[07:33:56] Chris: okay, Carrie and James are already aware, but I made a pretty silly goof, so a mini retcon in the favor of the group has been made. simply put, Silverbacks do not have doors in battloid mode…so oops, so Anji's foot is still there, but a nice chunk of it's armor, and the entire front windscreen and armor plate of the Silverback … isn't.
[07:38:49] Chris: okay, scene setting. As before the area you are in is open space (those inside, those outside know what it all looks like) there are large 'spokes' , 5 of them, wider towards the outer wall and taper towards the central hub.
[07:39:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( didnt you show us the picture before?
[07:40:28] 2LT Komillia: ((I believe I made a 17 on a PERC roll waiting for you to tell me if there was something I could shoot down that would at least delay the Haydonites.))
[07:40:41] Chris: these spoke are some 100 foot wide at the point and about 800 plus feet wide at the outside wall. The space between them is open. This is where medicum and small ships dock. The 'Docks' have all the trappings that one would expect to see at any port facility. Cargo containers, cargo movers, cranes etc
[07:41:23] Lt. Jaron: (could a horizon fit inside the destroyer or land on it?)
[07:41:42] Chris: along the the cieling and the wals are facility command and monitoring stations (dock workers offices and the like)
[07:42:48] Chris: Physically the enemy FDestroyer is larger then a Horizon, but you have no idea what it's cargo cpacity, if any, is. Intell has been able to learn that the enemy ship class you see ahead of you does carry up to 24 Wraiths.
[07:42:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [Do the math - a Horizon is how long across at the wings0 ] => Do the math - a Horizon is how long across at the wings0
[07:43:27] Chris: doesn't matter Shadd if the ship is 100 times larger, if it doesnt have a cargo or hanger bay…point is mkoot.
[07:44:00] Chris: okay, lets see, what else…
[07:44:37] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: (Blow a hole in it, lodge in to its deck - OR - simply anchor to its hull like a remorah, ]
[07:45:16] Chris: the cielings , seem to be a mirror image of the platform you are on, as in, the grav field is reversed. in the middle hovering in space between the two areas are cargo containers etc.
[07:45:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( the destroyer has 3 sections though, would a Horizon fit between the 'arms'? ))
[07:45:51] Chris: Super glue?
[07:45:54] CWO3 Sarah: or a few?
[07:45:57] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, ooc that ))
[07:46:02] Chris: velcro?
[07:46:18] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Electro-Magnetic Anchors. They wouldnt build a ship with any kind of docking that doesnt have them )
[07:46:28] CWO3 Sarah: (( they only have to be in the fold sphere ))
[07:46:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( anyway ))
[07:46:45] Chris: the open area where the enemy ships would go is about 200 foot wide at it's point and 1600 or so feet wide at the outside wall.
[07:47:40] Chris: Correct Carrie, although many craft have a conformal fold , as in unless it's in the ship, or physically attached, it is left behind
[07:48:09] Chris: in fact most ships have this as a default, and the fold sphere has to be extended on purpose
[07:48:45] Chris: this is stuff all characters know as it is pretty much common knowledge for you military types
[07:49:20] James (enter): 19:49
[07:49:27] Lt. Jaron: (does Sarah informs us at what she knows?)
[07:49:37] CWO3 Sarah: (( yes, as soon as Chris is done setting ))
[07:49:56] Chris: I believe she did last session, but let me finish with this and then answer questions, before we begin
[07:50:07] Chris: Booting '(4) James' from room…
[07:50:08] James (exit): 19:50
[07:50:10] CWO3 Sarah: (( no I didn't, I don't think, n ot the last part ))
[07:50:20] Chris: Okay
[07:51:43] Chris: fair nuff, all right. As before, there is a number of Haydonite 'civvies' on the far dock (where the enemy ship is) along with a few squads of Reavers (maily light, you can pick out about 4 Heavies in the mix)
[07:52:54] Chris: You have all told, about a Platoon worth of friendlies. ( a few have been taken out of commission and are in the process of being hauled back into the relitive safety of a nearby Horizon bunker.
[07:54:31] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: please define "Friendlies"
[07:54:43] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: we talking Cyclones, Alphas, what
[07:54:43] James (enter): 19:54
[07:55:00] Attempting to assign the role of Player to (8) James…
[07:56:09] Chris: In space, the Hayes class have mopped the floor with a haydonite dystroyer and are going to town on the docked Fantoma Class Crusier. The Station has begun to launch it's fighter cover. The bases shields are up however the lions share of the defense batteries facing the Garfish have been taken out by either ship to ship fire or by the UEEF fighters in the air, of which there are about 4 full squadrons. give or take.
[07:56:11] James: ((If I disappear from AIM, it's cause Open is being stupid.))
[07:56:31] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: yeah so is mine since I updated it
[07:57:00] CWO3 Sarah: (( there's an update? Mine doesn't auto-update anymore, so… ))
[07:57:03] Chris: Okay, questions
[07:57:41] 2LT Komillia: ((yeah, the last I remeber was 08:48:18] (2) Chris: in fact most ships have this as a default, and the fold sphere has to be extended on purpose))
[07:57:42] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: Yes - Friendlies, please define
[07:58:02] Chris: In space, mainly Alpha's and Legios'
[07:58:21] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: And the Horizon's are carrying the assault units?
[07:58:34] Chris: In the station, VR-059 Devastators and one Silverback.
[07:58:54] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: what about Destabilizers and Proton Torpedo's, any effect on the shields?
[08:00:02] Chris: Destabalizers have half effect (as the Haydonites helped develop the weapons to combat the Invid, not their own ships.
[08:00:20] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: Uh…
[08:00:28] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: No they didnt
[08:00:33] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: Destabilizers are human tech
[08:00:34] Chris: <— GM>
[08:00:38] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: developed on Earth
[08:00:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: unless this is an alternation in you storyline
[08:00:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( eh? that discussion should be in whisper, not in room :p ))
[08:01:05] Chris: Yes, and who do you think helped them create it, and the Synchro cannons, and the shadow cloak, and the NS missiles,
[08:01:13] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: fair enough - but it does effect game play so I have to ask
[08:01:37] Chris: correct, he is right to ask, they work, but not nrealy as well as they would against the Invid
[08:02:04] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: fair enough
[08:02:17] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: what about nuclear authorization or Syncro's?
[08:02:58] Chris: No synchro cannons are in the flotilla, the only reflex warheads are whatever may be lurking within the Garfish magazines.
[08:03:17] 2LT Komillia: ((Synchros, and indeed ANY shadow tech, should be outright banned for being booby trapped. And yes the Robotech Shadow Chronicles movie DOES have the synchros as shadow tech.))
[08:03:40] Chris: ((correct,))
[08:03:50] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: Yes I know and agree, but I wasnt sure if in this timeline they had debunked it yet
[08:04:10] Chris: ((nope Synchro goodness has been denied…/snif))
[08:04:27] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: rgr
[08:04:41] 2LT Komillia: ((and being traded in for the older, and better, reflex cannons…))
[08:04:55] Chris: ((As has the Shadow Cloak, so any X Alpha's have lost the PSS-001, however they still have the passive stalth due to the RAM meterial they were coated with.))
[08:05:00] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: They where able to recreate them? Nice
[08:05:24] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:06:44] Chris: ((Also space folks, effetive missile ranges have been increased dramatically to coincide with the ship combat rules I am working on. For all intents and purposes, unless you really make an effor to put distance between you and the station, your short range missiles will always be in range))
[08:07:45] Chris: ((dovetailing on that, the station point defence guns have a range of 250 miles))
[08:07:57] Chris: ((UEEF PD guns have a range of 310 miles))
[08:08:16] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: is this over-riding the double speed, quad-range rule from Palladium?
[08:09:03] Chris: pretty much
[08:09:38] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: whos my support out in space?
[08:10:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rawr! :D ))
[08:10:31] Chris: You have your Platoons XO 1LT Madresa and 6 Nobel Pilots
[08:10:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: All Alpha's?
[08:11:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I at least am in a Legios :p ))
[08:11:10] Chris: Those are the doods in your immediate command structure, the rest of the planes have their own Squadron / Flight leads
[08:11:43] Chris: All Noble folks will be in Legioss, yall are Radiers, you do have perks
[08:12:49] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: I need to change the loadout then for the Beta, no?
[08:13:04] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: actually no, make it the same percentages for the moment
[08:13:24] Chris: okay one final bit, in order to speed up combat, each PC will have their own pack of goons. Basically the UEEF grunt NPC's you have your up to 3 character actions, and 1 command action in which you tell your goons what you want them to do, and then they do it, if IF you have the leadership Skill, you get 2 TWO command actions.
[08:14:01] Lt. Jaron is special
[08:14:03] Chris: Props to James for this scheme.
[08:14:28] Chris: Okay, any last minute questions?
[08:14:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( awesome. :D ))
[08:14:42] Chris: Space folks, you each have two goons.
[08:14:43] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: yeah 1
[08:14:52] 2LT Komillia: ((not in my end))
[08:14:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *offers all props to James, including… well ,can't say that in room* ))
[08:14:55] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: whats the rest of noble platoons objective for the space units?
[08:15:08] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: I assume we kill the birds outside and then move in to support the cyclones?
[08:15:45] Chris: Ground folks, you heave have three (Anji counts as one of Jarons but she gets to futz with three actions of her own since she is a named NPC)
[08:16:27] Chris: Thats up to your flight lead, plus you'll be plenty busy with enemy fighters, the station has a decent amount to toss at you
[08:16:48] Chris: Oops did I say that out loud…
[08:17:10] Chris: Okay, lets kick some ass
[08:17:12] Chris: Inits
[08:18:08] Cpl Summerwind: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[08:18:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+4] => [15,4] = (19)
[08:18:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, me ))
[08:19:00] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[08:19:00] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+4] => [11,4] = (15)
[08:19:01] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[08:19:14] 2LT Komillia: [1d20+2] => [4,2] = (6)
[08:19:14] Haydonite Proctor: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[08:19:52] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: uno momento
[08:21:03] Server Administrator-> Kicking '(7) James' from server… Removing dead client
[08:21:04] James (exit): 20:21
[08:21:48] GM: Okay, James, you asked about mobility, not so easy but visibility and maybe AOE damage might be doable.
[08:22:22] GM: And Sarah, you may have a moment to impart your 20 perc info before the round starts
[08:23:00] GM: Komi, you can roll a skill roll to aid in your quest to 'Mess with Sasquatch'
[08:24:20] GM: If you are looking for your Init Marcus, Anton has a +7 in Alpha
[08:24:31] 2LT Komillia: ((The closes I can think of is either Boarding Spaceships ro Senory Equipment.))
[08:25:22] CWO3 Sarah glances over to Jaron, expression panicked. "The Horizons should have our current coordinates logged ,right?" Her eyes are wide. "The station is powering up to fold. We'll almost certainly not get off before it starts, but if we can get the horizons attached, or evacuate them and set destruct, in theory that enemy ship is our way back." She sighs.
[08:25:25] Marcus (enter): 20:25
[08:25:29] Marcus: ARG
[08:25:33] Marcus: stupid openRPG
[08:25:39] Marcus: Python crashed
[08:25:46] Chris: Booting '(3) Marcus' from room…
[08:25:47] Marcus (exit): 20:25
[08:25:49] Marcus: (9) Marcus: damn thing crashed (9) Marcus: Python crashed, not OpenRPG (9) Marcus: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14) => [19,6] => (19, 6) = (25) (9) Marcus: sorry, thats +7 (9) Marcus: so 26
[08:25:50] CWO3 Sarah: (( think that was all of it, right? ))
[08:26:04] 2LT Komillia: (([1d100] => [37] = (37) vs 75 Boarding Spaceships, for what little good that's going to do.))
[08:26:42] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) init (me
[08:27:41] Marcus: ( I need a recap after the init rolls - i didnt see anything beyond that )
[08:28:29] GM: Okay, Komi, you note that, as per Boarding actions a target to be avoided, might in this case serve your purposes. There is a reactant umbillical attaching the ship to the dock.
[08:28:47] GM: ((dont worry Marcus I have the inits all in order)
[08:29:20] 2LT Komillia: ((I'll just wait my turn before sniping said umbilical.))
[08:29:27] Marcus: ( ah okie - doing us in 2 groups then im guessing - if I dont respond when my turn comes, have carrie poke me )
[08:29:55] GM: Oky Jaron, and Komi, did you see Sarah's post?
[08:30:07] GM: ((Rgr that Marcus))
[08:30:23] Lt. Jaron: (yea)
[08:30:40] GM: Okay, just want to make sure
[08:30:49] GM: ((GM critique…vague…))
[08:30:54] GM: thbbpt
[08:30:56] GM: okay
[08:31:08] Lt. Jaron: (does the 3 troopers we got could the canine drones?)
[08:31:12] GM: The round begins…
[08:32:11] GM: Your goons are two UEEF folks, and one Anji. I'm treating your doggies as missiles here, fire and forget.
[08:32:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[08:33:00] Haydonite Proctor: [1d100] => [78] = (78)
[08:33:22] Haydonite Proctor: I order my troops to attack the addicts!! grr grrrrrr
[08:34:13] Haydonite Proctor: I order the ships point defence guns to blow those enemy ships polluting the far dock away!! /dramatic fist
[08:34:47] Haydonite Forces: By your command! Hut hut hut!
[08:35:45] GM: The enemy taks up cover positions and opens fire on the addict terrorists.
[08:36:43] GM: Sorry, init order…Proctor, Haydonite unit 1, Komi, Haydonite unit 2, Jaron, Anji, Sarah.
[08:37:49] GM: In space order, it will be Enemy commander, unit 1, Unit 2, Ay and Anton.
[08:38:50] Marcus: wow with a 26 I am going last?
[08:38:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( reverse initiative ))
[08:39:03] Marcus: (I needs to be faster )
[08:39:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( you have the most time to react, you can interrupt before that. ))
[08:39:09] GM: No, you have trump init, based on the reverse init rules
[08:39:11] Marcus: ( Ah )
[08:41:03] GM: Okay, Enemy unit 1 fires on the addicts in the hanger bay. [1d8] => [3] = (3) 1 Silverback, 2 Komi, 3 Sarah, 4-7 other UEEF, 8 one of the Horizon-V's
[08:41:08] 2LT Komillia interupts Haydonite one with an aimed shot to the umbilical mentioned earlier. [1d20+12] => [13,12] = (25)
[08:41:26] GM: Oooh….I'll give that…but that was close.
[08:41:45] GM: Roll damage, since it can't dodge.
[08:42:14] 2LT Komillia: [2d4*10] => 50
[08:45:53] Lt. Jaron: .
[08:46:08] GM: Your shot hit the umbilical square and ruptures it. The reactant mass, exposed, ignites. The hose line splits as a purple blue fireball engulfs the area. The flame washes over the docked ship but safety protocols clamp the feed closed within nano seconds. Towards the dock side connection the hose line continues to spew forth it's pyroclastic fury setting the area ablaze before hitting the control valve [1d100] => [98] = (98) 1-25 detonating it, 26-100 slatering the area but the vlave closes in time.
[08:46:43] Lt. Jaron interrupts with a launch of a volley (2 missiles) at a Reaver and his comrades [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22), [4d6*10] => 130 and radios "Vultures, the station is able to fold. We need to seize that enemy destroyer adjacent to this dock for our way home. I'd to suggestion we abandoned the damage bird and self destruct." Noted to Anji to fire the mounted dual weapon and the nearby troopers to fire at Reavers as well. He'll keep his canine in reserve for now.
[08:47:44] GM: The area is awash with flame, coverng a [1d3*100] => 300 area. Dealing [2d4*10] => 80 to all targets [1d4] => [1] = (1) per 100 foot covered.
[08:47:50] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19) (my dodge)
[08:48:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( or wait, it didn't fire yet ))
[08:48:41] GM: ((not it didnt' Komi inturrupted))
[08:50:11] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8-3] => [20,8,-3] = (25)
[08:50:27] GM: What kind of missiles did you use?
[08:51:13] Lt. Jaron: (HEAp)
[08:51:30] GM: Okay, well, with the 20, the enemy clearly evades
[08:51:38] Marcus: ( ::plays dramatic BSG battle music with heavy drums in it for them:: )
[08:52:01] GM: You have one action left
[08:52:21] Lt. Jaron: (done)
[08:52:43] Lt. Jaron: (done for myself; the troopers will just fire away)
[08:53:14] GM: The fire engulfs three Reavers, melting them to slag in the worst way possible.
[08:53:53] GM: The rest of the enemy unit, follows their orders and pushes to cover and open fire on Sarah.
[08:54:26] CWO3 Sarah: (( eek ))
[08:55:11] GM: [4d20] => [7,2,8,12] = (29) +6 to each strike (two strikes for two reavers (All are using assault rifles)
[08:55:49] GM: (remember leap dodge has it's own bonuses as an AD..) so be specific
[08:55:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk' ))
[08:56:23] GM: [7+6] => 13 MISS [8+6] => 14 , [12+6] => 18
[08:56:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( it's +3 to leap dodge or dodge ))
[08:57:11] CWO3 Sarah leap dodges quickly. [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[08:57:16] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[08:57:18] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[08:57:26] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18)
[08:57:31] GM: You get jiggy with it and the enemy comes up short.
[08:57:41] GM: Komi, you have two player and one command action.
[08:58:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, GM? One of those hit me ))
[08:58:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( the 18 on the last is a hit, on either of the dodges ))
[08:59:13] 2LT Komillia: ((one player as one was an aim action))
[08:59:30] GM: ((ah, thank you, correct))
[08:59:33] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[08:59:42] GM: ((correct for both))
[09:00:05] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 75 Main body
[09:01:24] 2LT Komillia fire a shoulder beam cannon at Haydonite 1. [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19) Komi then orders fire down on the nearest Flaming Haydonite ((It's FABULOUS!)) [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14) ((assuming some the players bonus minus penalty system still applies to commands.))
[09:02:01] GM: ((nod))
[09:02:16] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17)
[09:03:06] GM: Komi, you hit your target and your goons blow apart the Haydonite you selected despite the fact it was already dead.
[09:03:26] 2LT Komillia: [2d4*10+20] => 70
[09:03:49] GM: Re-cap (2) GM: The fire engulfs three Reavers, melting them to slag in the worst way possible.
[09:04:13] 2LT Komillia: ((kk))
[09:04:52] GM: The second Haydonite unit comes on line and opens fire on [1d8] => [7] = (7)
[09:05:32] GM: Some UEEF troopers.. .[12d20] => [6,15,18,13,5,20,1,3,6,1,19,20] = (127) vs [12d20] => [16,12,18,6,8,1,13,10,12,13,11,6] = (126) +2
[09:06:35] GM: 5 UEEF are hit, one for Quad damage (dodged a nat 20 with a 1) and one crit.
[09:07:30] Marcus: (( Quick question - 1's arent critical failures? ))
[09:08:20] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 45 , [1d6*10+15] => 25 , [(1d6*10+15) *4] => 180, [1d6*10+15] => 45 , [(1d6*10+15) *2] => 50 One's are crit fails yes.
[09:08:48] Marcus: (( K, cause I saw 2 crit fails in there ))
[09:09:15] GM: Yup, and they wiffed…
[09:10:01] GM: The 5 UEEF are hit, most are lightly damage, the crit got lucky, but the quad got nailed hared and topples backwards, alive but feeling the pain.
[09:10:32] GM: ((Jaron brings up a good point, players roll for their goons strikes,))
[09:10:52] GM: ((James knew this already, but I forgot to mention it))
[09:11:05] GM: Okay, Jaron, last chance to use your last Player action
[09:11:50] GM: moving on in
[09:11:52] GM: 3
[09:11:56] GM: 2
[09:12:01] Lt. Jaron: (im done)
[09:12:06] GM: 1 and off we go
[09:13:53] GM: Anji… obays and opens up with the AAC gun on turret and attempts to shred the Haydonite unit that didnt get fired up… [2d20] => [11,15] = (26) +2 vs [2d20] => [15,10] = (25) +8 and her last attack is to send the ROV's that Jaron wanted (from last session) towards the Hub.
[09:14:22] GM: Anji's strikes tear up the scenery but do not connect with any enemy.
[09:14:28] GM: Out in SPaaaaace…
[09:14:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep ))
[09:14:58] GM: The station has launched their fighters and the enemy and UEEF clash .
[09:15:38] GM: Good catch carrie…
[09:15:43] GM: Sarah, your action…
[09:15:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( thbt ))
[09:15:51] GM: Forgot all about miss Inbid
[09:15:57] CWO3 Sarah: (( grr ))
[09:16:05] Marcus: ( I wish to use my command cut in interrupt )
[09:16:20] GM: Hold that thought Marcus, I forgot Sarah…))
[09:16:23] Marcus: ( Erm - after Carrie does whatever she was going to do in the station )
[09:16:30] GM: Let her do her thang then you can int in space))
[09:16:45] GM: ((yes she is in station.))
[09:17:21] CWO3 Sarah fires beam cannons quickly on the nearest untouched haydonite, ordering her unit to fire on one of the others. [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:17:32] CWO3 Sarah: (( what are the bonuses for the troops, for us to roll them? ))
[09:18:35] CWO3 Sarah: (( *poke* ))
[09:18:42] GM: Hold on
[09:19:23] GM: Your strike -2
[09:20:03] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15)
[09:20:05] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24)
[09:20:06] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[09:20:06] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[09:20:06] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[09:20:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( 3 goons, firing on the reaver. ))
[09:20:24] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:20:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( she ordered them to fire on a different one than hers, mjnind you ))
[09:20:45] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[09:20:45] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[09:21:24] GM: Kk, for future, just roll once, as the damag will be multiplied by the amount of goons,
[09:21:42] GM: Your beam cannons hit, and the reaver is hit twice.
[09:21:45] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh, okay ))
[09:22:23] GM: np, roll your damage, (your goons are using GU-21 2d4x10
[09:22:37] GM: In spaaace.
[09:22:38] CWO3 Sarah: [2d4*10] => 50
[09:22:39] CWO3 Sarah: [2d4*10] => 80
[09:22:45] GM: Anton you wnated to inturrupt.
[09:22:54] GM: [80*3] => 240
[09:22:58] GM: = 1 dead rever
[09:23:07] GM: and one wounded one, the one Sarah hit
[09:23:32] Marcus: ( Yes, can you give me a setup please for how things look outside? And Sarah is inside the station, not outside)
[09:23:46] GM: Sarah is inside yes
[09:24:06] Marcus: ( okay, you where overlapping statements )
[09:24:40] GM: Outside, the bulk of the enemy fighters have clashed with bulk of the UEEF fighters, you figure they are likely trying to get at the Garfish who are pounding the station with continious fire. (hitting the shields, but every shot weakens them)
[09:25:53] Marcus: (Whats the disposition of the targets as far as formations, and what sort of range are we looking at? )
[09:26:01] GM: A smaller segment of enemy dive towards the Hayes class harassing the Fantoma class
[09:26:56] GM: The UEEF vs Wraith is a furball, the Wraith heading towards the HAyes class ships (there are two) are in standard finger 4 formation, two flights (8 fighters total)
[09:27:22] Marcus: ( whats the distance between enemy fighters? )
[09:28:03] GM: roughly 50 feet
[09:28:59] GM: ((also note, your character IS aware that the Haydonite scum make use of Chaff and Flare these days))
[09:30:02] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: Disconnecting from server…
[09:30:02] Marcus (exit): 21:30
[09:30:06] GM: doh
[09:30:10] 2LT Komillia: ((Marcus had a crash))
[09:30:26] GM: okay, while we wait for him to come back, Sarah, lets deal with your 2nd command action
[09:30:31] Marcus (enter): 21:30
[09:30:43] CWO3 Sarah: (( and my other two player actions? Okay… ))
[09:30:44] Marcus: (Frakking Program )
[09:30:56] CWO3 Sarah fires the other beam cannon quickly, and fires her recoilless once, ordering the group to fire again. [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13) (beam) [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10) (recoilless) [1d20+5] => [19,5] = (24) (goons on other reaver)
[09:30:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( there ))
[09:31:05] GM: Yes, all in one string so I can tackle it fast
[09:31:09] Marcus: ( Alright so like I was asking: Does using an action like Sensory EQ use up a character action? )
[09:31:17] GM: perfect, okay, Marcus it is your action, what did you miss?
[09:31:26] GM: yes, skiill use is an action
[09:31:37] Marcus: ( Last thing you said was their formations )
[09:31:52] GM: (9) Marcus: ( whats the distance between enemy fighters? ) (2) GM: roughly 50 feet (2) GM: ((also note, your character IS aware that the Haydonite scum make use of Chaff and Flare these days))
[09:32:02] Marcus: ( Okay - I am going to use my unit command action then )
[09:32:32] GM: [3d20] => [19,12,4] = (35) +8 (this is for sarahs stuff …)
[09:32:40] Mst.Sgt. Shadd flips on his Com system and calls out to the whole of Noble Platoon
[09:32:42] GM: Roger taht Anton
[09:32:49] GM: roll skill
[09:33:19] GM: ((Sarah roll damage for your goons, all your shots missed))
[09:33:24] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Ih, which skill? )
[09:33:32] GM: RSE
[09:33:42] GM: Read Sensory..
[09:33:57] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Oh im not using it yet )
[09:34:10] GM: Ahh kk
[09:34:12] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Going to command my unit first, then do that )
[09:34:25] GM: kk, using command action first
[09:34:26] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Noble Platoon form up - select target incoming squad one - salvo fire selection 4 HEAP… on my count… FIRE!"
[09:34:51] GM: Ay you can Rp here if you want, Marcus, roll your goons strike
[09:34:51] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: (Now i will use my sensory to try and isolate the incoming squad commander unit )
[09:34:59] GM: and skill roll
[09:35:12] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Sensors are a 62% )
[09:35:15] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[09:35:24] GM: Bust
[09:35:26] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Damn - Close! )
[09:35:47] GM: roll your goons strike, and youhave up to three player actins you can use
[09:35:48] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Alright, I am going to select a unit my goons have not fired on, and launch 4 HEAPS )
[09:35:55] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( kk - bonus to strike? )
[09:36:00] GM: your goons are 'fire linked'
[09:36:06] GM: your strike -2
[09:36:37] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( 3d20's then? )
[09:36:59] GM: 1
[09:37:00] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Its 2 goons if im not mistaken )
[09:37:10] GM: one strike for the goons
[09:37:17] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( kk )
[09:37:21] GM: the damage is doubled at what they fire on
[09:37:26] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( goons first )
[09:37:29] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)
[09:37:30] GM: kk
[09:37:33] GM: Miss
[09:37:35] GM: your actions
[09:37:44] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Okay - firing my salvo )
[09:37:51] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14)
[09:38:10] 2Lt. Aylanea pauses as Shadd orders that, glancing over to his mech, frowning as they're missed and taking note.
[09:38:12] Haydonite Wraith busts loose with some chaff and flare, [1d100] => [85] = (85)
[09:38:17] Haydonite Wraith: Frak
[09:38:47] GM: Your salvo of 4 hits
[09:39:19] Mst.Sgt. Shadd at engagement range lets loose a salvo of HEAP's, having selected a target that has not been fired upon yet. Immediatly rolls as the Haydonites try to go in to evasive and prepairs a second salvo of double missiles - this time Fragmentation, plotted to explode in to their intercept path.
[09:39:22] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Rolling damage )
[09:39:48] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [8d6+10] => [6,2,2,3,4,4,4,6,10] = (41)
[09:39:55] GM: 410
[09:40:04] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Sorry wait )
[09:40:07] GM: did you fire 2 or 4 missiles?
[09:40:10] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( add 70 damage to that )
[09:40:23] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( 4 missiles HEAP with the first volley - havent fired the second yet )
[09:41:04] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( So its 480 damage )
[09:41:39] GM: Correct, easy string to keep me from scratching my head would be [(2d6*10)*4] => 240
[09:41:49] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( I'll hold my remaining actions )
[09:42:01] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Oh can you tell it to do that? )
[09:42:14] GM: yes, jsut type it like you see it
[09:42:32] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Gotchya )
[09:42:46] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "All Noble units - ENGAGE!"
[09:43:08] GM: you put the prime factor, the misisle damage 2d6x10 in the paretheses then add in how many x4 substituting x for * and put it all in brackets
[09:43:32] GM: Carrie and James can hook you up onteh string goodness, I'm horrible at it
[09:43:52] GM: Okay, so the Wraith you fired on is shredded in good order
[09:44:25] GM: The rest of Nobel Platoon but for the two under your direct command balk, since the Lieutenant is their XO…
[09:44:51] GM: Ay, your actions
[09:44:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( bahahahaha ))
[09:46:04] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Morons - dont they know who the Master Sgt is! )
[09:46:23] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Hear me and OBEY! FEAR me but FOLLOW!)
[09:46:49] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly. "Confirm fire, all units engage enemy fighters at discretion." She tries to synch systems up for everyone [1d100] => [67] = (67) (rsi vs. 73%), then moves in on one undamaged fighter herself, firing the beta guns, underwing guns, and nose lasers, at it. [1d20+14] => [12,14] = (26)
[09:47:11] GM: All fighters a thusly synched
[09:47:25] Haydonite Wraith: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[09:47:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woo ))
[09:47:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[09:47:40] GM: Your target is hit roll damage,
[09:47:48] GM: you still need to rollfor your goons
[09:47:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 606
[09:48:04] GM: Your target is a fine paste
[09:48:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and… kk ))
[09:48:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15)
[09:48:19] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[09:48:19] GM: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[09:48:30] GM: One Wraith is hit, rolldamage
[09:48:42] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( what do theyshoot with by default? ))
[09:48:56] GM: lets make it easy, what ever you have
[09:49:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 650
[09:49:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[09:49:16] GM: and another one bites the dust
[09:49:48] GM: you still ahve one action left
[09:49:53] GM: player action
[09:50:15] GM: and one command action as well
[09:50:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *digs for the synch bonus* it's +2 right? ))
[09:51:29] GM: Meanwhile the enemy fires on the Hayes class, [2d20] => [15,15] = (30) going for the engines vs [2d20] => [16,4] = (20) +2 PPB tiem (sp intentional)
[09:52:12] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( yes )
[09:52:18] 2Lt. Aylanea fires on another wraith quickly, ordering her goons to continue fire as well. [1d20+14+2] => [7,14,2] = (23) (me) [1d20+12+2] => [6,12,2] = (20) (goons)
[09:52:19] GM: The engines on one Hayes takes some damage [(4d4*10)*5] => 500
[09:52:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[09:52:27] GM: But is functional
[09:52:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( firing on other wraiths than the one she's firing on, rather ))
[09:52:41] GM: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[09:52:42] GM: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[09:52:46] GM: damag eon one
[09:52:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 650
[09:52:52] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Interrupt )
[09:52:54] GM: the one YOU fired on evade
[09:52:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( saw that ))
[09:53:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[09:53:17] GM: Anton, last chance to use your last player action
[09:54:05] Mst.Sgt. Shadd targets the weapons fire incoming for the Hayse and lets loose his 2 Frag missiles in to the path of the fire, using them to counter any incoming fire with their debries clouds
[09:54:14] GM: Roll
[09:54:32] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[09:54:37] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[09:54:55] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( talk about hitting a needle with a needle )
[09:55:06] GM: You shots miss, you thought that the enemy would veer off at your (UEEF) attack, but they continued straight on…
[09:55:21] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Will the fragmentation cloud reduce damage any? )
[09:55:44] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( No i am actually shooting the missiles IN to the enemy fire, not at the enemy units )
[09:55:48] GM: Inside the station, The enemy ship deployes it's Point D batteries and opens fire. [4d8] => [6,7,8,1] = (22)
[09:57:05] GM: Jaron the sliver back is being targeted, as are some UEEF and a Horizon
[09:57:19] GM: [1d20+2] => [19,2] = (21)
[09:57:20] GM: [1d20+2] => [2,2] = (4)
[09:57:20] GM: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
[09:57:21] GM: [1d20+2] => [16,2] = (18)
[09:57:27] Lt. Jaron tries to dodge the incoming fire [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[09:57:37] GM: The UEEF are missed out of hand, the Horizon is hit as it is stationary
[09:57:42] GM: And you evade
[09:58:09] GM: [4d6*10] => 160
[09:58:16] GM: Horizon takes 160
[09:58:37] GM: ]The burned unit (hah) fires on [1d8] => [7] = (7)
[09:58:52] GM: [2d20] => [8,15] = (23) vs [2d20] => [10,5] = (15) +2
[09:59:05] GM: [1d6*10+15] => 25
[09:59:13] GM: Ueef takes a ding
[09:59:16] GM: Komi
[10:00:33] GM: Komi??/
[10:01:49] 2LT Komillia makes her way toward the enemy craft takes an aimed sniper shot to Haydonite 1's head, and sends the other shoulder beam toward enemy point def, and instructs her goons to do the same. [1d20+14] => [9,14] = (23) [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19) [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[10:02:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[10:02:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[10:02:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17)
[10:02:29] GM: You and your goons get no joy
[10:02:42] GM: well, roll damage on the point D sorry
[10:02:45] GM: tahts stationary
[10:03:01] GM: but your aimed shot is evaded, you even think the enemy flipped you off as it ducked
[10:03:53] 2LT Komillia: [2d4*10+20] => 60 [2d4*10] => 50
[10:04:05] 2LT Komillia: ((I'm not sure how many goons. so…))
[10:04:18] GM: Inside the station a series of red beams play across the area, seeking targets and eventually finding them, mainly Haydonites, Sarah, a pencil thin beam turns from the rest and seeks you out .
[10:04:22] GM: 3
[10:05:27] GM: The second Haydonite unit opens fire on [1d8] => [1] = (1)
[10:05:32] GM: The silverback
[10:05:41] GM: [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[10:05:41] GM: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[10:05:43] GM: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[10:05:43] GM: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[10:06:05] GM: (remeber the SB has no autododge))
[10:06:10] Lt. Jaron: (I know)
[10:06:22] GM: (9dumpy crap ass mech….grrr)
[10:06:33] GM: <—- NOT a fan of teh SB>
[10:06:35] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29) [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17) [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13) [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
[10:06:38] GM: not a fan of the SB
[10:07:03] GM: One strike hits [1d6*10+15] => 45
[10:07:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( wow, nat 20 ))
[10:07:06] GM: 45 main body
[10:07:10] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:07:17] GM: Jaron makes the dumpt tonka truck dance thats for sure
[10:07:20] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Yeah, I just dont know why they would build it )
[10:07:50] GM: ((good for nothing but a jeep or third line ADA IMO))
[10:08:51] GM: Jaron you have 1 attack left this round, and one command action (your dodges have burned your attacks, cover might be a good option)
[10:09:25] GM: I'll give you this as a freebie..
[10:09:31] GM: Hull down might be a good option
[10:10:23] GM: I can expound on that if you wish
[10:10:37] Lt. Jaron moves to cover as he scans the stations along the walls and ceiling for any lingering observers or action (perception [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6)) as he orders the troopers to light up the reaver forces (both actions at seperate targets; [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18), [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18); dmg [2d4*10] => 40 [2d4*10] => 50) and Anji to fire the mounted weapon.
[10:11:36] Lt. Jaron has his canine fire full volley at Reavers forces
[10:12:33] GM: Your perc is ruined as you experiance a total 'Holy Fuck!' moment as you back under cover under fire. You only get one action to fire (unless my math is wrong) and the enemy tries to evade [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[10:12:40] GM: Doing so cleanly
[10:13:08] GM: Sorry, my bad, the enemy avoids your goons fire
[10:13:12] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[10:13:18] GM: and your other goons fire.
[10:13:58] GM: Your doggie opens up [1d20+4] => [19,4] = (23) vs [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[10:14:49] GM: 17 mini missiles arc over the expanse and impact a hapless Reaver [(5d6)*17] => 221
[10:15:55] GM: Blowing it and the one next to it, to hell and gone, mostly (has 4 MD left)
[10:16:17] GM: Sarah
[10:16:47] GM: Anji cannot fire as the SB is behind cover.
[10:17:06] GM: She does loose her Vanq and has it fire at an untargeted Reaver.
[10:17:20] GM: [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12) vs [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[10:17:37] GM: [(5d6)*17] => 374
[10:17:50] GM: Killing it and the one next to it.
[10:17:57] GM: Sarah
[10:19:37] CWO3 Sarah fires both beam cannons in a volley quickly towards the one she hit once before [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22) [1d20+7] => [7,7] = (14), ordering her goons to fire on the least damaged one near them. [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
[10:20:08] GM: [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[10:20:08] GM: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:20:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:20:24] GM: Your first shot hits, and your goons hit
[10:21:30] GM: Roll damage
[10:21:33] GM: In Spoaaace
[10:22:12] CWO3 Sarah: [(2d4*10+20] => (2d4*10+20
[10:22:19] CWO3 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 60
[10:22:26] GM: The Haydonite make their pass having lost half their number, the 4 remaining Wraith break off in different directions as the Fantoma is cast off from the station.
[10:22:32] CWO3 Sarah: [2d4*10] => 20
[10:22:33] CWO3 Sarah: [2d4*10] => 40
[10:22:38] CWO3 Sarah: (( for the goons ))
[10:22:48] GM: Your goons do token damage
[10:22:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( anyway, back to space ))
[10:22:56] GM: As do you
[10:25:07] GM: Ay your actions
[10:25:35] GM: Sarah, that beam still plays over your Devo
[10:27:09] CWO3 Sarah zooms in and fires on 3 different Wraiths with guns, [1d20+14+2] => [5,14,2] = (21) [1d20+4+2] => [3,4,2] = (9) [1d20+4+2] => [8,4,2] = (14), and orders her goons to do so as well, and keep it up. [1d20+12+2] => [8,12,2] = (22) [1d20+12+2] => [17,12,2] = (31)
[10:27:21] GM: I assume thats Ay
[10:27:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( er, yeah ))
[10:27:28] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oops ))
[10:27:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *smacks self* ))
[10:27:52] GM: yeah, lol
[10:28:00] GM: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[10:28:04] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[10:28:05] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:28:08] GM: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[10:28:09] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[10:28:36] GM: Your first shot is a hit, your goons miss once and hit once,
[10:28:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 666
[10:28:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 788
[10:29:01] GM: your the DEVIL
[10:29:18] GM: The enemy you hit explodes in a pentagram shower of sparks
[10:29:32] CWO3 Sarah: (( meep, pensil thin beam? I'll use my third action to take cdover then. ))
[10:29:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( cover ))
[10:29:50] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Interupt )
[10:30:05] Mst.Sgt. Shadd takes a photo of the pentagram shaped explosion… for you know… fleet records
[10:30:10] GM: to late, besides, it's your turn, hold ona sec while I resolve last action
[10:30:15] GM: lol
[10:30:36] GM: rolldamamge twice more Ay
[10:30:39] CWO3 Sarah: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 548
[10:30:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 634
[10:30:49] GM: one more time
[10:30:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 642
[10:30:52] GM: there you go
[10:30:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( sry ))
[10:31:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[10:31:24] GM: the last fleeing Wraith agressing the Hayes class are wiped out, Shadd, you have no piddys left
[10:31:39] GM: This Lt of yours, is a fucking dead eye with the guns
[10:32:04] GM: Anton it is your turn
[10:32:18] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( how many enemy units are left in the engagement zone? )
[10:32:47] GM: behind you in the furball, many, in front of you, a Fantoma class Haydonite crusier and the debris of 4 Wraith
[10:33:36] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( I presume the fiurball is engaging the Garfish? )
[10:33:53] GM: You'd have to skill roll to detremine that
[10:34:19] GM: right now at the quck glance ally and threat forces are merged
[10:35:18] Mst.Sgt. Shadd activates his DRADIS… I mean Radar… and sweeps the area surrounding the Garfish trying to get a clearer picture of the engagement zone.
[10:35:25] GM: roll
[10:35:40] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Sensors are a 62 )
[10:35:44] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d100] => [76] = (76)
[10:35:54] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Damnit! I hate 1d100's )
[10:35:57] GM: you have two actions left
[10:36:03] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Can I just roll 2d10 from now on? )
[10:36:39] GM: ((welcome to Suki's world, in DaT, couldnt make a RSE roll to save her life…))
[10:36:40] Mst.Sgt. Shadd runs the scan again - isnt ordering his men in to a fight without having the bigger picture!
[10:36:49] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d100] => [86] = (86)
[10:36:54] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: (….. )
[10:37:06] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( FML - really? 10 higher? Fucking bitch ass dice )
[10:37:19] GM hands you his ball peen hammer.
[10:37:29] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( LAST ATTEMPT )
[10:37:33] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [2d10] => [5,5] = (10)
[10:37:39] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( 55! )
[10:37:40] GM: ha ha,,,
[10:37:54] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Aw come on! 1d100's hate me! )
[10:38:00] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Fine.. ::grumbles and rerolls:: )
[10:38:05] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d100] => [69] = (69)
[10:38:13] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: (……………………………………………………………)
[10:38:29] Mst.Sgt. Shadd selfdestructs… reincarnates as a Dice-Eater….
[10:38:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe. Dradis. :D ))
[10:38:47] GM: [1d100] => [7] = (7) 1-50 take the 55, 51-100 the 69
[10:38:51] GM: you lucky sob
[10:38:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Told you I got BSGO on the brain )
[10:39:04] 2LT Komillia: ((Dice EATER! Kill it with fire!))
[10:39:09] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( And guh! Thank you )
[10:39:19] GM: You are welcome.
[10:39:21] GM: Okay
[10:39:22] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( whats the situation look like? )
[10:41:14] GM: The furball behind you Z axis wise, is moving slowly towards the Garfish but the 'Fish CAp is doing a decent job keeping the enemy at bay. You do pick up two targets rounding the station heading towards the Fish that are moving far to fast to be fighters, and based on that last, you pick up at Bearing 350 Carom 75 a beefy track of an enemy Cap ship.
[10:42:06] GM: i.e. on the far side of teh station about 100,000 mi out
[10:43:41] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Sheesh… do we even have anti-ship capability? Guess we could swarm it… OKAY - my command action )
[10:43:54] Mst.Sgt. Shadd opens a chanel to Lt.Ay first
[10:44:21] GM: Did a quicky map on greenboard
[10:44:42] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "I recommend we dog those 2 fast contacts coming in off 350 Caron 75… then make for a fast pass on that Capital Ship… see if we can't pull some of its teeth before assisting the Garfish Cap"
[10:45:14] GM: Ay, you may RP, yout both are essentially out of combat for the moment
[10:45:30] GM: Inside the station, the Ship continues to fire it's PD guns [4d8] => [8,8,5,6] = (27)
[10:45:41] GM: [8d6*10] => 260
[10:45:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: "Acknowledged on the two fast contacts, we can recon the capship, but that's probably best left to the Hayes class ships, we're not equipped for anti-ship work, that's their job today."
[10:46:03] GM: One of the Horizon-V's is getting TORE up
[10:46:10] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Copy, LT."
[10:46:12] GM: Komi
[10:46:17] Mst.Sgt. Shadd flips open the squad wide com
[10:46:55] GM: Shadd you do get one action one ONE fast mover
[10:47:04] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Noble Squad, head for 350 by 80… we'll come in from just above the contacts moving in. Feeding target and radar data to you now, LT."
[10:47:18] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: (Can we even see what it is? )
[10:47:25] GM: visually…no
[10:47:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: "Acknowledged."
[10:47:33] 2LT Komillia lays fire on the point defenses, one shot for each gun, and directs the goons to do the same thing. [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21) [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) [1d20+8] => [12,8] = (20)
[10:47:43] GM: damage please
[10:48:17] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( alright, I am going to make a piloting check to Shadow the 2 fast movers then )
[10:48:25] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( I think its -20% to piloting )
[10:48:33] 2LT Komillia: [(2d4*10)+(2d4*10+20)+(2d4*10+20)*2+(2d4*10)] => 320
[10:48:48] GM: One PD gun goes poof
[10:49:02] GM: One fast mover
[10:49:08] GM: you get only the one
[10:49:29] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Still shadowing it - skill is 82% )
[10:49:31] GM: three PD guns rather
[10:49:35] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d100] => [47] = (47)
[10:49:40] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Made it )
[10:49:49] GM: You are behind it…
[10:49:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( do i need to roll for the goons? )
[10:50:09] GM: what do you wish them to do?
[10:50:21] GM: Jaron you are next,
[10:50:24] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Shaodw it - we werent ordered to fire, just Recon )
[10:50:37] Lt. Jaron: (new round?)
[10:50:39] GM: Your boys are behind you who is behind the bogie
[10:50:43] GM: yes
[10:50:46] GM: no
[10:50:48] GM: sorry
[10:50:49] GM: no
[10:50:55] GM: close
[10:51:07] GM: but the enemy and some of your allies have attacks left
[10:51:35] GM: You can however still make your command action
[10:51:40] Lt. Jaron orders his group to double attack again, seperate targets [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28) [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11) (any chater from the horizon's crew when I told them the situation?)
[10:51:48] GM: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[10:51:49] GM: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[10:52:06] GM: roll damage for your boys 2d4x10x2
[10:52:15] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Boys - hold your fire and prepair to engage - lets lock this one up tight so they dont get the jump on us." (having them hold their action)
[10:52:48] Lt. Jaron: [([2d4*10] => ([2d4*10)*2]
[10:53:03] Lt. Jaron: [(2d4*10)*2] => 40
[10:53:11] Lt. Jaron: (sucky)
[10:53:26] UEMC Capt.: Roger that, we're pretty much toast here, all flight surfaces and thrusters are waxed.
[10:53:48] UEF Lt Cmdr.: They havent touched us, we're still good to go.
[10:54:22] GM: Your boyz, well, you're prolly better off not knowing what shit damage they just did…
[10:54:36] Lt. Jaron: (hehe)
[10:54:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehe ))
[10:55:12] Cpl Summerwind RSE [1d100] => [14] = (14) vs 65
[10:55:34] Cpl Summerwind: Ell tee, I pick up only four tangos onthe far side.
[10:56:17] Cpl Summerwind detonates the Hub bomblets.
[10:56:23] Lt. Jaron nods to Anji "Noted."
[10:56:27] Cpl Summerwind: [8d6*10] => 220
[10:56:41] Cpl Summerwind: Hub entry is secured, I think.
[10:57:07] Cpl Summerwind: Sarah
[10:57:17] GM: Err Sarah
[10:57:31] GM: Your turn, that beam is playing actross your hull.
[10:58:25] Lt. Jaron listens the radio chatter as Anji does her thing "They still jamming us?"
[10:58:49] Cpl Summerwind: Does Sarah have green blood?
[10:58:54] CWO3 Sarah ducks for some immediate cover, swearing softly, and looking to try and find the source of the beam. [1d20+1] => [1,1] = (2) perc [1d100] => [67] = (67) rsi vs. 75%
[10:59:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( wow, perc fail ))
[10:59:06] CWO3 Sarah: (( *gets rained on with squirrels* ))
[10:59:29] GM: The beam goes away (and…oppurtunity lost) you have two anctions plus your command actions left
[10:59:36] Lt. Jaron smirks as the reply
[10:59:47] Lt. Jaron: (as=at)
[11:02:38] GM: I'm hoping you are typing and I just cant see it
[11:02:47] GM: Meanwhile, In spaaace
[11:03:09] GM: Ay, unless Shadd wants to inturrupt
[11:03:11] CWO3 Sarah orders her goons to lay fire remaining enemies, and fires on them herself quickly, with the beam cannons. [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23) [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10) (me), [1d20+5] => [10,5] = (15) [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13) (goons)
[11:03:25] GM: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[11:03:26] GM: [1d20+8] => [18,8] = (26)
[11:03:27] GM: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[11:03:29] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[11:03:44] GM: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[11:04:05] GM: One hit, second attack
[11:04:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( ignore the last roll for me. ))
[11:04:17] GM: Roll damamge and then in spaaace
[11:04:23] GM: either way
[11:04:25] GM: 1 hit
[11:04:36] CWO3 Sarah: [(2d4*10)+20] => 60
[11:04:38] CWO3 Sarah: (( there. :p ))
[11:04:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( then space ))
[11:04:50] GM: You do…damage…
[11:05:09] GM: Not special, not great, but…nice.
[11:05:22] GM: In spaace
[11:06:19] 2Lt. Aylanea moves up with Shadd, and tries to get a bear-down on the fast movers, trying to pull into range of them, to see what they are [1d100+20] => [23,20] = (43) vs. 92%
[11:06:22] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Yes… Space - whats the target we are shadowing look like? )
[11:06:40] GM: Ay get the tally ho in whisper
[11:07:29] GM: fidning pic for you there anton
[11:08:00] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[11:08:17] GM: on green board
[11:08:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I( not see it there ))
[11:08:59] GM: Well damn you shouyld
[11:09:00] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Ditto )
[11:09:02] GM:
[11:09:42] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( oooh - HOMEWORLD )
[11:09:58] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( I'd so those are pretty obviously Torpedo's )
[11:09:58] GM: and the munition is the size of a Horizon bunker
[11:10:40] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( BIG Torpedo's - do our Radiological alarms go off or do we have to roll sensors on those even though its a passive system? )
[11:10:54] GM: Let carrie post forst
[11:10:56] GM: first
[11:11:31] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( You really gotta start remembering that, LoL )
[11:11:34] 2Lt. Aylanea swears very loudly as she sees what the two contacts are, locking both and locking on, firing 10 SRMs each on them and ordering her goons to fire as well. [1d20+3+2] => [3,3,2] = (8) "Enemy torpedoes inbound to our capships! We gotta neutralize em, now!" [1d20+3+2] => [19,3,2] = (24)
[11:11:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( she fires another volleyat the end :p ))
[11:11:50] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( James - hold your roll - its the Carriers turn )
[11:11:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( meanwhile, for the goons… ))
[11:12:14] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Oh wait - she is Ay, duh )
[11:12:15] Haydonite Forces: [1d100] => [20] = (20)
[11:12:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+12+2] => [9,12,2] = (23)
[11:12:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+12+2] => [15,12,2] = (29)
[11:12:24] Haydonite Forces: [1d100] => [93] = (93)
[11:12:25] Haydonite Forces: [1d100] => [32] = (32)
[11:12:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( meep ))
[11:13:05] GM: The munition deploys counter measures in droves, only one of your goons hits with his 10
[11:13:14] GM: roll damage
[11:13:15] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( for each hit its what - 40% +10 to set it off? )
[11:13:31] GM: ((the Munition has flare and chaff))
[11:13:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: [20d6*10] => 800
[11:13:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( RDF Manual - hitting a live missile, even if you dont deplet the MDC, has a chance of setting it off )
[11:14:31] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Its like 40% base plus 10 per hit, and for missiles its higher )
[11:14:50] GM: The Munition detonates prematurely sending a massive energy wave across space. (you all take [2d6*10] => 90 MD over all and [4d6] => [6,4,3,1] = (14) SDC from the buffet.
[11:15:26] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Ow - the reinforced cockpits dont shield us? )
[11:15:27] GM: This 'missile' is ten times the size of a fighter…
[11:15:46] GM: Not entirely, the balst wave is intense
[11:16:28] GM: You detonoate the one Torp, let us see if the Fish can take out the 2nd [8d20] => [17,10,14,3,2,16,5,7] = (74)
[11:17:04] GM: [(4d6*10)*5] => 700
[11:17:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( Interupt )
[11:17:53] GM: Bearly, the combined PD of the FOUR fish strggle to but finally pop the enemy munition as the fish it was targeting does a full burn to try and evade. [1d2*1000] => 2000
[11:18:01] GM: the Fish still takes 2k
[11:18:08] Mst.Sgt. Shadd yanks back on his stick
[11:18:10] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Pull up!"
[11:18:56] GM: The armor plate buckles under the blast way and all minor systems on that side are toasted to incluse the turret, the missile launchers and one of three engine bells.
[11:19:25] GM: Ay you are out of attacks, Anton, your actions
[11:19:26] 2Lt. Aylanea grumbles and gets smacked. "Dammit…" She sighs.
[11:19:52] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: .me immediatly scans the area trying to find more of those torps or the ship that fired them
[11:19:59] GM: Roll
[11:20:02] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d100] => [34] = (34)
[11:20:08] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( success )
[11:20:34] GM: You immediatly note the unknown bogie as teh source and…you also see two more 'torpedoes in the water'
[11:20:53] Mst.Sgt. Shadd screams in to the com
[11:21:21] GM: Those inside the staion fell an…earthquake?
[11:21:34] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Incoming Torpedos Bearing 350 reciprocal! Noble turn and engage!" switches channel to the Garfish "Incoming torpedos! Incoming torpedos! Noble is turning to engage!"
[11:21:37] GM: fell = feel
[11:22:35] Mst.Sgt. Shadd locks up one Torpedos with a volley of 6 HE's
[11:22:48] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[11:22:57] Lt. Jaron looks to Anji "Did you feel that?"
[11:23:10] UEF Cmdr.: Roger that Nobel 4-2! All ship evasive! Spikefish! Cover the Barracuda her port side PD's are out!!!!
[11:23:34] GM: Annnd cliff nager time
[11:23:37] GM: hange
[11:23:44] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: Awww come on!
[11:23:45] GM: hanger … yes I can spell
[11:23:49] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: let me at least roll damage
[11:23:50] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: lol
[11:23:58] GM: rolldamage
[11:24:03] GM: [1d100] => [62] = (62)
[11:24:09] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: even a near miss is going to do damage with Hi-EXplode Mediums
[11:24:13] GM: for half the other half are psoofed
[11:24:18] GM: spoofed
[11:24:31] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [6d20+30] => [12,17,1,5,4,13,30] = (82)
[11:24:56] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [ Whoops, hold that ] => Whoops, hold that
[11:25:01] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [6d6+30] => [5,6,6,1,1,1,30] = (50)
[11:25:02] GM: Medium….?
[11:25:21] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( its only 2d6 but they have like a 15ft blast radius )
[11:25:29] GM: total
[11:25:34] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( sorry 2d6+10 )
[11:25:37] Lt. Jaron: (2d6x10)
[11:25:46] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( so 50pts )
[11:26:01] GM: that cant be right
[11:26:04] Lt. Jaron: (shad, not +, multiply)
[11:26:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( 2d6*10 ))
[11:26:11] Lt. Jaron: (x10)
[11:26:20] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( er, YEAH, lol - dur )
[11:26:23] GM: rolldamamge for 3 HE SRM's
[11:26:26] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( sorry, tired )
[11:26:39] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: [6d6+0] => [1,1,1,4,5,5,0] = (17)
[11:26:43] GM: 170
[11:26:43] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: ( 170 )
[11:27:07] GM: your missile stieks dont even pahse it, although you do note that your missile impact shields
[11:27:23] Mst.Sgt. Shadd: "Frak"
[11:27:34] GM: ((Ay's missile release was a hint))