[07:30:05] GM: With the Haydonite forces falling abck along the right flank, Division feels it is best to exploit this and move forward to attack the know Haydonite assembly areas in the rear in order to force a general withdrawl from the surface.
[07:30:23] GM: ((know = known))
[07:33:59] GM: Colonial forces will make up the lions share of heavy equipment and air cover with whatever UEEF mecha in the area as support and as force multipliers. Secondary objective include elimination of enemy anti orbital batteries along the axis of attack to allow for UEEF spacecraft to enter the atmosphere in support of a final push.
[07:36:01] James (enter): 19:36
[07:36:14] Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) James…
[07:36:34] GM: Intell is able to provide photo recon of the enemy AOA batteries. They are mobile, heavily armored and shielded, and protected by at least a pair of Revenants as well as a platoon of infantry. Expect enemy air cover to prioritize the AOA sites should they come under attack.
[07:37:49] GM: However the Primary mission objectives is to drive hard towards the enemy rear eliminating anything in your path.
[07:39:23] GM: (I realize I messed up on the scale, the larger figure is supposed to be a 40 ft tall Zent…
[07:40:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((snicker))
[07:40:32] GM: (anyway)
[07:42:49] GM: Kain, you land to the rear of the position you just bombed to rearm. The airfield requires guardian mode to land, and there are about 10 other VF-4's and a pair of VB-3's along side three UEEF Alpha's parked off to the side.
[07:45:05] GM: Forward of that position is the command post where the others are. Intell tells you that a company of UEEF Marines will pass by and link up with the halted Colonial armor within the hour.
[07:45:45] GM: Both UEEF Mortar teams and Colonial MRLS units continue to bombard the enemy.
[07:46:24] GM: ((and…go))
[07:47:39] 2LT Kain Crokett: So how many scraplets do you think are molten slag right now?
[07:48:29] 2LT Kain Crokett: And would someone get these bricks off the airfield, their an eyesore.
[07:49:00] Lt. Jaron looks over the intel (How many enemy batteries?; the terrain or location they are at in our area of operation?)
[07:50:37] GM: 7 battaries in your general AO, but not along your intended line of advance (there will be at least two once you hit the enemy rear area's) terrain is much like the picture in Forums except with large and small craters and the carcasses of mecha from both sides.
[07:53:05] 2LT Kain Crokett looks about for the ooh-eefers that he helped out earlier.
[07:53:11] CWO3 Sarah looks at the map as well, checking their course against Revanant maximum known synchro cannon range as a precaution.
[07:53:39] GM: Kain, those folks are on the front lines at themooment, at least, thats where you last saw them.
[07:55:14] GM: Synchro cannons have a five mile range, but your push has been planned to keep you away from the lions share of the batteries until the rear, this however says nothing to Revvies that may be lurking along your line of attack.
[07:55:17] 2LT Kain Crokett goes back to check his fighter out.
[07:56:00] GM: Kain, your techs patch wiring and hoses damaged by the ground fire you took (but no MDC is restored)
[07:58:11] GM: Kain, you are loaded for ground attack, your underwing pylons are loaded with 6 gravity bombs each
[07:58:50] James (exit): 19:58
[07:59:13] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk ))
[08:00:50] GM: So…let me now yall UEEF folks, what you are doing, if not, I'll just have some UEEF dude bark an order at ya…
[08:01:02] GM: ((now = know))
[08:01:23] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((I knew the UEEF was commanded by dogs.))
[08:02:15] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[08:02:21] Lt. Jaron: (we are here as extras, so all ready for the orders)
[08:02:31] GM: Okay,
[08:02:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( *nodnods* ))
[08:03:48] GM: Orders are barked at you by the queen bitch herself… Ay, you are told to take Sarah with you to the Colonial FA and gear up for ground attack / Close air support. Jaron, you are told to link up wth the armor and act as recon / FAC (forward air controller)
[08:05:36] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly, motioning to Sarah to head over to gear up with her for the attack.
[08:06:02] CWO3 Sarah hurries to follow along, basically. Yep.
[08:06:32] Lt. Jaron nods an d moves out
[08:08:42] GM: Yall can RP over comms, if you wish for a few, Kain, a Legios lands at the FA midway thru your rearm
[08:09:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: Oh Goddamit! More bricks.
[08:09:36] GM: ((ahh, but the pilots of the bricks have some very nice curvy lines…))
[08:12:19] 2Lt. Aylanea opens her cockpit once she's landed, making sure Sarah has opened the bomb bays and such for the loading process, and settling back into her seat, looking out across the field.
[08:12:46] 2LT Kain Crokett walks up to the elongated brick.
[08:13:03] 2LT Kain Crokett: So who saw what to shat this thing out?
[08:13:03] Lt. Jaron: ((under the weather, sorry. medicine hasn't kicked in. Give me about 30 mins before I can be useful)
[08:13:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep *patpats* ))
[08:14:14] GM: ((Ay, the bombs on your Legios are loaded, and the colonial armorers have nothing that will fit them, however you can get underwing pylond attached, as the mounting lugs for those are standardized.
[08:15:45] GM: Sarah, roll a perc please.
[08:15:59] 2Lt. Aylanea peers down from her cockpit, at that, laughing. "What, don't like the look?" She laughs and shakes her head. "I suppose it's not all curvy, but…" She shrugs, and has the pylons attached even if there isn't anything for them at the moment, before glancing back to Kain. "That's mostly because it carries a large payload, more than anything else, though." She smiles.
[08:16:08] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9)
[08:16:18] GM: Rock Squirels
[08:17:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: My Lightning carries a respectable payloade and it looks like a plane should: sleek, lithe and sexy.
[08:20:29] 2Lt. Aylanea smiles and shrugs. "Define 'respectable'. Mine is closer to loaded to the nines with them. Besides, if I didn't have the brick attached, the other pilot wouldn't have any where to ride and split away if needbe." She shrugs.
[08:21:40] 2LT Kain Crokett: 12 Long Range Missiles, two hardpoints, a set of PB guns and a gunpod hardpoint.
[08:25:24] GM: ((okay RP done? Or is ther emore?))
[08:25:27] 2Lt. Aylanea laughs. "Long range missiles, huh? Wow, expensive. How much ordinance they keep on hand for blowing those?" She smiles. "Short range mostly for this, can take around 150 if I need to. And if they have loads for it…" She shrugs. "Plenty of guns on here, between the Alpha's underwing pods and the Beta's built-ins." She shrugs. "Kinda wish I had more missiles, but…" She shrugs just a bit. "Just hope my ammo holds out, and the bombs." She nods.
[08:25:32] GM: ((nm))
[08:25:37] 2Lt. Aylanea stretches and settles into her seat.
[08:25:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I'm done unless more is said. :) ))
[08:26:48] GM: (9Sarah saying anything?))
[08:27:28] CWO3 Sarah waves from her cockpit, checking her Beta and adjusting things to how she likes as much as she can.
[08:27:47] GM: Sarah, the Beta wings are loaded with gravity bombs as well, 6 per pylong for a total of 36, Ay, the Alpha is loaded with 6 per for a total of 12
[08:28:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( woo :P) ))
[08:28:40] GM: Sarah, you also have a full bomb load in the internal bays
[08:29:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( cool :) ))
[08:30:42] GM: Jaron, you arrive at you link up point round about the same time the Legios is loaded up.
[08:31:34] Lt. Jaron greets fellow recon members
[08:32:22] GM: The colonial recon folks are in CVR-3, some in older VR-038's
[08:33:18] GM: The UEEF Marine Infantry company has arrived and is being spred around the armor column
[08:33:43] GM: and the push begins
[08:34:02] GM: The armor begins to move out screened by the stright leg infantry
[08:35:53] GM: Kain, you Ay, and Sarah (and the other pilots) are notified that the ground forces are on the move. You are ordered to your craft and to lift off and make yourselves avaialble for airstrikes.
[08:36:23] 2LT Kain Crokett hops in his lightning.
[08:36:34] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Excuse me I need to kill a barker…))
[08:37:37] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls her helmet on, checks that Sarah is strapped in, and gets the Legios lifted off as quickly as possible.
[08:38:04] Lt. Jaron helps non cycloned recon members in difficult terrain
[08:38:31] GM: Thats not your mission but okay
[08:39:29] GM: the armor pushes forward and after 20 minutes of slow and steady advance come sunder fire.
[08:40:13] GM: Dug in enemy forces destroy two tanks (out of 40 , 10 platoons)
[08:40:19] 2Lt. Aylanea gets herself in airstrike ready position quickly, keeping in formation with the other planes.
[08:40:38] GM: the other vehicles go to 'ground' and begin to open fire
[08:41:21] GM: UEEF infantry take cover positions and likewise begin to return fire, within seconds, the area is being crisscrossed by weapons fire.
[08:42:06] GM: Jaron you are up
[08:43:16] Lt. Jaron: (is it reavers or revenants?)
[08:43:56] GM: You'd have to look and find out
[08:44:52] Lt. Jaron skips and maneuvers forward to get a look
[08:44:58] GM: Or get on comms with the recon folk…
[08:45:54] GM: as you move forward random enemy fire is impacting everywhere, five blasts head in your direction.. [5d20+5] => [13,14,13,20,12,5] = (77)
[08:46:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[08:46:28] GM: roll some dodges
[08:46:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( critical strike ))
[08:47:20] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) [1d20+14] => [11,14] = (25) [1d20+14] => [10,14] = (24) [1d20] => [1] = (1) vs 20, [1d20+14] => [6,14] = (20) [1d20+14] => [4,14] = (18)
[08:47:25] GM: ((quick question Ted, have you seen the movie 'We were Soldiers Once." ?
[08:48:03] GM: ouch, you dodge all but the 20, but you rolled a 1 so that x4 damage
[08:48:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( … ))
[08:48:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[08:48:29] GM: [(1d4*10+15)*4] => 220
[08:49:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( that cuts the Cyclone to 5 MDC… lol ))
[08:49:27] GM: Your Battler has 25 MD left to Main Body and you are knocked clean on your ass.
[08:49:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol, oh ))
[08:49:51] GM: ((sorry, yeah, Carrie is right))
[08:49:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[08:50:48] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Thankfully CVR is still there.))
[08:51:39] GM: Jaron, in all your engagmemnts, you've never been hit this hard before, not even that ill fated charge up a corridor hit this hard. You are all tweet tweet.
[08:52:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I guess it's a good thing the rest of us are in the air then ;) ))
[08:52:41] GM: [1d100] => [60] = (60)
[08:52:59] GM: A nerby Marine pulls you back under cover.
[08:53:26] UEMC Sgt.: Gotta stay down sir!
[08:53:42] UEMC Cpl.: Lucky sonofabitch!
[08:54:14] GM: The fight continues and another Colonial tank is wasted
[08:54:24] GM: Jaron, you recover from your near death experiance.
[08:54:37] GM: Well recover enough to take actions…
[08:55:18] Lt. Jaron coms "anyone got eyes on enemies forces or our armor just going to take turns getting scrapped?"
[08:55:33] GM: [3d100] => [11,96,86] = (193)
[08:56:25] GM: One of the Colonial recon units replies that he has eyes on a enemy machine gun nest (insert coordiants here) as well as some dug in infantry, one or two have coil guns.
[08:57:27] Lt. Jaron: (afk, sorry)
[08:58:23] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( aww ))
[08:59:52] GM: I will be a magnanimous person and assume Jaron relays the call…
[09:00:06] GM: Kain, Ay etc, you get a fire mission.
[09:00:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe. kk :) ))
[09:01:52] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to zoom in on the nest and see how well armored it is, in terms of how much ordinance will be needed. [1d20] => [17] = (17) perc [1d100] => [100] = (100) RSI vs. 73%
[09:01:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( … :p ))
[09:02:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, what utter fail ))
[09:02:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( at least the perc got at 17. ))
[09:02:54] GM: Your sensors go into reset, you are flying without sensors now, -3 to strike, all target aquisition must be done visually.
[09:03:00] 2LT Kain Crokett keeps an eye out for hist targets. [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) PERC [1d100] => [99] = (99) vs 60 RSI
[09:03:07] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((wow…))
[09:03:10] GM: Kain, you are inthe same boat
[09:03:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( LOL ))
[09:03:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehehehe ))
[09:03:26] GM: Sarah, want to make it three?
[09:03:43] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((can we import a Xinterian tech?))
[09:03:48] GM: No
[09:03:49] CWO3 Sarah does a check for the targets as well. [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) perc, [1d100] => [70] = (70) rsi vs. 75%
[09:04:05] GM: You dont see shit visually, but your sensors work…
[09:04:09] GM: Inits
[09:04:25] CWO3 Sarah: (( shitty perc, but yeah. lol. ))
[09:04:39] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
[09:04:46] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+3] => [17,3] = (20)
[09:05:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[09:06:01] GM: Ay, you and Kain, based on percs, see enemy armor approaching the Colonial UEEF position fromt he north-north-east a count of at least 30 Infiltrator tank variants and 4 revenants about 120 infantry support the armor.
[09:07:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lemme know when I can try to reset sensors or fix. :p :) ))
[09:07:35] GM: I am going to roll randomly for what you drop cuase that should be called earlier (as well as coordinating the attack, there is NO need for three craft to attack on target… Kain [1d6] => [6] = (6) , Ay [1d6] => [5] = (5) , Sarah [1d6] => [1] = (1) rounding up (bombs are dropped in even numbers)
[09:07:53] GM: Kain and Ay drop 6 bobs each, Sarah you let loose 2
[09:08:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[09:08:07] GM: The enemy machine gun nest is obliterated
[09:08:42] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yeah, was just gonna say to split that and call which target they were going for. ))
[09:08:50] Colonial Soldier: A bit of overkill, but nice work!
[09:09:02] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( after asking about fixing the sensors ))
[09:09:38] GM: Your sensors are out and will require [1d6] => [1] = (1) Ay, and [1d6] => [2] = (2) Kain hours of maint time
[09:09:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:09:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehehehe ))
[09:09:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( crap ))
[09:10:00] GM: Indeed
[09:10:56] GM: With the machine gun nest and the surrounding area in tatters the UEEF/Colonial units press forward eliminating pockets of resitance from that particular enemy line.
[09:10:56] 2LT Kain Crokett: Who trained these techs? I want them in front of me when I touch down for a good, skin-peeling, verbal beat down.
[09:12:07] GM: Sarah, your turn
[09:12:18] GM: (Jaron, roll an init when able)
[09:12:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehehehe ))
[09:13:11] CWO3 Sarah keeps watch on sensors and visual scanning for what's out there. [1d20+1] => [8,1] = (9) perc [1d100] => [15] = (15) vs. 75% rsi
[09:13:22] GM: Same info as before
[09:13:26] CWO3 Sarah: (( that should pinpoint the enemy units I hope…. okay ))
[09:13:33] CWO3 Sarah: (( since the sensor report is better. ))
[09:14:45] CWO3 Sarah marks all the data for the inbound revenants and infiltrator tanks,and associated infantry units, radioing down to the infantry about the inbound contacts and sending position data as much as able.
[09:15:02] GM: last action
[09:15:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( hrm. Would it be possible to feed my sensor readout forward to the Alpha? :p ))
[09:16:03] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): [1d100] => [62] = (62)
[09:16:43] GM: You robobly did, but sadly all Ay has on her MFD's is the blue screen of death
[09:16:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh. :p lol. hedhehe. ))
[09:17:02] GM: (MFD) Multi Function Display
[09:17:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( sucks to be Ay. ))
[09:17:09] CWO3 Sarah: (( yes, I know ;) ))
[09:17:20] GM: ((good girl!))
[09:18:36] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:18:50] CWO3 Sarah: (( I don't really have anything until response on what to do about the inbounds and stuff. Just as note ))
[09:18:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( *shrug* ))
[09:19:15] GM: Okay, Kain, your actions ( and that roll for Ishida chan was init)
[09:19:59] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Do I see the revanents?))
[09:20:22] GM: Yes
[09:21:25] GM: But with no sensors, targeting will be a bitch…
[09:22:37] 2LT Kain Crokett locks on to Revanent 1 and unloads 4 plasma LRMs on it and follows up with a paired shot from the partical guns and another from the gunpod. [1d20+3-3] => [7,3,-3] = (7) [1d20+10-3] => [19,10,-3] = (26) [1d20+10-3] => [5,10,-3] = (12)
[09:24:11] GM: Your missiles fire and with not targeting info passed from plane to munition lock onto targets of their choosing. [3d34] => [17,30,28] = (75) (1-30 = Tank 31-34 = Revvie)
[09:24:23] GM: [1d34] => [13] = (13)
[09:25:11] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((Friend or Fore missiles!))
[09:25:20] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((of FOE))
[09:25:23] GM: Your second and third attack have a chance of hitting the intended target [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11) dodge one, and [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) dodge two
[09:25:27] GM: Two hits
[09:25:48] GM: they have the IFF, by tanks I mean enemy tanks…
[09:26:23] 2LT Kain Crokett: [(6d6*10)+((6d4+2)*10)] => 410
[09:26:24] GM: The tanks try to shoot down the missiles [4d20] => [20,3,11,7] = (41)
[09:26:39] GM: Two tanks succeed in saving their asses, two tanks are hit
[09:26:54] GM: The revvies shiels take the hit but the PB guns fail to penetrate
[09:27:24] GM: Roll damage on two missiles (each hit a seperate target)
[09:27:31] 2LT Kain Crokett: [5d6*10] => 210 [5d6*10] => 230 for the tanks.
[09:30:52] GM: The missiles impact their targets and while not an outright kill the blast gives you two mobility kills, also, both tanks are denuded of weaponry and are now bathed in plasma. (i.e. they are pretty much toast)
[09:31:04] GM: Ay
[09:31:31] 2Lt. Aylanea dives down and in onto one of the other Revenants, firing her guns twice as she approaches. [1d20+14-3] => [5,14,-3] = (16) [1d20+14-3] => [18,14,-3] = (29)
[09:31:50] GM: [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15) and [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[09:31:56] GM: Two hits
[09:31:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 676
[09:31:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 874
[09:32:10] GM: The Revenant is blown to hell and gone
[09:32:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woot :D ))
[09:33:18] 2Lt. Aylanea fires a third shot at a second revenant in passing. [1d20+14-3] => [19,14,-3] = (30)
[09:33:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( since I had an attack left ))
[09:33:30] GM: The enemy fires back at the enemy in the air [31d20] => [17,4,8,9,19,20,9,14,8,20,14,13,8,2,13,4,20,12,5,17,4,5,1,16,19,11,3,17,12,4,14] = (342) [31d6] => [3,6,6,5,5,5,5,6,1,3,2,3,6,3,3,4,6,4,1,4,2,3,3,1,4,2,1,6,5,2,1] = (111) (1 kain, 2-5 other planes, 6 ay/sarah)
[09:33:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:33:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 676
[09:34:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( for the third shot ))
[09:34:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( anyway… hehehe ))
[09:34:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( holy fsck ))
[09:34:21] GM: 4 at Kain, 6 at Ay/Sarah
[09:35:02] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [10,20] = (30)
[09:35:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [10,20] = (30)
[09:35:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [10,20] = (30)
[09:35:06] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [10,20] = (30)
[09:35:11] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [14,20] = (34)
[09:35:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [9,20] = (29)
[09:35:27] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25)
[09:35:27] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26)
[09:35:28] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25)
[09:35:29] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [8,11] = (19)
[09:35:45] GM: wow…4 10's in a row…
[09:35:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yeah… :p wtf ))
[09:36:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[09:36:13] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((RNG is lazy!))
[09:36:21] GM: no joke
[09:36:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:36:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( does that last blast of mine penetrate the 2nd Rev's shields, just for curiousity :p ))
[09:37:22] GM: Ay you evade all ground fire
[09:38:37] GM: Kian is hit once
[09:38:45] GM: [4d4*10] => 140
[09:40:18] GM: One VF-4 is obliterated by twin 20's and the plane is turned into scrap metal exploding into shards before it can hit the ground, the pilot is vaporized.
[09:41:35] GM: [5d20] => [7,5,2,14,15] = (43)
[09:42:41] GM: [(4d4*10)*2] => 260 and [4d4*10] => 110
[09:43:11] GM: A second VF-4 is hit badly and after dropping all it's bombs, returns to base trailing black smoke.
[09:43:35] GM: The remaining two planes are shot up but are still air-worthy
[09:44:45] GM: A call comes in from the rear to do what you can to pin the enemy, as, an artillery barrage is inbound, the transmission, in japanese accented english also informes you pilots to clear the fire lanes of the incoming rounds.
[09:45:09] GM: Sarah, your actions (Jaron, are you avail?)
[09:45:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek. poor frak :p ))
[09:46:19] GM: [1d100] => [18] = (18)
[09:46:20] Lt. Jaron: (yea)
[09:46:32] GM: Kain, the dead VF-4 pilot is a fellow you have know for years
[09:46:35] CWO3 Sarah nods quickly as she hears the announcement to clear the firing lanes, Ay is flying up front, so that's her problem. For herself, she tries to drop four bombs onto the second Rev Aylanea hit,before they pull out of the area.
[09:46:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( what's the roll for dropping the bombs? :p :) ))
[09:46:52] 2LT Kain Crokett: JENKINS!
[09:47:00] GM: Leroy! Noooooo!
[09:47:25] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((wrong reference there GM.))
[09:47:34] GM: Well sarah, no, you cant do that while still hugging Ay's butt.
[09:47:57] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((detach and be awesome on your own.))
[09:47:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( nevermind then. ))
[09:48:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( ignore. ))
[09:48:02] GM: ((yes))
[09:48:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yes to which? Detaching or ignoring? ))
[09:49:08] GM: I'm agreeing with James
[09:49:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh, kk ))
[09:49:20] GM: what are YOU going to do? Thats the relevant question here.
[09:50:26] CWO3 Sarah detaches before her pass, then, as action 1, and makes her pass as action 2, before taking action 3 to fly out of the firing lanes. "Sorry to break it up, but with the one VF-4 down, we need to be potentially hitting targets separately."
[09:50:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( so what's the roll? :p ))
[09:50:45] GM: Um action 1 is detach, so discard action three
[09:51:10] CWO3 Sarah: (( eh? We have three actions per turn. The detach is 1, the drop is 2. ))
[09:51:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( I thought ))
[09:51:26] CWO3 Sarah: (( or does detaching take two actions? ))
[09:52:17] GM: detach thatks on action
[09:52:20] GM: takes
[09:52:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( okay then. ))
[09:53:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( that/s what I thought ))
[09:53:32] CWO3 Sarah: (( that's why my second action was the drop, and the 3rd (unless I'm out of attacks) is to get out of the fire lane. ))
[09:53:43] GM: Poor Ay, no longer having the snuggly warmth of Sarah hugging her butt….
[09:54:08] GM: Anyway, action 1 detach, action 2 ??? action 3 clear lane…
[09:54:27] No match found
[09:54:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( I was moving the pass you initially said I couldn't do, to be action 2 after the detach ))
[09:55:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( so that I could do it ))
[09:55:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( the pass to dcrop the 4 bombs? ))
[09:56:00] GM: Sarah…let me know what you do for action two, action three and one are accounted for based on your original intent
[09:57:50] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((she wants to drop bombs for the other two actions, she just needs to know what to ROLL.))
[09:57:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( er? ))
[09:57:57] GM: yu can drop all your bombs if you wish, just do it in pairs
[09:58:26] GM: you have full sensors, so no negatives, I will roll randomly for altitude
[09:58:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( pairs? Thought per the book a volley could be 2, 4, or 8? ))
[09:59:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( no bonuses at all though, right? ))
[10:00:02] GM: [1d100] => [58] = (58) 1-10 under 900ft (=no negatives) 11-60 under 1000 ft = -3, 61-100 = 3000 ft + = -5 to strike
[10:00:09] GM: -3 to strike
[10:00:31] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+6-3] => [3,6,-3] = (6)
[10:00:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( ow ))
[10:00:35] CWO3 Sarah: (( :p ))
[10:00:42] CWO3 Sarah: (( well that sucked ))
[10:00:45] GM: This is the altitude that Ay was at when you detatched, and wow…
[10:00:50] GM: You miss
[10:00:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( *goes back inhto her hole* ))
[10:01:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( anyway, with the drop, action 3 as stated is to get the heck out of dodge ))
[10:01:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( artilelry inbound and all ))
[10:01:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[10:01:14] GM: your bombs bracket the target, and the shock waves buffet it, but no appricable damage occures
[10:01:26] GM: Kain
[10:02:22] 2LT Kain Crokett fires all his guns three times at Revanent 1, as missiles are clearly unreliable without sensor guidance. [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29) [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21) [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[10:02:30] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((-3 to all those…))
[10:02:43] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((so 26, 18, 16))
[10:04:09] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((autohits? or is it not going to dodge?))
[10:04:27] GM: [3d20] => [5,18,1] = (24)
[10:04:32] GM: Two hits
[10:05:52] GM: Ay
[10:05:53] 2LT Kain Crokett: [((6d4+2)*10)+(6d6*10)+(2d4*10+5)+((6d4+2)*10)+(6d6*10)+(2d4*10+5)] => 900
[10:06:02] GM: The Revvie is toasted!
[10:06:54] GM: (carrie remember your beta has split off, if you go guns, you must subtract the beta))
[10:07:02] GM: Your attacks
[10:07:51] GM: Carrie?
[10:08:07] GM: ((I cant see if you are typing so…))
[10:08:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( yes ))
[10:09:03] 2Lt. Aylanea moves in on one of the other Revenants, firing her guns two more times, even without the Beta. [1d20+14-3] => [3,14,-3] = (14) [1d20+14-3] => [20,14,-3] = (31)
[10:09:15] GM: [2d20] => [4,11] = (15)
[10:09:24] GM: Damage, one is a crit!
[10:10:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 430
[10:10:17] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)*2)] => 416
[10:10:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2))*2] => 800
[10:10:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wrong roll, sorry ))
[10:10:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( the *2 needed to be after the second parenthesis, not before ))
[10:10:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oops ))
[10:10:55] Sorry I don't know what /iic is!
[10:10:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ignore 2nd one ))
[10:12:00] 2Lt. Aylanea uses her third action to bug out, before the artillery rains down.
[10:12:31] GM: The arty bombardment a mix of 120mm mortar and rocket muntions imact the area! Ay, your target is turned into tin foil! [4d20] => [7,12,8,20] = (47) Rockets (odd cluster) even MIRV [4d20] => [15,17,11,18] = (61) Mortars (with self guided munitions.
[10:12:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woot :) ))
[10:13:06] GM: Mortars first [4d20] => [20,18,19,15] = (72)
[10:13:35] GM: One enemy tank is waxed, the other three are able to either evade or shoot down the munitions targeting them
[10:14:14] GM: Cluster hits [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[10:14:23] GM: Three enemy tanks are wipe dout
[10:14:53] GM: that was the crit the other three attacks [3d20] => [8,11,11] = (30)
[10:15:11] GM: a Mirv hits [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[10:15:43] GM: damaging three tanks, and the cluster, [1d10] => [5] = (5)
[10:15:49] GM: wipes out 5 infantry
[10:16:25] GM: Kain, you have a 5% chance of taking a round as you did not move to clear the fire lane [8d100] => [61,57,26,78,64,30,25,83] = (424)
[10:16:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:16:45] GM: A few wizz past you but none hit
[10:16:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( you /know/ if I'd not cleared it, I woulda been hit ))
[10:17:05] GM: lets see [8d100] => [84,65,85,33,60,23,36,39] = (425)
[10:17:09] GM: nope
[10:17:11] GM: moving on
[10:17:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow. lol ))
[10:17:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( what's left alive there, then? ))
[10:17:33] GM: the enemy fires back
[10:17:42] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh, kk ))
[10:17:45] GM: the enemyt has lost three reavers, and 9 tnaks
[10:18:00] GM: tanks, and at least 5 infantry confirmed
[10:18:58] GM: so, 22 targets fire into the sky at the aircraft [22d20] => [12,4,20,8,9,12,9,8,13,15,20,3,19,19,11,13,14,8,18,20,19,3] = (277) at [22d6] => [1,1,4,4,3,1,2,5,3,1,2,1,2,2,6,3,1,4,1,5,4,3] = (59) (1 Ay, 2 Kain, 3-5 other 6 Sarah)
[10:20:13] GM: Ay, 7 shots at you, Kain, 4 at you, and Sarah, one
[10:20:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [4,20] = (24)
[10:20:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [17,20] = (37)
[10:20:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [2,20] = (22)
[10:20:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [11,20] = (31)
[10:20:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [1,20] = (21)
[10:20:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [3,20] = (23)
[10:20:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [19,20] = (39)
[10:20:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( one epicfail ))
[10:20:44] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [18,11] = (29)
[10:20:46] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [10,11] = (21)
[10:20:46] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [13,11] = (24)
[10:21:03] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[10:22:10] CWO3 Sarah: (( actually 2 fails for Ay possibly, a 2 and a 1, is the 3 a fail as well? ))
[10:22:54] GM: Two hits on Ay [8d4*10] => 200
[10:23:02] CWO3 Sarah: (( ow. ;) ))
[10:23:20] GM: 4 at akin, need on more roll
[10:23:45] CWO3 Sarah: (220/420) (note for log later)
[10:23:51] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
[10:24:18] GM: Kain three hits, one a crit
[10:25:04] GM: [8d4*10] => 210 and [(4d4*10)*2] => 140 at [1d100] => [34] = (34) and [1d100] => [45] = (45)
[10:25:46] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((depending on where these land…))
[10:25:50] GM: [210+140] => 350
[10:25:54] GM: main body
[10:25:58] GM: plus prior damage
[10:26:42] GM: Kain, your plane is hit hard, and your flight computer starts bitching at you … EJECT EJECT EJECT
[10:27:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [89] = (89) vs 71 piloting to eject
[10:27:35] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((fffffuuuuu—-))
[10:27:45] GM: You eject, but you ntice that you will land in the middle of the enemy formation
[10:28:00] GM: Ay
[10:28:04] GM: wiat
[10:28:12] GM: Sarah, your action
[10:29:02] GM: Sarah you note two VF-4 are hit, one is blown out of the air,the other is still airowthy, the stricken VF-4 pilot ejects…
[10:29:05] CWO3 Sarah maneuvers around and fires her own plane's guns at the remaining Revenant twice, initially. [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11) [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:29:18] GM: [2d20] => [7,20] = (27)
[10:29:22] GM: One hit
[10:29:46] Lt. Jaron: (do I see the poor pilot ejecting into the mist of enemies?)
[10:30:09] GM: roll a perc (you see the ejection, but the perc will tell you more)
[10:30:17] CWO3 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 550
[10:30:31] CWO3 Sarah fires another burst as a followup. [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:30:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( fail ))
[10:30:43] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23)
[10:30:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( well, maybe not, but… ))
[10:30:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:31:42] GM: The revvie takes the hits to it's shields, with 50 carry over to main body. Your perc is sufficiant to tell you that yes, ejection boy is in for a bad time…
[10:32:08] CWO3 Sarah: (( I fired a third shot as my third action, 13 for total? :) ))
[10:32:17] GM: [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[10:32:21] GM: Joo miss
[10:32:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( well, miss ))
[10:32:24] CWO3 Sarah: (( nevermind ))
[10:32:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:32:40] GM: Kain, your action, flaot float float
[10:32:42] GM: Ay
[10:32:46] Lt. Jaron: (distance away from pilot and how heavy is enemy presence that way?)
[10:32:55] GM: Jaron, roll a perc
[10:33:41] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12)
[10:34:13] 2Lt. Aylanea maneuvers around to fire at the final revenant herself, quickly, to start… [1d20+14-3] => [12,14,-3] = (23)
[10:34:23] 2LT Kain Crokett tries to stear the chute away from the enemy [1d100] => [96] = (96) vs 80 Acrobatics… (ionly thin I can think of…)
[10:34:32] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((and if fails miserably))
[10:34:50] GM: Jaron, … that poor pilot…
[10:35:01] GM: [1d20] => [18] = (18)
[10:35:09] GM: Ay you miss
[10:35:17] GM: roll + 6 for enemy
[10:35:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( a rev is +6 to dodge? lol. wow ))
[10:35:49] GM: It should be +8, but yall are fast movers
[10:35:52] 2Lt. Aylanea fires again, failing to hit the first time. [1d20+14-3] => [18,14,-3] = (29)
[10:35:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( there ;p ))
[10:35:59] GM: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:36:03] GM: you hit
[10:36:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 402
[10:36:24] GM: the revvie is stillalive but hurting badly
[10:36:40] 2Lt. Aylanea fires a third time to finish. [1d20+14-3] => [10,14,-3] = (21)
[10:36:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( bleh ))
[10:36:53] GM: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:36:57] GM: and thats a hit
[10:37:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 314
[10:37:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wee ))
[10:37:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:37:42] GM: The last revie is scrap
[10:38:05] Lt. Jaron looks to the men around him "Ok, we need to get that pilot. Can you all draw fire, I will try to grab him" (can HUD give distance?)
[10:38:22] GM: A second salvo from the arty impacts [8d20] => [10,12,20,20,5,7,10,8] = (92) vs [8d20] => [17,5,6,16,20,2,5,2] = (73)
[10:39:16] GM: Jaron…you are no where near the pilot,
[10:39:29] GM: you are probobly 10 miles away
[10:40:42] GM: the second arty salvo does some damn fine damage [1d10] => [7] = (7) tanks and [1d50] => [13] = (13) infantry are wiped out
[10:41:07] GM: [30-16] => 14
[10:41:21] GM: Kain, you aretwo round form landing
[10:41:48] GM: Jaron, a nearby Colonial bat you upside the head.
[10:41:51] 2LT Kain Crokett tries to stear the chute away from the enemy [1d100] => [58] = (58) vs 80 Acrobatics.
[10:42:02] Colonial Soldier: Call in some more fucking air dammit!
[10:42:22] 2LT Kain Crokett: I could use some help!
[10:42:41] GM: Kain, you manuver as best you can your chute towards a rocky out cropping
[10:42:55] Lt. Jaron lowers his head from the hit and does so
[10:43:48] GM: On Jarons call the pair of VB-3 enter the frey and in one pass unload their entire load (72 bombs)
[10:44:06] GM: [6d20] => [3,1,9,5,4,7] = (29)
[10:44:24] Haydonite Forces: [6d20] => [12,14,15,3,18,13] = (75)
[10:44:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( rofl ))
[10:45:10] GM: Unfortunatly as impressive as the fireowrks dispaly is, the haydonites take little damage [1d8] => [5] = (5) tanks and [1d20] => [4] = (4) infantry killed
[10:45:38] GM: Sarah
[10:46:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( we can see Kain, right, since we're right where he was shot down? ))
[10:46:11] CWO3 Sarah: (( *ponders rescue* ))
[10:46:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( *mrowrs* ))
[10:47:01] GM: Yes, you can
[10:47:20] GM: I will hit the ground in oh, about 15 to 20 seconds
[10:48:10] CWO3 Sarah: (( heh, that's a melee round away then ))
[10:48:15] GM: yes
[10:48:48] CWO3 Sarah adjusts. "Permission to go pick up the one on the chute? We kinda need to keep them out of the combat areas without mecha." She moves around, and tries firing at the two closest tanks, to keep him clear. [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18) [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
[10:49:18] GM: You are actually asking for permission for that…?
[10:49:37] GM: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8) and [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[10:49:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( asking/stating, she's not intending to take a 'no' answer ))
[10:49:43] CWO3 Sarah: (( to Ay mostly ))
[10:49:43] GM: One hit
[10:49:54] GM: then declare your thrid action
[10:49:56] CWO3 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 570
[10:50:05] GM: one enemy tank is wipe dout
[10:50:12] CWO3 Sarah fires at a third tank then, to keep the area cleared. [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[10:50:24] GM: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:50:26] GM: you miss
[10:50:38] GM: Kain, the ground is coming up fast
[10:50:39] GM: Ay
[10:51:16] 2LT Kain Crokett tries to stear the chute away from the enemy [1d100] => [22] = (22) vs 80 Acrobatics.
[10:51:40] CWO3 Sarah nods at her radio. "Acknowledged. Get his ass out of there and get back fast as possible." She dives in to fire on tanks herself, now, firing on three different remaining units. [1d20+14-3] => [16,14,-3] = (27) [1d20+14-3] => [6,14,-3] = (17) [1d20+14-3] => [13,14,-3] = (24)
[10:51:51] 2Lt. Aylanea does that, really
[10:51:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *smacks Sarah with a tuna* ))
[10:52:13] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( will fix in log ))
[10:53:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( mew? ))
[10:53:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *peeks at Chris* ))
[10:54:14] GM: kk
[10:54:16] That's the Tab key, Dave
[10:54:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( so, dodges? :) ))
[10:54:27] GM: [3d20] => [19,11,4] = (34)
[10:54:49] GM: three hits
[10:54:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 402
[10:54:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 292
[10:54:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 244
[10:55:09] GM: Ay, you plaster three enemy infantry units
[10:55:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( um… oh. ))
[10:55:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:55:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I'd aimed at tanks ;) ))
[10:55:35] GM: Kain you impact the ground, roll a PP check
[10:55:57] GM: (you said units…the closest to him were infantry)
[10:56:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( "She dives in to fire on tanks herself, now, firing on three different remaining units." ))
[10:56:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( anyway, if it keeps him clear, cool enough ))
[10:56:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( nevermind ))
[10:56:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:57:05] GM: Well, lets see, there are 9 tanks left, I thinkt he odds that all of them are near Kain are slim, so, three infantry
[10:57:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[10:57:32] GM: Kain a PP check or parachuting, if you please
[10:57:57] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d30] => [28] = (28)
[10:58:03] GM: vs?
[10:58:14] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((26))
[10:58:29] GM: you take [2d10] => [1,10] = (11) SDC on landing
[10:58:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:58:41] Lt. Jaron: (did he get any closer to us?)
[10:58:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( not close enough. lol ))
[10:59:00] GM: roll a strike over 14 (with bonuses) to shed your chute
[11:00:30] GM: [8d20] => [10,18,9,20,9,7,4,11] = (88)
[11:00:42] GM: A third UEEF/Colonal slavo impacts the area
[11:00:48] GM: [8d20] => [13,2,12,7,2,2,7,1] = (46)
[11:00:58] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+7] => [20,7] = (27)
[11:01:19] GM: You detatch the chute within a millisecond of impact
[11:01:21] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol, what a waste of a nat 20 kinda ;) ))
[11:02:02] GM: [1d60] => [45] = (45) Infantry [1d3] => [3] = (3) tanks
[11:02:34] GM: The enemy takes a massive hit by the well placed third volly of arty
[11:03:52] GM: Sarah
[11:05:02] CWO3 Sarah breaks away from her engagement on enemies, moving for where the pilot landed and detatched the chute, and trying to pull down and make a quick pickup, switching to guardian to make a quick landing touchdown.
[11:05:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( however long that takes ;) ))
[11:05:42] CWO3 Sarah: (( through Kain's turn I figure, to climb aboard ))
[11:05:53] GM: Kain, you land, [1d4] => [1] = (1) Reavers converge on you
[11:06:08] GM: [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13)
[11:06:14] GM: thats it's init
[11:06:58] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((nad he's armed with what a Gallant? probably without rifle parts.))
[11:07:21] CWO3 Sarah: (( init better and get into the Beta ;) ))
[11:07:59] GM: The reaver rounds the bend and opens fire. [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[11:08:58] GM: Kain?
[11:09:26] GM: And yes, Gallant Pistol
[11:09:52] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[11:10:07] GM: The first burst impact near you as you dive out of the way
[11:11:06] GM: the reaver fires again as a Brick beta swoops in to land nearby [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
[11:11:19] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[11:11:52] GM: You agan scramble out of the way as the Beta crouches and opens it's cargo bay door. the Reaver fires a thrid timke [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[11:13:01] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[11:13:06] CWO3 Sarah: (( eek ))
[11:13:24] GM: [1d4*10+15] => 55
[11:13:54] GM: Roll an acrobatics rool.
[11:13:57] GM: Roll
[11:14:24] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[11:14:30] GM: vs?
[11:14:31] 2LT Kain Crokett: vs 80
[11:14:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow ))
[11:14:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( :D ))
[11:15:00] GM: You take 55 to your CVR as you amange to land on the lowered gangway
[11:15:10] GM: Ay
[11:16:07] 2Lt. Aylanea peels around to cover the pick-up, sighing as she sees she's getting around late enough that ahit was taken. She takes a quick shot at the reaver with her guns. [1d20+14-3] => [16,14,-3] = (27)
[11:16:32] GM: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[11:16:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( without instruments, she can't see him while she' s pulling around, otherwise I woulda interrupted. ))
[11:16:53] GM: You wax a Reaver (but NOT the one after Kain.
[11:17:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( … ))
[11:17:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I( need a perc to see that one? ))
[11:17:51] GM: You may, and it has to be high
[11:17:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[11:18:08] GM: NOt good enoiugh
[11:18:38] 2Lt. Aylanea just fires at another visible one then. [1d20+14-3] => [1,14,-3] = (12)
[11:18:44] GM: you miss
[11:18:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( must be in cover ))
[11:18:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and feh ))
[11:19:01] GM: Jaron
[11:21:06] GM: Jaron?
[11:21:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *pokes Ted* ))
[11:21:57] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((JARONNNNNN!))
[11:22:15] GM: A fourth volly impacts [8d20] => [1,11,16,10,16,12,7,5] = (78) vs [8d20] => [11,18,18,10,5,20,20,4] = (106)
[11:22:41] GM: Doing little [1d20] => [5] = (5) infantry
[11:23:01] GM: Sarah,
[11:23:44] Lt. Jaron: (back)
[11:24:10] GM: Sarah, roll 3d100 please vs [3d100] => [51,76,13] = (140) you need to be UNDER the next three rolls or you take spalsh damage from volley 4
[11:24:39] CWO3 Sarah: [3d100] => [42,65,48] = (155)
[11:24:55] CWO3 Sarah: (( splash damage. ow ))
[11:24:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[11:25:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( one hit ))
[11:25:29] GM: Sarah, and kain… the 4th volley lands some of it's rounds danger close, [1d6*10] => 20
[11:25:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( phew ))
[11:25:47] GM: 20 to everything, reaver, beta, Kain…
[11:26:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( it's just a dent on the Beta, Kain is the worry :p :) ))
[11:26:12] GM: Kain roll an acrobatics (sense of balance) and Sarah make your three actions
[11:26:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( can I see the one shooting at Kain? Or no? ))
[11:27:16] GM: Yes, it's right there, all but 20 feet way..
[11:27:52] CWO3 Sarah listens and hears Kain land on the ramp, and tries to adjst the mech just enough, to fire the guns at the offending Reaver. [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[11:27:53] 2LT Kain Crokett: [1d100] => [76] = (76) vs 80
[11:28:09] GM: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[11:28:15] GM: You are able to connect
[11:28:33] CWO3 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 450
[11:28:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( poof ))
[11:28:45] GM: You turn the reaver into scrap
[11:29:26] CWO3 Sarah settles the Beta then, to let Kain get into the hold and settled, so she can close the ramp and take off.
[11:29:52] GM: [1d100] => [81] = (81) 1-40 and other reaver shows up
[11:29:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( since if I just launch right off, he probably falls out otherwise ;) ))
[11:30:05] GM: Kain, your actions
[11:31:41] 2LT Kain Crokett runs over to the Beta and tries to get on board.
[11:31:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( thought you got on the ramp at end of last turn. lol ))
[11:32:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( :) ))
[11:32:23] GM: Kain you scramble aboard your armor smoking
[11:32:26] GM: Ay
[11:32:31] Lt. Jaron: [1d4+4] => [3,4] = (7)
[11:33:09] 2Lt. Aylanea keeps moving around, trying to fire at remaining infantry in the area. [1d20+14-3] => [4,14,-3] = (15) [1d20+14-3] => [1,14,-3] = (12) [1d20+14-3] => [6,14,-3] = (17)
[11:33:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( guns jam, ignore final one, I guess ))
[11:33:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ol ))
[11:33:23] GM: What are you dong Jaron? Whats the rol for?
[11:33:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or something ))
[11:33:45] GM: Oh, thats your second 1 …I'ma have to do worse then a jam
[11:33:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[11:33:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *whimpers* ))
[11:34:23] GM: [1d3] => [1] = (1) (1 nose, 2 left, 3 right 15) detonantes
[11:34:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( er, it's an Alpha., not a beta ))
[11:34:45] GM: You nose lasers overload and blow up [3d6*10] => 90
[11:34:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh. ))
[11:34:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol. ))
[11:34:58] GM: Blowing off the front of your Alpha
[11:35:19] GM: You can actually SEE the ground past your feet
[11:35:41] 2Lt. Aylanea widens her eyes just a bit and erms at the ground showing up. "Er… that's not good…"
[11:36:43] GM: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[11:36:52] GM: You do however hit with your first hit
[11:37:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+(4d8*2)] => 386
[11:37:43] GM: A reaver is toasted
[11:37:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( useless little scrap pile ;) ))
[11:38:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( will going to battloid cover the hole under her feet? ;) ))
[11:38:40] GM: Jaron, you made a roll, I still need to know what for
[11:38:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *pokepokepokes Jaron* ))
[11:38:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[11:40:25] GM: A 5th volley lands [8d20] => [16,11,13,14,16,4,13,5] = (92) vs [8d20] => [15,19,4,16,19,6,4,8] = (91) and Sarah [3d100] => [89,50,57] = (196) roll under this
[11:40:47] CWO3 Sarah: [3d100] => [83,2,86] = (171)
[11:40:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( 1 hit, again :p ))
[11:41:00] CWO3 Sarah: (( *sigh* ))
[11:41:04] GM: [1d6*10] => 60
[11:41:09] GM: another 60 to all locations
[11:42:01] GM: which menas your head, and forearms blasters are inop
[11:42:37] CWO3 Sarah: (( don't I have an action before the artillery volley lands? ))
[11:42:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( thought my turn was first ))
[11:42:50] GM: Seems your bitch on wheels girlfriend is not stopping her bombardment…you might want to flee, and, it is your actions
[11:43:25] GM: (the bombardment is on Suki's init which is low ball, so…it hit forst, you didnt' inturrupt)
[11:44:08] CWO3 Sarah powers up the Beta quickly, moving to fly out from the bombardment zone quickly, with Kain aboard.
[11:44:22] GM: You lift off
[11:44:58] CWO3 Sarah shoves the thrusters forward on liftoff, accelerating forward to put distance between herself and the falling bombs.
[11:46:05] GM: You have two actions left
[11:47:10] CWO3 Sarah moves to shoot some remaining leftovers from standoff range, tryingto keep herself ou4t of the artillery zone. [1d20+6] => [12,6] = (18)
[11:47:29] CWO3 Sarah: (( I figure it takes 2 actions for that, since it has to be moved off from slightly after firing. ))
[11:47:31] GM: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[11:47:40] GM: Joo miss badly
[11:48:10] GM: Ay, your Alpha is biching at you somethig fierce. alarms everywhere
[11:49:04] 2Lt. Aylanea sighs, lands it, and switches it to battloid, to see if that helps convince it to stop bothering her, while she checks all the malfunctions.
[11:49:26] GM: good news is, with your systmes malfunction, you really dont miss the fact your radome has been blow away
[11:49:29] GM: blown
[11:49:38] GM: lands
[11:50:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( well, nevermind. Moves off from the bomb zone and lanmds it, I mean ))
[11:50:31] GM: okay
[11:50:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I'm looking for anything not obvious. :p ))
[11:50:53] GM: A 6th volley lands as you move off Ay and Sarah, with Kain in tow.
[11:51:35] GM: By this time the colonial armor column has shifted heading and is, with UEEF infantry support laying ito what is left of the enemy formation
[11:54:04] GM: Jaron
[11:56:21] GM: Jaron?
[11:56:56] GM: The barrage is lifted as allied gorund foreces clash with the enemy, Sarah
[11:59:23] GM: Sarah?
[11:59:54] GM: And then Ay
[12:00:14] CWO3 Sarah moves to check on Aylanea, and cover her battloid, watching to see what's left of the formation that she can shoot at. [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) perc
[12:01:40] 2LT Kain Crokett: ((I think your losing people, I'm ready to hit the hay myself.))
[12:02:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( eek ))
[12:02:33] GM: At this point, (I would need Ay's actions first. Any way, you have NO idea that Ay has taken damage as Ay has been very silant ont he entire deal. What you DO know is that you have taken some moderate damage, and you have a downed pilot in your hold
[12:05:11] GM: so, ay and Sarah, the only two who's actions need to be told to me, let me know what you do, and I can wrap up
[12:06:49] 2Lt. Aylanea swears on the radio and grumbles. "I just love having my whole nose blown off. I'm stuck in Battloid for the moment from it…"
[12:18:27] GM: so…I just need to know what Ay and Sarah are doing right now…
[12:19:09] GM: are they sticking around the battlefield or are they RTBing
[12:19:50] CWO3 Sarah: (( they're trying to stick around where the others are, for the moment, until they're sure no more assistance is needed. ))
[12:20:20] GM: roll a tactics…both
[12:20:45] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [7] = (7) vs. 94%
[12:21:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d30] => [26] = (26) int, Ay dun have tactics
[12:21:28] GM: Sarah, your read if the situation tells you that it's best to head back, the colonilas are mving in to mop up, …and Ay, same thing
[12:21:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( vs. 17 ))
[12:21:40] GM: well Ay, maybe not,
[12:22:04] GM: She is a zent and they aren't known for their intelligence
[12:23:02] GM: ((with a roll of 26 vs 17, I get to be a bit racist…))
[12:23:20] GM: anyway
[12:23:27] GM: I'm calling it here