[07:32:51] GM: The next day is a flurry of activity. On the macro scale the Yukikaze and Reprisal return to Anshan to rendezvous with the Miyuki. Ground forces are swapped out as MARDET 2 is brought up from the surface and replaced by Marines from the Reprisal. Command however is still very keen on the original focus of this enterprise be accomplished and the Miyuki and Yukikaze are dispatched to Chaffa to raid the Haydonite facility located there.
[07:34:11] GM: Certain elements of the command staff move over to the Miyuki to oversee their 'live fire exercise' on Chaffa.
[07:35:42] GM: Cpt. Utenaru , a much calmer Capt. Utenaru, briefs the 'DET, informing them that this is MARDET 2's show, but that you are on hand to assist if the situation escalates beyond MARDET 2's ability to cope.
[07:36:10] Carrie: (( heeheehee ))
[07:39:23] Cpt. Utenaru (Backstop Actual): Okay then, take care of any last minute checks then prep for launch on DET 2's six, in…
[07:39:27] Cpt. Utenaru (Backstop Actual) checks her chrono
[07:39:36] Cpt. Utenaru (Backstop Actual): 15 mikes.
[07:39:48] Cpt. Utenaru (Backstop Actual): Dismissed.
[07:40:07] Wintermute: (( brb - garbage run ))
[07:40:40] GM: RP?
[07:41:39] GM: Allrighty then…
[07:43:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( sorry, I'm here ))
[07:43:39] 2 LT Komillia looks over her mecha for last minute issues.
[07:44:14] Lt. Jaron does last minute checks for all
[07:44:55] CWO3 Sarah nods quickly and heads for the bay, climbing up into her VT and looking around quickly to the others as she slips her helmet on, starting her pre-flight checks, and making sure everything is set the way she likes it. "Wonder how quick we'll be ordered up to the front."
[07:46:05] PO2 McTabe: No faith in DET 2 there boss?
[07:47:20] CWO3 Sarah laughs just a little. "Oh, I have faith in them. Just idle curiosity. On an assault like this, things will probably get thick really quickly, though."
[07:48:05] Wintermute: (( Bak ))
[07:48:35] PO2 McTabe: ((wb))
[07:49:06] Lt. Jaron: storming here, so if I go
[07:50:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( we ))
[07:50:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( erk ))
[07:50:21] Lt. Jaron: (sorry cat pouncing keyboard)
[07:50:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( rofl! ))
[07:50:37] CWO3 Sarah: (( offer it tuna or milk for me ;) ))
[07:50:58] GM: ((offer it catnip from me…))
[07:51:09] GM: ((I kow what cats like…what they REALLY like))
[07:51:27] GM: ((kitty weed!))
[07:51:32] Lt. Jaron: (hehe)
[07:54:03] GM: Okay, moving the on
[07:56:50] GM: The pair of Shimakaze Battle cruisers transit hyperspace and burst out over a red orange planet with heavy, angry, grey-black cloud cover. The Miyuki makes her decent with the Yuki in overwatch.
[08:00:00] GM: Presently the airborne contingent of MARDET 1 i.e. Nobel Platoon is cleared for launch.
[08:00:34] Lt. Jaron gives a casual two finger salute to deck officer and launches
[08:01:22] GM: The nasty terrain below is a crisscross of weapons fire as MARDET 2 makes their assault with the two battlecruisers using their smaller deck guns to provide artillery fire while their CAP fighters buzz around them.
[08:02:32] CWO3 Sarah smiles just a little as she waits, glancing over towards McTabe's mech, concernedly for a moment, before looking back, before launching out..
[08:02:54] GM: McTabe has been given a new Beta to complete the set.
[08:03:43] 2 LT Komillia: ((okay, that fixed it…))
[08:03:44] Lt. Jaron tries to stir clear of the firing on approach
[08:04:18] 2 LT Komillia launches into space with the rest
[08:04:52] 2Lt. Aylanea watches the firefight from the formation, blinking a little. "Wow, looks like a regular crazyhouse."
[08:05:03] Ensign Austin (UES Yukikaze): Nobel platoon, you are weapons free. Engage at your discretion.
[08:05:33] Lt. Jaron coms "Roger that. "
[08:05:40] Ensign Austin (UES Yukikaze): Enjoy the free play guys.
[08:06:08] Lt. Jaron: "Fire away Noble team"
[08:07:32] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly. "Acknowledged…"
[08:07:39] 2 LT Komillia: Roger
[08:08:54] 2 LT Komillia takes a rear guard position and lines up some enemies to snipe. [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14) Init. ((for when it comes up.))
[08:09:25] CWO3 Sarah watches the battle below, to see if there's any position in particular that might be needing reinforcement or anything. [1d100] => [65] = (65) tactics vs. 94%
[08:09:30] GM: kk, inits and initial actions.
[08:10:39] GM: Sarah, the assault seems to be going rather well, you can see a unit slowed down by a defensive position, but is pushing forward regardless.
[08:10:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk :) ))
[08:11:03] 2 LT Komillia will aim and fire at the cockpit of the nearest toaster, and then finish it with the shoulder cannons. ((on her init, of course)) [1d20+14] => [18,14] = (32) [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[08:11:32] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10) init
[08:11:58] Lt. Jaron flies point to get the lay of land and note targets for his team (initiative [1d20+4] => [13,4] = (17), tactics [1d100] => [8] = (8) vs 90, Detect concealment [1d100] => [57] = (57) vs 80, perception [1d20+4] => [8,4] = (12), sesnory [1d100] => [92] = (92) vs 75)
[08:13:36] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20) init
[08:13:44] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( for me rather ))
[08:14:51] GM: Jaron, the tactical situation is good, MARDET 2 is making good progress on their objective. You do see however out of 5 outcroppings that hold enemy, 4 have been noticed by MARDET 2, one however is unmolested. You're systems register a faint return in that area, but the thermals and other battle 'chatter' prevent anything solid.
[08:14:54] 2Lt. Aylanea watches down below as well, looking for anything wrong with the situation. [1d20] => [19] = (19) (perc), [1d100] => [34] = (34) rsi vs. 73%
[08:15:20] GM: Ay, your perc result in whisper
[08:16:22] Lt. Jaron: "Looks good but that is a group of enemies that look lonely, lets visit"
[08:17:25] 2 LT Komillia: Understood
[08:17:35] GM: Sarah, your actions
[08:17:56] 2 LT Komillia: ((ignore my earlier posings, I seem to have misunderstood.))
[08:18:49] CWO3 Sarah adjusts for the group that looks lonely, quickly. "Acknowledged. Maneuvering for that position now."
[08:19:07] Lt. Jaron: (that=there)
[08:19:40] Haydonite Reaver: [1d100] => [4] = (4)
[08:20:07] GM: Sarah, as you make your turn and step into attack, you do not see any enemy.
[08:21:11] CWO3 Sarah: (( maneuvering to his vector, rather, since he sees them :p ))
[08:21:17] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8) perc
[08:21:28] CWO3 Sarah: (( wow, that sucks ))
[08:21:56] GM: My statement stands, you followed Jaron's instructions to the letter, and are sure you are in the right place, only problem, no bad guys.
[08:22:08] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk. ))
[08:22:54] CWO3 Sarah blinks a little at that, looking around. "Where are they, then?" She frowns a little bit. "Nothing sighted…" She frowns a little bit, trying to run sensors for anything. [1d100] => [52] = (52) (rsi vs.75%)
[08:23:50] GM: Due to the ground clutter, you detect nothing Sarah, although your sensors tell you that the assualt on the base continues to go well.
[08:24:30] CWO3 Sarah frowns and continues to search for enemies, shaking her head slightly.
[08:24:42] GM: Komi
[08:25:11] 2 LT Komillia looks for a group of enemies to snipe. [1d20] => [13] = (13) PERC, [1d100] => [90] = (90) vs 70 RSI
[08:25:19] 2 LT Komillia: ((…))
[08:25:33] GM: Your target, a four legged tank based off of an Infiltrator chassis is smacked dead center by your roll of an UNAT 32
[08:25:38] GM: roll damage
[08:25:54] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 180
[08:25:58] GM: Your shoulder shot however goes wide.
[08:26:27] GM: The 'tank' staggers and begin looking for where that shot came from.
[08:26:30] GM: Jaron
[08:27:13] Lt. Jaron fires a volley 10 at the tank "Follow my fire" [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[08:27:47] Haydonite Forces: [1d100] => [64] = (64)
[08:28:34] GM: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[08:28:46] GM: Sorry put the cart before the horse there.
[08:29:11] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[08:29:22] GM: The tank detects the missile launch and goes stupid, launching smoke and trying to shoot the missiles down, [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[08:29:28] GM: However 7 get thru.
[08:29:29] GM: Damage
[08:29:46] Lt. Jaron: [14d6*10] => 400
[08:30:38] GM: The tank is rocked by the missile volley, but doesn’t pop as majestically as you would hope, instead it crumples to the ground as internal fires begin to cook off ammunition.
[08:30:56] GM: Jaron you have two actions left
[08:33:05] Lt. Jaron moves over the target, hoping that helps the other as he picks up speed (change to flanking speed) and glances for others hidden surprises (perception [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5), detect concealment [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 80) "There he is for you"
[08:33:26] GM: Meanwhile the battle for the base proceeds. Upon the bases flight line a few Haydonite support craft lift off and break for high orbit but once at sufficient altitude the primary deck guns of the pair of battlecrusiers are able to acquire the ascending targets and in a hail of particle beam fire tear the retreating ships into molten shreds.
[08:33:45] GM: [1d100] => [55] = (55)
[08:33:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( woo ))
[08:34:25] GM: Jaron, you hit the brakes but do not actually 'see' any enemy around you. Well, besides the burning tank.
[08:34:28] CWO3 Sarah: (( *unleashes a squirrel up Jaron's pantleg, for the nat 1, btw* ))
[08:34:41] GM: Ay
[08:35:11] GM: Roll a perc Ay
[08:35:15] GM: befire your actions
[08:35:17] GM: before…
[08:35:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[08:35:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( thought I rolled one previously ))
[08:35:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and got whispered results ))
[08:35:39] GM: When you look back Ay, the bogey you saw, … is gone.
[08:35:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( arg. lol ))
[08:36:31] 2Lt. Aylanea frowns a little at the vanished bogey, marking the spot anyway. "There /was/ one watching with a pair of binoculars on an outcropping, it isn't there now, though…" She frowns.
[08:37:26] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22)
[08:37:49] 2Lt. Aylanea keeps checking sensors at least, anyway. [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs. 73% rsi
[08:37:59] GM: ishida, your ears perk up at the 'anomolous' report you just heard from Nobel 1-2
[08:38:13] GM: [1d100] => [84] = (84)
[08:38:35] GM: Ay, as you pass over the outcropping you pick up a trio of heat blooms.
[08:38:59] Hawk: (( Uhoh, the GM is talking to himself again ))
[08:40:04] 2Lt. Aylanea blinks and adjusts to check the heat blooms quickly to see what they are, frowning a little at it. [1d20] => [16] = (16) perc
[08:41:05] GM: Ay, you see three reavers with the same tatters capes (you know now, must be the enemy version of a ghillie suit) speeding away on hover bikes.
[08:41:38] 2Lt. Aylanea swears softly. "I think they're snipers, they're moving off on hoverbikes now after being spotted.d"
[08:41:42] Hawk: (( Spiffy ))
[08:43:16] Hawk: (( Makes me wish I had taken Pilot Hovercycle instead ))
[08:43:35] Lt. Jaron coms "I doubt they are just hoverbikes on how fast Haydonite have adapted"
[08:45:28] Hawk: (( Like Justin Beiber deep fried in Crisco - it will always find a way to slide down inside you and adapt your insides to its own needs ))
[08:45:47] Lt. Jaron: (gross)
[08:46:54] 2 LT Komillia: Is it bothering nayone else that the Haydonites are making use of things they don't have a true use for? I mean they have no arm and legs, and a freaking jet pack would make more sense than a hovercycle for them.
[08:46:57] Hawk: (( Better get Carrie to a hospital - there might be time to remove him from her chest before he matures and explodes out and becomes a fully grown justin Beiber))
[08:47:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ohai ryu ))
[08:48:23] GM: Anton, you are on the deck in your element. Newly assigned to MARDET 2 becuase of your skill set. In fact in your military career it's one of the few times in wartime that you actually had to make 'the cut'. MARDET 2 is the newest creation in the UEEF/UEMC's MToE. Now, while some fleet units such as Skull, Vermillion and Angel Squadrons are the ace of aces, MARDET 1, the pregenitor of the 'new' UEMC 'Marine Radiers are a rising star. Of course, some pure Marine units such as the Black Sheep etc, are the still the dashing and daring units, a testament to their pedagree, the folks of MARDET 1 have made name for themsleves and amonst teh 'Mud' Marines, are the 'cats meow'
[08:49:45] Hawk: // would rather be part of the 145th - Uh Rah!
[08:50:03] GM: ((giggity)
[08:51:04] GM: The MARDET's (marine Raider Detatchments) are choice units, and have become desired by the up and coming rank and file as a transfer location.
[08:52:24] GM: You sir, find your self on Chaffa, a periphery planet who's duel attracting factors is Tirolian 1st Dynasty ruins and a Haydonite Outpost.
[08:52:56] GM: Around you, your units 'baptism of fire' is going well.
[08:52:58] Hawk: (( I Nuke the Ruins and the base… problem solved. Next planet? =D ))
[08:54:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eek ))
[08:54:30] Hawk: (( Whats my conditional situation - you said I am on deck, as in waiting to launch, or were you being metaphorical? ))
[08:54:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( we may have lost Jaron…. :( ))
[08:54:59] GM: Sorry, on deck, in the shit on the ground,m under fire and getting aboner cause of it.
[08:55:05] Hawk: (( He did warm of a storm ))
[08:55:44] Hawk: (( I need more information then that - whats my location, what enemies are around me, ect ect ect ))
[08:56:26] FO Ryu Hasegawa: (Im here, if lurking somewhat, gonna be eating dinner. getting a drink)
[08:57:09] GM: You are in your alpha, currently in Battloid mode using cover like a mud marine. You are on line with your mates and pushing forward. the enemy ahead of you is a mish mash of Reavers, tanks, with a few revenants tossed in.
[08:58:13] GM: The base proper is about 100 meters out (once you hti the base the terrain becomes flat, with the only cover being downed enemy units.)
[08:58:42] Hawk: I'm going to have to go back later and try to figure out what any of that means… What do the base structures look like?
[08:58:59] GM: Your units air unit plus the CAP from the two battle cruisers are doing a bang up job and you have air superiority (not supremacy, not just yet)
[09:00:59] GM: The base is a low to the ground structure, with maybe two floors above ground. the bottom level is vehicle sized (big enough for an old earth M1 tank to navigate with a few feet of clearance. The upper level seems to be a defensive parapet, and is ringed with defense guns and firing positions for haydonite troopers.
[09:01:36] Hawk takes a quick scan over the horizon, searching for concealed units while trying to keep under cover from incoming fire. (Detect Concealment Check?)
[09:01:45] GM: oww, cant read that
[09:02:09] GM: briiiiiight
[09:02:21] Lt. Jaron: (hehe)
[09:02:29] GM: Sure, which ever skills you wish to use.
[09:02:34] Hawk better?
[09:02:40] GM: much
[09:03:15] Hawk: ( Detect Concealment 52% )
[09:03:21] Hawk: [1d100] => [29] = (29)
[09:04:04] Cpt. Gleason (MARDET 2 CO): Shadd! I want you and 4th Squad to move up ASAP! Once we hit the tarmac those toasters are gonna start burning crypto! Hit the command center and prevent it!
[09:05:01] Lt. Jaron: (hehe Gleason)
[09:05:19] GM: You can see Haydonite infantry behind a few burned out tanks on the tarmac. Your training tells you that you should expect company once you enter the base. (one of the large vehicle hanger doors has been jammed open by precise artillery fire.)
[09:05:37] GM: ((Gleason was the last name of a teacher I had in HS lol))
[09:05:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yay Jaron. wb ))
[09:06:02] Lt. Jaron: (never left, AIM was being stoopid)
[09:06:06] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( thought you'd fallen off from storm. oh. :p ))
[09:06:20] Hawk: "Roger that Captain. Gleason. You hear that 4th Stick!? Get ready to move! On the bounce and by the numbers! Captain, I am seeing a number of tickers hiding amongst the tank hulks, want me to flush'em?"
[09:07:28] Cpt. Gleason (MARDET 2 CO): Negative! Get your men on line and give me a five count. I'll have The Miyuki celar em out for us!
[09:07:44] Cpt. Gleason (MARDET 2 CO): Once that arty hit, you move!
[09:08:31] Hawk: "Roger Captain. Hawk to 4th Stick, you heard the man - by the numbers on 5, move on the mark and be smart, they aren't going to hold their fire just because we look big and scary in our shiney transforming airplanes!"
[09:09:16] Cpt. Gleason (MARDET 2 CO): Miyuki actual! Flash! Fire mission grid referance 234 by 55! Two salvos! Fire for effect!
[09:09:19] Hawk checks to see the members of his squad are on the ready to move.
[09:09:32] GM: Your boys are ready to go.
[09:09:59] GM: The artillery fire opens up. [8d20] => [6,5,4,8,8,10,16,5] = (62)
[09:10:06] GM: And, is marginally effective.
[09:11:01] Hawk: "4th STICK - 5! 5! 5! ON THE BOUNCE! MOVE OUT! Santos and McCaber cover the right flank!"
[09:11:19] Hawk: (( I love making up bad squad member names ))
[09:11:21] UEMC LCpl.: Roger that! Moving!
[09:11:25] Hawk: (( Its my forte ))
[09:11:51] GM: At least you didn’t make up the cliche Brooklynite names Kawalski
[09:12:11] Hawk uses his boosters to cover the first 20meters without touching the ground, intentionally kicking up dust to provide cover for his moving squad while watching for survivors of the artillery strike.
[09:12:31] GM: Init
[09:12:37] Hawk: (( I have a Kawalski in there somewhere, oh and a Phish, and a Wages ))
[09:12:51] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+3] => [6,3] = (9)
[09:12:51] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[09:12:52] Hawk: (( Wages and Phish are red shirts though, I save them for the dieing ))
[09:13:02] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11)
[09:13:14] Hawk: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[09:13:34] UEEF Forces: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
[09:13:50] Hawk: (( Wages, James not included, die spectacularly from the WWII movies I have been watching on NetFlix ))
[09:13:52] 2 LT Komillia: ((Fine, no Airwolf Callsign for Hawk… Which means no Airwolf theme music either…))
[09:14:15] GM: Following reverse init. Reaver, UEEF, Revenant, Reaver, You
[09:14:48] Hawk: (( hows that again? I had a 25 ))
[09:14:54] GM: ((reverse init puts you last BUT, since you have trump (high) init, you can interrupt any init beneath you.
[09:15:12] Hawk: (( Oooh, sweet ))
[09:15:45] GM: ((but you have to call int if you don’t I keep going up the line))
[09:15:53] Hawk: (( You need to watch COMBAT, J.W. - Benicio Wages kills a guy by running him over with a tank, then dies by firing the tank gun point blank at an ammo dump to kill 3 other tanks ))
[09:16:14] Hawk: ((kk))
[09:17:35] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[09:17:35] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[09:17:36] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[09:17:53] Haydonite Reaver: [3d5] => [2,1,3] = (6) (5 is you)
[09:18:14] Hawk: ( ? )
[09:18:23] UEEF Forces: [1d20] => [12] = (12)
[09:18:23] UEEF Forces: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[09:18:23] UEEF Forces: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[09:18:52] GM: Your unit moves out at is immediately lit up by ground fire.
[09:19:19] GM: But the Alphas are able to shrugh off the enemy fire as they push forward.
[09:19:19] Lt. Jaron: (ouchies)
[09:19:44] GM: The UEEF return fire
[09:19:49] Hawk: "Stick 4! Area Denial! Light the toasters up!"
[09:19:54] GM: [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[09:19:54] GM: [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[09:19:55] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[09:19:55] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[09:20:16] GM: [1d3] => [1] = (1) (2 = Revenant)
[09:20:26] GM: [3d3] => [3,1,1] = (5)
[09:20:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[09:20:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20] => [13] = (13)
[09:20:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20] => [8] = (8)
[09:20:41] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[09:21:30] GM: Only one of 4th stick hits an enemy on the way in, turning the infantry sized Reaver to mulch with it's EU-15
[09:21:39] GM: mulch
[09:21:52] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[09:21:56] Hawk survey's damage and casualty reports quickly while continuing to boost forward another 20 meters via ground effect, watching for heavy armor opposition and infantry.
[09:21:58] Haydonite Reaver: @ [1d5] => [3] = (3)
[09:22:22] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[09:22:59] Hawk: "Stick 4! Use the hulks for moving cover - bound by even numbers, then odds! Sanchez, Wages, nuke anything standing between the doors and the main attack force!"
[09:23:03] GM: Unit 3 is hit as it crosses the open tarmac by a revenant, the ground based synchro cannon vaporizes the UEEF Alpha
[09:23:05] GM: [1d100] => [24] = (24)
[09:23:15] GM: But the pilot punches out just inthe nick of time
[09:23:19] Hawk: ((Init)
[09:23:49] Hawk: (( How tough is a revenant? ))
[09:23:51] GM: (9You can inturrupt if you like, there is one enemy unit ahead of you before your actions))
[09:24:05] Hawk: (( Interrupt then ))
[09:24:45] GM: ((a revenant, is a BEAST, ask around, 650 main body, 500 shield.
[09:24:48] Hawk: ((( mmm - and now comes a little Bombs over Baghdad ))
[09:25:05] Hawk: (( goodie - Alright ))
[09:25:22] GM: However, the Revvie made it's strike.
[09:25:43] Hawk Selects the firing Revenant as his main target and unleashes an 8 missile HEAP Volley
[09:25:54] GM: roll strike
[09:26:02] Hawk: [1d20+6] => [18,6] = (24)
[09:26:15] GM: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[09:26:50] Hawk: (( Damage? ))
[09:26:51] GM: The revvies PD blasters go into action but at this range the travel time is to fast for them to connect with the incoming. Roll damage.
[09:27:09] Hawk: [16d6] => [6,5,1,4,1,1,1,5,4,2,4,2,2,5,2,4] = (49)
[09:27:19] Hawk: ((( so 490 ))
[09:27:46] GM: You watch in horror as your missile volly is absorbed by energy shielding. The Reavers hull remains untouched
[09:27:50] GM: You have two action left.
[09:28:23] Hawk: "Stick 4 to Command! Encountering resistance. Condition nominal, proceeding forward and opening the way!"
[09:28:35] Cpt. Gleason (MARDET 2 CO): Roger that,
[09:29:03] Hawk Isn't horrified at all - goes full boost right at the Toaster and unleashes a second volley of 8
[09:29:14] Hawk: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[09:29:17] GM: strike
[09:29:19] GM: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[09:29:25] GM: [1d100] => [22] = (22)
[09:29:29] GM: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
[09:29:43] GM: Two missiles are knocked out of the air. damage on the remaining 6
[09:30:04] Hawk: [12d6] => [2,2,1,5,2,4,3,5,5,3,1,4] = (37)
[09:30:09] Hawk: (( 370 ))
[09:30:29] Hawk: "Stick 4! BURN THIS SUCKER!"
[09:30:35] GM: The Revvie staggers under the blow, the shields have dropped and the hull as taken damage.
[09:30:45] GM: You have one action
[09:31:18] Hawk Boosts right in past the Revv, grabbing it by the shoulder and forcing it to turn its body away from the squad while keeping under the synchrocannons angle of fire.
[09:31:32] Hawk: (( That should take an action I imagine ))
[09:31:32] GM: Roll piloting
[09:32:04] GM: rather roll a strike
[09:32:15] Lt. Jaron: (probably both)
[09:32:19] GM: nod
[09:32:35] GM: roll the piloting, then the strike
[09:33:26] Hawk: (( 79% ))
[09:33:32] Hawk: [1d100] => [63] = (63)
[09:33:40] Hawk: (( To close for comfort ))
[09:33:48] Hawk: (( Melee Strike? ))
[09:34:41] GM: Negative you overshot the enemy.
[09:34:53] GM: But, good news, you ARE behind it.
[09:35:05] Hawk: (( Well there is that, lol ))
[09:35:32] GM: On the other side of the base at 5000ft ASL (above sea level)…
[09:35:43] GM: Sarah, your action
[09:38:14] CWO3 Sarah keeps watching for any signatures or any battle issues for the moment, after Jaron blasted that one target. ( [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14) perc, [1d100] => [32] = (32) rsi vs. 75%, [1d100] => [72] = (72) tactics vs. 94%, [1d100] => [72] = (72) detect concealment vs. 85% )
[09:38:29] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, concealment vs. 75% ))
[09:40:38] CWO3 Sarah: (( *blinks at the silence and drops a pin* ))
[09:40:55] GM: Sarah, the tactics of this enemy are unorthodox…
[09:41:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehe ))
[09:41:38] GM: But you do see the three 'bikes heading off towards the South East.,
[09:42:47] CWO3 Sarah maneuvers for the bikes. "Got the bikes on scope from earlier, headed southeast." She moves to follow quickly, watching southeast to see what they might be heading for. [1d20+1] => [5,1] = (6) perc
[09:43:28] GM: You don’t notice anything 'noteworthy' along their route.
[09:43:41] GM: or ahead of it for that mater.
[09:44:01] GM: 1 action left
[09:44:56] GM: Komi you are after Sarah
[09:45:42] CWO3 Sarah frowns a little at that. "Something's definitely off about what they're doing here. They might be testing out new tactics against us, or something else."
[09:46:02] GM: Still an action left…
[09:46:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( grr. :p kk ))
[09:49:05] Lt. Jaron coms "Noted Noble 4-1. Just mark their direction until we get things cleared up here"
[09:49:25] CWO3 Sarah nods quickly. "Acknowledged." She marks it on scope and breaks to return to formation.
[09:49:35] CWO3 Sarah: (( all that is an action just about, methinks. :p ))
[09:49:40] GM: KOmi
[09:49:46] 2 LT Komillia will do her own surveying to determine what the Haydonites are up to. [1d20] => [8] = (8) PERC, [1d100] => [71] = (71) vs 70 RSI
[09:50:11] Lt. Jaron: (can we get a mappy? if not, no biggie)
[09:50:27] 2 LT Komillia then aims at the cokpit again, to finish off the tank, with the shoulder cannons being back up. [1d20+14] => [9,14] = (23) [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[09:50:56] GM: Komi…Jaron blew your tank to hell and gone with missile.s
[09:51:49] Lt. Jaron: (overKILL!)
[09:52:32] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[09:52:32] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[09:52:43] 2 LT Komillia: ((then nearest I can spot)) I think I need to mop the floor with a kill stealer…
[09:52:46] GM: Damage komi
[09:52:57] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 140 [4d6*10] => 130
[09:53:31] GM: The Reaver is wasted!
[09:53:36] GM: Jaron
[09:55:02] Lt. Jaron circles about to survey the remaining enemies and facility status (perception [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13) sensory [1d100] => [9] = (9) vs 75)
[09:56:02] GM: Jaron you see a assault unit of MARDET forces in combat on the tarmac of the Haydonite base.
[09:56:28] Lt. Jaron: (good or bad for MARDET?)
[09:57:44] Hawk: ( Damnit Jaron! Take your thunderstorm back! I dun want it!!!! )
[09:58:07] GM: MARDET is holding their own, but there IS a revvie on the field, and thats NEVER good news, however, just to piss on your parade, there is a M2 Alpha, danger close.
[09:59:36] Hawk: (( For fair reference Chris, I took a 6Z ))
[09:59:50] GM: ((M2 = MARDET 2
[10:00:00] GM: ((I dun feel like typing it out…))
[10:00:04] Hawk: (( I know, just letting you know its a 6Z ))
[10:00:15] GM: ((kk))
[10:00:51] Lt. Jaron coms "Ok Noble, swarm the facility and clear the enemy forces. We have some friendlies there." He turns his alpha towards the Rev and fires nose laser as he flies over, transforming to battloid to land 50 or so yards away on the Flank of the Rev (dual nose [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15))
[10:00:58] Hawk: (( by the time Hawk and Komillia are done with it it will be like a Messiah, lol ))
[10:01:06] GM: ((nose lasers…really?
[10:01:16] Lt. Jaron: (hehe yea)
[10:01:28] GM: ((love ya Jaron, but, fire link is your froend here))
[10:01:55] GM: But the call is made…
[10:01:58] GM: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[10:02:05] GM: It's a hit…damage.
[10:02:21] Lt. Jaron: [4d8*2] => 28
[10:02:21] Hawk: "Captain! We have friendlies inbound on the facilitiy and come in to my firing line! Repeat friendlies inbound - Stick 4 watch your IFF but do NOT let them get in the way of our primary!"
[10:02:38] GM: Sware to god, next thing Suki does to CHEESE Jaron off is to fix his alpha to fire all gun if he wants to or not…
[10:03:10] Hawk: (( Whats he flying, an X-Wing? Its either tandem fire or nothing? LoL ))
[10:03:22] GM: You scuff paint with the lazzorz!
[10:03:49] GM: Two actions left Jeon
[10:04:04] Lt. Jaron coms "Noble team lending a hand" (hehe I rather do just nose incase I roll a 1 and light hawk up)
[10:04:13] Lt. Jaron: (Im good)
[10:04:22] GM: Oh thats a BS excuse and ya know it lol
[10:04:47] Lt. Jaron: (hehe well we all know you are an evil bastid =) )
[10:04:52] GM: lets see what Jaron WOULD have done if he had gone full guns…
[10:04:55] GM: [(5d6*10)+(5d6*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 668
[10:05:01] GM: Wow, that would have been a kill
[10:05:21] Hawk Coms - "Pilot I suggest you get clear of my location pronto! My boys are about to bring the rain!"
[10:05:43] GM: Ay you are next
[10:06:16] Lt. Jaron is clear (50 yds away)
[10:06:47] Hawk: ( Don’t make me static coms you again!! )
[10:06:56] Lt. Jaron coms "Then they'll be fine unless they are itchy"
[10:06:58] GM: 50 DKP minus if you do
[10:07:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol. :p :) ))
[10:07:24] Hawk: (( I can live with a 50 DKP Minus, I have like 1850 EPGP ))
[10:08:21] Hawk: (( and that was after months of decay, lol ))
[10:09:11] GM: Ay?
[10:09:13] Lt. Jaron: (im done if you was wondering)
[10:09:22] GM: nod nod
[10:09:24] Hawk Coms - "It's not them I am worried about Pilot. You are in my OOP! Move it or lose it!"
[10:09:29] GM: I saw Ay typing so…
[10:10:02] Hawk: ( I see Chris plotting… it makes me more nervous then seeing Chris unfing )
[10:10:20] Lt. Jaron gives an audible "pffft"
[10:10:24] Hawk: ( And James is napping, not studying )
[10:10:33] GM: ((Jaron, you should tell him "It is I, Noble ACTUAL that comes to your aid! BOW and PROSTRATE yourself before me!))
[10:10:42] Lt. Jaron: (hehehe)
[10:10:46] 2Lt. Aylanea maneuvers to see about what targets are close at hand, taking a shot at one with beta guns and nose lasers. [1d20+14] => [2,14] = (16)
[10:11:02] GM: Whatever it was you were shooting at, you missed.
[10:11:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, that sucked. ))
[10:11:08] Hawk: ( I might have to have my Alpha lubricate on his mechnical boot if he does that, lol )
[10:11:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( anything close to her. :p ))
[10:11:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or is there anything close to her? :p ))
[10:11:34] GM: Well, I dunno, might wanna look at your screens.
[10:11:55] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around again for targets of opportunity quickly. [1d100] => [68] = (68) rsi (73%), [1d20] => [18] = (18) perc
[10:12:54] GM: Well you see the retreating bkes, and theay are about three miles out plus now. There is a scuffle on the tarmac, and then there is the REST of the battle.
[10:13:59] 2Lt. Aylanea hmms at that, and flies towards the general direction of Jaron for the moment.
[10:14:09] GM: 1 action left
[10:15:53] GM: Ay?
[10:16:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I'm done, I think ))
[10:16:20] Lt. Jaron coms to Hawk after he quits smirking to himself "We are same team. We assist where needed until we can get into the facility"
[10:16:31] GM: Okay, back to teh tarmac
[10:17:01] GM: The enemy ground pounders open up on [3d5] => [5,5,3] = (13)
[10:17:13] GM: Twice at you Anton, once at one of your boys.
[10:17:21] Hawk Com - "Pilot we might be wearing the same uniform and taking orders from the same military - but we are not on the same team!"
[10:17:27] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[10:17:27] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[10:17:40] Hawk: (( dodge on both ))
[10:17:41] GM: One is an insta miss
[10:17:47] GM: the 2 dont roll for
[10:18:11] Hawk: (( kk ))
[10:18:47] GM: need that dodge roll
[10:18:56] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:18:56] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[10:18:56] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:18:57] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[10:18:57] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[10:18:57] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[10:18:59] Hawk: [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[10:19:15] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[10:19:15] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[10:19:15] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[10:19:16] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[10:19:17] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28)
[10:19:17] Haydonite Forces: [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
[10:19:39] Lt. Jaron: (wow, your team got smoked)
[10:19:59] Hawk: (( yeah really ))
[10:20:13] Hawk: (( This is where the Loner Feat from D&D comes in handy, lol ))
[10:20:26] GM: Stick 4 does marginal damage, teh enemy is just that nimble. [5d6*10] => 150, and [5d6*10] => 100
[10:21:07] GM: Two reavers are reeling, but beyond that the enemy is still viable. One more melee round and you are inside the base.
[10:21:12] Hawk does a quick scan on the condition of the Revv's condition before scanning the unit status board for damages and casualties
[10:22:00] Hawk: (( Need a roll? ))
[10:22:23] GM: The Revvie, damaged as it is, unable to hit the target behind with it's main gun, opens fire on a distant Alpha with the Synchro cannon, while the two wraith cannons opne fire on the danger close target (You anton)
[10:22:38] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[10:22:38] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+8] => [7,8] = (15)
[10:22:38] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[10:22:57] GM: Anotn, the 23 is yours to dodge
[10:23:22] Hawk: "…Gotta silence that synchrocannon!.." ((Init after the dodge ))
[10:23:23] GM: whoopes sorry, the 15 and 11
[10:23:24] Hawk: [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[10:23:29] GM: my bad, the 15 and 11 are your
[10:23:34] Hawk: (( Dang, thats twice, lol ))
[10:23:40] Hawk: [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15)
[10:23:42] GM: AD FTW
[10:23:50] GM: Anton you escape harm
[10:24:06] UEEF Forces: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[10:24:19] UEEF Forces: [1d100] => [65] = (65)
[10:24:41] Hawk Boosts hard upwards and from above unleashes a salvo of 4 HEAP's in to the Synchrocannon of the Revv!
[10:24:52] GM: However, the Revvie pastes another Alpha, the pilot is unable to esacpe.
[10:25:07] GM: roll
[10:25:13] Hawk: (( Shouldnt my action have come first since I declared it right after the dodge? ))
[10:25:34] Hawk: [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[10:25:37] Lt. Jaron: (you need to inform him of the interrupt)
[10:25:45] Hawk: (( I did ))
[10:25:58] GM: Honestly, 4 HEAPS, even with a nat 20 wouldnt kill the Revvie fast enough for the shot to get out…
[10:25:59] Lt. Jaron: (init=initiative =) )
[10:26:21] Hawk: (( He said just state Init whenever I wanted to cut in - and thank you Jaron, I am aware, lol ))
[10:26:36] Hawk: (( I am targeting the cannon specifically ))
[10:26:46] GM: kk, hold tight
[10:27:00] Hawk: (( its only 220 MDC, LoL ))
[10:27:38] GM: okay, im'a give this one, roll damage, IF you get over 210 MD, you spoil the shot.
[10:28:11] Hawk: [8d6] => [6,2,5,4,5,1,4,4] = (31)
[10:28:18] Hawk: (( 310 ))
[10:28:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:28:31] GM: the cannon is blasted and the shot fizzles.
[10:28:35] Hawk: (( Didn’t just soil that shot - blew the gun! woot! Who gonna check me? ))
[10:28:36] GM: blasted
[10:28:54] GM: you have two action to go,
[10:29:36] Hawk Comm - "Alright Noble, you want to have some fun? Finish off the Revv, Stick 4 has a mission to complete. All Remaining stick 4 units, break off and head for the facility!"
[10:29:49] Lt. Jaron coms "Noble team, get to facility ASAP, going in soon"
[10:30:26] GM: The remaining reavers open fire on the assualting Stick 4 [3d4] => [4,4,3] = (11) (4 is Anton)
[10:30:36] Hawk transforms over to fighter mode at barely 50ft from the ground and goes full throttle for the main doors, watching for enemies guarding it (Detect Ambush 52% )
[10:30:39] Hawk: [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[10:30:43] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21)
[10:30:43] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[10:30:46] Hawk: (( mm - not hot ))
[10:30:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol. ))
[10:30:57] GM: 1 = auto miss
[10:31:00] GM: 21 to beat
[10:31:15] Hawk: [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[10:31:20] GM: You dont detect snot lol
[10:31:28] GM: but are able to evade the ground fire
[10:31:29] Hawk: (( LOL, this game loves when I dodge ))
[10:32:01] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5) opens a private channel with Noble Actual.
[10:32:13] Hawk "Negative Noble! Negative! Do not violate the Mission ROE - This is stick 4's job, you want to help? Deal with the units on the Tarmac!"
[10:32:59] Hawk apparently has some snot, which he does not detect, on his face bowl.
[10:33:40] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5): Fairman (omg she used your last NAME, not net ID…or rank…) the enemy escaping to the south east. They are exhibiting odd behavior. I would like you or your unit to take a better look.
[10:34:22] Lt. Jaron watches the hotshot take off and glances around himself before thrusting up in the air "Roger that, I was really like my babysitting duty" (perception [1d20+4] => [10,4] = (14), detect conceal [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 80, detect ambush [1d100] => [44] = (44) vs 85)
[10:35:05] Cpt Ishida (Scythe 2-5) clicks the mike twice to acknowledge recipet of message.
[10:35:17] GM: Jaron..
[10:35:40] Lt. Jaron coms "Noble, new task. We are to follow those bikes from earlier" (the rolls was for one last look at the facility before lifting off)
[10:35:54] GM: Perc shows the revvie is emasculated, the synchro cannon is toast.
[10:36:06] GM: DC is a bust
[10:36:25] Hawk is a hot shot. So hot he shot the shot that was hot and blew away a synchocannon outright.
[10:36:49] GM: Ambush…well, there are plent of places for an ambush, but based on your earlier comms with the grond forces, you can let THEM find out for themselves.
[10:37:01] Lt. Jaron: (hehehe)
[10:37:38] GM: Sarah
[10:39:03] Hawk: (( I think shes dead, Jim ))
[10:39:10] GM: ((GM note, hit me fast back on turns, I have cool stuff I'd rather no wiat till next week to get too lol))
[10:39:18] Hawk: (( I think J.W. is also ))
[10:39:48] CWO3 Sarah nods quickly. "Acknowledged. Maneuvering to follow contac4ts to southeast." She adjusts and maneuvers to follow.
[10:40:07] GM: two turns to turn, no need for piloting.
[10:40:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk ))
[10:40:14] GM: Final action.
[10:41:16] CWO3 Sarah runs scan and watches for the bikes, or anything else that might be a problem.( [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14) perc, [1d100] => [79] = (79) perc vs. 75%, [1d100] => [17] = (17) detect ambush vs. 80%, [1d100] => [86] = (86) detect concealment vs. 75%)
[10:41:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( rsi vs. 75 on that 79, ,fail ))
[10:41:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( rather ))
[10:42:48] GM: Sarah, by and large you dont notice anything of any tacticle viablity. however you do note that the trio have entered some Tirolian ruins.And, that the ruin, in and of themselves offer a myriad locations for an ambush.
[10:43:01] GM: Komi
[10:43:10] GM: and then Jaron after
[10:45:29] CWO3 Sarah hmms into her radio as she looks. "Ruins. Lotta possible hiding spots."
[10:45:30] GM: Komi?
[10:45:39] Hawk: ( He's off AIM )
[10:45:45] GM: Jaron
[10:45:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( eek ))
[10:45:49] Lt. Jaron transforms to jet mode and takes off towards the SE soon to hit full speed. (wanna a pilot roll?) "Cerson, I want you stay in air over those ruins and run constant sensors while we search"
[10:45:49] Hawk: ( Was cut off mid-typing to me, I think he's dead )
[10:45:57] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep. .that's not good. ))
[10:46:12] Hawk: ( Can I shot him down and switch side to the obviously superior Haydonites? LoL )
[10:46:29] GM: Sure, if you want to
[10:47:29] CWO3 Sarah: (( lmao ))
[10:47:38] ENS Cersons: Roger that lead.
[10:48:00] GM: two actions left
[10:48:10] GM: ((wait one, Komi is back online
[10:48:14] Lt. Jaron: (take those to get to full speed)
[10:50:35] Hawk: ((….))
[10:51:10] GM: Komi had a fuse pop
[10:51:46] GM: he's working on a fix, so Jaron, one action left after your turn
[10:51:48] Hawk: ( (( Big bang baby, it's a crash, crash, crash / I wanna die, but I gotta laugh / Orange crush mama is a laugh, laugh, laugh / Spin me up, spin me, spin me ))
[10:52:32] CWO3 Sarah: (( heh, he found a fix. ))
[10:52:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( :D ))
[10:52:49] James (enter): 22:52
[10:53:01] Attempting to assign the role of Player to (10) James…
[10:53:02] Chris: Booting '(2) James' from room…
[10:53:03] James (exit): 22:53
[10:53:19] 2 LT Komillia: ((sorry fuse popped and wireless card died, had to find one to switch it out.))
[10:53:46] Hawk: ((Well, then, lets give you a rephresher… )
[10:53:49] GM: nod nod, it's your action,
[10:53:59] GM: ((sent him the back log in AIM already))
[10:53:59] Hawk: (7) Hawk: ( Can I shot him down and switch side to the obviously superior Haydonites? LoL ) (3) GM: Sure, if you want to (7) Hawk: ( BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA PREPAIR TO DIE, KLOWN! )
[10:54:15] Hawk: ( dang )
[10:54:22] GM: I'm fast like that
[10:54:26] Hawk: ( I wanted to suprise him for once in my life )
[10:54:37] GM: Jaron you do have one action left so… let me know about that
[10:55:00] GM: (9well if it makes you feel better, I didn't send him that portion of it))
[10:55:12] Hawk: ( I have a plasma missile saved for his ejection seat, and a salt filled frag missile for the slug, er, invid )
[10:55:53] Lt. Jaron: (Negative Im done.)
[10:55:56] 2 LT Komillia loks around for potential enemy hiding spots. [1d20] => [8] = (8) Perc, [1d100] => [3] = (3) vs 70 RSI
[10:56:37] GM: As Sarah noted, the ruins hold a myriad of hiding spots, gut tells you that barelling in there would be a mistake.
[10:57:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((What's the folliage like?))
[10:57:10] GM: What foliage
[10:57:19] GM: it's all colums and busted up walls
[10:57:19] Hawk: (( LOL ))
[10:57:29] 2 LT Komillia: ((anything to cause a potential landslide?))
[10:57:36] GM: Think ancient roman ruins in italy
[10:57:37] Hawk: (( Im posting that on the Pal boards ))
[10:58:31] GM: hell if you REALLY wanna go sci fi, 13th Colony ruins on Kobal
[10:58:46] 2 LT Komillia: ((time to do something stupid))
[10:58:52] GM: oh dear
[10:59:09] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehehehehehehe ))
[10:59:22] 2 LT Komillia: Well, I'm going to try an draw their fire, see if you can't spot where they are hiding. ((dt))
[10:59:23] Hawk: (( I shouldnt have had so much sugar, I am dieing of laughter over here ))
[11:00:29] 2 LT Komillia flies at max speed at near ground level through the ruins just trying to be ever so slightly evasive. She also does so before anybody can remind her how bad of an idea this is.
[11:00:46] GM: Ay your turn
[11:00:51] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [100] = (100) vs 95 piloting
[11:00:57] GM: Oh…
[11:01:00] GM: well then
[11:01:05] Lt. Jaron: (omfg)
[11:01:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((rofl))
[11:01:20] GM: Komi…say hello to 4500 year old marble column
[11:01:29] Lt. Jaron: (can I say eject, eject?)
[11:01:31] Hawk: (( OH GOD! OH GOD! MAKE IT STOP! LMAO!!! ))
[11:01:45] 2Lt. Aylanea maneuvers to look over the area, as well, glacing about quickly at the ruins and whatnot. [1d20] => [14] = (14) perc, [1d100] => [67] = (67) rsi vs 75%
[11:01:59] 2 LT Komillia: ((it's marble, hardly an MDC structure…))
[11:02:55] 2 LT Komillia: ((now flying into a giant synchro cannon about to fire, that would be hilarious.))
[11:03:08] Hawk: (( Its ancient Tyrolian Marble, for all you know its made of something stronger then MDC Value )
[11:03:33] 2 LT Komillia: ((Giga-damage is for damage only, there is no GDC…))
[11:04:14] 2 LT Komillia: Huzzah! Defacing the oppressor's ruins!
[11:04:15] GM: [(10d10)*31] => 1550
[11:04:33] Hawk: (( GDC - God Moding Capacity? ))
[11:05:03] Hawk: (( LMAO 1550! )
[11:05:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((Giga Damage Capacity it was in Rifter 9 1/2))
[11:05:13] GM: Okay, Jaron you asked in whisper…what do you wish to do?
[11:05:19] Hawk: (( figures ))
[11:05:21] GM: Komi, you might want to eject.
[11:05:38] 2 LT Komillia: ((I'm going to get another 100, just watch))
[11:05:44] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [27] = (27)
[11:05:49] GM: Ay, you faceplam as Komi head right TOWARDS a sturdy set of ruins.
[11:05:54] 2 LT Komillia: ((dammit, not as funny.))
[11:06:35] GM: Komi, your Bitching Betty goes from "Terain Pull up, Terrain Pull Up." to "PULL THE FUCK UP YOU CARZY BITCH!"
[11:06:37] Hawk: (( Ruins! What ruins! It looks like the bunker after Han Solo blew it up by now! LOL ))
[11:06:52] Lt. Jaron: (either one of those options ok?)
[11:07:04] 2Lt. Aylanea shakes her head just a little bit at that, raising her eyebrows. "Erk…" She frowns a little bit at that, flying down to see if she can assist Komi in any way.
[11:07:45] GM: Komi you pull the 'loud handle' and punch out just before your brand spanking, new bioroid smell mecha plows right into a wall.
[11:08:44] 2 LT Komillia: ((and probably getting shot at by haydonites, or about to be captured by them…))
[11:08:48] Cpt. Ishida facepalms back waaaay behind the lines as the telemetry comes in
[11:08:52] Cpt. Ishida: Dumbass.
[11:09:17] GM: ((sorry, Japanese…baka.
[11:10:06] Hawk: (( thats idiot - I think that called for a hearty american dumbass though, lol ))
[11:10:11] Lt. Jaron soon arrives and sees all sorts of dust and shit in the air "What the hell…"
[11:10:16] GM: Hijinx aside, Ay, you note a Haydonite Fold Platform in the center of the ruins.
[11:10:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[11:11:17] 2Lt. Aylanea frowns just a little bit at the ruins themselves. "There's a fold plat form in the middle of the ruins."
[11:11:27] GM: Anton, as suddenly as it was there, the air support is GONE. You're not sure whether to be happy or not.
[11:12:11] Lt. Jaron transforms to battloid to land "What happened XO?"
[11:12:23] GM: The old saying'be careful what you wish for' holds true.
[11:12:43] 2 LT Komillia: ((Komi will claim mechanical failure, and there's not enough left of the Bioroid to prove her wrong…))
[11:12:58] Hawk decides he isn't suprised - what do you expect from 2-Bit Aviators in a 64-Bit battle? Is to busy focusing though to really worry about the missing planes.
[11:13:10] GM: Sneaky, I'll need some trust charm rolls aftewards.
[11:14:31] GM: The enemy contiues to fire on youas you enter the base. Your unit, all two that is left is clear of enemy tarmac fire. But you Anton sir, are still on the 'mac.
[11:14:55] GM: Thusly, the enemy have only you to shoot at
[11:15:04] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[11:15:05] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [16,6] = (22)
[11:15:05] Haydonite Reaver: [1d20+6] => [19,6] = (25)
[11:15:39] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[11:15:39] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[11:15:39] Haydonite Revenant: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[11:15:52] Hawk: (( WEEE! ))
[11:16:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ol ))
[11:16:09] Hawk: (( I didn't fly inside you know! ))
[11:16:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol, too ))
[11:16:26] GM: I know you didn't
[11:16:39] Hawk: (( Was hoping it made a diffrence ))
[11:16:43] GM: You are behind the revvie,
[11:17:12] GM: and have gotten Toaster Aggro of the worst kind
[11:17:14] Hawk: (( Oh I am waaaaaaaay past him by now - went to fighter mode and blasted off for the base doors ))
[11:17:38] Hawk: (( Need to make 6 Dodges? ))
[11:17:47] GM: correct
[11:18:02] Hawk: [6d20+12] => [8,4,15,3,14,20,12] = (76)
[11:18:33] Hawk: (hrm, didnt work out exactly like I planned that too ))
[11:18:54] GM: 3 hits (one revaer, two revvie)
[11:19:27] Hawk: (( so thats actually 20, 18, 27, 15, 26, 32 (Nat 20), and a 24 ))
[11:19:44] Hawk: (( Can I roll with the 3 hits? ))
[11:19:49] 2 LT Komillia: ((no, that last 12 was the +12))
[11:20:03] GM: [2d6x10] => 2d6x10 to the [1d100] => [57] = (57) / [1d100] => [42] = (42)
[11:20:10] GM: [2d6*10] => 30
[11:20:29] GM: 30 upper left leg Alpha
[11:20:34] Hawk: (( Roll with hits or no roll with hits? ))
[11:20:49] GM: energy, no RPF avail
[11:20:59] Hawk: (( thats Parry ))
[11:21:20] GM: [4d4*10] => 130 [1d100] => [25] = (25) and [4d4*10] => 90 [1d100] => [73] = (73)
[11:21:27] Hawk: (( unless you are house ruling on it ))
[11:22:10] GM: 130 left shoulder and 80 Left tail
[11:22:34] Hawk: ( Shoulders gone )
[11:22:42] GM: your left shoulder/arm and tail are blwon clean off
[11:23:38] Hawk: ( tail still has 20 MDC )
[11:23:39] GM: there are three more reavers on deck, but by the time it is their turn you are in the bay, and thusly under cover
[11:23:56] GM: Shoulder trumps, becuase without that the arm is moot
[11:24:33] Hawk: ( I wonder how that works in fighter mode - I guess its like having the engine nacell blown off ))
[11:24:41] GM: basially, in battloid mode you have no more left arm
[11:24:54] GM: and in fighter mode, no left top engine
[11:25:00] Hawk: (( It doesnt split the stabilizers in to multiple sections though, it just gives it 1 entry ))
[11:25:12] GM: with the shoulder gone, the arm is gone
[11:25:21] GM: since the shoulder holds the arm to the mecha
[11:25:51] Hawk: (( oh it does, nvm ))
[11:25:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehehe ))
[11:28:08] GM: End result, Anton you are in the base missing a left arm, Komi you are floating down to terra firma ina chute and the rest of yall are good to go