be pulled out of foldspace.
[08:44:10] Lt.Col Ishida: ((enter a fault))
[08:45:32] LtJG Silver: "if you like we can send 1 of these ghosts back out to make first contact with the annomoly and see what it is up lclose"
[08:45:38] LtJG Silver: "that is if it is still there"
[08:45:47] Lt.Col Ishida: I say it's a good bet that is where our frighter is or went. It's obviously a trap of some sort.
[08:48:22] 2Lt. Sarah nods.
[08:48:41] Capt Kain Crockett: "Which begs the question what to do about it? Is there anyway we can get a Ghost in closer to see what's going on?"
[08:49:00] Lt.Col Ishida: It's nothing short of a miricle that you were able to detect it as well, which means we are the nearest and best armed chance that frighter has as I seriously doubt Cmdr Youngmeyer will disrupt his busy schedule to assist, and it would take a month or longer for an other ship of the Taskforce to arrive.
[08:49:51] LtJG Silver: "so its us then right mam"
[08:49:58] Lt.Col Ishida: It would seem so.
[08:51:14] LtJG Silver: "I can attempt to increase our numbers should we approach on their screens make us look like a larger adversary then we will really be though i cant say for sure what the success rate of fooling them will be"
[08:51:51] Lt.Col Ishida: Well, at least we aren't going in totally blind. Rig the ship for a crash dive, we can mitigate what we know will occur. As for those sensor ghosts. Well, make sure we have DC teams on station to bring shields and weapons back on line soonest in that order in case we lose either during our dive.
[08:52:34] LtJG Silver: ((( er gah, brb again :P ))
[08:53:22] Lt.Col Ishida: Another thing in our favor, we wont be putting to much strain on the ship as I intend to take us in at the speed of a frighter, which is far below our top end. That will make the dive a bit softer.
[08:53:31] 2Lt. Sarah nods at that.
[08:54:19] Lt.Col Ishida: Questions or comments before we proceed?
[08:55:21] Capt Kain Crockett: "None, everyone to your fighters."
[08:55:40] 2Lt. Sarah nods. "Yes, sir."
[08:55:59] GM: ((yes sir I have a question or yes sir I'm on my way to my fighter?))
[08:56:08] 2Lt. Sarah: (( latter ))
[08:56:12] GM: ((kk))
[08:56:14] 2Lt. Sarah: (( to Kain ))
[08:56:43] GM: You all call this in to Corridor POint before you begin your run and then off you go, Sarah roll navigatio Space
[08:57:00] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs. 85%
[08:57:47] GM: You head into fold and then almost as fast are violently thrown out of it. The low overall speed, and spot on navigation softens the blow considerably.
[08:58:36] GM: As systsm complete their reset tacitcle picks up multiple targets all around and notifies you that the Havoc has been locked up by over 100 targets and, you are being hailed.
[08:59:10] GM: The message is simple and to the point. "heave to and prepare to be boarded, if you attempt to run, or fight, you will be blown out of space.
[08:59:45] GM: Those that want to can make some rolls to gather more information
[08:59:59] GM: ((otherwise you can leave it up to the bridge…))
[09:00:24] GM: ((but, I'd like to get player input , cause, well, you know, it's your characters and such))
[09:00:52] Capt Kain Crockett: "Command, what size are the targets?"
[09:02:13] GM: Targets are roughly twice the size of a Frandlar Tuvilo, and in fact, look like two of them stuck together at the base…
[09:03:11] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [93] = (93) rsi vs. 75%, [1d100] => [35] = (35) detect concealment (80%), [1d100] => [26] = (26) detect ambush (85%, in case there's something else not noticed aside from the obvious one), [1d100] => [23] = (23) optics systems (79%, to get better view), [1d100] => [28] = (28) fleet tactics vs. 69%, [1d100] => [56] = (56) basic tactics vs. 99%, [1d100] => [66] = (66) naviigation space vs. 85% (position evaluation along with tactics and such)
[09:03:12] GM: The other target is a heavily modified Taul Detral (that looks like it has had it belly scooped out.
[09:03:33] Capt Kain Crockett: "How about we hide as many of our personnel as possible to retake the ship after being boarded? and then use their ships to go over and take over one of theirs?"
[09:04:15] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+1] => [18,1] = (19) perc, [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16) active protoculture readings…
[09:04:29] GM: Sarah, tactically, this is a really well laid trap, and against anything short of a warship, deadly, no frighter would be able to survive this and live, and based on the debris you noted earlier (and are getting a better view of now) a few frighters learned that the hard way. (dt) I has more
[09:06:13] GM: Sarah, continuing, tactically, you are fairly confident that the Havoc could fight her way free, but she will get hurt, badly, in the process. Also tactially, it would seem by their inital order that they have not recognized our class of ship, again, not all that hard to believe as she is currently the only one in use at this time
[09:06:45] GM: Optica system, the Frandlars that are stuck together form cobbled together missile batteries.
[09:07:32] GM: Nav space, you are in a pocket of free space, inside of a fold fault.
[09:07:58] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d30] => [3] = (3) vs 23 IQ, [1d100] => [15] = (15) vs 83 AStrophysics, [1d100] => [43] = (43) vs 68 Psych Warfare, [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs Intell, [1d100] => [33] = (33) vs 68 psychologym [1d100] => [78] = (78) vs 73 Mecha Engineer[09:08:22] Lt.Col Ishida: My thoughts precisely Kain, ready your men and prepare to repel boarders.
[09:08:37] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs 85 Baoarding Spaceship
[09:08:52] 2Lt. Sarah relays all the info she's noticed, of course.
[09:09:15] GM: Nyx and Komi, you come up with some nasty ideas to mess with the heads of the perspective boarders, like, cutting the lights, dry ice, stuff like that
[09:09:35] GM: That and you have the home court advantage
[09:10:37] Capt Kain Crockett nods, "Alright everyone perpare to hide out and repel boarders." [1d100] => [34] = (34) vs 75 ECM, p1d100[ vs 35 Camoflauge, [1d100] => vs 35 Camoflauge, [1d100 vs 75 Undercover Ops.
[09:10:45] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [88] = (88) vs 75
[09:10:59] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [34] = (34) vs 35 Camo
[09:12:01] GM: Summerwind replies to the pirates and 'aquieses' to their demands then cuts the channel and nonchalantly replies to the Captain. "Well, they're on their way, portside airlock.
[09:12:09] LtJG Silver: [1d100] => [68] = (68) vs 91% computer operations [1d100] => [85] = (85) vs 65% AEW [1d100] => [87] = (87) vs 60% sensory equipment [1d100] => [93] = (93) vs 85% radio basic [1d100] => [29] = (29) vs 55% laser comunications [1d100] => [76] = (76) vs 59% intellegence [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs 55% crypto [1d100] => [26] = (26) vs 50% space nav [1d100] => [7] = (7) vs45% detect ambush [1d100] => [20] = (20) vs 30% detect concealment [1d20] => [11] = (11) perceptions
[09:12:20] LtJG Silver: do i have to roll anything special for IQ if i wanted to ?
[09:12:29] LtJG Silver: or just 1d20 vs my IQ
[09:12:36] 2Lt. Sarah: (( 1d30 ))
[09:13:11] LtJG Silver: ah nm lol ^_^ not that high on this character
[09:13:19] GM: You roll string doesnt give you much, although you know that the missile batteries arund you are talking back and forth with the pirate ship.
[09:14:03] LtJG Silver: "there is allot of heavy comms between the missile batteries and the pirate ship should i try to jam them?"
[09:15:21] Capt Kain Crockett: "I want everyone but Sarah and myself in Cyclones. We'll try to hide in or near our mecha as to be able to use them should they bust in with Bioroids or other mecha."
[09:16:23] Lt.Col Ishida nods at Summerwind as she has her attendant gather up her blades and cyclone. She then nods at Silver. "Join up with Kain and tell him to take his contingent aft of the portside airlock. I will take another contingent and hold them forward. He may initiate combat on his own recognasince at which time I will move towards the airlock in a pincers.
[09:17:12] LtJG Silver: (( lol me in a cyclone ?!?!))
[09:17:17] XO: Ma'am? You're heading into combat? Thats higly irregular.
[09:17:41] Capt Kain Crockett: ((yes, you can't hide behind doggies forever…))
[09:18:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:18:46] LtJG Silver nods "yes Mam on my way" hauling ass to the others to man a cyclone (( just need to know what model if any at all ^_^ i may not be skilled w/ it but ill give er a go ^_^ ))
[09:18:57] Lt.Col Ishida: There is not much we can do here in this bind. Besides, they have the gall to board my ship, I take offence to that. One thing, when we start to repel boarders, if that Taul tries to disengage, lean on her, keeping her close will be the only thing preventing those missile batteries from opeing fire.
[09:19:44] XO: Roger that skipper, i'll stick with her.
[09:20:31] GM: Okay, it takes a bit of time for the other ship to mauver into position to boards, about 10 to 15 minutes.
[09:21:37] GM: The captian reports that her contingent is in position and ready to advance, and lets Kain know that as soon as that airlock is secured, that he should be prepeared to counterboard the enemy ship.
[09:22:50] Capt Kain Crockett tries hiding out near the cockpit, if not in it. [1d100] => [81] = (81) vs 35 Camo
[09:22:58] Cpt. Aylanea: (( am I in Suki's contingent? ;) or where should I be? ;) ))
[09:23:00] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[09:23:09] GM: ((up to you))
[09:23:21] Capt Kain Crockett: ((FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*nuclear explosion*CCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK.))
[09:23:33] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:23:47] GM: ((might be better to be in the other one with the rest of teh players sine Suki's side has already been rolled up off camera for expediance))
[09:24:44] Cpt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[09:25:04] Cpt. Aylanea grabs an 057 and heads down with Kain's group
[09:25:36] Capt. Komillia Maeless suits up in a saber and preps a dry ice machine.
[09:26:00] WO Febrith Nyx takes a light cyclones and also grabs some flashbangs…
[09:26:32] GM: Speaking of nyx, she made those good mind fuck rolls, lets hear what she has planned.
[09:28:14] LtJG Silver: (( what model cyclone should i take, though i really dont mind just being in my armor with a rifle, probibly take me a good min to meet up with the team unless we are that close to each other, not sure if any of you have ever run to a station on a carrier but yeah and this is much bigger then that lol)
[09:28:36] WO Febrith Nyx preps a virtual house of horrors, cut power, seemingly dead bodies, someone sining Bonnie-kins and Teddy Bear Picnic over the comm in a creepy voice. ((Note: The character would be far better at this than the player.))
[09:28:48] LtJG Silver: nm reading wrong stats
[09:28:49] LtJG Silver: lol
[09:29:21] WO Febrith Nyx: ((flash bangs at odd intervals that just go off as they are passed, sometimes in front.))
[09:29:45] GM: ((I'll assume you set up a Bonnie Kins event for these folks))
[09:29:46] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:29:59] WO Febrith Nyx: ((you know make this ship look a lot creepier than it is, and oh yeah, playing footage of Komi castraing that one rapist.))
[09:30:15] LtJG Silver: O.O
[09:30:23] LtJG Silver: (( faints ))
[09:31:31] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[09:32:49] GM: ((Basically Tony, if you havent played it, the Bonnie Kins was the halloween event mission in the Star Trek MMO game, and is argualbly the best thriller mission I've seen outside of Residant Evil or Parasite Eve))
[09:33:09] LtJG Silver: ah
[09:33:15] LtJG Silver: ((right on ))
[09:33:35] Cpt. Aylanea: (( I remember all the forum posts about it, people who had volume up and crapped their pants or came close ))
[09:34:16] GM: This
[09:34:28] WO Febrith Nyx: ((I'll give you Parasyte Eve, not RE. However, you should try Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. There is a Ghost Mission that intially scared even ME before I remembered I was playing a FuckMothering Vampire and got over it.))
[09:35:21] GM: ((LOL))
[09:36:01] LtJG Silver: VtM: Bloodlines was a bit creapy at some points but nothing really scary to it, RE had the pop up shit in the original that caught you off guard but that was it, still had the creepy factor and i havent played parasyte eve
[09:36:24] GM: Okay, you get yourselves set up and then there is the clang and ship lurch as you relive the New Hope as you wait for storn troopers to board.
[09:36:42] LtJG Silver: (( what cyclone if any should i be using? ))
[09:37:11] GM: ((well if you are a comms guy, maybe a battler with a Recon / Commo rig))
[09:37:30] LtJG Silver: kk
[09:37:37] GM: ((if you fancy going into melee, a Sabre))
[09:37:59] LtJG Silver: no 30 series with comms gear works just fine ^_^
[09:38:15] GM: ((or a Light if you intend, like Suki, to BYOB (Bring your own blade)))
[09:38:27] LtJG Silver: ah nice lol
[09:38:38] Cpt. Aylanea makes sure she has plenty of M90C clips, as well.
[09:41:03] GM: Okay, you keep the light up in the area around the airlock so that all seems normal, to begin with and the pirates moving rather haughtily make their way aboard, (and there is a lot of em)
[09:41:41] GM: They have dont his before so they split up and head towards the bridge, and engineering
[09:41:42] LtJG Silver: ( 38R works for me since im not trained ^_^ take an h90 rifle and go :P )
[09:42:05] WO Febrith Nyx: ((will be using a M-90Lite))
[09:42:12] LtJG Silver: (( ah kk ))
[09:42:40] GM: They are a mixed bag, mainly in Legionnair and Terminator armor for the more senior members
[09:42:45] WO Febrith Nyx: ((not liite, M-90))
[09:44:18] LtJG Silver: (( ? ))
[09:44:26] GM: Kain, the group heading your way, past the hangers, send a sqad into the hanger what they assume is a cargo bay.
[09:45:14] GM: Again, all is normal right now, you let me know when you unleash Bonnie Kins on them
[09:46:36] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Just to make sure I understand correctly, everyone is in personal armor, no mecha. and one squad is going into the hangar while several others are heading deeper into the ship?))
[09:46:57] GM: Correct,
[09:48:11] GM: You basically have the entire troop compliment of the ship plus whatever crew is not needed to run the ship, in full armor in cyclones, at your disposal as well
[09:48:45] GM: ((Suki's contingent is hers to protect the bridge and the forward missile silo's
[09:49:26] Capt Kain Crockett siliently over the comm, "Nyx, unleash Horror-strategem, they are about to confirm this is a military ship."
[09:50:06] GM: One of the squad sent into the hangers notices Kain in his horrible camoflauge and points at him.
[09:50:47] Capt Kain Crockett slides forward to the cockpit quickly.
[09:50:48] LtJG Silver passes on the message from Ishida's message verbatum (not retyping it i think he got it already in fact this post mya be late do to figuring out cyclone situation :P ) as he gets there nearly out of breath
[09:50:50] Bioroid Terminator: Oy! Prick! Get down from there!
[09:50:55] 2Lt. Sarah basically tries to stay in the footwells of her Gamma, not much of a hider anyway.
[09:51:10] WO Febrith Nyx unleashes the bonnie-kins.
[09:51:17] 2Lt. Sarah curses softly as she hears "oy, prick"
[09:51:34] Bioroid Terminator: Wait a minute…this isn't a fright…..what the hell!?
[09:52:31] Capt Kain Crockett: "Leaping before you look?"
[09:53:01] WO Febrith Nyx: ((set off the horror show.))
[09:53:03] GM: Komi, your turn
[09:53:22] 2Lt. Sarah slides up into her seat quietly, switches on her mecha, and moves up into battloid mode, as Kain speaks.
[09:53:37] Capt. Komillia Maeless waits patiently for the lights to go out to start up the dry ice machine.
[09:53:37] GM: ((what was your roll on PSYOPS james? what vs what?))
[09:54:02] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d100] => [89] = (89) vs 68
[09:54:25] GM: ((Komi, I'm assuming that is in place and going, this is your combat action, I mean the roll that succeeded Nyx, I know there was one))
[09:54:29] 2Lt. Sarah: (( that always fails when it's needed. lol. ))
[09:54:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( the success one was a 43 vs. 68 ))
[09:54:53] WO Febrith Nyx: ((43 vs 68))
[09:55:02] GM: ((right, I wasnt asking for a new roll, but what was the old one))
[09:55:21] GM: kk, enemy has to beat a HF of a 13
[09:55:38] Capt. Komillia Maeless goes up behind the group and shanks one of them. [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[09:55:43] GM: [30d20] => [6,11,13,7,18,19,17,9,5,11,20,20,15,17,9,15,1,5,19,5,12,18,12,4,6,7,18,17,15,3] = (354)
[09:56:16] GM: ((Roughly half of them freak out and lose an action))
[09:56:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( one wets their armor, nat 1. ))
[09:56:43] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ;) ))
[09:56:51] GM: ((yes, one soils himself))
[09:58:14] GM: [1d100] => [69] = (69) 51 or over Komi you attack on that isn't afraid
[09:58:19] GM: Sexy!
[09:58:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((kekekeke))
[09:58:44] GM: [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20) is his perc
[09:58:52] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10) is his parry
[09:58:53] 2Lt. Sarah: (( oooo ))
[09:59:20] GM: Sarah , your action
[09:59:53] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [6,2,1,14] = (23)
[09:59:54] 2Lt. Sarah slides up into her seat quietly, switches on her mecha, and moves up into battloid mode, as Kain speaks. (as posed earlier, sorry for bein out of turn)
[10:00:04] 2Lt. Sarah: (( or is that assumd done? ))
[10:00:12] GM: (yes, assumed done))
[10:00:48] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hmm. The cockpit has a shield sliding down to conceal the pilot on the gamma, yes? ))
[10:01:00] GM: I assume so…
[10:01:17] 2Lt. Sarah: (( just making sure (rechecks morph sequence) ))
[10:01:53] GM: ((pic makes it look like the cockpit flips up and puts the bottom of itself forward while your seat rotates
[10:04:32] 2Lt. Sarah gets a funny idea, and goes with it, porting over to her old command battloid, to power it up and move it as well. [1d100] => [51] = (51) (within paper toss distance)
[10:04:38] LtJG Silver: (( i gotta get idk if ill make it thorough this one :( ))
[10:04:56] GM: Komi your action
[10:04:58] LtJG Silver: (( in terms of staying up i mean ))
[10:05:27] Capt. Komillia Maeless double stirkes to decapitate. [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10) [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[10:05:39] GM: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:05:43] GM: No dice
[10:05:54] GM: Nyz and Kain, your actions
[10:06:34] WO Febrith Nyx drops one of the boarders with a triple burst to the head. [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[10:06:44] GM: [1d100] => [11] = (11)
[10:06:48] GM: Damage
[10:06:53] Capt Kain Crockett scrambles into his cockpit and goes Battloid.
[10:06:54] GM: to main body
[10:07:12] WO Febrith Nyx: [2d4*10+10] => 60
[10:07:31] GM: [1d100] => [9] = (9) 75% or under in legionaair
[10:07:33] GM: Dead
[10:07:54] GM: The rest of the marines and pirates open fire on each other throught the ship
[10:08:18] GM: the pirates in the hanger bay, [6d100] => [76,16,69,31,91,82] = (365)
[10:08:53] GM: 5 can act, the one in combat with komi attacks her with a point black burst. [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[10:10:02] GM: the other four [4d6] => [5,3,2,2] = (12) 1 kain, 2 Sarah, 3 empty batt, 4 komi, 5nyx 6 silver
[10:10:21] GM: Nyx one fires at you [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:10:53] GM: and Sarah two fire at your battloid you cant dodge such small targets in such a confined space, and therefore eat the shots, ooo the paint job…weep
[10:11:17] GM: Silver your action
[10:11:44] GM: James, Komi needs to dodge a 26 and Nyx needs to dodge a 19
[10:12:43] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[10:13:01] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [3,13] = (16)
[10:13:09] GM: [6d6] => [6,5,3,6,5,5] = (30)
[10:13:38] GM: [2d20] => [1,13] = (14) with strikes at +7 for sarah
[10:13:52] 2Lt. Sarah tries to parry them at least. [1d20+11] => [16,11] = (27)
[10:15:13] 2Lt. Sarah: (( success. lol ))
[10:15:23] LtJG Silver fires at the first available targets hoping to disable them [1d20+7+2] => [12,7,2] = (21)
[10:15:33] LtJG Silver: W/ H90
[10:15:43] GM: [1d100] => [50] = (50)
[10:15:56] GM: [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[10:16:01] GM: You miss!
[10:16:08] GM: Komi, your action
[10:16:10] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lemme know when Ay can go ))
[10:16:15] 2Lt. Sarah: (( she's with Kain's group as well ))
[10:16:26] GM: ((how many atacks does she have a melee?
[10:16:37] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((13))
[10:16:44] Cpt. Aylanea: (( 8 ))
[10:17:08] GM: go twice, once for current and one for the one you missed
[10:17:21] GM: And komi goes for her action as well
[10:17:40] Capt. Komillia Maeless double strikes the head of the idiot currently engaged. [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14) [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[10:17:47] Cpt. Aylanea pulls up her M90C, and tries to pick one off, then another. [1d20+12+1] => [17,12,1] = (30) [1d20+12+1] => [19,12,1] = (32)
[10:18:20] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d10*10+12] => 32
[10:18:21] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d10*10+12] => 72
[10:18:32] GM: Komis target [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27) and [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[10:18:40] GM: One hit to main body
[10:19:01] GM: Ay's target [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13) and [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[10:19:07] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [4,2,1,14] = (21)
[10:19:08] GM: Ay's target is shredded
[10:19:19] GM: Komi runs hers through
[10:19:40] GM: Sarah your action
[10:21:55] GM: Nyx and Kain, your actions as well
[10:22:32] WO Febrith Nyx picks another lightly armored target and opens fire. [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[10:22:41] GM: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:22:43] GM: damage
[10:22:53] 2Lt. Sarah fires a particle blast at one. [1d20+6+4+3] => [4,6,4,3] = (17)
[10:22:58] Capt Kain Crockett: [2d4*10+10] => 60
[10:23:03] GM: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[10:23:23] GM: Nyx you kill one, Sarah roll damage, you miss, but do that damage to teh deck of the ship
[10:24:09] Capt Kain Crockett turns the gunpod on the crowd trying not to hit Komi. [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[10:24:18] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Oh for the love of…))
[10:24:18] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d6*10+10] => 30
[10:24:23] GM: Komi
[10:24:30] 2Lt. Sarah: (( y'know, MD is MD, regardless of what made it :p ))
[10:24:32] GM: and Ay
[10:25:10] Capt. Komillia Maeless slashes one moron, and then the othe while pressing forward. [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19) [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[10:25:34] Cpt. Aylanea sprays some bullets at another target. [1d20+12+1] => [17,12,1] = (30)
[10:25:37] GM: ((you've killed the moron in melee range, so…
[10:25:58] GM: [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[10:26:04] GM: and [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[10:26:14] GM: Komi and Ay roll damage
[10:26:38] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d6*10+10] => 30
[10:26:54] Cpt. Aylanea: (( so what does Kain's nat 1 do, with a mecha? shoot at Komi? ))
[10:26:55] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:27:04] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [4,6,3,14] = (27)
[10:27:05] GM: Gunpod fails to fire
[10:27:31] GM: Ay you rolled the wrong damage
[10:27:49] Cpt. Aylanea: (( oh? oops ))
[10:27:50] GM: Who you think you are…bustah Brown?
[10:27:55] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d10*10+12] => 92
[10:28:01] Cpt. Aylanea: (( yes, that's much better ))
[10:28:04] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:28:53] GM: Komi you shank the guy then get slathered in chunks as Ay blows the guys back out , you take 40 MD carryover as the remainder of Ay's shots pass thru the enemy into you
[10:29:08] GM: The hanger bay is clear
[10:29:13] Cpt. Aylanea: (( there was only one target left? Oh. :p ))
[10:29:15] Cpt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[10:29:26] GM: There were 5 in here, and all are dead
[10:29:54] Capt. Komillia Maeless: "I know it's been a while Ay, but friendly fire is not a good was to say 'I'm back.'"
[10:29:59] Cpt. Aylanea eeps.
[10:30:17] Cpt. Aylanea: "Sorry."
[10:30:49] GM: There is fighting still in the corridor of the ship outside the hanger bay, those already in cyclone can get there in 3 seconds, those NOT in cyclone becuase you are in mecha, it will take you 7 seconds
[10:31:01] Capt. Komillia Maeless: "I'm just ragging on ya."
[10:31:24] Cpt. Aylanea sighs. "Still, it's a mistake, I'll be more careful."
[10:31:31] Capt. Komillia Maeless fwooshes to the next kill zone.
[10:31:34] Cpt. Aylanea: (( how long for someone in a mecha to get a cyclone out and get there with it? ))
[10:31:43] WO Febrith Nyx follows after.
[10:31:43] Cpt. Aylanea rushes to the next kill zone as well.
[10:31:44] GM: Komi you whoosh on over and can attack,
[10:31:58] GM: ((I just told you))
[10:32:01] Cpt. Aylanea: (( k ))
[10:32:06] Cpt. Aylanea: (( thought that was just pop out and run ))
[10:32:12] GM: no
[10:32:18] Capt. Komillia Maeless lets her blades say hello. [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[10:32:27] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:32:29] GM: Hello!
[10:32:36] 2Lt. Sarah scrambles down from her battloid and rushes to get an 057 on quickly.
[10:32:37] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:32:43] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [3,4,6,14] = (27)
[10:32:52] GM: You leavea nasty gash
[10:32:55] GM: Ay
[10:32:59] GM: your attack
[10:34:12] Cpt. Aylanea makes sure she has a different target, and fires on them quickly. [1d20+12+1] => [19,12,1] = (32)
[10:34:18] GM: [1d20=8] => 1d20=8
[10:34:23] GM: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17)
[10:34:24] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d10*10+12] => 32
[10:34:25] GM: damage
[10:34:32] GM: you stich the guy
[10:35:02] GM: [4d4] => [1,1,1,3] = (6) 1 komi, 2 ay, 3-4 others in corridor
[10:35:12] GM: Komi, you pissed em off, Aggro!
[10:35:16] LtJG Silver: (( i gotta crash im falling asleep on couch lol ))
[10:35:28] GM: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22) [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[10:35:38] GM: Okay, make you action befor eyou go
[10:35:47] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [11,13] = (24)
[10:35:47] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [7,13] = (20)
[10:35:48] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [12,13] = (25)
[10:35:48] LtJG Silver: (( kk ^_^ ))
[10:36:02] GM: [3d6+6] => [2,1,1,6] = (10)
[10:36:17] GM: you take an additional 10
[10:36:39] GM: Komi, your action
[10:37:29] Capt. Komillia Maeless double slashes the enemy who shot her. [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16) [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[10:37:41] GM: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) and [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[10:37:47] GM: one hit
[10:37:59] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [3,5,4,14] = (26)
[10:38:06] GM: another nasty gash
[10:38:16] GM: Nyx your action
[10:38:32] GM: Sivler, give your your next action
[10:39:21] LtJG Silver: kk
[10:39:27] GM: Nyx?
[10:39:49] WO Febrith Nyx pops a flashbang into the cneter of the pirate group. "Party favor!" [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[10:40:01] WO Febrith Nyx: ((…))
[10:40:06] LtJG Silver lines up for his next shot steadying himself as he takes aim hoping to take the legs out of the nearest legionair (what is the penalty for a called shot on his legs?)
[10:40:22] GM: everyone at the door, roll a save vs stun as teh flashbag rebounds off teh door jamb and lands at your feet
[10:40:39] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:40:40] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:40:42] GM: it's a called shot, 12 or higher natural to hit intended target
[10:40:48] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[10:40:56] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((snerks.))
[10:40:57] LtJG Silver: [1d20+7+2] => [14,7,2] = (23)
[10:41:01] GM: damage
[10:41:06] LtJG Silver: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[10:41:19] Cpt. Aylanea: (( rotflolmao ))
[10:41:28] LtJG Silver: (( idk if im at door but rolled anyway lol ))
[10:41:42] GM: yeah, you are, but roll damage
[10:42:31] GM: can someone get him his damage/
[10:42:32] LtJG Silver: [6d6] => [3,5,5,2,1,5] = (21)
[10:42:42] LtJG Silver: (( not sure if thats right lol ))
[10:42:43] GM: what are you using?
[10:42:50] LtJG Silver: h90 rifle
[10:43:41] Cpt. Aylanea: (( 1D4*10+20 for burst ))
[10:44:22] GM: ((yup, roll that))
[10:44:46] LtJG Silver: [1d4*10+20] => 50
[10:44:54] LtJG Silver: set
[10:45:10] GM: You blow the guys leg clean off
[10:46:02] LtJG Silver: ;p;
[10:46:03] LtJG Silver: lol
[10:46:30] GM: Nyx and Ay your helemt polorization kicks in fast enough and you lose an action, Komi, you are all "Fuck! I'm blind!!" So is Silver.
[10:46:49] Cpt. Aylanea: (( hehehehehe ))
[10:47:11] GM: roll a maintain balance
[10:48:11] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[10:48:18] GM: pirates continue shooting at what they were, so komi, you are gonna get a lil raped. [1d20] => [17] = (17) [1d20] => [20] = (20) and [1d20] => [10] = (10) they are gonna hit unles they roll shitty
[10:48:27] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((fand on her ass she goes…))
[10:49:02] GM: [3d6+6] => [3,4,4,6] = (17) [(3D6+6)*2] => (3D6+6)*2 and [3d6+6] => [6,4,3,6] = (19)
[10:49:13] Cpt. Aylanea: (( small d ))
[10:49:15] Cpt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:49:20] GM: [(3d6+6)*2] => 34
[10:49:57] LtJG Silver: [1d100] => [35] = (35)
[10:51:01] GM: [34+40+19+17+] => 34+40+19+17+
[10:51:12] GM: [34+40+19+17] => 110
[10:51:18] GM: komi roll a 100
[10:51:35] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [55] = (55)
[10:52:56] GM: Electrical damage, secondary control panels catch on fire! Ahhh you're blind and on fire!!!!! extinguishers kick in and douse you
[10:53:30] GM: [1d100] => [10] = (10)
[10:53:36] GM: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[10:54:08] GM: One of the enemy thinks thats part of the horror show and craps himeslf as a flailing and engulfed in flam komi staggers towards him
[10:54:48] GM: Sarah, your action
[10:55:46] 2Lt. Sarah hurries around the corner and looks for an enemy that isn't in melee range of someone, firing a burst from her own M90c towards them. [1d20+7+5] => [5,7,5] = (17)
[10:56:00] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[10:56:02] GM: Damage
[10:56:19] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d10*10+12] => 72
[10:56:24] GM: Dead
[10:56:36] GM: Komi
[10:56:52] GM: All of your characters actions, you to Silver
[10:57:22] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((how many do I have left? and do the sabers still work?))
[10:58:20] GM: pirates fire at komi once, and [1d6] => [5] = (5) 1 komi, 2 ay, 3 sarah 4 nyx 5 kain, 6 silver (actions left or pirates? weapons are still good, you just lost all your computers, but in cyc battloid, in melee, kinda supurfulous)
[10:59:01] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) at Komi, and [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) at kain
[10:59:04] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((actions left.))
[10:59:11] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+15] => [15,15] = (30)
[10:59:16] GM: this one and one more
[10:59:22] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((13 not 15 so 28))
[10:59:29] GM: now just this since you dodged
[10:59:49] Capt. Komillia Maeless double slashes one pirate adn then another. [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28) [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20) [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[11:00:17] GM: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) and [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24) [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[11:00:41] GM: three hits
[11:00:46] GM: two on one, one on the other
[11:01:04] GM: correction
[11:01:06] GM: two hits
[11:01:08] LtJG Silver: (( gotta crash i just dozed, night all :( ))
[11:01:08] GM: one easch
[11:01:15] GM: night
[11:01:26] LtJG Silver: Disconnecting from server…
[11:01:26] LV (exit): 23:01
[11:01:30] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14+3d6+14] => [1,3,5,14,5,1,4,14] = (47) [3d6+14] => [6,2,1,14] = (23)
[11:01:36] GM: roll dodge etc for kain
[11:01:44] GM: one dies the other is damaged
[11:02:03] GM: everyone else use their last action this melee
[11:02:26] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [20,17] = (37)
[11:02:48] Capt Kain Crockett lays in with a M90C [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[11:03:05] 2Lt. Sarah shootsat an unocccupied one. [1d20+7+5] => [12,7,5] = (24)
[11:03:09] WO Febrith Nyx fires her M90. [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[11:03:12] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d10*10+12] => 52
[11:03:47] Cpt. Aylanea shoots at one not in melee range of anyone, trying to be careful. [1d20+12+1] => [17,12,1] = (30)
[11:03:49] GM: kain [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[11:03:52] GM: hit, damage
[11:03:59] GM: Sarah [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[11:04:05] GM: hit damaged rolled, dead
[11:04:07] Cpt. Aylanea: [1d10*10+12] => 112
[11:04:12] GM: Nyx [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[11:04:14] GM: miss
[11:04:17] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d10*10+12] => 62
[11:04:22] GM: Ay [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[11:04:25] GM: hit
[11:04:35] Capt Kain Crockett: ((that was Kain's))
[11:04:38] GM: Ay killed hers
[11:04:39] Cpt. Aylanea: (( damage rolled. ))
[11:04:43] GM: and kain killed his
[11:05:08] GM: you clear out a nice hole in the enemy along the corridor and the marines furhter aft push up into the vacuum
[11:05:23] GM: you see the hallway littered in dead
[11:06:19] GM: okay, will continue this next session
[11:06:23] 2Lt. Sarah: (( kk ))
[11:06:26] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[11:06:54] GM: Komi, might wanna take this lull and grab another cyclone, if she wishes to continue fighting crime tonight
[11:07:32] GM: man, talk about your punching bag
[11:07:39] 2Lt. Sarah: (( and anyone needing it, more clips of ammo ))
[11:07:41] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[11:07:48] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yeah, poor Komi ))
[11:07:53] GM: that flash bang, now THAT was funny
[11:07:53] Capt Kain Crockett: (((agreed))
[11:07:55] 2Lt. Sarah huggles her
[11:08:03] 2Lt. Sarah: yes, it was
[11:08:04] GM: glad it wasnt a stachel charge or something nasty
[11:08:05] 2Lt. Sarah: :D :D :D
[11:08:07] 2Lt. Sarah: lol
[11:08:36] GM: can just picture her arms waving around with blaades her cyc on fire and totally blind
[11:08:51] GM: running into a wall…
[11:09:13] GM: then her sniffling "I fell on my bottom."
[11:09:53] 2Lt. Sarah: rofl
[11:10:12] GM: or that line for Kung Pow…. "I fell on my tummy"
[11:10:48] 2Lt. Sarah: trouble is, when that boarding team fails to check back in, and doesn't depart, it's probably gonna get worse
[11:11:06] GM: well, doy
[11:11:07] Capt. Komillia Maeless: "A certain Trow is about to get a taste of my fist."
[11:11:20] GM: question is, what are you gonna do abou tit?
[11:11:25] 2Lt. Sarah: lol
[11:11:37] GM: Heheh, well, she already got you in the ass
[11:12:14] GM: or rahter, from behind
[11:12:23] GM: if thats not Komi's thing…
[11:12:57] WO Febrith Nyx: "we're going to launch ASAP in THEIR craft and then fire upon them with the ships batteries…
[11:13:25] GM: what craft, their main ship hard docked with the Havoc
[11:13:37] GM: thats why Suki had Kain be prepared for counter boarding
[11:13:53] WO Febrith Nyx: ah
[11:14:22] 2Lt. Sarah: too bad there's no way to forcibly maintain a hard dock, or is there
[11:14:56] 2Lt. Sarah: keep em from detaching while Marines pour through the opening
[11:15:16] GM: thats why Suki told teh XO that no matter what, lean into the enemy ship if it tries to move…
[11:15:25] 2Lt. Sarah: lmao
[11:15:28] 2Lt. Sarah: :)
[11:16:04] GM: thats also why the entire crew is in CVR incase it does break free and vents the ship
[11:17:43] 2Lt. Sarah: hee hee
[11:18:30] GM: oh wow…BURN…Queen doenst even attend the closing ceramonies…


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