[07:27:15] GM: Okay, sum up, (and with a subtle wave of my hand, all retcon issues are neatly cleaned up.) Your initial push cleared out any meaningful resistance from the 'Twins' rock formation. But the follow thru push on the 'Half-dome' rock formation faltered.
[07:29:00] GM: An 'Alpha' strike of bombers dropped their sticks (bombs) on the enemy formations at the base of 'Half-dome' after the 'half-dome formation' itself was rendered untenable by Jaron's missiles.
[07:29:56] GM: Some enemy moved to retreat, but a counter push of Pods and Bioroid mecha, retook the 'Half-dome' position.
[07:30:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( woo ))
[07:30:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( *watches for the map* ))
[07:31:07] GM: The enemy occupy the 'Heap' (as the old half-dome is now called on the radio net) and the 'Four Sisters' (the four smaller rock formations around the base of the Heap/
[07:31:19] GM: (no map, only confuses folks)
[07:31:37] CWO3 Sarah: (( d'aww, oh ))
[07:31:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( *snif* :) ))
[07:31:41] GM: (you can draw one if you want and I'll correct it…))
[07:31:49] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[07:31:51] Lt. Jaron: (=( )
[07:32:35] GM: You're killin me smalls….
[07:32:52] GM: FINE…./grumble mutter…
[07:33:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe, sorry ))
[07:34:08] Febrith Sent: ((builds a reflex cannon array out of a paper clip, a circuit board and a can of protoculture, then proceeds to write my name on the country side.)))
[07:34:51] GM: I'm sorry Fab, your MacGyver Level is far to low…
[07:35:42] GM: Now, had you added an avocado pit, a rubber bad and a Billy Idol album on 8-Track…we might have been able to work something out.
[07:36:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[07:36:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( :D ))
[07:38:25] GM: Okay, a obviously frustrated Captain Utenaru has ordered you back into action, chop chop.
[07:38:44] Lt. Jaron: (APC locations?
[07:39:05] GM: ((oh if only Feb where here, she could tell you the source of that frustration…))
[07:40:25] 2 LT Komillia: ((as well as how to exploit it to get reflex cannon armed VTs, it'd take 2 years and about 3 tons of feathers but…))
[07:40:31] GM: Now, recall, those APC's are pretty much the same size as a Artemis GMU…
[07:40:40] CWO3 Sarah maneuvers back into position behind the others, trying to survey battlefield conditions for the moment. [1d20+1] => [6,1] = (7) perc and [1d100] => [88] = (88) rsi vs.75%
[07:40:45] CWO3 Sarah: (( arg ))
[07:41:48] GM: Even before inits are asked for….for shame, okay, Inits.
[07:42:02] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[07:42:09] GM: As PUNISHMENT, nayhahaha, those rolls stand Sarah dear
[07:42:23] 2 LT Komillia heads out into the fray and looks for a good spot to set down to do some sniping as well as general battlefield conditions. [1d20] => [15] = (15) PERC [1d100] => [79] = (79) vs 65 RS
[07:42:27] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
[07:42:37] Lt. Jaron flies up high and ponders a moment perception [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21), tactics [1d100] => [45] = (45) vs 85 , sensors [1d100] => [81] = (81) vs 65; Initiative [1d20+5] => [18,5] = (23)
[07:42:43] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6] => [17,6] = (23)
[07:42:43] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6] => [2,6] = (8)
[07:42:43] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6] => [7,6] = (13)
[07:42:43] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6] => [14,6] = (20)
[07:42:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12)
[07:43:03] GM: Init Jaron>?
[07:43:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( read what he posted up ))
[07:43:18] 2 LT Komillia: ((It's the last roll in his spiel))
[07:43:36] GM: ahhh added it to the end….sneaky bastard
[07:43:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe] ))
[07:46:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *battles a nosebleed irl* ))
[07:46:57] 2 LT Komillia: ((this is why you don't look at porn during game time.))
[07:47:20] GM: Ay got into Suki and Sarah's home movies again…
[07:48:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( still think it'll be funny if I have to afk for 20 mins to get it fixed? *trying to avoid that now* ))
[07:49:17] GM: As you all wheel about the enemy gunners atop the APC's open fire with machine guns that look like fully automatic version of what Komi has hand held.
[07:49:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh shizz. :) ))
[07:49:56] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6-8] => [6,6,-8] = (4)
[07:49:56] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6-8] => [5,6,-8] = (3)
[07:49:56] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6-8] => [4,6,-8] = (2)
[07:49:56] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+6-8] => [10,6,-8] = (8)
[07:50:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[07:50:24] Zentraedi Forces: ((oh, you just want me to wipe that smirk off yer face dont you…))
[07:50:28] 2 LT Komillia: ((so don't roll 1s?))
[07:50:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yup ))
[07:50:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [2,20] = (22)
[07:50:52] GM: Umm, guys…
[07:51:02] GM: let me let you know who's being shot at
[07:51:07] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh. kk ))
[07:51:12] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[07:51:14] GM: No use putting the cart before the horse here
[07:51:24] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [11,13] = (24)
[07:51:54] GM: [4d4] => [4,4,3,3] = (14) 1 A, 2 J, 3 K, S 4
[07:52:03] GM: Two at Sarah, and 2 at Komi
[07:52:25] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [6,11] = (17)
[07:52:27] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [9,11] = (20)
[07:52:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( dere ))
[07:52:44] Lt. Jaron: (why even roll against 4,3 or 2)
[07:52:56] GM: Because, you might Just mess up…
[07:53:04] Lt. Jaron: (umm they missed)
[07:53:32] GM: Their Strike roll base was above 2, so, they get the chance to hit, that you must beat.
[07:53:33] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [2,13] = (15)
[07:53:48] 2 LT Komillia: ((stupid sneezes.))
[07:53:51] GM: Now, Komi on the other hand rolled a natural 2, that’s a bork…
[07:54:10] Lt. Jaron: ( I don’t think so but whatever)
[07:54:48] GM: No, it's fair, because even with a 1 or a two there is still the chance to hit, if any of the rolls total had been in negative numbers then yeah, don’t bother.
[07:55:14] That's the Tab key, Dave
[07:55:18] GM: I have to go off the natural strike roll for auto fail.
[07:55:28] GM: not adjusted
[07:56:05] GM: [1d10*10] => 90 to [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[07:56:42] GM: Komi, one of your engines (you pick, gets taken for 90)
[07:57:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( *glues Komi on* ))
[07:58:06] GM: And Komi, it's your turn, one of your thrusters is holed and gives out.
[07:59:16] 2 LT Komillia takes aim at the idiot that holed her's pilot's compartment, then follows up with the cannons. ((Aimed Called shot takes 2 actions)) [1d20+14] => [17,14] = (31) [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[08:00:22] Zentraedi MPA: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[08:00:22] Zentraedi MPA: [1d20+8] => [19,8] = (27)
[08:00:47] GM: Your first shot hits, but the follow thru misses.
[08:01:25] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 150
[08:02:52] GM: You hit hard, tearing a chunk form his side, the pilot uses his last attack to get behind cover leaving a trail of sparks, smoke, and blood behind him.
[08:03:04] GM: Sarah
[08:04:26] CWO3 Sarah: (( just gunners on the APCs? Mkay. ))
[08:04:55] GM: Well yeah, plus who might be inside…
[08:05:14] GM: Average APC carries 10 to 13 troopers
[08:05:23] CWO3 Sarah goes for one of the gunners quickly, firing full guns for effect. [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[08:05:38] GM: [1d20+6] => [13,6] = (19)
[08:05:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( ouch ))
[08:05:54] GM: The gunner 'parries your shots with the blast shield on the gun mount.
[08:06:10] CWO3 Sarah immediately follows up with another such burst, quickly. [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[08:06:17] GM: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[08:06:25] GM: Those punch thru
[08:07:40] CWO3 Sarah: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 804
[08:07:49] GM: roll damage for the first shots as well please,
[08:07:54] CWO3 Sarah: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 826
[08:08:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( dual GAU-14 with API, 2 EU-13, and nose lasers ))
[08:08:32] GM: Your two bursts rip the gunner, gun mount and roof off the APC shredding 3 other troopers inside.
[08:09:23] GM: Inside the APC bed, in a 4 foot deep pool of blood (by human standards) the other Zents in the bay turn their side arms skyward and open fire.
[08:09:46] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [1,6,-8] = (-1)
[08:09:46] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [14,6,-8] = (12)
[08:09:47] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [17,6,-8] = (15)
[08:09:48] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [14,6,-8] = (12)
[08:09:48] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [5,6,-8] = (3)
[08:09:49] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [10,6,-8] = (8)
[08:09:49] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [18,6,-8] = (16)
[08:09:49] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [4,6,-8] = (2)
[08:09:50] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [6,6,-8] = (4)
[08:09:50] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [12,6,-8] = (10)
[08:09:50] GM: [1d20+6-8] => [10,6,-8] = (8)
[08:10:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( I'll let those RSI rolls stand for my 3rd, since I did it too soon ))
[08:10:15] GM: My rolls for who they are hitting exclude their rolls with negative numbers…
[08:10:31] GM: [10d4] => [2,2,4,2,2,4,4,1,4,1] = (26)
[08:11:26] Lt. Jaron: [3d20] => [18,13,1] = (32)
[08:11:42] Lt. Jaron: +14
[08:11:44] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [18,11] = (29) [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15) [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26) [1d20+11] => [12,11] = (23)
[08:12:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [17,20] = (37) [1d20+20] => [14,20] = (34)
[08:12:31] GM: A 12, 15, 3 and 8 at Jaron, a 12, 16, 2, and 10 at Sarah, and an 8 and 4 at Ay
[08:12:51] GM: Jaron is hit on the nat 1
[08:13:07] GM: Sarah is hit by the 16
[08:13:16] GM: all other shots miss
[08:13:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep ))
[08:13:57] GM: [2d4*10+30] => 70 to Jaron [1d100] => [83] = (83) [1d100] => [97] = (97) and [2d4*10+30] => 90 [1d100] => [6] = (6) [1d100] => [34] = (34) at Sarah
[08:14:45] GM: Jaron, 70 to beta Pilot's compartment, which…is vacant at this moment.
[08:15:14] GM: Sarah, 90 to the Alpha L Lower Leg
[08:15:20] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk ))
[08:15:42] GM: Jaron and Ay, your turns, in that order
[08:16:42] Lt. Jaron unloads 10 missiles at APC [1d20+9] => [2,9] = (11)
[08:18:04] GM: nat 2, Missiles churn up a lot of dirt but the targeted APC keeps on trucking
[08:18:43] GM: ((and to preempt anything, if, IF you roll 4 ones in a row, then you can bitch at me…))
[08:19:23] Lt. Jaron tries again with volley of 10 [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
[08:19:41] GM: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[08:20:25] GM: The enemy APC launches all it's smoke lances…not all that useful, BUT it's something and does make the guy feel better…. (Ay, your strikes will be at a -3) Jaron, roll damage
[08:20:48] Lt. Jaron loops to the right to prepare for another run (done) [20d6*10] => 720
[08:21:58] GM: You missile impact and the APC is shredded
[08:22:33] GM: Ay, your turn, one of the APC's erupts into a fireball sending debris and body parts in all directions.
[08:23:09] 2Lt. Aylanea adjusts to fire at the other APC, since it wasn't taken out, and fires 10 missiles towards it. [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[08:23:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( the -3 taken off the +3 missile bonus ))
[08:24:09] GM: Well, naturally the gunner will try and shoot that volley down [1d20+6-8] => [8,6,-8] = (6)
[08:24:22] GM: That's a hit, lets see what happens.
[08:25:00] GM: [1d100] => [17] = (17)
[08:25:07] GM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
[08:25:22] GM: The missile hit, and one other is knocked out.
[08:25:33] GM: The gunner will try again [1d20+2] => [7,2] = (9)
[08:25:37] GM: [1d100] => [82] = (82)
[08:25:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( er? The missiles, you mean? ))
[08:25:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[08:25:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[08:26:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh ))
[08:26:10] GM: Yes, 2 missiles KO'ed by the guys first shot, the rest go up on his second.
[08:26:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *gets it, nm* ))
[08:26:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ack ))
[08:26:42] GM: You have two attacks, the enemy APC is full tilt heading towards the enemy base and energy shield, he will be there in 1 melee action
[08:27:37] 2Lt. Aylanea swears at the gunners trying that, switching to full guns, trying to take out one of the gunners… [1d20+14] => [3,14] = (17)
[08:27:42] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( marg. ))
[08:27:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( suck and fail ))
[08:28:03] GM: The gunner bangs on the hull yelling 'TURN TURN TURN!!!"
[08:28:13] GM: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
[08:28:29] GM: But alas, the driver turns to late and to slow…damage
[08:28:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 806
[08:29:19] GM: The rear of the APC is shredded, you take off the reay doors, killing the poor sap closest, as well as knocking out the rear right tire.
[08:29:31] 2Lt. Aylanea then fires another volley of 10, after that blast. [1d20] => [11] = (11)
[08:30:06] GM: You have one action left the enemy APC is in the shield, and…you MIGHT wanna pull up, or we can see who wins in a Fighter vs Shield battle…
[08:30:17] GM: Oh dear,
[08:30:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh, ignore that last attack then. ))
[08:30:35] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls up, ignore the missile firing. Yep, never happened.
[08:30:39] GM: Well, your missile are absorbed by the shield. roll a piloting -20%
[08:30:57] GM: ((I don’t think so…lol))
[08:31:08] GM: ((nah,I kid,
[08:31:11] GM: roll Piloting
[08:31:18] GM: but at -10%
[08:31:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100+10] => [62,10] = (72) vs. 78%
[08:32:22] GM: Ay you are able to twist your fighter away from certian doom at pretty much the last second.
[08:33:01] GM: meanwhile the rest of Nobel goes to work, and, the Artillery strike called form earlier is authenticated and released on the enemy. [4d20] => [16,12,7,2] = (37) Nobel effectivness and [2d20] => [10,4] = (14) Arty effectiveness
[08:33:52] GM: The area behind you is engulfed in missile and arty hits, and it's very difficult to see what the effect really is at this point.
[08:35:17] GM: There is a momentary lull in the battle, i.e. you aren’t getting shit at right at this moment….
[08:35:25] GM: shit, AND shot
[08:35:31] GM: what a country
[08:35:45] GM: so…
[08:35:52] GM: doing anything after the battle?
[08:36:24] GM: you know, get a drink…a bite to eat…
[08:37:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[08:37:21] Lt. Jaron: (smoke is covering how big & how many enemies in open?)
[08:38:23] CWO3 Sarah looks over the battlefield quickly, trying to see where all any fire is coming between the arty and missile hits, potentially, elsewhere on the battlefield. [1d20+1] => [16,1] = (17) perc and [1d100] => [9] = (9) rsi vs. 75%
[08:39:03] 2 LT Komillia will take a look around for a chance to get inside the Masters base, even if it's only a shot and not the whole mecha. [1d20] => [20] = (20) PERC, [1d100] => [42] = (42) vs 65 RSI
[08:39:16] 2 LT Komillia: ((Welcome to Valhalla.))
[08:39:23] GM: Boy howdy!
[08:39:29] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[08:43:17] GM: Komi, your results in whisper
[08:43:42] GM: Sarah, same
[08:45:08] GM: Carie hold
[08:45:12] GM: say nothing
[08:45:17] GM: let Komi post first
[08:46:14] GM: Jaron, need rolls form you for that info
[08:46:16] CWO3 Sarah: (( *noms on Komi* ))
[08:46:44] 2 LT Komillia: The shield goes down in the area when an NPC retreats into it, lots of enemy activity beyond. Two ships, Roil-Tiluvo class, being loaded by both human and Zent-sized techs. Some activity 3-4 klicks from here. They seem confident this shield isn't going down.
[08:47:10] GM: I assume NPC = APC
[08:47:44] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:47:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( I'd hope so, otherwise something totally meta and silly is going on ))
[08:48:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((yeah))
[08:49:07] GM: beyond that Jaron, the base info you wanted is on map
[08:50:50] GM: Okay, Carrie, go ahead, and Jaron still waiting on rolls.
[08:52:43] CWO3 Sarah keeps looking around and thinking,mostly looking at the ground and such. [1d100] => [52] = (52) tactics vs. 94%
[08:53:24] GM: Sarah, based on that tactics roll…in whisper
[08:53:31] GM: Still need those rolls Jaron
[08:56:01] GM: okay, you have your snap shot, inits.
[08:56:23] CWO3 Sarah frowns at the shield. "If we could get underneath the shield, we'd just need to take out two of the shield towers to drop a lot of it. If we could make a speed run at it…"
[08:56:30] GM: that and talk amongst yourselves…cause, If I'm not mistaken, you have some choices to make
[08:56:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( Jaron is idle on AIM. ))
[08:57:00] CWO3 Sarah: (( might have had a nature call or somethin ))
[08:58:04] Lt. Jaron: math [1d100] => [84] = (84), sensors [1d100] => [48] = (48) vs 65 for numbers of enemies.
[08:59:27] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [19,3] = (22)
[08:59:46] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
[09:00:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[09:00:09] GM: Okay, the intel is in, up to you now.
[09:00:45] Lt. Jaron: init [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10)
[09:01:23] GM: Let me know your course of action
[09:01:52] Lt. Jaron replies o Sarah "you mean digging?"
[09:03:15] CWO3 Sarah sighs. "Digging, any possible gaps caused by rock formations or anything else, anything like that."[09:03:21] 2 LT Komillia: We could have one of us force an enemy into retreat, while the others lie in wait to unload as much ordnance as possible into the shield gap. Should cause enough havoc for us to try and get in.
[09:04:47] CWO3 Sarah: "Digging is a last resort." She glances over towards Komi. "That might work…" She ponders it. [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs. 94%
[09:06:21] GM: ((great roll Sarah, what exactly are you looking for?))
[09:06:34] GM: ((and…what was the roll FOR?))
[09:06:50] CWO3 Sarah: (( Gee. I'm thinking about whether Komi's idea will work, and how to make it work. So tactics. ))
[09:09:56] CWO3 Sarah nods just a little, and looks to Jaron. "Whatever we do, we need to do it quickly."
[09:11:06] CWO3 Sarah: "Otherwise they're gonna blast it all behind them, and leave nothing but a pile of rubble. And we need to find those people who were taken from that attacked base. So can't be letting them do that."
[09:13:09] Lt. Jaron: "ok, let hit the deck and run it low. " (sorry wife & wife are needy tonight)
[09:13:36] 2 LT Komillia: ((I thought bigamy was illegal…))
[09:13:37] CWO3 Sarah nods quickly. "Yes, sir." She pulls down to the deck quickly.
[09:13:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[09:13:41] GM: Use [Feign Death]
[09:14:05] GM: Drops aggro in WoW…might work IRL
[09:14:09] Lt. Jaron: (hehe; wife & son)
[09:14:27] 2Lt. Aylanea nods. "Once we get in, I can go after one of the towers, we'll likely have to dodge a lot of fire to get shots to them."
[09:14:32] 2Lt. Aylanea pulls to the deck as well.
[09:14:38] GM: Okay, so what do you do, you have three points of interest, as well as Sarah input.
[09:15:22] GM: Yes, you have to choose
[09:15:57] Lt. Jaron: "Ay & Sarah hit the towers, the rest hit other forces"
[09:16:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: "Acknowledged!"
[09:16:11] CWO3 Sarah: "Acknowledged…"
[09:16:19] 2 LT Komillia: Roger.
[09:18:00] GM: Okay, reversing reverse init in this case, Komi, you have trump init. You are unleashed first.
[09:19:07] 2 LT Komillia aims and fires at the major weapon of the APC, then follows with the shoulder cannons. [1d20+14] => [16,14] = (30) [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[09:19:15] 2 LT Komillia: ((lol))
[09:19:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( *facepalms* ))
[09:19:33] GM: Indeed, talk about target fixation
[09:19:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( nice shootin kekeke ))
[09:20:01] GM: Roll damage, the APC is static, it's load debarked long ago
[09:20:12] GM: Your Shoulder cannons go into reset
[09:20:26] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 250
[09:21:12] GM: You do moderate damage, the APC rocks on it's shocks, but sits there.
[09:21:36] GM: Komi, you have one action left
[09:21:49] 2 LT Komillia: ((aiming TAKES an action.))
[09:22:06] GM: okay then
[09:22:07] GM: Ay
[09:22:11] 2 LT Komillia: ((and I shot at it's weapon, so that is one heavily armored weapon))
[09:22:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:23:02] GM: Kk, turret is damaged heavily. The gunner takes note of the direction of the assault.
[09:23:34] 2Lt. Aylanea looks at the APC, then looks around at the shield perimeter, thinking on a way to get the shield down. "Hopefully it'll pull back in a couple more shots…" She fires a full burst at the APC, quickly. [1d20+14] => [8,14] = (22)
[09:23:47] GM: Damage
[09:23:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 746
[09:24:38] GM: The APC see's it's left side shredded, a few tires are knocked out by Ay in guardian mode(only way she is firing at the enemy)
[09:24:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk. hehehe ))
[09:24:53] GM: [1d20+6] => [10,6] = (16)
[09:24:53] GM: [1d20+6] => [20,6] = (26)
[09:24:53] GM: [1d20+6] => [5,6] = (11)
[09:24:54] GM: [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[09:25:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ooooh. a nat 20. :) hehehe. ))
[09:25:38] GM: You have two actions left AY
[09:26:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[09:27:28] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to cut back to just the beta guns and nose lasers, to fire on one of the remaining guns or gunners (if no gunners, then just a gun), and avoid hitting the tires if she can. [1d20+14] => [17,14] = (31)
[09:27:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 362
[09:27:54] GM: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[09:28:29] GM: You catch the gunner and turret as he tries to duck inside. The gunner is ripped in half.
[09:29:23] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to take out another one then, to9 see if that'll coax it into retreating. [1d20+14] => [17,14] = (31)
[09:30:12] GM: Ay takes out a secondary weapon system on the APC, that being a smoke lance. the emasculated APC is further rendered impotent…
[09:30:27] GM: Sarah…
[09:31:19] GM: Sarah to get under the shield will take an action
[09:31:22] CWO3 Sarah frowns a little bit. "The APC is being blown to shreds, does it even have a driver anymore?" She tries to check infrared to see if she can see some life signs in it. [1d100] => [77] = (77) vs. 75% (rsi)
[09:31:29] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh. ))
[09:31:32] GM: same for you Jaron, you are after Sarah
[09:31:42] CWO3 Sarah: (( I'll do that then. ))
[09:31:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( didn't realize the gap was already there. ))
[09:31:50] CWO3 Sarah: (( :p ))
[09:31:55] CWO3 Sarah: (( brainfail ))
[09:31:59] GM: You cant tell Sarah, the damage being inflicted by Ay is throwing off your scanners
[09:32:08] GM: 1 action left
[09:32:10] Lt. Jaron: (any enemies covering the gap?)
[09:32:16] GM: Lots
[09:32:48] CWO3 Sarah pushes herself into the gap, and tries to find the tower to lock onto. [1d20+1] => [17,1] = (18) perc
[09:33:14] GM: The enemy has barricaded themselves behind a trench line of sorts as well as protecting key hardpoints.
[09:34:09] GM: Not hard to locate Sarah, there is a lot of visible energy coming from the tower ahead of you. The outside is heavily armored and guarded, the only entry is human sized.
[09:34:24] GM: Jaron
[09:34:30] Lt. Jaron heads for the gap after Sarah and fires 2 missiles at each enemy forces to her flanks [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13), [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[09:34:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh crud… lol. like, how heavily armored? ))
[09:35:00] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:35:51] GM: [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
[09:35:51] GM: [1d20+8] => [9,8] = (17)
[09:36:19] Lt. Jaron: (done)
[09:36:20] GM: The enemy fired on hits the deck and the missile chew up tarmac
[09:37:13] GM: An enemy MPA keys in on [1d4] => [3] = (3) and fires [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11), [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16) and [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[09:37:19] GM: Komi
[09:39:46] GM: A few more defenders open fire. [3d4] => [2,3,1] = (6)
[09:40:01] GM: @ At
[09:40:07] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[09:40:07] GM: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[09:40:07] GM: [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[09:40:17] GM: [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[09:40:17] GM: [1d20+7] => [17,7] = (24)
[09:40:17] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[09:40:18] GM: @ Jaron
[09:40:19] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22) [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16) [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[09:40:25] GM: and at Komi again
[09:40:25] GM: [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[09:40:27] GM: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[09:40:27] GM: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[09:40:36] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [2,12] = (14)
[09:40:37] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[09:40:37] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [14,12] = (26)
[09:40:38] CWO3 Sarah: (( was that one at meant to be Ay? ))
[09:40:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [16,20] = (36)
[09:40:57] GM: one hit on Komi
[09:40:59] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [6,20] = (26)
[09:41:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [9,20] = (29)
[09:41:01] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [6,20] = (26)
[09:41:02] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [13,20] = (33)
[09:41:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [19,20] = (39)
[09:41:14] GM: they miss
[09:41:25] 2 LT Komillia: ((does that include the first bunch or just the second?))
[09:41:26] GM: only the first three, on AY, the last three on Jaron
[09:41:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oh ))
[09:41:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( okay ))
[09:42:02] GM: Komi you still hav three more, 1 of the first set hit
[09:42:20] Lt. Jaron goes evasive [1d20+14] => [18,14] = (32), [1d20+14] => [12,14] = (26), [1d20+14] => [19,14] = (33)
[09:42:26] 2 LT Komillia: ((I made the second set of three, or is a third I need to worry about?))
[09:42:32] GM: Jaron is unhit
[09:43:28] GM: sorry, thanks Komi, two hit on set one, you still have set two to evade
[09:43:48] 2 LT Komillia: ((I've ROLLED THAT.))
[09:44:55] 2 LT Komillia: ((By my count I should have taken four hits))
[09:45:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( her rolls were 22, 16, 20, then 14, 16, 26 ))
[09:45:57] GM: 11, 16, and 21, 1st set Komi, the 16, 20, and 10, 2nd set, you first set dodges are 22, 16 (hit) and 20 (hit) , second set dodges are , 14 (hit) , 16 (hit), and 26
[09:47:07] GM: kk, so four hits
[09:47:19] 2 LT Komillia: ((Probably a comm break down somewhere, sorry for getting testy.))
[09:47:45] GM: [2d4*10+30] => 110 to [1d100] => [55] = (55)
[09:47:46] GM: [2d4*10+30] => 60 to [1d100] => [2] = (2)
[09:47:47] GM: [2d4*10+30] => 100 to [1d100] => [26] = (26)
[09:47:50] GM: [2d4*10+30] => 70 to [1d100] => [45] = (45)
[09:48:31] Lt. Jaron: (sorry but going to have to go all)
[09:48:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep… ))
[09:48:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[09:49:03] GM: …
[09:50:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((So how bad am I?))
[09:50:26] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( think it's stopped on account of announcement that Jaron had to go. ))
[09:50:38] GM: Komi, you take 110 to your R hand, then 60 to R shoulder, followed by 100 R upper arm and 70 R forearm. (your entire right arm is chewed apart.
[09:51:01] 2 LT Komillia: ((good thing I'm left-handed.))
[09:51:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:51:15] GM: Thank you Indigo Montoya
[09:51:56] GM: Komi, it is your action
[09:52:00] 2 LT Komillia: ((No, literally, I am IRL left-handed, so are all the characters I make (save some NPCS).))
[09:52:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[09:52:10] GM: hehe
[09:52:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( did not know that ))
[09:52:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( cool ))
[09:52:39] 2 LT Komillia aims and snipes the cockpit of the first idiot and then cannons the other one. [1d20+14] => [14,14] = (28) [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[09:52:53] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[09:52:53] GM: [1d20+8] => [1,8] = (9)
[09:53:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rotfl ))
[09:53:09] 2 LT Komillia: ((LOL))
[09:53:17] GM: Double hit, the enemy you find was laughing at the arm coming off, and was caught flatfooted
[09:53:30] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 230 [4d6*10] => 150
[09:54:00] GM: Your first shot shreds the sap, the second 'flips the can before it hits the ground'
[09:54:18] GM: Ay
[09:55:19] 2Lt. Aylanea moves in and looks around to find a tower that Sarah isn't going after [1d20] => [2] = (2) (perc)
[09:56:07] GM: Well since Sarah isn't actually after a tower, you have dibs…
[09:56:24] GM: the one on the left looks pretty…
[09:56:27] GM: two actions left
[09:56:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( how thick is the armor? :p :) ))
[09:56:51] GM: Pretty sturdy…
[09:56:56] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( you said 'thick armor', just not how thick. ))
[09:57:17] GM: I'm not giving you an MD value if that’s what you are looking for…
[09:57:22] 2 LT Komillia: ((14 cm of Tungsten armor. So it can take two torpedo hits. Oh wait… Wrong game.))
[09:57:44] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( I'm just generally meaning 'way too thick for the armament of the plane' or not. :p ))
[09:57:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( mostly ))
[09:57:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( anyway ))
[09:58:12] 2 LT Komillia: ((Fire EVERYTHING!))
[09:58:16] GM: Look, I can make paper mache look like 4 foot reinforced concrete with the right amount of paint hon…
[09:58:29] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to test the armor with 10 SRMs, to see just how thick it is. [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15)
[09:59:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: [20d6*10] => 610
[10:00:36] GM: Boom, you make a very nice divot, exposing a good deal of rebar, but the monolith holds.
[10:01:52] 2Lt. Aylanea mmmhs at that, and thinks, looking upward at where the emitter itself is, to see if anything is exposed above the tower. [1d20] => [17] = (17)
[10:02:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( like, the emitter or something showing somewhere. ))
[10:02:15] GM: ahh, yes
[10:02:33] GM: there is an armature at the tip of the tower that seems to be focusing the energy
[10:02:38] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oooooh. ))
[10:02:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kekekekeke ))
[10:02:54] GM: thats action three, so Sarah, your turn
[10:03:19] GM: (and so sad, Ay has no actions left to inform Sarah of this revelation
[10:03:38] 2 LT Komillia: ((sorry, had to make an emergency AFK, puppy got sick))
[10:03:47] CWO3 Sarah moves off as Ay fires on one tower, watching what the reaction to the missiles was, and looking for another tower… [1d20+5] => [5,5] = (10) (PC reading for tower generating large PC signal)
[10:03:51] GM: ((ewww….poor thing))
[10:03:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep! :( ))
[10:04:11] GM: Sarah don’t get shit
[10:04:30] GM: But what Ay did looked pretty cool…
[10:04:33] GM: pretty
[10:04:55] CWO3 Sarah frowns, checking her instruments then, for it. "C'mon…" She sighs. [1d100] => [56] = (56) rsi vs. 75%
[10:05:18] GM: Which tower are you 'probing?…"
[10:05:42] CWO3 Sarah: (( I'm probing to find a second tower, since two need to go down, and Ay and Sarah are supposed to be hitting one each to get them down quickly. :p ))
[10:05:52] CWO3 Sarah: (( I thought ))
[10:06:16] GM: okay, you find tower number two easily enough, it's about 1000 feet from you…
[10:07:05] CWO3 Sarah diverts for the second tower, giving it a quick lookover for vulnerable spots. [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
[10:07:09] CWO3 Sarah: (( and fail ))
[10:07:22] GM: it looks like a tower…
[10:07:26] GM: Jaron your turn
[10:07:35] CWO3 Sarah: (( he said he had to go, remember? ))
[10:08:02] GM: Sadly, you aren't able to pick out vulnerabilities, but, my that 2nd Dynasty architecture looks keen.
[10:09:46] GM: Jaron does Jaron type things. [1d4] => [4] = (4) 1-2 shoots at random enemy on ground , 3 shoots tower Ay hit, 4 shoot new tower (10 missiles for either tower) (2 missiles if at random joe)
[10:09:50] GM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
[10:09:50] GM: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[10:10:26] GM: [1d20+5] => [17,5] = (22)
[10:10:26] GM: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[10:10:26] GM: [1d20+5] => [9,5] = (14)
[10:10:27] CWO3 Sarah: (( don't forget, he only fires one random weapon at each enemy. ))
[10:10:33] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[10:10:33] GM: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[10:10:54] GM: Two random joes are in pain [4d6*10] => 150 and [4d6*10] => 180
[10:10:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh, all missiles. lol ))
[10:11:05] CWO3 Sarah: (( *keeps imagining him firing nose lasers at a tower* ))
[10:11:22] GM: and Ay's tower takes [20d6*10] => 760
[10:11:30] CWO3 Sarah: (( x2 ))
[10:11:34] CWO3 Sarah: (( critical hit' ))
[10:11:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( x3 for heap actually ))
[10:11:48] GM: [180*2] => 360
[10:11:53] GM: = extra dead
[10:12:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( tower one gone? ))
[10:12:13] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[10:12:24] GM: The Jaron kills shit! (oh noes) two zents are pasted at one of the towers collapses.
[10:13:05] GM: A few zents run for cover as the tower comes down, a few more open fire on [2d4] => [1,2] = (3)
[10:13:11] GM: [1d20+7] => [10,7] = (17)
[10:13:11] GM: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[10:13:12] GM: [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[10:13:12] GM: [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
[10:13:22] GM: 17 and 11 at Ay
[10:13:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [4,20] = (24)
[10:13:29] GM: and 21 and 13 at Komi
[10:13:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [12,20] = (32)
[10:13:39] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15)
[10:13:39] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [19,12] = (31)
[10:13:48] 2 LT Komillia: ((ff…))
[10:13:50] GM: Ay is like, cant hit me, I'm the gingerbread bitch!
[10:14:05] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( poor Komi ))
[10:14:08] GM: Komi is hit once.
[10:14:13] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *offers hugs* ))
[10:14:19] GM: [2d4*10+30] => 90 [1d100] => [71] = (71)
[10:14:38] GM: Upper right leg from behind Komi
[10:14:57] GM: new round for all, one free Perc roll.
[10:15:32] 2Lt. Aylanea looks at her IFF beacons for locations, and looks around. [1d20] => [16] = (16)
[10:15:51] GM: Ay roll a follow up RSI (free action)
[10:15:55] 2 LT Komillia: ((Alright, I'm trading my bioroid in for a better model. Gunbuster here I come))
[10:15:59] CWO3 Sarah looks at the tower a speck more. [1d20] => [10] = (10)
[10:16:03] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [19] = (19) perc
[10:16:16] GM: Same Komi, follow up RSI free action
[10:16:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d100] => [88] = (88) vs. 73%
[10:16:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( fail ))
[10:16:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:16:48] GM: Ay you see action towards the flight line, a pair of Roil's are closing up shop.
[10:17:17] GM: Sarah is like, oh such a might towers, like a phallic symbol it is.
[10:17:44] 2Lt. Aylanea wows at the shot of Jaron's, veering for a second. "Nice one…" She smiles a little and maneuvers around. "There's an easier way I think, though. There's a little spot on top that focuses the power…" She frowns. "Two ships are closing up shop, they're getting closer to getting away all the time…" She looks for another tower to go after, moving towards Sarah's position.
[10:17:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( that tower findable since Sarah is moving for it? ))
[10:17:56] GM: Komi RSI..
[10:18:05] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [14] = (14) vs 65
[10:18:09] That's the Tab key, Dave
[10:18:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow Komi ))
[10:18:22] GM: Sarah, has the tower in her cross hairs, just waiting to be attacked…
[10:18:57] GM: Komi, you pick up heat blooms in the Roil's engines, the pair are powering up for lift off.
[10:19:16] GM: And, it's Komi's turn
[10:19:20] 2 LT Komillia: ((Can I attempt to snipe the engines?))
[10:19:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( your turn actually ))
[10:19:29] GM: You sure can
[10:19:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep, heh ))
[10:19:36] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( go get em! ))
[10:19:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kekeke ))
[10:20:09] 2 LT Komillia aimes and snipes the engines on one and fires the cannons as supplement. [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13)
[10:20:11] GM: You need only aim once, and fire twice if you wish
[10:20:42] GM: Your sniper fire hits one, but the shoulder fire impacts the main body doing little
[10:20:44] GM: roll damage
[10:21:02] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 150 [4d6*10] => 100
[10:21:44] GM: your aimed shot blows the engine bell from the housing. The shoulder shot scuffs paint.
[10:21:55] GM: Ay
[10:22:13] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( okay, put my one thing above there… ))
[10:22:43] GM: ((note, Komi has said NOTHING in comms…))
[10:23:23] 2 LT Komillia: ((oops.)) Enemy craft are about to lift off (IF I can.)
[10:24:09] GM: You may
[10:25:44] 2Lt. Aylanea moves once she sees Sarah on that one, and adjusts to go after one of the crafts, on getting Komi's comm message. "Acknowledged, moving to fire on the engines." She pauses then. "Aim for that little armature on top, Chief, then once it's out, maybe we can keep those two big turkeys from taking off." She fires full guns for the engines of one of the big ships. [1d20+14] => [9,14] = (23)
[10:26:09] GM: ((umm, no, Komi never sent a message….))
[10:26:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( what do you think she was asking a moment ago ))
[10:26:33] 2 LT Komillia: Enemy craft is lifting off!
[10:26:42] GM: ((nice case of projection there..))
[10:27:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: (10:23:23) 2 LT Komillia: ((oops.)) Enemy craft are about to lift off (IF I can.)
[10:27:13] GM: link it cause I don’t see it
[10:27:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and you said she may. She was doing it 'if allowed' at the time, before I started my round. ))
[10:27:38] GM: sorry, , nem, okay
[10:28:11] GM: [1d20+3] => [15,3] = (18)
[10:28:33] GM: The ship lifts off, just as Ay opens fore and tears the second engine away. (damage)
[10:28:37] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 852
[10:28:46] GM: Next to it, the second Roil lifts off…
[10:29:16] CWO3 Sarah: (( with all the talking, moving, and adjusting for engines, I probably took all my actions ))
[10:29:18] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, as Ay ))
[10:29:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( yes/no? ))
[10:29:59] GM: you tell me…
[10:30:21] GM: I think you have two attacks left…
[10:30:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( okay ))
[10:31:01] 2Lt. Aylanea moves for the other Roil, anid fires for the engines, one full gun burst each. [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) [1d20+14] => [4,14] = (18)
[10:31:10] GM: [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
[10:31:10] GM: [1d20+3] => [16,3] = (19)
[10:31:19] GM: One hits as the ship lifts off
[10:31:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 792
[10:31:48] GM: You blow one engine housing away but the ship continues to lift off
[10:31:53] GM: Sarah
[10:32:27] CWO3 Sarah flies up quickly to fire on the armature as ordered, initially, with a full burst. [1d20+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[10:33:03] GM: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
[10:33:14] GM: It's a hit on the main body
[10:33:29] CWO3 Sarah: (( the armature on the tower has a main body? ))
[10:33:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( hhehe ))
[10:33:40] GM: oh nm
[10:33:46] GM: damage
[10:33:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( that's shot 1. ))
[10:33:52] CWO3 Sarah: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 782
[10:33:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( 2 and 3 are at the Roli. ))
[10:34:06] CWO3 Sarah: (( er, Roil ))
[10:34:07] GM: tore up, but still emitting energy]
[10:34:19] CWO3 Sarah swears, and fires at the armature again. [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[10:34:29] CWO3 Sarah: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 738
[10:35:22] GM: The armature is wasted, the shielding for a 1/3 of the base drops, and almost instantly the incoming rounds for previous arty strikes begin to impact.
[10:35:50] CWO3 Sarah cheers, and moves to fire on the engine of the Roil for her last shot, quickly. [1d20+7] => [12,7] = (19)
[10:36:40] GM: [1d20+3] => [3,3] = (6)
[10:36:43] GM: damage
[10:36:46] CWO3 Sarah: [((4d8*10)+20)+((4d8*10)+20)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 712
[10:37:25] GM: the engine is torn away and the Roil moves to crash land [1d100] => [56] = (56)
[10:37:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[10:37:36] CWO3 Sarah: (( woo ))
[10:37:49] GM: Lading in semi intact shape some 15 km from the base.
[10:37:54] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehehehe ))
[10:38:11] GM: Jaron provides over fire from other targets
[10:38:26] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [16,8] = (24)
[10:38:26] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[10:38:26] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[10:38:27] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [10,8] = (18)
[10:38:36] Zentraedi Forces: [2d4] => [1,3] = (4)
[10:38:46] Zentraedi Forces: 24 and 19 at Ay
[10:38:54] Zentraedi Forces: 16 and 18 at Komi
[10:38:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [19,20] = (39)
[10:39:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [18,20] = (38)
[10:39:20] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+12] => [2,12] = (14) [1d20+12] => [1,12] = (13)
[10:39:41] 2 LT Komillia: ((ROFL, Komi can't dodge to save her life tonight))
[10:39:46] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep ))
[10:39:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *hugs Komi* ))
[10:40:06] Zentraedi Forces: [2d4*10+30] => 70 [1d100] => [25] = (25) and [2d4*10+30] => 60 to [1d100] => [72] = (72)
[10:40:47] Zentraedi Forces: L upper arm 70, and L upper leg, 60
[10:42:41] Zentraedi Forces: The UEEF arty starts to do massive damage, and sends the defenders into cover and under areas where the shield is still functioning. Percs.
[10:42:55] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [6] = (6)
[10:43:02] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [13,1] = (14)
[10:43:52] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [7] = (7)
[10:44:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( *tickles Komi* lol ))
[10:47:23] GM: Ay and Sarah, you are unawares, given to the bloodlust as the towers come down..
[10:47:29] GM: Ay and Komi sorry
[10:48:26] GM: Sarah, on the other hand, the 'even headed Invid' notices a force of 13 Cyclones in motorcycle mode maneuvering at top speed towards one of the bases entry points.
[10:49:14] CWO3 Sarah blinks at her view. "13 Cyclones heading in to one of the base entry points at top speed."
[10:49:37] GM: Komi, you in your busted up mecha, your turn
[10:50:20] 2 LT Komillia: ((what's left to shoot at?))
[10:50:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( do we all notice the defenders running under areas where the shield is workingt? ))
[10:50:50] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:52:12] 2 LT Komillia fires at the nearest defender, aiming and sniping at the pilot's compartment, then firing twice with the sniper rifle. [1d20+14] => [13,14] = (27) [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[10:52:23] 2 LT Komillia: ((oh for the love of…))
[10:52:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:52:31] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( :D ))
[10:53:08] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( has the shield come down solid over remaining areas, or is there a way through to get to remaining generators to clear up more of the way for artillery? ))
[10:54:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( it's funny, too. the Invid should almost be the bloodlusting one against Masters and Zentraedi ;p\ ))
[10:55:16] GM: Komi, you fire on an enemy Zent firing on the cycles entering the base it is a blind side, but your second shot taxes the capacitors, and due to the damage you have been sustaining, the shoulder weapons go off line.
[10:55:40] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( she fired the rifle twice, didn't fire the shoulder cannons ))
[10:55:42] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:55:42] GM: damage Komi
[10:55:42] 2 LT Komillia: ((Remember Komi is bigoted about Tirolians, she just keeps it under control most of the time.))
[10:55:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( true ))
[10:55:56] GM: shit….
[10:55:57] GM: hangs head in shame
[10:56:08] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10] => 150
[10:56:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hm? ))
[10:56:10] GM: one shot, the second hot jams
[10:56:13] GM: shot
[10:56:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( kk ))
[10:56:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *patpats* ))
[10:56:22] GM: first shot tears the enemy in half.
[10:56:40] GM: Ay
[10:57:42] 2Lt. Aylanea moves to help cover the Cyclones, firing on three of the enemies being a potential threat to them, with beta guns and nose lasers. [1d20+14] => [7,14] = (21) [1d20+14] => [20,14] = (34) [1d20+14] => [7,14] = (21)
[10:59:30] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[10:59:47] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [14,8] = (22)
[10:59:47] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [6,8] = (14)
[10:59:47] Zentraedi Forces: [1d20+8] => [17,8] = (25)
[11:00:03] GM: One hit
[11:00:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2))*2] => 640
[11:00:36] GM: You blow an enemy apart as the other two lay into the approaching Cyc's, a few are dropped.
[11:00:48] GM: Sarah
[11:01:21] CWO3 Sarah swears softly as she sees Cyclones being attacked, moving to help defend as well, with her guns, against another three enemies. [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8) [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13) [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[11:01:25] CWO3 Sarah: (( ouch ))
[11:01:31] GM: [1d20+8] => [5,8] = (13)
[11:01:32] GM: [1d20+8] => [13,8] = (21)
[11:01:32] GM: [1d20+8] => [3,8] = (11)
[11:01:35] CWO3 Sarah: ._.
[11:01:40] GM: One hit
[11:01:52] CWO3 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 372
[11:02:20] GM: Another zent is felled, and the cycs enter the base, having lost 4 of their original 13
[11:03:00] GM: You have a scant second to choose actions here.
[11:03:49] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [10] = (10) PERC to see what is going on inside the base.
[11:03:59] CWO3 Sarah tries to think quickly about what action will be the most beneficial to the continued assault as it is. [1d100] => [98] = (98) tactics vs. 94%
[11:04:02] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh suck ))
[11:04:33] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to see what's going on inside the remaining shields [1d20] => [11] = (11) perc, and [1d100] => [36] = (36) rsi vs. 73%
[11:04:46] GM: Komi cant see inside the base all to well due to the sensor resistant construction, Sarah is to happy at Zent death to care…
[11:05:25] 2Lt. Aylanea also tries to figure out where they should go. [1d30] => [8] = (8) vs. 17
[11:05:29] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( int ))
[11:05:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( i r smrt! or try to be ;p ))
[11:07:13] GM: Sarah
[11:10:32] CWO3 Sarah moves in towards the exposed area of the base quickly, looking around and trying to clear remaining defenders near it. [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8) [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[11:10:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[11:10:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
[11:10:43] GM: [1d20+8] => [8,8] = (16)
[11:10:47] CWO3 Sarah: (( since she has no orders, and is too happy noticing Zents falling. And… wow, that rolling sucked ))
[11:10:50] GM: One hit
[11:10:55] CWO3 Sarah: [((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)+(4d8*2)] => 216
[11:11:11] GM: One Zent is toasted
[11:11:28] GM: Jaron…[1d100] => [9] = (9)
[11:11:43] GM: Jaron points out that there are prisoners need rescuing…
[11:11:55] CWO3 Sarah: (( *nods* ))
[11:13:00] GM: Okay, so…where are you going?
[11:13:56] CWO3 Sarah: (( just as a nod to that joke;p and… ))
[11:14:14] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( where's the UEEF 'line' from here, so we could park the big mechs to take cyclones in? ))
[11:14:48] 2 LT Komillia: ((It's murdering time! Fire all guns!))
[11:15:09] GM: I have no idea what you are doing here…
[11:15:21] GM: GM desires input
[11:15:57] 2 LT Komillia ditches her badly damaged Bioroid and follows along in her Cyclone.
[11:16:27] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around for the safest place to get their big mechs down and go in to help the others on Cyclones, without losing their mechas, making sure to park there, and ordering Sarah to do the same.
[11:16:27] GM: By the time you get to the entry point the bulk heads have shuttered closed
[11:16:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( … damn. ))
[11:16:47] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[11:17:06] GM: ((sorry, ole Scythe 2-5 and whatnot are on their onw, yu go blow something ELSE up))
[11:18:41] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( well, wutev. *shrug* ))
[11:18:45] GM: Jaron has given you some feedback, you are in teh base…but you CANNOT follow the others.
[11:19:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( okay, we are in the base… hrm. ))
[11:20:04] CWO3 Sarah tries to consider what other points in the base would be good to target for capture or destruction. [1d100] => [94] = (94) Military Tactics vs. 94%
[11:20:07] 2 LT Komillia looks around for OTHER paths to take and what seems to be down them[1d20] => [20] = (20) PErc [1d100] => [41] = (41) vs 65 RSI
[11:20:57] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around as well, and pokes her sensors. [1d20] => [4] = (4) Perc and [1d100] => [62] = (62) RSI vs. 73%
[11:21:09] GM: Komi notices a plethora of other paths to take. Sarah, barely, is able to figure out, oh hey, lets go to the STOCKADE…
[11:21:30] GM: You know…where prisoners are held…
[11:21:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( thought that's what Suki was doing already, and we couldn't follow. Whatever. ))
[11:21:54] 2 LT Komillia: ((and what would be visibly down these paths?))
[11:22:02] GM: You have no IDEA what Suki's mission is
[11:22:17] CWO3 Sarah: (( again, whatev. ignore me. ))
[11:22:39] GM: Besides, you have YOUR mission
[11:22:40] CWO3 Sarah: "We need to get to the Stockades. Can either of you read anything on t he walls or systems, to find it?"
[11:23:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( s'why I said 'whatev, ignore me' ))
[11:23:55] GM: Komi with perc you notice some signage on the walls.
[11:24:18] CWO3 Sarah looks around quickly and tries to scan for heat sources or anything on her sensors. [1d100] => [51] = (51)
[11:24:25] CWO3 Sarah: (( vs. 75% rsi ))
[11:24:27] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [70] = (70) vs Zen Lit, 90%
[11:24:48] GM: The area is hard to read, literally, sensors are hindered
[11:24:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( *nod* ))
[11:25:26] GM: Komi, the text is in Tirolian, but you are able to figure out enough to point you down the hallway to your left
[11:25:39] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hehehe ))
[11:26:02] GM: In fact inside, ALL the text on the walls will be in Tirolian
[11:26:38] GM: The masters are not PC enough to post shit in multiple languages.
[11:27:03] GM: Either you can read it, or you are part of teh under class.
[11:27:09] 2 LT Komillia: WE need to go left. And unless I've really messed up the pheonetics on the Tirolian, that should lead us to the stockade.
[11:27:15] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[11:27:21] 2Lt. Aylanea nods quickly. "Left it is, then."
[11:27:31] CWO3 Sarah nods and follows along.
[11:27:39] GM: [1d100] => [20] = (20)
[11:28:26] GM: You proceed on, and don’t run into much but a pair of unarmored technicians of whom you zip past in you cycs leaving them in your dust.
[11:28:40] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[11:28:46] GM: Roll percs
[11:28:52] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+1] => [10,1] = (11)
[11:28:58] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20] => [5] = (5)
[11:29:06] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20] => [9] = (9)
[11:29:53] GM: Komi and Sarah see a new set of signage on the wall
[11:30:05] GM: Ay sees a Squirrel in terminator armor
[11:30:13] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( rofl ))
[11:30:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( :D ))
[11:30:28] GM: No seriously, and it shoots at you
[11:30:33] GM: [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15)
[11:31:14] 2 LT Komillia: [1d100] => [90] = (90) vs Zen Lit, 90%
[11:31:31] GM: It's greek to you…
[11:32:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [9,18] = (27) (if you're serious about the squirrel)
[11:32:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( and for shits and giggles. ))
[11:32:56] GM: The energy blasts from the terminator you just surprised hits the hallway walls, the enemy back peddles and fires again [1d10+7] => [9,7] = (16)
[11:33:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+18] => [7,18] = (25)
[11:33:39] GM: You evade
[11:33:59] GM: Komi, your action (you have two)
[11:35:37] 2 LT Komillia rushes the Terminator and unleashes two slashes on it. [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23)
[11:35:59] Bioroid Terminator tries to parry
[11:36:05] Bioroid Terminator: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[11:36:05] Bioroid Terminator: [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12)
[11:36:10] FO Ryu Hasegawa (enter): 23:36
[11:36:16] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( *faints* ))
[11:36:21] GM: And is hit twice, damage
[11:36:46] 2 LT Komillia: ((damage remains unchanged from the book for CADS right?))
[11:37:07] Attempting to assign the role of Player to (13) FO Ryu Hasegawa…
[11:37:13] GM: add your PS bonus, from your stat and Cyc
[11:37:26] GM: and HtH
[11:38:49] 2 LT Komillia: [(2d6+10)*2] => 40 [2d6+10] => [1,6,10] = (17)
[11:39:15] 2 LT Komillia: ((Never noticed the Saber gives a +2 PP bonus before…))
[11:39:26] GM: You hit and the enemy falls back against the wall.
[11:39:26] GM: Ay
[11:40:49] 2Lt. Aylanea takes advantage of the enemy falling away from Komi, firing the rail gun quickly. [1d20+12] => [16,12] = (28)
[11:40:58] GM: [1d20+9] => [10,9] = (19)
[11:41:01] GM: damage
[11:41:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: [3d4*10] => 100
[11:42:33] GM: Your burst turns the enemy into a Jackson Pollock painting agains the far wall…and the GM sent interrogation subject is killed. Komi, you still have no idea what the 'road sign' says.
[11:43:23] GM: Ay, you have two actions left
[11:44:17] 2Lt. Aylanea looks to Komi, and the wall she was looking at. "Think we need to try raising Anji? Or…" She hmms. "Might not be too much interference though."
[11:44:32] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( might be too much interference, rather ))
[11:44:45] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( started saying might not be possible with the interference :p ))
[11:44:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( woops ))
[11:45:02] 2 LT Komillia: I think we're passed that point.
[11:45:41] GM: Im'a give Jaron a Tirol History shot here, see if he can hat trick this. [1d100] => [14] = (14) vs 41%
[11:45:47] GM: Well well well..
[11:45:49] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( oooooh ))
[11:47:12] Lt. Fairman: This way you meat heads!
[11:47:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[11:47:51] GM: You arrive outside of the 'detention block'