[06:07:50] GM: Okay, pack your kit and tell me whats in it. Also, where would you like to land?
[06:08:07] CWO3 Amdahl: mew
[06:08:08] CWO3 Amdahl: nom
[06:08:53] GM: \Mew or nom doesnt answer the above questions…
[06:11:38] 2LT Kain Crokett packs rations, a standard field kit, several pounds of the RT equivalent of C-4, 8 cobalt grenades, a standard Cyclone on the Gamma, some light ECM gear and about 4 culture bombs in case he has to try a "Minmay Attack" in desperation (last one was a joke).
[06:11:59] 1Lt.Fairman: Somewhere that we can camouflage the birds. A decent distance away to avoid prying eyes hopefully.
[06:12:15] GM: define standard cyclone…
[06:12:24] GM: define decent distance away
[06:13:11] 2LT Komillia Maeless: VF-052F, don't think a super cyc can fit in the gamma…
[06:13:17] 1Lt.Fairman: what is standard radar ranges?
[06:13:19] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((er…))
[06:13:19] GM: Sarah, is Suki going to have to dress you?
[06:13:58] 2LT Komillia Maeless takes a standard field kit, rations, and a Devo, if someone gives her a ride. Bioroids aren't transatmospheric…
[06:14:37] GM: well a long range missile travels 1800 miles in atmo, you've hacked the stas to they can only SEE you (visually) so thats taken care of, but anything on the ground might have radar so, how balsy do you wanna be
[06:15:28] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((teabagging ballsy?))
[06:15:38] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((oh wait that's deouchy…))
[06:15:39] GM: All cycs regardless of type all turn into the nice little compact box when folded up
[06:15:56] GM: the weapons on the other hand…that might be iffy
[06:16:19] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((kinda what I meant…))
[06:17:24] CWO3 Amdahl: (( mmm, devos. hehe ))
[06:17:29] 1Lt.Fairman: go cautious with range; atleast 25% farther than what Jaron thinks.
[06:18:05] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5) watches the kit out with one of her pilots, sipping on a juice box. She is leaning on the back of a chair in the ready room in her flight suit with it's sleeves rolled up.
[06:20:21] GM: so, about 2k miles out then?
[06:20:34] 2LT Kain Crokett plays Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos as he waits.
[06:21:05] GM: You guys taking any, you kow…guns?
[06:21:18] GM: Cuase, out of all of the stuff you listed none of it shoots
[06:21:24] CWO3 Amdahl takes her VR-057 in her Legios, ande hauls a spare for someone in the other half, if needed. She packs her listed customized weapons, checking them and making sure to pack enough ammo in the cargo boxes, trying to pack as many clips as possible. She nods quickly at that, packing standard emergency kit as well, making sure she has rations as well.
[06:21:41] 1Lt.Fairman: Correct on range
[06:23:39] GM: Pulse Rifle?
[06:23:42] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((BRB))
[06:24:09] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hm? ))
[06:24:27] 1Lt.Fairman: EP37
[06:24:41] GM: Ah, the big boy
[06:24:44] GM: kk
[06:25:15] GM: That actually gets a slight smile of approval from the judgemental princess of pop. As that's her preffered long arm as well.
[06:25:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Actually, the Heavy Assault Cyc has weapons on it..))
[06:26:07] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((GR-97 Mini-missiles, and the EP37))
[06:26:42] GM: ok, brb then we move on
[06:27:19] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((For Komi's Devo, I figured the GU-21 and two HLC-40 Beam cannons.))
[06:29:31] CWO3 Amdahl also makes sure if she can to take an RL-6 and a few extra ammunition canisters, in a remaining saddlebag, nodding at it and making sure it's secured and on safe, to prevent any incidents with it.
[06:30:33] GM: And how do you intend to deliver the Devo to the surface?
[06:31:08] GM: And no, FedEx and UPS are not viable options.
[06:31:15] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((riding in the bomb bay of a Beta?))
[06:31:21] GM: To big
[06:31:30] GM: Devo's dont fold up
[06:31:43] GM: Supers do…but not the Devo
[06:33:25] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5) finishes her juice box then rubs the bridge of her nose then departs with her wingman muttering in Japanese.
[06:33:39] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehe :) ))
[06:33:58] CWO3 Amdahl: (( suppose one of us with a Legios will have to switch the Alpha to battloid mode and carry the Devo down. :p :) ))
[06:34:02] CWO3 Amdahl: (( or osmething like that ))
[06:34:04] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehe ))
[06:34:40] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((then, let's not bring Komi, short of being firepower for the group. And a Devo would not survive reentry that way))
[06:35:10] CWO3 Amdahl: (( she could use a Super, and come down with a Legios ))
[06:35:19] CWO3 Amdahl: (( Just needs a super rather than a Devo ))
[06:35:36] 1Lt.Fairman: We are goingin fast; meteor speeds. Hoping to fade from radar near ground. Doable if we hit the window of opportunity when visiable ssurveillance is least.
[06:35:48] GM: Ishida does her CAG thing and coordinates the drop with the bridge. A RC-4E Rabbit is loaded with the Devo and some of the other myriad cargo containers you have stuffed full of things such as food and grenades.
[06:36:16] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehe ))
[06:36:44] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((ah))
[06:39:49] GM: She then informs you that you will be making a blacked out night landing, self escorted by the Gamma's etc that you are taking with you. Based on Jaron's request on landing location, a spot that…should be…clear of hostiles is selected. The ship will hide in the lee of the planet and you will insert into atmo on the dayside, then, decreasing in altitude to NOE, will transit into the night side and make your drop.
[06:40:46] GM: Communications will be available to the ship for 5 minutes every 120 minutes, please use burst transmissions.
[06:42:07] GM: Correction, 20 minutes every 13 hours
[06:42:22] GM: anyway…
[06:43:19] GM: Thus concludes the Capt's contribution to the operation.
[06:44:04] 1Lt.Fairman nods
[06:44:51] GM: Any last minute considerations or are you ready to drop?
[06:45:27] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((ready to drop))
[06:45:45] GM: So who all is going again?
[06:47:09] GM: As you load up, Summeriwnd joins Ishida and a few other off duty crew on vultures row to watch the launch.
[06:47:32] 1Lt.Fairman: Cersons I believe.
[06:47:38] 1Lt.Fairman: Cater and his wookie
[06:47:40] CWO3 Amdahl: (( Ay and Sarah are going of course. ))
[06:48:19] GM: Carter is staying on board, so is his wookie.
[06:49:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((K&K…))
[06:49:09] CWO3 Amdahl: (( Ay packed her M90C and Devo, and ammo for each, as well, just for note, with rations and ammo. (just to be generic with her) ))
[06:49:10] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehehe ))
[06:49:32] CWO3 Amdahl: (( durn at Carter and the wookie staying. :) ))
[06:49:51] GM: Why would they go, this is a recon mission…
[06:49:51] 1Lt.Fairman: (ok)
[06:50:01] GM: What, you think this is Stargate?
[06:50:04] 1Lt.Fairman: (np)
[06:50:06] GM: lolz
[06:50:08] 1Lt.Fairman: jhehehhee
[06:50:29] GM: Sarah gets to be T'elc
[06:50:39] GM: anyhow…
[06:50:53] GM: So, you load up and off you go.
[06:51:12] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((the GM said they'd be going last week…))
[06:51:33] GM: Some 30 minutes later you make planetfall in a clearing nearby a forest. (Carter pissed a bitch when he found out he was going…)
[06:52:24] GM: ((well, if you can give me a really, give HIM, a really good reason why he should be down there…I'll , he'll be happy to hear it.
[06:52:42] 1Lt.Fairman: (oh well)
[06:53:04] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehehe ))
[06:53:13] CWO3 Amdahl: (( let em be… :) ))
[06:53:21] CWO3 Amdahl: (( poor sap dun need to be here. ))
[06:53:37] 1Lt.Fairman: "Don't forget to camouflage your flyers with sheets."
[06:54:06] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((I was just pointing out that the GM was the first to bring it up…))
[06:54:35] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): So, who's going to guard the camoflauged ships once you leave them behind?
[06:54:38] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5) smirks.
[06:54:55] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): You weren't planning on leaving them unattended were you?
[06:55:16] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): Thats several million credits worth of UEEF equipment there.
[06:55:53] CWO3 Amdahl nods quickly and works on covering it, once she gets the Cyclone out.
[06:56:22] whispering to 1Lt.Fairman, Get on AIM dangit
[06:56:26] whispering to 1Lt.Fairman, hhe
[06:58:30] 1Lt.Fairman: (see I knew there was a reason for them to com)
[06:58:57] GM: So you would leave an archeologist and his bodyguard to guard your craft…
[06:59:36] 2Lt. Madresa: (( lol ))
[06:59:39] GM: Ishida details a 4 man team of Colonial Marines to guard the craft, they ride down with you on the Rabbit…
[06:59:44] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((leave Komi, she at least has the firepower now to do it alone if need be.))
[07:00:03] 2Lt. Madresa: (( heh, I was just gonna suggest leaving Sarah or Ay behind, to do it ))
[07:00:29] GM: Either or…
[07:00:49] GM: so, Komi and Ay or Sarah or 4 jarheads?
[07:01:14] 1Lt.Fairman comments "Doesnt matter"
[07:01:29] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((4 jarheads))
[07:02:09] 2Lt. Madresa: (( 4 jarheads most likely. "never split the party", right? ))
[07:02:21] 1Lt.Fairman gets his gear and goes to cover his fighter
[07:02:26] 1Lt.Fairman: (correct)
[07:02:58] 2Lt. Madresa tries to cover her fighter properly as well, and see about making it properly disguised
[07:03:06] GM: Wiat, was that 'Doesnt matter a comment to Ishida's last stament?
[07:03:44] 2Lt. Madresa: (( … :p ))
[07:03:54] 2Lt. Madresa: (( *sigh* ))
[07:04:11] 1Lt.Fairman: (1st comment she made)
[07:04:19] GM: those with the skill roll camo (and this conversation took place aboard ship just prior to debarakation, Ishida does not fly down with you.
[07:04:38] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5) blinks.
[07:04:45] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): What do you mean it doesnt matter?
[07:05:23] 2LT Kain Crokett camouflages his fighter. [1d100] => [21] = (21) vs 25 CAmo…
[07:05:33] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((oooooo close.))
[07:05:41] GM: But a successful roll regardless.
[07:05:43] 2Lt. Madresa: "I'd think it means whoever of us who's willing to volunteer to do it, unless there's another solution available, really."
[07:06:50] GM: If some folks dont have the skill Kain, you might have to camo their birds too…
[07:06:58] 1Lt.Fairman nods to Madresa comment. camouflage [1d100] => [35] = (35) vs 75
[07:08:07] GM: okay, who has yet to roll, Ay, Sarah, and Komi.
[07:09:11] GM: essentially, I need three more rolls, I dont care who makes em…
[07:09:18] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((Komi, doesn't have a bird to camouflage))
[07:09:32] GM: two rolls then
[07:09:45] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((she rode down with someone else as here Bioroid wasn't transatmospheric))
[07:10:23] 2Lt. Madresa: (( neither Ay or Sarah knows ))
[07:10:25] 2Lt. Madresa: (( :p ))
[07:10:40] 2Lt. Madresa: (( has it, rather ))
[07:10:45] GM: Well then get somone who DOES know to do it for you.
[07:11:18] GM: You know, teamwork and that…
[07:11:19] 2Lt. Madresa coughs at Jaron, glancing over. "So, you or our other expert going to camo any birds for people who don't know how?" She gestures to her poor job, and whatever Sarah is trying to do.
[07:11:43] GM: Sarah is likely hanging upside down in the camo netting dangling under a wing…
[07:12:38] 2Lt. Madresa: (( lol ))
[07:12:50] 1Lt.Fairman nods and helps out with the others
[07:12:51] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hey! p ))
[07:12:54] CWO3 Amdahl: (( rar ))
[07:12:56] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [79] = (79) vs 75
[07:12:58] CWO3 Amdahl: (( *paddles the GM* ))
[07:13:00] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol ))
[07:13:24] 1Lt.Fairman: (camouflage sheets should give a bonus to made camouflage easier :) )
[07:13:38] GM: You are using Camo netting and spreaders
[07:13:48] GM: not much has changed in that regard over the years
[07:14:20] GM: The rest of the camo is taken from the surrounding area, branches shrubs etc, to break up the outline
[07:14:37] 2LT Kain Crokett camouflages the birds no one else seems to. [1d100] => [56] = (56) vs 25
[07:14:42] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((nvm…))
[07:14:48] 1Lt.Fairman now goes help Sarah, thinking Madresa's is alittle odd [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs 75
[07:14:57] GM: as well as stratigic parking, you landed ina clearing, three mounds of pine needles is gonna stick out…so, you move the craft to a treeline…
[07:15:36] GM: Nice roll, you wouldn't think a Beta would hide so well…but it does.
[07:15:40] CWO3 Amdahl ooohs at the job done on hers. "Thanks, sir…"
[07:16:23] 1Lt.Fairman helps out others that need it [1d100] => [93] = (93) vs 75
[07:16:26] 1Lt.Fairman: (or not)
[07:16:34] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol ))
[07:16:40] 2LT Kain Crokett camouflages the birds no one else seems to. [1d100] => [1] = (1) vs 25
[07:16:47] GM: One more roll for Kain and Jaron
[07:16:50] GM: Nm
[07:17:13] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehe ))
[07:17:19] CWO3 Amdahl: (( *faints* ))
[07:17:22] CWO3 Amdahl: (( wow, epic ))
[07:17:22] GM: Kain, you crit succeed and not only fix up the sloppy job that Jaron did, but are able to refine the exsisting successful rolls.
[07:17:58] GM: Kain, you are aflicted with the aura of Smug, for the next 30 minutes.
[07:18:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: And that's how the colonials do it.
[07:18:51] GM: Komi, you come out form behind a tree after doing your business and the only question you have is. "Where the fucking planes go?!"
[07:19:30] GM: Okay, after burning up an hour of darkness you are ready to go.
[07:20:55] GM: You know that the Masters installation is to your east, some 2000 miles distant.
[07:21:10] 1Lt.Fairman slides the poncho over his cyclone to keep shine down and looks to see if others are ready before heading east.
[07:22:38] GM: I'm gonna cut that in half, 2000 mi is from Los Angeles to Virginia…
[07:23:03] GM: you did fly NOE along your approach so you could get in closer under the radar, litreally.
[07:23:18] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehehe. ))
[07:24:44] 1Lt.Fairman: (ok)
[07:25:08] GM: so 600 miles out, that should be better
[07:25:17] GM: okay
[07:25:44] GM: you head out, roll me a piloting roll each
[07:26:51] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs 79
[07:27:05] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs. 103% (Pilot Cyclone)
[07:27:19] CWO3 Amdahl: (( since it's her specialty under pilot VT ;) ))
[07:27:37] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [72] = (72) vs 75
[07:27:56] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [6] = (6) vs 85
[07:27:56] GM: ay and komi too unless they are staying behind
[07:28:00] Sceneset: [1d100] => [51] = (51) vs. 78%
[07:28:15] 2Lt. Madresa: (( damned aliases ))
[07:28:21] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100] => [58] = (58) vs. 78%
[07:30:06] GM: You guys travel on (insert travel montage here) Kain and Fairman bonk a few chunks of terrain in the dark, but no one lays anything down.
[07:30:38] GM: Komi and Sarah on the other hand make this shit look easy.
[07:30:52] GM: Ay gets by with no fanfare or folly.
[07:31:13] GM: roll percs please
[07:31:33] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[07:32:05] GM: This planet has squirrels.
[07:32:28] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+1] => [3,1] = (4)
[07:32:29] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5)
[07:32:35] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [2] = (2)
[07:32:43] GM: Ay and Komi you can confirm this.
[07:32:46] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((bwahahahaha))
[07:32:47] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d20] => [3] = (3)
[07:33:00] GM: So can Sarah.
[07:33:46] 2Lt. Madresa: (( Sarah's was the +1, sorry, that one is ay's :p But yeah, bothsee squirrels. :P ))
[07:33:49] 2Lt. Madresa: (( hehe ))
[07:34:23] 1Lt.Fairman: detect concealment [1d100] => [7] = (7) vs 80, detect ambush [1d100] => [80] = (80) vs 85 if helps
[07:35:14] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((squirrels, squirrels everywhere.))
[07:35:38] GM: You, all five you, burst out of the tree line right into a plowed field of an active farmstead. (Roll piloting for the sudden terrain change) It is dawn, and a few farmers working the field behind draft animals stand in shock as 5 motorcycles burst from the treeline.
[07:36:37] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [59] = (59) vs 79
[07:36:47] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100] => [12] = (12) vs. 78%
[07:36:53] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [83] = (83) vs 85
[07:37:00] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [38] = (38) vs 75
[07:37:14] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [100] = (100) vs. 103%
[07:37:18] CWO3 Amdahl: (( urgh ))
[07:37:20] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol ))
[07:37:40] CWO3 Amdahl: (( fail ))
[07:38:35] CWO3 Amdahl: (( critfail ))
[07:38:38] CWO3 Amdahl: (( *weep* ))
[07:38:38] GM: Jaron you keep your footing as you bottom out after a 5 foot drop. Ay, you and Kain like wise control your drop. Komi, you lay it down and are thrown from the bike. Sarah, you rev when you should have braked and the front end flips over and the bike lands on you as you tumble into a wooden cart.
[07:39:55] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((she made her roll though…))
[07:39:59] GM: Komi you take [5d6+2] => [1,2,2,5,2,2] = (14) Sarah you take [10d6+4] => [4,6,3,2,4,6,4,3,2,5,4] = (43)
[07:40:18] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Komi, unless there was a penalty not mentioned….))
[07:40:26] 1Lt.Fairman checks HUD mini map for any details on this farm as he then sees Sarah go flying (100 auto fails)
[07:40:29] GM: Negatives involved that the 2 point cushion wont cover.
[07:40:48] GM: Komi did roll under her cap, but there was a negative.
[07:40:52] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((adn was never mentioned, hence the confusion))
[07:40:56] GM: sorry
[07:41:27] GM: On the bright side, niether bike (Komi's and Sarah's are damaged…)
[07:41:38] CWO3 Amdahl: (( what about the cart? :p ))
[07:41:48] GM: Oh the cart it totaled.
[07:42:02] GM: And you are pinned under whats left of it
[07:42:56] 1Lt.Fairman: (farmers human?)
[07:42:59] GM: Inits
[07:43:12] GM: Bipedal is all you can teel at this juncture
[07:43:15] GM: tell
[07:43:51] 1Lt.Fairman: INit [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10)
[07:43:51] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[07:43:55] GM: Farmers in field [1d20+1] => [10,1] = (11) Farmers at farm house [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[07:45:14] CWO3 Amdahl squirms slightly under cart, moaning (Assume I'm 'out of action' for this, since the remains of the cart are pinning me. :) )
[07:45:17] GM: Sarah you have no inti
[07:45:23] GM: Komi, you will have a -4
[07:45:29] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol, thought not ))
[07:45:31] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehehe ))
[07:45:56] GM: need a komi and kain rool
[07:45:58] GM: roll
[07:45:58] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+2-4] => [13,2,-4] = (11)
[07:46:31] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((still trying to find Kain's on this nightmare of a character sheet he's on.))
[07:46:42] GM: Thats why I hate that format
[07:46:51] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+5] => [3,5] = (8)
[07:46:57] GM: Kain you are first
[07:47:29] 2LT Kain Crokett looks at the bipedal being before shooting. [1d20] => [8] = (8) PERC.
[07:47:35] GM: Although the field farmers do inturrupt and use their actions to flee towards the farm house.
[07:47:38] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Killls the RNG.))
[07:47:57] GM: They aren't Karberran, thats for sure.
[07:48:43] 2LT Kain Crokett shoots the closest one three times with an EP37/ [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12) [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27) [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22)
[07:49:18] GM: The farmer is atomized by the balst, only his lower legs remain.
[07:51:51] 1Lt.Fairman grumbles at the dead and pulls his poncho off with a his hand as teh velco seems split transforms to cyclone "dammit. fall back to the trees." and helps Sarah up. (was there other on HUD map of this place or you need a roll there?)
[07:52:40] GM: Jaron it takes you your actions to get to Sarah, and begin to extricate her.
[08:36:33] GM: and off we go
[08:36:42] GM: Ay, you may attempt your interrupt.
[08:36:58] GM: Jaron may as well, but his will have to be…long range.
[08:37:34] 2Lt. Madresa gives a yeek, and moves into the line of fire, trying to knock the weapon away. "Hold…" [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) (strike, if needed, to prevent the attack.
[08:38:27] 1Lt.Fairman: (nah)
[08:38:31] GM: Ay, you wind up tackling the colonial to the ground knocking him and yuourself ass over tea-kettle into the freshly plowed soil.
[08:39:01] GM: I will assume a derogatory remark from him…
[08:39:27] 2Lt. Madresa: (( phew. okay. ))
[08:40:20] GM: From the farm house a bell can be heard. (wood on bell, bong bong bong)
[08:40:20] CWO3 Amdahl squirms under the farm cart, basically. "Er, sorry about that…"
[08:40:54] GM: More then that, hon, 43 points, you are into HP
[08:41:09] CWO3 Amdahl: (( yeah, no shit. I realize. :p ))
[08:41:24] GM: Jaron rolla PS check
[08:41:52] GM: meanwhile Komi I figure picks herself up and rejoins her bike…
[08:41:57] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d30] => [7] = (7) vs 30 (cycloine PS; I forget what it is)
[08:42:07] GM: good enough.
[08:42:12] GM: Hulk lift!
[08:42:32] GM: Jaron, you are able to lift the collapsed cart off of Sarah, Sarah you will have to squirm out on your own power
[08:42:43] GM: Make a svae vs pain vs 16
[08:42:49] GM: save
[08:43:20] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d20] => [1] = (1)
[08:43:25] CWO3 Amdahl: (( . ))
[08:43:33] CWO3 Amdahl: (( … :p ))
[08:43:34] GM: As the cart is shifted over you yu …pass out
[08:43:56] GM: Jaron you see the invid konk out…leaving you , quite literally, holding the bag
[08:44:38] 1Lt.Fairman grumbles
[08:44:49] GM: kain is under Ay…Komi is hustling back to her bike, Ay, Jaron your go…then Ay
[08:46:10] 1Lt.Fairman sits it to the side and kneels down to check Sarah (first aid [1d100] => [53] = (53) vs 70; perception [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6))
[08:47:56] GM: You shove the cart off to the side and check on Sarah, she's alive.
[08:48:34] GM: You cant really see all that much damage to her armor, but thats to be expected, most of the damage is blunt force and crushing.
[08:55:37] 2Lt. Madresa falls back for the trees, taking kain with her if he's willing to come, sighing softly and looking out, switching her radio on. "Whatever they're ringing a bell for, it probably isn't good…" She tries to peer out. "Can you get Sarah back here with mer mech?"
[08:58:34] 1Lt.Fairman: "DOnt know, she is out."
[08:58:50] GM: As you tug Kain back towards teh tree line you all hear a shot crak out [1d20] => [20] = (20) @ [1d4] => [4] = (4) Komi even, Ay odd.
[08:59:33] GM: Komi, you are hit square in the back, dead center, and are tossed forward over your bike into the soil as the echo of a slug thrower reverberates over the fields.
[09:00:11] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Oh for the love of, somebody put a curse on me today?
[09:00:15] GM: You are, miraculosly, still alive.
[09:01:35] GM: Going by init
[09:01:50] 2LT Komillia Maeless: I'm guessing that was a pre-Robotech firearm.
[09:01:51] GM: Kain, your turn, you are being dragged by a pissed off zent towards the treeline, your action
[09:02:50] 2LT Kain Crokett: Okay, what the hell just happened…
[09:03:00] 2Lt. Madresa: (( slightly annoyed. Have you /ever/ seen ay pissed? ))
[09:03:15] GM: ((no, but I figure this would do it..))
[09:03:25] 2Lt. Madresa: (( lol ))
[09:03:47] 2Lt. Madresa: (( only if she hadn't made the interrupt ))
[09:04:24] GM: anyhow, Kain just spoke, Komi, you are out for an action. Your back aches.
[09:04:45] GM: Sarah, is still tweet tweet, so Jaron your go
[09:05:52] GM: Jaron?
[09:06:04] 1Lt.Fairman picks up Sarah and carries her as he leaps and thrusters toward the tree line (would I be able to lift the bike or would it be dragged with cyclone strength?)
[09:06:07] GM: State your action, but dont go past the norhtern wall.
[09:06:25] GM: her bike and her are seperated.
[09:06:42] 1Lt.Fairman: (yea I know; just carrying her at the moment)
[09:06:43] GM: But yeah, it would be doable, cumbersome, but doable.
[09:07:33] GM: To thrust to the treeline with the bike would require a pilot roll -30% with Sarah, a stright roll
[09:08:33] GM: Ay your turn
[09:09:14] 1Lt.Fairman: (gotcha, sarah's safety first; dont need another crash =) )
[09:09:29] GM: Roll the roll
[09:09:40] 2Lt. Madresa looks to Kain. "Wrecked carts, scared farmers, and now shooting, that's what…" She sighs. "Kinda sad, I was hoping we might be able to fix the cart, and keep an accident from becoming an incident."
[09:09:57] GM: That all?
[09:10:21] GM: That doenst even take an action…less then 6 seconds of speech…
[09:10:51] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Let's be honest. Most of the situation right now doesn't CALL for the battle scenario…))
[09:11:13] 2Lt. Madresa looks out towards Jaron, switching her radio on. "Want me to make a mad dash for the Cyclone? I'm probably the fastest one here."
[09:11:46] GM: ((we still do have a shooter so…will 80% correct, there is that X factor, I cant take the shooters action, until the players are well and truely done))
[09:12:13] 1Lt.Fairman coms "Go ahead Madresa"
[09:12:17] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 79
[09:12:26] GM: You hop skip and crucnh
[09:12:31] GM: crucnch
[09:12:41] GM: crunch…yes I can spell
[09:12:53] GM: [2d6] => [3,6] = (9) to each of you
[09:12:54] 2Lt. Madresa nods quickly and makes her mad dash. (225 meters per melee, how far is the Cyc? :) )
[09:13:14] GM: You will be on the bike in one action.
[09:13:24] 2Lt. Madresa: (( kk ))
[09:13:26] 2Lt. Madresa: (( hehehe ))
[09:13:53] GM: The shooter fires again, at Ay, the only target visable [1d20-7] => [16,-7] = (9) for moving target at range
[09:14:10] GM: That will be a hit,
[09:14:26] GM: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[09:15:26] 2Lt. Madresa: (( heh. I can't dodge? :) ))
[09:15:54] GM: Ay, you feel an impact to your side armor. It's loud, but doesnt even slow you down.
[09:16:13] 2Lt. Madresa: (( it do any blunt force SDC? ))
[09:16:19] GM: no
[09:16:22] 2Lt. Madresa: (( kk ))
[09:16:23] 2Lt. Madresa: (( hehehe ))
[09:16:39] GM: impacting your upper chest, which has the lions share of the armor
[09:18:05] 2Lt. Madresa hmns as she runs. "whoever is shooting, the weapon can't penetrate the CVR… I'm guessing they might not realize that."
[09:18:10] GM: Ay, you reach the bike…
[09:18:47] 2Lt. Madresa pulls it upright, then jumps on to drive it to the trees, promptly. Or as soon as it's her turn.
[09:19:11] GM: So, what happened to the mecha that Ay had…did she leave it in the field?
[09:19:30] GM: Werent you in a Devo?
[09:19:38] 2Lt. Madresa: (( me? No. An 057 ))
[09:19:58] GM: So you are gonna ride it while in battloid mode…
[09:20:10] GM: kinky, and difficult, -15%
[09:20:19] 2Lt. Madresa: (( whichever. ))
[09:20:45] GM: You mount and head off towards teh treeline, you have a 5ft rise to clear so roll piloting
[09:21:01] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100+15] => [51,15] = (66) vs. 78%
[09:21:05] 2Lt. Madresa: (( thb. ))
[09:21:29] GM: You clear the rise and land within the treeline
[09:21:44] 2Lt. Madresa: (( hmm, I have pilot ground veritechs. Didn't notice that. lol. ))
[09:21:49] GM: Another shot rings out [1d20-10] => [6,-10] = (-4) at Ay,
[09:22:00] GM: A nearby tree takes teh hit.
[09:22:05] 2Lt. Madresa: (( lol ))
[09:22:38] GM: Komi is still in the field, next to her Devo. Her action
[09:23:13] 2LT Komillia Maeless mounts her Devo and gets to the treeline. [1d100] => [20] = (20) vs 85 piloting
[09:23:35] GM: You mount up and book it.
[09:23:48] GM: another shot rings out at Komi [1d20-8] => [17,-8] = (9)
[09:24:06] GM: And slams into the bike, right by Komi's butt.
[09:24:19] GM: Roll one more piloting to clear the rise
[09:24:43] 2Lt. Madresa sighs as the shots ring out. "Anyone recognize who they were?" She tries to settle back into the trees, and keep back from being visible.
[09:24:58] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [1] = (1) vs 85
[09:25:09] GM: Evil Canivel
[09:25:26] GM: You reach cover.
[09:25:41] 2Lt. Madresa: (( nah, that's better, Kneval broke bones plenty of times, I thought. hehe ))
[09:26:01] GM: Okay, you are in the treeline. Your actions.
[09:26:38] 1Lt.Fairman: when facing the farm; what was to the north and south; generally
[09:26:49] 2LT Kain Crokett refuses to take an action, is still trying to calm down from the adreneline spike.
[09:27:21] GM: North seems to be more fields, with some hedgerows, south is more forest.
[09:27:54] GM: The bell 'alarm' stops ringing.
[09:28:38] 1Lt.Fairman: "Head south, we'll get some distance and hopefully get Sarah awake. Madresa; do you need assistant with the bike?'
[09:29:06] GM: Percs
[09:29:29] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[09:29:57] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d20+2] => [8,2] = (10)
[09:30:06] 1Lt.Fairman: (+4; so 12)
[09:30:13] 2Lt. Madresa considers, looking at the bike, and folding it down into carry mode. "If we can strap it onto the Devo, or such, it might be easier…"
[09:30:31] 1Lt.Fairman: "Do it; need to get clear"
[09:31:01] 2Lt. Madresa nods,walking it over to the Devo, to strap down.
[09:31:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+13] => [15,13] = (28)
[09:31:06] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5)
[09:31:08] 2Lt. Madresa: (( heh ))
[09:31:10] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((not 13)
[09:31:16] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [19] = (19)
[09:31:30] 2Lt. Madresa: (( Kain sees Squirrels. Komi saves the group! ))
[09:32:49] GM: You move out as per orders. Komi. You take a look towards the farm as you move a few minutes later and see 'Pa' with the Tiresian version of a Mossin-Nagant step down from the porch as a hover truck pulls up and disgorges some Legionnairs.
[09:33:19] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Guys Legionairs just showed up.
[09:33:26] GM: (thats what was being shot at you, from 1650 feet away… 'Pa' is a dead eye, apparently…)
[09:33:47] 1Lt.Fairman: "Reason we are moving"
[09:34:15] 2Lt. Madresa sighs. "Great. Any mecha with them?" She sighs. "We'll have to get scarce, in a big hurry." She nods to Jaron.
[09:34:26] GM: The farmer points off to where you exited, and then re-entered the woods and the Legionaairs move out.
[09:34:59] 2LT Komillia Maeless: No mecha I see.
[09:35:53] GM: Sarah make a save vs coma (to wake up) target is 65% best two out of three.
[09:36:45] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100'
[09:36:56] GM: Well under 65% etc
[09:37:00] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [77] = (77)
[09:37:02] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [53] = (53)
[09:37:03] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [89] = (89)
[09:37:03] 1Lt.Fairman looks at the strapping process; hoping its close. "Komi or Kain, fire a missile or something to the north. use cover so they dont see the origin""
[09:37:07] CWO3 Amdahl: (( :p ))
[09:37:12] CWO3 Amdahl: (( x.x ))
[09:37:16] GM: Sarah stirs but is still tweet tweet
[09:38:27] GM: Well, I think thats a bust, since Komi is anti-missile, and I think Kains bike is still in the field…the only one that didnt get recovered.
[09:38:44] GM: Since Ay drug him off, unless Kain was in battloid mode..
[09:39:04] 2Lt. Madresa: (( Ay didn't 'drag' him specifically like /that/, tried to get him to move himself, more. ))
[09:39:27] 2Lt. Madresa: (( :p ))
[09:40:15] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((I'm going to say Battloid mode. Only to limit the amount of hassle.))
[09:40:43] GM: Roll a % ,50 above and battloid, since I just checned and there was no mention of mode switch after landing.
[09:40:57] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [40] = (40)
[09:41:14] GM: The Legionnair shave themselves a prize…
[09:41:50] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((and you never mentioned this when we were still in the area WHY?))
[09:41:57] 2Lt. Madresa: (( yeah, why not? ))
[09:42:17] 2Lt. Madresa: (( I meant it more as tring to goad him back there and keep him from dragging his feet, since the player wasn't online at the time it happened. ))
[09:42:30] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((especially when the character in question's player had logged off and wasn't aware he had been drug in such a manner?))
[09:42:36] 2Lt. Madresa: (( which means said player should have been making that decision. ))
[09:42:58] GM: Okay, lets recap, Ay stops Kain form doing bad nasty, and then pulls him towards treeline on Jarons order…she does so, nothing was mentioned about a bike, however Ay DOES go after Sarahs downed bike…Komi gets her devo and bails, then you all run like hell…
[09:43:33] GM: So, let do this…
[09:44:03] GM: IQ and a Tactics roll for Kain, to have made sure to have gotten his Cyc before being dragged off., Ay, you may make a tactics as well.
[09:44:25] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((And there is still no reason you couldn't have mentioned that we were leaving a Cyc behind, nor give me any indication, considering I wasn't HERE and logged off, to justify the loss of the Cyc.))
[09:44:42] 2Lt. Madresa: (( next time I'm being figurative, I'll specifically say it. Even if it makes me sound like a bitch. :p :p and… ))
[09:44:54] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d30] => [3] = (3) vs 14, no tactics skill
[09:45:03] GM: And…I'm the bad guy….
[09:45:22] GM: IQ is fine…no left behind mecha
[09:45:47] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d30] => [20] = (20) IQ
[09:45:59] 2Lt. Madresa: (( heh, Ay is stoopid ))
[09:46:13] GM: And Ay wasn't asked to make an IQ roll, only a tactics.
[09:46:18] 2Lt. Madresa: (( Close as she has ))
[09:46:24] GM: anyway, you might want to roll that tactics now…
[09:47:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Jaron may be the only one WITH the tactics skill…))
[09:47:10] 2Lt. Madresa: (( Sarah has it, but she's unconscious ))
[09:47:21] GM: well tehn…
[09:47:27] GM: anyhow, what are yall doing?
[09:47:47] 2LT Kain Crokett fires the missile as he was ordered to do. [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[09:47:48] 1Lt.Fairman heads south
[09:48:10] Legionnaire: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[09:48:10] Legionnaire: [1d20+2] => [10,2] = (12)
[09:48:13] 1Lt.Fairman onces diversion is under way
[09:48:41] GM: The diversion fails…the missile…leaves a trail of smoke behind it…and that trail leads right towards you.
[09:49:12] 2Lt. Madresa follows south.
[09:49:18] 2Lt. Madresa: (( lol ))
[09:49:42] 2LT Kain Crokett transforms back and goes south.
[09:49:46] GM: The Legionaairs turn and change their heading and move towards the forest as the hover van revs up and moves to intercept with the foot patrol.
[09:50:26] 2LT Komillia Maeless kicks it in high gear with the Devo.
[09:51:01] Legionnaire: Patrol Epsilon 93 to base! We have hostiles in the woods south of Sector 19, send air support!
[09:51:54] Tirolian Commander: Confirm 93, enemy contact south of Sector 19, air support enroute.
[09:52:54] GM: Sarah roll again, same target/cap
[09:53:09] 2Lt. Madresa: (( sigh. I'm sorry about a minute ago anyway, I should be more careful about using figurative language. And… ))
[09:53:19] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[09:53:21] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [71] = (71)
[09:53:23] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [21] = (21)
[09:53:30] CWO3 Amdahl: (( … and dice really hate me tonight ))
[09:53:34] GM: Also, who ever has any skills that can be usefull in losing persuit, roll it…
[09:53:45] GM: they do, they really do.
[09:54:37] GM: ((have to say it, the missile…really really bad idea…))
[09:54:48] GM: ((just sayin))
[09:54:56] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100] => [16] = (16) vs. 68% Wilderness Survival, to try and make the trail confusing if possible, or looki like it leads somewhere else?
[09:55:06] 2Lt. Madresa: (( look ))
[09:55:28] GM: Ay, you suggest keeping to rocky or an other wise hard path, to avoid leaving tracks.
[09:57:04] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((things that MIGHT help)) [1d100] => [95] = (95) vs 63 Intelligence, [1d100] => [24] = (24) vs 60 Escape Artist, [1d100] => [39] = (39) vs 50 Tracking (people) ((as in knowing what to look for to keep the risk of detection low)), [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs Undercover Ops (escape measures might be covered)
[09:57:11] 1Lt.Fairman does so to help avoid tracking easily (mil tactics [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs 90)
[09:57:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((undercover is a fail vs 65))
[09:58:18] GM: Well, based on all of that you have two options, fly out of there using thrusters as fast as you can…or keep to hard terrain…those are the only two options to mitigate tracks.
[10:00:01] 1Lt.Fairman keeps to hard terrain
[10:01:06] 2Lt. Aylanea follows behind, trying to keep to hard terrain as well.
[10:02:07] GM: You book it south as fast as you can.
[10:02:08] GM: Percs
[10:02:14] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9)
[10:02:18] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[10:02:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[10:02:33] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[10:02:37] 1Lt.Fairman: (geez)
[10:02:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *drops a squirrel into Jaron's pants* ))
[10:03:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( :) ))
[10:03:20] GM: [1d100] => [42] = (42) , [1d100] => [1] = (1) RSI's.
[10:03:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( omg. ))
[10:03:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( RSI crit succ ))
[10:03:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( we r skrewed ))
[10:04:06] GM: Overhead you hear the hollow scream of jet engines. Ay, you and Komi recognize them as the sound given off by a Gnerl in atmo.
[10:04:39] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Hello, POW camp…
[10:04:46] GM: Seconds later the forest erupts into flame and fire. [3d20] => [20,14,6] = (40) and [3d20] => [12,2,17] = (31) +6
[10:05:20] 2Lt. Aylanea swears. "They have air support hunting us, That sounds like a Zentraedi fighter…" She glances to Komi. "We're not dead yet…" She stops promptly at the fire rainingdown.
[10:05:37] GM: targets are [6d5] => [1,2,2,4,2,2] = (13) 1 komi, 2 kain, 3 Ay, 4 Jaron, 5 Sarah
[10:06:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( isn't Sarah on Jaron's bike anyway? lol ))
[10:06:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek, Komi ))
[10:06:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( a critsucc ))
[10:06:46] GM: Komi with the 20, Kain with 14, 6, Miss, 23, and Jaron, 18
[10:07:20] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [2] = (2) (nothing less than a 20 matters so….)
[10:07:49] 1Lt.Fairman tries to evade the fire [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15)
[10:08:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [2,14] = (16)
[10:08:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [16,14] = (30)
[10:08:03] 1Lt.Fairman: (ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
[10:08:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek ))
[10:08:23] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((And WP, ends on a TPK…))
[10:08:38] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((and it's not the GM's fault…))
[10:08:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe. Oye. ))
[10:09:36] GM: Komi you take [(2d4*10)*2] => 80 , Kain you take [2d4*10] => 80 and Jaron, you likewise takes [2d4*10] => 30 still need one more dodge roll Kain.
[10:09:49] GM: [3d100] => [78,95,16] = (189)
[10:10:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( any chance that any of this might wake Sarah up at all? lol. ))
[10:11:21] GM: Komi main body, Kain, Forearm…oww, likely gone, and Jaron Tires, [1d4] => [2] = (2) Odd left, even right either way, the one hit is gone, 24 carryover to MB
[10:11:21] 2LT Kain Crokett still has some CVR left…
[10:11:35] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((or not))
[10:11:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep. ))
[10:11:44] GM: Sarah roll your rolls
[10:11:49] GM: Kain one more dodge pelase
[10:11:56] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[10:11:58] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [97] = (97)
[10:12:01] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [71] = (71)
[10:12:06] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29)
[10:12:07] GM: zzzzzz
[10:12:13] CWO3 Sarah: (( durn it ))
[10:12:17] CWO3 Sarah: (( thought the 1 might do it ))
[10:12:21] CWO3 Sarah: (( :p ))
[10:12:22] GM: Kain, you are missed by the last shot
[10:12:28] GM: 2 out of three
[10:12:50] GM: The Gnerls pass over head and you can hear them in the distance…
[10:14:22] GM: [65+35] => 100
[10:14:31] GM: Your forarm armor has 20 left Kain
[10:14:47] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((very good))
[10:14:56] GM: You are down to CVR 3 on your [1d4] => [3] = (3) L O, R E
[10:15:01] GM: Left arm
[10:15:11] GM: Your actions
[10:16:59] GM: Might I offer a hint…
[10:17:11] GM: Sarah…first aid skill roll…match made in heaven…
[10:17:29] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((neither character of mine has it.))
[10:17:47] 1Lt.Fairman: (thought I did but oh well)
[10:17:57] GM: You did earlier
[10:18:06] GM: But then is not now
[10:18:13] CWO3 Sarah: (( buncha dorks. ))
[10:18:40] 1Lt.Fairman takes cover and tries to bring Sarah around [1d100] => [38] = (38) vs 70
[10:19:02] CWO3 Sarah: (( doesn't Jaron need to roll piloting first? ))
[10:19:04] GM: Jaron digs into his first aid pack and smelling salts do the trick.
[10:19:09] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:19:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( yay! ))
[10:19:48] CWO3 Sarah stirs and groans, even if her armor is intact. "Oh hell… What happened?"
[10:19:48] GM: Sarah you wake abruptly, in pain, in the middle of a forest. There is yelling around you and some of the trees are on fire.
[10:20:16] 1Lt.Fairman: "Shit hit the fan. Madresa has your ride"
[10:20:35] CWO3 Sarah: (( actually, Komi does. It was attached to the Dev ))
[10:21:02] GM: meanwhile in space, Suki is lounging in the break room after a CAP patrol drinking green tea out of a sippy cup.
[10:21:14] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Have enough strength to try teleporting at least some of us in some random direction that isn't here.
[10:21:16] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ?
[10:21:41] GM: The enemy fighters, you cant hear them…
[10:21:49] 1Lt.Fairman: (Alright)
[10:22:00] GM: (no see, thats bad…)
[10:22:21] GM: have you ever been to an airshow?
[10:22:39] GM: What sound does a plane make when its coming towards you really fast…
[10:22:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( none, since it's supersonic ))
[10:23:01] GM: bingo
[10:23:13] GM: the forest lights up again
[10:23:30] GM: [6d20] => [18,19,3,4,4,9] = (57)+6 at [6d5] => [2,1,1,2,2,3] = (11)
[10:24:29] CWO3 Sarah swears. "Possibly. Not sure…" She sighs. "I'm not sure how many though. I'd need to heal up first…" She tries fixing part of it. [2d6] => [1,5] = (6) (deducts ISP, for trying to heal it) (whenever it's my turn)
[10:25:07] GM: At Komi 25, 9. @ Kain, 24, 10 , 10 , and Ay, 15
[10:26:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [14,18] = (32)
[10:26:09] GM: Ay you are missed
[10:26:14] 1Lt.Fairman (enter): 22:26
[10:26:21] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [14,13] = (27)
[10:26:29] GM: Kom i is missed
[10:26:30] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [18,14] = (32)
[10:26:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek ))
[10:26:32] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [8,14] = (22)
[10:26:33] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15)
[10:26:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( what you see last, Jaron? ))
[10:26:44] GM: Kain is hit once
[10:26:54] GM: [2d4*10] => 80 to the [1d100] => [20] = (20)
[10:26:57] 1Lt.Fairman: (didnt miss anything was brief)
[10:27:15] GM: Your tires are blown away, 8 carry over to MB
[10:27:28] GM: oh wait
[10:27:36] GM: [80-12] => 68
[10:27:42] GM: 68 carry over. to MB
[10:27:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek! ))
[10:28:10] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (10) 1Lt.Fairman…
[10:28:15] GM: Well you are ina pickle…what do you do?
[10:28:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heh ))
[10:29:28] 2LT Kain Crokett transforms and flies about, looking for a place to hide. [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) PERC
[10:29:59] 1Lt.Fairman: (What is the aircraft again?)
[10:30:05] GM: Gernl
[10:30:08] GM: Gnerl
[10:30:12] GM: Zent Fighter Pod
[10:31:17] 2LT Komillia Maeless looks about for anything that might look like it could be used to make it look like they blew us up. [1d20] => [9] = (9) perc
[10:31:22] 2LT Komillia Maeless: (nvm)
[10:31:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heh ))
[10:31:49] GM: Well, there are those cargo containers with all your ammo in…
[10:32:35] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around for any kind of shelter they can be taking, or anything else that might be helpful. [1d20] => [3] = (3)
[10:33:05] GM: Ahhhhh run away! the sky is falling the sky is falling!!!
[10:33:09] CWO3 Sarah meanwhile scrambles over to Komi's mecha, even as she tries to patch herself, to get to her mecha if she can.
[10:33:52] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((things that MIGHT help)) [1d100] => [2] = (2) vs 63 Intelligence, [1d100] => [23] = (23) vs 60 Escape Artist, [1d100] => [84] = (84) vs 50 Tracking (people) ((as in knowing what to look for to keep the risk of detection low)), [1d100] => [57] = (57) vs 65 Undercover Ops (escape measures might be covered)
[10:34:14] CWO3 Sarah mumbles. "Gotta get the Cyclone out…" she sighs.
[10:34:41] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((er those were Kain's)) [1d100] => [46] = (46) vs 60 Prowl
[10:36:37] 1Lt.Fairman looks around and thinks as well. mil fortification [1d100] => [72] = (72) vs 75, mil tactics [1d100] => [32] = (32) vs 90, detect concealment [1d100] => [97] = (97) vs 80
[10:36:46] 2LT Kain Crokett is looking for a place to get away.
[10:36:54] GM: Well intell tells you that the enemy is likely tracking you by sensors and sensors alone give the tree cover.
[10:36:59] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((and off our current trail.))
[10:37:14] GM: given
[10:37:15] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((fighting these things is suicidal))
[10:37:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( really? Last I heard Zent fighter pods weren't that dangerous :p ) ))
[10:38:27] GM: Skill rolls also tell you (all) that SOP has a Roil wil Bioroids inbound to secure area and or continue search on foot and Biover. You also have a confirmed foot patol of legionaairs behind you.
[10:38:44] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((if we were in our regular mecha, sure. But we're not.))
[10:38:51] GM: You need to disappear and fast.
[10:38:57] 1Lt.Fairman grumbles "Shit. Need to find a place to hide and get our of cyclones. Set a charge to destruct on their next hit.
[10:39:07] 1Lt.Fairman: (our=out)
[10:39:15] 2LT Kain Crokett: Get into the trees. The pods are tracking us by sensors alone.
[10:39:47] 2LT Kain Crokett: And go to minimal power mode.
[10:39:48] GM: You also figure, that the enemy WILL set down and scour the area, and if not totally 110% satisfied that you are indeed dead, will continue hounding you until you leave this sorry rock.
[10:39:59] 1Lt.Fairman: "They can scorch it the trees. Doesnt help"
[10:40:37] 2LT Kain Crokett: Yes, it does. It forces them to waste time shooting trees while we prowl about.
[10:40:45] GM: Fortifications tells you little, if you had AA, it might be usefull.
[10:40:47] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs 65 ECM
[10:41:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((to try and muck up the sensors.))
[10:41:03] CWO3 Sarah tries to get her Cyclone unfolded, trying to concentrate on getting herself patched up as much as she can, as quickly as possible.
[10:41:18] GM: You have ECM gear so you start banging out jamming.
[10:41:32] GM: Sarah, you fianlly get you Cyc off of Komi
[10:41:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( lemme know when I can roll again to restore HP :p :) and kk. Yay. ))
[10:42:11] GM: Nope, you need to be 'at rest' to do that
[10:42:12] 2LT Kain Crokett: Now get in the trees. They can't spot us now with sensors. If we don't go in a straight line, we have a chance to escape the immediate threat.
[10:42:27] 1Lt.Fairman nods and does so
[10:43:17] 2LT Kain Crokett heads toward the densest tree cover and starts zig-zagging.
[10:43:28] GM: [2d100] => [96,50] = (146) RSi -50%
[10:43:40] 2LT Komillia Maeless follows the other's leads.
[10:43:49] CWO3 Sarah moves head for the trees as well, once she has the Cyclone out
[10:43:52] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((they lost us…))
[10:43:53] GM: The Gnerls fly overhead on their thrid pass but do NOT open fire.
[10:44:28] 2Lt. Aylanea scrambles for the trees as well, sighing in relief as the pods fly over and don't fire. "Trouble is, we can't keep this up forever."
[10:44:31] GM: Roll a collective prowl…
[10:45:02] GM: I know most have it by prozy as part of their phys skills
[10:45:04] 1Lt.Fairman: camouflage is all I got; can I do it with a penalty or roll what?
[10:45:08] GM: proxy
[10:45:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs. 30% basic prowl.
[10:45:21] GM: no, camo is only usable if you are staionary
[10:45:57] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [50] = (50) vs. 49%
[10:45:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( ow ))
[10:46:22] GM: who else?
[10:46:33] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [85] = (85) vs 60
[10:46:46] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Komi doesn't have it.))
[10:46:48] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d30] => [7] = (7) vs PP?
[10:47:23] GM: [(60+49+30)/3] => 46 vs [(66+50+85)/3] => 67
[10:47:31] GM: Nope, your prowl sucks ass
[10:47:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol :p ))
[10:47:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( yup, it does. ))
[10:47:59] GM: Roll your Jamming again
[10:48:38] GM: [2d20] => [1,5] = (6)
[10:48:46] GM: ECM please
[10:49:09] GM: Those 20s were enemy perc BTW, so , maybe good for you
[10:49:17] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:49:45] GM: ECM roll kain, please
[10:50:19] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [70] = (70) vs 65
[10:50:32] CWO3 Sarah: (( … eep ))
[10:50:57] GM: [1d100] => [57] = (57) -30%
[10:51:12] GM: [1d100] => [11] = (11) -30%
[10:51:42] GM: You hear the sound of engines, then the sound is halved.
[10:51:57] GM: Roll percs.
[10:52:37] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[10:52:41] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17)
[10:52:45] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+1] => [20,1] = (21)
[10:52:50] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20] => [18] = (18)
[10:52:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[10:53:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow Kain ))
[10:54:21] GM: Kain you are aware that one Gnerl at least is inbound. You also are able to see thru the canopy it head towards you, Komi you like wise see the plane turn towards,
[10:54:38] GM: Inits Kain and Kimo
[10:54:41] GM: Komi
[10:54:49] GM: [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11) Gnerl
[10:54:50] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13)
[10:55:04] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[10:55:37] GM: You can int, or let the enemy fire first…
[10:55:45] GM: Whats it gonna be?
[10:55:57] 2LT Kain Crokett tries to jam the sucker again. [1d100] => [17] = (17) vs 65
[10:56:14] 1Lt.Fairman (exit): 22:56
[10:56:40] 2LT Komillia Maeless tries aimin, and sniping the cockpit with the GU-21. [1d20+14] => [3,14] = (17)
[10:56:41] GM: Thats one action
[10:56:58] GM: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[10:57:01] GM: Miss
[10:57:10] GM: The Gnerl seems undettered…
[10:57:23] GM: You see it's nose cannons begin to spin up
[10:57:27] 2LT Kain Crokett burns his remaining missiles into the cockpit. [1d20+3] => [7,3] = (10)
[10:57:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( heh ))
[10:57:38] GM: [1d100] => [67] = (67)
[10:57:44] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( :) ))
[10:58:39] 2LT Kain Crokett fries the EP-37 at the son of a bitch, again the cockpit. [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[10:58:51] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Malefecus, you are DEAD!))
[10:59:06] GM: [1d2+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[10:59:10] GM: You hit!
[10:59:13] GM: Komi
[10:59:17] CWO3 Sarah: (( o.o yay ))
[10:59:21] GM: Well you hit MB…
[10:59:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( better than nothing, roll damage ))
[10:59:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:59:54] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((er, not that I should be complaining but 1d2?))
[11:00:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( LOL ))
[11:00:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( GM error, claim it ;p ))
[11:00:24] CWO3 Sarah: (( ;) ))
[11:00:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( *tease* ))
[11:00:37] 2LT Kain Crokett: [2d4*10] => 50
[11:01:16] GM: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[11:01:25] GM: still a hit, 16 under 18
[11:01:47] GM: komi has her two attacks left
[11:01:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( wee :) ))
[11:02:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( … *does that on the papers like she's supposed to, tho* ;) ))
[11:03:05] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((actually only one, she burned one aiming))
[11:03:20] 2LT Komillia Maeless fires at the cockpit. [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[11:03:24] GM: the shoot
[11:03:29] GM: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[11:03:32] GM: hit
[11:04:04] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [2d4*10] => 70
[11:04:21] GM: [70+50] => 120
[11:04:47] GM: The Gnerl is still airworthy and opens fire [3d20] => [13,7,14] = (34) +6 @ [3d5] => [2,4,1] = (7)
[11:04:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( isn't the 18 a hit for the called shot, since the dodge wasn't made? Or no? ))
[11:05:14] GM: 19 at Kain,
[11:05:18] GM: hold on…
[11:05:31] GM: damamge please
[11:07:02] CWO3 Sarah: (( hm? 70 damage was rolled? ))
[11:07:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( or? ))
[11:07:31] GM: [70-25] => 45
[11:07:32] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [18,14] = (32)
[11:07:36] GM: 45 to pilot
[11:07:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh. :) oooh. :) ))
[11:07:46] GM: dead
[11:07:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( woot! ))
[11:07:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( *cheers* ))
[11:08:33] GM: The canopy is burned thru and the pilot shredded. The Gnerl continues on ballisticlly towards the group, cutting shor the victory
[11:08:37] GM: [1d100] => [39] = (39)
[11:08:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:08:50] GM: roll dodges to escape firey explody goodness.
[11:09:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [16,14] = (30)
[11:09:11] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [9,13] = (22)
[11:09:12] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+17] => [1,17] = (18)
[11:09:23] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15)
[11:09:25] 1Lt.Fairman: omg
[11:09:40] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+18] => [1,18] = (19)
[11:09:41] 1Lt.Fairman: where we even together relatively for his shooting?
[11:09:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, that was for Ay ))
[11:09:50] CWO3 Sarah: (( wtf ))
[11:09:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( rotflrotflrotfl ))
[11:09:59] GM: O
[11:10:00] GM: M
[11:10:01] GM: G
[11:10:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( that's just said, isn't it? ))
[11:10:12] CWO3 Sarah: sad, too
[11:10:53] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((ugh.))
[11:11:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( so how dead are we? ))
[11:11:06] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[11:11:08] GM: everyone roll a 2d100 this is how close you are to point of impact, please dont roll less tehn 50..
[11:11:23] CWO3 Sarah: [2d100] => [42,17] = (59)
[11:11:29] GM: safe
[11:11:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: [2d100] => [99,89] = (188)
[11:11:46] GM: very safe
[11:11:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[11:11:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( Jaron? ))
[11:11:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *tickles* ))
[11:12:54] 1Lt.Fairman: [2d100] => [44,22] = (66)
[11:13:11] GM: Safe
[11:13:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay! ))
[11:13:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( less than 50 woulda done… what? Killed us basically? lol ))
[11:13:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[11:13:57] GM: still need rolls form komi and Kain
[11:14:11] GM: no 50 foot is the blast radius on the kamikaze Gnerl
[11:14:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( thought they made their dodges, but… ))
[11:14:42] 2LT Kain Crokett: (9) 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+14] => [20,14] = (34) => [16,14] => (16, 14) = (30) (9) 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+13] => [6,13] = (19) => [9,13] => (9, 13) = (22)
[11:15:04] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((already made those rolls…))
[11:15:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( he wanted a 2d100 now, I think ))
[11:16:05] GM: nm, he is correct, you all rolled 1's so
[11:16:44] GM: [2d4*100] => 400
[11:17:11] GM: [400/5] => 80
[11:17:32] GM: those closest tot he blast within 100 feet take 80
[11:17:44] GM: Fairman and Sarah
[11:17:47] GM: 80 each
[11:17:59] GM: Ay is untouched depsite her 1…
[11:18:31] GM: the Gnerl pops off into a massive fireball of wich the shrapnel fells [1d4] => [1] = (1) nearby trees
[11:18:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: [245-80] => 165
[11:18:50] GM: [1d100-40] => [79,-40] = (39)
[11:19:02] GM: the circling Gnerl continues to curcle…
[11:19:06] GM: circle
[11:19:10] GM: I will call it here
[11:19:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[11:19:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[11:19:47] 1Lt.Fairman: well this mission is generally screwed. might as well just go back to fighters and fly and blow shit up
[11:19:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[11:20:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( we're not totally screwed yet. ))
[11:20:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( Just gotta take down the other Gnerl like we probably should have right away, and book it for cover before the Roil gets there ))
[11:20:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( after the uber crit succ to camo the planes, those are good ))
[11:20:45] GM: Well, Mr Solid Snake would be very dissapointed in you yes
[11:20:59] 2LT Kain Crokett: g'night
[11:21:11] 2LT Kain Crokett: Disconnecting from server…
[11:21:11] James (exit): 23:21
[11:21:23] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( next time we'll use cardbard boxes then ))
[11:21:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: :)
[11:21:45] GM: !
[11:21:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: ?
[11:22:36] GM: what is it that the enemies do in Metal Gear when the notice something
[11:22:38] GM: !
[11:23:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: lol
[11:23:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: haven't played it, the cardboard box thing is mentioned a lot elsewhere about it
[11:23:42] GM: Okay, so recap, missile, really really bad Idea
[11:23:59] GM: would have avoided the entire Gnerl bit
[11:24:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: oye. hehehe
[11:24:17] 1Lt.Fairman: yea but I said or somewthing he could've used grenade and I said use some cover
[11:24:20] GM: when in the history of Robotech has a missile NOT left a smoke trail?
[11:24:37] GM: you said cover, yes, but grenande no
[11:24:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: need to redeem Sarah next week.
[11:24:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: he said "a missile or something", meaning whatever else might be good
[11:25:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: :)
[11:25:18] GM: Missile or something…
[11:25:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: another case of vague/imprecise wording causing an issue
[11:25:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: :p :)
[11:25:40] GM: even tho and this is a pure post mortum here
[11:25:55] GM: firing ANYTHING would confirm, as you did, that yes there was something out here
[11:26:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: this is all Sarah's fault, anyway, and she feels bad about it
[11:26:26] GM: you could have lied low and avoided the foot patrol at which time, the enemy might have figured ole Pa was into the hooch and say stuff…
[11:26:37] GM: saw
[11:26:45] 1Lt.Fairman: see I try to give the other character leeway in action but if I have to start being a dick I dont want to hear teh bitching. And they disobey it, demerits!!
[11:26:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: lol
[11:26:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: rofl
[11:27:00] GM: or at the very least not have given proof to his claim that 'bushwackers are in mah field!
[11:27:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: lol
[11:27:26] GM: well, I would have told the ole LT to stuff it with that order, but thats me
[11:27:42] GM: be like, are you daft, are you a Masters agent in disguise?
[11:29:50] 1Lt.Fairman: we skipping next week?
[11:30:13] GM: Nah, I'm good, unles syall need a berak
[11:30:20] GM: I have stuff lined of for months
[11:30:26] GM: of = up
[11:30:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: awesome. :)
[11:30:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: No breaks, dangit! :p :) Not when Sarah needs to redeem herself
[11:30:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: hehehe
[11:30:47] 1Lt.Fairman: well school starts week monday need to wake early
[11:30:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: her critfail caused this mess
[11:30:53] 2Lt. Aylanea: eep, oh.
[11:31:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: well, we don't run that late
[11:31:03] 1Lt.Fairman: after the luck tonight; I think a break is needed
[11:31:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: :p :)
[11:31:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: and heh
[11:31:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: wow, the dice tonight
[11:31:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: what a nightmare
[11:31:29] GM: no shit huh
[11:31:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: hehehe
[11:31:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: nat 1's, nat 100s, all sorts of hilarious fail
[11:33:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: good thing that was an old school SDC rifle, with the nat 20 to Komi the first time
[11:34:06] GM: yes
[11:34:10] GM: that was me being nice
[11:34:15] GM: very nice
[11:34:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: I thought you were gonna make Jaron roll pilot after losing one of his tires, and that Sarah would get hurt further when it faileed
[11:34:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: Yes, it was, thank you :)
[11:34:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: Sarah… I deducted another 6 ISP for her…
[11:34:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: [2d6] => [6,1] = (7)
[11:35:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: there, gets her out of hit point range at least.
[11:35:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: Though she's at 0 SDC
[11:35:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: lol
[11:36:34] 1Lt.Fairman: I wasnt in bike mode anyways; I was battloid hence I was carrying Sarah
[11:37:03] GM: either way it was a cluster F in every sence
[11:37:07] GM: but comical
[11:37:13] GM: anyway, I'm out, ttfn all
[11:37:25] GM: Disconnecting from server…
[11:37:25] Chris (exit): 23:37
[11:39:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: oh.
[11:39:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: lol
[11:39:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: phew
[11:39:24] 1Lt.Fairman: Disconnecting from server…
[11:39:25] 1Lt.Fairman (exit): 23:39
To be continued!