[07:45:36] GM: February rolls around and you have started the training of the first batch. Sometime in late February, towards the end of the training cycle Capt Utenaru gets called up to battalion and is briefed along with the Capt in charge of the other Company…
[07:46:39] GM: Shortly afterward Utenaru calls a meeting of her Platoon Leaders.
[07:47:20] GM: The Platoon leaders are asked to being their section leads as well.
[07:47:51] Lt. Jaron does so and walks with the others
[07:48:11] 2Lt. Aylanea follows along quietly, curious
[07:48:18] Cpt. Utenaru: have a seat.
[07:48:55] 2 LT Komillia sits with her eyebrows raised. ((if called to be there.))
[07:48:58] CWO3 Sarah slips in with the others and settles into a spot with them.
[07:49:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( you're a section lead, so yes. ))
[07:49:20] Cpt. Utenaru has the room secured and then brings up a holo map of the interior of the Fantoma Sector.
[07:49:40] Lt. Jaron gets comfy
[07:49:59] CWO3 Sarah looks at the map, frowning slightly at it.
[07:50:15] Cpt. Utenaru points to the the Chaffa system.
[07:51:34] Cpt. Utenaru: This is our destination gentlemen. Intel tells us that there is a Haydonite base in this system and we're being tasked with it's destruction. Since Foxtrot Company has been doing well, this assault will be a live fire evaluation of their performance.
[07:53:01] Cpt. Utenaru: The Reprisal Yukikaze and Miyuki will jump in about a kiloParsec out for a mid-course correction, then will conduct a microfold into the system.
[07:53:43] Cpt. Utenaru: Foxtrot, sorry, MARDET 2 will spearhead the assult whit MARDET 1 providing overwatch and support.
[07:55:05] Cpt. Utenaru: Latest recon over the area shows a handful of capital ships in the area, but our ships should be more then able to deal with that threat. The ground based enemy forces are estimated at battalion strength, and they are likely dug in.
[07:56:35] Cpt. Utenaru: We aren't interested in holding ground, so dont worry about collateral damage. Our job is to turn that base into scrap then return to orbit and fold out before enemy forces can be brought to bear.
[07:56:50] Cpt. Utenaru: Any questions?
[07:57:53] Lt. Jaron: (what kinda planet is chaffa?)
[07:58:53] 2 LT Komillia: Any specific targets we should be keeping an eye out for, or are we just blowing everything up?
[07:58:53] GM: [1d18] => [15] = (15)
[07:59:48] Cpt. Utenaru: Cartography pegs her as Class Q
[08:00:09] Lt. Jaron: (meaning?)
[08:00:52] GM: These rare planetoids typically develop with a highly eccentric orbit, or near stars with a variable output. As such, conditions on the planet's surface are widely varied. Deserts and rain forests exist within a few kilometers of each other, while glaciers can simultaneously lie very near the equator. Given the constant instability, is virtually impossible for life to exist on Class-Q worlds
[08:02:11] GM: ((Yeah, is ST, but, the info is good, and fit perfectly.. ))
[08:03:04] GM: ((Of course, I can logically say that due to ST's popularity, that the lexicon invented in fiction would be applied to the real world once space travel became commonplace))
[08:04:22] Cpt. Utenaru looks over at Komillia
[08:04:37] Cpt. Utenaru: If it moves and isn't UEEF, kill it, if it's over 5 foot, reduce it.
[08:05:08] Cpt. Utenaru: If it's shiny and you are reasonably sure it's safe and valuable, steal it.
[08:05:29] Cpt. Utenaru: This is a raid people, lets go plunder!
[08:06:37] 2 LT Komillia mutters under her breath, "I feel like I should be subscribing to an MMO for this kind of stuff."
[08:06:57] Cpt. Utenaru: There is just no pleasing you is there Lieutenant.
[08:07:16] Cpt. Utenaru puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head in a motherly fashion.
[08:07:48] CWO3 Sarah listens quietly and nods, raising her eyebrows just a speck at the last bit from the Captain, though saying nothing. She snickers softly at Komi being called out though.
[08:07:48] Lt. Jaron smirks
[08:10:18] GM: Chaffa can be found here FYI
[08:10:41] Lt. Jaron: "Cut and dry Captain. I don’t see the need for us but I'm sure others like to blow things up"
[08:11:28] 2Lt. Aylanea rubs her hands a little. "Smash and dash in an environmental nut house. This could be very interesting." She tsks at Komi then. "Think of it this way, Komi, doing it with us there won't be connection lag like there would be with a guild, and it's easier to remember what to do when without missing something searching for the right pictogram to click." She grins at Jaron then.
[08:11:36] Cpt. Utenaru: It should be a fun romp.
[08:12:40] 2 LT Komillia: Indeed, if I find a non-booby trapped Synchro Cannon I'm keeping it.
[08:12:48] Cpt. Utenaru: And consider this gentlemen, this will be the first time since Reflex Point that the UEEF has been on Offense. Lets savor that.
[08:13:21] Cpt. Utenaru: Well, that WE'VE been on offense anyway.
[08:13:36] Cpt. Utenaru says, qualifying her statement.
[08:13:55] Lt. Jaron nods
[08:14:06] Cpt. Utenaru: Okay then keke's flee before me, gear up and then hurry up an wait!
[08:14:25] Cpt. Utenaru: Dismissed!
[08:14:44] Cpt. Utenaru salutes you all with a smile, clearly enjoying being in command.
[08:14:51] Lt. Jaron stands and salutes the captain before heading out
[08:15:12] 2 LT Komillia salutes and moves out.
[08:15:24] CWO3 Sarah salutes and moves out as well.
[08:15:34] 2Lt. Aylanea salutes quick and follows the others.
[08:15:46] Lt. Jaron comments to all "Gear up however you wish."
[08:16:45] GM: You all 'flee before her' and ready your equipment. (Unless there is something specific you want, I will assume standard load out. KOMI, you have been issued a GAU-15 to complement your new skill set.)
[08:18:34] Lt. Jaron heads off to his alpha
[08:18:44] 2 LT Komillia looks over the GAU-15. "I should be able to snipe a few good targets with it.
[08:19:36] GM: Your missile load out has been modified as well, the bays have been 'hollowed out' to hold a Ghillie suit that can cover your mecha. (Pro's: It allows you a +30% Camouflage and -30% detect concealment for the enemy (until you open fire) Cons: You have to be stationary.
[08:20:25] GM: And on vegetation…a mecha sized bush on stone kinda sticks out…
[08:20:55] Lt. Jaron: hehe
[08:21:46] 2 LT Komillia: Very nice.
[08:21:46] Lt. Jaron: (Capt to Recon.."Recon, you see anything out there" Recon replies "Only thing I see is a giant brush")
[08:21:52] Lt. Jaron: (bush)
[08:22:03] 2Lt. Aylanea gets her loads all set up and checks it, nodding.
[08:23:41] GM: Okay, cue the military drum music montage as you prep, long camera shot as the two Shimikaze vessels form up on the larger Reprisal (y’all should have seen the wrtie up by now, if not, hang your head in shame)
[08:23:48] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[08:24:13] CWO3 Sarah: (( we're all taking legios units, yes? Can EU-15 clips fit in the bomb bays? ))
[08:24:38] GM: Sure they can, but good luck getting at them in combat
[08:25:01] CWO3 Sarah: (( point :p ))
[08:25:38] GM: or in a gravity well…fomp….falling clip lands on the head of an innocent farmer
[08:26:04] CWO3 Sarah: (( yeah, kk ))
[08:26:05] 2 LT Komillia: ((AFK))
[08:26:15] GM: no afk, afk not allowed!
[08:26:19] CWO3 Sarah: (( lol ))
[08:26:20] GM: grrr bite bite
[08:26:37] CWO3 Sarah: (( that's what the dogs are probably doing to require it ))
[08:26:51] GM: probably
[08:27:58] 2 LT Komillia: ((back))
[08:28:00] GM: The three ships depart the system, fully capable of folding within it, leaving the system aids in navigation and saves on fuel.
[08:29:11] GM: A few short minutes of fold later the ships re-emerge into realspace a kP away from Chaffa. CAP fighters are launched per SOP and the sensor wonks start earning their pay.
[08:29:34] Capt. Penn: Time until recalibration?
[08:29:51] UEF Cmdr.: Five minutes ma'am.
[08:29:58] Capt. Penn: Very good.
[08:30:29] UEF Ensign: Captain! I'm picking up a tightband UEEF signal on Romeo Channel.
[08:30:54] Capt. Penn (Reprisal Actual): Romeo channel? Put it thru.
[08:31:17] GM: Romeo Channel, R for Rescue. I.e. a distress call.
[08:33:36] UEMC Lt.: …Mayday Mayday Mayday! To any UEEF vessel in range, this is Anshan Recon 5. We have been attacked -zxxxxt- need assistance! Base is gone -zzzzxxxt- Send help!
[08:33:50] UEF Ensign: message repeats ma'am.
[08:34:52] Capt. Penn scratches her chin
[08:35:13] Capt. Penn: Assemble the senior staff, open lines to the other ships captains.
[08:35:25] UEF Cmdr.: Yes ma'am!
[08:37:19] GM: Behind the scenes those in the command staff confer in the Reprisal's CIC with the Yukikaze and Miyuki's Captains linked in. The conference lasts only 10 minutes but at the end a agreement has been reached. 'Chaffa isn’t going anywhere, UEEF forces are in need. Course change authorized.'
[08:37:55] Cpt. Utenaru: Platoon leaders! Meeting, Now!
[08:38:26] Lt. Jaron goes to meaning ASAP
[08:39:00] 2 LT Komillia tags along to find out what's going on.
[08:39:36] Cpt. Utenaru: Change of plan kids. Chaffa is on hold. latest from command is that our base on Anshan has been hit. We're changing course to assist.
[08:40:11] Cpt. Utenaru looks at the map.
[08:40:38] Lt. Jaron: "Planet info and UEEF forces there?"
[08:41:24] Cpt. Utenaru: Anshan is right next door to Chaffa, so, we aren't going off combat alert. Update your target packages and confer your SOP's, also, familiarize yourself with prefab base layouts, Anshan was a shake n bake outpost. All prefab.
[08:42:52] Cpt. Utenaru: Anshan is Class L, heavy forests. Base is garden variety, consult your Field Guide, page 46 for specifics.
[08:44:30] Lt. Jaron: mil etiquette for that info [1d100] => [35] = (35)
[08:45:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( *digs out her old field guide* ))
[08:45:26] GM: 96 troops, 38 or so mecha, primarily underground (actually is IN the REF Field Guide book, page 46
[08:47:40] GM: If anyone doesn’t have that book I can answer more detailed question if you wish
[08:49:04] 2 LT Komillia: ((digging around, don't think I have it, but I don't really have any questions either.))
[08:49:30] GM: kk
[08:49:59] CWO3 Sarah: (( have all my old books and new books on my desk near computer, for just such occasions ;) ))
[08:50:23] GM: A little while later the trio of ships make the course correction and after a quick microfold arrive at the outskirts of the Anshan system.
[08:52:24] GM: Some 20 minutes later the ships place themselves into orbit around the planet and troops are deployed to the surface. The base is in a clearing, not natural, but by combat. white smoke wafts lazily in the frigid air from smoldering fires. the area is pockmarked with large blackened craters.
[08:53:35] GM: The trees nearby that aren't splinters are laying on their sides, as if flattened by some massive force.
[08:54:46] GM: You can tell me what you are doing, on the ground, in the air, whatnot.
[08:55:12] GM: And then, let me know what you are doing.
[08:56:07] GM: Also, quick GM note, unless it's something I need from you, I'm going to keep my skill roll prompts to a minimum…so
[08:56:07] Lt. Jaron coms "Noble teams, goes battloid and land."
[08:56:24] 2 LT Komillia is patrolling the air looking for any signs of who did this (should be obvious, but just because something is obvious doesn't mean it's right). [1d20] => [9] = (9) PERC, [1d100] => [66] = (66) vs 65 RSI
[08:57:01] GM: Komillia, all you can gather right now is that whoever did this, did a number on this place.
[08:57:03] Lt. Jaron: Detect concealment [1d100] => [90] = (90) vs 75, perception [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
[08:57:41] CWO3 Sarah frowns at the craters and the crushed trees, looking some as well for that, before landing. [1d20+1] => [11,1] = (12) perc and [1d100] => [94] = (94) RSI vs. 75%
[08:58:28] GM: Jaron, you note that the outposts main structure (first floor) has been blown open, seemingly from the inside. Also the blackened craters of which there are 8, are massive!
[08:58:50] GM: Sarah, you notice the craters only.
[08:59:00] GM: (rather the additional info on the craters,
[08:59:24] Lt. Jaron goes about transforming and soon lands himself (we all in legios or that optional?)
[08:59:36] GM: Ryuu, you doing anything?
[08:59:37] CWO3 Sarah sets down, transforming as well quickly.
[08:59:42] GM: Unt velcome
[09:00:24] 2Lt. Aylanea does visual and sensor survey before landing herself., [1d20] => [9] = (9) and [1d100] => [74] = (74) vs. 73%
[09:00:33] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( damn, lots of fail rolls ))
[09:00:37] GM: Bupkiss
[09:02:04] GM: On the ground now, for some of you, you, beyond the damage, can see a multitude of destroyed UEEF mecha. You can see where some had gone back to back in a last stand, but were felled anyway. Here and there, for those in the air, you can see where alpha's augured in after being shot out of the sky.
[09:02:29] 2 LT Komillia lands as per Jaron's orders but keeps looking around for any sort of clue. [1d20] => [12] = (12) PERC, [1d100] => [35] = (35) vs 65 RSI
[09:03:01] CWO3 Sarah looks around when she sets down again, moving around some to look at the trees. She moves towards the flattened trees, to see if anything is beneath them, or more obvious from the ground. [1d100] => [12] = (12) detect concealment vs. 75%, and [1d100] => [93] = (93) detect ambush vs 80%.
[09:03:20] GM: The ground team sets up a perimeter and shorty calls the area clear. Moments later a Horizon V lands carrying intel, medical and the S3 Adjunct.
[09:03:52] Lt. Jaron moves around in battloid and looks around pondering
[09:04:05] CWO3 Sarah looks around as well, frowning deeply.
[09:04:43] 2 LT Komillia: Something just seems off about all this, I can't quite place my finger on it though.
[09:05:32] CWO3 Sarah blinks at a sight, and moves towards it, moving to take a peek in at it. "Found a legios in a camo net over here…" She gestures past some trees, moving to get a better look herself. "Anyone here?"
[09:05:55] GM: Sarah, there is no reply to your query
[09:06:17] 2Lt. Aylanea keeps looking around quickly.
[09:06:17] Lt. Jaron: Intelligence [1d100] => [19] = (19) vs 69, Mil history [1d100] => [41] = (41) vs 75, Mil tactics [1d100] => [13] = (13) vs 85 (value of the outpost, what weapons that was used in attack, any other noted attacks like this)
[09:07:01] CWO3 Sarah looks to make sure the Legios isn't a shadow drone model, after recent events, as well, on sudden thought.
[09:07:24] GM: Jaron, the value of the outpost seems to be that it is a listening post, to monitor the area, probably Chaffa. Mil History confirms this, much like the old Coast Watchers in the Pacific during WWII
[09:07:47] GM: Intel tells you there is something odd about the 8 craters
[09:08:14] GM: That and the blown up from the inside hanger probably should be looked at harder.
[09:09:01] 2 LT Komillia: ((did I get anything for my second set of PERC and RSI rolls?))
[09:09:27] GM: Yes Komi, hold on
[09:09:58] Lt. Jaron moves to the craters and looks at them as well as run sensors "Careful Noble 4-1"
[09:11:07] GM: ((GM note, Komi, Skill roll success, trace on craters…))
[09:11:33] 2 LT Komillia: Does anyone know if the Haydonites use antimatter, cause the large craters have traces of it on them.
[09:11:58] Lt. Jaron replies "Not to my knowledge"
[09:12:29] CWO3 Sarah: "Acknowledged. Just checking the netted unit in case….."
[09:12:39] 2 LT Komillia: Then whoever did this may not be Haydonites.
[09:12:50] Cpt. Ishida: [1d100] => [41] = (41) H Lore vs 30% [1d100] => [95] = (95) Mil History vs 83% [1d100] => [17] = (17) Intel vs 76%
[09:13:33] Lt. Jaron moves to the hangar
[09:14:13] Cpt. Ishida: Noble 2-1, Scythe 2-5. Don't quote me, but, so far, no, we haven’t seen them use AM weapons.
[09:14:53] GM: Sarah, you are able to see a tail number on the plane, Recon 5
[09:15:20] GM: And the aircraft is in working order, no damage.
[09:15:43] CWO3 Sarah peers at the plane listing. "Plane is listed as Recon 5…" She hmms.
[09:15:51] CWO3 Sarah: (( were we told about the distress call, and content? ))
[09:15:53] GM: You can also see what looks to be a small campsite under the aircraft, a extinguished fire pit and empty cans of beans etc.
[09:16:00] GM: ((no))
[09:16:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( kk ))
[09:16:25] CWO3 Sarah hmms at the campsite. "Someone has been living underneath it, as well.
[09:16:28] Cpt. Ishida gets Sarah's message.
[09:16:42] Cpt. Ishida: Nobel 4-1 Hold position…
[09:16:48] CWO3 Sarah: "Acknowledged."
[09:16:52] Cpt. Ishida confers off comm…
[09:17:06] Lt. Jaron runs sensors at the opening in the hangar (sensor [1d100] => [82] = (82) vs 70, detect ambush [1d100] => [90] = (90) vs 80, perception [1d20+4] => [18,4] = (22))
[09:17:14] Cpt. Ishida: A team is on their way to you, you may continue your sweep after the secure the site.
[09:17:53] CWO3 Sarah tries to run sensors in the area, to see if she can spot anything that way. [1d100] => [78] = (78) rsi vs. 75%
[09:17:58] CWO3 Sarah: (( crap ))
[09:18:03] CWO3 Sarah: (( another night of horrible die rolls ))
[09:18:06] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[09:18:22] 2 LT Komillia meanders about looking at the remains of various building to see if there is any non-UEEF wreckage about. [1d20] => [17] = (17) PERC, [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 65 RSI.
[09:18:39] GM: Jaron, your skills tell you nothing, but, your perc, you see around a corner on the lower level ( the blast ripped tru level two, and level one before it took the roof off) a pool of what your gut tells you is blood.
[09:20:24] Lt. Jaron steps inside carefully with his alpha and looks around some more
[09:20:52] 2 LT Komillia: Guys, I have a half-burnt full-sized Zentran here!
[09:21:26] GM: Jaron, you enter the area with the pool and see three UEMC troopers bound by their hands and feet, face down, with the back of their heads blown out.
[09:21:53] Lt. Jaron curses "son of a bitch"
[09:22:11] GM: One of them has the rank of Captain
[09:22:23] Lt. Jaron tries something
[09:22:31] GM: ((Captain UEMC = O-3))
[09:22:57] Lt. Jaron: radio: basic [1d100] => [64] = (64) vs 85
[09:24:04] 2Lt. Aylanea looks around the wreckage to see if she can find anything else, as well. She looks starting in a direction away from Komi, to check more area more quickly. [1d20] => [12] = (12) perc, [1d100] => [65] = (65) rsi vs. 73
[09:24:50] CWO3 Sarah stands by the legios she found, holding position.
[09:25:03] UEF Ensign: Roger that Nobel Actual.
[09:25:51] Lt. Jaron looks around as he moves to the rear of the hangar
[09:25:52] GM: Sarah, a pair of Marines approach, you can tell they are attached to the UES Reprisal. They relieve you.
[09:26:20] Lt. Jaron comms to his team 'I got a feeling there was someone inside on this attack"
[09:26:54] 2 LT Komillia tries to but the fire out and identify any unit markings on the Zentran. [1d20] => [6] = (6) PERC, [1d100] => [67] = (67) vs 90 Zent Lit
[09:27:14] CWO3 Sarah nods to the two from the Reprisal, and goes back to looking around the debris and whatnot. [1d20+1] => [4,1] = (5) perc, [1d100] => [44] = (44) rsi vs. 75, [1d100] => [86] = (86) detect concealment vs. 75
[09:28:14] GM: Sarah, you notice what Ay notices a few seconds later on a different mecha
[09:28:42] 2Lt. Aylanea blinks a little. "Found a Bioroid Interceptor here, the engine was torn open and the PC canisters are missing."
[09:29:07] GM: Komillia, you are able to translate the following. '11th Border Guards / Asbilledes Fleet"
[09:29:12] CWO3 Sarah blinks over. "Found another one over here, same condition."
[09:29:58] Cpt. Ishida: [1d100] => [38] = (38) Mil history vs 83%
[09:30:38] 2 LT Komillia: Anyone know of a Border Guard fleet call Asbilledes?
[09:30:43] Lt. Jaron checks the elevator
[09:30:58] GM: ((Ima wait on Jaron, Suki made her roll, but…if Jaron gets it, it's his))
[09:31:11] Lt. Jaron: mil history [1d100] => [55] = (55)
[09:31:19] GM: vs?
[09:31:21] Lt. Jaron: (let her go since she rolled lower)
[09:31:25] GM: kk
[09:32:06] Cpt. Ishida: Asbilledes? By the Kami, that’s one of the Motherships abandoned on the Masters push on Earth.
[09:32:56] Cpt. Ishida: Asbilledes (there is the sound of keys being pressed on padd in the background) means 'Forefront of Advancement'
[09:34:03] 2 LT Komillia: Well, they were here, this Zentran was one of theirs.
[09:34:32] GM: Jaron the elevator is in the down position, you can see that one hell of a fight took place here. To move further into the base you would have to dismount. This is where the base pilots would park their craft after a sortie.
[09:35:26] Lt. Jaron coms "Noble team, care to go on foot?"
[09:36:27] 2Lt. Aylanea: "Shouldn't we at least have Cyclones, as a precaution, sir?"
[09:36:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or will a Cyc fit in the base? ))
[09:38:04] Lt. Jaron: (I would think so)
[09:38:45] GM: Thats a big ass DUH!
[09:38:59] GM: Okay so, who is going in?
[09:39:36] GM: On the surface, teams from the Reprisal are confirming all of your work in terms of senor reading and Zentran finds,
[09:39:40] GM: teams
[09:39:55] CWO3 Sarah heads towards the hangar. "I'll come."
[09:40:08] 2Lt. Aylanea heads that way as well. "Same here."
[09:40:18] Lt. Jaron replies "Roger that"
[09:40:25] GM: Bodies are being pulled from UEEF mecha by folks from Gravesite Registration and being put aboard the Horizon as part of the 'no man left behind' policy.
[09:41:15] 2 LT Komillia: I'll keep an eye out in case hostiles come while you patrol.
[09:41:21] Lt. Jaron transforms to fighter and pops his cyclone.
[09:41:53] CWO3 Sarah stops in the hangar, switching her Alpha back to fighter and digging a super from the back, along with an M90-C.
[09:42:32] 2Lt. Aylanea does likewise, getting her Cyclone on and ready, and looking around quickly, once she's in the hangar.
[09:42:36] 2 LT Komillia looks about for more oddities, she was pretty sure no armed forces that she knew used antimatter, especially not on a small base like this. [1d20] => [10] = (10) Perc [1d100] => [49] = (49) vs 65 RSI
[09:42:54] Lt. Jaron soon suits up in cyclone
[09:43:04] GM: You enter the base and can see defensive position after position breached, it was no full sized Zents did this mess. Moving further in, you can see atrocity after atrocity, culminating with the med bay with wounded UEEF solders shot on their gurneys
[09:43:49] GM: Komi if you have ANY history skills, use em
[09:44:20] GM: Beyond that, you find mecha after mecha on the field, stripped of anything useful.
[09:44:21] 2 LT Komillia: ((that'd be a negative.))
[09:44:28] CWO3 Sarah looks around in a little bit of shock, frowning.
[09:45:40] GM: as you move past the med bay you inside folks, [1d100] => [60] = (60)
[09:45:51] GM: [1d100] => [67] = (67)
[09:46:41] GM: You are gracelessly 'surrounded' by one VR-057 clad person to the front (with railgun trained) and the smae to your rear.
[09:46:56] UEF Lt.: Hands! The! Fuck! UP!
[09:47:26] Lt. Jaron raises hands "Easy there Lt."
[09:47:35] UEF Lt.: I said HAND THE FUCK UP!
[09:47:50] GM: From behind you hear
[09:47:52] Lt. Jaron: "Do it ladies"
[09:47:59] UEF PO1: Drop it! NOW!
[09:48:09] CWO3 Sarah raises her hands as well.
[09:48:18] 2Lt. Aylanea follows suit, frowning.
[09:48:50] UEF Lt. steps out and flips open Jaron's visor and rests the barrel of his rail gun on the chin guard.
[09:48:55] UEF Lt.: Who are you with?
[09:49:24] Lt. Jaron: "Marine Raiders, 33rd MEU"
[09:49:53] UEF Lt.: What was Lynn Minmei's number 1 hit from 2012 to 2013!?
[09:51:38] UEF Lt.: Answer me man! I'll kill you! I fuckin will!
[09:52:05] Lt. Jaron: "I don’t know, I don’t like her."
[09:52:27] UEF Lt.: Someone better answer that shit! Or I start blastin!
[09:52:56] Lt. Jaron: "Easy there Lt, calm down. We arrive via distress call."
[09:53:30] GM: To those in the base, the Lt is A: Obviously shell shocked. B: scared out of his mind, and C: Will shoot.
[09:53:44] Lt. Jaron: (tries to invoke trust..[1d100] => [6] = (6))
[09:53:48] Lt. Jaron: (booyah)
[09:54:16] Lt. Jaron: (*dances a jig and will let the dice god do naughty things to him*)
[09:54:23] 2Lt. Aylanea makes a slight face at the question. She starts trying to figure it, trying to think back through useless trivia from before her lifetime.
[09:54:52] GM: IQ check Ay, Jaron's great roll has bought you time
[09:55:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d30] => [10] = (10) vs… 17
[09:55:25] GM: We Will Win
[09:56:04] 2Lt. Aylanea answers the question quickly, from her little spot, looking at the shocked soldier with a frown.
[09:56:13] GM: We Will Win, by Lynn Minime, on Casy Casums top 10 from the 80's!
[09:56:37] Lt. Jaron: (hehe)
[09:56:55] UEF Lt. backs off, still with his weapon at the ready, but no longer in Jaron's face.
[09:57:41] Lt. Jaron nods "thank you Lt."
[09:57:45] UEF Lt.: Sorry, had to be sure. Lt. Vikers, 3/4 2nd Platoon, Recon element.
[09:58:29] Lt. Jaron: "What the hell happen here Vikers?"
[09:58:44] Lt. Jaron makes sure his com was on when saying that
[09:58:59] GM: The lieutenant goes on the explain, and between his report and the investigation outside, the picture becomes clear.
The base was attacked by a combined force of Tirolian and Zentraedi, they came in under a flag of truce, then shit went bad, the Lt. confirms the Am traces, as he tells of seeing a Taul Detrel folding out, (his legios being on the far side of the planet on patrol when the attack happened, he and his Wizzo returned to see the enemy withdraw) the massive explosion that gutted the hanger was the base commander (the captain) blowing the PC stock, and the enemy in anger for his temerity, executed him. Also noted, the base roster and dead recovered do not match, there are some 20 UEEF personnel missing. Also, all PC and valuable items from the base has been taken.
[10:04:36] GM: Talk amongst yourselves
[10:04:44] Lt. Jaron coms "you get that command?"
[10:05:00] GM: All that that I wrote is know by all that need to know it
[10:05:04] Lt. Jaron: "how long ago did it happen?"
[10:05:13] GM: A week ago
[10:05:32] 2 LT Komillia: Ugh, does this mean we'll be chasing a group of renegades around for the next 4 months?
[10:06:26] GM: In high orbit, the Reprisal and 33rd command staff swing into action and do what they need to do.
[10:07:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: "Someone has to, anyway. Lovely time…" She sighs and shakes her head. "Unless we can figure out where they'll hit next, anyway." She frowns.
[10:09:54] GM: The Reprisal staff, is able to ascertain (based on gathered intel and intel known before hand and supplied by Fleet Intelligence) that the Ancyra system has had recent fold activity that matches the Lt's report and the Reprisals findings.
[10:11:11] CWO3 Sarah just shakes her head a little and sighs, glancing back in the direction where sickbay was.
[10:11:46] Lt. Jaron: "What was the name of commander of the Tirolian/Zentraedi force?"
[10:11:58] GM: Who are you asking?
[10:12:07] 2 LT Komillia: Well, I guess it would be better than shooting up toaster all the time?
[10:12:07] Lt. Jaron: )Vikers)
[10:12:16] GM: The Lt has no clue
[10:13:07] GM: By now the Lt and his wizzo have been scooped up and taken in form medical and psych eval.
[10:13:14] GM: in for
[10:14:03] GM: it is decided that the three ship fleet will make for Ancyra to repay the enemy for their attack.
[10:14:56] GM: The Miyuki and MARDET 2 remains on Anshan to be relieved by a UEMC follow on team.
[10:15:08] GM: (so make that two ship fleet)
[10:16:33] GM: comments…or shall I move on?
[10:16:46] CWO3 Sarah: (( move on, I'd think :) ))
[10:16:51] Lt. Jaron: (yea)
[10:16:53] GM: Okie dokie
[10:17:59] GM: You defold in the Ancyra system a day after you landed on Anshan (much of that time was prepping, updating warbooks and running simulations in the Skiff.)
[10:18:48] GM: The duo of ships defolds at the edge of the system and makes it's way inward.
[10:19:31] Tirolian Technician: Milord! We have detected a pair of ships entering the system. They are human.
[10:20:59] Tirolian Commander: Well well well, it was only a matter of time. Deploy air defenses, activate the shields, and, prepare for ground attack.
[10:21:09] Tirolian Technician: Yes milord!
[10:21:57] UEF Lt. approaches the captain of the Reprisal.
[10:22:39] UEF Lt.: Ma'am, comscan has detected an energy field protecting an area on the 5th planet of the Ancyra system. The field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment.
[10:22:49] Capt. Penn nods.
[10:23:11] Capt. Penn keys the Skiff and addresses the 33rd's Commander
[10:23:31] Capt. Penn: Colonel, prepare your troops for surface assault.
[10:23:48] Col. Harcourt (CO 33rd MEU) : Roger that ma'am.
[10:25:07] GM: The two ship move towards Ancyra 5 and in the distance can see a Class M world.
[10:25:35] Maj. Kavashera addresses the unit
[10:27:09] Maj. Kavashera: Okay folks, we are going in hard. Lets make this one for the text books. I know you have been fighting toasters and slugs for the past year, and that the enemy you face now looks just like you, but they aren't like you, you have all heard what they did on Anshan! Now, lets go get some!
[10:28:28] CWO3 Sarah: (( and watch out for any with laser torches or anything similar, trying to grapple up your mech, they may have a bomb to throw in. ;p ))
[10:29:01] Lt. Jaron nods
[10:29:37] GM: As you get within high orbit over Ancyra 5 you are launched into combat
[10:29:59] GM: Ahead of you , lifting off front he planet are a mess of enemy fighters.
[10:31:09] Lt. Jaron: "Nice, a welcoming party"
[10:31:32] 2 LT Komillia: Shall we swat these antiquated flies?
[10:32:15] GM: Ahead of you are at least 60 craft a mix of Gnerl and (pic in green screen)
[10:32:42] 2 LT Komillia: Maybe not so antiquated.
[10:33:01] Lt. Jaron: "interesting"
[10:33:35] Lt. Jaron tries to sync [1d100] => [91] = (91) vs 60
[10:33:43] Lt. Jaron: (dang it)
[10:34:00] GM: The Reprisal launches her fighters and you have some 100 fighters at your back.
[10:34:35] GM: behind you launches 12 Horizon-V's
[10:35:23] CWO3 Sarah shakes her head. just a little bit and watches.
[10:35:51] Maj. Kavashera: Nobel team, punch a hole for the Horizon's once down, take that base.
[10:36:00] 2Lt. Aylanea tries to synch everyone in case of Jaron failure. [1d100] => [77] = (77) vs. 73
[10:36:04] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or not ))
[10:36:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow ))
[10:36:16] Maj. Kavashera: Let the Reprisal's fighters handle the enemy air.
[10:37:24] GM: You approach the enemy fighters and your missile warning systms light up as the enemy opens up with a missile massacre
[10:37:39] GM: Inits
[10:37:55] Lt. Jaron: [1d20+5] => [8,5] = (13)
[10:38:00] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10)
[10:38:04] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+3] => [8,3] = (11)
[10:38:27] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[10:40:47] Gnerl: [1d100] => [66] = (66)
[10:40:56] Gnerl: [1d20+5] => [4,5] = (9)
[10:40:56] Gnerl: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[10:40:57] Gnerl: [1d20+5] => [12,5] = (17)
[10:40:57] Gnerl: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[10:41:05] Neo Glaug: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[10:41:05] Neo Glaug: [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12)
[10:41:06] Neo Glaug: [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[10:41:06] Neo Glaug: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)
[10:45:14] GM: You approach the enemy and the a Gnerl (Fighter Pod) opens fire on [1d4] => [4] = (4) 1 Ay, 2 Sarah, 3 Jaron, 4 Komi
[10:45:55] Gnerl: [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15) , [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10) and [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[10:46:36] GM: ((at Komi))
[10:47:40] 2 LT Komillia: ((attack type?)))
[10:47:43] Lt. Jaron: (b)
[10:47:45] GM: cannons
[10:47:51] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [6,13] = (19)
[10:48:02] 2 LT Komillia: ((first one was a nat one so…))
[10:48:18] CWO3 Sarah: (( the 2nd one. the 1st was a 6, the 3rd a 5 ))
[10:48:32] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [7,13] = (20)
[10:48:41] GM: You are not hit
[10:49:47] GM: A Neo Glaug opens up with it's large gun at [1d4] => [2] = (2) at [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) followed by it's wing cannons [1d20+10] => [3,10] = (13) and [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[10:49:55] GM: ((good lord!
[10:50:16] CWO3 Sarah: (( lolrotfl ))
[10:50:22] GM: Sarah, one dodge for you, dont roll a1 or a 2))
[10:50:22] CWO3 Sarah: (( I don't even need to roll a dodge, do I. ))
[10:50:26] 2 LT Komillia: ((Yes, the Random Number God tonight is not Maleficus, but Beneficus.))
[10:50:26] CWO3 Sarah: (( oh ))
[10:50:47] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26)
[10:50:55] GM: ((I usually get those crap rolls for strikes…))
[10:51:04] GM: you are missed Sarah, and now, it is Ay's turn
[10:51:47] 2Lt. Aylanea picks out three unlucky suckers from the Gnerls, and fires on them with the Beta guns and the Alpha nose lasers. [1d20+14] => [4,14] = (18) [1d20+14] => [5,14] = (19) [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15)
[10:51:52] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wtf. :p ))
[10:51:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( it's rollin bad for everyone ))
[10:52:16] Gnerl: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:52:16] Gnerl: [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
[10:52:16] Gnerl: [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20)
[10:52:32] GM: No hits
[10:52:35] GM: Komi
[10:53:39] 2 LT Komillia fires all guns (the Gau and the Shoulders) three times at three different Neo Glaugs. (a Gnerl if there aren't enough Neo Glaugs) [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24) [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28)
[10:54:29] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [1,12] = (13)
[10:54:29] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [20,12] = (32)
[10:54:30] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [18,12] = (30)
[10:54:41] GM: One hit
[10:55:03] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10+4d6*10] => 250
[10:55:35] That's the Tab key, Dave
[10:55:38] GM: [1d100] => [34] = (34)
[10:56:09] GM: You hit the left wing but the craft is still in one piece.
[10:56:31] GM: Sarah, your turn
[10:57:21] CWO3 Sarah sights in three Neo-Glaugs, and fires her beta guns and nose lasers at them, one at a time. [1d20+7] => [8,7] = (15) [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11) [1d20+7] => [3,7] = (10)
[10:57:28] CWO3 Sarah: (( suck and fail ))
[10:57:35] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [19,12] = (31)
[10:57:35] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22)
[10:57:36] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[10:57:47] GM: Yup, suck and fail
[10:58:24] GM: A NG fires at [1d4] => [1] = (1) three times Main gun [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) and wing guns [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20), [1d20+10
[10:58:30] GM: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[10:58:44] GM: One potential hit Ay
[10:58:54] GM: Some sucktastic dice tonight
[10:59:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [14,20] = (34)
[10:59:11] GM: it's a miss
[10:59:15] GM: Jaron your turn
[10:59:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( hugely sucktastic dice ))
[10:59:20] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( lol ))
[10:59:55] Lt. Jaron punches it to flank speed and fires nose lasers and a volley of 4 at a one of the new fighters (lasers [1d20+6] => [15,6] = (21), missiles [1d20+7] => [5,7] = (12))
[11:02:12] Neo Glaug pumps out some chaff / flare [1d100] => [58] = (58)
[11:02:18] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [11,12] = (23)
[11:02:40] GM: Your missiles are spoofed and the Neo Glaug barrel rolls out of harms way
[11:03:37] GM: Gnerl fires at [1d4] => [4] = (4) Cannon, [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14) cannon [1d20+9] => [11,9] = (20) and 4 missiles [1d20+3] => [2,3] = (5)
[11:03:49] GM: Komi
[11:04:19] GM: Gnerl fires at [1d4] => [2] = (2) cannon [1d20+9] => [20,9] = (29) cannon [1d20+9] => [18,9] = (27) and 4 missiles [1d20+3] => [1,3] = (4)
[11:04:36] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [3,13] = (16) [1d20+13] => [2,13] = (15) dodges, [1d100] => [31] = (31) chaff
[11:04:38] GM: Sarah, the missiles miss you but you have a crit inbound
[11:05:08] GM: Komi a hit, [3d6*10] => 120 to the [1d100] => [63] = (63)
[11:05:09] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
[11:05:14] CWO3 Sarah: (( crit hit ))
[11:06:01] GM: leg is gone
[11:06:31] GM: [(3d6*10)*2] => 160 to the [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[11:06:40] GM: [1d100] => [13] = (13)
[11:07:48] GM: you still have one strike that can hit you Sarah
[11:08:00] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [12,11] = (23)
[11:08:04] GM: hit
[11:08:18] GM: [3d6*10] => 130 to the [1d100] => [81] = (81) [1d100] => [77] = (77)
[11:09:14] GM: Neo G fires at [1d4] => [1] = (1) main gun [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24) and wing guns [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27) and [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24)
[11:09:24] CWO3 Sarah: (( both on the Beta? ))
[11:09:24] GM: Ay you're on deck
[11:09:42] GM: Neo G 4 fires on [1d4] => [3] = (3) (yes Sarah)
[11:09:49] GM: Jaron, these are for you
[11:10:07] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [1,20] = (21)
[11:10:08] GM: main cannon [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28) and wings [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22) and [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[11:10:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [16,20] = (36)
[11:10:10] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [15,20] = (35)
[11:10:23] GM: hit Ay
[11:10:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( critfail dodge. one hit ))
[11:10:48] GM: [4d10*10] => 220 [1d100] => [2] = (2) [1d100] => [1] = (1)
[11:11:19] Lt. Jaron tries to evade [1d20+15] => [6,15] = (21), [1d20+15] => [20,15] = (35), [1d20+15] => [19,15] = (34)
[11:11:37] GM: Your Alpahs head is blown away [75-220] => -145 the rest is to the main body
[11:12:01] GM: One hit Jaron
[11:12:16] GM: [4d10*10] => 210 to the [1d100] => [35] = (35) [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[11:12:36] GM: 210 main body
[11:13:09] GM: the last Gnerl fires on [1d4] => [4] = (4) cannon [1d20+9] => [19,9] = (28) cannon [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25) and cannon [1d20+9] => [6,9] = (15)
[11:13:20] GM: Komi
[11:13:47] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [13,13] = (26) [1d20+13] => [13,13] = (26) [1d20+13] => [8,13] = (21)
[11:13:55] GM: after that the round resets Gnerl fires at [1d4] => [4] = (4) C [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16) C [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26) and C [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[11:14:09] GM: One hit Komi
[11:14:15] GM: [3d6*10] => 60 to the [1d100] => [97] = (97)
[11:14:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( one hit and 3 more dodges. :p ))
[11:14:22] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [4,13] = (17) [1d20+13] => [3,13] = (16) [1d20+13] => [13,13] = (26)
[11:14:59] GM: [3d6*10] => 80 to the [1d100] => [41] = (41) [1d100] => [92] = (92)
[11:16:52] GM: NG fires at [1d4] => [4] = (4) W [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15) , W [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21) and W [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[11:17:13] GM: Komi, and Ay, your turn
[11:17:16] 2 LT Komillia: [1d20+13] => [17,13] = (30) [1d20+13] => [14,13] = (27) [1d20+13] => [20,13] = (33)
[11:17:25] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( wow, the last 3 all fired at Komi ))
[11:17:34] GM: Very nice Komi, sucker didn’t even come close!
[11:17:45] 2 LT Komillia fires all guns (the Gau and the Shoulders) three times at three different Neo Glaugs. [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25) [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17) [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[11:17:51] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( you never mentioned result of the 2nd one's hits to her, I didn't think. ))
[11:18:14] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [14,12] = (26)
[11:18:14] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [4,12] = (16)
[11:18:14] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [6,12] = (18)
[11:18:24] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( or posted them anyway. Anyway. ))
[11:18:25] GM: One hit
[11:18:32] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10+4d6*10] => 290
[11:18:38] GM: NG # [1d4] => [3] = (3)
[11:18:48] GM: [1d100] => [74] = (74)
[11:19:23] 2Lt. Aylanea fires at three Gnerls, meanwhile, trying to get an advantage again. [1d20+14] => [19,14] = (33) [1d20+14] => [13,14] = (27) [1d20+14] => [7,14] = (21)
[11:19:23] GM: Ay, your attack Komi interrupted
[11:19:28] 2 LT Komillia: ((I lost 60 to the Pilot's Comp apparently, that won't be good.))
[11:19:35] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( eep, oh ))
[11:19:38] Gnerl: [1d20+10] => [11,10] = (21)
[11:19:38] Gnerl: [1d20+10] => [1,10] = (11)
[11:19:39] Gnerl: [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12)
[11:19:48] GM: Three hits
[11:20:14] GM: [3d100] => [19,38,31] = (88)
[11:20:18] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(4d8*2)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 358
[11:20:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(4d8*2)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 386
[11:20:21] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(4d8*2)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 382
[11:21:13] GM: Three dead Gnerls
[11:21:21] Lt. Jaron: "Don’t get caught in a dog fight, got to get through them. Pick up speed"
[11:21:27] GM: Sarah, your turn
[11:22:25] CWO3 Sarah tries to get three Neo-Glaugs out of the way again, grumbling as she's hit twice, firing the nose lasers and Beta guns. [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13) [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9) [1d20+7] => [11,7] = (18)
[11:22:33] CWO3 Sarah: (( fsck ))
[11:22:39] GM: NG fires at [1d4] => [1] = (1) W [1d20+10] => [12,10] = (22) W [1d20+10] => [2,10] = (12) and W [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[11:22:47] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [6,12] = (18)
[11:22:47] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [7,12] = (19)
[11:22:48] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [12,12] = (24)
[11:23:04] GM: No hits Sarah
[11:23:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [6,20] = (26)
[11:23:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [16,20] = (36)
[11:23:03] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [20,20] = (40)
[11:23:16] GM: No hits on Ay
[11:23:23] GM: Jaron, your turn
[11:24:17] Lt. Jaron hits it to full speed and fires nose lasers again and volley of 4 at a fighter [1d20+5] => [1,5] = (6), [1d20+6] => [4,6] = (10)
[11:24:35] Gnerl: [1d100] => [62] = (62)
[11:25:15] GM: The Zentraedi mecha, adepts at missile combat evades the missiles aimed at it, the nose lasers don’t even come close
[11:25:50] GM: NG 3 fires at [1d4] => [2] = (2) W all [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27) [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15) and [1d20+10] => [6,10] = (16)
[11:26:14] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [14,11] = (25)
[11:26:15] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [6,11] = (17)
[11:26:15] CWO3 Sarah: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[11:26:18] GM: NG 4 fries at [1d4] => [3] = (3) W all [1d20+10] => [18,10] = (28) , [1d20+10] => [20,10] = (30) and [1d20+10] => [4,10] = (14)
[11:26:30] GM: Two hits
[11:26:32] GM: Sarah
[11:26:41] CWO3 Sarah: (( eep. ))
[11:27:06] GM: [4d8*10] => 190 [1d100] => [6] = (6) [1d100] => [77] = (77) , [4d8*10] => 230 [1d100] => [77] = (77) [1d100] => [60] = (60) (First hit to Cockpit)
[11:27:31] GM: Might wanna eject honey
[11:28:05] Lt. Jaron tries to evade [1d20+16] => [11,16] = (27), crit one [1d20] => [6] = (6), [1d20+16] => [14,16] = (30)
[11:28:07] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [53] = (53) er, yeah
[11:28:35] GM: Sarah you punch out, -40 CVR-3 MB
[11:28:59] GM: Three hits Jaron
[11:29:32] Lt. Jaron: (actually two)
[11:29:55] GM: [4d8*10] => 110 [1d100] => [63] = (63) [1d100] => [95] = (95); [4d8*10] => 230 [1d100] => [45] = (45) [1d100] => [45] = (45); [4d8*10] => 210 [1d100] => [37] = (37) [1d100] => [96] = (96)
[11:30:15] GM: 28 strike vs 27 dodge
[11:30:24] GM: oh yeah
[11:30:25] Lt. Jaron: (1 & crit)
[11:30:30] GM: 30 dodge vs 14
[11:30:38] GM: so last damage roll negate
[11:31:49] CWO3 Sarah: [230-180] => 50
[11:32:31] GM: [120-180] => -60
[11:32:43] GM: [120=180] => 120=180
[11:32:47] GM: really
[11:32:54] GM: [120+180] => 300
[11:34:00] GM: Last Gnerl fires on [1d4] => [2] = (2) Cannon all [1d20+9] => [3,9] = (12) [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) and [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[11:34:31] CWO3 Sarah: (( who is 2 now? I ejected. Or is it after the falling Beta or my CVR on a chute? ))
[11:35:08] GM: NG fires at [1d4] => [4] = (4) Main cannon [1d20+10] => [8,10] = (18) Wing [1d20+10] => [7,10] = (17)
[11:35:19] GM: Jaron
[11:35:56] GM: [1d3] => [1] = (1)
[11:36:00] GM: 1 for the NG
[11:36:01] Lt. Jaron keeps his speed as he moves on through the fighters and release two volleys at fighters [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15), [1d20+6] => [1,6] = (7)
[11:36:15] GM: Jaron you are being fired on
[11:36:21] GM: [1d100] => [68] = (68)
[11:36:21] GM: [1d100] => [83] = (83)
[11:36:34] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( as am I, yes? ))
[11:36:37] GM: sadly your 1 volley may have hit…but it wa a 1
[11:36:41] GM: correct
[11:36:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [2,20] = (22)
[11:36:43] 2Lt. Aylanea: [1d20+20] => [12,20] = (32)
[11:37:01] GM: hit Ay
[11:37:17] GM: [4d10*10] => 230 [1d100] => [57] = (57) [1d100] => [15] = (15)
[11:37:48] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( autofail 2. whee :p :) ))
[11:38:20] GM: -230 shoulder, your entire r arm on the alpha is gone
[11:38:43] GM: Jaron you were fired on
[11:38:57] GM: beat a 12 , 24, and a 13
[11:39:03] GM: Ay your turn
[11:39:18] Lt. Jaron tries to evade [1d20+16] => [2,16] = (18), [1d20+16] => [10,16] = (26), [1d20+16] => [1,16] = (17)
[11:39:41] GM: oww two hits on icky rolls
[11:39:59] 2Lt. Aylanea turns her attentions to the Neo-Glaugs now, picking out three and firing the same gun configuration as before, trying to keep her Alpha guns free. [1d20+14] => [10,14] = (24) [1d20+14] => [13,14] = (27) [1d20+14] => [20,14] = (34)
[11:40:14] GM: [4d8*10] => 210 [1d100] => [26] = (26) [1d100] => [22] = (22) and [4d8*10] => 170 [1d100] => [35] = (35) [1d100] => [86] = (86)
[11:40:15] 2 LT Komillia: ((fun, we're not going to have ANYONE in any sort of shape to survive reentry, let alone fight on the surface.))
[11:40:31] Lt. Jaron: (huh only the nat 1 hits)
[11:40:33] GM: well I'm sorry…..jeez
[11:40:57] GM: 1 and 2 are auto goofs, but I abrogate the 2
[11:41:02] GM: so take the first hit
[11:41:12] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( yeah, 2 is auto-goof, it happened to me as well ))
[11:41:35] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [12,12] = (24)
[11:41:36] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [12,12] = (24)
[11:41:36] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15)
[11:41:46] Lt. Jaron: (oh will the nat 3 to hit is auto miss as well)
[11:41:48] GM: Three hits Ay
[11:41:53] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(4d8*2)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 290
[11:41:54] 2Lt. Aylanea: [(4d8*2)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10)] => 320
[11:41:57] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( one crit ))
[11:42:09] 2Lt. Aylanea: [((4d8*2)+((3d8+2)*10)+((3d8+2)*10))*2] => 492
[11:42:15] GM: [3d4] => [3,3,3] = (9)
[11:42:34] GM: [2d3] => [2,1] = (3)
[11:43:17] GM: Komi your turn then Sarah
[11:44:09] 2 LT Komillia fires her guns three times at nearby NGs (if there are enough left). [1d20+10] => [10,10] = (20) [1d20+10] => [14,10] = (24) [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
[11:44:32] GM: three at the same one, or going down the line?
[11:44:47] 2 LT Komillia: ((down the line))
[11:44:51] Lt. Jaron: (how has the others forces done?)
[11:44:51] GM: kk
[11:45:07] GM: Their performance is reflected by the players,
[11:45:19] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( so shitty :p ))
[11:45:21] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[11:45:22] 2Lt. Aylanea: (( ;) ))
[11:45:24] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [15,12] = (27)
[11:45:27] Neo Glaug: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20)
[11:45:28] 2 LT Komillia: ((not so good in other words))
[11:45:36] GM: two hits Komi
[11:45:41] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10+4d6*10] => 190
[11:45:42] 2 LT Komillia: [3d10*10+4d6*10] => 400
[11:45:49] GM: one on number 2 (damaged already, and a fresh hit on 4)
[11:46:05] GM: [190+320] => 510
[11:46:06] GM: Poof
[11:46:29] GM: Jaron
[11:46:34] GM: after Sarah
[11:46:38] GM: need Sarah
[11:46:51] 2 LT Komillia: ((Sarah can't fight no more))
[11:46:51] GM: One Neo left, one Gnerl left
[11:47:00] GM: whoops sorry, Jaron you are up
[11:47:14] GM: Well Sarah can STILL act ,
[11:47:18] GM: she has options
[11:47:31] GM: unless she LIKES floating in space with a battle going on around her
[11:50:03] CWO3 Sarah floats there, looking for the Yuki as point of reference. "Damn… Should I try getting back to the Yuki to get a fighter? Or won't they have any still?" She ponders. "Suki's probably somewhere I can't go to her on the other ship…"
[11:47:34] Lt. Jaron keeps up speed, wondering when he'll past this mess (all three moves)
[11:47:56] GM: The last Neo Glaug and Gnerl peel off and RTB
[11:49:50] GM: Okay, the rest of you push on and make your landing on the surface. you lose a pair of Horizon's on the approach along with 5 other mecha. The Reprisal's forces take about 20 losses before they are able to drive the enemy away
[11:50:06] CWO3 Sarah: (( hehehe ))
[11:50:54] GM: Now, I'ma give y’all the choice to RTB or brave a re-entry…
[11:51:12] Lt. Jaron coms "RTB Noble"
[11:51:25] 2 LT Komillia returns to base.
[11:52:03] 2 LT Komillia: ((with that sort of damage no way in hell we would survive.)))
[11:52:18] CWO3 Sarah: [1d100] => [48] = (48) (just to see if I teleport into a wall or something)
[11:53:28] GM: You return to the ship and exit your mecha and look in shock at the amount of damage you took. You had heard stories about how lethal the Zentraedi and Masters had been, but had dismissed it as pilots talk…a older generation trying to look good to the younger breed, now, you look and know the truth.
[11:53:35] CWO3 Sarah hurries down to the hangar after.
[11:53:53] CWO3 Sarah: (( the truth? We need to sacrifice a better animal to the dice gods ;p ))
[11:54:18] Lt. Jaron: (hehe)
[11:54:38] Lt. Jaron: (well I’m going to jet. I have to babysit tomorrow and they'll be here early)
[11:54:43] Dice God: Randomus Malificus : Yesss yessss
[11:54:47] Dice God: Randomus Malificus rubs hands
[11:55:12] GM: y’all wait a few minutes and I can give you lead in, unless you want to wait till next session?
[11:55:44] 2 LT Komillia: ((offers the entire cast of Beast Machines to Malificus.))
[11:55:45] Lt. Jaron: (save)
[11:56:45] GM: As you are slotted into new mecha the Reprisal and Yukikaze push forward and enter the atmosphere.
[11:57:38] GM: ahead of you (on the ground) the landed Horizons have debarked their troops and have secured a perimeter.
[11:58:43] GM: the enemy air has been marginally swept from the skies so you have air superiority, but not air supremacy
[11:59:36] GM: a flight of Ghost Fighter recon birds are unleashed and before being blown apart are able to transmit a picture of the enemy base back to you all.
[12:02:21] GM: On the ground are noted battle pods of all varieties, as well as Bioroids
[12:03:20] GM: I will leave it at that,
[12:03:30] Lt. Jaron thinks needs some sniper teams
[12:03:30] GM: is the pic in case you wanna look it over prior to next week for ideas
[12:04:30] GM: also for note, the Neo Glaugs, the main body on that is the same size roughly as a Officer Battle Pod