[07:48:08] GM: Okay, so, to start off with, let us assume the following. A: Silver's Dog, has escorted the engineering pirates to their shuttle, and links back up with you after your, I dunno, cathartic, bloodthristy, becuase I wanted to see what would happen if I did X, kills you visitied upon the pirates in the crew area.
[07:48:22] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[07:48:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( killing rapists. How horrible of us ))
[07:48:59] GM: ((which three of my examples does not in some way apply?))
[07:49:10] 2Lt. Sarah: hehehe
[07:49:16] GM: ((thought so))
[07:49:32] LtJG Silver: ((lol ))
[07:50:31] Capt Kain Crockett: ((What kind of HF roll would the pirates be facing with teleporting cyclones?))
[07:50:45] GM: Okay, I will give each of you a full melee worth of things you may want to do BEFORE you breach the door.
[07:51:00] GM: Your guess is as good as mine, I'm just the GM here,
[07:51:13] LtJG Silver: (( we are outside the hatch to the bridge waiting to breach ?))
[07:51:19] GM: Yes
[07:51:21] LtJG Silver: (( just want to make sure of whats what ))
[07:51:26] 2lt.Alvaro: (no flashbangs with us?)
[07:51:37] 2Lt. Sarah checks over bridge plans if available, looking to Kain. "I'll be the diversion, where do you want me popping in, to distract them?"
[07:51:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( just me ))
[07:51:43] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ^_^ ))
[07:51:54] GM: I dont know…I'm not in the habit of packing the away teams lunch.
[07:53:10] Capt Kain Crockett has it set up so that it'll be Alvaro followed by Komi being the first ones through the door. ((I said nothing about flashbangs, no one said anything about flashbangs, and because Chris is GM, that means no flashbangs.))
[07:53:25] GM: Not to be an ass, but kinda sorta to be an ass. I did ask months ago, for the players to sit back and come up with some SOP's that I can look at and say okay, barring anything additional the group may want, this is what they will do, and what they will bring.
[07:53:55] 2Lt. Sarah: (( brb one moment ))
[07:53:59] GM: Thank you james ^_^
[07:54:07] Capt Kain Crockett: "Sarah, I want you to port into somewhere on their flank, and get the first shot in as we open the door. Exactly where I'll leave to you.
[07:54:16] 2lt.Alvaro: (personaaly :) dont mind; just askimg)
[07:55:11] LtJG Silver runs a scann of the area beyond the hatch (if possible) in hopes of getting the numbers of possible targets as well as if there are any hostages beyond the hatch (([1d100] => [80] = (80) vs 60% SE [1d100] => [18] = (18) vs 65% AEW [1d100] => [73] = (73) vs 59% intelegence))
[07:55:27] LtJG Silver: (( fewy :P ))
[07:55:44] GM: ((no worries, just making the point that, having a list, either on the character sheet or with me in a tree node, will make life so much easier))
[07:56:38] GM: Silver, you get bupkiss on your first go around, you have 4 more attempts to get a clear reading before that grace melee I gave you expires
[07:56:47] 2Lt. Sarah: (( kback. ))
[07:57:16] LtJG Silver: "if you like i can fill the bridge with smoke and we can breach using thermals?" (( k any penalty for rerolling those? ))
[07:57:43] GM: -5% per each borked attempt, starting with the first, so -5% for your next rolls
[07:57:44] 2lt.Alvaro: (boarding spaceship [1d100] => [83] = (83) vs 60; detect concealment [1d100] => [30] = (30) vs 45)
[07:58:13] Capt Kain Crockett: ((AFK, doobell))
[07:58:24] 2Lt. Sarah nods a little, looking at the plans. [1d100] => [29] = (29) tactics
[07:58:41] LtJG Silver: [1d100] => [72] = (72) vs 55% SE and [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs 54% intelegence
[07:58:43] 2Lt. Sarah: (( vs. 99% ))
[07:58:55] LtJG Silver: ((yeah not going another round on that lol ))
[07:59:28] GM: free actions are free actions…
[08:01:00] LtJG Silver continues attempting to get something on his scanners (([1d100] => [59] = (59) vs 50% SE and [1d100] => [25] = (25) vs 49% intelegence… True :P ))
[08:01:15] 2lt.Alvaro asks Sarah "You going right or left Lt?"
[08:01:24] GM: Okay, keep the intell,and continue trying for you last two attempts the RSI
[08:01:57] LtJG Silver: [1d100] => [70] = (70) vs 45%
[08:02:13] LtJG Silver: [1d100] => [82] = (82) vs 40%
[08:02:31] GM: Apparently they make these frighter hulls out of some thick stuff..
[08:02:36] LtJG Silver: ((lol no go on the sensory equipment :P ))
[08:03:20] GM: Intell tells you that, being a pirate prize crew they will likely have the most important rew stations manned by their own people.
[08:03:29] GM: rew = crew
[08:04:12] GM: non essential station, it's a crap shhot, either a prisoner under guard, or, unammed with the occupant somepleace else.
[08:04:12] 2lt.Alvaro quirks a brow at Amdahl
[08:04:27] 2Lt. Sarah hmms. "I'm thinking I'll pop in on the right, towards the rows of consoles. That's just a couple meters forward or so fro mthe door, so relatively low risk… I'll just go straight up out the top, and forward a few feet, and to the right, and drop back down, I'm thinking." She tries to figure it out in feet and such from the map listing. [1d100] => [51] = (51) navigation vs. 89%
[08:04:30] LtJG Silver frowns as he grows frustrated finally taking a deep breath he sighs "sorry i cant seem to pick anything up beyond the hatch, however i do believe they will have full controle of the vessles command and control consoles so proceede with caution"
[08:05:55] GM: there sarah? the orange X?
[08:06:06] GM: is thereabouts where you are popping in?
[08:06:28] GM: [1d100] => [59] = (59)
[08:06:38] 2Lt. Sarah: (( we're facing forward, the 'right', is the top of the map from there ))
[08:06:39] GM: [1d100] => [39] = (39)
[08:06:53] GM: ((I'm going by, if you are facing the front of the ship…
[08:07:16] GM: and you are right, and I hate being dyslexic with left and right
[08:07:19] 2Lt. Sarah: (( sigh ))
[08:07:25] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:07:39] GM: srsly, I am, and it is incredibly frustrating
[08:07:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( *patpats* ))
[08:07:46] GM: especially in marital arts
[08:08:03] GM: punch with your right hand.. I punch with my left… bloody embaressing
[08:08:17] Capt Kain Crockett: ((back))
[08:08:43] LtJG Silver: (( hehe ^_^ ))
[08:08:54] 2Lt. Sarah: (( see the black circle? ))
[08:08:59] GM: yes
[08:09:01] 2Lt. Sarah: (( that's my jump in point. ))
[08:09:06] GM: kk
[08:09:34] 2lt.Alvaro nods to Sarah and prepares to head left
[08:09:56] GM: allright, quick bio on my part and we'll do this thing
[08:11:23] LtJG Silver limps close to the door ready to leap into action when all hell breaks loose "is that a go on the smoke then? to clarify?"
[08:11:34] Silver's Hound limps close to the door ready to leap into action when all hell breaks loose "is that a go on the smoke then? to clarify?"
[08:11:36] Silver's Hound: better*
[08:11:39] Capt Kain Crockett makes sure the door isn't rigged, and how much force they have to use to kick it down. [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7) Perc, [1d100] => [70] = (70) vs 70 RSI [1d100] => [80] = (80) vs 98 Demolitions, [1d100] => [31] = (31) vs 71 Intelligence, [1d100] => [31] = (31) vs 65 Detect Ambush.
[08:11:55] Capt Kain Crockett: "Yes, use the smoke…
[08:12:40] GM: Kain, door is clear, and unless they have locked it (which based on intell) they havent, (little green light is on) then all you need to do is hit the open button.
[08:12:56] LtJG Silver: "aye aye"
[08:13:18] GM: orange squiggle (cant even call that a line) is the door jam
[08:13:32] 2Lt. Sarah gets herself quietly ready to fly up and drop in on the bridge crew from above, onto her little chosen spot.
[08:13:50] 2Lt. Sarah: "Just say when." She smiles.
[08:14:04] GM: for simplicities sake, I will put number on the bridge where Kain will tell certian folks to go, based on room clearing SOP
[08:14:11] 2lt.Alvaro ready to enter
[08:14:29] LtJG Silver: (( sounds good, and professional ^_^ ))
[08:16:03] GM: well The captian has made it a point to be a mean bitch and train you mercilessly, and, if she finds out you didn't use SOP, what she does to you will make what Komi did to that last pirate seem like a back rub.
[08:16:16] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol :p ))
[08:17:49] Capt Kain Crockett: 3. Sarah, 1. Kain, 2, , 4.
[08:18:10] 2Lt. Sarah: (( heh ))
[08:18:14] GM: General rule of thumb, if you need to move thru an enemy, you fire and keep going, and if you fail to kill him, you let the guy behind you do it and keep moving to your assigned position
[08:18:17] Capt Kain Crockett: 2. Komi, 4. Alvaro, 5. Nyx, 6. Doggie.
[08:18:22] GM: problem Kain
[08:18:34] GM: How is alvaro supposed to get to four if Sarah is at three
[08:18:40] LtJG Silver: ( k so puppy to 6! kk ^_^ ))
[08:19:02] GM: Have sarah move to or pop in at 4, and have Alvaro hit three,
[08:19:23] 2lt.Alvaro: (So sarah, puppy, me correct?)
[08:19:27] Capt Kain Crockett: ((Alright, Sarah fall back to 4 alvaro take three…))
[08:20:17] 2Lt. Sarah: (( Sarah wouldhave to move inward some to be 3, so ccould clear the console next to it initially and move fore enough for Alvaro to get there. Or yeah, I'll go to 4 ))
[08:22:07] LtJG Silver: (( lol just yell puppy when you ready for him to start popping off smoke lol ))
[08:22:24] GM: okay rady?
[08:22:36] Capt Kain Crockett: READY!
[08:22:41] 2lt.Alvaro: (rdy)
[08:22:53] GM: sarah, make yur rolls
[08:23:18] Carrie: (( fscking laptop! ))
[08:24:19] LtJG Silver: (( ~_~ ))
[08:24:30] LtJG Silver: (( *hugs* ))
[08:24:48] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d100] => [25] = (25) vs. (whichever, I was gonna fly up to the top of the hull, move the number of feet figured in navigation, and driop in, but… eh.)
[08:24:59] GM: roll makes it legit
[08:25:28] GM: Sarah, you pop in.
[08:25:41] GM: gimme a second to place the enemy as she see's them
[08:27:57] 2Lt. Sarah flashes out of existence and tries to put herself back to where shje can clear to position 4 quickly, while flashing in from her energy field for it.
[08:28:14] 2Lt. Sarah: (( just to have a post with the roll ))
[08:28:30] GM: kk, you see the enemy,
[08:28:34] GM: the enemy see's you
[08:28:57] GM: Okay, now, the rest of you
[08:29:40] Capt Kain Crockett: ((what are yo looking for some kind of roll?))
[08:30:07] Carrie (enter): 20:30
[08:30:09] GM: No, it's the beginning of the melee round,
[08:30:22] GM: so komi first
[08:30:32] GM: ((remember door is still shut,
[08:31:00] Silver's Hound: (( how do we work this if they want me to pop smoke in the second komi or whoever opens the door lol ))
[08:31:45] GM: I would think that who ever acts first opens door, butns an action, but better then losing it waiting for the next in line to open, once door is open, and you have a clear field of fire, you can fire on your action
[08:31:52] Capt. Komillia Maeless komi opens the door and shouts, "It's castrating time!" ((uses her move action to move between P1 and position 2, so kain can get in.))
[08:32:09] GM: ((move action? wrong game lol))
[08:32:11] Silver's Hound: ((kk ))
[08:32:44] GM: Door opens up, and pirates are a bit flustered now after the magical appearing cyc and now this
[08:33:02] GM: Sarah your action
[08:33:05] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((you know what I mean, use an action of move that distance. Unless your declaring that a free action.))
[08:33:35] GM: ((you are moving on your way, but wont be there until next turn.))
[08:33:48] GM: ((shooting on the move is possible with a -4))
[08:35:49] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((no thanks, its not like Komi lacks for actions.))
[08:36:04] 2Lt. Sarah moves for 4, trying to take a shot off at P1 as she does. [1d20+7+5-4] => [12,7,5,-4] = (20)
[08:36:16] GM: [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[08:36:24] GM: You hit
[08:37:57] 2Lt. Sarah: [[(1d10*10)+12] => [(1d10*10)+12
[08:38:02] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 102
[08:38:07] 2Lt. Sarah: (( *smacks OpenRPG* ))
[08:38:26] GM: Your rounds tear into the target and he gets tossed out of the seat.
[08:38:47] GM: Komi action
[08:39:02] Silver's Hound: (( if i pop 8 smoke mini missiles into the center of the room that would fill the area with enough smoke to essentially black it out right? if not choke out anyone not wearing some sort of breathing aperatus ? never used smoke befor to be honest lol ))
[08:39:40] GM: it'll take a few actions to fill, but in an enclosed space, pretty fast, only thing you'd have to worry about would be the ships auto filtration system
[08:40:21] Silver's Hound: (( cool… well if it kicks in i got 8 more i can send :P ))
[08:40:28] GM: yup yup
[08:40:39] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((am I close enough to cut P1 or do I need to shoot?))
[08:40:54] GM: as far as you can tell Sarah took care of him
[08:41:15] 2Lt. Sarah: (( woo! ))
[08:41:24] GM: you are also at this point at around where 2 is on the map
[08:43:55] Capt. Komillia Maeless fires a Gallant at P12. [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[08:44:06] GM: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[08:44:11] GM: Attackers win ties
[08:44:18] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d4*10+20] => 60
[08:44:33] GM: Your rounds hit armor, you are pretty sure you didnt kill him
[08:45:04] GM: nyx, kain and alvaro
[08:45:28] 2lt.Alvaro runs into the right firing at pirate near his location (P2) as he slides to a stop in a kneeling position at the console (to strike [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 82)
[08:46:07] GM: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[08:46:33] WO Febrith Nyx makes her way to her position and fires her EP-37 at P4. [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[08:46:35] GM: Pirate leaps forward over the console to escape and does so, you do however blow apart the seat and the station he was manning.
[08:46:44] GM: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[08:47:01] GM: Pirate 4 gets out of harms way as well.
[08:47:54] GM: Kain?
[08:48:58] Capt Kain Crockett will move to his position and fire at P12 on his way. [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[08:49:17] 2Lt. Sarah: (( how tall is the ceiling vs how tall for the console stations, btw? ))
[08:49:18] GM: [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[08:49:26] GM: About 8 foot
[08:49:32] GM: you hit him Kain
[08:49:43] Capt Kain Crockett: [6d6] => [1,4,5,1,4,5] = (20)
[08:50:07] GM: Damaged but still up
[08:50:24] GM: Pirates turn, P2 and 4 burned a dodge so did P12
[08:51:22] GM: P6 turns around and opens fire at Kain, [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[08:52:08] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [12,17] = (29)
[08:52:36] GM: You evade the unmistakable fire of an H-90
[08:53:44] GM: Komi, as you hit your position the pirate right next to you P7, fires at you point blank with a shotgun [1d20+7+3] => [1,7,3] = (11)
[08:53:50] Server Administrator-> Kicking '(2) Carrie' from server… Removing dead client
[08:53:51] Carrie (exit): 20:53
[08:53:57] GM: Or would have if he hadn't left the safety on
[08:54:21] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lolol ))
[08:54:55] GM: P8 on the other hand will try and connect with Komi as well [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[08:55:41] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [15,13] = (28)
[08:56:07] GM: Komi, the enemy misses, but you recognize the report as that of a Haydonite Carbine
[08:56:21] GM: Silver
[08:56:41] Silver's Hound pops off 8 smoke rounds near the center of the room to fill the area with smoke and provide everyone with cover ((smoke mini missiles [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7) if needed ))
[08:57:10] Silver's Hound: ((unless i cant do to obstruction in which case i move to my designated location :P ))
[08:57:50] GM: Pof pof pof! clank tank clankity
[08:58:09] GM: the area begins to rapidly fill with smoke
[08:58:17] GM: Komi
[08:58:45] LtJG Silver: "smoke in be sure to use your thermals!"
[08:58:58] Capt. Komillia Maeless turns and doubles slashes P7. [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21) [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[08:59:11] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22) [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[08:59:31] GM: He is able to parry away your first attack but wasn't expecting number 2
[08:59:36] GM: damage
[08:59:37] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [2,2,1,14] = (19)
[08:59:45] GM: Sarah
[09:00:26] 2Lt. Sarah: (( is p10 visible from 4 with a little adjustment? ))
[09:00:56] GM: no
[09:01:33] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hm. Thought he would be if she moved back a little further towards the outer wall. ))
[09:01:36] GM: now if you move… then yes
[09:01:45] GM: outer wall would make it worse
[09:02:20] 2Lt. Sarah: (( ah, okay. ))
[09:02:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( well, I asked once about console height vs. ceiling height, thinking Cyclone thrusters might help ))
[09:02:46] GM: plus lets be honest P10 isnt exactly standing up waving
[09:02:50] 2Lt. Sarah: (( remember, mecha that can fly ))
[09:02:57] 2Lt. Sarah: (( in limited fashion ))
[09:02:58] GM: yeah, that would help
[09:03:06] GM: but just moving to the back wall, no
[09:03:29] Silver's Hound: (( lol he should, if your a P and you know wave your hands hehe ))
[09:03:39] 2Lt. Sarah boosts up on the Cyclone thrusters and tries to pick off P10 with her thermals with the M90c. [1d20+7+5] => [7,7,5] = (19)
[09:03:55] GM: -4 for firing on the bounce
[09:04:26] Silver's Hound: (( +30 because he is standing up waving j/k lol ))
[09:04:31] GM: That and the target is effectivly under civer, your shots miss
[09:04:36] GM: hehe
[09:05:02] GM: Sarah your action again
[09:06:36] 2Lt. Sarah uses the smoke to try and creep forward down the outer row of consoles, enough to pick 10 off. [1d20+7+5] => [5,7,5] = (17)
[09:06:55] GM: You fire and miss
[09:07:05] GM: Nyx, Kain, and Alvaro
[09:07:34] 2lt.Alvaro fires a burst at another pirate (P4 to hit [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 72)
[09:07:42] WO Febrith Nyx will fire on P2. [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[09:07:45] GM: [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[09:07:58] WO Febrith Nyx: [2d4*10] => 40
[09:08:40] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[09:09:32] GM: Nyx, you're pretty sure you got a piece of him, Alvaro, youarent so sure, you put a lot of heat thru the console thow, some of it HAD to have passed thru…
[09:09:44] Capt Kain Crockett will boost up to do a death from above with his valiant. [1d20+10-4] => [12,10,-4] = (18)
[09:09:51] Silver's Hound: ((brb))
[09:09:53] GM: at whom?[09:10:16] GM: at whom kain?
[09:10:29] GM: [1d20=7] => 1d20=7
[09:10:35] GM: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:10:59] Capt Kain Crockett: ((P12))
[09:11:21] GM: damage
[09:11:26] Capt Kain Crockett: [6d6] => [6,1,5,5,1,5] = (23)
[09:11:51] GM: You're chipping away at him, but darned if that CVR-3M isn't pretty tough.
[09:12:06] Silver's Hound: ((bk))
[09:12:17] GM: Komi
[09:12:43] GM: oh, hold on, status update, since you are now using thermals and both Kain and Sarah have both at one point or another booted up
[09:13:23] Capt. Komillia Maeless double slashes p7 in the head. [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[09:14:14] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[09:14:18] GM: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[09:14:25] GM: damage from your first
[09:14:34] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [6,3,3,14] = (26)
[09:15:46] GM: You rang his bell but he's still squirming
[09:16:30] GM: Alvaro, you are being shot at [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[09:19:11] 2lt.Alvaro ducks behind the console to avoid the fire [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[09:19:16] GM: [(1d4*10)+20] => 30
[09:19:43] GM: Sarah you are being shot at [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[09:21:21] GM: Sarah?
[09:21:26] 2Lt. Sarah dodges with her cyc. [1d20+!7] => 1d20+!7
[09:21:32] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+17] => [12,17] = (29)
[09:21:39] 2Lt. Sarah: (( here ))
[09:21:46] GM: Nyx you are ebing shot at [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:22:11] GM: Alvaro you are ebing fired at again [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[09:22:17] WO Febrith Nyx: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[09:22:32] GM: [5d6] => [5,1,1,5,3] = (15)
[09:22:49] 2lt.Alvaro comments "Geez" and hopes to avoid the fire [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[09:23:11] GM: [(1d4*10)+20] => 30
[09:23:38] GM: Sarah you are being shot at [1d20+3] => [18,3] = (21)
[09:23:39] 2lt.Alvaro: (I guess the pirates have adequate sensors to handle smoke :) dang it)
[09:23:57] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:24:05] GM: ((some do, some, like +3 boy here, does not, besied the smoke is still filling up, it's ONLY been 5 seconds))
[09:24:10] Silver's Hound: (( lol well i tried to give us an advantage lol ))
[09:24:44] GM: Sarah, you have incoming
[09:24:45] Silver's Hound: (( ill timed :P maybe i should have popped more ^_^ ))
[09:25:52] GM: ((i'm just following a one second rule, for each second that passes an additional -1 to hit for those ill equipped to handle smoke)
[09:26:01] GM: Carrie?
[09:26:05] GM: Dodge or parry or eat it
[09:26:07] 2Lt. Sarah: (( k ))
[09:26:12] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+17] => [6,17] = (23) dodge
[09:26:16] 2Lt. Sarah: (( sry ))
[09:26:49] 2Lt. Sarah: (( was reading the whole discussion after and didn't notice it :p ))
[09:26:54] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[09:27:10] GM: Komi your pirate tries for the love of whatever god he worships to get that shotgun to fire at you [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) (no neg for smoke for him, cause, you are like, right on top of him )
[09:27:18] GM: This fucker cant get a berak
[09:27:21] GM: break
[09:27:27] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[09:27:43] GM: Well at least it went off this time
[09:27:48] Silver's Hound: (( *dies of laughter* ))
[09:28:12] GM: But Komi you also have to worry about mr carnine, he fires at you too [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[09:28:18] GM: (carbine)
[09:29:00] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [1,13] = (14)
[09:29:06] GM: oh
[09:29:07] GM: my
[09:29:08] GM: god
[09:29:08] 2Lt. Sarah: (( d'oh…. ))
[09:29:11] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((fffff…..))
[09:29:26] GM: roll for the carbine as well
[09:30:00] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [8,13] = (21)
[09:30:30] GM: [6d6] => [4,4,5,3,2,6] = (24) and roll a d100 if you get over a 55 you get knocked back
[09:30:32] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((so we're back to missing only at nat 1's? Or am I thinking of something else?))
[09:30:46] GM: we always had nat 1 misses
[09:30:48] 2lt.Alvaro: (always miss on nat 1)
[09:30:49] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [78] = (78)
[09:31:04] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((Not what I'm asking.))
[09:31:24] GM: The point blank shot puts you into the bulkehad as the carbine rakes you [(1d4*10)+15] => 25
[09:31:41] 2Lt. Sarah: (( thought miss was 1-4 usually, with some lowering based on upper level here. he rolled a 2. ))
[09:31:45] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((I mean I thought for a moment that we had gone back to 2-3 auto-missing. I'm probably thinking of something else…))
[09:32:08] GM: oh…you have a point, my bad delete the shotty shot, but the Carbine still hits
[09:32:20] GM: and 24 points of damage mysteriously regenerate
[09:32:21] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:33:02] GM: Silver
[09:33:31] Silver's Hound: (( ok reall quick the P's that remain are?))
[09:33:37] GM: all
[09:33:49] GM: there has been as yet, no confiremd kills
[09:33:50] Silver's Hound: (( kk ))
[09:33:55] 2Lt. Sarah: (( thought P1 was a kill :p ))
[09:33:57] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:33:58] 2Lt. Sarah: (( k ))
[09:34:02] GM: did you confirm it?
[09:34:16] Silver's Hound: (( does loosing the sensor pack cost an action?))
[09:34:24] GM: nah,
[09:35:39] Silver's Hound jetisons the missile pack readying the rest of his missiles and if possible launches frags to the far side hoping to take p5 and 6 out of the fray (if possible frags are area right? or do i have to target each 1 seperatly?)
[09:36:06] Silver's Hound: (( like if i wanted to land one between the two lol ))
[09:36:31] GM: you can target a group, just remember, this bridge does have viewports into space.
[09:36:59] Silver's Hound: (( would frags do that much dmg? thought they were pretty light, for anti personell ?))
[09:37:04] GM: and Intell tells you that P6 and P5 are liekly at the controls of teh ship, which may explain why P5 hasnt touched his weapon yet
[09:37:22] Silver's Hound: ah kk nm
[09:37:54] GM: frags have a 15 ft radius too
[09:38:20] GM: or is it 30…
[09:38:24] Silver's Hound spends an action to move in tward point 2 on the map (try to move around the fray (not attacking in hopes of not drawing attention to myself ))
[09:38:43] GM: 20 foot
[09:38:53] Silver's Hound: (( guessing moving around everything would take multiple actions correct?))
[09:38:56] GM: komi
[09:39:02] GM: a dog is sniffing your butt
[09:39:06] GM: I mean, it's your turn
[09:39:15] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:40:00] Capt. Komillia Maeless double slashes, once to the shotgun, one to P7's face. [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17) [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[09:40:21] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18) and [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[09:40:29] GM: Holy shit, he uses a force point
[09:40:31] Silver's Hound: (( scuse me trying to get around everyone lol ^_^ ))
[09:40:48] Silver's Hound: (( hehe ))
[09:40:48] 2lt.Alvaro: (dang, these guys are l33T)
[09:40:49] GM: Sarah
[09:41:10] 2Lt. Sarah tries to fire at P10. Again. [1d20+12] => [1,12] = (13)
[09:41:14] 2Lt. Sarah: (( … ))
[09:41:16] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[09:41:20] GM: ((with bonuses to hit at or around 3 to 12 less then you, these guys are lucky)
[09:41:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( wow, I'm having as bad of luck as shotgun guy ))
[09:41:37] GM: Nyx, kain and alvaro
[09:42:21] GM: from a dramam stand point, this is a bit of a nail biter…
[09:42:52] WO Febrith Nyx plasters P2. [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[09:43:07] GM: [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
[09:43:39] Silver's Hound: (( um… karma anybody? :P ))
[09:43:44] GM: Well, if you are gonna miss, better it be agasint a nat 20 then to roll a 1
[09:43:58] Capt Kain Crockett shoots the RNG or flies up and shoots P12. [1d20+10+4] => [19,10,4] = (33)
[09:44:09] GM: [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
[09:44:13] GM: damage
[09:44:15] Capt Kain Crockett: ((-4, typo, should be 29…))
[09:44:19] Capt Kain Crockett: [6d6] => [4,1,6,1,4,5] = (21)
[09:44:36] GM: [60+20+23+21] => 124
[09:44:44] GM: We have our first confirmed kill!
[09:46:06] 2lt.Alvaro leans over the console and goes after the first pirate he shot at (P2 [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 82)
[09:46:10] 2lt.Alvaro: (geez)
[09:47:13] GM: this has been a lot of nat 1's all around
[09:47:23] GM: Komi
[09:47:32] 2Lt. Sarah: (( yes, it has ))
[09:48:19] Capt. Komillia Maeless will again try to take out the enemy's shotgun and de-face the guy. [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19) [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[09:48:32] GM: [1d20+1] => [19,1] = (20) [1d20+1] => [10,1] = (11)
[09:48:49] GM: you get him with the second slice, but to the main body,
[09:49:33] GM: damage
[09:49:58] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+14] => [1,5,5,14] = (25)
[09:50:16] GM: You slice bisects him
[09:50:48] GM: Alavro, you are being shot at [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[09:51:46] GM: Ted?
[09:52:28] GM: Alvaro as takes fire from another direction [1d20-1] => [10,-1] = (9)
[09:52:55] 2lt.Alvaro tries to dodge as he cant catch a break [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:53:04] GM: Komi you take fire twice, [1d20-1] => [16,-1] = (15) and [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:53:25] GM: [(1d4*10)+20] => 30
[09:53:25] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [17,13] = (30) [1d20+13] => [17,13] = (30)
[09:54:05] GM: well, I guess Komi doenst wanna get hit, but, she was using paierd so no dodges, you can parry, but the gamage goes to your CADS
[09:54:36] GM: [6d6] => [1,4,1,1,5,3] = (15) and [(1d4*10)+15] => 55
[09:55:27] GM: one of your CADS shields is hredded and 10 carries over to your CVR-3
[09:56:25] GM: Sarah you are being shot at three times [1d20-1] => [18,-1] = (17) [1d20-1] => [14,-1] = (13) and [1d20-1] => [1,-1] = (0)
[09:57:21] GM: Once Sarah makes her dodges, Komi, it is your next action
[09:57:30] 2Lt. Sarah tries to dodge quickly. [1d20+17] => [10,17] = (27) [1d20+17] => [10,17] = (27)
[09:57:40] 2Lt. Sarah: (( and 3rd attack, well, rofl ))
[09:57:42] GM: Sarah escapes her Manos, the hands of fate
[09:59:13] Capt. Komillia Maeless mostes toward P5. Not taking a shot jsut, moving.
[09:59:27] GM: Are you sure?
[09:59:40] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d6] => [1] = (1)
[09:59:42] GM: rather, which way do you head
[10:00:08] Capt. Komillia Maeless shoots at P5. [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[10:00:40] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((Via the console road))
[10:00:57] GM: No, you miss understand me, 5 you cant see to shoot, from your current position, and to get to him by the shortest distance takes you back up the ramp towards the entreance and then down the center
[10:01:03] GM: ohkay
[10:01:19] GM: damage
[10:01:49] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d4*10+20] => 60
[10:02:01] GM: you blow his guts out onto his console
[10:02:05] Silver's Hound: (( im actually trying to get around everyone and get to 5 and 6 so you know whats up :P ))
[10:02:15] Silver's Hound: ((sinc yall have everyone elses focus lol ))
[10:02:26] GM: Sarah
[10:03:21] 2Lt. Sarah fires at P10, again. [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15)
[10:03:28] 2Lt. Sarah: (( what the fuck ))
[10:03:35] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[10:03:42] GM: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[10:03:47] GM: you hit
[10:03:57] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d20*10)+12] => 142
[10:04:03] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 72
[10:04:07] 2Lt. Sarah: (( typo fail ))
[10:04:09] 2Lt. Sarah: (( there ))
[10:04:10] Silver's Hound: (( * gives sara a brand new untouched set of loaded dice * ~_^ shh their set to 20's lol ))
[10:04:13] GM: was gonna say
[10:04:44] GM: Nyx kain and alvaro
[10:04:57] 2lt.Alvaro goes after his target from before (P2, to strike [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 42)
[10:05:25] GM: [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[10:05:46] GM: Target is hit but still up
[10:05:54] GM: target is in CVR-3 FYI
[10:06:20] WO Febrith Nyx fires on P2/ [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[10:07:11] GM: [1d20] => [3] = (3)
[10:07:15] GM: damage
[10:07:52] WO Febrith Nyx: [2d4*10] => 60
[10:08:15] GM: Silver
[10:10:15] Capt Kain Crockett goes up to P1 and shoots him to make sure he's dead. [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:10:21] Silver's Hound attempts to flank around behind (to the left of) P8 (i think thats what it says if i can pounce on him in the same action i do so if not ill hold )
[10:10:40] GM: roll attack Silver, Kain, roll an RSI
[10:10:54] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d100] => [39] = (39) vs 70
[10:10:54] Silver's Hound: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
[10:11:05] GM: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:11:13] GM: The enemy evades the pounce
[10:12:02] GM: Kain, you dont see the body where you thought it should be, there is a blood smear, still warm, leading towards the door.
[10:12:16] GM: Komi
[10:12:36] Capt Kain Crockett turns and goes after the smear, "We got a runner, I'm hunting him down!"
[10:13:13] LtJG Silver frowns "damn" as he sees the guy disapear from his screen when he steps out of the way of the pounce
[10:13:16] Capt. Komillia Maeless keeps moving forward and probably back-stabs P4. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[10:13:38] GM: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:13:44] GM: damage
[10:13:50] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+13] => [2,1,3,13] = (19)
[10:14:03] GM: [72-19] => 53
[10:14:14] GM: err [72+19] => 91
[10:15:06] GM: You feel the blade penetrate the hard armor but is stopped buy the skin suit of the Terminator armor
[10:15:51] GM: Silver, your doggy is sgetting shot at twice [1d20-3] => [14,-3] = (11) and [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:16:19] LtJG Silver dances around wildly trying to dodge the incomming fire [1d20+6] => [3,6] = (9) [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
[10:16:40] GM: [5d6] => [3,3,3,6,3] = (18)
[10:16:46] LtJG Silver: (( horrid roll and good roll now thats balance ^_^ ))
[10:16:47] GM: [18-25] => -7
[10:16:57] GM: (7 MD left to the dog BTW)
[10:17:17] LtJG Silver: (( um… ok :P ))
[10:17:34] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:17:59] GM: Sarah you are getting shot at twice [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19) [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20) Paired attack and [1d20-3] => [3,-3] = (0)
[10:18:32] 2Lt. Sarah eeks and starts dodging away. [1d20+17] => [15,17] = (32) [1d20+17] => [5,17] = (22)
[10:19:08] LtJG Silver: (( you have to double check that i have 16 for MB :P unless the hit was elsewhere :P ))
[10:19:27] GM: well if you had 15 , then you have -2
[10:19:45] GM: The doogy falls in combat and GAME OVER scrolls across your terminal Silver
[10:19:54] LtJG Silver: (( lol ))
[10:19:57] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rofl ))
[10:19:59] GM: ((I kid, but something more military like UPLINK LOST))
[10:20:24] 2Lt. Sarah: (( blah, more fun if it says game over ;p ))
[10:21:03] GM: Komi you are getting shot at twice [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14) and [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[10:21:14] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [20,13] = (33)
[10:21:15] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [12,13] = (25)
[10:21:23] GM: Miss and hella miss
[10:21:42] GM: Komi
[10:21:44] GM: your action
[10:22:08] LtJG Silver smacks his console out of frustration "god damn-it! pups out of the picture guys" as he tries bringing up their feeds (( ill roll if i need to if not gonna sit back and watch the onslaught lol ))
[10:22:37] Capt. Komillia Maeless removes the blade and takes a swipe at P4's neck. [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[10:22:59] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((or not))
[10:23:08] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:24:44] GM: you can roll to get the feeds direct from their CVR, also note Silver, looking up now you notice that the Havoc is now changed position and is alongside the freighter, you can see a smoke filled bridge on the external feeds. Every so often the white smoke is lit up in reds, and oranges as weaponsfire is excahnged, it's rather surreal to have seen the combat up close via thermals, to seeing it now like a macabe lighting storm.
[10:24:53] GM: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[10:24:56] GM: not it is
[10:25:32] GM: Sarah
[10:26:35] LtJG Silver is somewhat aww struck his focus on the sceen from the view port in a kind of daze not even paying attention to his terminal or the activity on the Havoc's bridge
[10:26:52] 2Lt. Sarah moves up to P10's spot and tries to take a longer range shot down towards P11 with her M90c. [1d20+12] => [2,12] = (14)
[10:27:00] 2Lt. Sarah: (( … or not ))
[10:27:04] 2Lt. Sarah: (( *facepalms* ))
[10:27:15] GM: Nyx and Alvaro
[10:27:45] 2lt.Alvaro moves up some and fires at another pirate (P4 [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 92)
[10:27:54] GM: [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[10:28:00] GM: You miss
[10:28:01] WO Febrith Nyx fires on P4. [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[10:28:10] GM: You miss
[10:28:20] GM: Komi that ire came AWEFUL close to hitting you
[10:28:39] WO Febrith Nyx: ((Any body have a good god-slayer weapon lying around, I need to kill a random number god…))
[10:28:42] GM: kain you head aft looking for the runner
[10:28:51] 2Lt. Sarah: (( you and me both ))
[10:28:57] GM: roll so rolls
[10:29:11] GM: Komi your action
[10:29:51] Capt. Komillia Maeless will continue stabbing P4. [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[10:29:56] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[10:30:01] GM: damage
[10:30:06] GM: you tuckered him all out
[10:30:10] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [3d6+15] => [1,4,1,15] = (21)
[10:30:42] GM: guy is still squirming and he tosses his weapon aside
[10:31:32] GM: Komi you get shot at [1d20-4] => [17,-4] = (13)
[10:31:56] Capt. Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [11,13] = (24)
[10:32:25] GM: Alvaro you get shot and and so does Sarah [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) / [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17) for sarah and [1d20-4] => [11,-4] = (7) for alvaro
[10:32:49] 2lt.Alvaro ducks behind console for cover to avoid ([1d20+13] => [18,13] = (31))
[10:32:51] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+17] => [6,17] = (23)
[10:32:53] 2Lt. Sarah: [1d20+17] => [15,17] = (32)
[10:33:03] GM: Silver you can make any actions you want on the bridge
[10:33:40] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((total party kill! shoot the bridge! I'm completely not serious.))
[10:33:51] LtJG Silver: (( LMAO ))
[10:33:54] 2Lt. Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[10:34:00] GM: ((Kain needs to make some skill rolls if he wants to find badguy))
[10:34:38] Cpt. Aylanea: (( *jets over there and takes Komi over a knee for that* ))
[10:35:30] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+1] => [2,1] = (3) PERC, [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 70 RSI,. [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs 71 Intelligence, [1d100] => [26] = (26) vs 60 Track People, [1d100] => [15] = (15) vs 60 Detect Ambush
[10:36:33] GM: you cant see him on sensors , but a few tell tales lead up to continue heading aft, you figure he's heading towards the boat bay.
[10:36:45] LtJG Silver turns his attention back to his console attempting to patch into the teams feed [1d100] => [27] = (27) vs 91% computer operations (if possible i'll try to help out by spotting what they may miss ill make regular rolls to assist)
[10:36:56] GM: and you are now enternig an area that would be ripe for an ambush
[10:37:30] GM: And after only a 2 second delay, the feed to the assault team is restored.
[10:37:46] Capt Kain Crockett: "If anyone is free, you might want to continue heading aft. I'm on the runner, but I'm in ambush territory.
[10:38:21] GM: Sarah
[10:38:41] GM: your action
[10:40:02] LtJG Silver: "ok guys i'm back just keep your feeds up," as he glances over their feeds "i'll be your extra set of eyes there Captain" watching his feed closely ((perception [1d20+2] => [8,2] = (10) Detect Concealment [1d100] => [60] = (60) vs 30% Detect ambush [1d100] => [58] = (58) vs 45%))
[10:40:18] LtJG Silver: (( :P ))
[10:40:28] 2Lt. Sarah takes another shot at P11 quickly, glancing up past where Komi is dealing with P4 after [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20) (M90c at P11)
[10:40:42] GM: perc tells you that two more pirates are making for the door
[10:40:54] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[10:40:57] GM: damage
[10:40:58] 2Lt. Sarah: [(1d10*10)+12] => 92 dmg
[10:41:15] GM: you kock him on his ass but he is still alive
[10:41:30] LtJG Silver: ((from behind him?))
[10:41:45] GM: P8 and P3 on the map
[10:42:00] LtJG Silver: " watch it two more heading for the door,"
[10:42:04] GM: Nyx and Alvaro
[10:42:07] 2lt.Alvaro rushes across the way and fires at the lone pirate (p6 [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 62) then replies on com "Lets the big guns handle any pods that get launched, let the gun bunnies have some fun. Plus we are still outnumbered here Captain"
[10:42:07] GM: your turns
[10:42:33] GM: [1d20-5] => [8,-5] = (3)
[10:43:13] GM: Nyx
[10:43:19] WO Febrith Nyx will turn and fire on P8. [1d20+43] => [5,43] = (48)
[10:43:34] WO Febrith Nyx: (()[48-38] => 10)
[10:43:39] 2lt.Alvaro: (hehe I want that bonus)
[10:43:50] WO Febrith Nyx: ((actualyl it should be 9…))
[10:43:51] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[10:44:08] GM: Guy ducks under and keeps on going
[10:44:16] GM: Kain
[10:44:47] Capt Kain Crockett keeps looking for the guy he is after. [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2) PERC, [1d100] => [1] = (1) vs 70 RSI,. [1d100] => [59] = (59) vs 71 Intelligence, [1d100] => [29] = (29) vs 60 Track People, [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs 60 Detect Ambush
[10:45:03] Capt Kain Crockett: ((squirrels, but stays on track…))
[10:45:04] GM: Your RSI, so epic
[10:46:01] GM: You pick the guy up, he's obviously in Terminator armor, but the damage he had taken has fouled his stealth overcoat, you have him now, moving slow, not bleeding anymore, heading aft, hugging the wall.
[10:46:03] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:46:19] GM: Komi
[10:46:33] LtJG Silver: (( skittem ^_^ ))
[10:46:51] Capt. Komillia Maeless stabs P4 in the face. [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29)
[10:47:14] GM: Well, since he had surrendered and tossed his weapon away, he is like, totally not expecting that,
[10:47:32] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((oh, he surrendered, for got that…))
[10:47:34] GM: Sarah
[10:47:46] GM: ((To hotblooded for your own good))
[10:47:59] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((he was going to die anyway…))
[10:48:10] LtJG Silver flinches at the sight of Komi's blade sinking into his target
[10:48:42] 2Lt. Sarah fires at P11 again. [1d20+12] => [9,12] = (21) for [(1d10*10)+12] => 32 dmg
[10:49:36] GM: [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[10:49:50] GM: [92+32] => 124
[10:50:31] GM: Everyone watching the external bridge feed for the Havoc looking at the frighter does a DAYUMM! as the window is spalttered in red.
[10:50:42] 2Lt. Sarah: (( woo ))
[10:50:44] 2Lt. Sarah: (( :D ))
[10:51:23] 2Lt. Sarah: (( hahahahaha ))
[10:51:24] LtJG Silver gets sick in a nearby trashcan at the suddon body paint spatter
[10:51:55] GM: A few nearby Marines shake their heads at Silver "…squids."
[10:51:58] Capt. Komillia Maeless: ((afk bio…))
[10:53:27] GM: P9 gives up, all he was armed with was a SAL-9
[10:54:28] GM: Pirate that kain is after realizes he's beenmade and turns to fire at the persuing Cyclone [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[10:54:39] 2Lt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:55:14] Capt Kain Crockett: [1d20+17] => [18,17] = (35)
[10:55:31] GM: Komi your action
[10:56:09] Capt. Komillia Maeless moves toward the door to capture the fleas, and shoots at P8. [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[10:56:20] GM: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[10:56:30] GM: Nyx and Alvaro
[10:56:44] 2lt.Alvaro moves towards Nyx and fires at the fleeing pirate (pb [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19) dmg [(1d10*10)+12] => 92)
[10:56:50] WO Febrith Nyx shoots at P8. [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[10:57:01] WO Febrith Nyx: ((the bleeding hell…))
[10:57:17] GM: which pirate are you shooting at Alvaro, 8 or 3
[10:57:19] 2lt.Alvaro: P8[10:57:23] 2Lt. Sarah: (( heh :p ))
[10:57:23] GM: kk
[10:57:26] GM: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[10:57:43] GM: your shots put him on his ass, but he is still alive
[10:58:07] GM: nyx roll damage, Alvaro ruined any chance the pirate had to dodge
[10:58:22] WO Febrith Nyx: [2d4*10] => 60
[10:58:26] LtJG Silver: ((brb))
[10:59:45] LtJG Silver: ((bk))
[11:02:27] GM: P3 gives up
[11:02:50] GM: Kain your turn
[11:03:51] Capt Kain Crockett levels his Valiant at the fleeing pirates head. [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[11:04:14] GM: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[11:04:17] GM: damage
[11:04:43] Capt Kain Crockett: [6d6] => [4,2,3,3,2,2] = (16)
[11:05:14] GM: he's still alive, but his armor is shredded
[11:07:08] 2lt.Alvaro: "on the floor!"
[11:07:28] GM: The pirate complies
[11:07:32] Capt Kain Crockett: "I'd advise suicide, you ain't making it out a live."
[11:08:55] GM: He raises his weapon
[11:10:36] GM: and fires
[11:11:06] GM: Um, raises his wepaon I should have clarified, at YOU kain
[11:11:17] LtJG Silver: (( um… shouldnt you have givin him a suicide hotline number or something ))
[11:11:30] GM: ever hear of suicide by cop?
[11:12:12] 2lt.Alvaro: (kain away from bridge, mean komi?)
[11:12:12] Capt Kain Crockett simultaneous attack. [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[11:12:33] Capt Kain Crockett: [6d6] => [3,6,1,2,2,2] = (16)
[11:12:53] GM: [1d4*10] => 30 +10
[11:12:58] 2lt.Alvaro: (sorry, some confusion)
[11:13:03] GM: he does you for 40 and you do him for eternity
[11:13:18] LtJG Silver: (( snickers ))
[11:13:41] GM: sorry about the long ass pauses, roomie had to talk to me about some stuff
[11:14:03] GM: okay, I'll wrap this up next sunday