Chapter 16 - Act I - Part 2


[06:08:58] GM: You make it back with your prisoners and their gear to the firebase and the sight causes quite the stir. The Lieutenant demands to know what is going on and Suki replies something along the lines of "Your plan worked flawlessly Seargent." The Sgt, not sure what to do, says thank you, and a radio call is made for a pick up. The same question of 'whats going on here' is asked in not so many words by a captain sent to retrieve the prisoners. The sarge is given the credit and the captain nods, promises rewards, and departs. The lieutenant of course isn't happy and doesnt by it for a second. A day or so later sgt, and all of you are promoted Nyx, Komi, and Sarah to PV@, and Suki to PFC, and the Sargent to SSgt.
[06:09:06] GM: PV2
[06:09:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[06:09:59] GM: The better news is that the monies you four all gain is sufficiant to start the metallurgy.
[06:10:22] GM: And keep Balaa and the other fed and housed
[06:10:25] GM: others
[06:10:34] Pvt. Sarah: (( yay ))
[06:11:48] GM: About 4 days later you get word that the Bondar are making an infantry push towards the firebase.
[06:12:35] GM: You are sent to cover a ridgeline ahead of their line of advance.
[06:14:05] GM: 2 squads will hold the left flank, 2 the center, and two the right, with 5 squads in reserve divided into two groups, one with two infantry squads, and the other with one infantry, one mortar and one rocket squad.
[06:14:49] GM: Your squad has been assigned to the center
[06:15:20] GM: questions?
[06:15:36] Pvt. Sarah: (( *shakes* ))
[06:15:39] Pvt. Sarah: (( nope ))
[06:16:04] Febrith Nyx: ((Nope))
[06:17:14] GM: You guys dig in, creating foxholes and a miniature trech net work, (a trench connect the two squads total of four 2 woman fox holes.)
[06:19:51] GM: It doesnt take long before you see the bondar pirates advance, militarily speaking, they move in clumps, some supporting each other, most not, you can tell who has had some prior experiance, and who has not, and the has nots are leading the advance.
[06:21:49] Pvt. Sarah: (( hee hee hee ))
[06:21:57] Febrith Nyx will examine the lines for ways to psychologically damage their morale and further disorganize their lines. [1d20] => [20] = (20) PERC [1d100] => [78] = (78) vs 63 Pysych Warfare, [1d100] => [5] = (5) vs 78 Anthropology, [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 63 Psychology
[06:22:26] Pvt. Sarah: (( O.O at perc. ))
[06:22:31] Pvt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[06:22:57] GM: From what you know and percieve, this is an enemy that would suffer greatly if you follow the military axiom of 'cutting the head off the snake'
[06:23:51] GM: beyond that, you dont know enough about the Bondar to tailor any tactic against them in order to play mind games.
[06:25:14] GM: as for perc, you notice the enemy are avancing in a sawtooth fashion, their lines not at all homogenous. you also see far behind the enemy advance, a few pinpricks of light.
[06:27:12] Febrith Nyx: "Alright, you tactics types. They are moving in a saw tooth fashinon toward us. There's also some pinpricks of light in the distance, possibly vehicles of some kind, possibly their command staff."
[06:28:00] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) takes in that info [1d100] => [53] = (53) tactics
[06:28:35] Pvt. Sarah takes it in as well, pondering it. [1d100] => [57] = (57) tactics
[06:28:38] Pvt. Sarah: (( d'oh ))
[06:28:39] Pvt. Sarah: (( fail ))
[06:28:55] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) smiles as she slides her faceplate down and hunkers down into her foxhole.
[06:29:00] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Better take cover.
[06:29:10] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) says as if asked the time.
[06:29:24] Pvt. Sarah slides it down and nods slightly. "Right."
[06:29:44] GM: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[06:29:44] GM: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[06:30:09] GM: The relitive silance is broken by the howl of mortar artillery incoming.
[06:30:52] GM: the initial volly doesn't do much and there is a freindly fire incident along the right flank as a pair of pirates are blown apart by an errant round.
[06:31:17] GM: not that any of you know this…
[06:31:30] GM: well, you know the volly was ineffective..
[06:31:47] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): [1d100] => [61] = (61) tactics
[06:32:39] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) sits in thought as the mortar rounds continue to crash into the hillside, advancing up the ridgeline as their spotters correct their fire.
[06:32:54] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): I count four tubes.
[06:33:01] Febrith Nyx watches the lines. [1d20] => [1] = (1) perc
[06:33:14] 2LT Komillia Maeless looks to line up a shot. [1d20] => [15] = (15)
[06:33:56] GM: you can take a shot but will be at negative for range and obstruction
[06:34:45] 2LT Komillia Maeless will just keep her aim together for a better shot.
[06:35:24] Pvt. Sarah watches the line closely and quietly. [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12)
[06:35:34] GM: a few sperodic bursts are fired from the other squads on the ridge. but not much comes of it, the enemy fire back as well, to little effect
[06:37:57] GM: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[06:37:58] GM: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[06:38:10] Pvt. Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[06:38:16] GM: The enemy artillery is thankfully poorly aimed,
[06:40:00] GM: presently the morter secion to our rear opens fire and starts to rain fire on the advancing Bondar.
[06:40:28] GM: [1d20] => [7] = (7)
[06:40:28] GM: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[06:40:30] GM: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[06:40:31] GM: [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[06:40:32] GM: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[06:40:32] GM: [1d20] => [4] = (4)
[06:40:34] GM: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[06:40:34] GM: [1d20] => [14] = (14)
[06:41:00] GM: The enemy fire scores two good hits [2d3] => [2,3] = (5)
[06:41:21] GM: center and right [1d8] => [3] = (3) and [1d8] => [4] = (4)
[06:42:15] GM: One of us is in the pickle barrel [1d4] => [1] = (1) Komi 1, Nyx 2, Sarah 3, Suki 4
[06:42:33] Pvt. Sarah: (( eek. ))
[06:42:49] Pvt. Sarah: (( poor Komi ))
[06:42:53] GM: [(1d6*10)/2] => 10
[06:43:16] GM: Komi a round lands danger close and were it not for your armor you would be chunky salsa.
[06:44:44] GM: [(1d6*10)/2] => 15
[06:44:57] GM: The poor fello on the right flank takes a bit more damage.
[06:44:59] 2LT Komillia Maeless: "Remind me to bring a devastator next time."
[06:45:40] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) wipes some dirt from her faceplate as the dust and grit from the near miss begins to settle.
[06:46:40] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) huffs then pulls her self up and into a firing position behind her foxholes sandbags.
[06:47:03] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Pick your targets.
[06:47:04] 2LT Komillia Maeless resumes her aim.
[06:47:58] GM: Inits
[06:48:09] Pvt. Sarah: [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23)
[06:48:20] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[06:48:26] Pvt. Sarah: (( what a waste of a 20 ))
[06:48:29] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[06:48:30] Pvt. Sarah: (( hehe ))
[06:48:42] Febrith Nyx: [1d20+2] => [9,2] = (11)
[06:51:36] GM: Okay let me know how many attacks yall have each
[06:52:08] Febrith Nyx: ((5))
[06:52:14] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((8))
[06:53:05] Pvt. Sarah: (( 4. :p ))
[06:53:07] GM: sarah?
[06:53:50] Pvt. Sarah: (( wait. 5. ))
[06:54:26] Pvt. Sarah: (( mew ))
[06:55:43] GM: lets see if this makes things a bit easier
[06:56:56] GM: You all see about [1d10+2] => [6,2] = (8) enemy coming up your next of the woods.
[06:56:58] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((using the system i use for Rifts?))
[06:57:26] GM: more or less, the same one I showed you from the cheethorne site revise combat init
[06:58:45] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((kk))
[06:58:55] GM: [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[06:59:22] GM: Okay, Komi you can attack
[06:59:46] 2LT Komillia Maeless picks the biggest infantry grunt she can see and fires. [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[07:00:16] GM: [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[07:00:27] Pvt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[07:00:32] GM: Voop! He ducks!
[07:00:54] GM: Suki,
[07:01:50] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) selects burstfire and cracks off a burst at an advancing enemy, going for the dome. [1d20+11] => [12,11] = (23)
[07:02:09] GM: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[07:02:12] GM: She hits
[07:02:19] GM: [9d6] => [1,2,6,1,3,6,1,3,4] = (27)
[07:03:01] GM: And the enemy pitches over backwards.
[07:03:05] GM: Nyx
[07:03:35] Febrith Nyx lines up the most well covered of the enemies and opens fire. [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[07:03:46] GM: Miss
[07:03:54] GM: Enemies under cover are a called shot
[07:04:03] GM: Sarah
[07:05:07] Pvt. Sarah lines up for a separate enemy, one near the one Komi shot, but not the same one. [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[07:05:26] GM: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[07:05:31] Pvt. Sarah: (( :p ))
[07:05:32] GM: Your shots go wide.
[07:06:13] Febrith Nyx: ((who let Carol into the game?))
[07:06:20] GM: the enemy opens fire [8d8] => [5,2,3,3,5,7,1,4] = (30) 1-4 is us, based on the earlier set up 4-8 are shots at the squad to our immediate right (NOT the ones on the right flank)
[07:07:19] Pvt. Sarah: (( heh ))
[07:07:20] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[07:07:23] GM: Nyx, incoming (you are all for all intents and purposes under cover FYI, since you are in a foxhole) you step out, and, well, all on you
[07:07:36] GM: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[07:07:41] Pvt. Sarah: (( O.O ))
[07:07:42] GM: Damn…
[07:07:42] Pvt. Sarah: (( eep ))
[07:07:43] Febrith Nyx: [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
[07:07:49] Pvt. Sarah: (( … ))
[07:07:51] Pvt. Sarah: (( :p :) ))
[07:07:52] Febrith Nyx: ((…))
[07:07:55] GM: [(9d6)*2] => 38
[07:08:37] GM: Your armor is chewed up around your upper body shoulders and head. You weapon is 65% shot to shit [1d100] => [56] = (56)
[07:09:05] GM: mark off only 30 MD, the weapon at 8 of it
[07:09:10] GM: at = ate
[07:09:44] GM: Sarah two incming at you [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14) and [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[07:09:54] GM: One miss, impacting your cover, the other…
[07:10:24] Pvt. Sarah: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[07:10:36] GM: You duck out of harms way
[07:10:44] GM: one at Komi [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
[07:10:46] GM: Missing
[07:10:53] GM: and one at Suki [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23)
[07:11:07] GM: [1d20+16] => [6,16] = (22)
[07:11:15] Pvt. Sarah: (( o.o eep ))
[07:11:17] GM: Hit [9d6] => [4,5,2,6,6,1,6,3,3] = (36)
[07:11:44] GM: Komi fire
[07:12:26] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps shooting at the big dum lummox that dodged her. [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[07:12:34] GM: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[07:12:37] GM: Hit
[07:12:41] GM: Suki fire
[07:12:43] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [9d6] => [6,3,5,3,4,6,5,1,4] = (37)
[07:13:13] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) shrugs off the hit, and fires on the one that had the temerity to shoot at her [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13) to the dome
[07:13:16] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Missing
[07:13:41] GM: Nyx your action
[07:14:23] Febrith Nyx takes her shot at an non-covered target. [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[07:14:34] GM: ((with another weapon?))
[07:15:05] Febrith Nyx: ((assuming she has one, yes))
[07:15:15] GM: figure a pistil then, and you miss
[07:15:19] GM: Sarah
[07:15:28] GM: wait, no, Komi first
[07:15:50] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps firing on the lummox. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[07:15:59] GM: [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[07:16:01] GM: Hit
[07:16:14] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [9d6] => [6,6,3,5,4,6,2,5,2] = (39)
[07:16:42] GM: You see a nice spray of blood and the target goes down, permenantly.
[07:16:45] GM: Sarah
[07:17:05] Pvt. Sarah fires on her target again, quickly. [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[07:17:32] GM: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[07:17:33] GM: Hit
[07:17:41] Pvt. Sarah: [9d6] => [1,4,6,3,1,6,3,2,5] = (31)
[07:18:18] GM: Suki fire
[07:18:38] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) takes another burst at the one she missed prior [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[07:18:45] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): [1d20+7] => [19,7] = (26)
[07:19:06] GM: Missing. The enemy opens fire at [7d8] => [4,2,5,2,4,4,8] = (29)
[07:19:13] GM: Suki [1d20+5] => [12,5] = (17)
[07:19:21] GM: [1d20+16] => [14,16] = (30)
[07:19:24] GM: Missing,
[07:19:32] GM: Nyx [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[07:19:33] GM: miss
[07:19:41] GM: Nyx [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[07:19:45] GM: owwie
[07:19:47] Febrith Nyx: [1d20] => [9] = (9)
[07:19:53] Pvt. Sarah: (( lols ))
[07:20:00] GM: [(9d6)*2] => 76
[07:20:07] GM: You are down for the count
[07:20:14] GM: roll save vs coma death
[07:20:16] Pvt. Sarah: (( geebus. ))
[07:20:29] GM: two shoot at Suki [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19) and [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24)
[07:20:39] GM: [1d20+16] => [6,16] = (22) and [1d20+16] => [20,16] = (36)
[07:21:08] GM: Komi your turn
[07:21:43] Febrith Nyx: [1d100] => [2] = (2) [1d100] => [98] = (98) [1d100] => [33] = (33) vs 6
[07:22:00] GM: Nyx you are KOed but still among the living
[07:22:08] Pvt. Sarah: (( eep ))
[07:22:12] Pvt. Sarah: (( phew ))
[07:22:41] 2LT Komillia Maeless puts the lummos down if her guess about the armor is right. [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[07:22:50] GM: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[07:22:52] GM: hit
[07:22:56] GM: Suki
[07:23:09] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) shoots at another enemy [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26)
[07:23:14] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [9d6] => [5,2,3,4,5,2,2,2,5] = (30)
[07:23:16] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[07:23:38] GM: Sarah
[07:23:49] GM: and then komi again
[07:23:55] Pvt. Sarah fires at the same enemy again. [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[07:23:59] Pvt. Sarah: (( fail ))
[07:24:04] GM: miss for sarah, i still need komis damage
[07:24:09] GM: and then her next attack
[07:24:17] Pvt. Sarah: (( er? Komi rolled damage right before Suki's attack roll ))
[07:24:22] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((already gave you the damage.))
[07:24:24] Pvt. Sarah: (( Suki's nat 20 attack roll ))
[07:24:28] GM: she did kk
[07:24:32] Pvt. Sarah: (( which hasn't had damage rolled either ;) ))
[07:24:39] GM: No, sadly that nat 20 was an enemy dodge…
[07:24:47] Pvt. Sarah: (( oh ))
[07:24:50] Pvt. Sarah: (( bleh. lol ))
[07:24:55] Pvt. Sarah: (( nice waste of it anyway ))
[07:24:57] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((is the lummox alive?))
[07:25:00] GM: Komi your target drops deader 'n shit
[07:25:05] Pvt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[07:25:18] GM: Komi your attack
[07:25:19] 2LT Komillia Maeless moves to the next available target. [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
[07:25:30] GM: [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[07:25:32] GM: hit
[07:25:37] GM: Suki
[07:25:41] GM: [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
[07:25:45] GM: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[07:25:53] GM: Attackers win [9d6] => [6,5,3,1,3,5,4,1,4] = (32)
[07:25:58] GM: her target is likewise killed
[07:26:12] GM: damage komi
[07:26:18] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [9d6] => [2,4,3,5,2,6,2,3,6] = (33)
[07:26:36] GM: Your target drops as well, ahivng been hit by sarah earlier
[07:26:43] GM: [4d8] => [4,3,2,2] = (11)
[07:26:54] GM: Suki [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[07:26:57] GM: is hit
[07:27:11] GM: [1d20] => [6] = (6) (I might burn an AP too if I dont roll gud)
[07:27:19] GM: yeah, might as well burn one…
[07:27:30] GM: Thats what they are there for after all
[07:27:44] GM: Sarah [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[07:27:55] Pvt. Sarah: (( phew ))
[07:27:57] Pvt. Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[07:28:00] GM: is missed and the two at nyx go for other targets
[07:28:34] GM: The enemy loses on more to the squad to your immediate right and then hunkers down, their advance halted.
[07:29:00] GM: Komi your action
[07:29:20] GM: (hunkerd down means the enemy is under cover now as well, called shots or better to hit)
[07:30:25] GM: komi?
[07:30:30] GM: or sarah
[07:30:41] GM: your turns
[07:30:51] Pvt. Sarah: (( not sure I ahve anymore actions left, do I? ))
[07:30:55] Pvt. Sarah: (( I had to use one to dodge ))
[07:31:02] GM: uh yeah you do, , look at the chart
[07:31:05] GM: oh
[07:31:17] GM: still ahve an action now
[07:31:22] Pvt. Sarah: (( okay ))
[07:31:34] 2LT Komillia Maeless will keep hers for dodges.
[07:31:42] Pvt. Sarah fires again, sighing as they move under cover. [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17)
[07:31:45] Pvt. Sarah: (( lol ))
[07:32:06] GM: I think the enemy is out as well so, komi and suki get one more attack each free before round recycle
[07:32:13] GM: Hit
[07:32:19] Pvt. Sarah: [9d6] => [3,3,6,1,3,2,1,6,2] = (27)
[07:32:22] GM: Suki [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21) CS
[07:32:24] Pvt. Sarah: (( yay! ))
[07:32:25] GM: Missing
[07:32:51] GM: Sarah you get a piece of one of em
[07:32:54] GM: Komi your freebie
[07:33:04] GM: then your first attack of a new round
[07:34:11] 2LT Komillia Maeless will fire twice on her previous live target. [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14) [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[07:34:20] GM: miss and jam
[07:34:29] GM: Suki [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[07:34:34] GM: [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[07:34:40] GM: hits [9d6] => [4,3,1,5,4,4,2,4,1] = (28)
[07:35:00] GM: [1d4] => [2] = (2) 3 and 2 have been damaged already, rolling to see which on Suki hits
[07:35:07] GM: One target is killed
[07:35:09] GM: Sarah
[07:35:28] Pvt. Sarah: (( the one I've been firingat is still up, right? ))
[07:35:34] GM: yes
[07:35:43] Pvt. Sarah fires again at the same guy she's been firing on. [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
[07:35:44] GM: if not, shoot something else
[07:35:48] GM: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[07:35:57] GM: attackers win ties, hit
[07:35:59] Pvt. Sarah: [9d6] => [3,3,4,5,5,2,6,4,3] = (35)
[07:36:05] GM: Your target is killed
[07:36:09] Pvt. Sarah: (( yay ))
[07:36:19] GM: Komi, your action, I presume you use it to clear the jam?
[07:36:26] GM: [2d8] => [5,1] = (6)
[07:36:40] GM: Komi being shot at [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13)
[07:36:42] GM: is missed
[07:36:49] GM: Suki [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
[07:36:51] GM: misses
[07:36:58] 2LT Komillia Maeless clears jam.
[07:37:04] GM: Komi your attack
[07:37:13] GM: then Sarah
[07:37:30] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps shooting at that last bastard. [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27)
[07:37:38] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[07:37:39] GM: hit
[07:37:42] GM: Sarah
[07:37:46] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [9d6] => [1,5,6,5,3,1,3,2,1] = (27)
[07:37:51] GM: Doink!
[07:37:55] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((got an earache…))
[07:38:03] GM: You think it might still be alive, but you sure as hell rung his bell
[07:38:22] Pvt. Sarah fires a shot at the other one, since that one was hit nicely., [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[07:38:28] GM: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[07:38:29] GM: hit
[07:38:40] CWO3 Sarah: [9d6] => [4,3,6,2,1,3,4,5,6] = (34)
[07:38:57] GM: Massive damage, but still kicking
[07:39:15] GM: Suki [1d20+11] => [16,11] = (27) at [1d2] => [2] = (2) 1 Sarah's 2 Komis target
[07:39:20] GM: [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[07:39:22] GM: hit
[07:39:25] GM: [9d6] => [3,3,4,5,1,1,6,6,3] = (32)
[07:39:27] GM: dead
[07:39:35] GM: [1d9] => [9] = (9)
[07:39:39] GM: [1d8] => [4] = (4)
[07:39:49] GM: At suki [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[07:39:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep ))
[07:40:10] GM: the hell… [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[07:40:23] GM: [(9d6)*2] => 72
[07:40:34] GM: Suki is pitched back onto her ass [3d100] => [63,43,39] = (145)
[07:40:52] GM: Out but alive
[07:41:01] GM: Komi
[07:41:18] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps on one target until it falls. [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[07:41:22] GM: miss
[07:41:27] GM: Sarah
[07:42:04] CWO3 Sarah eeps at seeing Suki fall, firing quickly again. [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[07:42:12] GM: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[07:42:14] GM: miss
[07:42:18] CWO3 Sarah: (( d'oh ))
[07:42:19] GM: Komi
[07:42:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[07:43:09] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps on one target until it falls. [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
[07:43:16] GM: [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[07:43:17] GM: miss
[07:43:23] GM: [1d8] => [8] = (8)
[07:43:29] GM: Komi again
[07:43:32] GM: and then sarah
[07:43:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk :) ))
[07:43:45] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps on one target until it falls. [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[07:43:50] GM: [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14)
[07:43:53] GM: hit
[07:43:57] CWO3 Sarah: (( copypasta. lol ))
[07:44:00] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [9d6] => [3,6,5,2,4,1,2,1,5] = (29)
[07:44:04] GM: dead
[07:44:58] GM: You see more pirate type further back, and they dont look like they are willing to advance int' this buzzsaw,
[07:45:23] GM: the squad to your right is a man down
[07:46:00] GM: One of them makes her way over via the trench
[07:46:21] Trow: Sharess' tits! You guys got fucked up!
[07:47:09] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Could be worse, I've had limbs replaced. I suspect our fallen will just need a couple days in a bed and they'll be good to go.
[07:47:26] Trow nods
[07:47:44] 2LT Komillia Maeless: How about your squad?
[07:47:49] Trow: We lost one.
[07:48:42] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Did you make them pay for your fallen?
[07:48:56] Trow nods again
[07:49:06] Trow: More you then us.
[07:49:29] Trow: They seemed obsessed with your position.
[07:49:44] CWO3 Sarah frowns and nods softly, leaning down to check Nyx and Suki, and use accelerate healing quickly.
[07:50:28] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Probably have plans to break through here. I've seen it lots of times before. Though I'm usually in the cockpit of a 20 foot mecha."
[07:50:39] Trow calls for relief and after about 10 minutes a fresh squad under your seargent arrives and you are rotated back to the aid station
[07:50:46] CWO3 Sarah shrugs slightly at the thought. "Guess they thought we looked small and weak." She smiles just a little.
[07:50:58] Trow snickers.
[07:51:01] Trow: Riiight!
[07:51:10] Trow: Good hold anyway!
[07:51:23] Trow hustles back to her hole
[07:51:27] CWO3 Sarah: "They're always welcomed into our gunsights, of course." She smiles. "Thanks."
[07:51:27] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Uh-huh. You too.
[07:52:02] 2LT Komillia Maeless looks to Sarah, "If I look small and week to them, maybe I should have come macronized…"
[07:52:28] CWO3 Sarah glances over and shrugs. "Well, maybe not you…" She grins a little.
[07:53:12] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Maybe you should go halo on them sometime. See what kinda ruckus that causes.
[07:53:54] CWO3 Sarah laughs a little. "If it gets worse, I'll do the full bit, yes. Maybe. Trouble is, it might also paint a nice big bullseye on me as well."
[07:54:38] GM: On the seargents order you , due to the injuries, are flown back to the main base. Sarah and Komi you are sent back as well to carry the sarge's report as well as cart back a few bondar bodies and a few of tehir side arms that were captured.
[07:56:55] GM: Suki and Nyx , having already been stripped of their hard armor at the aid station, are lowered into medical tanks (that look for all intenst and puropses like a Bacta Tank
[07:57:11] CWO3 Sarah: (( yay, bacta tanks. lol ))
[07:57:19] 2LT Komillia Maeless drops the bodies on someones feet, and hands over the report with all the practiced ease of a veteran officer. [1d100] => [90] = (90) vs 80 Mil Ettiquette
[07:57:32] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((or would have if she knew the language better))
[07:58:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:00:48] 2LT Komillia Maeless goes looking for the mess tent and wonders how bad their rations are going to mess with her digestive tract.
[08:01:13] GM: Prolly not all that bad, you have been living off of native flora and fauna on that other world for months…
[08:01:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:02:26] CWO3 Sarah sighs, stays close to where the tanks are, as much as possible, watching with worry at the one Suki is in.
[08:02:36] GM: So, while Nyx and Suki are in the fanservice healing tubes, Sarah and Komi handle their bidness.
[08:02:45] CWO3 Sarah: /ooc hehe
[08:02:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( :) ))
[08:03:34] GM: As an interesting side not, the medical tech these folks have, is pretty darn good. Granted the UEEF is not to shabby either, but the UEEF doesnt have fanservice tanks
[08:04:03] GM: or skinsuits that are dissolved on contact with the healing fluid.
[08:04:45] GM: Free RP, or move on?
[08:05:15] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehehehhe ))
[08:05:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( yay at fanservice skinsuits' ))
[08:05:45] GM: Nudity! Nudity everywhere!
[08:05:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( well, Sarah and Komi are just gonna be doing whatever it is they do, until the other two are okay. ))
[08:06:08] 2LT Komillia Maeless hunts down the bastard that took her book. [1d20] => [8] = (8) PERC, [1d100] => [42] = (42) vs 45 Public Speaking, [1d100] => [76] = (76) vs 329 Seduction, [1d100] => [6] = (6) vs 40% charm/impress
[08:06:21] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((vs 29 sedecution))
[08:06:26] GM: The medic's assure you the two will be fine, despite the differnace in biology for Suki.
[08:06:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( was gonna say, yo udo not have 329 seduction. lol ))
[08:06:39] CWO3 Sarah: (( ) ))
[08:06:43] CWO3 Sarah: (( :) too ))
[08:06:48] GM: That bastard is probobly on the front line you flew away from…
[08:07:19] GM: anyway
[08:08:04] GM: Roll a PE check Nyx and Suki
[08:08:21] GM: [1d30] => [7] = (7) vs 27 Suki
[08:08:59] Febrith Nyx: [1d30] => [16] = (16) vs 16
[08:09:06] GM: roll again
[08:09:12] Febrith Nyx: [1d30] => [4] = (4) vs 16
[08:09:25] GM: Nyx wakes up a day after Suki does
[08:11:38] GM: A day or so later you, all in fresh uniforms, and still inside the air conditioned base facility are asked by a greyskinned 'Ssu to report to one of the hangers
[08:12:12] GM: You have alos been all bumped up a grade
[08:12:57] GM: And during the interim you find out that the Bondar pirate you faced had been all hopped up on Khat (or the bondar equivilent thereof))
[08:13:05] 2LT Komillia Maeless: "What is this the army?"
[08:13:06] GM: ((pirates))
[08:13:15] 2LT Komillia Maeless goes looking inside the hangar.
[08:13:20] GM: ((well it aint the Marine Coprs))
[08:13:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol. ))
[08:13:55] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((if it were, we'd all have to take -6 IQ\))
[08:14:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( rotfl ))
[08:14:19] GM: Inside the hanger are various what you would figure are, shuttle craft, Trow ='s to the Horizon,
[08:14:26] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((+4 PS, PP and PE though))
[08:14:52] GM: ((but yes, I'm using Army rank structures here, becuase, why not)
[08:15:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( anyhows… woo. Horizons. hehe ))
[08:15:36] 2LT Komillia Maeless: "So we dropping on the Bondar base camp?"
[08:15:51] Trow: Very good.
[08:16:55] Trow: Actually, not on, but near. Last assault we tried to drop ON a Bondar basecamp well, it didnt' end well.
[08:17:17] CWO3 Sarah nods just a little at that.
[08:17:33] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Last 3 times I evac a vehicle midflight, it didn't end well…
[08:17:52] Trow: Anyway, your Sargent spoke well of you and I'm sure you'd like a bit of payback on the bastards that laid you up.
[08:17:57] Trow points to Suki and Nyx.
[08:18:27] Febrith Nyx: Yes, but I want one to analyze, interrogate and dissect when this is over.
[08:18:28] Trow: Plus, you kill good, so, welcome to the assault team.
[08:18:54] Trow: Hmm, kinky, we'll have to introduce you to the Inquisotrs.
[08:19:00] CWO3 Sarah snickers at Komi.
[08:20:47] GM: The Trow, you note she is a 1st Sword (E-7 or Seargent First Class), introduces you to the other folks in the platoon, and then shows you to your new armor, which is a havier version of what you had used prior , and is equipped with a jump pack.
[08:22:03] GM: You recognize the armor as the same you saw earlier on the other planet, which since it's to damn awkward to call ' the other plaent' you have found out that it is actually called, by the Trow in space Mareel IV)
[08:22:45] 2LT Komillia Maeless: WEll, better than going out in a skin-suit.
[08:23:26] GM: The 1st Sword nods, then shows you a holo map. We bounce tonight and will be landed and onstation to pounce at first light.
[08:24:27] GM: The bondar base is really a open cleared field with tents prefab structures some tarmac matting and three blocky ships in the center surrounded by boxes of cargo.
[08:25:20] Trow: The op is simple, we go in, kill all hostiles, and scure those ships.
[08:26:21] Trow: Armory is over there ladies, pick your poison.
[08:26:53] GM: Pick what you want as weapons from the ASC book, the damage and capabilites are the same, just the styling would be different
[08:27:43] GM: Your armor is equal to the CVR-3M for protection
[08:28:42] CWO3 Sarah: (( well, hmm. ))
[08:28:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( hee hee ))
[08:30:38] Febrith Nyx will take a IPS-12 Ion Pulse Carbine Man, with two LP-09 Laser pistols for back up…
[08:30:50] Febrith Nyx: ((main not Man))
[08:31:17] GM: Oooo a MAAAAN!
[08:33:46] GM: Suki will take an XIAW-5 and aHPW-6
[08:35:38] 2LT Komillia Maeless will take a LAR-10 Laser Assault Rifle, with two XIAW-5 Lightning gun pistols as back ups.
[08:36:01] CWO3 Sarah picks an LP-10h as a sidearm for back up, checking the weapons, and taking an HLW-6 for herself, with power pack.
[08:36:24] GM: [127+30+10+25+15] => 207
[08:37:04] GM: Your armors flight pack acts as if an ASC TFP
[08:37:49] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((wait does this mean that their mecha share stats with ASC Battloids?))
[08:38:08] GM: Not a real worry since you cant fly them anyway
[08:38:18] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:38:39] GM: Well, not their large robot style ones, their PA yes, but I have stats for them already hashed out
[08:39:02] GM: Okay, off we go
[08:39:46] GM: Also, Nyx and Suki get to add 1 to their ME stat
[08:39:55] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((Oh?))
[08:39:57] GM: For their survival of nastiness.
[08:40:17] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:40:19] GM: ((yeah, you surive shit like that, and you ME goes up, consider it the 1000 yard stare effect))
[08:40:24] CWO3 Sarah: (( ow ))
[08:40:34] GM: ((Yeah man, I'm been places, done some stuff…i wouldnt recommend it."
[08:40:52] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((no appreciable difference. to saves..))
[08:41:24] GM: well what is your ME, also need that sheet up on site!
[08:41:30] GM taps foot
[08:42:34] Febrith Nyx: ((19 now))
[08:42:39] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:42:54] Febrith Nyx: ((I know I gave it to carrie to do that…))
[08:43:32] CWO3 Sarah: (( I'll get it up, I haven't been feeling well, remember? ))
[08:43:53] Febrith Nyx: ((yeah, which is why I've not pressed the issue.))
[08:44:33] CWO3 Sarah: (( I know you haven't, comment was directed at foot tapper ;p ))
[08:45:46] GM: nod
[08:45:48] GM: no worries
[08:47:03] GM: Okay so you hustle aboard the drop ship and are flown out to your staging area.
[08:47:51] GM: There are about two other drops ships worth of folks out here, and they are there for support and containment.
[08:48:01] GM: You are the assult team.
[08:48:13] GM: Well your platoon, not just you, anyway
[08:48:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:48:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( was gonna say… :) ))
[08:48:43] GM: You have an elevated position, and are able to overlook the enemy encamplment, and it looks to you like they are packing up.
[08:49:17] GM: The three ships squat short dumpy things, but look pretty tough.
[08:49:45] GM: the two ships closest to you are smaller thenthe third further back.
[08:52:16] GM: the ships are about 5 klicks form you right now, the closest the tree line gets to the ships is the front of the left most ship closest to you and that's about 1000 feet. the right most small ship is about 500 foot behind it, and the larger ship is 1250 or so feet away from the right most small ship
[08:53:11] GM: Green = treeline, orange = ships
[08:54:18] GM: Questions?
[08:54:51] Febrith Nyx: ((any guesstimates to enemy numbers?))
[08:55:05] GM: about 50
[08:56:36] GM: thats total , and that includes ship crews and stuff like that
[08:57:10] GM: About 23 combatants that you can see out of that 50,
[08:57:20] GM: plus what ever is inside the ships
[08:57:33] GM: which you dont really know, your action on the ridgeline really thinned them out
[08:58:33] Trow: So, you tits want the honor of being first over the hump?
[09:00:08] GM: Yes no, maybe so?
[09:00:30] Febrith Nyx: Yes.
[09:00:33] Febrith Nyx jumps
[09:00:43] Febrith Nyx jumps at the chance.
[09:01:14] GM: Suki likewise is chomping at the bit, but maintaines her icelike demonor.
[09:01:20] GM: demeanor
[09:01:47] Trow: Okay, you get set up, and we pounce on your go.
[09:02:09] CWO3 Sarah nods a little, looking to Suki and the others.
[09:02:20] GM: roll inits
[09:02:25] GM: [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[09:02:27] Febrith Nyx: [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9)
[09:02:33] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+2] => [12,2] = (14)
[09:03:19] GM: [1d20+5] => [7,5] = (12)
[09:03:38] GM: Carrie?
[09:03:38] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+3] => [14,3] = (17)
[09:03:40] GM: need init
[09:04:29] GM: You guys creep up to the closest point of the treeline
[09:04:39] GM: I'm assuming that, unless you want to attack from someplace else..
[09:04:55] GM: Also, which ship are you targeting?
[09:04:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, no. closest point of the treeline is rather obvious ;) ))
[09:04:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:06:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( unless you want me porting the team to somewhere more advantageous, but that renders me useless after. :p ))
[09:06:42] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Lets keep the high ground, assult out of the treeline and impact the top of the nearest hull. Knock out any tangos topside.
[09:07:03] CWO3 Sarah smiles brightly. "Yes, ma'am."
[09:07:14] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((the biggun))
[09:07:28] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) nods at Komi ((Kain alies issue))
[09:07:40] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((gah, alias issues.))
[09:07:50] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Right, once we celar the nearest ship hull, we leapfrog over to teh big one, and clear it.
[09:07:51] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((ear ache issues too.))
[09:08:25] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep ))
[09:08:51] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Two man overwatch. Komi on me, Nyx you and the Chief cover us on the bounce. Once we land we cover you.
[09:09:13] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Except for the first ship we all hit that one at the same time.
[09:09:59] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Roger.
[09:10:04] Febrith Nyx: Got it.
[09:10:14] CWO3 Sarah nods at that and smiles. "Right."
[09:11:41] GM: Okay roll a piloting, if you have Jet pack use that, if not use ground VT with a 10% negative
[09:11:57] GM: [1d100+10] => [20,10] = (30) vs 93%
[09:12:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( pilot vt morelike, ground vt isn't required if you have the full skill ))
[09:12:40] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100+10] => [60,10] = (70) vs 85
[09:12:51] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100+10] => [98,10] = (108) vs. 94%
[09:12:56] Febrith Nyx: [1d100+10] => [62,10] = (72) vs 82
[09:12:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( … *facepalm* ))
[09:13:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( might just take an AP on that ))
[09:13:05] GM: Sarah you will over shoot.
[09:13:22] GM: You can fire once on the way in, at a -6
[09:13:48] GM: and apperently bursts are fired with 1/2 bonus…
[09:14:16] Febrith Nyx: ((nyeh?))
[09:14:28] GM: s'what I say, so eff it
[09:14:39] GM: Suki
[09:15:53] GM: Suki will fire on the way in, there are three targets on the hull of the nerest ship all in armor, two are crewing a large gun the other is hefting an assult rifle. This is a surprise ambush, after the initial strike we go to the normal rotation
[09:16:16] GM: [1d20+10-6] => [18,10,-6] = (22)
[09:16:25] GM: thats a hit
[09:16:45] GM: [(2d4*10+6] => (2d4*10+6
[09:16:59] GM: [(2d4*10)+6] => 86
[09:17:50] GM: Ima roll random for armor type, [1d4] => [2] = (2) 1 lightest 4 heaviest
[09:18:30] GM: The target is immolated in purifying flame err I mean plasma.
[09:18:40] GM: One target down
[09:18:44] GM: Nyx
[09:19:12] Febrith Nyx will take a shot at a lightly armored one. [1d20+3-6] => [3,3,-6] = (0)
[09:19:29] GM: You miss
[09:19:33] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((Now divide by that…))
[09:19:40] GM: KABOOM!
[09:19:48] GM: Komi
[09:20:37] 2LT Komillia Maeless fires at a heavy jackass. [1d20+9-6] => [9,9,-6] = (12)
[09:20:44] GM: hit
[09:21:47] GM: Sarah, you can either take a shot or try to recover your angle of attack
[09:21:54] GM: damage komi
[09:22:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( so no using the AP mentioned before? mkay. will fix angloe ))
[09:22:23] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100+10] => [4,10] = (14) vs. 94%
[09:22:32] GM: there you go
[09:22:52] GM: Komi damage, and then your first attack of the first round
[09:23:43] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d4*10+6] => 16
[09:23:48] GM: plink
[09:24:54] GM: okay, now, komi, your action
[09:25:48] GM: then suki nyx and sarah unless sarah wants to trump
[09:26:20] 2LT Komillia Maeless will wonder why she plinked then shoot the armored figure in the face. [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[09:26:33] GM: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[09:26:40] GM: he jinks out of the way
[09:27:05] GM: Suki will fire on the one that Komi isn't [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[09:27:10] GM: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[09:27:12] GM: hit
[09:27:24] GM: [(2d4*10)+6] => 56
[09:28:06] GM: The traget is hit hard, but is still up
[09:28:11] GM: nyx
[09:29:20] Febrith Nyx fires at her lightly armored prey. [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[09:29:27] GM: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[09:29:30] GM: missing
[09:29:35] GM: Sarah
[09:31:41] CWO3 Sarah fires at the one Suki isn't shooting at. [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[09:31:47] GM: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[09:31:49] GM: missing
[09:31:57] GM: the eney returns fire [2d4] => [2,2] = (4)
[09:32:02] Febrith Nyx: ((grinds the dice.))
[09:32:03] GM: both at Nyxipoo
[09:32:15] Febrith Nyx: [1d20+4] => [4,4] = (8)
[09:32:17] Febrith Nyx: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[09:32:20] GM: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20) and [1d20+5] => [11,5] = (16)
[09:32:30] GM: one hit one miss
[09:32:41] GM: [9d6] => [5,1,5,3,4,4,3,5,5] = (35)
[09:32:55] GM: Komi
[09:34:17] GM: Suki
[09:34:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( noms Komi ))
[09:35:02] GM: Suki will close and unleash a backwards sweep kick to knock on of the baddies off the hull. [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[09:35:07] GM: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:35:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:35:24] GM: Suki kicks the guy and off he goes.
[09:35:29] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps firing at the big armored idiot. [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
[09:35:37] GM: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…… Splat
[09:35:43] GM: [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15)
[09:35:45] GM: hit
[09:37:03] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d4*10+6] => 46
[09:37:39] GM: Target is still up
[09:37:51] GM: Nyx
[09:38:02] GM: roll precs all please
[09:38:06] GM: percs
[09:38:12] GM: [1d20+3] => [18,3] = (21) for Suki
[09:38:22] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
[09:39:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( suck and faila ))
[09:39:27] GM: nyx, perc and action
[09:39:46] Febrith Nyx: [1d20] => [13] = (13) PERC
[09:40:08] Febrith Nyx continues to try and hit the lightly armored toy. [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23)
[09:40:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( O.O ))
[09:40:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( awesome ))
[09:40:31] GM: Nyx you notice that the other two ships have similer setups up top, the nearby smaller ship has 4 folks atop it, the larger one has 5 and two heavy machine guns, you also notice that they have noticed you
[09:40:40] GM: [1d20)
[09:40:44] GM: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[09:40:46] GM: damage
[09:41:05] Febrith Nyx: [(1d6*10)*2] => 100
[09:41:16] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [5] = (5) PERC
[09:41:19] GM: you kill the thrid guy. This hull is clear.
[09:41:27] GM: Sarah, your action
[09:41:40] GM: Suki takes this time to point out the other targets.
[09:42:04] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) points to Sarah and then at the machine gun
[09:42:42] CWO3 Sarah nods quickly and fires for the machine gunner pointed to. "Yes, ma'am!" [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[09:42:45] CWO3 Sarah: (( arg ))
[09:42:49] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Chief, get that gun turned and rounds downrange, Nyx, covering fire on the next boat.
[09:43:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( withdraw mine until Suki's order is done, rather ))
[09:43:26] GM: Dont worry Sarah, you get saved by the fact that it will take on attack to move the gun into position
[09:43:36] GM: it's not on a conveniant swivel mount.
[09:43:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( okay. ))
[09:44:04] GM: So right now sarah, you are movng the gun, Komi your action
[09:44:26] GM: Meanwhile below, the rest of the Platoon has begun their assult
[09:45:31] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps firing at the heavier targets. [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[09:45:35] GM: jam
[09:45:38] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((ffffffff…..))
[09:46:01] GM: Suki will fir a burst at one of tehlarge machine guns on the big boat [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[09:46:13] GM: Thats a hit since it cannot dodge.
[09:46:26] GM: [(2d4*10)+6] => 56
[09:47:48] GM: The MG mount is slagged.
[09:48:20] GM: The gunners on the small boat move to turn their gun. the single guy up there fires at [1d4] => [1] = (1)
[09:49:13] GM: [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24) at komi
[09:49:39] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[09:49:44] GM: the gunner and one other atop the big boat shot at [2d4] => [1,2] = (3)
[09:49:50] GM: you evade
[09:49:59] GM: [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6)
[09:50:17] GM: the gunner atop the big boat has a jam, sweet merciful tits of sharess,
[09:50:29] GM: the other guy fires at nyx [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7)
[09:50:33] GM: and likewise misses
[09:50:41] GM: Komi your action
[09:51:31] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps shooting at large heavily armored targets. [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20)
[09:52:11] GM: with your backup weapon i presume you did get a jam on that 1 you rolled
[09:52:26] GM: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[09:52:29] GM: you hit
[09:52:37] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d6*10] => 10
[09:53:27] GM: Suki vaults into the air towards the other boat. [1d100+10] => [8,10] = (18) vs 93%
[09:53:33] GM: Nyx
[09:54:52] GM: Smaller boat I should specify, as Sukis intended target
[09:55:00] Febrith Nyx will take a look at the situation and look for a way to play mind games. [1d20] => [8] = (8) PERC, [1d100] => [50] = (50) vs 63 Psychological Warfare
[09:55:20] GM: ..I..I got nuthin
[09:55:52] GM: you figure something out and the roll says it works, otherwise, I haven't got a CLUE
[09:55:56] Febrith Nyx: ((I would assume the next attack will just demoralize them in some stupid way. If it hits.))
[09:56:07] GM: then do it, your action
[09:56:25] Febrith Nyx will fire at the apparent leader of the bunch. [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[09:57:01] GM: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[09:57:08] GM: if it was the leader, you missed
[09:57:20] GM: Sarah
[09:57:34] CWO3 Sarah gets the heavy gun from the boat they're on moved enough, and looks downrange, firing quickly upon the other small boat's heavy gun position, wanting to keep it busy while Suki is crossing. [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[09:59:09] GM: it's a hit roll damage 4d6x10
[09:59:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh ))
[09:59:22] CWO3 Sarah: [4d6*10] => 160
[09:59:38] GM: you shred the gun mount and the gunner
[09:59:45] CWO3 Sarah: (( *cheers* ))
[09:59:53] GM: KOmi
[10:00:51] 2LT Komillia Maeless will keep the pressure on the heavies. [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[10:01:04] GM: okay so you aren't sticking with Suki?
[10:01:10] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((Oh for the love of Gurren Lagann))
[10:01:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( rotfl @ komi ))
[10:01:30] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((Can't I do that WHILE sticking with Suki?))
[10:01:39] GM: no, jump or shot, not both
[10:01:43] GM: shoot
[10:01:49] GM: 1 attack / action
[10:02:07] 2LT Komillia Maeless will jump after Suki then.
[10:02:13] GM: roll piloting
[10:03:16] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [65] = (65) vs 85
[10:03:35] GM: Suki lands on the other boat and fires at the mid armored fellow, nearest her, to the dome [1d20_10] => 1d20_10
[10:03:45] GM: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[10:03:52] GM: Suki misses, Komi you are on your way
[10:04:34] GM: The the guy suki tried to hit fires at her, [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7) and Suki will try to parry the barrel of teh weapon away [1d20+14] => [17,14] = (31)
[10:05:34] GM: the big gun on the big boat is clearing his jam, and will be able fire next attack of his, warning.. the two other folsk atop the big boat fire at [2d4] => [2,4] = (6)
[10:05:43] GM: Nyx [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24) and Suki [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10)
[10:05:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep ))
[10:06:11] GM: Suki will dodge [1d20+16] => [18,16] = (34)
[10:06:15] Febrith Nyx: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[10:06:51] GM: [9d6] => [2,3,5,1,1,3,4,1,5] = (25)
[10:06:59] GM: Komi
[10:07:36] GM: your action, here is two folks up here that are bad, one is a gunner the other is a heavy. the gunner has no gun, Sarah dealt with that
[10:07:43] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh, we switching rounds? or… ))
[10:07:48] GM: no
[10:07:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( *scratchhead* ))
[10:07:54] GM: we still have a little bit to go
[10:08:14] GM: we are at pink line now
[10:08:31] 2LT Komillia Maeless will fire on the heavy. [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
[10:08:45] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((…))
[10:08:47] GM: nyx
[10:09:06] GM: ((now you know how I felt vs carol last night))
[10:09:10] Febrith Nyx: ((If this isn't a new round, then Nyx is out of attacks with the dodge.))
[10:09:19] GM: Sarah
[10:10:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( will the big gun turn enough to fire on the big ship's heavy gun ))
[10:10:08] GM: yes
[10:10:31] CWO3 Sarah turns the heavy gun enough to fire on the big ship, wanting to take their heavy gun out before it can fire again. [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22)
[10:10:36] GM: damage please
[10:10:38] CWO3 Sarah: [4d6*10] => 130
[10:10:45] GM: you shred the gun and gunner
[10:11:09] GM: Suki will hold for dodges
[10:11:53] GM: enemy on small boat will try to elbow smash suki with the but of his parried away gun [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:12:01] GM: he sprains something
[10:12:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( lols ))
[10:12:16] GM: the gunner pulls his pistol and fires at [1d2] => [1] = (1) 1 suki 2 komi
[10:12:49] GM: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14) and suki will try to parry it's barrel away with her leg [1d20+14] => [6,14] = (20)
[10:13:17] GM: anyone have attacks lef? I think suki has one since she didnt have to dodge
[10:13:51] GM: I think Komi should have one left for sure
[10:14:13] 2LT Komillia Maeless will clear the jam.
[10:14:42] GM: Suki will toss the guy in front of her overboard [1d20+11] => [5,11] = (16) vs [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[10:14:55] GM: Hell no, I wont go says the Boindar Pirate.
[10:15:01] GM: new round
[10:15:06] GM: Komi jam is cleared
[10:15:08] GM: your action
[10:15:30] 2LT Komillia Maeless will fire on the heavy. [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:16:01] GM: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:16:03] GM: hit
[10:16:15] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d6*10] => 60
[10:16:32] GM: His armor has seen better days
[10:17:08] GM: Suki will finish him off as he backpeddles a step from Komis hit, and fired point blank into his midsection [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[10:17:13] GM: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:17:29] GM: [(2d4*10)+6] => 46
[10:17:36] GM: and he has no more midsection
[10:17:44] GM: Nyx
[10:19:25] Febrith Nyx will trying firing on their supposed leader again. [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[10:19:34] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[10:19:36] GM: hit
[10:20:17] Febrith Nyx: [1d6*10] => 50
[10:20:46] GM: he reels, but is still up
[10:21:02] GM: sarah
[10:21:46] CWO3 Sarah tries to pick out another heavy on the bigger ship, hoping to clear it out some, to prevent additional fire from it, as long as she has the heavy gun from the first ship. [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[10:21:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( and sucks ))
[10:22:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( since a heavy can dodge, unlike the gun there ))
[10:22:15] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[10:23:07] GM: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[10:23:13] GM: yeah he dodges allright
[10:23:15] CWO3 Sarah: (( o.o ))
[10:23:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( wow ))
[10:23:21] CWO3 Sarah: (( :D ))
[10:23:24] Febrith Nyx: ((I call HAX!))
[10:23:26] GM: hell this guy dodged SO well, he's inside the ship now
[10:23:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( uberdodge. rofl\ ))
[10:24:04] GM: The enemy on the ship with Komi and Suki [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[10:24:12] GM: Tries to give up.
[10:24:26] GM: The enemy on the big boat fire at [3d4] => [2,1,4] = (7)
[10:24:34] GM: Nyx [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7)
[10:24:36] GM: miss
[10:24:44] GM: Komi [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[10:24:48] GM: miss at thsi range
[10:24:59] GM: Suki [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22)
[10:25:11] GM: [1d20+16] => [5,16] = (21)
[10:25:21] GM: Suki takes a piece [9d6] => [4,3,3,3,4,5,4,6,3] = (35)
[10:25:30] GM: Komi
[10:25:51] 2LT Komillia Maeless returns fire at the bastard who shot at her. [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
[10:25:59] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[10:26:01] GM: hit
[10:26:06] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d6*10] => 20
[10:26:13] GM: Suki shoves the Bondar off the boat [1d20+11] => [17,11] = (28)
[10:26:18] GM: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:26:37] GM: Komi
[10:27:19] 2LT Komillia Maeless fixates like she's been doing all night and keeps shooting at the other guy. [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[10:27:29] GM: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[10:27:31] GM: hit
[10:27:41] GM: Nyx
[10:27:44] GM: and then Sarah
[10:27:54] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d6*10] => 50
[10:28:13] GM: Still up but he ducks behind cover
[10:28:23] Febrith Nyx guns the bondar Suki just knocked on her rear. [1d20+3] => [5,3] = (8)
[10:28:37] GM: Um, he's a splat mark on the ground…
[10:28:50] GM: she shoved him overboard
[10:29:41] GM: Hell she might have actually done teh This is SPARTA kick…
[10:30:06] GM: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:30:19] GM: you miss whicever bondar you shot at
[10:30:56] CWO3 Sarah tries to fire at one of the others on the big boat's top again, to keep them busy. [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[10:31:16] GM: Suki squeezes Komis shoulder then launches towards teh big boat [1d100+10] => [10,10] = (20) vs 93
[10:31:33] GM: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:31:37] GM: you miss sarah
[10:31:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( damn ))
[10:31:46] GM: Komi
[10:31:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:32:24] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps shooting at the covered bondar. [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[10:32:34] GM: miss under cover called shot to hit
[10:33:05] GM: Suki land and opens up on the nearest Bondar [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17) vs [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[10:33:09] GM: missing
[10:33:13] GM: nuyx
[10:33:16] GM: nyx
[10:33:46] Febrith Nyx shoots at random Bondar. [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
[10:33:52] GM: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[10:33:55] GM: you miss
[10:33:57] Febrith Nyx: ((moving on nothing to see here.))
[10:33:57] GM: Sarah
[10:34:05] GM: ((lol))
[10:34:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:34:31] CWO3 Sarah shoots at a random Bondar as well. [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[10:34:38] GM: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[10:34:41] GM: missing
[10:34:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( what's with all the fail rolls? :p ))
[10:34:58] GM: Komi
[10:35:52] 2LT Komillia Maeless keeps at the guy behind cover. [1d20+9] => [2,9] = (11)
[10:35:58] GM: miss
[10:36:00] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((grinds more dice.))
[10:36:38] GM: Suki tries to kick a guy off the top as it's 3 to 1 for her right now since her back up hasnt followed her. [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26) vs [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[10:36:47] GM: and now it's 2 to 1
[10:37:15] GM: The two fire at her [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11) vs a [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) parry, and [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24) vs a [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) parry
[10:37:31] GM: Komi
[10:37:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( geez ))
[10:38:11] GM: Sarah, for shits, roll a d100
[10:38:18] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [16] = (16)
[10:38:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( *shits* ))
[10:38:30] 2LT Komillia Maeless decides to go after Suki.
[10:38:30] GM: You fall in love with Suki all over again…
[10:38:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:38:44] GM: Nyx
[10:38:58] GM: Nyx you hear a dreamy sigh from Sarah as you both watch Suki atop the ship
[10:39:30] GM: Sorry, had to go a bit Shojou Ai there
[10:39:38] GM: ((yes, I KNOW i buthered the spelling))
[10:40:00] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:40:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( :) ))
[10:40:02] GM: ((god, I really really butchered the spelling…on second look))
[10:40:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( goofball ))
[10:40:09] Febrith Nyx will shoot a random Bondar. [1d20+3] => [19,3] = (22)
[10:40:10] CWO3 Sarah: (( :D ))
[10:40:51] GM: Lucky you a miss would have run the risk of hitting suki as she is in melee range of the two bonadr this is a blind side also since their attention is on her only damage
[10:41:05] GM: Sarah'
[10:41:20] Febrith Nyx: [1d6*10] => 30
[10:41:43] GM: You kill one!
[10:41:47] GM: Sarah
[10:42:31] GM: I just realized, Suki has managed to kick one person off of each boat…
[10:43:29] CWO3 Sarah hmms at the melee range. "We can't be shooting when she's that close, we need to move up." She looks around at the tops of the other ships, hmming, looking around at the ground as well. She tries to unhook the weapon from its mount, to take along, or to someone else. "If we miss when she's that close, we'll hit her." she frowns.
[10:43:36] GM: Suki
[10:43:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( one loser vs. Suki and Komi, yeah, not shooting into that ))
[10:44:05] GM: Suki whips her blade out and goes for a finisher on the last bondar as Komi touches down [1d20+11] => [5,11] = (16) vs [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[10:44:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( they're dead already ))
[10:44:28] GM: missing, although the bondar is all O.O as the blade passes right by his head.
[10:44:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( rofl ))
[10:44:38] GM: Komi
[10:45:55] 2LT Komillia Maeless aims at a Bondar within easy shooting range and fires. [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[10:46:03] GM: [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[10:46:05] GM: hit
[10:47:06] GM: damage please
[10:47:22] GM: although I cant concieve of you rolling under a 10 so…
[10:47:30] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d6*10] => 60
[10:47:45] GM: the last enemy is shot full of holes and his lifeless corpse slithers off teh hull leaving a trail of gore.
[10:48:05] GM: a few secondslater you hear a soggy thump
[10:48:24] GM: Underneath you, the ship lurches and begins to lift off
[10:49:07] GM: Suki moves past Komi and points.
[10:49:22] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Bridge!
[10:49:34] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual) skims along the hull towards teh front of teh ship.
[10:50:13] Cpt Ishida (Delta Actual): Nyx and Sarah, you can try to make it over, but it will take two attcks due to distance and be a 25% negative
[10:50:41] GM: ((was supposed to be the GM, but anyway))
[10:50:57] 2LT Komillia Maeless makes way to the bridge.
[10:51:16] Febrith Nyx hops on over. [1d100+25] => [13,25] = (38) vs 82 Pilot
[10:51:31] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100+25] => [68,25] = (93) vs. 94% pilot
[10:51:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( phew ))
[10:51:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( barely ))
[10:51:43] CWO3 Sarah leaps over as well
[10:51:47] GM: Nyx you will land on the spin of the ship in two attacks, and Sarah you too, but by the skin of your teeth
[10:52:12] GM: Komi your action
[10:53:48] GM: komi?
[10:54:04] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((sorry, need to go find something to do about this easache…))
[10:54:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( eek ))
[10:54:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[10:54:23] GM: for refferance, the bridge of teh ship looks kinda like it does ona snad crawler…
[10:54:29] GM: best anaology I can think of
[10:54:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( maybe we should take the bridge next session, if we have a player needing to deal with an earache ))
[10:55:21] GM: Well, it was prolly a bit simpler then that, but yeah, it is late, and we can deal with that really fast next session
[10:55:36] CWO3 Sarah: kk
[10:55:47] GM: gg all, we just two session in one


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