Begin Log
[06:42:18] GM: Last we left off, you were planetside talking to Dr. Jones…err. Off in the distance the distinct telltale of atmospheric entry prompts the arrival of enemy air units.
[06:43:32] GM: Questions, or we go hot?
[06:44:40] 2Lt. Madresa: (( go hot! ))
[06:44:42] 2Lt. Madresa: (( hehehe ))
[06:44:52] GM: Allright, inits.
[06:45:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((was already inbound…))
[06:45:08] 1Lt.Fairman: Init [1d20+2] => [2,2] = (4)
[06:45:17] Haydonite Wraith: [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
[06:45:17] Haydonite Wraith: [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[06:45:35] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[06:45:35] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[06:45:41] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[06:46:06] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+2] => [4,2] = (6) ((is on foot…))
[06:46:16] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((crap rolls ahoy!))
[06:47:13] 2Lt. Madresa: (( heh. ))
[06:47:28] GM: Everyone of the enemy goes before you
[06:47:42] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[06:47:47] GM: well, reverse init, you go first so
[06:48:02] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d20+3] => [4,3] = (7)
[06:48:06] GM: Okay, Kain
[06:48:56] GM: Actually, wait,
[06:48:58] GM: Jaron first
[06:49:27] 1Lt.Fairman asks Carter "Do you have any place for cover here?" then coms "How fast will the enemy get here?"
[06:50:21] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol ))
[06:52:04] Carter: HF roll for Carter: [1d20] => [14] = (14) vs 14
[06:52:20] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol ))
[06:52:22] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehe ))
[06:52:30] CWO3 Amdahl: (( wow. barely ))
[06:52:31] Carter blinks his eyes at the sight of incoming and falters but for a second.
[06:52:51] Carter: Uh, um…there are the ruins, a few kilometers away.
[06:54:12] 1Lt.Fairman places his hand on Carter's shoulder to help settle him "tell you workers to start running. You can your friend are coming with us"
[06:54:18] 1Lt.Fairman: (done)
[06:54:54] Carter steps back as Gav rallies the workers.
[06:55:03] Carter: I'm not leaving my team here!
[06:55:13] Carter: Komi
[06:55:59] GM: Sorry, Komi
[06:56:02] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((How much room is on the shuttle?))
[06:56:23] GM: room for 12 (not including pilots)
[06:56:40] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((and the number of people here?))
[06:56:45] GM: 30+
[06:57:09] CWO3 Amdahl: (( how many will fit in the beta cargo hold? ))
[06:57:35] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((not enough to cover the difference.))
[06:57:36] GM: 6
[06:59:32] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hrm. damn. hehe. And seven if the legios goes empty with Ay, 10 if Sarah ports a few… :p But that's assuming she and the beta get away… hrm. ))
[06:59:58] 2LT Komillia Maeless grabs Carter. "We'll come back as we can, but we need to start getting people off now. You're on hand." Komi then drags Carter onto the shuttle. [1d30] => [21] = (21) vs17 (PS check if necessary) [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25) Strike to grab
[07:00:43] GM: You grab him and start dragging him towards teh shuttle. Gav see's this and moves to pull you off. [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[07:01:12] GM: Carter will also resist [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[07:02:00] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((what rolls do I need to make?))
[07:02:02] GM: Komi? Are you going to try and evade the wookie..I mean Karberran?
[07:02:15] GM: dodge or parry, he rolled a strike.
[07:02:29] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16) PArry the wookie
[07:02:55] 2LT Komillia Maeless: "I'll drag you on too."
[07:02:59] GM: You fail to parry and the Karberan breaks your hold, then steps between you and the good doctor. Gav bears his fangs.
[07:03:03] 2LT Komillia Maeless: "Just wait your turn."
[07:03:03] GM: Back off little girl!
[07:03:37] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((wait I thought the bear's roll was 13. 13vs 16 I should have won…))
[07:04:05] GM: This is true, say the 18 and …anyway, you parry Gav with the doctor.
[07:04:28] GM: The bear will try again, and grabs the doctor [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[07:04:48] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28) dodge with the doc.
[07:05:03] Gav'leth: Rhaaaaar!
[07:05:53] Gav'leth goes for a flying tackle as Carter, seeing what is about to happen yells out (far to late to do any good) Gav! NO! [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[07:06:02] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((Far more entertaining than a civil response.))
[07:06:16] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[07:06:22] CWO3 Amdahl: (( lol ))
[07:06:26] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((well…))
[07:06:35] GM: You are both smothered under 340 pounds of Karberran
[07:06:46] Carter: Gav…you idiot!
[07:07:02] GM: Kain
[07:08:37] GM: You both take [2d4+15] => [4,4,15] = (23)
[07:08:39] GM: SDC
[07:09:06] GM: Each lose init and one attack.
[07:09:19] 2LT Kain Crokett lines up bandit 1, fires full guns, a volley of three Plasma LRMs, and another set of full guns. [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16) [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15) [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[07:09:30] GM: roll an RSI to locate the target
[07:10:14] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [14] = (14) vs 60 RSI
[07:10:45] GM: That will take place of your first attack, do you wish to keep the last two where they are or slide the first tow forward and lose the third?
[07:11:07] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((lose the first.))
[07:11:15] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((better roll on the third…))
[07:11:22] CWO3 Amdahl: (( hehe. ))
[07:11:57] GM: The enemy pops flares and goes evasive to dodge the guns [1d100] => [61] = (61) Under 75% to spoof and [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[07:12:10] GM: The missiles go wide. The guns hit
[07:13:08] 2LT Kain Crokett: [(2d4*10+5)+((6d4+2)*10)+(6d6*10)] => 275
[07:13:41] GM: [1d100] => [41] = (41)
[07:15:18] GM: You blow the pulse cannons clean off, the carry over shredding the underside of the Wraith, splitting it open. The Wraith, trailing black smoke rolls over and dives towards the ground.
[07:15:31] GM: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[07:15:42] GM: Sarah
[07:16:51] CWO3 Amdahl checks her own sensors for the Wraiths, quickly, intending to get some herself. [1d100] => [90] = (90) vs. 75%
[07:16:55] CWO3 Amdahl: (( ow ))
[07:16:58] CWO3 Amdahl: (( :p ))
[07:17:07] GM: those on the ground please roll a d100
[07:17:28] GM: Sarah, you do not pick up the enemy, except for the one that Kain hit.
[07:18:20] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [44] = (44)
[07:18:29] CWO3 Amdahl hmms, and pushes onward, looking for some of the others in the direction Kain went, following him in and trying to check again, for one she can pull tto gun range on. [1d100] => [82] = (82) vs. 75% (again)
[07:18:32] CWO3 Amdahl: (( wtf ))
[07:18:36] CWO3 Amdahl: (( wow, the dicew love me tonight ))
[07:18:45] Carter: Sarah, are you on the ground or in the air?
[07:18:57] Carter: I thought AY was in the air and Sarah was on the ground
[07:19:14] Carter: or was it backwards with Ay on the ground …
[07:19:22] Carter: Inquiring minds want to know
[07:19:27] Carter: Komi roll you d100 please
[07:19:56] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [4] = (4)
[07:19:58] CWO3 Amdahl: (( they were ordered to take the legios up and split it ))
[07:20:04] CWO3 Amdahl: (( they're both in the air ))
[07:20:28] GM: Okay, and your latest sensor sweep detects nothing
[07:22:17] CWO3 Amdahl swears audibly as she tries to adjust sensors, still following up to where Kain headed, trying to see if she can run into them. She checks again, for now. [1d100] => [69] = (69)
[07:22:20] CWO3 Amdahl: (( finally :p ))
[07:22:23] CWO3 Amdahl: (( no love for poor Sarah ))
[07:23:07] GM: You finally pick up the one wraith you are looking for, it's has managed to pass right by you and is swinging into a strafeing run on the folks on the ground.
[07:24:27] CWO3 Amdahl: (( exactly where was it in relation to the beta, that it isn't seen from cockpit glass? :) ))
[07:24:31] CWO3 Amdahl: (( anyway… ))
[07:25:33] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((unless it's in blindspot to the cockpit, I'd question the lack of a PERC roll.))
[07:26:02] GM: I'm not gonna ask for roll…if she wants to roll a perc, she can (percs are free,))
[07:26:15] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((ah))
[07:26:17] CWO3 Amdahl: (( fine. ah. ))
[07:26:24] GM: but your round is over
[07:26:50] GM: unless there was something you wanted to do before saying done
[07:27:06] GM: that doesnt take an attack
[07:27:51] CWO3 Amdahl swears. "One got past me, headed for the ground…"
[07:28:44] CWO3 Amdahl reads her coords into that as welle.
[07:29:07] GM: Okie dokie
[07:29:32] GM: The stricken Wraith tries to adjust it's trajectory at the last second. [1d100] => [57] = (57)
[07:29:38] GM: [1d41] => [29] = (29)
[07:31:48] GM: The wraith veers towards the landed shuttle and looks like it's about to hit it but augers in about 30 feet to the left of it's aft port quarter. The Wraith cartwheels into the deck and bursts intoa fireball as the debris spread out into a flaming cone, [1d8] => [7] = (7) (1 or a 8 is a miss)
[07:31:54] GM: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[07:32:29] GM: Three fleeing workers are cut down by the debris as the largest chunks slam into a GP Large tent ripping it to shreds.
[07:32:59] GM: Jaron, you are thrown to the ground by the impact, (40 feet from you)
[07:33:40] GM: The second Wraith moves in on it's strafing run and opens fire on the landed shuttle [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20), [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25), and [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[07:34:02] GM: The shuttle his hit three times (staionary target, cannot dodge) [12d4*10] => 310
[07:34:17] GM: The shuttle is turned into scrap with it's pilots still inside.
[07:34:34] GM: Jaron, roll a dodge, -4 to avoid splash damage
[07:36:09] 1Lt.Fairman tries to roll out of the way [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[07:36:26] GM: [310/10] => 31
[07:36:41] GM: You take 31 from shrapnel and a stray energy round.
[07:37:57] GM: Out in the distance, one of the Haydonite landers disgorges it's cargo.
[07:38:01] GM: Ay, your turn
[07:39:30] GM: Ay?
[07:39:47] 2Lt. Madresa: (( sorry, parent ))
[07:41:04] 2Lt. Madresa swears up a storm once she sees that. "Just great…" She dodges around to keep the airborne ones from continuing their strafes, if she can, going after the one that took out the shuttle first. [1d20+14] => [9,14] = (23)
[07:41:22] GM: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[07:41:26] GM: You connect!
[07:41:44] GM: (remember, you are sans you Beta..))
[07:42:49] GM: Meanwhile the last alnder empties it's hold.
[07:42:52] 2Lt. Madresa: (( I knowe ))
[07:43:57] 2Lt. Madresa: (( still have parent problem ))
[07:46:04] GM: Jaron
[07:47:15] 1Lt.Fairman picks himself up and tries to push Gav off "Get these people out of here god dammit or more will die." then looks at the the remains of shuttle and sighes.
[07:47:40] GM: Gav and Co are about 40 ft away.
[07:47:54] 1Lt.Fairman: (move taht way then)
[07:47:59] GM: (based on the d100 rolls) that was for your placement on a grid
[07:48:12] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [5] = (5)
[07:48:26] GM: what was that for?
[07:48:49] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((AFK))
[07:48:52] 1Lt.Fairman: (thought you wanted a roll; oh well. Just move then)
[07:49:03] GM: yeah, now worries
[07:49:06] GM: no
[07:50:13] GM: You move over as Gav gets up, a sprawled out and still stunned Komi and Carter are semi pressed into the soft topsoil. Carter of course has the better of the deal as his face has been pressed into Komi;s chest.
[07:51:42] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((back))
[07:52:26] 1Lt.Fairman looks back at them "You going to move?"
[07:53:12] 2LT Kain Crokett: "Once the merry-go-round of doom stops."
[07:53:29] 2LT Komillia Maeless: "Once the merry-go-round of doom stops."
[07:53:41] GM: And it is Komi's turn.
[07:53:41] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((I know I told it to switch alias..)
[07:54:23] 2LT Komillia Maeless gets back up. "That kills my plan." [1d20] => [10] = (10) PERC ((looking for the best place to get out of the open quickly.))
[07:55:49] 2Lt. Madresa: (( *perks back up* sorry ))
[07:55:56] 2Lt. Madresa: (( the DVD player died, and they insisted I come fix it ))
[07:56:02] GM: Maddy, roll your damage please
[07:56:06] 2Lt. Madresa: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 374
[07:56:28] GM: The Wraith is torn into flaming confetti, but, far to late to save teh shuttle.
[07:56:47] 2LT Komillia Maeless starts dragging both Carter and Gav to the nearest cover.
[07:56:48] GM: Do you have an bonuses to that roll Komi?
[07:57:02] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((my perc? no.))
[07:57:35] GM: You start pulling Carter, but find yourself ina tug of war with the poor fellow, you have his amrs and gav has his legs.
[07:57:59] Carter: Oh for crying out loud!!! Will you two STOP IT!!!!
[07:58:26] 2LT Komillia Maeless: People being rescued will have their opinions ignored by default.
[07:59:20] Gav'leth: You are going the wrong way girl.
[07:59:24] Gav'leth snarls.
[07:59:44] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Than you take the lead.
[08:00:20] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((English as a second language…))
[08:01:24] Gav'leth stands and bats you away from teh doctor.
[08:01:36] Carter: Okay, that sucked…
[08:01:55] Carter: Gav, get everyone together and to the ruins.
[08:02:04] Gav'leth: Right away doctor.
[08:02:30] Gav'leth before he leaves does the old 'two fingers at his eyes the a point at Komi' I'll be watching you hand gesture.
[08:02:45] Gav'leth: Kain
[08:04:55] Gav'leth: Kain?
[08:05:30] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20] => [14] = (14) PERC to find where the landers deposited their loads.
[08:06:05] GM: The landers have dropped their loads about 30 miles out
[08:07:46] 2LT Kain Crokett spends and action to get close enough to the area (because a fighter going 600+ mph will get there in seconds), will take another look at what was dropped. [1d20+1] => [19,1] = (20) Perc
[08:08:22] GM: Nice roll
[08:08:44] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((danke))
[08:11:06] 2LT Kain Crokett: I can confirm 12 reavers and 3 tanks. Lighting them up.
[08:11:44] GM: Kain, as you make your pass you come under fire.
[08:12:35] 2LT Kain Crokett fires 1 High Explosive LRM at tank 1-1, and strafing with the guns on the first batch of reavers. [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15) [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30)
[08:12:41] GM: [3d20] => [16,15,14] = (45) +10, [3d20] => [15,2,8] = (25) +10, [3d20] => [6,2,6] = (14) +10
[08:13:14] 1Lt.Fairman (enter): 20:13
[08:13:22] GM: The tank pops couter measures [1d100] => [23] = (23)
[08:13:28] GM: Your missiles impact the dirt
[08:13:33] GM: The reavers on the other hand…
[08:13:42] GM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
[08:13:52] GM: You hit one…turning it to mist.
[08:14:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
[08:14:02] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26)
[08:14:13] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [1,11] = (12)
[08:14:39] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusck.))
[08:14:40] GM: (dont bother rolling to couner the 2's
[08:14:48] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[08:14:49] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[08:14:49] GM: counter
[08:14:50] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[08:14:51] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [7,11] = (18)
[08:15:10] GM: Five hits
[08:15:16] GM: [5d100] => [79,21,99,92,36] = (327)
[08:15:59] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((5 really?))
[08:16:12] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((okay I see it.))
[08:17:31] GM: Pilots Compartment [4d4*10] => 130, Lower Legs [4d4*10] => 90, Hand/Gunpod [4d4*10] => 100, Pilot's Compartment [4d4*10] => 70, Wing [1d4] => [4] = (4) odd left, [4d4*10] => 80
[08:18:26] GM: Roll a parachuting
[08:18:52] 1Lt.Fairman (exit): 20:18
[08:18:53] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 71
[08:19:04] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((…))
[08:19:20] 2Lt. Madresa: (( o.o ))
[08:19:24] 2Lt. Madresa: (( geez ))
[08:19:30] GM: You seen that Movie 'Behind enemy lines"? Where the f-18 gets cut in half…and the forward protion keeps going for a bit…yeah, thats you.
[08:20:14] GM: roll a d100
[08:20:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((the only thing hit hard was the pilot's compartment though, most of it should be salvageable and repairable.))
[08:20:27] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [6] = (6)
[08:20:36] GM: you land behind enemy lines…
[08:21:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep. :p ))
[08:21:39] 2LT Kain Crokett: This is why I'm spec ops and not an ace.
[08:22:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: Ah well may as well do some damage while I'm here.
[08:22:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:22:16] CWO3 Sarah: (( :) ))
[08:22:20] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((wait there's enough enemy forces for there to be considered enemy lines?))
[08:22:43] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((I get the concept for this situation, but still.))
[08:23:06] GM: well, there are three tanks and 12 infantry, thats enough to form a line.
[08:23:14] GM: Well, 11 infantry
[08:23:19] GM: You did mist one of em
[08:23:25] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe. :) ))
[08:23:54] GM: Sarah, and anyone airborne, you see Kain get shot down as his plane winks off the screens.
[08:25:10] GM: Sarah, your turn
[08:25:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( how many wraiths are still up? ))
[08:25:50] GM: None
[08:25:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh, okay. ))
[08:27:43] CWO3 Sarah moves in for the winking off the screen, making note of it. "Again?" She looks around for Ay. "Looks like we'll need to keep watch for him." She tries to strafe two tanks, promptly. [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22) [1d2+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[08:27:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( … lol ))
[08:27:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( wow ))
[08:28:13] GM: Sarah, as you make your pass you come under fire [9d20] => [13,2,20,5,10,17,9,9,13] = (98) all with +10
[08:28:24] GM: I tried to give you a hint
[08:28:47] GM: Roll damamge on one tank,
[08:28:54] GM: then make your dodges
[08:29:43] CWO3 Sarah: [((3d6+2)*10)*3] => 510
[08:29:59] GM: now your dodges
[08:30:02] GM: [1d3] => [1] = (1)
[08:30:05] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
[08:30:05] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[08:30:06] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:30:07] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[08:30:07] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[08:30:08] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[08:30:08] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25)
[08:30:08] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[08:30:09] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:30:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( wow, I'm dead ))
[08:30:16] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:30:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( ehwell. ))
[08:30:37] GM: you pop tank 1, aviding the crit, but arre still hit five times
[08:30:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( at least I didn't get the 1 on the nat 20… ))
[08:30:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( heh ))
[08:30:55] GM: [5d100] => [11,100,6,65,56] = (238)
[08:32:35] GM: [Chest Missile Bay [4d4*10] => Chest Missile Bay [4d4*10, Pilots Compartment [4d4*10] => 120, Chest Missile Bay [4d4*10] => 90, Lower leg [1d4] => [1] = (1) left odd [4d4*100] => 700, Lower leg [1d4] => [3] = (3) odd left [4d4*10] => 130
[08:32:42] GM: [4d4*10] => 90
[08:33:00] GM: (that 700 is a 70..sorry)
[08:34:45] GM: Your chest missile bay goes up, You pilots comp is hit for 120 out of 170, and your lower left leg is still there (as in it would be able to support your weight in battloid mode) but the engine flames out.
[08:34:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( which chest missile bay, both? hm. ))
[08:35:35] GM: You lose 20 missiles, right side.
[08:36:18] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk ))
[08:36:56] GM: The first group of landed ground forces start moving forward slowly.
[08:36:59] GM: Ay, your turn
[08:37:41] GM: Slow = 70 mph
[08:38:42] GM: Correction 90mph)
[08:39:52] 2Lt. Madresa: (( hmm. Is missile range within their gun range? :p ))
[08:40:36] GM: Your missiles have longer range then their guns.
[08:41:53] 2Lt. Madresa keeps herself away from weapon range, locking onto three of the tanks, and firing three missiles at each, for the moment. [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[08:41:59] 2Lt. Madresa: (( wow, fail ))
[08:42:02] GM: [1d100] => [26] = (26)
[08:42:02] GM: [1d100] => [37] = (37)
[08:42:02] GM: [1d100] => [72] = (72)
[08:42:10] GM: None of yourmissile shit.
[08:42:15] GM: or hit
[08:43:03] GM: The other ground unit begins to move forward keeping pace with their supporting wing.
[08:43:07] GM: Jaron
[08:43:27] GM: And Ay, ther were only two tanks, Sarah did manage to pop one
[08:43:49] GM: unless she rolled a full alpha and beta gun strike…
[08:43:55] GM: then she needs to re-roll
[08:44:17] 2Lt. Madresa: (( oh, okay. Two tanks, tihen. ))
[08:44:19] 2Lt. Madresa: (( oops ))
[08:44:23] 1Lt.Fairman: Did Gav finally get going with the others?
[08:46:12] GM: Yes, the surviving workers are boarding HCAT-40's and other assorted jeeps and such
[08:47:40] 2Lt. Madresa: (( okay… hrm. ))
[08:48:11] 2Lt. Madresa fires missiles at the tanks again, quickly, twice, trying to think. [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15) [1d20+3] => [17,3] = (20)
[08:49:04] GM: [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[08:49:04] GM: [1d100] => [5] = (5)
[08:49:09] 1Lt.Fairman finally unslings his 90 from his back and coms "Anyone got a solid enemy count?" then again to ship "How are you holding up in space?"
[08:49:11] GM: Your missile are extra spoofed
[08:49:13] 2Lt. Madresa: (( I'm almost with it. sorry. ))
[08:49:15] 2Lt. Madresa: (( okay ))
[08:49:24] GM: Hell with that 1..I'm aroll to see if they come back at you
[08:49:44] GM: One a roll under 15% that batch does rebound [1d100] => [15] = (15)
[08:49:47] GM: LOL
[08:50:28] GM: Ay, that first batch of missile rebound and go for you, roll a dodge for you 15
[08:51:16] Colonial Ship Captain: We have two torpedo frigate breathing down our necks, if you cannot retun to the bays in 15 minutes we will be foreced to break orbit!
[08:51:20] 1Lt.Fairman then gets on a ride as well.
[08:52:08] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d20+20] => [10,20] = (30)
[08:52:11] 2Lt. Madresa: (( eee ))
[08:52:13] 2Lt. Madresa: (( *runs* ))
[08:52:14] 1Lt.Fairman coms "Roger that."
[08:52:14] 2Lt. Madresa: (( omg ))
[08:53:24] 1Lt.Fairman coms "Prep a supply drop if you break orbit"
[08:54:05] 1Lt.Fairman: (done)
[08:54:13] Colonial Ship Captain: Ay, you were a bad girl and didnt state how many missiles you launched. You have to roll a 1d4 , if you roll odd, you launched what you did prior, 3. if you roll even, you fired 4, thus undodgeable, and you must roll chaff flare.
[08:54:29] GM: Yeah yeah, borked alias…Ay, please roll
[08:55:52] 2Lt. Madresa: (( unless I said otherwise, probably tihe same amount, but *shrug* [1d4] => [4] = (4) ))
[08:55:56] 2Lt. Madresa: (( wutev ))
[08:55:58] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100] => [43] = (43)
[08:56:13] GM: You dump flare and chaff and spoof your own missiles.
[08:57:03] GM: Komi
[08:57:14] Colonial Ship Captain: [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[08:58:10] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((everyone's rolled out, and I believe I'm only in CVR armor, unless we went down with Cyclones…))
[08:58:52] 1Lt.Fairman: (I went cvr, didnt want to intimidate carter or locals)
[08:59:15] GM: No one took a Cyc…GM laughs
[09:00:01] GM: Ay, let me know really fast what you intend to do.
[09:00:35] GM: Kain, you land hard, and with a slug of metal in your leg. [4d4+10] => [3,1,2,3,10] = (19) SD for landing and hurtfull ejection
[09:00:49] 2Lt. Madresa: (( me? Hrm… ))
[09:01:03] 2LT Komillia Maeless makes sure her Galant is in rifle mode and finds a place to set up a sniper hideout…
[09:01:32] GM: you as well Sarah
[09:02:08] 2Lt. Madresa: (( I'm thinking… ))
[09:04:08] GM: Komi, you might wanna rethink that right now
[09:04:12] GM: but up to you
[09:04:18] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100] => [71] = (71) intel vs. 72%, [1d30] => [26] = (26) int vs 17…
[09:04:45] GM: I'll give you a freebie, Jaron and the workers and other dig staff are laoding up in trucks, now, if you want to take up a sniper position and stay behind, thats cool
[09:04:57] 1Lt.Fairman coms to Komi "hop a ride before its too late"
[09:05:06] 2LT Komillia Maeless hops on a ride.
[09:05:22] 2LT Komillia Maeless: ((I thought they had already rolled out.))
[09:05:41] GM: Maddy, Intell tells you a very old earth saying 'Discretion is the better part of valor'
[09:06:00] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [87] = (87) tactics vs. 94%, [1d100] => [71] = (71) sensory equipment vs. 75%…
[09:06:24] GM: Sarah, your earth saying recalled is far more simple 'get the fuck out of Dodge'
[09:06:43] 1Lt.Fairman: (hehehe)
[09:07:06] GM: Ground pounders, you load up and high tail it towards the ruins.
[09:07:18] 2Lt. Madresa peers and moves back fror the others. "Pulling back to the perimeter of the others. Situation not good for staying in the air…" She grumbles, moving to follow the grounders.
[09:07:36] CWO3 Amdahl sighs. "Likewise. Significant damage to the Beta…"
[09:07:44] GM: These archeology types seem to channel Dale Earnhardt when their life is at stake, and the ride is…for lack of a better term scary
[09:08:32] GM: behind you the dig base camp erupts in massive explosions as orbital bombardment sweeps the area.
[09:08:50] GM: The fire begins to track towards the feeling vehicles.
[09:09:13] GM: Each grounder roll 3d100
[09:10:15] CWO3 Amdahl: (( eek. ))
[09:10:46] 1Lt.Fairman gives ruin coordinates for the drop as the fire comes down [1d100] => [9] = (9) [1d100] => [64] = (64) [1d100] => [76] = (76)
[09:10:53] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [46] = (46)
[09:10:53] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [66] = (66)
[09:10:53] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[09:11:31] GM: Komi your vhecile is battere but manages to thread the needle of orbital fire.
[09:12:00] GM: [1d3] => [1] = (1)
[09:12:26] GM: One fleeing jeep take a direct hit and is atomized killing 6 workers/staff instantly
[09:13:03] GM: Jaron, your vehicle makes it to within eye sight of the ruins before a nearby blast puts the truck onto two wheels.
[09:13:16] GM: The driver tries to correct [1d100+25] => [53,25] = (78)
[09:13:36] GM: And puts the truck back down on all four! Roll 1d100 Jaron
[09:14:17] GM: Ay, you and Sarah land well ahead of the trucks, and realize that there is NO way your mecha will fit into the ruins.
[09:14:34] GM: [1d100] => [3] = (3)
[09:14:47] GM: Kain, a shuttle from the ship lands nearby you.
[09:14:59] Colonial Pilot: Get the fuck aboard!!!
[09:15:03] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100] => [44] = (44)
[09:15:25] 2LT Kain Crokett climbs aboard.
[09:15:52] GM: A fianl blast impacts behind your truck, putting you up on your front wheels and you slam into a nearby wall near a passage downwards where the other have retreated into.
[09:16:11] GM: Kain, the shuttle lifts off and take you back into orbit, seconds after you land the ship folds away.
[09:16:37] GM: Jaron, as yuo impact the wall a quartet of drop pods impact the area.
[09:17:16] GM: Ay and Sarh your call. Let me know what you do.
[09:17:43] CWO3 Amdahl: +ooc thinking about it. :p
[09:18:16] 1Lt.Fairman coms as he sees the pods "Thanks captain." Hoping the message got to him before he breaks off
[09:18:25] CWO3 Amdahl: (( thinking about it, even ))
[09:18:37] CWO3 Amdahl: (( *sigh* ))
[09:18:43] GM: You are unsure about that Jaron
[09:19:46] CWO3 Amdahl tries to figure out somewhere better to hide the Alpha and what's left of the beta… [1d100] => [90] = (90) tactics vs. 94%, [1d30] => [10] = (10) int vs. 18, [1d100] => [32] = (32) sensory equipment vs. 75%
[09:20:03] GM: Far far away
[09:21:44] GM: This is what is know to you Sarah. The enemy is about 20 minutes behind you. Maybe a little more if they paused as their bombardment did it's dirty work.
[09:22:09] GM: So what ever yu wish to do, you have 20 minutes to do it.
[09:23:07] CWO3 Amdahl frowns, looking around. "Where's a good place to hide the fighters, any chance the ones doing the excavation know? The ruins won't fit them… We gotta scram out soon, or lose them, and need a place to go."
[09:23:27] Carter: [1d00] => [1] = (1)
[09:24:01] GM: There is a chamber we excavate behind this ridge, it should hold your planes and has a passag leading into the mountial.
[09:24:04] GM: Mountain
[09:25:03] Carter: There is a chamber we excavated behind this ridge. it should hold you mecha. There is a passage that leads into the mountain. We should be able to meet you inside.
[09:25:29] CWO3 Amdahl nods quickly at that, looking to Ay. "That's where we'll go then. Thanks."
[09:25:47] Carter: Dont forget to seal yourself in!
[09:26:26] CWO3 Amdahl nods quickly. "Right…" She launches carefully, moving to fly to the passage as quickly as possible, with her damaged craft.
[09:26:36] GM: The drop pods contain 4 cyclone, (stock VR-52) and enough food and water and medical supplies for two weeks.
[09:27:12] GM: (fresh suits of CVR-3 as well, two suits per PC)
[09:27:13] 2Lt. Madresa tries to help Sarah get over there, and once they get inside, tries to seal them in.
[09:27:15] 2Lt. Madresa: (( woo ))
[09:28:30] 1Lt.Fairman asks Carter and Gav "Who are your crew has any kind of fighting training?"
[09:28:39] 1Lt.Fairman: (who of*)
[09:31:06] Carter: We're archeologists and university staff! Four, maybe five of us have any prior comabt experiance, Gav and myself included.
[09:31:39] Carter: Look, we need to slea this up and fast.
[09:31:45] Carter: ((seal))
[09:31:57] Carter points to the passage they took into the mountian.
[09:33:42] GM: Jaron?
[09:34:04] 1Lt.Fairman: (sorry; afk a min)
[09:34:24] GM: Free RP on comms, and go
[09:35:10] 1Lt.Fairman: Is there another way to leave this area?
[09:36:42] Carter: No, once we seal ourselves in, we're stuck.
[09:36:50] 1Lt.Fairman coms "Can any one design makeshift mines out of energy clips or missiles"
[09:37:28] GM: [1d100] => [15] = (15)
[09:37:45] GM: A few folks are tinkerers and can do this.
[09:39:24] 1Lt.Fairman waves them over and explains what is needed. Mil tactics for placement and number of mines need [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 90
[09:39:59] 1Lt.Fairman: Mil tactics again; could we setup of fortified position while the non combatants stay inside [1d100] => [26] = (26) vs 90
[09:40:12] 1Lt.Fairman: position outside on mountain
[09:40:23] GM: Everyone roll any relevant skills, up to and including leadership.
[09:40:54] 2Lt. Madresa and Chief Amdahl rejoin the others, as soon as possible, after sealing it off.
[09:41:06] GM: Yes yes yes, roll skills
[09:42:14] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [45] = (45) mil tactics, [1d100] => [46] = (46) leadership, [1d100] => [65] = (65) detect ambush and [1d100] => [94] = (94) detect concealment (for any clues on how to hide things so they're not spotted…)
[09:42:19] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d30] => [2] = (2) vs 15 IQ, [1d100] => [24] = (24) vs 75 Boarding Warships ((that's the best I can come up with for Komi…))
[09:42:43] CWO3 Amdahl: (( tactics vs. 94%, ambush 80 and conceal 75 (fail) lol. ))
[09:42:45] GM: Poor Komi
[09:42:55] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d30] => [21] = (21) vs 18 iq
[09:43:05] GM: Whaa whaa WHAAAA
[09:43:26] 1Lt.Fairman: leadership to help calm the others and get things prepared [1d100] => [50] = (50) vs 40; camouflage for position outside if possible [1d100] => [65] = (65) vs 75; fortication as well for positions [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs 75
[09:43:53] GM: Well, you shore up stuff, but, insire and calm, not so much.
[09:43:59] 2Lt. Madresa: [1d100] => [53] = (53) intel vs. 72%, [1d30] => [9] = (9) iq vs 17, [1d100] => [69] = (69) survival vs. 68%
[09:44:11] 2Lt. Madresa: (( *dies* ))
[09:44:13] 1Lt.Fairman: more interested in my mil tactics roll at first
[09:46:01] 2LT Kain Crokett is not present, but would have a good selection of skills to use…
[09:47:32] GM: Each of you, Based on the aformentione rolls. Each will roll 1d100. A bonus 3 per skills succeeded. So -30 vs three rolls by the enemy.
[09:48:13] GM: Please roll. KOmi
[09:48:19] GM: 1 d100
[09:48:32] GM: With the bonus included
[09:48:46] Executor Yovamel: [1d100-10] => [24,-10] = (14)
[09:49:14] GM: Komi?
[09:49:25] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[09:49:27] GM: Jaron you are next, then Sarah, so please que up your rolls.
[09:49:35] GM: Jaron, roll
[09:49:44] Executor Yovamel: [1d100-10] => [100,-10] = (90)
[09:50:06] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100+12-30] => [91,12,-30] = (73)
[09:50:25] GM: umm, I have no idea why a +12 was added to that
[09:50:31] GM: d100-30 please
[09:50:42] 1Lt.Fairman: [1d100-30] => [24,-30] = (-6)
[09:50:52] GM: Sarah, your roll
[09:51:00] Executor Yovamel: [1d100-10] => [35,-10] = (25)
[09:51:04] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100-30] => [53,-30] = (23)
[09:51:15] GM: Ay your roll
[09:51:22] Executor Yovamel: [1d100-10] => [82,-10] = (72)
[09:51:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100-30] => [78,-30] = (48)
[09:51:42] GM: Okay scene shift
[09:52:11] GM: Kain, you debark the shuttle and feel the unmistakable shimmer effect of space fold.
[09:53:15] GM: As you step onto the deck you can hear warning klaxons blaring, you recognize two disparate types of klaxon, A: Action Stations, and B: Hull breech.
[09:53:26] 2LT Kain Crokett: Well, I hope the UEEF folks can get on without me.
[09:53:44] GM: Within seconds the fold effect ends.
[09:53:56] GM: Shortly afterwards teh Action Stations klaxon dies out.
[09:55:11] Colonial Ship Captain: All personell report to damage control stations. Decks 1 nd 2 B, and decks 7 and 8 require assitance!
[09:56:30] 2LT Kain Crokett runs off to report to the nearest deck.
[09:58:11] GM: Thats a WIP on the deck aboard ship
[09:58:30] GM: 1 and 2 B will be marked in green, 7and8 in yello
[09:59:05] GM: Okay.
[09:59:10] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((and I'm where?))
[09:59:21] GM: The big rectangle is the flight deck
[09:59:50] 2LT Kain Crokett goes to 7 and 8.
[10:01:03] GM: You and the others manage to quell the fires and seal off the breeches. Midway through your work you note UEEF crews beaing the insignia of the Trinity Dockyards join the work.
[10:01:29] GM: This should tell you something
[10:03:11] GM: Okay then
[10:03:38] GM: The damamge aboard ship is mitigated and the ship is then allowed into port.
[10:03:50] GM: Kain, you find yourself back in Karberra space.
[10:06:55] GM: Kain?
[10:07:14] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((sorry, had to clean up after a dog.))
[10:08:39] 2LT Kain Crokett: Well. on the plus side I can get some fresh materials with a properly filled out form. [1d100] => [82] = (82) vs 65 Mil Ettiquette.
[10:08:45] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((dammit…))
[10:09:27] 2LT Kain Crokett goes off to the bridge, to talk to the Captain.
[10:10:22] GM: Upon the bridge…
[10:11:06] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Captain male or female?))
[10:11:26] GM: Male
[10:12:57] 2LT Kain Crokett: Captain sir, how long before we are able to go back and get those UEEF raiders we left?
[10:13:23] Colonial Ship Captain with a gash over hsi left eye dressed in bandages.
[10:14:52] Colonial Ship Captain: Once we get repaired we can head back out, fold will be near instantaneous, but the ime lage will put us back in a month.
[10:15:39] Colonial Ship Captain: Well unless we can hitch a ride in a UEEF fold sphere. Then we could be back in a week, week and a half tops.
[10:17:06] GM: There are some voices at the bridge access and a pair of UEEF officers enter. One is a short (to Kain) female, an other a Navel intell Major.
[10:17:33] 2LT Kain Crokett comes to attention and regards the officers.
[10:18:20] UEMC Maj.: I saw the damamge, I hope all is well, as can be expected. What is the situation…
[10:19:11] GM: The conversation is short and sweet. The UEMC folks get the info the asked for and the Captian is tiold the ship will be repaired as fast as humanly possible.
[10:19:40] GM: Within [1d7] => [2] = (2) days the ship is repaired and ready for action.
[10:20:12] GM: Escorting her back will be two Shimikaze class Battlecruisers alongside 4 Garfish.
[10:20:30] GM: Kain, you are resupplied with a new fighter.
[10:23:38] 2LT Kain Crokett polishes the new fighter.
[10:23:52] GM: As this occures (the rolls you made earlier groundies) as teh weeks pass along, your initial lines crumble as Yovamel chips away at your defences, goading you and mocking you at every oppurtunity. But, your second line holds, despite the fact you have gone to rationing your food and water supplies.
[10:25:38] GM: Kain, the ship along with a 6 ship flight of new fightercraft, 4 of the fighter you are in now and two that you have been told are the new VF-8 Delta leave with the ship back to where you escaped from.
[10:26:15] GM: The six ship flight is lead by a familier face to you
[10:28:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay for 2nd lines of defense holding. hehe ))
[10:28:34] GM: In space the 7 ship flotilla defolds and swings into action. The Haydonite forces, have likewise bolstered their numbers, 6 ships await you. The UEEF ships engage the enemy space craft s a Garfish and your ship are told to relieve the forces on the ground.
[10:29:33] GM: The Garfish crusier informs you it will conduct interfearance.
[10:30:01] UEF Cmdr.: Ground forces are all yours, good hunting, we'll keep reinforcements off your back!
[10:31:17] 2LT Kain Crokett: Yes, sir.
[10:31:41] GM: Kain, you, the 6 ship reinforcement section, along with you, decend into the atmosphere, and are immedialty set upon by a squadron of ascending Wraiths.
[10:31:59] GM: (12 Wraiths.)
[10:32:03] GM: Inits
[10:32:26] UEEF Forces: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:32:26] UEEF Forces: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:32:32] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[10:32:43] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:32:43] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[10:35:19] GM: The UEEF folks open fire first, each targeting two Wraiths with two volley sof 4 missiels and a gun strike each [3d20+9] => [16,3,19,9] = (47) [6d20+3] => [9,5,9,17,20,9,3] = (72) and [2d20+3] => [18,19,3] = (40) and [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[10:36:23] Haydonite Forces: [12d20] => [19,13,12,16,18,19,7,16,15,3,10,5] = (153) +10
[10:37:42] Haydonite Forces: [8d6*10] => 260
[10:38:08] Haydonite Forces: [6d6*10] => 160
[10:38:29] Haydonite Forces: [6d100] => [28,73,94,31,4,37] = (267)
[10:38:44] GM: kain roll your strieks as well
[10:40:07] GM: On the initial pass, (sans Kains rolls) seven Wraith are kocked out but the UEEF forces.
[10:40:48] GM: Two knoceks out by missile from familier face.
[10:41:06] 2LT Kain Crokett starts by firing the shoulder cannon and Gunpod, followed by a splash of 6 SRMs, followed by another guns shot. [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4) [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[10:41:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((wow missile rolls just suck tonight…))
[10:41:39] GM: Jarona nd those below, after a month of radio solance but for Yovamel's taunting, hear a suddne burst of UEEF radio traffic, it is obvious that a fight is taking place 'upstairs'
[10:42:11] GM: [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22)
[10:42:29] GM: rolla weapons systems,
[10:42:34] GM: [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[10:42:40] GM: and damage on the third gunshot
[10:43:14] UEEF Forces: I have a target, tally ho!
[10:43:19] UEEF Forces: Fox three fox three!
[10:43:26] 2LT Kain Crokett: [(3d4*10+30)+(4d6*10)] => 270
[10:43:41] UEEF Forces: Delta two, you have a traget on your six, stupid right.. NOW!
[10:43:49] 2LT Kain Crokett: (no weapon system skill…)
[10:43:56] UEEF Forces: Splase three, splash three!
[10:44:01] UEEF Forces: Good shooting Gamm 5
[10:44:23] 2LT Kain Crokett: Thanks
[10:44:27] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [14] = (14)
[10:44:47] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((vs the base of 40 if you need,))
[10:45:13] GM: You are able to sht down the faulty launcher.
[10:45:31] GM: In doing so, you preclue any missile launches.
[10:46:07] Haydonite Adherent: [1d100] => [32] = (32)
[10:46:25] Haydonite Adherent: All craft retun to your hosts!
[10:47:06] GM: Kain, as you and the UEEF flight punch through the enemy fighters the survivors bank away and do not engange, instead they climbe for orbit.
[10:47:37] UEEF Forces: Ha HA! We have em on the run!
[10:47:43] UEEF Forces: Take that you toaster fucks!
[10:48:12] UEEF Forces: Tighten up Gamma wing! Atmospheric interface in 3…
[10:50:00] Haydonite Forces: [1d100] => [65] = (65)
[10:50:34] GM: Inside the mountain the assault that you have ben undergoing in terms of digging etc for the last month ceases.
[10:51:07] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [35] = (35) vs 63 Intelligence. [1d30] => [6] = (6) vs 14 ((Something ain't right))
[10:51:33] GM: Space forces, you burn through the ionosphere and burst out over the planet on an intercept course with the last known of the UEEF Raiders.
[10:52:08] GM: On the ground you can see Haydonite forces boarding landing craft some 140 miles below.
[10:52:53] UEMC Capt.: All craft, do not attack retreating enemy unless attacked first. If they are on their way out, let them go.
[10:54:21] 2LT Kain Crokett: Roger
[10:54:23] GM: As the UEEF craft decned the Haydonite craft lift off. It is a surreal moment as both enemy craft pass each other in the air. Neither side fires on the other.
[10:55:27] GM: Grounders, you continue to hear radio traffic, most of it is vague to you until you hear…
[10:55:54] UEMC Capt.: Raiders, your exfil point is secured.
[10:58:02] 1Lt.Fairman coms "Roger that."
[10:59:10] 2Lt. Madresa relaxes some at the sound of that.
[10:59:10] 1Lt.Fairman starts gather somethings and informs the others before moving out
[10:59:23] UEMC Capt.: Free RP for a sec
[10:59:26] 2Lt. Madresa gathers up her own things as well.
[10:59:46] 2LT Kain Crokett: So, starting to feel like dwarves in those ruins.
[11:00:11] 2LT Kain Crokett says as he hops out of the Gamma waiting be the exit point.
[11:01:29] 1Lt.Fairman comments to Crokett "Not really"
[11:04:03] GM: As you dig yourself out you are greeted by the sight of 3 Gamma fighters that have secured the area in Battloid mode alongside a single Delta, a pair of Gamma and a lone Delta scream over head as CAP.
[11:04:30] GM: Pic is the Delta in Battloid and in fighter mode.
[11:05:51] 1Lt.Fairman looks up but moves onward "Thanks, nice gear you got"
[11:07:15] GM: Free RP
[11:07:35] GM: (I can hang online for like 15 minutes so…)
[11:08:17] 2LT Kain Crokett: Yeah, it's new. I think it's based on the VF-4 from the look of it, but using more technology from the Alpha.
[11:08:21] CWO3 Amdahl digs the beta and alpha out quickly, and moves to get them back to the exfil point, looking around from her cockpit quickly and sighing, switching her radio on. "Not exactly an illustrious start to this…" She sighs.
[11:08:52] 2LT Kain Crokett: Hell, it the Alphas looked like this, I might have joined the UEEF instead of the Colonial Defense Force.
[11:09:18] 1Lt.Fairman switches to secure channel for Noble "I think they can track the ship or there is a spy onboard"
[11:10:44] Cpt. Ishida: I disagree. Visari Koto was a member of the Science Council. He would know others that knew what he knew. You foiled a hit, plain and simple.
[11:10:51] 2LT Kain Crokett: Or your good doctor knew this would be the most likely place to go.
[11:11:32] 2LT Komillia Maeless: So where do we go from here?
[11:11:58] 1Lt.Fairman: "we'll see what Carter thinks"
[11:13:12] Carter: Well, as I said, that book you found, it's part of a set. (this was told to you over the last month underground)
[11:13:57] Carter: Since you lost your edition, might be a good idea to recover another.
[11:15:20] 1Lt.Fairman: "Any idea where some of the others are at?'
[11:16:46] 1Lt.Fairman: (afk)
[11:16:54] Carter: Well from what you told me, you found your on a Mothership…
[11:17:18] Carter: History tells us that there were 24 motherships nd 24 books, you do the math.
[11:19:13] 2LT Komillia Maeless: So find another mother ship?
[11:19:28] 2LT Komillia Maeless: How many blew up on Earth?
[11:19:42] CWO3 Amdahl listens quietly and nods.
[11:23:00] Cpt. Ishida: Three, one over Reflex Point, One over Norway, and the last in orbit.
[11:24:05] 2LT Komillia Maeless: But weren't there more of them in orbit? ((For those who don't remember that arc. There were at least 6-9 in orbit.))
[11:24:55] Cpt. Ishida: Those three are the know wrecks, the others were scattered over the planet.
[11:25:38] 2LT Komillia Maeless: [1d6] => [1] = (1)
[11:25:42] CWO3 Amdahl hmms at that.
[11:25:44] Cpt. Ishida: The others never made it to Earth.
[11:26:11] 2LT Komillia Maeless: Well, at least we know where those are. Any clues on where the rest ended up?
[11:26:26] CWO3 Amdahl: [1d100] => [40] = (40) vs. 81% (lore Invid, if one was found and/or destroyed at Reflex Point)
[11:26:47] Cpt. Ishida: At least five were left along the path from Tirol to Earth.
[11:27:46] GM: Oh yes Sarah, the one at Reflex point was scavenged most thoroughly.
To be continued…